Saint Rose of Lima Parish The Tenth Sunday In Ordinary ...Jun 10, 2018  · First Reading -- After...

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Transcript of Saint Rose of Lima Parish The Tenth Sunday In Ordinary ...Jun 10, 2018  · First Reading -- After...

TODAY'S READINGS First Reading -- After Adam and Eve eat of the forbidden fruit, the LORD God puts enmity between the serpent and the woman (Genesis 3:9-15). Psalm -- With the Lord there is mercy, and fullness of redemption (Psalm 130). Second Reading -- We have an eternal dwelling from God, not made with hands (2 Corinthians 4:13 -- 5:1). Gospel -- "Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother" (Mark 3:20-35). All rights reserved.

Parish Mission Statement We, the family of St. Rose of Lima Catholic Parish, are called by virtue of our baptism and guided by the Holy Spirit to be disciples of Jesus. As disciples of Jesus, we are dedicated to fostering the growth of God’s Kingdom on earth by praising God and living the Gospel values of love, justice, forgiveness and service to all.

PARISH INFO 615 Vine Avenue, Roseville, CA 95678

Phone: (916)783-5211 Fax: 916-783-5212 E-Mail:

Web: PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 8:30-4:00 PM

CONFESSION Wednesday 5:00-6:00 PM

Saturday 3:00-4:30 PM

SCHEDULE OF MASSES Monday—Friday: 6:30 & 8:00 AM;

Wednesday 6:30 PM (Spanish) Saturday: 8:00 AM

Saturday Vigil Masses: 5:00 PM, 7:00 PM (Spanish)

Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM, 12:30 PM (Spanish), 5:00 PM

ADORATION Saturday 6:45AM—7:45AM

First Friday of the month 7PM– Saturday 7:45 AM

PARISH CLERGY AND STAFF Pastor Fr. Joel Genabia ext. 7012 Parochial Vicar Fr. Michael Estaris ext. 7016 Pastor Emeritus Fr. Michael Cormack ext. 7008 Deacons Deacon Mark Van Hook ext. 7014 Deacon Mike Turner ext. 7015 Office Manager/Admin. Dulce Vargas ext. 7008 Liturgy Coordinator Lynne Brys ext. 7006 Religious Education—English Dona Gentile, Director ext. 7010 Cathie Newman, Assistant ext. 7010 Religious Education– Spanish Frida Callejas, Coordinator ext. 7011 Coordinator of Youth Ministry Beckee Lienert ext. 7004 Bi-Lingual Secretary & Baptisms Stella Guzman ext. 7013 Bookkeeper Carmen Dizon ext. 7017 Office Assistant Reem Shamaun ext. 7000 Plant Manager Martin Vargas ext. 7008 Custodial Services All Solutions Cleaning, Inc., Ligia Popa, Rocio Vargas


633 Vine Avenue, Roseville, CA 95678

Phone: (916)782-1161 Principal Suzanne Smoley

Transitional Kindergarten through 8th Grade

School Motto: St. Rose School exists to bring our Catholic faith to life.

Saint Rose of Lima Parish The Tenth Sunday In

Ordinary Time June 10 , 2018

OFFERTORY & SECOND COLLECTIONS We appreciate your generosity

June 9 & 10 Offertory June 16 & 17 Offertory June 23 & 24 Offertory, Peter ’s Pence Collection

Please make checks payable to St. Rose of Lima

CONTRIBUTIONS for April 2018 Sunday Collection $ 48,351.00 Faith Direct Sunday Collection $ 16,055.00 Easter Sunday $ 34,887.00 Faith Direct Easter Sunday $ 1,437.00 Building Fund $ 5,185.00 Faith Direct Building Fund $ 1,459.00 Sacraments/Sacramentals $ 1,414.00 Diocesan Collection Holy Land $ 3,941.00 Diocesan Catholic Home Mission $ 3,706.00 Faith Direct Diocesan Catholic Home Mission $ 255.00 Total $ 116,690.00



SATURDAY, JUNE 9 , 2018 8:00 AM Steven Cattani (H) Ellen Sharon Monnot (H) Ellen 5:00 PM Severina & Jack Presti (†) Rosemarie Joshua Perena (B) Family Santiago Cua (†) Sonia & Ben 7:00 PM Aaron Castellano (H) Family SUNDAY, JUNE 10 , 2018 7:30 AM Luis A.Marmolejo Barragan (†) Maria Betty Pedersen (SI) Ellen 9:00 AM Nancy & Gino Giovannoni Chris Carlos Miramontes JR. (†) Marty 10:30 AM Anna Maria Catena (†) Dizon Family Jeff Burns (†) Dizon Family 12:30 PM Pablo Hernandez (B) Alejandra Fam. Mendoza Mas (TG) Pedro 5:00 PM Hermogenez Galang (†, Anniv.) Alma People Of The Parish MONDAY, JUNE 11 , 2018 6:30 AM Mary Lavonne Smith (†) Carol Betty Stovall (†) Don 8:00 AM Matthew Grehm (B) Family Chris Fiscus (H) Bevery TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2018 6:30 AM Peggy Smith Sanders (†) Ted 8:00 AM Asuncion Cavanna (SI) Family WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13 , 2018 6:30 AM Consuelo Herron (†) Marissa 8:00 AM Fely Galang (†, B) Alma 6:30 PM Luis A.Marmolejo Barragan (†) Maria THURSDAY, JUNE 14 , 2018 6:30 AM Unborn Babies 8:00 AM Raymond Loo (B) Christina FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2018 6:30 AM Fr. Josemaria Luengo (†) 8:00 AM Asuncion Cavanna (SI) Family SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2018 8:00 AM George Loo (B) Christina Kent Eiciten Berger (†) Maria 5:00 PM Mike & Pete Presti (†) Charlene Petra Quintanilla (†) Olga Santiago Cua (†) Sonia & Ben 7:00 PM John Var & Family (B) Mom

LEGEND (A) Anniversary, (B) Birthday, (†) Deceased, H) Healing, (SI) Special Intention

Dear Parishioners, On behalf of the St. Rose of Lima Parish Finance Council, Pastoral Council and Building Committee, I am pleased to share with you that Bishop Soto has approved the following three parish projects: • $360,000 = To remodel and expand the home adjacent to the church as the parish rectory • $220,000 = For the purchase and installation of new audio/ visual systems for both the Church and Hall • $175,000 = To remove the popcorn ceiling and repaint the interior surfaces of the Church

_________ $755,000 = Total Approved Expenditure Granted From Parish Savings

I would like to thank the St. Rose of Lima Parish

Finance Council, Pastoral Council and Building Committee for sharing their time and recommendations as we move forward on these improvements. Most importantly, thank you to all of the members of our Parish for your support, your wonderful stewardship, the giving of your time, talents and treasure.

My Sincere Thanks ~ Fr. Joel

We say A Prayerful Good bye for now and A Warm Welcome Hell0

Welcome to the St Rose of Lima New Pastor Bishop Jaime Soto has appointed Rev. Joseph Michael Baricuatro pastor for our parish effective July 1, 2018. Fr. Baricuatro is currently the pastor of St. Thomas More Catholic Church, Paradise, CA . He completed his theological studies at St. Patrick’s Seminary and University, Menlo Park, CA. He was ordained a priest by Bishop Soto on May 31, 2010 at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, Sacramento, CA. Please give Fr. Baricuatro a big welcome when you see him in July!

Thank you to the St Rose of Lima Pastor For Six Years Fr. Joel’s last weekend as pastor here at St. Rose of Lima Parish will be June 23rd and 24th. You are all invited to a Farewell and Birthday Bash, honoring our pastor, of six years, Fr. Joel, on Saturday, June 23rd, in the parish hall. Thank you to the Filipino Ministry for providing the dinner entrée and the Liturgy Ministries for hosting the ice cream social. You are welcome to contribute salads and side dishes if you are able. All this will begin at 6:00 PM, following the 5 PM Mass. We hope you can join us .

We will also have farewell gatherings, (including donuts and ice cream) in the parish hall after each of the Masses on Sunday, June 24th. We hope you can join our parish family as we send Fr. Joel with love, prayers and grateful hearts to his next assignment in Fairfield.

Until We Meet Again…

Liturgy Updates

Are you feeling called to serve? Is God whispering to you to come serve at the Altar? If you want to become a special part of

the Sacred Liturgy of the Word or Eucharist, please consider serving as a Reader of the Word, Extraordi-nary Minister of Holy Communion or an Altar Server. For additional information please contact Lynne Brys, Liturgy Coordinator at (916) 783-5211 x7006.

Welcoming Ministry Please consider joining this rewarding ministry that welcomes our fellow brothers and sisters as they arrive for Mass on Sun-day. We ask for a commitment one Sunday a month at the Mass time of your choosing. Our smiling faces are the first ones that people see entering into God's home. Just a simple smile and a friendly welcome is all you need to be able to do. We do make a difference! If you have any questions, please call Lynne Melberg 666-7348 or Bobbie Mazas 784-1115.


Monday: Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Ps 98:1-6; Mt 5:1-12 Tuesday: 1 Kgs 17:7-16; Ps 4:2-5, 7b-8; Mt 5:13-16 Wednesday: 1 Kgs 18:20-39; Ps 16:1b-2ab, 4, 5ab, 8, 11; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: 1 Kgs 18:41-46; Ps 65:10-13; Mt 5:20-26 Friday: 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-16; Ps 27:7-9abc, 13-14; Mt 5:27-32

Saturday: 1 Kgs 19:19-21; Ps 16:1b-2a, 5, 7-10; Mt 5:33-37 Sunday: Ez 17:22-24; Ps 92:2-3, 13-16; 2 Cor 5:6-10; Mk 4:26-34

Readings & Reflections

PROMISES Today's liturgy is full of promises. The reading from Genesis promises a final triumph over the power of sin and a return to a new creation. The reading from Second Corinthi-ans promises that all who follow Christ will have to struggle. It also promises, however, that we can persevere if we but recognize that Christ is within us, renewing us daily, and giving us the courage and the strength we need to endure. The Gospel promises that doing God's will makes us "family" with Jesus, who forgives all sin and triumphs over evil. Today might be a good day for us to make some promises as well. We can promise to stop kidding ourselves about our own tendencies to selfishness and sin. We can promise ourselves to believe--really believe--that while we are not sinless, we are forgiven. We can promise ourselves to combat evil and sin by acting as sisters and brothers not only to the Lord, but to one another as well. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

LUNCHES FOR THE HOMELESS Keep those supplies coming! We are al-ways in need of lunch items especially drinks, fruit cups, and individually wrapped cookies and granola bars.

Bless you for your generous kindness.

A.C.T.S. TNT Fireworks Fundraiser

This year our ACTS Sisters and Brothers are hosting a TNT Fireworks fundraiser event! To make this event successful please spread the word throughout our community! We are blessed to have this opportunity and truly appreciate your support!

Where: Safeway Shopping Center 1080 Pleasant Grove Blvd

When: June 28th thru July 4th St. Rose of Lima


Parish Updates


Summer Break June and July~ No Seniors

Senior Nights will resume August 2nd Many thanks to all who support

the St. Rose Senior Program Get well wishes to the many who are unwell!

St Rose Senior Ministry 783-5211 x7010


Respect Life Monthly Meeting: The 2nd Tuesday of the month, 7pm , at 1109 Terra Way, Roseville (Joan’s house 916-417-1071) Respect Life Mass: Second Saturday every month @ 8am, “remember to wear your blue Respect Life Tee Shirt!”

Praying in front of Planned Parenthood—on Sunrise Blvd (next to creek bridge) , in Roseville—every Thursday @9am “Join Us, Won’t you?”

Spiritual Adoption: WEEK #10 My body now has millions of cells and I grow over 100,000 new cells every minute ! I can swallow and move my tongue! I can make a tight fist with my fingers.

St. Rose Adult Bible Study A Biblical Walk Through the Mass

Do you fully understand the meaning behind the parts of the Mass? In this video-based, five-week study we explore, with Dr. Edward Sri, the Biblical significance of the words and gestures we experi-ence at Mass. The class be-gins Wednesday, July 11, 2018, 9:00 to 11:00 AM in room D-1 in the Old Con-vent. Registration forms are located on the table at the back of the Church. For questions please contact Karen Grehm at (916) 624-7274.

Giving thanks with great joy to our Lord Jesus Christ, the Most Reverend Jaime Soto announces the ordination to the Order of Permanent Deacons, to be celebrated on Saturday, June 30th at 10:00 a.m., at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacramento, 1017 11th Street, Sacramento. This will be a ticket-only Mass. Due to limited seating in the Cathedral, we will offer a livestream for parishes and parishioners to watch the Mass via the Diocese of Sacra-mento’s official Facebook Page: The livestream will begin at 9:45am, 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the Ordination Mass.

There are 27 men to be ordained to the Order of Deacons and as many of you know parishioner, Gary Brys, has been called to serve as a Deacon and has been prayerfully discerning and studying the past six years. Gary and his wife, Lynne asked me to share their deep appreciation for your prayers and support. Bishop Jaime Soto has called Gary to serve at St. Maria Goretti, in Elk Grove, beginning July 1. Gary and Lynne will continue to worship and praise as parishioners here at St. Rose of Lima as they have been the past 30 years. You are in their prayers and ask for yours as Gary embarks on his Diaconate

vocation. Thank you for keeping all priests, religious, and the twenty seven candidates and their families in your prayers as they live out God’s will. ~ Fr. Joel

Religious Education Summer Program

Preparation for Sacraments is a 2 Year Requirement

Summer program for year 1 “Eucharist” Requirement

July 24– August 3, 2018 Monday through Thursday 9 am –11:30 am

Attendance Required to all Sacrament Prep Meetings For more information contact the Religious

Education Office at (916)783-5211 ext. 7010 or email


Is on Summer Break Please look for us to Return in August

Edge Confirmation & Life Teen

2018-2019 Registration Registration forms for

Edge Confirmation Year 1 (7th grade), Edge Confirmation Year 2 (8th grade)

and Life Teen (9th-12th grades) will be available to download

from our website: in the Faith Formation tab

after July 1st.

St Rose Presents 615 Vine Ave, Roseville, CA 95678

Vacation Bible Camp Monday July 16 – Friday July 20, 2018

9:00 am – 12:00 pm For Ages: 4yrs old – 5th Grade

$50 donation per child participant *6th Grade and older welcome to be Helpers

$5 donation for shirt per helper Contact Dona Gentile at 783-5211 Ext. 7010 or

Email: Pick up registration at the Rel. Ed Office, Parish Office or Online!

Come Join


for grades Pre-School through 5th grade Our programs are currently on

Summer Break Look for registration information in July!

For information contact the Rel Ed Office

Religious Education ~ Youth Ministry ~ RCIA

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Good News! A Development Committee has been formed to explore the possibil-ity of bring the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd to St. Rose of Lima. This is a distinct hands on approach to Christian formation, through which children as young as three form deep, lifelong rela-tionships with Christ. The committee hopes to start the program in September, 2018. If you would like more information contact Eva Gonzalez Fogarty at 1-916-

532-2317. Look for more information in the coming weeks, and PLEASE, pray for this ministry.

RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults RCIA is the process in which adults, seeking to celebrate the Sacraments of Initiation at Easter, prepare and grow in their faith. The group meets weekly, Monday evenings from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. The next program will begin in the Fall of 2018. Contact Dona to register or for more information, (916) 783-5211, ext. 7010 or

St. Rose of Lima — Online Giving Nine Reasons to Make Your Offertory Gift

Through Faith Direct 1. No more checks to write or envelopes to find 2. Greater security than cash or checks 3. No cost for you to participate 4. Online control of your offertory giving – including second collections 5. Reduction of envelope and postage expense for St. Rose 6. More efficient to process and post contributions 7. Offertory cards enable you to witness your gift of treasure 8. 52 Weeks of predictable income for your parish 9. Many parishioners already do!

Visit, our parish code is CA701, or call 866.507.8757 for more information.


Are you Catholic and were married in a civil or non-Catholic ceremony? Would you like to be married in the Catholic Church? Please con-tact Deacon Mark to discuss having your mar-riage convalidated in the Catholic Church. (916) 783-5211 x7014 or by e-mail:

Sunday: Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. Barnabas Wednesday: St. Anthony of Padua Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION The cathedral is a treasure in a diocese and in our tradition. It is not simply a "big church," as some say; some parish churches are larger. What makes a cathedral is the presence of the chair, called a cathedra (Latin for seat) reserved for the bishop. There are many instances in our country of a local church (diocese) outgrowing a cathedral. In Baltimore and St. Louis, the former cathedrals are historic treasures in the heart of the old city, but new and larger structures now function as the seat of the bishop. When a bishop dies or retires, it is said that "the seat is vacant," and when the new bishop is installed, the central ritual is the moment when the decree of the Holy Father is read and the new bishop is escorted to the cathedra. No one but the bishop sits in the cathedra during a ritual, but in Los Angeles the cathedra in the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels is accessible, and no one seems to mind when a visitor tries the cathedra out for the bishop's point of view. Rev. James Field, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.


GOLF ANYONE??? The Knights of Columbus are hosting their 6th annual Golf Tournament to raise money for the Annual Christmas Basket Program and other Charities the Knights sponsor. The tournament will be held on Friday, September 7 , 2018 at the Timber Creek Golf Club in Roseville. The tournament will be a scramble format with Men’s and Women’s Longest Drive and Closest to the Pin Prizes. There will be a New Car as a prize on Hole number 14, should you get a Hole In One ! The tournament will have a Shot Gun start at 8:00 AM with a luncheon to follow at 1:30 PM. There will be Raffle Prizes and Auction items during the luncheon. We are in need of Players, Sponsor’s, Volunteers, Auction and Raffle prizes. Please see a Knight of Columbus Member to sign up for the tournament. Or call one of the following Knights: Dave Gastel 408-718-5233 Cell Steve White 916-539-0260 Cell

SCHOOL NEWS St. Rose School is currently accepting applications for the 2018 - 2019 school year for Transitional Kindergarten through 8th grade classes. Please visit our website or call (916) 782-1161 extension 101 or email

Great news! We are taking part in “Amazon SMILE” a pro-gram that “Gives back to St. Rose”! All you have to do is log on to our website at, click on the “Amazon SMILE” this will take you to AMAZON, and you place your order as you normally would. BUT, AMAZON then takes a % of that sale price and donates it back to St. Rose of Lima Building/Maintenance fund! Please do your best to help us with this new project! You pay no more than your nor-mal purchase!


Please visit the Lighthouse Media kiosk in the vestibule of the Church. There are great gift ideas to help evangelize our faith.

Opportunities To Live Out Your Faith

There’s an easy way to support St. Rose School! You can donate to St. Rose School without taking time out of your day, or going out of your way! We’ve teamed up with Benefit, a mo-bile app that allows you to instantly purchase digital gift cards to use online or in-store, at retailers including Walmart, Target, The Home Depot and Amazon. When you buy using the app, retailers contribute up to 20% of your transaction back to our school - so you don’t have to spend an extra cent! Simply download the app, link your debit card or your credit card and use it for your everyday purchases. Get started with the instructions below. If you have any ques-tions, contact St. Rose School at 916-782-1161 to learn more.

Now Registering for Summer 2018 Camp Pendola is the official Youth Ministry summer camp for the Catholic Diocese of Sacramento. Located two hours northeast of Sacramento, the facility encom-passes 40 acres in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada, adjoining the Tahoe National Forest. Our Lady of the Sierra Chapel sits prominently in the middle of the camp.

Camp Pendola has operated since our opening in 1959. In 2015, we celebrated fifty-five wonderful years of camp memories.

Campers enjoy a week living in a simple cabin with oth-ers where Catholic values come alive in a positive, natu-ral, and fun-filled way. We celebrate Mass each week and begin and end each day with prayer. Our entire pro-gram, staff, spirit, and environment are conducive to and supportive of religious growth and maturity.

We offer twelve rustic cabins up on the hill for a place for campers to store their belongings and rest their heads. Cabins sleep eight plus one or two counselors.

During the summer months, we offer a First Time Camp-er Mini-Week for grades 1-4, backpacking and canoeing trips for older youth, a Leaders-In-Training program, a Counselor In Training Program for older teenagers.and traditional camp for all ages.

Campers enjoy swimming and paddleboating in the pond, archery, hiking throughout camp and the surround-ing area, sleeping out under the stars and opening and closing campfires.

Campers will come to see that Pendola is not a camp without its campfire. We gather twice a week to share laughs and stargaze. Our large fire ring is a prominent place in camp.

Unless on camp-outs, everyone in camp eats meals together in the our large dining hall, pre-pared in our commercial-style kitchen.

For leisure activities, Pendol accommodates an archery range, swimming pond, nature walk, crafts center, and plenty of room for every sport.

We are also proud of two new buildings: the dining room and the St. Francis of Assisi Activity Center. The multi-purpose center includes a game room and small group rooms.


Si tiene preguntas ó preocupaciones sobre la comunidad

Hispana; favor de comunicarse con: Martin Vargas (916-969-3299)

Venacio De Los Santos (916-201-7083)

Padre Joel ó Padre Michael (916-783-5211)




ADORACIÓN Primer viernes del mes comenzando a las 7PM hasta en sábado a las 7:45AM

Declaración de Misión Nosotros, la familia de la Iglesia de Santa Rosa de Lima, somos llamados por virtud de

nuestro bautismo y guiados por el Espíritu Santo para ser discípulos de Jesús. Como discípulos de Jesús nos dedicamos a fomentar el crecimiento del Reino de Dios en la tierra,

alabando a Dios y viviendo los valores Evangelicas de amor, justicia, perdón y servicio a los demás.

615 Vine Avenue Roseville, CA 95678

Teléfono: 916-783-5211 Fax: 916-783-5212 Email:

PROMESAS La liturgia de hoy está llena de promesas. La lectura del Génesis promete un final triunfante sobre el poder del pecado y un regreso a una nueva creación. La lectura de la segunda carta a los corintios promete que todo aquel que sigue a Cristo tendrá dificultades. Sin embargo, también promete, que podemos perseverar si reconocemos que Cristo está con nosotros, renovándonos cada día, y dándonos el valor y la fuerza que necesitamos para esta perseverancia. El Evangelio promete que hacer la voluntad de Dios nos hace familia con Jesús, quien perdona todos los pecados y triunfa sobre el mal. Hoy podría ser un buen día para que también nosotros hiciéramos algunas promesas. Podemos prometer dejar de engañarnos a nosotros mismos acerca de nuestras tendencias al egoísmo y el pecado. Podemos prometernos creer --en verdad creer-- que, aunque no estamos sin pecado, somos perdonados. Podemos prometernos combatir el mal y el pecado comportándonos como hermanos y hermanas no solamente con el Señor, sino con nuestros prójimos. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura -- El Señor puso enemistad entre la serpiente y la mujer (Génesis 3:9-15). Salmo -- Del Señor viene la misericordia, la redención copiosa (Psalm 130 [129]). Segunda lectura -- Dios nos tiene preparada en el cielo una morada eterna (2 Corintios 4:13 -- 5:1). Evangelio -- El que cumplela voluntad de Dios, ése es mi hermano, mi hermana y mi madre (Marcos 3:20-35). Todos los derechos reservados.

TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Basándose en las palabras de Jesús, Mariano de Blas, compuso su canto: "Entre tus manos". Este hermoso canto nos recuerda que "hay que morir para vivir", es decir, que no es nada fácil ser discípulo de Jesucristo. El mismo Jesús nos pide que nos neguemos a nosotros mismos (Mateo 16:24); que carguemos la cruz para seguirlo (Marcos 8:34); que perdamos nuestra vida por su nombre (Lucas 9:24). Todo esto porque Jesús reconoce que el grano de trigo debe morir para dar vida, para multiplicarse (Juan 12:24). El canto: "Una espiga dorada por el sol", de Cesáreo Gabaráin, nos recuerda que los cristianos somos trigo del mismo sembrador. Es Jesús quien nos siembra, nos cultiva, nos cosecha, nos tritura, nos amasa, y nos hace un solo pan consagrado a Dios. Somos granos de trigo que, unidos formamos el pan de la comunión que es comunidad. Para esto, cada uno debe morir a sus egoísmos y preferencias. Morir a sí mismo tiene sentido cristiano, sólo si es para trabajar unidos y en la misión de Cristo, la cual es salvación del mundo y construcción del Reino de Dios. --Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright (c) J. S.

LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Décimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Lunes: San Bernabé Miércoles: San Antonio de Padua Sábado: Santa María Virgen

10 de junio de 2018 El Décimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Hch 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Sal 98 (97):1-6; Mt 5:1-12 Martes: 1 Re 17:7-16; Sal 4:2-5, 7b-8; Mt 5:13-16 Miércoles: 1 Re 18:20-39; Sal 16 (15):1b-2ab, 4, 5ab, 8, 11; Mt 5:17-19 Jueves: 1 Re 18:41-46; Sal 65 (64):10-13; Mt 5:20-26 Viernes: 1 Re 19:9a, 11-16; Sal 27 (26):7-9abc, 13-14; Mt 5:27-32 Sábado: 1 Re 19:19-21; Sal 16 (15):1b-2a, 5, 7-10; Mt 5:33-37 Domingo: Ez 17:22-24; Sal 92 (91):2-3, 13-16; 2 Cor 5:6-10; Mc 4:26-34

Talleres de Cocina y Nutricion Se van a estar ofreciendo Talleres de Cocina y Nutrición para estudiantes cursando grados en middle school y high school (6to-12vo) y también para adultos interesados. Los talleres serán los días miércoles con una duración de 5 semanas, son gratis pero hay que pre-registrarse en la oficina de la Catequesis Hisapana antes del 6 de junio. Estos talleres van a comenzar el miércoles 13 de junio en la cafeteria de Sta. Rosa de Lima. Para más información o registración llame a Frida Callejas, sus datos los encuentra en el boletín parroquial.

Gracias al pastor de Santa Rosa de Lima por seis años de servicio

La última semana de Padre Joel como párroco de la Parroquia St. Rose of Lima será el 23 y 24 de junio. Ustedes están invitados a una despedida , honrando a nuestro pastor, de seis años. El sábado 23 de junio en el salón parroquial. Gracias al Ministerio Filipino por proporcionar la comida de cena para la celebración. Le invitamos a contribuir con ensaladas y sus platillos favoritos. Todo esto comenzará a las 6:00 P.M. después de la Misa de las 5 P.M. Esperamos que puedan unirse a nosotros .

También tendremos reuniones de despedida, (incluyendo donuts y helados) en el salón parroquial después de cada una de las Misas el domingo, 24 de junio. Esperamos que pueda unirse a nuestra familia parroquial, como nos despedimos del Padre Joel con amor, oraciones y corazones agradecidos para su próxima tarea en Fairfield.

Bienvenido al Nuevo Pastor de Santa Rosa de Lima

El Obispo Jaime Soto ha nombrado pastor a Reverendo Joseph Michael Baricuatro como nuestro nuevo pastor que se reunirá a nosotros el primero de julio del 2018. Padre Baricuatro es actualmente pastor de la Iglesia Católica St. Thomas More, Paradise, CA. Completó sus estudios teológicos en el Seminario y la Universidad de San Patricio, Menlo Park, California. Fue ordenado sacerdote por el Obispo Soto el 31 de mayo del 2010 en la Catedral del Santísimo Sacramento, Sacramento CA.

Por favor, denle una gran bienvenida a nuestro nuevo Pastor, Padre Baricuatro.

Adiós y una cálida bienvenida

Hasta que nos encontremos de nuevo…

Ministries & Organizations of St. Rose Parish Advisory Council & Committees Asesoría y Liderazgo en Español

Parish Finance Council John Pittman 783-8643 Coordinador General Fr. Michael Estaris 783-5211 x7016

Parish Pastoral Council John Haluck 786-6423 Secretaria Josie Rivera 223-4348 Building Committee Gary Magonigal 783-5971 Gente Puente Venancio De Los Santos 201-7083 Liturgy Committee Lynne Brys 783-5211 x7006

Liturgy & Worship Liturgia y Adoración Altar Servers - Student Jiji Cabardo 916-412-0478 Liturgia Comité Coordinador Jose Plata 477-6469 Altar Servers - Adult / Family Gary Brys 530-712-4279 Lectores y Secretaria Josie Rivera 223-4348 Altar Society Cecilia Aguon 773-6495 Ministros Extraordinarios Lyanna Borja 663-7018

Arts & Environment Marlene Mesich 784-8533 Sacristanes Martha Y Juan Carlos Valdes 751-6112

Children's Liturgy & Music Dona Gentile 783-5211 x7010 Monaguillos Gerardo y Martha y Arturo Ramirez 723-4829

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Lynne Brys 783-5211 x7006 Bienvenida y Bienestar Guillermo Contreras 899-3010

Filipino Choir Joseph Namoc 707-561-6775 Colecta Ramón Tellez 770-5394 Lectors Roger Anderson 765-5010 Orden y decoro del tempo Martin Vargas 969-3299 Lifeteen Liturgy Beckee Lienert 783-5211 x7004 Coro de Niños Ana R. Lara 622-0754 Lifeteen Music Ministry Genesis Navarro 918-9802 Journey in the Spirit Ministry Barbara Turner 624-5956 Coro de Adultos Jorge Rivera 223-2448 Music Ministry Lynne Brys 783-5211 x7006 Grupo de Oración Jose Hernandéz 291-2343 Music Ministry - Saturday Vigil Mass Dona Gentile 783-5211 x7010 Formación en la Fe y Educación

Ushers Steve Barsotti 704-2886 Coordinador de Catequesis Frida Callejas 783-5211 x7011

Welcome Ministry Bobbie Mazas 784-1115 Matrimonios para Cristo Tony y Verónica Ortiz 749-9897 Lynne Mellberg 666-7348 Pre-cana curso pre-matrimonial Tony y Verónica Ortiz 749-9897

Faith Formation & Education Pre-Bautismal Sólo la clase Juan Carlos Amezquita 783-5211 X7013

Baptismal Preparation Stella Guzman 783-5211 x7013 Solidaridad Social Carmen Cuellar 968-1473 Bible Jam Chris Keller 792-4656 Coordinator of Youth Ministry Beckee Lienert 783-5211 x7004 Oración y Devoción

Religious Ed/Faith Formation Dona Gentile 783-5211 x7010 Grupo de Oración Jose Hernandéz 291-2343 RCIA Dona Gentile 783-5211 x7010 Soldados de Cristo Hector Gutierrez 858-774-5129 St. Rose School Principal Suzanne Smoley 782-1161 Talleres de Oración y Vida Guadalupe Espinoza 276-4372 St. Rose Adult Bible Study Karen Grehm 624-7274 Rosario de Amor Guadalupano Mary Najar 412-1247 Vacation Bible Camp Dona Gentile 783-5211 x7010

Spirituality & Prayer Social Outreach

A.C.T.S. Parish Retreats Kathy Kossick 916-223-6990 Front Door Ministry Diane Russell 783-5211 x7009

Larry Halsey 916-812-7233 Health Ministry Bobbie Mazas 784-1115

Beginning Experience Marie Alfuso 835-2282 Homeless Lunches Dona Gentile 783-5211 x7010

Associates of Carmelites of Mary Immaculate Pat Lagrosso 202-2136 Respect Life Joan Donohue 417-1071

Charismatic Prayer & Praise Chris Keller 792-4656 Robin Van Hook 837-8059

Couples for Christ FFL Felipe & Anne Lopez 908-591-9278 Devotions

Handmaids for Family & Life Norlita Comia 768-1237 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Tessie Oandasan 872-1753 Prayer Line Parish Office 783-5211 Agatha Collins 782-2073

Rosary Makers Carolina Fregoso 645-7353 St. Jude Shirley Kelly 408-7683 Elva Valasek 215-3080 St. Mary Prayer Group Maria Kader 412-5154

W.O.M.A.N. Connie Munoa 303-6072 Parish Ministries & Organizations Affiliated Organizations

Bereavement Hospitality Mickie Thompson 782-3324 Engaged Encounter John & Tracy Pittman 783-8643

Catholics Come Home Larry Halsey 812-7233 The Gathering Inn Tom Battaglia 729-7252 Wendell Wall (310) 525-4363 Lazarus Project David Loya 772-6833 Maria Kader 412-5154 St. Vincent de Paul Tom Stanko 781-3303

Senior Fellowship Ministry Dona Gentiile 783-5211 x7010 What Would Jesus Do Rich Fogarty 772-1180

New Evangelization Ministry Mary Christine Amurao 390-9682 Italian Catholic Federation Tony Barsotti 952-8195

Carmelite Auxiliary—Georgetown Robin Van Hook 837-8059 Knights of Columbus Manny Diaz 367-2628

Retrouvaille 800-470-2230