Saint Hubert · Saint Hubert. 2 Pastor’s Letter BREAD ALONE As we head into Lent, this first...

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Transcript of Saint Hubert · Saint Hubert. 2 Pastor’s Letter BREAD ALONE As we head into Lent, this first...

  • Building up the Body of Christ with Welcoming Arms, Loving Hearts and Joyful Worship.




    MARCH 1, 2020

    729 Grand Canyon, Hoffman Estates IL, 60169

    Catholic Parish

    Saint Hubert

  • 2 Pastor’s Letter


    As we head into Lent, this first Sunday the Church has us face the devil, because it’s one of the first

    things Jesus faced as he began his journey to the cross.

    The Evil One, as we hear in the first chapters of Genesis, is cunning. That plays itself out in the three

    temptations that he puts in front of Jesus. He tempts him with pleasure, pride and power—the same

    kind of human temptations that pull at each one of us.

    Just as Jesus is tempted, we realize we’re tempted, too. These temptations can also be cunning because

    the devil has a way of making things look good, even when they’re not. The best thing we can do is be

    sure to test those seemingly good things to make sure they’re good for us, good for others, and good for

    our relationship with God. One obvious test is to determine whether or not the temptation pulls us into

    ourselves at the cost of what’s good all around us—including our faith life and our life in the Church.

    We learn that from Jesus. In each of the three temptations, the devil assures Jesus

    he will be satisfied. But, what Jesus counters with is the realization that there’s

    more to it than just himself. He knows he is in a relationship with God. He knows

    who to trust.

    And that’s why, even though the devil knows scripture, Jesus knows it better.

    Being anchored to God’s word gives us wisdom. The scriptures are clear about

    this. It gives us the wisdom to resist temptations that seem too good to be true.

    When tempted to turn stones into bread, Jesus says, “One doesn’t live by bread alone, but by every word

    that comes forth from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). What’s really remarkable is that this reminds

    us of the Eucharist. The Eucharist begins as bread, but when we hear the words from the mouth of God

    the Son, it becomes His very presence. The bread we receive is the Bread of Life.

    God’s word brings power. So if you’ve been reading daily

    reflections this Lent, or going to the word of God each day for

    spiritual nourishment (we have resources on our website if

    you’re looking for something), it’s one of the best things we can

    do. Temptations will hit us. What we discover during

    spiritually significant times, like Lent, is that we have the power

    to overcome them.

    We have the words of life. And along with the Eucharist, those

    words give us exactly what we need in a confusing world with

    many temptations—sustenance.

    May God bless us on our journey toward Easter,

    —Fr. Mike

    A Musical Note

    We congratulate our Music

    Director, Ed Magistrado and his

    wife, Mae, on the birth of their

    daughter, Celine! Ed will be taking

    parental leave to care for the family

    for the next couple of months. In

    the meantime, Chris Severin, our

    accomplished pianist and

    parishioner, has graciously agreed

    to watch over things in his

    absence. We’re very grateful.

  • Monday, March 2

    7:00 AM St. Hubert Parishioners

    Tuesday, March 3—St. Katharine Drexel

    8:30 AM Anna Scott; Joseph Farrell

    Wednesday, March 4—St. Casimir

    7:00 AM Communion Service

    Thursday, March 5

    7:00 AM Communion Service

    Friday, March 6

    7:00 AM Mary Perry; Ingrid Pasquil

    1:00 PM St. Hubert Parishioners

    Saturday, March 7—St. Perpetua & St. Felicity

    4:30 PM Bob Podgorski; Elizabeth Stachelski

    Sunday, March 8—2


    Sunday of Lent

    7:30 AM Elena Pontarelli; Luisa Treni

    9:00 AM Joseph Napientek

    10:45 AM Frank Czajka;

    Rosemary & Ed Jaraczewski

    12:15 PM Anastacia Marquez

    6:00 PM St. Hubert Parishioners

    Sick Roberta Kleist, Diana Homyak, Bob Berg,

    Collin Braune, Hermie Nichoas, Ray Garber,

    John Norkus, Tom & Aurora Masen,

    Mary Kay Duda, Sandy Heavey, Pat Kolvek,

    Wyatt Frey, Arlene Reed, Mary Getto,

    Fr. Ray Dompke, Terry & Gail Hileman,

    Michelle Molnar, Nancy Stark, Michael Salter,

    Bradley Gerlach, Sondra Megrail,

    Vivian Trainor, Ann Weber, Stephen Weber,

    Jonalyn Soriano, Debbie O’Connor,

    Cindy Kennamer

    Others Those who protect at home and overseas

    To have a particular intention for those who are sick,

    recently deceased, or otherwise in need of prayers

    considered for inclusion in the Prayer of the Faithful

    during our Sunday liturgy, please use the prayer

    request form online or call the parish office at

    847-885-7700, ext.102.

    Did you know?

    You can request to have a friend of

    Loved one remembered at Mass.

    Simply stop by the Parish Office or call

    847-885-7700, ext. 102 to request a Mass

    intention. Specify the date, time and the name

    of the person for whom you are requesting the

    Mass. The suggested donation is $10. Please

    submit Mass intention requests at least three

    weeks in advance, as space is limited.

    When a Mass is offered in remembrance, the

    names of those being honored will run in the

    Mass Schedule in the bulletin the week before,

    as seen to the left. These intentions are read

    as part of the Universal Prayer at the Mass


    Mass Schedule & Intentions

    Pray 3

    Pray for...



    Friday, March 6


    at 1:00 PM

    This Mass is sponsored by the Our

    Lady Queen of Peace Home

    School Group.

  • 4 Pray





    Sunday of Lent

    Life can easily spin us out of control. While there are so many

    wonderful opportunities before us, we can also get easily

    distracted and exhausted. There is always something to do,

    respond to, or check. The clutter of our lives can take us off

    course, and the best remedy for getting back on track is the

    experience of the desert. Here we can face our demons square

    on, resist them, and get back on course. We desperately need

    the season of Lent. This simple time of year forces us into

    greater awareness and grounds us in what is good and true.

    What weighs you down and keeps you trapped? Maybe you

    are trying to do too much and please too many people. It could

    be that your fragile self-image is always pushing you to prove

    yourself and find success. Anxiety and worry, ultimately due to

    a lack of faith, can quickly tempt you with despair. It could be

    that you are listening to too many voices and allowing all of the

    negativity that is present erode the genuine goodness in your

    heart and in all of God’s creation. Or maybe you struggle too

    much with fear. Perhaps so much so that you are far too

    preoccupied with your own agenda and goals and left with little

    psychological or spiritual room to consider and respond to the

    plight of your neighbor. Do anger, bitterness, stubbornness, and hatred have homes in your heart?

    How about greed, gluttony, pride, apathy, or lust?

    For many, their passions and what can be found on the internet are their downfall, and they are robbed

    of their inner life and freedom. What is it, specifically, that tempts you away from a childlike trust in

    God? Define this and use the next few weeks to allow God to chart you a course away from them.

    Silence, being alone, grace, honesty, struggle, tears, and dryness are all found in the desert. You

    will also find God and your true self in this holy place. Ready to go?

    At that time Jesus was led by the Spirit

    into the desert to be tempted by the devil.

    —Matthew 4:1

    Genesis 2:7-9; 3:1-7

    Psalm 51:3-4, 5-6, 12-13, 17 [cf.

    3a]Romans 5:12-19

    Matthew 4:1-11

    Readings for the week:

    Monday, March 2

    Lv 19:1-2, 11-18

    Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 15 [Jn 6:63b]

    Mt 25:31-46

    Tuesday, March 3

    Is 55:10-11

    Ps 34:4-5, 6-7, 16-17, 18-19 [18b]

    Mt 6:7-15

    Wednesday, March 4

    Jon 3:1-10/

    s 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19 [19b]

    Lk 11:29-32

    Thursday, March 5

    Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25

    Ps 138:1-2ab, 2cde-3, 7c-8 [3a]

    Mt 7:7-12

    Friday, March 6

    Ez 18:21-28

    Ps 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-7a, 7bc-8 [3]

    Mt 5:20-26

    Saturday, March 7

    Dt 26:16-19

    Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8 [1b]

    Mt 5:43-48

    Next Sunday, March 8

    Gn 12:1-4a

    Ps 33;4-5, 18-19, 20, 22 [22]

    2 Tm 1:8b-10

    Mt 17:1-9


    Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD

  • Pray 5

    Sun, Storms, Wilderness, Deserts, and Spirituality

    by Ron Rolheiser, O.M.I.

    A number of years ago, accompanied by an excellent Jesuit director, I did a 30-day retreat using the Spiritual

    Exercises of St. Ignatius. In the third week of that retreat there’s a meditation on Jesus’ agony in the garden. I did the

    meditation to the best of my abilities and met with my director to discuss the result. He wasn’t satisfied and asked me

    to repeat the exercise. I did, reported back to him, and found him again dissatisfied. I was at a loss to grasp exactly

    what he wanted me to achieve through that meditation, though obviously I was missing something. He kept trying to

    explain to me that Ignatius had a concept wherein one was supposed to take the material of a meditation and “apply it

    to the senses” and I was somehow not getting that part.

    Eventually he asked me this question: “When doing this meditation, have you been sitting comfortably inside an air-

    conditioned chapel?” My answer was yes. “Well,” this wise Jesuit replied, “no wonder you aren’t able to properly apply

    this to your senses. How can you really feel what Jesus felt in his agony in garden when you are sitting warm, snug,

    secure, and comfortable in an air-conditioned room?” His advice was that I redo the exercise, but do it late in the

    evening, outside, in the dark, cold, subject to nature’s elements, and perhaps even a little afraid of what I might meet

    physically out there.

    He made a good point, not just for my struggle with this particular spiritual exercise but about one of the major

    deficiencies within contemporary spirituality. Simply put: Our prayer and spiritual quests are not enough connected to

    nature. For all of our good intentions and hard work, we are too-platonic, too much trying to have our souls transformed

    while our bodies sit warm, safe, and uninvolved. The physical elements of nature and our own bodies play too small a

    role in our efforts to grow spiritually.

    This is the major critique that Bill Plotkin, an important new voice in spirituality, makes of what he sees happening in

    much of Christian spirituality today. From our church programs, to what happens in our retreat centers, to the spiritual

    quests people more deliberately pursue, Plotkin sees too little connection to nature, to the sun, to storms, to the

    wilderness, and to the desert that Jesus himself sought out.

    Plotkin, who doesn’t work out of an explicitly Christian perspective but is sympathetic to it, runs a wilderness center out

    of which he directs people who are searching spiritually. One of the things that his center offers is a wilderness quest.

    People are offered the option of going out into the wilderness for some days alone, taking very little to protect

    themselves from what they might meet there. While sensible precautions are taken and prudence isn’t irresponsibly

    bracketed, the people doing these quests nonetheless often find themselves pretty vulnerable to the elements and

    battling a good amount of fear.

    And the quests are effective mainly because of that. Real transformation often happens and it is very much attributed

    to the battle that the one doing the quest had to wage in the face of fear and the physical elements. Plotkin’s book,

    Soulcraft, contains a number of powerful testimonies of people who share how what they experienced in the wilderness

    – real exposure and real fear – led to real transformation in their lives. For something to be real it has to be real!

    Jesus knew that and went on his own “wilderness quest”, 40 days alone in the desert where, as the Gospels tell us, he

    did his own battle with “the wild beasts”. We read accounts in the Gospels too of how he spent whole nights outside,

    alone, praying. It’s no accident that his struggle to give his life over takes place in a garden and not in an air-

    conditioned church. Beautiful church buildings have power to transform but so too do the sun, storms, the wilderness,

    and the desert. It’s good to seek out both places, and lately Christian spirituality has been too negligent of the latter.

    And it not just the things in nature that batter us and cause us fear to which we need to expose ourselves. Nature also

    waters the earth. There are few things in life that can induce the joy we can experience by drinking in nature. As the

    Canticle of Daniel (3,57-88) so wonderfully celebrates it, many things in nature nurture the soul and fill it with life: the

    sun, the moon, the stars, winds, fire and heat, cold and chill, dew and rain, ice and snow, light and darkness, lightening

    and clouds, mountains and hills, seas and rivers, plants and animals. Each of these can trigger special memories and

    special joys, if we stay awake to them.

    We need to let nature touch more of our bodies and our souls, both for our spiritual health and for our health in general.

    For something to be real it has to be real!

    Used with permission of the author. Oblate Father Ron Rolheiser is a theologian, teacher, and award-winning

    author, and is President of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, TX. He can be contacted through his

    website Reprinted from May 20, 2012.

  • 6 Learn

    ADORATION: Fridays after 7:00 AM Mass on Fridays.

    BAPTISMS :To register for Baptism, stop in or call the Parish

    month at 7:30 PM. You may attend this parent meeting either

    before or after the baby is born. Baptisms take place on the 2


    and 4


    Sundays of the month at 1:30 PM or at

    Mass by arrangement. You will confirm the date for Baptism by attending the Baptism Preparation Meeting.

    FUNERALS: Please call the Parish Ministry Center Office to make arrangements.

    MARRIAGES: Please do not reserve your banquet hall before confirming the date with the church. Set your date

    by calling the Parish Office as early as possible as you plan your wedding—at least 6 months before the wedding.

    Weddings take place on Saturdays at 2:00 PM. Weekdays and Sundays must be arranged individually.

    RECONCILIATION: Saturdays after 4:30 PM Mass or by appointment.

    SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: Please call the Parish Ministry Center Office to make arrangements for a priest to


    Call the Parish Office 847-885-7700, ext.102 for further questions or to make arrangements.

    Sacramental Life

    Have you wondered about the gifts and power of the

    Holy Spirit and longed for the Lord to use you

    in greater ways to touch the lives of others for Him?

    A Life in the Spirit Seminar

    is a course that helps Christians find a fuller, deeper

    relationship with the Holy Spirit. The seminars provide

    teachings, small groups, and prayer and worship.

    This Life in the Spirit Seminar is a series of six talks at

    St. Hubert Church

    729 Grand Canyon St, Hoffman Estates

    on Friday nights from March 6 thru Apr 17

    8 – 10 PM

    (Parish Stations of the Cross begins at 7 PM)

    Best of all, it’s FREE!

    See the list of session dates below:

    Friday, March 6 – God’s Love

    Friday, March 13 – Salvation

    Friday, March 20 – The New Life

    Friday, March 27 – Receiving God’s Gifts

    Friday, April 3 – Prayer for the Release of the Spirit

    Friday, April 17 – Growth/Transformation

    in the Spirit

    Sponsored by New Jerusalem Prayer Group

    For more info or to register contact

    Judi Stein at 847609-5785 or

    Please join us for our

    Lenten Multi-parish Communal Reconciliation Service with Individual Confession on

    Tuesday, March 31


    at 7:00 PM at

    St. Matthew Church , 1001 E. Schaumburg Road, Schaumburg, IL 60194

  • Learn 7

    7:30 PM

  • 8 Learn

    For widowed men and women.

    Come and find ways to move toward

    inner peace and new hope in life. Joyful

    Again! Widowed Ministry presents a

    Retreat/workshop for widowed men &

    women. All are welcome.

    Joyful Again! Widowed Ministry Program

    P. O. Box 1365, La Grange Park, IL 60526-9465

    Ph: 1-708-354-7211 *

    Go to Website to view Short

    Video about our program.

    Important: Register early, space is limited .

    March 14 & 15

    Our Lady of the Angels House of Prayer

    (Mt. Assisi Center Bldg.)

    13820 Main St., Lemont, IL (Near Cog Hill)

    Overnight accommodations available on premises.

    June 27 & 28

    St. Julie’s Parish in Tinley Park, IL

    (Near Harlem Ave. and 159



    No overnight available.

    Archdiocese of Chicago, Vicariate 1 Deanery DEF

    Ministry Commission Presents…


    Saturday, March 21, 2020

    St. Collette Parish Center

    3900 Meadow Drive

    Rolling Meadows, Illinois 60008

    Program Presenter: Amy Florian:

    Amy is a dynamic speaker,

    professor, author, and


    bereavement consultant and grief

    coach helping people who are

    grieving a life-changing loss.

    Amy holds a Master’s Degree in

    Pastoral studies and a Fellow in

    Thanatology. (The highest level of certification in the

    field of death and grief studies)

    8:30 AM Registration, continental breakfast

    9-12 PM The Catholic View of Death, the

    Grief Process, and Communicating

    with the Bereaved

    12-12:30 PM Lunch

    12:30-2 PM Planning the Funeral Rites and

    Structuring a Bereavement Ministry

    2-2:30 PM Additional Q & A, evaluations,


    Registration: You MUST contact Lynn Howard at or call 847-885-7700,

    ext. 113 for individual discernment prior to

    registering for this workshop at

    Registration CLOSES March 14, 2020 - No

    registrations after this date and no walk-ins


    Details: Please bring your own brown-bag lunch.

    Beverages will be provided. Bring paper and pen to take

    personal notes.

    Directions: Parish Center building is located at 3940

    Pheasant Drive. St. Colette campus is located west of

    Illinois route 53, between West Central and Kirchhoff

    Roads: 847-394-8100

    Prayer Shawl Ministry Meets

    this Sunday!

    Join us at 1:15 PM this Sunday

    in the Dorothy day Room of the Parish

    Ministry Center. We welcome new


  • Wednesday,

    March 4

    7:00—8:45 PM


    Feed My Starving Children

    for all teens in grades 7-12

    Totally Awesome Get-Together for Teens

    Serve 9

    To Be Joyful Again is a

    nondenominational support

    group for widows, widowers,

    or anyone else who has lost a

    significant other, meets the 1


    and 3


    Thursday of every month at 7:00 PM at

    Holy Family Parish, 2515 Palatine Road,

    Inverness. Come get the support you need in this

    difficult time. All are welcome.

    Please contact Pat at 847-985-4624 or Bob at

    847-438-2884 for more information.

    Save The Date / Spring Blood Drive

    St. Hubert Church will be holding

    our annual Spring Blood Drive on

    Sunday, March 22, 2020 from

    8:00 AM to 2:00 PM in the Lower

    Level of Church.

    Every two seconds someone

    needs blood. You have an

    opportunity to support life in our community at the

    upcoming blood drive. Please give area patients

    strength, hope and courage. Donate blood, support

    life. It is very rewarding to know that you have the

    power to impact lives.

    To schedule an appointment, contact Vitalant at or call 847-543-3768 and use code

    STO. Life source is now Vitalant.

    Our Teens are Doing

    Amazing Things

    What a lot of us don’t realize are the incredible acts

    of kindness and goodness that take place in our

    parish week after week, often silent and unseen.

    We have parishioners giving other parishioners a

    Helping Hand—anything from companionship to

    shoveling a walkway to giving someone a lift to


    Our Job Ministry program is actively helping people

    in the Chicagoland area build up their resumes,

    interviewing skills, and networks to get them back

    to work.

    And our teens are involved, too. They’re actively

    doing works of service. Just this past week, almost

    40 teens made blankets to give to children at St.

    Alexius Children’s hospital. They also donated

    blankets to the Prayer Shawl ministry to offer to

    someone in a wheelchair warmth and comfort.

    Those of you who stopped by the Prayer Shawl table

    last Sunday (another incredible ministry) may have

    noticed them and even took one to pass it on.

    This past November, 6


    graders went shopping and

    prepared a box of food so a family in need could

    enjoy a thanksgiving dinner.

    And just a few weeks ago, the same group prepared a

    meal to serve at the local PADS shelter for the


    Our teens are empowered to do these things,

    because our parishioners are giving their own time

    to instill it within them along with their families.

    We have an incredibly generous community of faith!

    It’s good to be a part of it.

    —Fr. Mike

    The Community Life

    Food Drive is on March



    & 8


    We have such a wonderful turn

    out of donations every month

    from our parishioners. This has been a great show of

    support for our neighbors who would silently go

    without much if it wasn’t for your help! Most folks are

    just trying to keep their head above water. These are

    the people we should continue to assist. It’s hard to

    spend limited funds on incidentals when food is

    needed. Please keep in mind paper products,

    detergent, shampoo, deodorant and other things you

    yourself find as necessities! (Snacks for the children

    always brings a happy smile!)

    Thank you for all your support!

    Pegi Meegan

  • 10 Serve

  • Serve 11

    $7.00 of each $10.00 ticket sold goes to support school!

    To par�cipate in HoopsMania, simply fill out the order form below. Request the amount of

    �ckets you think you may be able to sell. Tell co�workers, neighbors, family, and friends

    about the fun of HoopsMania! Tickets are sold for $10. Please return a check for the

    amount of �ckets sold with their corresponding stubs. Addi�onal �ckets available while

    supplies last. Please also return any unsold �ckets at no cost. Now, simply enjoy March

    Madness games star�ng March 17, 2020. Please take this order form to the school or parish

    office to get your �ckets today! Or purchase online: ��

    Family Name:__________________________________________________�

    #of Tickets Requested:___________________________________________�

    Email and Phone:____________________________�

    Your game card is randomly assigned 8 teams (2 teams from each region) that will play in

    college basketball's na�onal championship tournament in March. The teams are

    represented by their seed numbers and regions in the tournament. All cards have seeds 1

    thru 8 so everyone has an equal chance of winning. At the end of the tournament, prizes are

    awarded to the 70 game cards whose teams score the most combined total points

    throughout the tournament, and the 5 cards that score the fewest total combined points.

    Teams that have been eliminated from the tournament get zero points in rounds they do

    not play. If two or more game cards are �ed with the same score, the total combined free

    throws made by all teams on the card is used as the primary �ebreaker. See website for complete �ebreaker rules. Minimum odds of winning: 1 in 19

    per card. No purchase necessary to play. Void where prohibited. Sweepstakes ends a?er

    last game. See website for addi�onal details and to view winning

    game cards.

  • 12 Serve

    Resume Review

    March 7

    9:00—11:00 AM

    Church of the Holy

    Spirit 1451 Bode Road

    Schaumburg, IL 60194

    Bring your resume for a one-on-one personal

    evaluation by one of six HR, search, or career

    counselors who will be on hand to give you their

    thoughts and suggestions - bring a friend.

    Reservations are not necessary; feel free to

    stop in during the hours stated above, and sit

    down, individually, with a Human Resources or

    search professional for a 20-minute resume

    review. There will be six professionals on hand

    and one will provide you with suggestions and

    guidelines regarding your resume.

    Acing the Job Interview

    March 9, 7:00—9:00 PM

    Parish Ministry Center

    This presentation focuses on improving

    interview skills. Our speaker, Gene Flynn

    (Presenter for Job Search Topics), will look at

    specific interview questions and discuss how

    weak answers can hurt your chances, while

    strong answers can build your credibility and

    establish rapport with the hiring manager.

    Topics include: understanding the

    added value you bring to a

    position, building credibility by

    using concrete examples of past

    behavior, dealing with tough

    interview questions, and addressing negative

    assumptions that are made about you.

    For questions regarding St. Hubert Job Ministry

    events, contact Mike Ritter, Co-Coordinator, at


    Whether you are a newcomer to the Saint

    Hubert Job Support Group or one of our

    members, feel free to attend the meeting, for

    job seekers, which precedes our regular

    Monday meeting where you can sit in and learn

    from the questions and answers of others. Stop

    in to the Job Seeker’s Exchange, 6:00—7:00

    PM, prior to the start of our regular meeting.

    St. Hubert Parish

    Lenten Service Project

    Wednesday, March 4, 6:00-7:30 PM

    740 Wiley Farm Court, Schaumburg

    Lent is the forty-day liturgical season of fasting,

    prayer and almsgiving in preparation for Easter.

    Each year, we try to find creative ways to make

    Lent a memorable one. It is more than just

    giving up something that you will simply return

    to at the end of 40 days. During this time, we

    are called to grow deeper in our relationship

    with God and become ever closer with Him on

    our earthly pilgrimage. What better way to begin

    than to give of yourself for others.

    Join our parish as we answer God’s call to feed

    the hungry and serve those in need. We

    encourage families to volunteer together.

    As a volunteer, you will:

    • Engage world hunger

    • Make a tangible impact

    • Experience the incredible joy of turning

    hunger into hope with your own two


    • Experience a genuine and meaningful

    service opportunity

    • Learn what hunger looks like

    • See first-hand the stories of precious

    children whose lives have been saved

    and given futures filled with HOPE

    because of the nutritious meals YOU


    You must register online to reserve your spot.

    Space is limited, so register now:


    See for age restrictions and additional

    volunteer details.

    If you have any questions, please contact

    Deacon Allen:

  • Serve 13

    Rev. Mike Scherschel (Pastor)………………………………….Ext. 106…..…………

    Rev. Robert C. Rizzo (Pastor Emeritus)

    Pat Aschom (Pastoral Secretary)……………………...…...Ext. 104………….……………………………

    Deacon Steve Baldasti ............................. ………………………………………………………………….……

    Deacon Dick & Sandy Lawson .................. ………...Ext. 105……….………………..…………....

    Deacon Allen & Stephanie Tatara ............. ………...Ext. 114..…………………….…………………

    Teresa McCutchan (Business Manager)…..………...Ext. 111…………………….……………

    Marie Staffa (Ministry Coordinator) ........... ………...Ext.124…….……………………………………

    Ed Magistrado (Director of Music)……….…………………..Ext. 108………………………………

    Michael Keenan (Director Religious Ed.)……………...847-885-7703………………….……

    Stephanie Tatara (Youth Ministry Coordinator)….Ext. 114……………………………………………

    Karyn Weiland (Bulletin Editor & Webmaster)…...Ext. 119………………..…….……………


    Monday - Thursday ........... 9:00AM - 8:00PM

    Friday ............................... 9:00AM - 4:00PM

    (Closed for lunch 12:00 - 1:00PM)

    Saturday ........................... 9:00AM - 1:30PM

    Sunday ............................. 9:00AM - 1:30PM

    PARISH OFFICE ……………847-885-7700 Ext. 102 FAX…...847-885-4631






    Sexual Abuse .................................... 800-994-6200

    Financial Misconduct ......................... 866-294-5256

    ST. HUBERT SCHOOL ................... 847-885-7702

    Kelly Bourrell ......................................... Principal

    Stephanie Wizniak ................. Assistant Principal

    Fax ............................................... 847-885-0604


    Parish Contacts

    Helping Hands Ministry

    Story 2

    The Helping Hands Ministry continues to enrich my

    life through the friendships made while assisting

    others. One such memory is that of a parishioner

    who requested help running errands and yard work

    as she was physically and visually impaired. A trip to

    the grocery store or pharmacy turned into a friendly

    visit. Being homebound, this senior was longing for

    human interaction and companionship. I recall

    pulling weeds in her front yard as she sat outside in

    a chair to watch and talk. Thus, our visits evolved

    into a deep friendship. When she passed, another

    helping hands volunteer and I were asked to help

    select and read passages at her funeral service. I’m

    not sure who benefitted most from this relationship.

    What a gift!


    St. Hubert Men’s

    Golf League

    Invites you to join them

    on Thursdays at

    Bartlett Hills Golf Club

    ● All skill levels welcome—matches are flighted,

    pairing golfers of similar abilities!

    ● Weekly after-play get-togethers in the clubhouse!

    ● Year-end banquet and tournament for recognition

    and prizes!

    ● Tee-off between 3:30 PM and 5:00 PM, April

    through August!

    ● USGA calculated handicaps are provided free for

    all golfers!

    ● Website updated weekly with current statistics and


    ● A gentlemen’s league, competitive and social!

    For information, contact:

    Bill McGloon, League President at 847-606-8588

    2020 team assignments are made in March,

    Don’t delay!

    Calling all


  • 14 Calendar

    For the most up to date information, please check the website calendar.

  • For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. Hubert Church, Hoffman Estates, IL B 4C 01-0627

    Bathrooms Windows

    Siding Electrical

    Kitchens Plumbing

    Painting Tiling

    Floors Doors

    Ken Linnemann

    224/875-5112FULLY INSURED

    Plote Construction Inc.1100 Brandt Drive

    Hoffman Estates, IL 60192

    (847) 695-9300



    Heating • PlumbingAir Conditioning

    “All Your Service Needs”

    10% Off Labor With This Coupon847-895-3430


    Chips, Cracks & Scratches

    Repaired Without Replacement

    847-885-9378Roger Blankenheim - Parish Member

    estate PlanningIf you have provided for St. Hubert in your will, please let us know by contacting Father Mike. Persons interested in including the parish in their will, or questions about how to make a bequest to St. Hubert or to any other archdiocesan program and/or institution, please call the parish office, 847.885.7700, or contact directly:

    Rich Goode • 225 S. Aberdeen Street, Chicago, IL 60607 • 312.655.7848

    To have Richard Goode contact you, complete the form below and drop it off at the Parish Office.

    Name: ____________________________________________________________Phone (home): ______________________________________________________Best time to call: _____________________________________________________Phone (work): ______________________________________________________ Comments: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

    To include St. Hubert in your will, the correct legal designation is:Catholic Bishop of Chicago - A Corporation Sole, For the use and benefit of St. Hubert

    To include St. Hubert in your will, the correct legal designation is:Catholic Bishop of Chicago - A Corporation Sole, For the use and benefit of St. Hubert

    Asthma& Allergy


    Mark Miller, M.D.Parishioner

    455 S. Roselle Rd.,Suite 206 • Schaumburg


    Contact George Velazquez to place an ad today!

    or (800) 950-9952 x2631


    Since 19804 Generations of Plumbers

    Repairs & Remodeling • Water Heaters Disposals • Sump Pumps • Rodding

    847-253-9181Rob Ryan - Kevin Ryan

    IL LIC # PL16019 LIC # 055-012918

    Ask for the Parish Discount! Additional Discount For Senior

    Citizens 55 Years or Older!3.5% Credit Card Convenience Fee

    The Fabbrini FamilyParishioners since 1962Toll free: 888-885-2000Local: 847-885-2000

    Dr. Amelia Aristodemo

    For all New and Existing Patients

    $100.................... GIFT CERTIFICATE

    ....................... $100


    435 South Roselle Road Schaumburg, IL 60193


  • For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. Hubert Church, Hoffman Estates, IL A 4C 01-0627


    Tom Corcoran(847) 397-5888

    or visit us on the web at

    Attorneys And Counsellors At Law

    John P. Kelley (1931-2009) William F. Kelley Matthew X. Kelley

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    RESTAURANTDine In • Carryout • Catering • Banquets

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    Schaumburg, IL 60193

    847.891.7777 • Fax: 847.891.0726


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    Alzheimer’s Care neighborhoods. Dedicated to enriching the lives of those we serve with

    compassion, respect, excellence and integirty.

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    Memory Care • Respite CareHourly Care

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    Family Legacyof Care


    Committed toExcellence

    Contact George Velazquez to place an ad today! or (800) 950-9952 x2631

    PaintingJohn Roberts

    847-544-6990 St. Hubert Parish Member

    Free Estimates