SAINT JOSEPH ATHOLI PARISH - St. Joseph … · Sunday/Misas Dominicales 8:15 AM 10:00 AM (Nursery...

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Transcript of SAINT JOSEPH ATHOLI PARISH - St. Joseph … · Sunday/Misas Dominicales 8:15 AM 10:00 AM (Nursery...


PARISH OFFICE 706-548-6332 Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM 958 Epps Bridge Parkway Athens GA 30606 Fax: 706-354-1783 Website: Facebook: saint-joseph-parish-athens-ga Sacramental Emergencies 706-461-6331

Liturgy of the Hours Monday –Saturday/Lunes - Sábado 8:10 AM Daily Masses/ Misa Diaria Monday –Saturday/Lunes - Sábado 8:30 AM Saturday Vigil/Sábado de Vigilia 5:30 PM 7:30 PM (Español) Sunday/Misas Dominicales 8:15 AM 10:00 AM (Nursery provided) 11:45 AM (Nursery provided) 1:30 PM (Español) 6:00 PM Reconciliation/Confesiones Saturday: 9:00 AM- or by ap-pointment Adoration of the Blessed Sacra-ment/Adoración al Santísimo Fridays: 9:00 AM -6:00 PM Thursdays: 7:45 PM (Hora Santa)

A Letter from Our Archbishop…

As we look to this year’s Arch-bishop’s Annual Appeal, please reflect on your personal experi-ences of God’s love, and partici-pate again, or for the first time, in this year’s Appeal. It is through your generosity that the ministries funded by this cam-paign are able to thrive and help more people experience God’s unfailing love for them.

I invite you to learn more about the work of our Office of Voca-tions, and how they walk with those called to the priesthood or religious life. Read about the work being done to bridge cul-tural divides, efforts to strength-en our families, and programs to help our neighbors in need. These tangible examples show the important work being done in central and north Georgia – only made possible by your gen-erous donations to the Archbish-op’s Annual Appeal.

Thank you in advance for your thoughtful giving and support of our community. May you be blessed beyond measure for all your goodness!

Gratefully in Christ,

† Wilton D. Gregory

Archbishop of Atlanta

The weekend of February 18-19 has been named “Commitment Sunday” for the Archbishop’s An-nual Appeal. The campaign helps fund the work of its offices and ministries throughout north and central Georgia. This year’s theme is “Love Your Neighbor as Yourself.” St. Joseph benefits from the many supported ministry areas funded by the campaign: providing training for our RE teachers, from Pre School to Col-lege programs...pre-marital re-treats for engaged couples…. Safe Environment and social jus-tice programs like Respect Life. The Appeal also provides for our wider church family, including education and care for our priests, deacons and seminari-ans. To learn more about the many areas funded by the Appeal, go to the Archdiocese of Atlanta website at

Commitment Sunday

Parish News

In thanksgiving for all God has given us, we offer our time, talent and treasure

Stewardship News

February 12, 2017

Total Offertory $14,078.26

Weekly Budget $16,100.00

Difference -$ 2,021.74

Improvement Fund: $4,883.39

Weekly Offertory

Capital Campaign III

Goal III $3,000,000.00

February 14, 2017 Balance

Pledges to Date $2,762,921.12

Pledges Paid $2,301,730.71

Balance Due $ 461,190.41

Spanish Campaign


Tax Receipts Annual Contribution Statements have been mailed. If you need a statement and have not received one, please call the Parish Office at 706-548-6332.

Notice: Please make sure that all correspond-ence (financial, etc.) is sent to the follow-ing address: St. Joseph Catholic Church 958 Epps Bridge Pkwy Athens, GA 30606

Fr. David McGuinness, Fr. Paul Moreau,

along with our staff and our whole com-

munity, welcome you to St. Joseph

Catholic Church.

To our visitors, it is a blessing to have

you here and thank you for worshipping

with us. We hope that you will come


For those interested in finding out

more about the Catholic faith, or are

new to our parish and need to register,

please contact our Parish Office for

more information at 706-548-6332.


St Joseph Catholic Parish 706-548-6332

Altar Flowers This weeks altar flowers from Petals on Prince were given by Vivian Butler, in loving memory of her husband, and Brenda, Kaye, Kris and Bev, in loving memory of their father, Henry B. Butler.

Final Farewell to Prince

Mass and Reception

Monday, February 20

Bilingual Mass at 7pm

followed by a Reception in Old

School at 8pm

If you have photos you’d like to share for our “memory lane” display, please bring to the church office prior to Fri-day, February 17. Be sure to label with your name and phone number to facilitate their return.

Teacher Job Fair The Office of Catholic Schools is hosting a Job Fair on Saturday, February 25 at the Chancery Offices in Smyrna from 9:00 a.m. – Noon. Teaching positions in Grades PK (4) – 12 may be available for the upcoming school year. Princi-pals from our 18 Archdiocesan Catholic Schools, Holy Spirit Preparatory School, Pinecrest Academy and Cristo Rey At-lanta Jesuit High School will be pre-sent. Qualified candidates should bring multiple copies of resumes to share with schools to which they are interest-ed in applying. For directions to the Chancery please visit

Please remember the following parishioners in your prayers: Lin Morgan Adela Benitez Kim Halastra Stephanie Lake Betty and Gilbert Spencer Joe Landers In Memoriam— Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let the perpetual light shine upon them. Patrick Cannon Donald Ward

In today’s first reading, the Israelites are urged to love their neighbors as themselves. In the Gospel, Jesus spells out how we are to do that—to give generously to those who ask of us and not to turn our backs on those who seek to borrow.

Reflection on Last Week’s Readings

Interested in Catholic Education for your child?

Contact St. Joseph Catholic Parish School For more information.

Our Mission: To achieve excellence through implementing the highest aca-demic standards rooted in the values and teachings of our Catholic Faith

958 Epps Bridge Parkway

Athens, GA 30606 706-543-1621

Principal, Rámon Villacura

Parish News

Grant, O Lord, that each day before we

enter the little death of sleep, we may

undergo the little judgement of the

past day, so that every wrong deed

may be forgiven and every unholy

thought set right. Let nothing go down

into the depths of our being which has

not been forgiven and sanctified. Then

we shall be ready for our final birth

into eternity, and look forward with

love and hope to standing before you,

who art both judge and savior, holy

judge and loving savior.

—Bishop Appleton

SJS Soccer The SJS middle school girls soccer team is looking for players in grades 6th-8th. No experience necessary. The team has a particular need for a keeper, but anyone interested in playing is welcome. Please email Chris Moore at for more information if you are interested. Go Knights!

St Joseph Catholic Parish 706-548-6332

Love to Cook? High School Youth Groups would love for you to cook a meal for them one Sunday night! Contact Megan or Justin Estes (

Middle School Youth News Middle School Youth Group (MSYG) meets every Wednesday, Call the RE department to register. All middle school students who have received Holy Communion are welcome to join us for fun and faith! High School Youth News High School Youth Group (HSYG) meets Sunday after the 6pm Mass in the Youth Room. All high schoolers are wel-come to join us for Dinner and a ses-sion. The HSYG is enrolling for the Spring Re-treat to be held in Conyers on February 24-26, contact Megan or Justin Estes ( for more information. Girls Bible Study for High School Girls meets Wednesday Nights, Contact Me-gan for information Boys Bible Study for High School Boys meets Thursday Nights, Contact Megan for information.

Steubenville Event The Youth Group will be attending Steubenville Atlanta July 7-9. This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to gather with other young Catholics from all over the Southeast and to hear from inspirational speakers and musi-cians. If you are interested in sponsoring a student's $180 conference fee please contact Megan at There are many deserving students with great financial need.

Time to Plan for VBS! Vacation Bible School is returning June 19-23! Watch this space for notice of registration. Our focus this session will be Mary, the Rosary and Her Appari-tions! Join us as we 'travel' the world to learn more about our Blessed Mother. We need additional adults and teens to lead groups and to assist the leaders. E-mail Lynn Langston at LLangston to volunteer!

St Joseph Charities If you need emergency financial help contact our offices Monday and Wednesday, 10:00 AM till Noon. Phone: 706-549-4208

Contact Us: Phone: 706-543-1621 Website: Facebook: st-joseph-catholic-school-athens

Knights of Columbus News The Deacon Bill Lakin Council 6514 of the Knights of Columbus has two im-portant events coming up, so save the dates! Annual Blood Drive will be held on Fri-day, March 31,2017 at the Parish Cen-

ter. Please contact John at 706-546-5419. Annual Charity Golf Tournament will be held Saturday morning, April 22, 2017 at the UGA Golf Course. Please contact Paul to sign up: 706-340-4963.

Por favor, notifique a la Oficina de la Iglesia Si tienen conocimiento de algún feli-grés enfermo, estancia en el hospital, fallecimientos, etc. De manera que po-damos incluirlos en nuestra lista de oraciones. 706-548-6332 o

Caridades de San José Necesita ayuda económica para pagar servicios de utilidad o con la renta? Las Caridad de San José puede ayudarle. Para pedir una cita: Llamar solamente los días Lunes y Miér-coles de 10:00 am-12:00 pm Al Te-léfono: 706-549-4208

Reflexión de la Semana Pasada Concede, oh Señor, que cada día antes de entrar en el pequeño sueño de la muerte, podamos pasar por el poco juicio del día anterior, de modo que cada mala acción puede ser perdonada y cada pensamiento impuro sea el cor-recto. Que nada descienda a las pro-fundidades de nuestro ser que no ha sido perdonado y santificado. Entonces estaremos listos para nuestro naci-miento definitivo a la eternidad, esper-amos con amor y esperanza de pie delante de ti, quien es juez y salvador, Juez santo y salvador amoroso.

¿Interesado en la Educación Católica para su hijo?

Contacte a la Escuela de la Parroquia Católica de San José para más información.

Nuestra Misión es: Alcanzar la excelencia mediante la implementación de los más altos estándares académicos, valores y enseñanzas de nuestra Fe Católica

958 Epps Bridge Parkway Athens, GA 30606


Ministerio Hispano Parroquial de San José

Los Estados de Cuenta Anuales Los Estados de Cuenta Anuales han sido enviados por correo. Si tiene preguntas al respect o no lo han recibido todavia, por favor llamar a la Oficina Parroquial al 706-548-6332.

Por favor asegúrese de que toda la co-rrespondencia (financiera, etc.) se envíe a la siguiente dirección: St. Joseph Catholic Church 958 Epps Bridge Pkwy Athens, GA 30606

El Padre David McGuinness el Padre Paul

Moreau, el personal de la oficina par-

roquial y toda nuestra comunidad, les

damos la bienvenida a la Iglesia Católica

de San José.

A todos nuestros visitantes, es una ben-

dición que compartan con nosotros y

esperamos verlos nuevamente.

Para aquellos interesados en saber más

sobre la fe católica, o son nuevos en

nuestra parroquia y necesitan regis-

trarse, por favor comuníquese con nues-

tra Oficina Parroquial para más infor-

mación al 706-548-6332.


St Joseph Catholic Parish 706-548-6332

Despedida final a Prince

Misa y Convivencia

20 de Febrero

Misa bilingüe a las 7pm

Convivencia a las 8pm

Por favor compartir sus fotos de

Prince Ave.

Entregarlos a la oficina

antes del 17 de febrero

con su nombre y

teléfono atrás de cada foto.

En la primera lectura de hoy, los Israelitas son incitados a que amen a su prójimo como a sí mis-mos. En el Evangelio, Jesús expli-ca cómo debemos hacer esto—dar generosamente a quienes nos lo piden y no volver nuestras es-paldas a aquellos que solicitan un préstamo.

Other Local News

Bulletin Announcements Submission deadline each Friday by Noon. Announcements will be pub-lished 10 business days later in the weekend bulletin. Announcement requests may be left in the church office during regular office hours or emailed to the Editor at March Bulletin Schedule: Deadline 2/24— for Bulletin 3/5 Deadline 3/3—for Bulletin 3/12 Deadline 3/10—for Bulletin 3/19 Deadline 3/17—for Bulletin 3/26

Interfaith Hospitality Network The IHN is a network of multi-denominational churches that provide shelter, meals, and compassionate assis-tance for families in crisis situations for up to 90 days. It gives the opportunity for them to stay together as a family and have the time and resources to get back on their feet. While St. Joseph does not host families on-site, they can help through volunteering at their Day Cen-ter or at a host site. For more infor-mation contact them at 706-425-1881 or plan to attend a training session on Sunday February 26th at 2:00 PM at the First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall.

Catholic Day at the Capital All Catholics are invited to join The Ro-man Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta and the Diocese of Savannah for the annual Catholic Day at the Capitol on Tuesday, February 21, 2017 from 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. This is a great opportunity to put your faith in action and advocate for those issues that promote the dignity of all people. The day will start at 8:30 a.m. at the Shrine of the Immaculate Concep-tion with a legislative briefing and work-shops. We will continue to the Capitol (206 State Capitol, Atlanta, Georgia 30334) for the remainder of the day, including an opportunity to meet your legislators. Lunch will be provided. We will conclude the day at 1:00 p.m. The event is free, but registration is re-quired Please see below to register for this event: please call 404-920-7340 or email

Communion Guidelines

As Catholics, we fully participate in the

celebration of the Eucharist when we

receive Holy Communion.

The Church sets out specific guidelines

regarding how we should prepare our-

selves to receive the Lord’s body and

blood in Communion.

To receive Communion worthily, you


be in a state of grace

have made a good confession since

your last mortal sin

believe in transubstantiation

observe the Eucharistic fast of one


be free of any ecclesiastical censure

such as excommunication.

Communion may be received either in

the hand or on the tongue. You may

also receive from the cup, but we re-

spectfully ask that you bypass the chal-

ice if you are experiencing any signs of


We also welcome to this celebration

those who do not share our Catholic

faith. While we cannot admit them to

Communion, we ask them to come for-

ward with their arms crossed over their

chest to receive a blessing from the

priest. Or they may remain in their seats

and offer their prayers for the peace and

the unity of the human family.

St Joseph Catholic Parish 706-548-6332

Marriage Encounter Weekend New Year’s Resolutions Starting to Fade? Start again now with a renewed commitment to your spouse. What better way to celebrate the gift of your unique love than to make time to focus on each other and your marriage? Con-sider making a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend to renew those feelings you had during your first few years together. The next Weekends are scheduled for February 24-26 and April 21-23 at the Atlanta Marriott Peachtree Corners. You can get more information or apply online at or by calling 678-242-WWME.

Transportation Help Needed We have three parishioners in need of transportation: If you can drive to and from Mass on Sundays from North Athens, near Athens Tech, please call 404-245-5063 If you can help transport a parishioner healing from knee surgery to local doctor appointment, occasionally, please call 706-612-3569 If you can drive a Spanish speaking parishioner to a local doctor appointment, please call 706-255-8119

This Week at St. Joseph’s Feast Days, Mass Readings and Intentions

Monday, February 20 10:00 AM-St Joseph Charities 3:30 PM -Basketball Practice -Gym 3:45 PM-Soccer Practice-Field 7:00 PM- Final Mass at Prince Avenue

7:45 PM–11:45 Mass Choir rehearsal-


7:45 PM Misioneros #254

7:45 PM Grupo Mariano-#253

Tuesday, February 21 9:00 AM Walking with Purpose-#232, 254, 255 3:30 PM -Basketball Practice -Gym 3:45 PM-Soccer Practice-Field 6:00 PM Unified Choir Practice-Chapel 6:00 PM-RCIA-#253 6:30 PM-Children’s Choir rehearsal-Rm 306 7:45 PM (ESP) Capital Campaign-#253

7:45 PM-Walking with Purpose-#255 Wednesday, February 22 10:00 AM-St Joseph Charities 3:30 PM -Basketball Practice -Gym 3:45 PM-Soccer Practice-Field 7:00 PM EQUIP Mass-Chapel 6:15-7:45 PM– RE Classes

Monday, February 20 Sir 1:1-10/Mk 9:14-29 (341) 8:30 AM Mass-Stephanie Lake (I) Tuesday, February 21 Saint Peter Damian, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Sir 2:1-11/Mk 9:30-37 (342) 8:30 AM Mass-Laisa P Thomas (D) Wednesday, February 22 The Chair of Saint Peter the Apostle 1 Pt 5:1-4/Mt 16:13-19 (535) Pss Prop 8:30 AM Mass-Special Intention Thursday, February 23 Saint Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr Sir 5:1-8/Mk 9:41-50 (344) 8:30 AM Mass-Mariyam Korah (D) Friday, February 24 Sir 6:5-17/Mk 10:1-12 (345) 8:30 AM Mass-Lynn Roach (I) Saturday, February 25 Sir 17:1-15/Mk 10:13-16 (346) 8:30 AM Mass-Collins Family (I) 5:30 PM Mass-Josefa Zawilska (D) 7:30 PM Mass-Sheelamma and Tomy (I) Sunday, February 26 Is 49:14-15/1 Cor 4:1-5/Mt 6:24-34 (82) Pss IV 8:15 AM Mass– Maureen Hennessey


10:00 AM Mass– Elizabeth Ann & Joe

Russell Nix (D)

11:45 AM Mass–St Joseph School

1:30 PM Mass– St. Joseph Parish

6:00 PM Mass–Special Intention

St Joseph Catholic Parish 706-548-6332

Our Lenten Calendar

Lent will begin on Wednesday, March 1 with the distribution of ashes.

Our Lenten Penance Service will be held on Monday, April 3.

Palm Sunday, April 9 will begin Holy Week observances.

The Triduum is Holy Thursday, April 13; Good Friday, April 14

and Holy Saturday April 15.

Easter is Sunday, April 16

New items are in Bold

Thursday, February 23 9:00 AM Altar Society-Chapel 3:30 PM -Basketball Practice -Gym 3:45 PM-Soccer Practice-Field 6:00 PM-10:00 Mass Choir rehearsal– Chapel 7:00 PM-HS Young Men’s Bible Study-#232 7:30 pm- Hora Santa-Chapel

Friday, February 24 9:30 AM– Scripture Reflections-#232 9:30 AM-SJS Mass-Gym 12:00 PM Deadline for 3/5/17 bulletin 3:30 PM –Decorating gym for dance 3:45 PM-Soccer Practice-Field Saturday, February 25 8:00 AM Platicas Paara Bautismo-#125 9:30 AM (ESP) Altar Society-Chapel 9:30 AM Music Ministry Leader Mtg– Sound Room 4:00 PM- 5:30 Mass Choir rehearsal –gym Sunday, February 26 3:00 PM-(ESP) RICA -Fellowship Hall 3:00 PM-RCIT-SJS Library 11:45 AM St Joseph School Mass 4:00 PM– 6:00 Mass Choir rehearsal-gym 7:30 PM INH Mtg-#255

St Joseph Catholic Parish 706-548-6332

40 Days for Life 40 Days for Life is the largest internationally coordinated pro-life mobilization in history, helping to end the injustice of abortion through prayer and fasting in peaceful vigil for a focused period of time, preferably outside of an abortion facility. The Spring 2017 campaign of 40 Days for Life coincides with Lent, March 1-April 9. Participation with prayer and clinic vigils is an excellent Lenten sacrifice. Sign up to pray in one hour intervals outside the Planned Parenthood in Lawrenceville at Call parish office for transportation on 3/11,3/25 or 4/1.

40 Días por la Vida 40 Días por la Vida es la movilización más grande de la historia pro-vida, coordinada internacionalmente ayudando a poner fin a la injusticia del aborto a través de la oración y el ayuno, durante un período de tiempo enfocado preferiblemente en una instalación de aborto La campaña de primavera 2017 de los 40 Días por la Vida coincide con la Cuaresma, del 1 de marzo al 9 de abril. La participación con la oración y las vigilias clínicas es un excelente sacrificio cuaresmal. Regístrese para rezar por una hora y reservar transporte en las afueras del Centro de Paternidad Planeada en Lawrenceville los días 3/11, 3/25 o 4/1.