Salem HOG September 2008 Newsletter · 3 Friday Nighter - August 22, 2008 Insanity: doing the same...

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Transcript of Salem HOG September 2008 Newsletter · 3 Friday Nighter - August 22, 2008 Insanity: doing the same...


August 8 Friday Nighter Riders

Volume 19 No. 9 September 2008


Inside this issue:Salem H-D Discovery to the Coast, Member Profiles, Too Broke for Sturgis Poker Run,

Friday Nighters, September/October Calendars, and more


Too Broke for Sturgis Poker Run


Friday Nighter - August 22, 2008

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Albert Einstein

A woman drove me to drink and I didn’t even have the decency to thank her. - W. C. Fields


Salem H-D Discovery RideAugust 17, 2008

It was cool and overcast for the ride, we left SHD went on 22 to 99W through Monmouth to Corvallis, then on to Philomath where we stopped for gas and a small break then on to Hwy 20 to Newport then to Otter Crest where we stopped for lunch, drawing and 50/50. It was Foggy and we couldn’t even see the Ocean. Sure am glad I have heated gear. There were a few that weren’t prepared for the coast weather.

Next time you see Keith ask him about his pant legs, not one, but both :-). We had one bike that had a little trouble, started running real rough. It turned out to be a loose battery connection.

On the way home the traffic in Lincoln City was very slow, 1st gear was too fast, but when we finally got to East Devils Lake Rd we took that and missed the worst of LC.

For once, I got home an hour before everyone else :-).

On Salem H-D’s website it had us going to Cape Lookout but that isn’t until 9-21-2008.



The “Elvis” Friday Nighter - 8/15/08 Oh what to do? Go on the Friday Night Ride on the Bike in 100 degrees or go to the Eagles and for $5.00 see an Elvis Impersonator in a nice air conditioned room!! “Elvis” was played by David “Jesse” Moore. He was an older version of Elvis! His Daughter sang the first few songs of Patsy Cline’s. They were very good BUT oh SO LOUD. I can’t believe that I didn’t have any ear plugs in my purse--I ALWAYS have ear plugs handy. “Elvis” sang other songs also, like Conway Twitty and Jerry Lee Lewis-now that one about blew out my ear-drums! He did a pretty good job with most of the songs, BUT due to having to have knee surgery he could hardly walk let alone wiggle. A young guy did his wiggling for him--just wasn’t the same!!!! Gayle & Don, Keith & his Mother and Louie & I were all that were there from Salem Hog. There must have been close to 200 people there. Keith took his Mother down to Elvis & he put a scarf around her neck & kissed her. My camera was messing up, so I didn’t get a very good picture for Keith’s Mom, but hey at least I remembered my camera!! We went early for dinner & they had several dinner item for $8.00 each. We ordered some kind of pot roast that supposed to be so good. Don’t know if it was or not as we wound up with BBQ ribs, very good, but also very spicy. We had a good time, but I would have enjoyed it much more if I didn’t have to stick my fingers in my ears most of the time. SOO-That’s another Been There and Done That!!!!!!

Marlene Schroeder

Friday Nighter - 8/8/08


Member Profile - Jackie GrosJacquesNAME: Jackie GrosJacques SPOUSE/SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Shaun RottnerCHILDREN: Sep GrosJacquesCITY AND/OR AREA YOU LIVE: Silverton HOBBIES – INTERESTS: Besides riding? WORK, I love being a work-a-holic, and I enjoy a good glass of wine or two or three.. ok fine the bottle, I liked to scrapbook until I found out about the inherent dangers…. papercuts ! So… although I was never proficient at riding a bicycle the bitchin road freedom attitude of the biker overtook me….. and my reserved, intimidated personality stepped into a Team Oregon course…. for me … because I wanted to!! WHAT YEAR DID YOU JOIN SALEM HOG? 2006CURRENT HARLEY: 06 Screaming Eagle 103 FatboyYOUR FIRST HARLEY (WHEN AND WHAT): SAA, I started salivating… and having buyers remorse in about February 06 when I saw the bike I wanted in Albany. I wanted to buy through Salem ….ok, and I had to figure out how to pay for it… so I didn’t actually get it until Salem’s big grand opening, I think April or May 06. Never test drove it. Never rode a Harley only my shadow 750, that is right I didn’t capitalize shadow on purpose, hello…..did it deserve it? Anyway went to pick it up, my sister dropped me off to finish my ppwk and pick up and ride my first Harley Davidson ever… my phat boy !! WHEN DID YOU FIRST START RIDING? Fall 04LONGEST TRIP – MILES?? Dunno – or, wa, id, mt, wy (through Yellowstone to Jackson Hole), id, or, home sweet home. Or maybe it was the Laughlin River Run.. dunno, come’on I had to ask Dave what my mile-age was??? I do numbers all the rest of the time, the road is only about the road. Can’t wait for more … of course as weather and time allow, did I say that out loud? Ok, I like being a fair weather rider and let’s not forget the “work-a-holic” problem – I have heard the first step is admitting that you have a problem.MOST MEMBORABLE TRIP: – Washington DC – Thanksgiving week 06 with my (15 at the time) son, just the 2 of us. The theatre, Fine dining, the amazing sites of Dc and surrounding.. Gettysburg, Mt Vernon, I think I hit 5 dealerships, the subway…. Just the two of us – the most amazing and memorable trip and time in my whole life…Oh, were we talking bike trips? I love to ride and they’ve all been great because I take the good and the bad and combined that’s life and what else is a road trip? – I don’t have the answer because all my most mem-borable motorcycle road trips are still ahead of me !!!!!!YOUR FIRST LARGE CHAPTER RIDE: – for me I guess, the time I was petrified as I joined up on my first ride with a group ever on a Friday Nighter and ended up in front lead-ing a group of people as the real leaders made it though a light that I didn’t. I knew the destination but not the route and I didn’t see anyone marking the corners (which at that point was a new never heard of concept that I didn’t quite get anyway), effectively I managed to divide the group into 3 smaller groups for a short period while we tried to re-group from the slight disbandment of the group caused by the rookie (me). We were on our way to Calamity Janes, fitting huh? I decided to ride home alone.


NAME: Shaun RottnerSPOUSE/SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Jacqueline GrosJacquesCHILDREN: Daughter - Billy Lee, Son - Cory,CITY AND/OR AREA YOU LIVE: SilvertonHOBBIES – INTERESTS: Photography, and getting outside and enjoying nature, live music!!WHAT YEAR DID YOU JOIN SALEM HOG? 2006CURRENT HARLEY: 2002 Softail StandardYOUR FIRST HARLEY (WHEN AND WHAT): 2002 Softail Standard WHEN DID YOU FIRST START RIDING? 1999LONGEST TRIP: Vegas- 2800 miles all said and doneMOST MEMBORABLE TRIP: They all are but the first big ride was Sturgis with five friends and we had a great time and a great ride.YOUR FIRST LARGE CHAPTER RIDE: I haven’t been on one w/ Salem HOG yet I went on a Friday-Niter, but I rode with Portland Star Riders and the biggest group ride was 40 bikes but it was split into two groups so twenty bikes is the biggest group ride that was a real ride. Oh, and two toy runs so that would have been about 1000 bikes for one and about 500 for the other.

Member Profile - Shaun Rottner


August Meeting - 8/12/08


My Dream Trip

“He who dies with the most toys is,.....nonetheless, .....still dead!”

“I started with nothin’, and I still have most of it.”

Time is the best teacher. Unfortunately it kills all its students.

I have always wanted to travel to Maine and see the lighthouses and the northeastern coastline. I have read many a book centered on the rugged coast and the hardy people who lived there. Much of our beginning history started there.Planning a long (2weeks or more) trip has often been the past time for Anne, Patsy and Patty and I. During the dark, rainy winter months especially January and February we would be plotting sunny places and quilt shops we were going to explore. Usually we plan a few stops and a turn-around spot and leave the rest up to the Harley Gods; but with this trip, and the amount of miles we were going to travel, it was important to at the very least have a minimum mileage each day. We sepa-rated it into three categories: Anne planned the trip over, the exploring was by me, and the trip back was Patty’s to plan. Since it was my dream, I got to pick the places while in Maine. Anne planned on about 500 +/- miles a day (2848 miles) getting us there in plenty of time for the leisurely 4 days there (885 miles) and Patty had a more adventurous trip up to Canada of about 500+/- miles a day (3343 miles) with one day at 600 miles a day. Ouch! We traveled through 14 states and 2 Canadian Provinces. The only rain was in Canada. It was a great trip with great roads and great company. Maine was everything I ever thought it was with two exceptions. One, the lighthouses are historic monuments and ran electronically so they didn’t let you explore them. Two, the coast line is owned much by private people so you couldn’t actually see it as you drove the coastal highway, you had to either pay to go onto the beach or find a public beach. There were lots of harbors and the water was beautiful. Went out on an island trip one day, which Patty didn’t like so much, but being the friend she was, she took her Dramamine and smiled! Thanks girls for living my dream with me. We are so very fortunate to live in such a beauti-ful country with so many roads and beautiful sites. Next year is Kentucky and Tennessee for the Dragon’s Tail.Whoopee!!!!!!!!!!!!! The road is famous for having more switchbacks per mile then anywhere in the US. Anybody want to come?

Jane Allen


Torch Run This ride was put on by Law Enforcement for the Special Olympics This was their first Ride-as in Motor-

cycles, although they have done Runs-as in running for a few years now. One hundred and twenty people signed up for this ride, which took off from Salem Harley Davidson at 10:00 Most of the Bikers we didn’t know. Salem Hog Members being Connie, Rich, Walt, another guy (can’t remember his name) and us. They also provided us with Country biscuits & gravy, and they were REALLY GOOD. We also received a Run Pin, and I bought Louie & I each a t-shirt-like I need more t-shirts! This was to be an 80 mile ride. Turning left on Silverton Road from S.H.D.- we lost Connie right out of the shoot, so we pulled over and waited for her to get disentangled from the rest of the group. We turned right at Howell Prairie Rd. & headed for Silver Falls. It was a VERY slow leisurely ride, until we came to a stop sign. One of the riders went down. Not sure what how it happened, maybe he took the corner too wide and hit the gravel. All I saw was his wheels going right out from under him. He also hit a post, I think maybe on the way down. We all stopped to see if he was OK and he was, so we went on as not to hold up traffic. Several others were there to help pick up his bike. We didn’t hear any more on the out-come of him or his bike. Actually the slow riders were the ones in front, and so while we were pulled over all the FAST riders passed, so then we could ride at our own pace, which was much better. We rode on into Silverton, then (we) went to McDonald’s for a break. Back on track now, we headed towards Mollala, then winding around went through Mt. Angel and headed for Gervais. Somewhere along here there was a stop sign where it just didn’t need to be, so Louie ignored it!!!! We ended at the Waterfront Park in Salem, actually we were supposed to have turned on Union, but missed it so went on in the main gate--oops wrong place! So we just rode down the sidewalk to where we were supposed to be. Lunch was catered by the Outback Restaurant. We had BBQ steak and chicken, also a salad & roll. Water or flavored water was also available. That was a SUPER GOOD lunch, and the meats were all easy to chew & nice & tasty. Lots of door prizes. Connie won a gift card to Red Lobster for $25.00, I won a gift card to Cycle Sports for $25.00 and Louie won a lined blue jean jacket. So the three of us came way ahead. I don’t think Walt or Rich won a darn thing. This was a very good ride, and a Big Thanks to ALL of the people for their hard work to put it all together.

Marlene Schroeder


Friday Nighter 8-29/2008

Don’t wait for the storm to passLearn to dance in the rain.

UNOFFICIAL FRIDAY NIGHTER No Leader--no Destination--only 9 Bikers wanting to ride. “Envee” stepped up to guide our ride. We went a different way, once in Aumsville we headed towards Jeffer-son, then around here and there. We did see the same house twice, but finally wound up at our destination, which was the Wooden Nickel in Sublimity.It really was a great ride and down roads that we hadn’t been on for a long time. Thanks “Envee” Along the way we encountered Don Nash, so he turned around and joined us. The Nickel was packed, so it took a long time just to get our drinks, and even longer for dinner, but we had an enjoyable visit with everyone while waiting.

Marlene Schroeder


Harley Drags

Bill’s Odometer

How many miles do you have on your bike?


DirectorDavid Nichols 503-969-2334

director@salemhog.orgAssistant Director

Robert Grove

SecretaryGayle Jacopi 503-391-9183


Jackie GrosJacques

Activities OfficerSue Rohde

Safety OfficerDarren Wellington 503-569-5376


Keith Harris

Membership OfficerCatherine Johnston 503-510-8621


Bill Churchill

E-GroupDavid Nichols & Bill Churchill

HistorianPatty Nichols 503-319-9040


Bob Fanshier orlonghiker@comcast.netSenior Road Captain

Bob Wiro

New Members

September BirthdaysAllen, Jane 2

Cansler, Richard (Rick) 21Churchill, William G. 29Dostal, Mark 2Fanshier, Bob 4Jacopi, Don 8Lucido, Rey 3McKenzie, Ric 30Sevigny, Shane 4Skinner, Daiv 27

VanDusseldorp, Lori 2The Biker’s Life - Family Bike

Group Riding Class Schedule for 2008Month Date Day Time

September 28 Sunday 11:00 am Attend a group riding class to become familiar with safe group riding practices and how Salem HOG rides. If you are new to riding, new to riding as part of a group or just new to Salem HOG, this is an important class. Many important aspects of group riding are discussed to help you and the entire club Ride Safe and Have Fun! All classes will be held at Salem Harley Davidson. The class runs 60 to 90 minutes. If weather is permitting, there will be a one to two hour ride afterwards to practice what was discussed in the class and to help newer mem-bers feel more comfortable by learning in a smaller group. Ride Safe!

Darren Wellington - Safety Officer



September 1 September 2 September 3 September 4 September 5 September 6Labor Day Salem HOG Board

Meeting, 6:30pm

The Corner Saloon Harley Nights 4-8pm (Wankers Corner)

Last of the season HOG Wild Nights at the Bavarian Haus Mt Angel 4 - 7:30pm

Salem HOG Friday Niter Salem HD Open House - Band 1- 4pm

September 7 September 8 September 9 September 10 September 11 September 12 September 13Sunset Poker Run

Salem HD Open House

Salem HOG Chapter Meeting, 7pm

Pendleton Roundup Possible Overniter

The Corner Saloon Harley Nights 4-8pm (Wankers Corner)

Pendleton Roundup

Octoberfest - Mt Angel

Salem HOG Friday Niter

Pendleton Roundup

Octoberfest - Mt Angel

Pendleton Roundup

Octoberfest - Mt Angel

3rd Annual Charity Ride Fundraiser for Co-alition of Troop Support Sponsored by OVMA 9:00 a.m.

September 14 September 15 September 16 September 17 September 18 September 19 September 20Octoberfest - Mt Angel

Pendleton Roundup

Salem HD MDA Run

The Corner Saloon Harley Nights 4-8pm (Wankers Corner)

California State HOG Rally

New Mexico State Hog Rally

Salem HOG Friday Niter

California State HOG Rally

New Mexico State HOG Rally

California State HOG Rally

New Mexico State HOG Rally

September 21 September 22 September 23 September 24 September 25 September 26 September 27Reno Street Vibrations

Salem HD Fun Run - Pacific Woods

Reno Street Vibrations Reno Street Vibrations The Corner Saloon Harley Nights 4-8pm (Wankers Corner)

Reno Street Vibrations

Reno Street Vibrations Salem HOG Friday Niter

Reno Street Vibrations

Reno Street Vibrations

September 28 September 29 September 3027th Annual Anacortes Oyster Run

Check the web site for the most up-to-date information.



October 1 October 2 October 3 October 4Salem HOG Board Meeting, 6:30 PM

Salem HOG Friday Niter Sunset HOG’s Western Cascade Ride 9am ABATE Biker Night

October 5 October 6 October 7 October 8 October 9 October 10 October 11Salem HOG Chapter Meeting, 7PM

Salem HOG Friday Niter

8th Annual Lighthouse Run NON-HOG, Coos Bay

8th Annual Lighthouse Run NON-HOG, Coos Bay

October 12 October 13 October 14 October 15 October 16 October 17 October 18Salem HD Fun Run - Wine Country Run

Salem HOG Chapter Meeting, 7PM

The Corner Saloon Harley Nights 4-8pm (Wankers Corner)

Salem HOG Friday Niter

October 19 October 20 October 21 October 22 October 23 October 24 October 25The Corner Saloon Harley Nights 4-8pm (Wankers Corner)

Salem HOG Friday Niter Salem HD Anniversary And Holloween Event

October 26 October 27 October 28 October 29 October 30 October 31Salem HD Anniversary And Holloween Event

Sunset Hog’s Fall Colors Ride 10am

The Corner Saloon Harley Nights 4-8pm (Wankers Corner)

Salem HOG Friday Niter

“when trouble arises and things look bad, there’s always one individ-ual who perceives a solution and is willing to take command. Very often,

that person is a half-wit.”

Patches and PinsPatches and the Salem HOG Chapter Pin are

available at all chapter meetings. No matter what your preference, large or small, you will find the various patches on display with their prices. Checkout the display at the front table prior to the meeting, during the break, or immediately after the meeting.

Large National HOG Patch $20.00Large Salem HOG Rocker $20.00Large Reflective National HOG Patch $25.00Small National HOG Patch $10.00Small Salem HOG Rocker $10.00

Salem Chapter Pin $10.00


PH: 503-363-0634

How Can I Get the Newsletter?There are three ways for you to get the newsletter: 1) Pick it up at the monthly meeting, 2) See the full color version on the web site, and 3) if you can’t do either of the previous, it can be mailed to you. If you would like it mailed, con-tact the newsletter editor with your mailing information (Bob Fanshier - - 503-580-6988)