Saint Barnabas Roman Catholic Church Iglesia Católica Romana … · tras continuas oraciones....

Post on 24-Mar-2020

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Transcript of Saint Barnabas Roman Catholic Church Iglesia Católica Romana … · tras continuas oraciones....

Saint Barnabas Roman Catholic Church Iglesia Católica Romana San Bernabé

Saint Barnabas Roman Catholic Church Iglesia Católica Romana San Bernabé 109 Crescent Hill Drive PO Box 39, Arden, NC 28704 Telephone: (828) 684‐6098 Fax: (828) 684‐6152

Front Office Hours ‐ Horario de recepción: Mon, Fri: 9:30 am ‐ noon and 1 pm ‐ 4 pm Tues, Thur: 9:30 am ‐ 1 pm Wed: 2 pm ‐ 6 pm

Diocese of Charlo e ‐ Diócesis de Charlo e Most Reverend Peter J. Jugis, J.C.D., Bishop Father Adrian Porras, Pastor Rev. Mr. Frank Moyer, Deacon Rev. Mr. Rudy Triana, Deacon


CONFESSIONS ‐ CONFESIONES Saturday 4:00 pm ‐ 5:00 pm Sunday 7:30 am ‐ 8:00 am

SUNDAY MASSES ‐ MISAS DE DOMINGO Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm, Vigil Mass in English Vigilia del sabado 7:15 pm, Misa de vigilia en español Sunday 8:30 am & 11:00 am in English

HOLY DAY MASSES ‐ MISAS DE DÍA SANTO Vigil and Holy Days (See inside of bulle n)

WEEKDAY MASSES ‐ MISAS ENTRE SEMANA (Check bulle n and web for changes) Monday, Thursday, Friday: Morning Prayer (Lauds) 8:45 am Mass 9:00 am

Wednesday: Evening Prayer (Vespers) 5:45 pm Mass 6:00 pm Benedic on of the Blessed Sacrament 6:45 pm

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT IN THE CHAPEL Monday thru Friday 7 am un l 10 pm Saturday 7 am un l 4 pm Sunday 1 pm un l 10 pm Wednesday in the Church at 6:45 pm

New Parishioners are welcomed and invited to join in our worship and many activities. Please register after Sunday Masses or stop by the office. Parishioners who move are asked to notify the office so we can say a fond farewell and assure you of our continued prayers.

Los nuevos parroquianos son bienvenidos e invitados a unirse a nuestra adoración y otras ac-tividades. Por favor regístrense después de las misas Dominicales o pasen por la oficina. Se les pide a los asistentes que se muden que notifiquen a la ofici-na para que podamos decirle buena suerte y asegurarles nues-tras continuas oraciones.

“St. Barnabas Roman Catholic parish, a welcoming and diverse Eucharistic community of faith and stewardship, empowered by the Holy Spirit and in response to Christ’s call to love and serve one another, seeks to bring all people to the knowledge of and union with God our Father.”

“La parroquia de la Iglesia Católica Romana de San Bernabé, una comunidad eucarística, aco-gedora y diversa de fe y administración, con el poder del Espíritu Santo y en respuesta al llamado de Cristo de amar y servir a los demás, busca llevar a todas las personas al conocimien-to y la unión con Dios nuestro Padre”


   St. Barnabas Catholic Church · Arden, NC

THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM ‐ Bap sms are celebrated on Sundays a er the 11:00 am Mass. Parents must be registered in the Parish and have a ended a Bap smal Prepara on Class, held the 1st Monday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Oscar Romero room, D Hall. Pre‐registra on for this class required. Call the church office to register. Bap‐

sm should be conferred in the first few weeks a er the birth of a child. Godparents must be prac cing Catholics.

EL SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO Catalina González. Tel: 828‐551‐2188. Para pla cas prebau zmal. Primer Domingo de cada mes. 8 am en el Salón San Juan 23. Para claces de adultos. Llamar el mísmo numero. Para los sacramentos: Bau zo, Primera Comunion, y Confirmacíon.

QUINCEÑERA Por favor póngase en contacto con Padre Adrian Porras para una cita para discu r información sobre la quinceñera. Recomendar al menos tres meses antes de la fecha deseada. La familia ene que estar registrado en la iglesia.

THE SACRAMENT OF FIRST CONFESSION AND FIRST HOLY COMMUNION ‐ Second grade is the normal me. One year prior Reli‐gious Educa on is required.

THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDERS ‐ Men should call the parish priest or the Diocesan Voca on Director to help them discern their call to the Diaconate or Priesthood.

THE SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY ‐ Couples should make an appoint‐ment with the priest or deacon at the me of engagement and at least six months in advance of any wedding date to begin prepara ons. No date should be set before that mee ng so all canonical requirements are met. One party must be registered and an ac ve Catholic. All weddings take place inside the Church.

THE SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF SICK ‐ The anoin ng of the sick can be administered to anyone suffering from a serious or chronic illness. Please call the church office to make arrangements to be anoint‐ed. In an emergency, please use ext. 1, leave a message with your name and phone number. You will be contacted as soon as possible.

HOLY COMMUNION AT HOME ‐ Please call the Church office to make arrangements.

Knights Corner Esquina caballeros Council 8923 / Consejo 8923

Grand Knight / Gran caballero: Arthur Carder:

4th Degree / Cuarto grado: Joe Bolick, Faithful Navigator ‐ 828‐772‐1441 The Knights meet the 4th Monday of each month Rosary at 6:00 pm, Council Mee ng at 6:30 pm, followed by social


Los caballeros se reúnen el cuarto lunes de cada mes. Rosario a las 6:00 pm, Reunión del Consejo a las 6:30 pm, seguido por el

empo social. Faith in Ac on. Becoming a Knight of Columbus can transform your life. As a Knight you have the opportunity to support our parish, give back to our community, grow in your faith and gain exclusive access to our top rated insurance program.

Fe en acción. Conver rse en un caballero de Colón puede transfor‐mar su vida. Como un caballero, usted ene la oportunidad de apoyar a nuestra parroquia, a nuestra comunidad, crecer en su fe y obtener acceso exclusivo a nuestro mejor programa de seguros.

Saint Barnabas Couples Club The Saint Barnabas Couples Club is a social organiza on that meets the first Tuesday of the month between 7:00 and 7:30 pm in the Saint John the XXIII conference room (followed by refreshments in the social hall). The purpose of the organiza on is for Couples that are members of Saint Barnabas to join together socially at different venues. If interested in joining the Club or ge ng more informa on contact Bob & Margie Riffle, this year’s presidents. You can contact them at 828‐702‐0674 or email them at

El Club de parejas de San Barnabé El Club de parejas de San Barnabé es una organización social que se reúne en el primer martes de cada mes. Se reúne a las 7 de la tarde hasta las 7:30 en la sala de conferencias de San Juan XXIII, seguida con refrigerios y bocadillos en el salón social. El propósito de la organi‐zación es que las parejas que son miembros de San Barnabé se unan socialmente en lugares diferentes. Si usted está interesado en unirse en el club o si quiere obtener más información, puede comunicarse con Bob & Margie Riffle quienes son la pareja presidente este año. Puede contactarlos por teléfono 828‐702‐0674 o enviarles un correo electróni‐co a

St. Barnabas Staff & Contact Informa on 828‐684‐6098 (p) ‐ 828‐684‐6152 (f)

Name / Posi on Phone Ext. / Email

Fr. Adrian Porras, V.F. Pastor

Ext. 1301

De. Rudy Triana Deacon

Ext. 1314

De. Frank Moyer Deacon

Ext. 1321

Mrs. Marcia Torres Business Manager

Ext. 1312

Mrs. Marilyn Jensen Administrative Ass’t.

Ext. 1312

Mr. Simeon Willis Dir. of Religious Ed.

Ext. 1303

Ms. Tiffany Gallozzi Director of Music

Ext. 1310

Mr. John Psychas Organist

Ms. Suzanne Daley Secretary (Tu‐Fr)

Ext. 1307

Mrs. Wanda Cruz Recep onist (M‐F)

Ext. 1311 (Habla Español)

Mrs. Valarie Brooks Volunteer Coordinator Rel. Ed Ass’t (W)

Ext. 1306

Tribunal Advocate Mr. José González

(annulments) Ext. 1305 ‐

St. Vincent de Paul Society ‐ Ext. 1308

Compassionate Callers ‐ Ext. 1309

Buildings and Facili es Gaylon Brooks Community Ministries & Peace and Jus ce Susan Chitwood Ecumenism Open Educa on and Forma on Open

Evangeliza on/Communica on Joanne Gregory Liturgy and Worship Dana Wardwell Parish Life Kim Owens Finance Council Ken Marino Pastoral Council Ron Wild

Commissions and Council Heads

Thursday, February 20, 2020 Weekday in Ordinary Time 08:45 AM» Morning Prayer » Church 09:00 AM» Mass (English) » † William Fralix (by wife, Rosary) 11:00 AM» St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry » D4, JXXIII 12:30 PM» ACS Service Work at Sta ons of the Cross » OS, RR 01:00 PM» Centering Prayer » B2 06:00 PM» RCIA » C5 06:30 PM» Scouts BSA Troop Mee ng » B Hall, SH, PV 07:00 PM» Handbell Prac ce » JXXIII

Friday, February 21, 2020 Saint Peter Damian, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 08:45 AM» Morning Prayer » Church 09:00 AM» Mass (English) » † Florence Stambersky (by Connie & Brooke Stambersky) 10:00 AM» Angelus Home School Fellowship » B Hall, SH, JXXIII, K1, D5 11:00 AM» Yarners Charity Kni ng & Crochet Group » LB 06:00 PM» Couples Club Italian Dinner,Movie » K1, SH, K2, EB 06:30 PM» Hispanic Youth Group » JXXIII

Saturday, February 22, 2020 Vigil: SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 10:00 AM» Decision Point (Sat) » JXXIII 10:00 AM» Bap sm » Church 02:00 PM» Regional Respect Life Mee ng » JXXIII 04:00 PM» Confession » Church 05:30 PM» Vigil Mass in English » † Michael & Chris na Armstrong (Robert & Noreen Goulding) 07:00 PM» Hispanic Choir Prac ce » D5 07:30 PM» Vigil Mass in Spanish » Church

Sunday, February 23, 2020 SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 07:30 AM» Confession » Church 08:00 AM» Rosary Before 8:30 Mass » Church 08:30 AM» Mass (English) » † Deacon Mike Stout (by the St. Barnabas Church Couples Club) 09:30 AM» Library Open A er Mass » LB 09:45 AM» Religious Educa on (K‐6) » B Hall, C Hall 09:45 AM» Mpower Moments: The Non‐Nego ables of Cath‐olic Vo ng » JXXIII 10:00 AM» Gregorian Chant Choir Prac ce » D2 11:00 AM» Mass (English) » For our parishioners 05:30 PM» Youth Choir » D2 05:30 PM» St. Barnabas Youth Family Potluck » SH, K1 06:30 PM» Youth Ministry » C5, D Hall, JXXIII, SH, K1

Of Special Note: Blood pressure checks are available in the library a er

the 5:30 and 8:30 Masses this weekend.

Saturday, February 15, 2020 Vigil: SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 09:30 AM» Lay Ministry » C5 10:00 AM» Facili es Commission Mee ng » WR 10:30 AM» Bap sms, Spanish » Church 01:00 PM» Youth Communion Classes » JXXIII 04:00 PM» Confession » Church 05:30 PM» Vigil Mass in English » † Marty Moore (by Dan and Margi Alvarez) 06:30 PM» Blood Pressure Checks » LB 07:00 PM» Hispanic Choir Prac ce » D5 07:30 PM» Vigil Mass in Spanish » Church

Sunday, February 16, 2020 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 07:30 AM» Confession » Church 08:00 AM» Rosary Before 8:30 Mass » Church 08:30 AM» Mass (English) » For our parishioners 09:30 AM» Blood Pressure Checks » LB 09:45 AM» Religious Educa on (K‐6) » B Hall, C Hall 10:00 AM» Gregorian Chant Choir Prac ce » D2 11:00 AM» Mass (English) » Special inten on for Fr. Roger Arnsparger (by the Torres family) 05:30 PM» Youth Choir » D2 06:30 PM» Youth Ministry » C5, D Hall, JXXIII, SH, K1

Monday, February 17, 2020 The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order 08:45 AM» Morning Prayer » Church 09:00 AM» Mass (English) » Int. of Frank D. (by the Dezzu o family) 09:45 AM» The Divine Will Studies » JXXIII 11:00 AM» Charity Kni ng & Crochet Group » LB 04:00 PM» St. Vincent de Paul » D4 06:00 PM» RCIA, Spanish » B Hall

Tuesday, February 18, 2020 Weekday in Ordinary Time 06:00 PM» Children's Choir Prac ce, Spanish » D2 07:00 PM» Knights of Columbus 4th Degree Mee ng » JXXIII

Wednesday, February 19, 2020 Weekday in Ordinary Time 10:00 AM» Sacred Choir Prac ce » D2 05:45 PM» Evening Prayer » Church 06:00 PM» Mass in English, Benedic on » † Yong Bo Sim (by Yongsun Thompson) 06:30 PM» Decision Point (Wed) » JXXIII 07:00 PM» Sacred Choir Prac ce » D2 07:00 PM» Liturgical Commission Mee ng » WR 07:00 PM» Stewardship Mee ng » JXXIII

Bookstore Open A er




Families using envelopes: 159 (of 854 registered families) Total A endance for weekend: 1,134

Collec on Budgeted Weekly Offering + or ‐ to Offertory Budget

Totals for Feb. 8 & 9, 2020 $9,606 $14,808 ‐($5,202)

Envelopes and Checks

Electronic Giving Youth Envelopes

Non‐Envelopes & Visitors Holy Day

$5,179 $2,557

$2 $1,848


Offertory Total $9,606

Building & Facili es $61

Diocesan $98

DSA Goal for 2020 is $81,833

Our DSA goal for 2020 is $81,833. This weekend we will have an in-pew appeal, but you may donate anytime at

Parish Life  Our Prayers St. Barnabas Catholic Church · Arden, NC · February 16, 2020

St. Barnabas prays for... Our Parishioners Ed Rice, Catherine Holzworth, Andrew Da ler, Marge Kozacki, José González, Vincent Indelicato, Joan Burke, Larry Schmi , Doris Kickham, Audrey Dimenna, Hilde Ivanov, James Taneyhill, Mark Liegghio, Mary Zorovich, Linda Capraun, Joanne Gregory, Chuck Babin, Helen Rice, Elaine Des Roches, Brad Owens, Lucille Carrier, Dolores Constan no, Gloria Winburn, Bill Lilly, Gail Da‐vison, Gianna Janecek, Emily Tunstall.

Our Friends & Loved Ones Sue Morris, Jesse Morris, Mike Brooks, Greg Peck, Lucy Farrow, Sophia Farrow, Jessie Morris, Henrie a Cutler, Jennifer Gau‐de e, Joanne Harris, Diana Casteel, Dianne Petkas, Jerry Harris, Mark Buske, Janet McGovern, Bob & Robin Naida, Anne McKib‐bin, Ann Albert, Walker Braznell, Sherry Benne , Terry D. Naber, Daniel Barber, Sue Babcock, Sam Strider, Elaine Gaines & Family, Ute & Tom Reczek, Ivy Bertuzzi, Pat Luczynski, Cynthia Smith, Mike Mann, Mikaela Lambert, John Sullenberger, Bill Mo , Tan‐ya Hyder, Mark Thornton, All who serve in the Police or Military.

Loved ones in the military Charles Barre , US Army, (son of John & Emily Barre ) Andrew Patrick Beard, Jr. US Army (Grandson of Charlo e and Andrew Beard) Anthony Cruz, US Army (Son of Eddie & Wanda Cruz) Darian Dudney, US Coast Guard (Grandson of Patricia Talbot) Michael Franco, US Marine Corps (Son of Emil & Becky Franco) Tanner Gordon, US Air Force (grandson of Don and Donna Hen‐dricks) Zachary Grasberger, US Air Force (grandson of Nick and Marlene Grasberger) Ma hew Gray, Na onal Guard (Grandson of Charlo e and An‐drew Beard) Jacob Greco, US Army (Grandson of Larry Greco) Les Jarvis, US Navy (Son of Deborah Carson, Grandson of Ruth Carson) Erik Klueber (Nephew of Chris & Theresa Beck) Billy Moody, US Army (Son of George and Mary Jo Moody) Hunter Myers, US Marine Corps (Grandson of Patricia Talbot) Jacob & Jamie Naber, US Air Force (Grandson and Wife, of Ted and Mary Naber) Joseph Naber US Air Force (Grandson of Ted and Mary Naber) Brooklynn Porter, Air Na onal Guard (Daughter of Paul and Julie Wojcik) Brianna Pajak, US Air Force (daughter of Paul and Joan Pajak) Anthony Riffle, US Army (Grandson of Bob & Margie Riffle) Luke Schulze, Army Na onal Guard (Grandson of José and Myri‐am González) Jaeger Souphab ‐ Airforce (son of Milee Souphab) William Talbo , Navy (grandson of Pat Talbot) Mario Vergara Quiroz (Marines) son of Mario Vergara & Maria Quiroz Gregory Wardwell, US Army (Son of Dana & Paule e Wardwell) Michael Wright, US Air Force (Son of Dave and Mary Wright) Alex Zorich, US Air Force, (Son of Dave & Kim Zorich)

Loved ones and friends discerning religious voca ons Seminarians: Aaron Huber (The Athenaeum of Ohio) Nicholas Kramer (St Joseph College Seminary)

Bookstore & Gi Schedule The store will be open a er all English Masses the weekend of February 22/23.

Ash Wednesday is February 26 Ash Wednesday is right around the corner! We s ll have lots of

available posi ons for all of the Ash Wednesday services/Masses.

7:30 am: Ashes, 9:00 am and 7 pm: Mass and Ashes.

Please sign up soon!

Liturgical Commission Mee ng Wednesday

The Liturgical Commission will meet this Wednesday at 7 pm in the

workroom. There is much prepara on for Lent and Easter, and the

Commission would really welcome some addi onal help. Please

consider coming to the mee ng to see how you might be able to

offer assistance. Preparing our Sanctuary for our worship, par cu‐

larly during Holy Seasons, is a true blessing and gi to your fellow

parishioners and our Pastor and Deacons.

Stewardship Commitment Cards ‐ Please return Please drop your commitment card in the box in the social hall.

Your commitment will help us plan for our upcoming year.

Thank you for your care of our church!

Blessed is She: Mystery‐Blessed Conversa ons Women of St. Barnabas please join Nancy Humble and Peg Schnei‐der in a five week study of the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary. Each session will include prayer, a scripture passage, a reflec on, and ques ons for discussion. We will meet on Thursdays 10:00‐11:30. Feb.27‐Mar.26 Room B4. Register in the Social Hall a er Mass or contact Nancy 828‐231‐4668.

Diocesan Support Appeal (DSA) for 2020 Please be generous to the Diocesan Support Appeal. Your contribu‐

on to the Diocesan Support Appeal is a way to act with love for

our sisters and brothers throughout the diocese and to con nue

the saving work begun by Jesus. Next week during Mass, you may

complete a pledge envelope or go to

h ps://www.charlo to make a gi online.

Por favor sea generoso a la Campaña Diocesana de Apoyo compar‐

endo sus dones y bendiciones. Su contribución a DSA es una

manera de servir a nuestros hermanos y hermanas a través de la

diócesis y de con nuar la labor comenzada por Jesús.

Year of St. Joseph Prayer Cards Be sure to pick up a prayer card in the social hall a er Mass. 

Young Church                               Faith Forma on                                      Religious Educa on

Religious Ed. & Youth Ministry by Simeon Willis

Year of St. Joseph Bishop Jugis has declared 2020 to be the year

of St. Joseph in our diocese! We will be focus‐

ing on this great saint throughout the year:

highligh ng devo ons such as the St. Joseph

Scapular, and interes ng facts about his life

and patronage. For more informa on, visit the diocesan web‐

site: h p://

February Focus: Joseph most Chaste: Chaste love requires

that one wills the good to another without taking the other to

oneself as one’s own. To Joseph was entrusted the Divine Child

and His fairest Mother. Chaste in body but also in heart, Joseph

loved freely which created the interior tranquility of order in the

Holy Family.

Sign up in the social hall: Around the

Lenten Circle: Parish Lenten Small Groups. Please sign up if you are interested. You can see

samples. Please indicate if you are willing to help

by facilita ng, or co‐facilita ng with a friend. You can now sign up for youth ministry and faith

forma on family events through Link to our page

via our parish website in the YM or FF departments. Our first event for YM is a family potluck before YM on the 23rd.

Mower Moments: The Non‐

Nego ables of Catholic Vo ng,

February 23, 2020 at 9:45am in St.

John XXIII room. Richard Edwards, lawyer, catechist and long me parishioner will

be giving a lecture and facilita ng a discussion for the parish on

the Church’s teachings on vo ng. This is a mely topic! Please

invite your friends!

The Church in Poli cs? Many misunder‐

stand the separa on of church and state, think‐

ing the Catholic Church ought to have no voice

in poli cs.

Firstly, this separa on was to preserve religious

freedom from the a acks of the secular state.

Secondly, the Church does not endorse candidate or par es, but

like Jesus, speaks loudly on moral issues. As with Jesus in His life

on earth, rejected and crucified by His own people, moral truths

are not tolerated today. As Christ’s hands and feet, we must vote

and speak these truths boldly, even though we may suffer scorn

and contempt from society, friends and family.

CHOICE “If you choose you can keep the commandments,” Sirach tells us. God “has set before you fire and water; to whichever you choose, stretch forth your hand” (Sirach 15:15, 16). This is a great mystery: God does not control us so completely that we cannot choose our own path. We have certain boundaries, of course, but no one but we can choose our way within those boundaries. In today’s reading from Ma hew’s Gospel, Jesus reminds us of our freedom and our responsibility for our lives. He calls us to look beyond the words of the com‐mandments, all the way to their meaning. Look beyond the adultery to the selfishness that poisons our love. Look beyond the murder to the anger that eats away at our compassion. Look beyond the perjured tes mony to the lies and decep on that drive our behavior. Our voca on is to choose life for ourselves, and to choose a path through our part of the world that helps make life possible and more abundant for others as well. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

THE CHAIR OF ST. PETER THE APOSTLE February 22 In brushing up for “Catholic Jeopardy,” it might help to know that there is only one feast on the calendar for a thing, rather than a person or mystery. It’s for a chair: Saint Peter’s chair in fact A er the Resurrec on, there can be no doubt that the disciples reserved a special place for Simon Peter in the upper room. Later, Peter became the bishop of An ‐och in today’s Syria, the place where we were first called Chris ans. From there, he went to Rome, the center of the Empire, where it is said that Peter sat in a chair in the house of Priscilla and Aquila to instruct his flock. Jesus, in entrus ng the keys of the Kingdom to Peter and his suc‐cessors, entrusted his compassion and mercy to them, and charged them with poin ng to the Kingdom of God. Compassion and mercy are to resonate through their teaching. Since the ancient sign of a teacher is the chair (“disciple” literally means one who sits at the feet of a teacher), Peter’s chair has long been treasured. Today there is a symbolic shrine of Peter’s chair above the main altar of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. This monument is the last work of Bernini, a huge bronze throne supported by four doctors of the Church: Augus ne and Ambrose from the Western Church, and Chrysostom and Athanasius from the East. High above it is the alabaster window of the descent of the Holy Spirit. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Need a prayer, a listening ear?

Compassionate Callers are always here. You can reach us at 828-684-6098 ext. 1309

40 DAYS FOR LIFE GOAL: From February 26 to April 5 our community will take part in 40 Days for Life … a groundbreaking, coordinated interna on‐al mobiliza on. We pray that, with God’s help, this will mark the beginning of the end of abor on in our city — and be‐yond. Where: Public right‐of‐way outside Planned Parenthood 68 McDowell Street, Asheville, North Carolina For informa on contact Pamela Owenby at pamelapro‐ or go to CONSTANT VIGIL The visible, public centerpiece of 40 Days for Life is a focused, 40‐day, non‐stop, round‐the‐clock prayer vigil outside a single Planned Parenthood center or other abor on facility in your community. It is a peaceful and educa onal presence. Those who are called to stand witness during this 24‐hour‐a‐day presence send a powerful message to the community about the tragic reality of abor on. It also serves as a call to repentance for those who work at the abor on center and those who patronize the facility.

FREE NFP & Fer lity Awareness 3‐Part Series

at Basilica of St. Lawrence in Asheville (Lower Conference Room) Sat. March 7th Understanding Your Body & Char ng Your Health Sat. April 4th Family Planning Sat. May 2nd Understanding Your Cycle All Classes 10:00 am ‐ 12:00 noon Pre‐registra on encouraged. Couples can come together. Snacks provided. Love offering will be collected. Method taught: Fer lity Educa on and Medical Management (FEMM) h ps:// More Info Contact Elizabeth Harris, BSN, RN at

Protec ng God’s Children Workshop Protegiendo a los Niños de Dios

"Protec ng God's Children" is a required program for all volunteers at St. Barnabas. Upcoming classes: "Proteger a los niños de Dios" es un programa obligatorio para todos los voluntarios en San Bernabé. Próximas clases:

Friday, Feb. 21 at 6 pm: St. Eugene, Asheville, Spanish. Monday, Feb. 24 at 6 pm: St. Eugene, Asheville, English. Monday, March 23 at 6 pm: St. Eugene, Asheville, English. Monday, March 30 at 6 pm: St. Joan of Arc, Candler. Spanish.

Pre‐registra on is required for all workshops. Register online at Click "registra on" on le and follow prompts.

Liturgical Ministers Schedule & Stewardship   

Volunteers Needed For…

We are in need of a volunteer to help serve our Lord by cleaning the holy vessels on the 5th Thursday of each month. If you are interested, please contact Valarie at (828) 684‐6098 X1306, or email volun‐ . Thank you so much!”

“Necesitamos un voluntario para ayudar a servir a nues‐tro Señor limpiando los vasos sagrados el quinto jueves de cada mes. Si desea ayudar con esto, comuníquese con Valarie al (828) 684‐6098 X1306 o envíe un correo elec‐trónico a ¡Muchas gracias!

Volunteer Coordinator: Valarie Brooks 828‐684‐6098 ext. 1306

¿Sospecha de abuso sexual o conducta inapropiada? Si ene información sobre posible abuso sexual o conducta inapropiada por cualquier clérigo, empleado o voluntario de la Diócesis de Charlo e, informe sus inquietudes de manera segura y anónima las 24 horas del día, los siete días de la semana, usando la nueva línea directa de la dióce‐sis, 1‐888‐630‐5929 u online h p://www.RedFlagRepor favor, tome nota: si so‐specha que un niño está en peligro, contacte al 9‐1‐1 o a la Policía de su localidad.

Entrenamiento de medioambiente seguro ¿Sabe usted que todos los trabajadores de la Iglesia deben de tomar el entrenamiento de prevención de abuso y ser capacitados en este tema? Encuentre más información sobre el programa de medioambiente seguro de la Diócesis de Charlo e, regístrese en el programa Protegiendo a los Niños de Dios y más en h ps://charlo‐resources/safe‐environment. Para más información y preguntas, por favor contacte a la oficina de Recursos Humanos de la diócesis en h ps://charlo‐resources o 704‐370‐6299.

Suspect sexual abuse or misconduct? If you have informa on about possible sexual abuse or misconduct by any clergy, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Charlo e, report concerns safely, securely and anonymously 24/7 over the phone using the diocese’s new hotline, 1‐888‐630‐5929, or online: h p://www.RedFlagRepor Please note: If you suspect a child is in danger, please contact 9‐1‐1 or your local law enforcement agency.

Safe Environment training Did you know that every Church worker must go through abuse preven on and educa on training? Find more informa on about the Diocese of Charlo e’s Safe Environment program, sign up for Protec ng God’s Children training and more: h ps://charlo‐resources/safe‐environment. For more informa on or ques ons, please contact the diocese’s Human Resources Office at h ps://charlo‐resources or 704‐370‐6299.

February 22 & 23, 2020 5:30 PM 8:30 AM 11:00 AM

Lector Rey Romualdo (First Reading) Joe Bolick (Second Reading)

Michael Miller (First Reading) Lize e Lampe (Second Reading)

Youth Lector 1 (First Reading) Youth Lector 2 (Second Reading)

Altar Server Wed., Feb. 19: Ron Wild

Debbie Ellis Ken Marino

Nathaniel Edwards Benjamin Kramer Jesse Kramer Abigail Kramer

Benjamin Huber Noah Huber Braeden Owens NOT FILLED


Margi Alvarez ‐ Head Greeter Dan Alvarez ‐ Greeter Mary Ogle ‐ Greeter Cathie Osada ‐ Greeter Margaret Plaisance ‐ Greeter

Emil Franco ‐ Head Greeter Mike Hinman ‐ Greeter Dorothy Hobbs ‐ Greeter Kathy Miller ‐ Greeter George Moody ‐ Greeter

Frank Dezzu o ‐ Head Greeter Gaylon Brooks ‐ Greeter Joan El Kha b ‐ Greeter Chris Lance ‐ Greeter Orrin Lundgren ‐ Greeter

Hospitality Jack LeBeau Aileen Marquez Sandra Medellin Belloc

Helen Brugo Robert Brugo

Extra‐Ordinary Minister

Ernes ne Bucking ‐ Chalice Dave Cypcar ‐ Chalice Mike Davison ‐ Chalice Marylyn Seyler ‐ Chalice Regina Babor ‐ Ciborium Ann Mercer ‐ Ciborium

Beth Babin ‐ Chalice Lynn Caenepeel ‐ Chalice Lissa Loosemore ‐ Chalice Jim McGovern ‐ Chalice Marilyn Jensen ‐ Ciborium Claudia McMahan ‐ Ciborium Bob Rothweiler ‐ Ciborium Diana Rothweiler ‐ Ciborium

Maureen Carder ‐ Chalice Marlene Grasberger ‐ Chalice Jill Micelle ‐ Chalice Trinidad Sebas an ‐ Chalice Arthur Carder ‐ Ciborium Kim Owens ‐ Ciborium James Taneyhill ‐ Ciborium Paule e Wardwell ‐ Ciborium

Sacristan Ann Mercer Bob Rothweiler Madonna Moyer

The hours listed below are open on the Monday Adora on Chapel Schedule. Please consider filling one of these hours. You can see other open hours and register online at or stop by the Adora on Chapel table in the Social Hall. 

07:00 AM 05:00 PM

“Our Lord In the Blessed Sacrament has His hands full of graces, and He is ready to bestow them on anyone who asks

for them.”

- St. Peter of Alcantara  

Society of St. Vincent de Paul This is something we have addressed many mes but would like to address again. It is true in our lives and true in St. Vin‐cent de Paul in dealing with those who come to us for help. We cannot be everything to everyone. We are not a crisis center. Evic ons and u lity shut‐offs happen, some mes because of the decisions we make to buy a car, TV, or other item that is above our ability to pay for. We also see it in the high price apartments people are living in. There is help, but if it is for a u lity, we are asked to send clients to the agency that has CIP or LIEAP money. That is government money. Our mission and goal isn't just to pay bills, but to make a home visit, to sit down and go over what is needed to get back to living within your income. Our funds for helping clients comes from our parishioners. We have a fiduciary responsibility to use those funds to the best possi‐ble use. That would not include funding an irresponsible way of living, be it a single person or a family. Our choices should be to take care of our basic needs: a place to live, a job, food, and daily necessi es. We have rights, but with each right there a responsibility on our part. ‐ Your Vincen ans

Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl Esto es algo que hemos abordado muchas veces pero que quisiéramos abordar nuevamente. Es cierto en nuestras vidas y es cierto en San Vicente de Paúl al tratar con aquellos

que acuden a nosotros en busca de ayuda. No podemos ser todo para todos. No somos un centro de crisis. Se producen desalojos y cor‐tes de servicios públicos, a veces debido a las decisiones que tomamos para comprar un au‐tomóvil, un televisor u otro ar culo que está por encima de nuestra capacidad de pago. También lo vemos en los apartamentos de alto precio en los que vive la gente. Hay ayuda, pero si se trata de una empresa de

servicios públicos, se nos pide que enviemos clientes a la agencia que ene dinero CIP o LIEAP. Eso es dinero del go‐bierno. Nuestra misión y obje vo no es solo pagar facturas, sino hacer una visita al hogar, sentarnos y repasar lo que se necesita para volver a vivir con sus ingresos. Nuestros fon‐dos para ayudar a los clientes provienen de nuestros feli‐greses. Tenemos la responsabilidad fiduciaria de u lizar esos fondos para el mejor uso posible. Eso no incluiría financiar una forma de vida irresponsable, ya sea una sola persona o una familia. Nuestras opciones deben ser atender nuestras necesidades básicas: un lugar para vivir, un trabajo, comida y las necesidades diarias. Tenemos derechos, pero con cada derecho existe una responsabilidad de nuestra parte. ‐ Sus vicen nos

For February please donate: Canned Chicken Noodle Soup

Canned Tomato Soup

Canned Fruit Sugar

Food Pantry Despensa

de alimentos Thursdays/Los jueves


Canongate Catholic High School

Looking for affordable college‐prep 

based in faith and reason? 



Open House Come and see… 

Canongate’s new campus at St. 

Barnabas Catholic Church! 

Sunday, March 8th 

Drop in from 12 Noon – 2 PM 

FREE Preview Monday, March 2nd

1 pm –2:30 pm

Preview to Powerful Tools for Caregivers:

During this class par cipants will learn about services that will give caregivers the skills

to take care of themselves while caring for someone else.

Come Learn about the tools that can help:

Reduce stress for caregiver and care partner

Improve self‐confidence

Manage Time , Set Goals & Solve Problems

Plan for the future

Find informa on and resources

Increase communica on skills

Presented by AARP

Hosted by Catholic Chari es & St. Barnabas Catholic Church

St. Barnabas Catholic Church

109 Crescent Hill Drive, Arden, NC  28704 

To Register: Contact Suzanne Daley at 828‐684‐6098 ext. 1307 or

Sandra Breakfield , Program Director Elder Ministry at 704‐370‐3220

Preview to Powerful Tools

for Caregivers Workshop

Assembly 2274 4th Degree Knights of Columbus

Essay Contest

Subject: Describe a person in history who is a good model of

Catholic citizenship

Open to all youth of St. Barnabas Parish and the students of Canongate High School.

Categories: High School Grade 9-12. Two $100 prizes will be awarded to the winners of this group. 1000 word essay (Double Space, Times New Roman Font) Middle School Grade 7-8. Two $50 prizes will be awarded to the win-ners of this group 750 word essay (Double Space, Times New Roman Font) All entries must be turned in by March 1, 2020 to Mr. Simeon Willis or Mr. Sedrick Dellinger who will review them and then forward them to the 4th Degree Knights of Columbus. Students are not to use this essay to argue for or against the current president or for a political party or for a particular presidential candi-date.

For questions about this essay contact Joseph Bolick at 828-772-1441

(See other side of this sheet for submission instructions)

4th Degree Knights of Columbus Essay Contest Entry

This must be filled out and used as a cover sheet

NAME:______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:___________________________________________________________ PHONE # WHERE YOU CAN BE REACHED:________________________________ GRADE:_____________________________________________________________ SCHOOL:____________________________________________________________ ARE YOUR PARENTS REGISTERED MEMBERS OF ST BARNABAS YES OR NO______________

What: For tude: Growing in Strength, Saturday, Feb. 22 10:30am ‐ noon at St. Lawrence Basilica, Downstairs in Lauren ne Hall. Second of seven in a presenta on series on "Happiness: Living the Virtues" Happiness, character, nobility, holiness ‐ these are just some of the psychological benefits of studying the virtues. For 2,300 years educa on in the virtues was considered essen al to the development of the person. Though a familiar concept, how many of us know the prac cal tools necessary to grow in each virtue? We talk easily about having faith, hope, and love, but what are these really? And how do we get them?

In these thought provoking Saturday morning workshops, based on the works of Josef Pieper, you will ex‐plore the prac cal Chris an answer to modern psychological wellness. The first talk will focus will discuss "For tude: Growing in Strength". For more informa on contact John Immel by email: ordomen, or text: 828‐785‐8213.

Resolve to give your marriage a strong founda on by a ending an Engaged Encounter Weekend. We will provide the tools to help you reach your goal of a life‐long marriage. Weekends are scheduled for: February 22‐23 at St. Mary Magdalene in Simpsonville; March 27‐29 at the Diakonia Retreat Center in Salem, SC; June 27‐28 at St. Andrew in Clemson; August 15‐16 at St. Mary Magdalene in Simpsonville; and October 10‐11 at St. Michael in Myrtle Beach. To register and for addi onal informa on please visit our web site www.cee‐ or call Bob and Mary Reimer at 864‐420‐2633.

First Responders Luncheon on Feb 28, 2020 from 11:00 to 1:00. The Knights of Columbus is hos ng this event and will be asking for assistance in the coming weeks to help make this a very special day for our First Responders. We will be providing Chili, breads and some type of soup.

A Ma er of Balance class scheduled to begin on Thursdays, March 5, thru April 23, 2020 At St. Eugene Catholic Church, Asheville ‐ Do you have concerns about falling? Are you interested in im‐proving your flexibility, balance and strength? A Ma er of Balance can help reduce the fear of falling and increase the ac vity levels of older adults who have concerns about falling. Join us for a FREE 2 hour session, held once a week for 8 weeks. Classes are limited to 14 par cipants – Registra on will open in February 2020 Sandra Breakfield, Elder Ministry Program Director, Catholic Chari es Diocese of Charlo e P: 704.370‐3220 or sabreakfield@charlo

Western North Carolina Respect Life Monthly Prayer Gathering ‐ First Friday of each Month at Planned Parenthood, 68 McDowell Street, Asheville, NC. We a end the 12:10 pm Mass at the Basilica on the First Friday of the month in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and then we drive to Planned Parenthood. Please join us for the recita on of the Rosary, Divine Mercy, and silent prayer at our peaceful gathering.

St. Barnabas Church Official Facebook page / Página oficial de Facebook de la iglesia de San Bernabé General Group / Grupo general: h ps:// Youth Group / Grupo de jovenes : h ps://

Late breaking news is posted on the Facebook page, so please join if you have not already! Las úl mas no cias se publican en la página de Facebook, ¡así que únete si aún no lo has hecho!

NOTE: Please be aware that our bulle n is posted on our website; therefore, any informa on in the bulle n is out there in cyberspace, accessible to anyone. Please let the office know if this is an issue for you.

095300 St Barnabas Church For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240

Catholic Funeral Directors

Sean Skierczynski O.D.Jennifer S. Faber O.D.

2145 Hendersonville Rd., Suite D (828) 681-8000Arden, NC 28704

Excellent Eye CareOutstanding Eyewear

Richard Quaglia (Son) Bob Quaglia (Father) Main Number 908-229-4077 828-676-0748


Mark D. Scheiderich, D.M.D.Comprehensive Dentistry

20 Cane Creek RoadFletcher, NC 28732

Tel: 828-684-5888

Kyle M JambonFinancial Advisor51 Thompson St. • Suite “B”P.O. Box 5812Asheville, NC 28813Bus 828-251-5053800-874-4188Making Sense of

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