Salesforce API Integration

Post on 16-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Salesforce API Integration


What is Salesforce ?

A global web-based software and cloud computing company best known for its customer relationship management (CRM) product.

Salesforce was founded by the former executive of Oracle Marc Benioff and Parker Harris in 1999 and specialises in software as a service (SaaS) to help users handle all of their business needs like managing marketing campaigns, analysing performance, and tracking spending and sales.

Salesforce Consultants help organizations to swiftly complete their process and maximize customer retainment.

Salesforce (or) CRM Salesforce Integration Partners helps businesses to accelerate their process and eliminate errors.

REST API provides a powerful, convenient, and simple REST-based web services interface for interacting with Salesforce. Its advantages include ease of integration and development, and it's an excellent choice of technology for use with mobile applications and web projects.

salesforce api integration has proven to be a major success since it allows flexibility and easy integration with existing systems without affecting production

Salesforce Integration

Flexibility and Customization..

Salesforce integrates well with a host of different business models because it is able to provide report and analytics that are tailored to the specific needs of its users.

Salesforce cloud system also means that employees can access it from anywhere at anytime, allowing for incredible flexibility.

salesforce integration allows companies to improve their CRM platforms at the same time without affecting or changing their existing software platforms

salesforce data integration has never been so easier, knowledge sharing from end to end of the operations in the least amount of time is the most important factor for quick business improvement

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