SAINT FRANCIS UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD …...1. Meeting was called to order at 8:05AM by...

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Transcript of SAINT FRANCIS UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD …...1. Meeting was called to order at 8:05AM by...



SATURDAY 10/20/2018: 8:00AM


Attendees: Sharon Hoffman (President); Bob Gillespie (Vice-President); Gerry Ferrin

(Treasurer); Fred Sauers (Secretary); Eric Horell (Director: Alumni Engagement); Tim Hamilton,

David Kozak, Elisha Fleig, Rita Mullin, Tibbins Gunsallus, Mollie Rovnak, Noah Langer, Irene

Langer, Nancy McCreary Waters, Anthony Sanford, Barrie Brancato, Bryce Cossitor

Guests: Bev Pavlick-Russell, Ann Clarke, Jean Rogers (Board of Trustees)

Phone: Anita Baumann, Michael Vaughn, Kristin Repin, Jeannette Burrell

Absent: Kyle Driscoll, Theresa Horner, Maria Pellegrino-Yokitis, John Yokitis


1. Meeting was called to order at 8:05AM by Sharon Hoffman and began with an opening

prayer led by Bob Gillespie

2. Sharon led with opening remarks relative to general housekeeping, mileage sheets,

celebration of this year’s homecoming weekend, women’s athletics and a brief reminder about

the upcoming Strategic Planning meeting set for Saturday 11/3/18.

3. Sharon also introduced our guests at this meeting including Bev Pavlick-Russell, Ann Clarke

and Jean Rogers from the Universities “Board of Trustees”. We then began the introductions of

all the new BOD members this year (bold blue above) and the remaining members of the

current Board.

4. The BOD then heard a special presentation from Ms. Jean Rogers from the SFU “Board of

Trustees” regarding their request for the Alumni Associations (AA) help with recruiting and

enrollment at SFU. Ms. Rogers has a long and continuing family history with the University and

is part of a major University initiative to help secure the stability & longevity of SFU through

efforts to attract and enroll new students for decades to come. She presented many

demographic data concerning the projected student populations on which SFU can draw

enrollments and the financial implications of tuition costs, financial aid and earnings potential

of graduating students. She also discussed all the accolades the University has received over the

years, all of which can be used in the marketing, promotion and recruiting efforts the school

sponsors through the year. Ms. Rogers outlined several areas where the AA can assist with this


initiative including college fairs, promotions by the university, internships, etc. Her presentation

was both informative and a “wake-up” call of sort to all SFU Alumni who can most certainly

help make this a successful campaign for years to come. An attachment with the summary

overview of her presentation is available for all to review and contemplate. There are also

attachments that include the Pennsylvania and USA territory maps which have SFU contact

information pointing to who can be reached if Alumni would be willing to help with the effort.

5. The minutes from the 7/27/2018 meeting were reviewed and approved with one minor

change. The minutes are attached for Alumni review as “SFUAABOD Meeting Minutes


6. A Treasurer’s Report for the FY 7/1/2018 thru 6/30/2019 was explained by Eric Horell.

Several issues were raised to improve the budgeting process. Attention needs to be paid to the

budget preparation process, timing and approval schedule prior to the FY beginning. It was

recommended that this all start with the Spring BOD meeting and have it approved prior to the

July BOD meeting. Attention also needs to be paid to the accounting process for “revenue

deferral” for the Alumni Weekend registration that starts prior to the FY beginning. Lastly Eric

has made a request that the BOD reconsider the “Travel Reimbursement” policy as currently

outlined in the By-laws (Article II: Section 6). All these discussions & decisions need to take

place prior to the Spring BOD meeting so they can be implemented next year. The BOD voted to

accept the report as-is but with the understating that these issues are still to be resolved. An

attachment of the budget report is available for review.

7. Eric Horell then presented a new program called the “Student Alumni Association”. There is

an attachment for review that explains the new program. This proposal is looked at as an

excellent approach to help increase and maintain interest & enrolment in the AA by all current

SFU students. This “Student Association” will not be part of the Alumni Association but will be

linked to it as it will be run by the students themselves. Eric is now at the launch phase of its

introduction and has requested $1000.00 “seed money” to help kick it off. The request was

voted on and approved by the BOD. Eric has also requested that any Alumni who have

recommendations and suggestions on how to expand or improve this “student focused”

process, please send that information directly to him so he can forward it to the student


8. Eric Horell then reviewed the AA Membership Report for 2017-2018 and 2018-2019.

Noteworthy is that membership has dropped from 1500 Alumni to 1289 Alumni over that

period. Of the 19,000+ alumni the University currently has, that’s only a small fraction (7%) of

the Alumni base that are participating in the AA. This, being one of the main missions of the

BOD to increase our membership and participation on behalf of the school, needs to be

addressed. An attachment is available for review.


9. Eric Horell then presented the final attendance report of this year’s Alumni Weekend held

7/26/18 thru 7/29/18. The facts and figures show this to be a resounding success with

increased participation, positive survey responses and many favorable comments about the

weekend. The resultant discussion by the BOD was focused on how we can encourage more

Alumni to attend, why do Alumni choose not to come and how to clarify that the annual AA

meeting that is held that weekend is for ALL SFU Alumni, not just the BOD. Hopefully we can

increase the attendance at that meeting since there are so many Alumni and their families

already on campus that weekend. Lastly there was also a suggestion to possibly begin a “Silver

Anniversary” (25 year) celebration in addition to the current “Golden Anniversary (50 years)

celebration as part of our Alumni recognition process. An attachment is available for review.

10. The BOD then reviewed the upcoming events being planned for the school year. These

events will now be posted on the AA website for all Alumni to review. Emphasis was placed on

our next meeting on 11/3 where we will continue with our “Strategic Planning” exercise. All

BOD members are asked to try and attend this discussion. It will be a full day event (9-3) and

will be facilitated by Bruce Nilson. Further information will be sent out by Sharon & Eric prior to

this meeting. Please don’t forget to answer the five questions Bruce has presented as part of

the meeting agenda that the BOD will receive shortly.

11. The BOD also discussed the upcoming “Saint Nick at SFU” event for the kids that is

scheduled for 12/1/2018 at 4:00PM at the JFK Center. There is an attachment for review and a

request for volunteers to help with the program. All who are interested can contact Kristin

Repin for more information.

12. Fred Sauers then reviewed changes to the Alumni Association website that will allow for

improved communications and document reviews by all SFU Alumni. This is in response to

survey requests to improve communication with the Alumni population. Working with Eric

Horell, we will expand our subfolders to include a “Message from the President”, a listing of all

upcoming “Alumni Association Events”, all BOD “meeting minutes” and attachments for

Alumni review and then a new link to “Contact the Alumni Association BOD” with questions,

comments or suggestions to help the Alumni community and the University initiatives. We also

discussed how to get the “profiles & pictures” of each of the Board members to help explain

who we are and what our interests with University are. This is also in response to several survey

comments requesting that background information.

13. The BOD considered a request by Bob Gillespie to approve granting “Emerita Status” for Lisa

Hartmann. After some discussion on the request, it was decided to delay a vote on this until

Bob can present his nomination to the BOD so all understand his rational for the submission.


14. The last item for the BOD was regarding Specific Action Items that Sharon has requested we

all complete prior to the 11/3 meeting. They are as follows:

1. Need suggestions on what each BOD member considers our two main goals for this

year. The request is that they are centered around increasing AA memberships and SFU

enrollment. This information will be used to help drive the Strategic Planning session

and agenda.

2. Need new suggestions for Alumni Weekend 2019 “themes”.

3. Need volunteers for AA committees. Please provide your interest lists to Sharon so

that the committee memberships can be finalized.







1. Reach out to the SFU Admissions Counselor assigned to your area and offer your help

2. Assist at a College Fair in your area

College Fairs are set up by the local counties/school districts to help promote higher

education. Representatives will have a table to distribute SFU material and speak

about their institution to prospective students.

3. Host a Regional Reception—used to generate interest for those who wish to apply to SFU or to help influence their decision to attend SFU. In addition to the alum, enrollment staff, current students and other university staff will participate in these events. Receptions can be hosted in the alum’s home or a public venue.

4. Call or email prospective students with your major.

5. Interview prospective students that live further away. These meetings take place at Starbucks, Panera, other public places

6. Visit your local high school to make sure they know about SFU. Make sure they have

current materials.

7. Host a reception for accepted students in your area.

8. Assist the Enrollment Management Office in identifying/connecting alumni that have

teenage kids getting ready to look at colleges

9. Set up an internship or clinical rotation at your work for a current student

10. Offer to have a current student “shadow” you at work

11. Offer to be a mentor to a current student

12. Set up a “micro” scholarship at your local high school to offset the cost of books, computer, tech fees, etc. (example--$500 + for 4 years)


13. Establish a scholarship at your local school to assist with SFU tuition

14. Familiarize yourself with how much SFU has evolved since you graduated and all of the

accolades* that it has received and BRAG about it to anyone who will listen! Spread the

word about the #1 Nursing Program in PA with five years of 100% pass rates on their

Boards, tout the amazing things happening in the Shields School of Business, advertise

the innovative things being done with drumming therapy and occupational therapy,

inform them that Kiplinger Personal Finance has named SFU one of the 300 Best

College Values of 2018—a “hidden treasure”, enlighten them that our Health Sciences

Program is #5 in the nation, apprise them of the fact that Money Magazine named us in

the top 13% of “Best Colleges”, inform them that SFU was named a 2018 Military

Friendly School by Victory Media, and that has given us a A+ Safety Rating.

Add to all that an amazing faculty and small class size and a great employment/grad

school record after graduation!!

*For more information about all of the rankings and distinctions that SFU has this year,

see page 18 of the latest St. Francis University Magazine.




Saint Francis University Alumni Association

Board of Directors Meeting

Friday, July 28, 2018

Raymond Hall Conference Room 125

9:00 A.M.

Meeting Minutes

Present:, Lisa Hartmann, President, Derek Markle, Vice-President, Maryanne Kastriba,

Secretary; Kristin Boose Repin, Treasurer, Maria Pellegrino-Yokitis, John Yokitis, Elisha Fleig,

Maryann O’Leary, Jeannette Burrell, David Kozak, Evan Hutton, Michael Vaughen, Gerry

Ferrin; Theresa Horner; Kathy Kross, Sharon Hoffman, Fred Sauers, Eric Horell

Conference call in: Tibbins Gunsallus, Bob Gillespie, Cullen Frye,

Absent: Kyle Driscoll; Pablo Medina, Irene Boyle, Joel Grosso, Bryce Cossitor, Barrie Brancato

1. Welcome: Meeting was called to order at 9:04 p.m. by Lisa Hartmann

2. Maryanne Kastriba lead the opening prayer

3. Eric Explained T-Shirt pickup for board members for the weekend

4. Minutes from the April 29th meeting had been emailed to the board. There was a motion

to approve the minutes by Dave Kozak with a second by Sharon Hoffman. Motion


5. There was not a Treasurer’s Report

6. Membership Report, as of the meeting there are 1500 total members of the Alumni


7. Budget

a. We have stayed close to budget this year

b. Have been asked to tighten up more

c. Any leftover money rolls over to the next year

d. Dues and Alumni Weekend are the source of income

e. Discounts are applied to weekend fees if dues are paid by the weekend

8. Committee Reports

a. Survey Committee


i. Elisha Fleig and Cullen Frye stated that the committee opted for a short

survey on Sunday using hyperlink/QR Code to be placed in the dorms and


ii. The survey will be short with questions on the weekend, in hopes there

will be many returned

iii. The longer survey will be emailed later (at least 2 weeks) asking for ways

to improve

iv. Using Bio Info to see what attracts the age groups for events

v. Both surveys should capture the best of both worlds

vi. Elisha showed the QR Code done on the hyperlink as everything will be


b. Nominating Committee

i. Only 2 submissions

ii. There was confusion with when there was to be submission

iii. 10 spots open for the board—2 applied, 2 opted for re-election, 6 spots left

to fill to complete the 24 spots needed for the board

iv. Info was sent out to the association asking for nominations and a list was

gone over looking for possibilities

v. Dave Kozak asked Cullen Frye if he would consider returning to the

board—Cullen didn’t commit

vi. Sharon Hoffman questioned why so many board members dropped off

1. Discussion of issue of lack of criteria of board responsibilities

2. Discussed also a survey of the outgoing board

3. John Yokitis commented that we shouldn’t be twisting arms for

people to stay on or join the board.

4. Kathy Kross reiterated the lack of change and engagement of the

board/not moving forward

5. Maria Pellegrino-Yokitis said we need to do more to make an

impact and people should be competing to be on the board

6. Also members discussed the relationship between the school and

the board

7. Would there be a void if the Board disbanded

8. The clubs help with the association awareness

9. Eric Horell Responded

a. Goal to get the Board involved

b. Get updates on Strategic Planning

c. Possibly meet on the Strategic Planning before the board


10. Elisha motioned and John seconded with the motion approved that

there be non or past board members as part of the Strategic

Planning—was reiterated by Kristin Boose Repin

11. Decisions forthcoming

9. Alumni Weekend Update

a. As of Wednesday there were 447 people registered for the weekend

b. On Friday Morning there were about 475 registered, up from 5 years ago


c. It’s the first year of paperless registration, saved on postage

d. Review of Board Service slots

e. Pray for Fr. Terrance Henry’s health

f. 50/50 raffle will only be for the money due to safety issues with hitting the button

for the fireworks

g. Brooklyn Summers will be the representative for the bus trip

h. Kathy Kross said more help would be welcome with the Grotto clean-up

i. The Annual Alumni Meeting will be on Saturday, July 29th at 10:30

10. Upcoming Events

a. Fall Homecoming – October 20

i. Tailgating will be at Alumni Tent Before Game at Upper JFK Lot

ii. Possibility of Additional Events Friday Night or after Saturday Game

iii. Parade is at 11:00 am before the game

iv. Environmental Engineering Department 10 year anniversary—sponsoring

ice cream bar

v. Kickoff is at 12:00 Noon against Duquesne

b. University and Advancement Events

i. August 25 - Freshman Ice Cream Social

ii. September 9 – Football Alumni/Martynuska Scholarship Celebration

iii. September 15 - President’s Reception at Norm & Mary Rishi’s home,

Murrysville, PA

iv. September 16 - Wrestling Reunion on campus

v. October 6 - Founders Day

vi. October 14 - Possible Advancement Event

vii. October 19 - School of Business Mentorship Day

viii. October 20 - Homecoming

ix. November 19 - University of North Carolina Basketball Reception

x. December 7 - Pittsburgh Christmas Reception at the Omni William Penn

c. Fall Concert Series

i. The Vogues, September 30, Family Weekend

ii. Grease Singalong, October 20, Homecoming

iii. SFU Band Blast, November 25, Thanksgiving Weekend

iv. White Christmas, December 1

v. Note: Alumni Association Members get early purchase

d. Santa Event

i. This will be coordinated with the President’s Office

ii. Motion made by Kristin Boose Repin to have the event December 1,

seconded by Dave Kozak, motion passed

iii. HR will see that Alumni can get cleared to work with children

1. Background Check will be handled by SFU

2. Need a volunteer agreement

3. Volunteers must watch an online video about protecting minors

4. There is a lead for a Santa actor

5. Venue will be the final major consideration


11. Alumni Clubs Report

a. The Pittsburgh Club met for Mass at St. Patrick’s Church (oldest in diocese)

b. 30 People attended

c. Had dinner afterward

12. New Business

a. Association Officers

i. Sharon Hoffman, President

ii. Bob Gillespie, Vice President

iii. Fred Saurers, Secretary

iv. Jerry Ferrin, Treasurer

b. Terming off board members were thanked for their service

c. Frank Subasic asked about telecompting, and Eric is looking into it

d. Discussion of setting meetings for Winter and Spring, Winter meeting could be in

conjunction with the Turning The Tassel event

13. Sharon Hoffman, incoming president requested ideas

a. Discussion of October strategic planning meeting – Eric will be there to guide

through the meeting

b. There is a request to be on the Board of Trustees – discussion of what other

universities do

c. Some frustration with the Office of Advancement not attending the meeting

d. Theresa Horner said we need to move forward

e. It was reiterated that exit surveys need to be given to outgoing and current board

members to include successes and challenges

i. Elisha Fleig motioned for the survey be given and Maryanne Kastriba

seconded, motion passed

f. Meeting Dates for 2018-2019 were given

i. Board orientation is October 19

ii. Fall Meeting is October 20 from 8:00 am to 9:30 am

iii. Winter Meeting will be determined around a basketball double header and

will be announced as soon as SEC posts schedule

iv. Spring Meeting is not scheduled yet

g. Association Social Dates

i. Away football game at Robert Morris on October 27

ii. Basketball date will be a double header once schedule is given

h. Further discussion on Strategic Planning update—what are the roles and


14. Announcements

a. Eric Horrell thanked the entire board for their work

b. Lisa Hartman thanked the board for the support during her tenure as president

Lisa Hartman motioned for adjournment, Evan Hutton seconded. Meeting was adjourned at

11:18 am.



2018-2019 BUDGET

Saint Francis University National Alumni Association 18-19 Proposed Budget

Board of Directors Meeting Saturday, October 20, 2018

Raymond Hall Conference Room, 8:00 a.m.

17-18 Actual 17-18 Budget 18-19 Actual Proposed 18-19


Athletic Advertising 0.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00

Service Charges 3,965.37 3,500.00 1,759.46 4,000.00

Gifts & Awards 500.00 500.00 0.00 500.00

Hospitality 537.50 3,500.00 1,283.75 3,500.00

Alumni Clubs 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00

Postage 2,805.95 5,000.00 573.70 3,000.00

Design 2,340.80 6,000.00 0.00 3,000.00

Print Contracted 7,117.92 5,000.00 0.00 7,000.00

Scholarship 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Special Projects 0.00 500.00 0.00 1,000.00

Alumni Weekend 71,225.11 93,000.00 51,355.92 85,000.00

Travel Reimbursement 7,607.87 5,000.00 1,210.99 7,500.00

Travel Toward Scholarship 3,026.10 5,000.00 2,202.00 2,500.00

TOTAL 99,126.62 129,500.00 58,885.82 119,000.00

Budgeted 17-18 Income Current 18-19 IncomeAlumni Weekend 93,000.00 Alumni Weekend 76,044.59

Membership Dues 49,946.00 Membership Dues 29,525.13

TOTAL 142,946.00 TOTAL 105,569.72

Actual 17-18 Income Projected 18-19 IncomeAlumni Weekend 89,854.40 Alumni Weekend 76,044.59

Membership Dues 30,339.52 Membership Dues 30,339.52

TOTAL 120,193.92 TOTAL 106,384.11


Attachment 4

Student Alumni Association Proposal



The Student Alumni Association (SAA) is a dedicated group of current students who help

build positive relationships among students, the University, and its alumni. SAA works closely

with and is advised by the Office of Alumni Engagement and is associated with the Saint Francis

University Alumni Association.


To establish the value of lifelong bonds with the University, to assist in connecting

current students with alumni, and to increase student awareness and understanding of the Alumni


Membership Standards

In order to remain a member in good standing, all participants must pay either a yearly

membership fee or a lifetime membership fee, which will cover their entire undergraduate career

at the University. There is no time requirement for members, although they are encouraged to

take part in alumni activities to take full advantage of their membership.


Membership Levels

Entry Level Membership

Yearly Cost: $15

Four-Year Cost (freshmen only): $50 ($10 savings across 4 years)


Future SFU Alum t-shirt

Invitation to the homecoming alumni tent

Invitation to the alumni basketball doubleheader

Student volunteer opportunities with alumni

Premium Level Membership

Yearly Cost: $25

Four-Year Cost (freshmen only): $80 ($20 savings across 4 years)


Future SFU Alum t-shirt

Invitation to the homecoming alumni tent

Invitation to the alumni basketball doubleheader

Student volunteer opportunities with alumni

An alumni mentor who will be matched with you

Deck of custom SFU playing cards and entry into Frankie’s 52 contest


Frequently Asked Questions


The fee supports the SAA’s exclusive gear provided to its members as well as your class’s

graduation gift.


Students can join online through the link (TBD).


All SAA meetings are completely optional for members, but attendance is highly encouraged so

that members can connect with one another and have a voice in forming the SAA.


Depends on which membership plan you choose. Yearly memberships last for one academic

year. Four-year memberships last for the entirety of your undergraduate career.


You would have to join each year if you choose an Annual SAA membership but not if you

choose a four-year membership.


Your four-year membership will be extended until you have finished your undergraduate degree,

and you will not be charged for the additional semesters.


Any current undergraduate student at Saint Francis University can join. There are no restrictions

based on class, major, GPA, residential status, or full-time versus part-time status.


Proposed Funding Plan

Start-up budget: $1,000 seed money from the Alumni Association

Entry Level Membership

Yearly Cost: $15

Four-Year Cost (freshmen only): $50 ($10 savings across 4 years)

Yearly costs:

$5 goes toward class gift

Future SFU Alum t-shirt: up to $10

Invitation to the homecoming alumni tent: covered by office

Invitation to the alumni basketball doubleheader: covered by office

Student volunteer opportunities with alumni: no cost

Premium Level Membership

Yearly Cost: $25

Four-Year Cost (freshmen only): $80 ($20 savings across 4 years)



$5 goes toward class gift

Future SFU Alum t-shirt: up to $10

Invitation to the homecoming alumni tent: cost covered by office

Invitation to the alumni basketball doubleheader: cost covered by office

Student volunteer opportunities with alumni: no cost

An alumni mentor who will be matched with you: no cost

Deck of custom SFU playing cards and entry into Frankie’s 52 contest—See details on

next page.

Frankie’s 52

Frankie’s 52 would be a new tradition at Saint Francis University that would promote

Saint Francis spirit, general University affinity, and an early, fun connection with the Office of

Alumni Engagement.

Each student who joins at the Premium Level will receive a custom deck of cards. On

each card will be one thing that a student should do before they graduate. Students will have their

entire undergraduate careers to accomplish this. Whenever they accomplish one of the items,

they’re to take a picture and post it to their social media feed (Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook)

with the hashtag “#Frankies52.” No one is currently using this hashtag on any social media


If a student can accomplish all 52 items by the time they graduate, they will receive a

photobook from the Office of Alumni Engagement that contains all of their photos as well as

their captions. The book will serve as a gift from the Office of Alumni Engagement and the

Alumni Association to commemorate all they did at Saint Francis and encourage them to stay

involved in the future as alumni.

As this would be part of the Premium Membership, I anticipate a relatively small number

of students to be involved at the outset, helping maintain costs. Mike DeStefano ’83 gave me

estimates at 50 decks for $440, 100 for $795, 150 for $1,102.5, and 200 for $1,390. Price on

photobooks vary, but most come in between $30 and $40 for an 8”x8” custom book.

We will also put the full Frankie’s 52 on the alumni website for both students and alumni

to view and enjoy. It would be a great touch point for alumni; how many have they done, and

how many are new to them?







Alumni Weekend 2018

Final Report

Board of Directors

Final Number of Attendees: 494

14.4% increase from the previous 5-year benchmark in 2013 (432 attendees).

Reviews of Weekend (Quick Survey)

7 responses

o Low response rate, but worth trying again

Accommodations, registration, appeal of events, and overall weekend

satisfaction received high marks: no negative feedback on those.

Reviews of Weekend (Full Survey)

Most important stat: 96.9% of respondents said they would recommend Alumni

Weekend to other alumni.

96 responses

19.4% response rate for all attendees.

o Does not factor in a response from a couple who attended.

Registration Breakdown

76.8% online

10.5% phone

8.4% mail

4.2% the day of

o 65.2% said that registration was very easy, and another 22.1% said it was

easy (87.3% total).

o Only 4.2% found it somewhat difficult, and no one found it very difficult.


52.6% of alumni learned of AW through electronic means.

o 29.5% through email

o 18.9% through the website

o 4.2% through social media

The next closest were their fellow alumni (15.8%) and the postcard (13.7%).


Highlights from individual events

Overall solid reviews with most events receiving ratings of 4 and 5. You can read

the full report online.

Thursday’s dinner was still well-reviewed, but had the lowest of all meals with

23.3% not enjoying the food.

Friday fireworks: several comments asked for them to be moved back to the JFK

parking lot but, conversely, we had zero complaints from anyone about parking

this year. 8.8% rated the fireworks poorly, while 80.8% ranked them favorably.

Great reviews for van service this year—zero negative reviews.

Library display was poorly reviewed overall: 40% reviewed it negatively, and 30%

reviewed it positively. May not continue in the future with the retirement of our

archives director.

Alumni Association meeting: No reviews above “average.”

Friday Kickoff was very strong: 93.2% of respondents had favorable reviews.

Saturday Dinner was excellent—not a single negative rating!

There were issues with class photos due to dinner running ahead of schedule.

We will adjust photo times to number of speakers in the future.

“Scheduling free time.”

Requests for less overlap and fewer events, which causes its own is




Saint Nick at Saint Francis University

Saturday, December 1, 2018

4:00 to 6:30 PM

JFK Student Center

4:00 – 4:30: Check-in & Registration

Kids will be provided with crayons and coloring pages as they check-in to

entertain themselves while dinner is prepared.

We could have a current student design the coloring pages for the kids.

4:30 – 5:15: Dinner

Kid friendly food: burgers and snacks with hot chocolate and other beverages.

5:00 – 6:30: Craft Stations

3-5 craft and game stations to be decided on later.

Parents must go with children to craft tables to oversee them; volunteers are

there to guide the craft and to provide materials.

5:00 – 6:30: Photos with Santa

Families will be called up by name over PA system. They will have photos taken

in a single pose, but they will be able to get more once all families are through.

Photos will be uploaded to the office’s Flickr account, and a link will be emailed to

the families later.

Volunteer Count

Check-in & Registration and Santa Helpers: 2

Craft & Game Stations: 6-10

I’d feel comfortable holding this event with 8-12 volunteers

Target audience: Minimum of 50 people, max of 100.

Alumni Association Members

Adults: $15

Children (12 - 18): $13

Children (2 – 11): $11

Children under 2: Free


Adults: $18

Children (12 – 18): $16


Children (2 – 11): $13

Children under 2: Free

7:00: Performance of White Christmas (should families decide they wish to attend)

Adult tickets: $20

Student tickets: $7

As White Christmas is a production with a full cast, the tickets are more expensive than

other events from the Fall Band Concert Series. To cover food costs, supplies, and

tickets to the show, we would have to charge adults ~$30, which seems high, especially

when that leaves no room for proceeds to go toward the Alumni Association


Our suggestion is to keep the events separate, but to advertise them as a full evening,

much like we do for Alumni Weekend where there is one brochure but multiple choices

for activities.