Saint Angela - The Pilot...Fifth Sunday of Lent C April 7, 2019 St. Angela Merici– 1548 Blue Hill...

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Transcript of Saint Angela - The Pilot...Fifth Sunday of Lent C April 7, 2019 St. Angela Merici– 1548 Blue Hill...

Fifth Sunday of Lent C April 7, 2019

St. Angela Merici– 1548 Blue Hill Ave.– Mattapan St. Matthew - 33 Stanton Street—Dorchester 2

Weekly Readings Sun: Psalm 126:1-6; Isaiah 43: 16-21; Philippians 3: 8-14; John 8:1-11

Mon:Psalm23:1,3ab-6;Daniel 13:1-9,15-17,19-30,33-62;John 8: 12-20

Tues: Psalm 102: 2,3,16-21; Numbers 21: 4-9; John 8: 21-30

Wed: Psalm Daniel 3: 52-56; Daniel 3:14-20,91,92,95; John 8: 31-42

Thurs: Psalm 105: 4-9; Genesis 17: 3-9; John 8: 51-59

Fri: Psalm 18: 2,3abc,4-7; Jeremiah 20: 10-13; John 10: 31-42

Sat: Psalm Jeremiah 31:10, 11-13; Ezekiel 37: 21-28; John 11: 45-56

Sun: Luke 19: 28-40; Psalm 22: 8,9,17-20,23.24; Isaiah 50: 4-7;

Philippians 2: 6-11; Luke 22:14—23:56 or 23: 1-49

Saint Angela Saturday, April 6th

9:00am: Memorial Mass…………………………………..Julie Saget.

4:00pm: : Memorial Mass …………………………….John Napoleon

Sunday, April 7th 7:00am: Memorial Mass…………………..Charles Omouh Aumoithe

11:00 am: Thanksgiving …

1:30pm: Mass of Thanksgiving …….Anne Marie Jean Gilles & Judith


Monday, April 8th

9:00am: Mass of Thanksgiving…………………Dieumene Dumornay

Tuesday, April 9th

7:00pm: ………………………

Wednesday, April 10th

9:00 am: Mass of Thanksgiving………………..

Thursday, April 11th

9:00am: Mass of Thanksgiving…… …………………...Gaelle Dorlus

Friday, April 12th

9:00am: Mass of Thanksgiving………………………….Marie Joseph

5:30 pm: Memorial Mass ………………………………….

Saturday, April 13th

9:00am: Mass of Thanksgiving……………………...Andree Florestal

4:00pm: Memorial Mass……..Maurice Breton, Dieudone Beaubrun,

Jean Gracia & Juliette Alice Breton

Saint Matthew

04/07/19. Thanksgiving Mass. Rec: Ménard Family.

04/09/19. Thanksgiving Mass. Ashley Zéphirin (Birthday)

04/10/19. Memorial Mass. All the Souls of Purgatory

04/14/19. Thanksgiving Mass. Anne-Marie Calixte, Venita Jn-Gilles,

Luc Louis-Jacques, Ginette Francois.

04/28/19:Thanksgiving Mass. Ménard Family.

Parish Bulletin Submission: Monday

Marie Suze Pierre “”

Deacon Joseph E. Dorlus “”

Phone: 617-298-0080 /81 Fax: 617-298-2388

WELCOMING SINNERS As we’re creating a website for our two-parish commu-nity, we also think of a new Mission statement that can embrace our vision and our goal. To me a good mis-sion statement for our two parishes may include that we welcome sinners and we seek the lost. For wel-coming sinners and seeking the lost are basic tasks of the Church of Jesus Christ. The liturgy of these last Sundays of Lent highlights two gospels of mercy that are the parable of ‘the Prodigal son’ and the story of ‘the Woman caught in adultery.’ Both texts are telling us one thing: our Lord is tender and merciful; he wel-comes sinners; he always gives a second chance. Many Christians unfortunately still have a false image of a violent God who wills to punish and kill. Listen to Jesus first to truly know about God. God is not first and foremost a judge; he is not a punisher who takes pleasure in destroying his children. God is first of all a Father who loves us, who cares for us. God does not rejoice in the loss of the sinner, but he desires that all be saved and restored to fellowship with him. The whole community of heaven rejoices when one sinner is found and restored to a good life. Following in Christ’s footsteps, our Church should be a Church of mercy and forgiveness. To welcome sinners does not mean that sin is nothing, but does mean what Jesus is telling each of us this weekend: “Go, and from now on do not sin anymore.” Jesus hates sin as he loves the sinner unconditionally. Every human deserves a sec-ond chance! Give a second chance to that person who has hurt you, who has fooled you, to that person whom you haven’t talked to for a long time. Jesus has given us a second chance. We are called to give second chances to others. Let us be today living expressions of Jesus' love and mercy to a suffering world! Fr. Breneville

From the Administrator’s Desk

Fifth Sunday of Lent C April 7, 2019

St. Angela Merici– 1548 Blue Hill Ave.– Mattapan St. Matthew - 33 Stanton Street—Dorchester 3

Saint Matthew’s Offertory: 03/31/2019:

Saint Angela’s Offertory: 03/31/2019 $ 3725.44


Le Christ a séjourné au désert pendant 40 jours comme première étape de sa mission rédemptrice. Le désert est l’endroit où l’homme peut rejoindre Dieu plus facilement parce que rien d’autre ne peut attirer ses désirs. Le vide de toutes choses que réalise le désert permet à l’esprit humain de se remplir de Dieu. Si le Christ tout Fils de Dieu qu’il était a eu recours à la solitude du désert, l’Eglise ne peut manquer de refaire cette même expérience dans le but de développer sa prière et ses contacts avec Dieu. L’expé-rience du désert reste fondamentale dans l’essor de vie spi-rituelle de toute communauté chrétienne et de chaque chré-tien en particulier. Le carême rappelle la valeur de cette ex-périence. Il ne s’agit pas de fuir le monde, mais au con-traire, il s’agit d’aller vers le monde tout chargé des ri-chesses spirituelles reçues du Père. Loin de fuir le monde, le Christ y est entré avec toute la plénitude de vie divine pour le sanctifier et le diviniser. Pour vivre l’expérience du désert, il faut écarter de notre vie tout ce qui nous empêche d’adhérer au Christ de tout notre cœur, il faut considérer le Christ comme le bien suprême, l’accueillir en nous libérant de tous les attachements qui nous éloignent de lui. Un cer-tain désert doit être vécu dans toute vie chrétienne pour que Dieu y prenne toute la place. En ce temps de carême, chacun peut se demander sous quelle forme il est appelé à vivre avec le Christ l’expérience du désert.

April 7 ~ Fifth Sunday of Lent In our first reading from Isaiah the Lord tells us, “see, I am doing something new! Now it springs forth, do you not per-ceive it?” As disciples of Christ, speaking about our faith and the importance of prayer and sacraments is a new experience. While it can be difficult and takes practice, it is worth the effort. Saint Paul’s goal and the goal he en-courages the Philippians to adopt should be our goal as well: “I continue my pursuit toward the goal, the prize of God’s upward calling, in Christ Jesus”. How willing are you to pursue to goal of living a life rooted in Christ Jesus?

Isaïe 43,16-21 Psaume 125,1-2ab, 2cd-3,4-5,6 Philippiens 3,8-14 Jean 8,1-11 SAISIS PAR LE CHRIST POUR UN REGARD DE VIE Quelle est la source de notre confiance ? Où trouvons-nous le fondement de notre identité ? ( Saul de Tarse ) l'apôtre Paul, avant sa rencontre avec le Christ, aurait donné une réponse à ces questions bien semblable à la plupart d'entre nous: une série d'acquis résultant soit de sa naissance soit de ses choix personnels. Au cours de sa vie, Paul s'était forgé un personnage apparemment irréprochable, digne de l'estime des autres et (pourquoi pas ) Dieu. Mais un jour, le Christ à poser un regard dans sa vie. Du coup tout a pris une autre valeur. Ses qualités personnelles lui sont apparues non seulement comme sans couleur mais même comme ayant une valeur négative. Chers Amis, le regard de Jésus, reflète toujours la même chose, peu importe la personne qui se trouve devant lui, ce qu'elle a fait. Son regard donne la vie, car il est rempli d'amour. Dès lors, pour Paul, ce qui compte avant tout, c'est une relation vivante avec le Christ Jésus et le prochain. Relation par laquelle le mystère pascal- la mort et la résurrection du Christ se traduit dans les circonstances concrètes de son existence. Enraciné dans la force de Dieu manifestée en la résurrection de Jésus, Paul devient capable de souffrir avec les autres et de partager ainsi les souffrances du Christ. Mes frères et sœurs pour un disciple du Christ, la seule perfection possible, c'est de courir sur ses traces (cf. He 12:1-2 ) dans l'oubli de soi et de son passé, pleine-ment disponible pour l'aujourd'hui de Dieu. Fr. Paul Charly Chéry

FUNDRAISER ST ANGELA’S CHURCH 1548 Blue Hill Avenue Mattapan, MA 02126 ANNUAL LENTEN FISH DINNER Friday, April 12

th 2019 12 – 7 pm

Saturday, April 13th 12 – 7 pm

Eat in or take out dinners Rice and Peas, Fried Fish, Vegetables and Salad Easter Breads and Cakes Join us for a weekend of fundraising * Please call in advance to place your takeout orders Contact: St. Angela’s Church 617-298-0080 Angela 781-492-2684 Umilta 857-222-6353 Rose 781-888-6017 ONE CHURCH, ONE FAMILY

Fifth Sunday of Lent C April 7, 2019

St. Angela Merici– 1548 Blue Hill Ave.– Mattapan St. Matthew - 33 Stanton Street—Dorchester 4

Saint Angela Baptism for June 2019 Pou Batèm an kreyol inskripsyion kòmanse Registration in English is started. Instruction: English: Saturday, Saturday, June 1, 2019; 2:00 pm Français: Samedi, Samdi, 1 juin, 2019 à 2:00pm Baptism Date: Francais: Samedi, 15 juin, 2019 à 2:00 pm English: Saturday, June 22nd, 2019 @ 2:00 pm

Saint Matthew Anregistreman: Vini denpi kounye a, lap fèt nan Sen Matye; nap tan-n nou. Klas Batèm: Pou manman, papa, marenn, parenn. Samdi, 1 juin, 2019 a 2 zè nan Sen Matye. Seremoni Baptèm nan: Samdi 8 juin, a 2zè nan apre midi

SAINT MATTHEW PILGRIMAGE Divine Merci: 04/28/19.

Mont Carmel: 07/16/19. Depart 5:00 PM Return 4:00 PM.

Contact 617-719-2587 Colette Ostine.

Forming Disciples in Mission, a workshop in evangeliza-tion, is offering workshops this spring in English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese! Visit to register. Also, a workshop on leadership, Forming Leaders for Mission, helps discern your gifts for leadership in your parish, family, and community. To register, visit:

ST ANGELA PARISH Les lieux de pèlerinage avec l ‘ Eglise Sainte Angela pour l’année 2019. “Un temps pour partir pour se retrouver et trouver Dieu” Divine Miséricorde Stockbridge MA Dimanche 28 Avril 2019 Notre Dame du Mont Carmel New York Mardi 16 Juillet 2019 Sainte Thérèse Rhodes Island Dimanche 18 Aout 2019 Notre Dame de Fatima New Jersey Samedi 5 Octobre 2019 N’hésitez pas à vous inscrire aujourd’hui même. Veuillez nous contacter pour de plus amples information. Marie Carme Aurélien : 617-817-8819 Gertha Alphonse: 857-251-5341 Marianne Joassainte: 617-522-8751 Sur les pas de celui qui est lumière des nations faisons route avec Jésus à travers nos pèlerinages pour l’année 2019

Drive for ETE Camp 2019 in Haiti Saturday , April 6, 2019 11:00 — 3:00 pm

Mattapan Branch Library Conference Room 350 Blue Hill Avenue Mattapan 02126

Call: 617-446-3514

Encounter Lent through CRS Rice Bowl Join our Archdiocese, and the more than 14,000 Catholic com-munities across the United States, in a life-changing Lenten journey of encounter with CRS Rice Bowl. Pick up your fami-ly’s CRS Rice Bowl from your parish or order materials online at anytime now through the end of Lent. Throughout these 40 days, as companions on the jour-ney, we will encounter our neighbor.


Sunday, April 14th Palm Sunday of the Passion

of the Lord: Blessing of Branches at STM at 11am in the parking lot.

At STA Church Hall at 1pm. For the 7am and 11am Masses the benediction of the branches will be on the back of the Church, and process to the front.

The Chrism Mass will be on Tuesday, April 16

th at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, at

11am. Anyone who wants to come is welcome.

Holy Thursday and Saturday we have a bilin-gual prayer service at 9am at STA.

Good Friday, bilingual prayer service at STM at 9am.

Thursday of the Lord’s Supper Mass at STA and STM at 7pm, bilingual.

Good Friday, 3pm STM, Way of the Cross in Creole.

STA Good Friday Service in English at 3pm. Good Friday Service in Creole STA 7pm.

STM Good Friday Service Bilingual at 7pm.

Easter Vigil in the Holy Night Bilingual STA and STM 8:30pm.

Easter Sunday of the Lord: STA Masses 7am, 11am and 1:30pm.

STM Masses: 9:30am and 11am.

Please do not have any other meeting on Holy Week; that will help us to keep the Holy week as Holy it can be.

Fifth Sunday of Lent C April 7, 2019

St. Angela Merici– 1548 Blue Hill Ave.– Mattapan St. Matthew - 33 Stanton Street—Dorchester 5

ANNOUNCEMENT 04/07/2019 1- Anyone who’s worshiping with us for the first time, please stand up, we want to say a special welcome. We have an English Mass at St. Matthew at 9:30am, and St. Angela at 11:00am. 2 - Keep in mind that we have trash disposal at the entrance of the church. Do not leave anything in the church when service is over. Be careful not to lug chewing gum on the carpet, or food, or water. Do not bring food and drinks to the church. Do not let the children go out alone; Do not let them go to the toilet, or go down to the basement alone. Thank you so much for your collaboration. 3- Remember that Saint Angela's Church holds an additional Eng-lish Mass every Saturday at 4pm. Invite friends and family. 4– Meetings with Fr. Garcia Monday, April 15th, Parish Finance Council STA/STM 5- FOR LENT: “THE LIGHT IS ON FOR YOU” This is a program in the Archdiocese of Boston; every Wednesday, we have confession in all Parishes and Collaborative in the Archdiocese. In our Collabo-rative we have confession at St. Matthew every Wednesday 3-5pm. We also have confession during the Lent retreat and every Sunday before Mass. 6- WAY OF THE CROSS: Every Thursday at 6pm in English. 7- The office is close on Wednesdays. It will be opened Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, until further notice. 8- LENT RETREAT IN ENGLISH: Tuesday April 9th at 5pm at STA; Theme: “Becoming disciples and apostles of Jesus today” Confes-sion starts at 4pm. 9- EASTER PROGRAM: —Sunday, April 14th Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord: Blessing of Branches at STM at 11am in the parking lot. —At STA in the Church Hall at 1pm. —For the 7am and 11am Masses the benediction of the branches will be at the back of the Church, and process to the front. —The Chrism Mass will be on Tuesday, April 16th at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, at 11am. Anyone who wants to come is welcome. —Holy Thursday and Saturday we have a bilingual prayer service at 9am at STA. —Good Friday, bilingual prayer service at STM at 9am. Thursday of the Lord’s Super Mass at STA and STM at 7pm. —Good Friday, 3pm STM, Way of the Cross. —STA Good Friday Service in English at 3pm. —Good Friday Service in Creole STA 7pm; STM Good Friday Ser-vice Bilingual at 7pm. —Easter Vigil in the Holy Night Bilingual STA and STM 8:30pm. —Easter Sunday of the Lord: STA Mass at 7am, 11am and 1:30pm. —STM 9:30am and 11am. —Please do not have any other meeting on Holy Week; that will help us to keep the Holy week as Holy it can be. 10-Homebound, if you have family members or friends who need to see a priest or receive the Holy Communion. Please call the office, and give name, address and phone number of the person. The priest or the deacon will contact you. Thank you for your collaboration. 11- Remember to take a bulletin with you on your way out. You will find some interesting texts or articles about our faith life. You will also find more information regarding both parishes.

ANONS POU SEMEN LAN 04/07/2019 1- NAP MANDE MOUN KI VI-N LEGLIZ LA PREMYE FWA, tanpri fè yon ti leve pou nou salye-yo yon jan espesyal. Byenvini nan Legliz Sent Angela/Sen Matye! Nou gen mès Ayisyen chak dimanch a 11am nan Legliz Sen Matye. E a 1:30 pm isit la nan Legliz Sent An-gela. Nou gen tou priyè Karismatik chak Madi swa nan Sent Angela, e chakVandredi swa nan Sen Matye apati 7pm. 2- SONJE GEN POUBEL nan chak rantre legliz la pou si nou gen bagay pou jete. Pa kite anyen sou ban legliz la lè lamès fini. Veye pou nou pa lague chiklèt sou kapèt la, oubyen manje, oubyen dlo. Pa pote manje ak bwason nan legliz la. Pa kite timoun yo sòti pou kont yo; pa kite yo al nan twalèt, oubyen desann nan sousòl la pou kont yo. Mèsi anpil pou kolaborasyon nou. 3- RANKONT AK PE GARCIA : Lendi 15 Avril Parish Finance STM/STA Samdi 27 Avril Gwoup Legion STM Lendi 29 Avril 4èm Sesyon Fòmasyon Kou LaBib . 4-SONJE KE OFIS LA fèmen jou Mèkredi; lI ouvè 4 jou nan semen nan : Lendi, Madi, Jedi ak Vandredi de 9am a 5pm. Nou pa bezwen rele, jou Mèkredi ; paske nou pap jwen moun nan ofis la. 5- POU TAN KARÈM LAN : “Light is on for you” Se yon pwogram Achidyosèz Boston an kote chak mèkredi gen konfesyon nan tout pawas ak kolaborativ yo. Bò isit se nan Sen Matye nap jwenn kon-fesyon chak mèkredi apati 3è jiska 5è. - Ap gen konfésyon tou pandan retrét Karèm nan e chak dimanch avan lames. - Chemen Lakwa STA/STM chak Vandredi a 7pm an Kreyòl nan STA. E chak Jedi a 6pm an Angle. 6- RETRET KAREM NAN STA 8, 9, 10 Avril; STM 10, 11, 12 Avril. Tèm: «Vi-n Disip ak Apot Kris la jodi-a. Ap genyen yon jou espesyal retrèt pou kominote Ameriken yo nan Legliz STA jou kap Madi 9 Avril a 5pm avèk pou Tèm : « Becoming disciples and apostles of Jesus today ».Depi nan 4pm ap genyen konfesyon. 7- PWOGRAM FET PAK : - Dimanche Ramo 14 avril : Pwosesyon Ramo nan Sen Matye apati 11am e nap rasanble nan Parking legliz la pou beniediksyon Ramo yo, - Pwosesyon Ramo nan Sent Angela ap komanse depi a 1è, e nap rasanble nan Parking Legliz la pou benediksyon Ramo yo. - Madi 16 avril selebrasyon Mès Krismal nan Katedral Holy Cross apati 11am, moun ki kapab ale yo, yo byenvini. - Jedi Sen ak Samdi dlo benit ap gen priyè dimaten bileng nan STA a 9am. - Vandredi Sen a 9am ap gen priyè dimaten bileng nan STM. - Jedi Sen Messe la Cène nan STM ak STA apati 7pm, - Vandredi Sen : 3pm STM: Chemenn Kwa an Ayisyen; 3pm STA sèvis pou Kominote Ameriken; 7pm STA sèvis laKwa an Ayisyen; nan STM sèvis LaKwa bileng. - Samdi dlo benit Veye Paskal STM ak STA 8:30pm; - Dimanch Pak Lamès nan 2 pawas yon an lè nòmal yo. - Nap mande pou nou pa fè ankenn lòt reyinyon ak lòt rasanbleman nan Legliz pandan Semèn Sent lan. Yon fason pou nou kite Semèn Sent lan sent tout bon vre. 8- SONJE PRAN BILTEN nan pòt Legliz la. Nap jwenn bon jan ti atik an Kreyol/Franse ak Angle ki va itil pou konesans lafwa nou. Nap jwenn tou plis enfòmasyon sou aktivite 2 pawas yo.

St. Angela Merici– 1548 Blue Hill Ave.–Mattapan St. Matthew - 33 Stanton Street—Dorchester

Religious Education:

Grades: K—8

Sunday, 9:15 am to 10:45 am at the School ;

( Pope John Paul II Academy, Mattapan Campus )

High School Confirmation Program

Sunday afternoon as scheduled at the School

The old Saint Angela School

120 Babson Street

Mattapan, MA 02126

St. Angela Merici Church

1548 Blue Hill Avenue

Mattapan, MA 02126

Telephone—617-298-0080 / 617-298-0081


Web Site—

St. Matthew Church

33 Stanton Street

Dorchester, MA 02124

Telephone—617-436-3590 / 617-436-3591


Web Site—


Sunday Masses:

Saturday:5:00 pm

Sunday: 9:30 am ( English )

11:00 am ( French creole )

Weekday Masses:

Monday through Wednesday: 5:00 pm (French / Haitian creole

Holiday Masses: As announced

Food Pantry:

Saturday: 9:00 am to 12.00 Noon

By SR. Mary Damian Powers, SM

Sponsored by St. Eulalia in Winchester

Charismatic Renewal:

Friday: 7:00 pm( Haitian creole ) in the Main Church

Sunday: 6:00 pm( Haitian creole ) in the Chapel

Wednesday –Adoration all day from 8:30 AM until 5PM Mass

Ist Saturday of the month: Mille Ave

Devotion to Our Lady of Fatima: 13th of each month at 6:00 pm

Legion of Mary: Saturday at 6pm (Haitian Creole) in the Chap-


Saturday: 4:00pm Mass (English)

Sunday Masses:

Sunday 7:00 am (Creole/French/English)

11:00 am (English)

1:30 pm (French/Haitian creole)

Weekday Mass: 9:00 am ( Bilingual, Monday through Saturday)

Monday & Friday: No 5:30 Mass on Monday evening, but we

still have adoration of the blessed Sacrament all day on Monday

Benediction 4:30pm.

9:45 am ( Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament ) all day

5:30 pm ( Benediction followed by the Mass only in Friday)

No Mass on Tuesday morning

Holiday Masses

9:00 am / 5:30 pm / 7:00 pm as announced

Charismatic Renewal:

Tuesday: 7:00 pm ( Haitian creole ) Main Church

Holy Family Group: Saturday 5:00 pm ( Haitian Creole )

Church Hall

Legion Of Mary: Saturday 3:00 pm (Haitian Creole)

Conference room

1st Saturday of the month: Mille Ave( in the chapel after Mass)

Devotion to Our Lady of Fatima: 13th of May at 7:00pm

Baptisms: Call Parish office for appointment.

Confessions: Call Parish office for appointment.

Marriage: Contact one of the Priests at least six (6) months in Ad-


Rev. Garcia Breneville /Administrator

St. Angela/St. Matthew Parishes

Rev. Paul Charly Chery, parochial vicar / Saint Matthew

Rev. Sandry Matondo/ St. Matthew/ In Residence

Deacon Joseph E. Dorlus, Pastoral Associate

Mr. Derrick R. Dominique, Business Manager

Ms. Marie Suze Pierre, Secretary / Saint Angela

Mrs. Colette Ostine, Secretary / Saint Matthew

Mrs. Bernadette Obas, Religious Education Coordinator

Mrs Josette Beaubrun, Confirmation Coordinator

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Angela, Mattapan, MA & Saint Matthew, Dorchester, MA 4326

with CatholicTVPray the Divine Office

Vespers (Evening Prayer), 9pm ET

Lauds (Morning Prayer), 9am ET

Every day:

Growing up on the edge of poverty, Hector wrestled with homelessness, and was struggling to find food. While playing basketball in a local Church league, he met Fr. Paul O’Brien, who encouraged him to go to college.

Fr. Paul was there for Hector at every step of his journey to college and beyond. With his help and guidance, Hector went on to play basketball for Regis College, graduate, and now works as a school counselor to give back to students the same hope and inspiration he received. Like Fr. Paul, our senior priests in good standing have been helping others for decades.

As we celebrate this Easter with our families and friends, please remember the Boston priests who have helped us along our life journey and consider making a gift of thanks to the special Easter collection for their health and retirement needs.

Funds from this special collection are managed by the Clergy Health and Retirement Trust – an independently managed trust with a majority lay board of trustees. The funds are used for the sole benefit of active and senior priests in good standing.


TO ENCOURAGE. TO INSPIRE.Boston Priests Answer the Call .

Clergy Health and Retirement

To watch a short inspirational video about Hector’s story visit

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Angela, Mattapan, MA & Saint Matthew, Dorchester, MA 4326

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Fr. John Currie. Native of Dorchester. Graduate of Boston Latin Academy. Ordained in 1997. Served the communities of West Roxbury, Norwood, Hingham, Holbrook and Westford. Currently the pastor of St. Patrick Parish, Roxbury.

Please support our priests who have been there for us.

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Boston Priests Answer the Call .