Sahih Muslim - Book 06 - The Book of Fasting (Kitab Al-Sawm)

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Transcript of Sahih Muslim - Book 06 - The Book of Fasting (Kitab Al-Sawm)

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Document Information:

1st edition

Edited by: Mika'il al-Almany

Created: 2009-10-02 17:41:54

Last modified: 2009-11-05 01:40:!

"ersion: 0911050140!40!-!7

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Ca6ter 24: Abroation of te ords of Alla: BAnd as for tose o3an fast /bt do not te e6iation isB by te ords: Bosoe=eritnesses it e sall a=e to fast te ole montB /ii 1!4 44

Ca6ter 25: @ermissibiliy of 3om6letin te /missed fasts of 8amadanbefore te 3ommen3ement of te 3omin 8amadan 45Ca6ter 2*: Com6letin of te fast on bealf of te dead 4*Ca6ter 27: en an obser=er of fast is in=ited to a feast; or someonefits it im; e sold say: B% am fastinB 47Ca6ter 2!: E3ellen3e of fastin 4!Ca6ter 29: @ermissibility of makin an intention for =olntary fastinbefore noon and 6ermissibility of breakin =olntary fast itotreason 50Ca6ter 0: Eatin and drinkin /and seal inier3orse inforetflness does not break te fast 50Ca6ter 1: +e fast obser=ed by te a6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be6on im besides 8amadan 51Ca6ter 2: ,orbiddan3e to obser=e 6er6etal fast and e3ellen3e ofobser=in fast on alternate days 5Ca6ter : E3ellen3e of obser=in fast for tree days drin e=erymont And fastin on te day of 'Arafa and 'Asra and monday andtrsday 57Ca6ter 4: ,astin in te mont of #a'ban 59Ca6ter 5: E3ellen3e of te fast of Marram *0Ca6ter *: E3ellen3e of obser=in fast for si days in te mont of

#aal after 8amadan *0Ca6ter 7: E3ellen3e of Lailat-l-adr and eortation to find it *1Ca6ter !: (bser=in of i'tikaf in te last ten days of 8amadan *5Ca6ter 9: en sold a 6erson enter te 6la3e of i'tikaf as eintends to obser=e it **Ca6ter 40: (ne sold eert more /in de=otion and 6rayer in telast ten days of 8ramadan *7Ca6ter 41: ,astin on te 10t of <'l-$i??a *7

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After 6rayer te se3ond obliatory dty i3 e=ery Mslim is reDired to6er-form is tat of fastin drin te mont of 8amadan +e ord sam i3 asbeen sed in te $oly r'an and te $adit for fastin meansB to abstainB > tsa orse tat abstains from mo=in abot or from eatin te fodder is said to besa'im %n te te3ni3al lanae sam sinifies fastin or abstainin from foodand drink and seal inter3orse from te dim beinnin of dan till snset

,astin as an instittion for te 6rifi3ation of te sol is 3ommon to all <i=inereliions +e riter of te arti3le onB ,astinB in te En3y3lo6adia ritanni3astates tatB it old be diffi3lt to name any reliios system of any des3ri6tionin i3 it is olly nre3oniedB +is instittion as ell establised amonte Fes and te Cristians

 +e re3ords of te $adit bear am6le testimony to te fa3t tat fastin as a3ommon reliios 6ra3ti3e amon te 6re-%slami3 Arabs too; and tey sed toobser=e fast on te tent of Marram be3ase it as on tis =ery day tat Allasa=ed Moses and is 3om6anions from te 3lt3es of te @arao o asdroned in te sea alon it is army +e Arabs and oter 6eo6le too erefamiliar it fastin as an a3t of 6eniten3e or of 6ro6itiation or a 6re6aratory ritebefore some a3t of sa3ramental eatin or an initiation or a mornin 3eremony

%n %slam fastin is 6rimarily an instittion for a s6irital dis3i6line andself3ontrol %t is in fa3t an eer3ise in reliios de=otion in te form of 3eerfland illin renn3iation; for a definite 6eriod; of all te a66etites of fles lafl intemsel=es /te nlafl ones bein rled ot of 3orse +e r'an says:

0 ye o belie=eG 6res3ribed nto yo is fastin e=en as it as 6res3ribed ntotose before yo tat a6ly yo may be3ome .od-3ons3ios /ii 1!

(f all te 3reation of .od only man de=iates from $is 6at e ill find tat totins are mainly res6onsible for tis: te lo=e for material 6ossessions and tetem6ta- tions of te fles %slam as; tro te instittions of Hakat and#adaDat; 6red te earts of its folloers from te lo=e of ealt; and asin3l3ated in im te abit to 6art it it readily for te sake of .od

,astin as been ordained as a reliios dty for te Mslims for sbdin teirlst and kee6in teir a66etites ell itin reasonable bonds so tat man maynot be3ome teir sla=e and lose 3ontrol o=er imself +e r'an 3learly states

tat a man 3annot attain sal=ation nless e learns to restrain is self from lodesiresB And as for im o fears to stand before is Lord and restrains imselffrom lo desires; @aradise is srely te abodeB /li 40-41

 +e eer3ise of abstainin from tins oterise lafl in te ordinary 3orseof life; at te beest of Alla; strentens man's morality and self-3ontrol anddee6ens in im te 3ons3iosness of te Lord +is is at distinises fastinin %slam from fastin in oter reliions

%t sold also be borne in mind tat fastin does not aim at infli3tin6nisment 6on 6eo6le or saddin 6on tem nbearable brdens +enderlyin idea beind it is to tea3 moderation and s6irital dis3i6line so tatman tem6tations may not be3ome so ild and n3ontrollable as to flot te

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3ommands of te .reat Master +o be a tre ser=ant of Alla; it is essential tatman sold be able to 3onform is bea=ior to te moral and s6irital dis3i6lineembodied in te #ari'a of %slam (ne 3annot a3ie=e tis end if one finds

oneself el6less before ntamed and trblent desires ,astin is indis6ensablefor tis moral and s6irital trainin

Anoter distinisin featre of %slami3 fastin is tat it does not train a6erson for 3om6lete renni3ation bt for 6erfe3t and 3eerfl obedien3e to teLord All tose tins from i3 man is 3ommanded to abstain drin fast; e eatin; drinkin and seal inter3orse; be3ome 6ermissible for im at te end ofte fast +is sos tat %slam does not look don 6on te a66etite of fles assometin inoble and ts fit to be eterminated root and bran3 from teman sol A33ordin to %slam; tere is notin 6rofane or inoble in man6ersonality: bot sol and body are sa3red and orty of res6e3t o as6e3t is tobe inored and no re is to be 3om6letely 3rbed at is reDired is to kee6 alltese res ell itin teir 6ro6er limits so tat none of tem transressesnatral bonds and be3omes te sor3e of troble

 +at fastin is an instittion for moral ele=ation 3an be ?ded from te fa3ttat Alla does not im6ose 3e3k only 6on eatin; drinkin and sealinter3orse from dan to snset; bt also eorts $is ser=ants to refrain fromoter fol a3ts; for e- am6le; ba3kbitin; indlin in fol s6ee3; tellin lies;et3 Ab $raira re6orted Alla's Messener /may 6ea3e be 6on im as sayin:%f one does not abandon falseood and oter a3tions like it; .od as no need tatone sold abandon one's food and drink /#ai kari

 +e so3ial as6e3t of fastin in 8amadan is tat te ole atmos6ere is6ermeated it reliios 6iety and de=otion to Alla +ere is one etra

3onreational 6rayer; +arai; drin te nit; in i3 te r'an is re3itedand te Mslim is reminded of te fa3t tat it as in te mont of 8amadan tatte re=elation of te r'an 3ommen3ed +e sadaDDt are also i=en it reatereal and fer=or in tis mont +s te ole Mslim so3iety is ins6ired by telo=e of .od Ab $raira re6orted Alla's Messener /may 6ea3e be 6on im assayin: en 8amadan beins; te ates of $ea=en are o6ened; te ates of $ellare lo3ked; and te de=ils are 3ained /kari and Mslim

Mammad Asad; ile el3idatin te s6irital and moral sinifi3an3e of fastsays:B +ofold % learned; is te 6r6ose of tis mont of fastin (ne as toabstain from food and drink in order to feel in one's body at te 6oor andnry feel: ts so3ial res6onsibility is bein ammered into man

3ons3iosness as a reliios 6ostlate +e oter 6r6ose of fastin drin8amadan is self-dis3i6line; an as6e3t of indi=idal morality stronly a33entatedin all %slami3 tea3ins /as; for instan3e; in te total 6roibition of all intoi3ants;i3 %slam reards as too easy an a=ene of es3a6e from 3ons3iosness andres6onsibility %n tese to elements-broterood of man and %ndi=idal self-dis3i6line -% bean to dis3ern ne otline of %slam's eti3al ot lookB /8oad toMe33a; London; 1954; 6 1!!

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Chate : E.,e$$en,e of the &onth of /a&a*an

Book 006, Number 2361:

Ab $raira re6orted Alla's Messener /may 6ea3e be 6on im as sayin:en tere 3omes te mont of 8amadan; te ates of mer3y are o6ened; andte ates of $ell are lo3ked and te de=ils are 3ained;

Book 006, Number 2362:

 +is adit is re6orted by Ab $raira /it a slit alteration of ords tatte Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im said:B en /te mont of8amadan beinsB

Chate 0: Fat!n" !n /a&a*an ho+$*ne,ea!$1 #e ,o&&en,e* %!th the !"ht of

 the ne% &oon an* f!n!he* %!th the !"ht of the ne% &oon !f the %eathe ! ,$o+*1 at the#e"!nn!n" o at the en*2 then ,o&$ete th!t1*a1

Book 006, Number 2363:

%bn &mar /Alla be 6leased it bot of tem re6orted Alla's Messener /may6ea3e be 6on im as sayin in 3onne3tion it 8amadan: <o not fast till yosee te ne moon; and do not break fast till yo see it> bt if te eater is3lody 3al3late abot it

Book 006, Number 2364:

%bn &mar re6orted tat Alla's Messener /may 6ea3e be 6on im made a

mention of 8amadan and e it te estre of is and said: +e mont is tsand ts /$e ten itdre is tmb at te tird time $e ten said: ,ast enyo see it; and break yor fast en yo see it; and if te eater is 3lody3al3late it /te monts of #a'ban and #aal as tirty days

Book 006, Number 2365:

 +is adit is narrated on te atority of '&baidlla it te same 3ain oftransmitters; and e said: %f /te sky is 3lody for yo; ten 3al3late tirty days/for te mont of 8amadan

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Book 006, Number 2366:

'&baidlla narrated on te atority of te same 3ain of transmitters tat teMessener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im made a mention of 8amadan andsaid: +e mont may 3onsist of tenty-nine days; and it may be ts; ts andts; and /e frter said: Cal3late it; bt e did not say tirty

Book 006, Number 2367:

%bn'&mar /Alla be 6leased it-bot of tem re6orted Alla's Messener /may6ea3e be 6on im as sayin: +e mont of 8amadan may 3onsist of tenty-nine days #o do not fast till yo a=e sited it /te ne moon and do not breakfast; till yo a=e sited it /te ne moon of #aal; and if te sky is 3lodyfor yo; ten 3al3late

Book 006, Number 2368:

'Abdlla b '&mar /Alla be 6leased it bot of tem re6orted Alla'sMessener /may 6ea3e be 6on im as sayin: +e mont /of 8amadan may3onsist of tenty nine days> so en yo see te ne moon obser=e fast anden yo see /te ne moon aain at te 3ommen3ement of te mont of#aal ten break %t; and if te sky is 3lody for yo; ten 3al3late it /and3om6lete tirty days

Book 006, Number 2369:

'Abdlla b &mar /Alla be 6leased it bot of tem re6orted Alla'sMeasener /may 6ea3e be 6on im as sayin: en yo see te ne moon;obser=e fast; and en yo see it /aain ten break it; and if te sky is 3lodyfor yo; ten 3al3late it

Book 006, Number 2370:

%bn '&mar /Alla be 6leased it bot of tem re6orted Alla's Messener/may 6ea3e be 6on im as sayin: +e mont may 3onsist of tenty-ninenits #o do not fast till yo a=e sited it /te ne moon and do not break ittill yo a=e sited it; e3e6t en te sky is 3lody for yo; and if it is so; ten3al3late it

Book 006, Number 2371:

%bn &mar /Alla be 6leased it bot of tem re6orted Alla's Messener /may6ea3e be 6on im as sayin: +e mont is ts and ts and ts /i e 6ointinit is finers tri3e; and e eld ba3k is tmb at te tird time /in order toso tat it 3an also 3onsist of tenty-nine days

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Book 006, Number 2378:

Ab $raira re6orted Alla's Messener /may 6ea3e be 6on im as sayin:ene=er yo sit te ne moon /of te mont of 8amadan obser=e fast anden yo sit it /te ne moon of #aal break it; and if te sky is 3lody foryo; ten obser=e fast for tirty days

Book 006, Number 2379:

Ab $raira re6orted Alla's Messener /may 6ea3e be 6on im as sayin:(bser=e fast on sitin it /te ne moon and break /fast on sitin it /tene moon; bt if te sky is 3lody for yo; ten 3om6lete te nmber /of tirty

Book 006, Number 2380:

Ab $raira re6orted Alla's Messener /may 6ea3e be 6on im as sayin:(bser=e fast on sitin it /te ne moon and break it on sitin it t if /deto 3lods te a3tal 6osition of te mont is 3on3ealed from yo; yo soldten 3ont tirty /days

Book 006, Number 2381:

Ab $raira /Alla be 6leased it im narrated tat te Messener of Alla/may 6ea3e e 6on im made a mention of te ne moon and /in tis3onne3tion said: (bser=e fast en yo see it /te ne moon and break fasten yo see it /te ne moon of #aal; bt en /te a3tal 6osition of temont is 3on3ealed from yo /on a33ont of 3lody sky; ten 3ont tirty days

Chate 3: 4o not fat fo a *a1 o t%o *a1ahea* of /a&a*an

Book 006, Number 2382:

Ab $raira /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted Alla's Messener /may 6ea3ebe 6on im as sayin: <o not obser=e fast for a day; or to days aead of8amadan e3e6t a 6erson o is in te abit of obser=in a 6arti3lar fast> e

may fast on tat day

Book 006, Number 2383:

 +is adit as been narrated on te atority of Jaya b Abi )atir it tesame 3ain of transmitters

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Chate 5: The &onth &a1 ,on!t of t%ent1-n!ne*a1

Book 006, Number 2384:

Hri re6orted tat /on3e te A6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im tookan oat tat e old not o to is i=es for one Mont Hri said tat '&ranarrated to im from 'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er tat se said: ententy-nine nits ere o=er; i3 % ad 3onted; te Messener of Alla /may6ea3e be 6on im 3ame to me /e 3ame to me first of all % said: Messener ofAlla; yo ad taken an oat tat yo old not 3ome to s for a mont; ereasyo a=e 3ome after tenty nine days i3 % a=e 3onted ere6on e said:

 +e mont may also 3onsist of tenty-nine days

Book 006, Number 2385:

 Fabir /Alla be 6leased it er narrated tat te $oly @ro6et /may 6ea3e be6on im se6arated imself from is i=es for a mont /$is i=es said: $e3ame to s on te tenty-nint day; ere6on e said: %t is te tenty-nint/day today +ere6on e said: #o far as te mont is 3on3erned; /and e; it a=ie to e6lainin it fla66ed is ands tri3e; bt eld ba3k one finer at te lasttrn

Book 006, Number 2386:

Ab Hbair is re6orted to a=e eard Fabir b 'Abdlla /Alla be 6leased itbot of tem as sayin: +e A6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im se6aratedimself from is i=es for a mont /$is i=es said: $e 3ame to s on temornin of te tenty-nint &6on tis some; of te 6eo6le said: %t is te morninof tenty- nint /a33ordin to or 3al3lation &6on tis te A6ostle of Alla/may 6ea3e be 6on im said: +e mont may also 3onsist of tenty-nine days

 +e A6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im ten fla66ed is bands tri3e;ti3e it all te finers of bot is and /to indi3ate tenty-nine and by tetird time it nine /finers

Book 006, Number 2387:&mm #alama /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted tat te A6ostle of Alla

/may 6ea3e be 6on im took an oat tat e old not o to some of is i=esfor te ole of te mont en tenty-nine days bad 6assed e /te $oly@ro6et ent to tem in te mornin or in te e=enin &6on tis it as said toim: A6ostle of Alla; yo took an oat tat yo old not 3ome to s for amont; ere6on e said: +e mont may also 3onsist of tenty-nine days

Book 006, Number 2388:

A adit like tis as been narrated on te atority of %bn Frai? it te same

3ain of transmitters

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Book 006, Number 2389:

#a'd b Abi aDDas /Alla be 6leased it im said tat te Messener of Alla/may 6ea3e be 6on im str3k is and aainst te oter and /ten it teestre of is to ands said: +e mont is ts; ts /to times $e tenitdre /one of is finers at te tird trn

Book 006, Number 2390:

Mammad b #a'd re6orted on te atority of is fater /#a'd b Abi aDDas/Alla be 6leased it im tat te A6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on imad said: +o mont is ts and ts; and ts; i e ten; ten and nine +isadit as been narrated by Ab )alid it te same 3ain of transmitters

Chate : Thee ! a !"ht!n" of the &oon foe7e1 to%n8 the !"ht!n" at one to%n ,annot#e he$* 7a$!* fo the othe to%n !t+ate* at a,on!*ea#$e *!tan,e fo& !t

Book 006, Number 2391:

)raib re6orted tat &mm ,adl; dater of $arit; sent im /,adl; i e er sonto M'aiya in #yria % /,adl arri=ed in #yria; and did te needfl for er %t astere in #yria tat te mont of 8amadan 3ommen3ed % sa te ne moon /of8amadan on ,riday % ten 3ame ba3k to Medina at te end of te montAbdlla b 'Abbas /Alla be 6leased it im asked me /abot te ne moon of8amadan and said: en did yo see itI % said: e sa it on te nit of ,riday$e said: /<id yo see it yorselfI -% said: Jes; and te 6eo6le also sa it and teyobser=ed fast and M'aiya also obser=ed fast; ere6on e said: t e sa iton #atrday nit #o e old 3ontine to obser=e fast till e 3om6lete tirty/lasts or e see it /te ne moon of #aal % said: %s te sitid of te moonby M'aiya not =alid for yoI $e said: o> tis is o te Messener of Alla/may 6ea3e be 6on im as 3ommanded s Jaya b Jaya as in dobt

/eter te ord sed in te narration by )raib as aktafi or +aktafi

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Chate 6: It ! !&&ate!a$ %hethe the ne% &oon! $a"e (on a,,o+nt of aea!n" afte th!t1n!"ht) o &a$$ (on a,,o+nt of aea!n" on

 the th!t!eth n!"ht)8 an* A$$ah *efe !t to&ake !t +!ta#$e fo !"ht!n" an* !f the k1 !,$o+*12 then th!t1 (fat) ae to #e ,o&$ete*

Book 006, Number 2392:

Ab'l-aktari re6orted: e ent ot to 6erform &mra and en e en3am6edin te =alley of akla; e tried to see te ne moon #ome of te 6eo6le said: %tas tree nits old; and oters /said tat it as to nits old e ten met%bn 'Abbas and told im e ad seen te ne moon; bt tat some of te 6eo6lesaid it as tree nits old and oters tat it as to nits old $e asked oni3 nit e ad seen it> and en e told im e ad seen it on s3 ands3 nit; e said te @ro6et of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im ad said: "erilyAlla deferred it till te time it is seen; so it is to be re3koned from te nit yosa it

Book 006, Number 2393:

Ab'l-aktari re6orted: e sa te ne moon of 8amadan as e ere at <it-i-'%rD e sent a man to %bn Abbas /Alla be 6leased it bot of tem to ask im/eter te sitin of a small moon ad sometin of te natre of defe3t init &6on tis %bn 'Abbas /Alla be 6leased it bot of tem said tat teMessener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im ad said: "erily Alla deferred itssit; bt if /te ne moon is idden from yo; ten; 3om6lete its nmber/tirty

Chate 9: The &onth of I* ae not !n,o&$ete

Book 006, Number 2394:

 +e son of Ab akra re6orted it on te atority of is fater tat te A6ostleof Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im ad said: +e to monts of '%d; 8amadan and<'l-$i??a /are not in3om6lete

Book 006, Number 2395:

'Abd ar-8aman b Ab akra re6orted on te atority of Ab akra tat teA6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im ad said: +e monts of '%d are notin3om6lete And in te adit narrated by )alid /te ords are:B +e monts; of'%d are 8amadan and <'l-$i??aB

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Chate ;: The t!&!n" of fat #e"!n %!th *a%n

Book 006, Number 2396:

'Adi b $atim /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted tat en /tis =erse asre=ealed:B &ntil te ite streak of te dan be3omes distin3t from te darkstreakB /ii 1!7 Adi b $atim said: Messener of Alla; =erily % kee6 nderneatmy 6illo to strins; one ite and te oter bla3k; by i3 % distinis nitfrom dan &6on tis te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im said: Jor6illo seems to be =ery lare ,or te ord kait im6lies te bla3kness of tenit and te iteness of te dan

Book 006, Number 2397:

#al b #a'd said tat en tis =erse as re=ealed:B Eat and drink till te itestreak is distin3t from te dark streak;B a 6erson old take old of a itetread and a bla3k tread and kee6 on eatin till e 3old find tem distin3t /inte lit of te dan %t as ten tat Alla; te Ma?esti3 and .reat; re=eiled /teords min al-fa?r /from te dan; and ten it be3ame 3lear /tat te ord kaitrefers to te streak of lit in te dan

Book 006, Number 2398:

#al b #a'd /Alla be 6leased it im said: en tis =erse as re=eal- edBEat and drink till te ite streak be3omes distin3t from te dark streak for yo;B

te 6erson o de3ided to obser=e fast tied on one of is feet a bla3k tread andon te oter a ite tread And e ent on eatin and drinkin till e 3olddistinis /beteen teir 3olor on seein tem %t as after tis tat Allare=eal- ed /te ords: min al-fa?r And tey /te Mslims 3ame to kno tat /teord kait refers to te nit and day

Book 006, Number 2399:

'Abdlla b Mas'd /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted tat te Messener ofAlla /may 6ea3e be 6on im ad said: ilal old 6ronon3e Adan /at te faend of te nit in order to inform te 6eo6le abot te time of te #ari #o yoeat and drink till yo ear te Adan of %bn &mm Maktm /i3 as 6ro-

non3ed at te 3on3lsion of te #ari and te 3ommen3ement of te fast

Book 006, Number 2400:

Abdlla b '&mar /Alla be 6leased it bot of tem re6orted: % eard teMessener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im as sayin: ilal annon3es Adandrin te nit; so yo eat and drink; till yo ear te Adan of %bn &mmMaktm

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Book 006, Number 2401:

%bn '&mar /Alla be 6leased it bot of tem re6orted tat te Messener ofAlla /may 6ea3e be 6on im ad to M'addins; ilal and son of &mmMaktm; te blind +e Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im said: ilalannon3es Adan at /te fa end of te nit /i e #ari; so eat and drink tillte son of &mm Maktm annon3es Adan And e /te narrator said: And te/differen3e of time beteen teir /Adans as not more tan tis tat one3limbed don /from te minaret and te oter 3limbed 6 /to annon3e Adan

Book 006, Number 2402:

A adit like tis as been transmitted on te atority of 'A'isa /Alla be6leased it er

Book 006, Number 2403:

A adit like tis as been narrated on te atority of '&baidlla on te to3ains of transmitters

Book 006, Number 2404:

%bn Mas'd /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted Alla's Messener /may 6ea3ebe 6on im as sayin +e Adan of ilal sold not restrain anyone amon yofrom eatin #ar /last meal before daybreak drin te mont of 8amadan fore annon3es Adan /or e 3alls at /te fa end of te nit to make im trno stands for 6rayer amon yo; and to aaken tose o are slee6in amonyo And e said: +e dan is not like it; as one says /and e lifted is and tille /dis6ersed is finers and said: %t is like tis

Book 006, Number 2405:

 +is adit as been narrated by #laiman al-+aimi it te same 3ain oftransmitters /bt it a slit =ariation of ords tat e /te $oly @ro6et said:

 +e dan is not like it as it is said> e ten atered is finers and loeredtem t e said; it is like tis /and e 6la3ed te inde finer 6on te oterone and s6read is and

Book 006, Number 2406:

 +is adit as been narrated on te atority of #laiman +aimi it te same3ain of transmitters and; at te end; it as said tat te first Adan as meantto aaken tose o ere in slmber amonst tem and in order to make temtrn o stand in /6rayer amon tem /toards food at te 3ommen3ement ofte fast Farir /one of te narrators said tat te Messener /may 6ea3e be 6onim did not say like tis bt e said like it /tre dan tat te streaks of /tredan are oriontal and not =erti3al

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Book 006, Number 2407:

#amra b Fandb re6orted Mammad /may 6ea3e be 6on im as sayin +e 3all of ilal may not mislead any one of yo /and e may; nder te ronim6ression atered from it; refrain from takin meal before te 3ommen3ementof te fast /for te streaks of tis iteness /i3 are =erti3al indi3ate te falsedan and te tre dan it i3 te fast 3ommen3es is tat en te streaksof lit are s6read

Book 006, Number 2408:

#amra b Fndb re6orted Alla's Messener /may 6ea3e be 6on im assayin: +e Adan of ilal sold not mislead yo nor te iteness /of te 6illarof dan; for it is not te iteness of te tre dan; bt tat of te false dani3 is =erti3al like a 6illar and yo 3an eat food till te streaks of iteness

s6read like it

Book 006, Number 2409:

#amra b Fndb /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted Alla's Messener /may6ea3e be 6on im as sayin: +e Adan of ilal may not mislead yo itreard to yor food at te 3ommen3ement of te fast; nor te =erti3al /streaks ofiteness in te orion /for it is an indi3ation of false dan Jo sold sto6eatin /food till /te iteness s6reads like it $ammad narrated it and it teestre of is band e e6lained; te oriontal 6osition /of te streaks of lit

Book 006, Number 2410:#amra b Fndb addressed and narrated from te A6ostle of Alla /may

6ea3e be 6on im a=in said /tese ords: eiter te 3all of ilal soldmislead yo nor tis iteness /of false dan till /te tre dan a66ears /or esaid till te dan breaks

Book 006, Number 2411:

A adit like tis as been narrated on te atority of #amra b Fndb

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Chate <: E.,e$$en,e of tak!n" &ea$ #efoe*a%n2 te on "!7!n" !t efeen,e an*efeen,e fo *efe!n" !t (at the fa" en* of

 the n!"ht) an* haten!n" !n #eak!n" !t

Book 006, Number 2412:

Anas /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted Alla's Messener /may 6ea3e be6on im as sayin: +ake meal a little before dan; for tere is a blessin intakin meal at tat time

Book 006, Number 2413:

'Amr b al-'As re6orted Alla's Messener /may 6ea3e be 6on im as sayin: +e differen3e beteen or fastin and tat of te 6eo6le of te ook is eatinsortly before dan

Book 006, Number 2414:

Msa b 'Ali as narrated tis adit tro te same 3ain of transmitters

Book 006, Number 2415:

Haid b +abit /Alla be 6leased it im said: e took meal sortly beforedan alon it te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im e ten stood6 for 6rayer % said: $o m3 s6an of time as tere beteen te to /a3ts; ie takin of #ari and obser=in of 6rayerI $e said /a s6an of re3itin fifty=erses

Book 006, Number 2416:

 +is adit as been transmitted on te atority of atada too

Book 006, Number 2417:#al b #a'd /Alla be 6leased it im re6otted Alla's Messener /may 6ea3e

be 6on im as sayin: +e 6eo6le ill 3ontine to 6ros6er as lon as teyasten te breakin of te fast

Book 006, Number 2418:

A adit like tis as been transmitted by #al b #a'd

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Book 006, Number 2419:

Ab 'Atiyya re6orted: % and MasrD ent to 'A'isa and said to er: Moter ofte elie=ers; tere are to 6ersons amon te Com6anions of Mammad /may6ea3e be 6on im one amon om astens in breakin te fast and inobser=in 6rayer; and te oter delays breakin te fast and delays obser=in6rayer #e said: o amon te to astens in breakin fast and obser=in6rayersI e said; %t is 'Abdlla i e son of Mas'd ere6on se said: +is iso te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im did Ab )raib added: +ese3ond one as Ab Msa

Book 006, Number 2420:

Ab 'Atiyya re6orted: % and MisrD ent to 'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it erand MasrD said to er: +ere are to 6ersons amon te Com6anions of

Mammad /may 6ea3e be 6on im none of om abandons te ood; bt oneof tem astens to obser=e snset 6rayer and break te fast; and te oterdelays in obser=in te snset 6rayer and in breakin te fast; ere6on sesaid: o astens to obser=e snset 6rayer and break te fastI $e said: %t is'Abdlla &6on tis se said: +is is o te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be6on im sed to do

Chate =: The t!&e fo #eak!n" the fat an*en*!n" of *a1

Book 006, Number 2421:

'&mar /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted Alla's Messener /may 6ea3e be6on im as sayin: en te nit a66roa3es and te day retreates and tesn sinks don; ten te obser=er of te fast sold break it %bn mair madeno mention of te ordB tenB

Book 006, Number 2422:

'Abdlla b Abi Afa re6orted: e ere it te Messener of Alla /may6ea3e be 6on im on a ?orney drin te mont of 8amadan en te sn

ad snk e said: #o and so; et don /from yor ride and 6re6are te meal of6ar3ed barley for s $e said: Messener of Alla; still /tere is lit of day $e/te $oly @ro6et said: .et don and 6re6are meal of 6ar3ed barley for s #oe ot don and 6re6ared te meal of 6ar3ed barley and offered im; and tea6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im drank tat /liDid meal $e ten toldit te estre of is and tat en te sn sank from tat side and te nita66eared from tat side; ten te obser=er of te fast sold break it

Book 006, Number 2423:

%bn Abi Afa /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted: e ere it te Messener

of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im on a ?orney en te sn sank e said to a

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Book 006, Number 2428:

A adit like tis as been transmitted by %bn '&mar /Alla be 6leased it botof tem; bt e did not make mention of /te ords:B <rin te mont of8amadanB

Book 006, Number 2429:

Ab $raira /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted: +e Messener of Alla /may6ea3e be 6on im forbade /is Com6anions from obser=in fastninterm6tedly (ne of te Mslims said: Messener of Alla; yo yorselfobser=e #am isal ere6on te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6onim said: o amon yo is like meI % s6end nit /in a state tat my Allafeeds me and 6ro=ides me drink en tey /te Com6anions of te $oly@ro6et did not aree in abandonin te ninterr6ted fast; ten te $oly

@ro6et /may 6ea3e be 6on im also obser=ed tis fast it tem for a day;and ten for a day +ey ten sa te ne moon and e /te $oly @ro6et said:%f te a66earan3e of te ne moon ere delayed % old a=e obser=ed more/fasts it yo /and e did it by ay of arnin to tem as tey ad not areedto refrain /from obser=in #am isal

Book 006, Number 2430:

Ab $raira /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted Alla's Messener /may 6ea3ebe 6on im as sayin: Abstain from #am-isal +ey /is Com6anions said:Messener of Alla; bt yo obser=e #am isal &6on tis e said: Jo are notlike me in tis matter; for % s6end my nit /in a state tat my Lord feeds me and6ro=ides me drink <e=ote yorsel=es to te deeds /te brden of i3 yo 3anbear

Book 006, Number 2431:

Ab $raira /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted Alla's A6ostle /may 6ea3e be6on im as sayin /te ords as said in te 6re=ios adit bt it tisalteration /of ords:B +ake 6on yorsel=es /te brden of te deeds for i3yo a=e te strent to bearB

Book 006, Number 2432:Ab $raira re6orted tat te A6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im

forbade /is Com6anions to obser=e #am isal

Book 006, Number 2433:

Anas /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted +e Messener of Alla /may 6ea3ebe 6on im as obser=in 6rayer drin 8amedan % 3ame and stood by isside +en anoter man 3ame and e stood likeise till e be3ame a ro6en te A6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im 6er3ei=ed tat e erebeind im; e litened te 6rayer $e ten ent to is abode and obser=ed

s3 /a lon 6rayer /te like of i3 e ne=er obser=ed it s en it as

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Book 006, Number 2438:

'A'isa re6orted: Alla's Messener /may 6ea3e be 6on im sed to kiss meile obser=in fast> and o amon yo 3an 3ontrol is desire as te Messenerof Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im 3old 3ontrol is desire

Book 006, Number 2439:

'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er re6orted: Alla's Messener /may 6ea3e be6on im sed to kiss /is i=es ile fastin and embra3ed /tem ilefastin> bt e ad te reatest mastery o=er is desire amon yo

Book 006, Number 2440:

'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er re6orted: +e Messener of Alla /may

6ea3e be 6on im sed to kiss /is i=es ile fastin> and e ad tereatest 3ontrol o=er is desire /as 3om6ared it yo

Book 006, Number 2441:

'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er said tat te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3ebe 6on im sed to embra3e /is i=es ile fastin

Book 006, Number 2442:

Asad re6orted: % and MasrD ent to 'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er and

asked er if te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im embra3ed /isi=es ile fastin #e said: Jes> bt e ad te reatest 3ontrol o=er is desireamon yo: or e as one of tose o ad 3ontrol o=er is desire %t is frternarrated on te atority of Asad and MasrD tat tey ent to te Moter ofte elie=ers and tey asked er /and te rest of te adit is te same

Book 006, Number 2443:

'&ra b Hbair narrated tat 'A'isa te Moter of te elie=ers /Alla be6leased it er informed im tat te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6onim kissed er ile fastin

Book 006, Number 2444:

A adit like tis as been narrated by Jaya b Ab )atir it te same 3ainof transmitters

Book 006, Number 2445:

'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er re6orted tat te Messener of Alla /may6ea3e be 6on im sed to kiss er drin te mont of fastin

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Book 006, Number 2446:

'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er re6orted tat Alla's Messener /may 6ea3ebe 6on im kissed /is i=es drin 8amadan ile obser=in fast

Book 006, Number 2447:

'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er re6orted tat Alla's A6ostle /6ea3e be 6onim kissed /is i=es ile fastin

Book 006, Number 2448:

$afsa /Alla be 6leased it er re6orted tat te Messener of Alla /may6ea3e be 6on im kissed /is i=es ile fastin

Book 006, Number 2449:

A adit like tis as been narrated by $afsa /Alla be 6leased it ertro anoter 3ain of transmitters

Book 006, Number 2450:

&mar b Ab #alama re6orted tat e asked te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3ebe 6on im: #old one obser=in fast kiss /is ifeI +e Messener of Alla/may 6ea3e be 6on im said to im: Ask er /&mm #alama #e informed imtat te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im did tat; ere 6on e

said: Messener of Alla; Alla 6ardoned tee all ty sins; te 6re=ios and telater ones &6on tis te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im said: yAlla; % am te most .od 3ons3ios amon yo and % fear $im most amon yo

Chate 3: Thee ! no ha& !n o#e7!n" fat !fone ! >+n#! e7en afte *a%n

Book 006, Number 2451:

Ab akr /e is Ab akr b Abd al-8aman b $arit re6orted: % eard Ab$raira /Alla be 6leased it im narratin tat e o is o=ertaken by dan ina state of seminal emission sold not obser=e fast % made a mention of it to'Abd al-8aman b $arit /i e to is fater bt e denied it 'Abd al-8amanent and % also ent alon it im till e 3ame to'A'isa and &mm #alama/Alla be 6leased it bot of tem and Abd al-8aman asked tem abot itot of tem said: /At times it so a66ened tat te A6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3ebe 6on im oke 6 in te mornin in a state of ?nb /bt itot seminalemission in a dream and obser=ed fast $e /te narrator said: e ten6ro3eeded till e ent to Maran and Abd al-8aman made a mention of it toim &6on tis Maran said: % stress 6on yo /it an oat tat yo better oto Ab $raira and refer to im at is said abot it #o e 3ame to Ab $raira

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Book 006, Number 2456:

#laiman b Jasar re6orted tat e asked &mm #alama eter a 6erson /oets 6 in te mornin in a state of ?nb sold obser=e fast #e said: +eMessener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im /at times ot 6 in te mornin ina state of ?nb; not be3ase of seal dreams /bt on a33ont of inter3orse atnit; and ten obser=ed fast

Chate 5: Se.+a$ !nte,o+e ! ,o&$ete$1 fo#!**en *+!n" the *a1 !n the &onth of/a&a*an

Book 006, Number 2457:

Ab $raira /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted tat a 6erson 3ame to teA6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im and said: Messener of Alla; % amndone $e /te $oly @ro6et said: at as brot abot yor rinI $e said: %a=e ad inter3orse it my ife drin te mont of 8amadan &6on tis e/te $oly 6ro6et said: Can yo find a sla=e to set im freeI $e said: ( $e /te$oly @ro6et aain said: Can yo obser=e fast for to 3onse3ti=e montsI $esaid: o $e /te $oly @ro6et said: Can yo 6ro=ide food to sity 6oor 6eo6leI;$e said: o $e ten sat don and /in te meanile tere as brot to teA6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im a basket i3 3ontained dates $e/te $oly @ro6et said: .i=e tese /dates in 3arity $e /te man said: Am % to

i=e to one o is 6oorer tan %I +ere is no family 6oorer tan mine beteente to la=a 6lains of Medina +e A6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on imlaed so tat is molar teet be3ame =isible and said: .o and i=e it to yorfamily to eat

Book 006, Number 2458:

A adit like tis as been narrated on te atority of Mbammad b Mslimal-Hri it te same 3ain of transmitters; and e said: +ere as brot an'araD 3ontainin dates; an 'araD bein a e basket t in tis adit no men-tion as been made of /te fa3t tat te A6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on

im laed till is molar teet be3ame =isible

Book 006, Number 2459:

Ab $raira re6orted tat a 6erson ad inter3orse it is ife drin8amadan /ile fastin $e asked for te reliios =erdi3t /abot it from teMessener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im; ere6on e /te $oly @ro6etsaid: Can yo find a sla=e /to rant im freedomI $e said: o $e /te $oly@ro6et aain said: Can yo afford to obser=e fasts for to /3onse3ti=emontsI $e said: o $e /te $oly @ro6et said: +en feed sity 6oor men

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Book 006, Number 2460:

 +is adit as been narrated on te atority of Hri it te same 3ain oftransmitters tat a 6erson broke fast in 8amadan ere6on te Messener ofAlla /may 6ea3e be 6on im 3ommanded im to free a sla=e /as anatonement; and te rest of te adit is te same as narrated by %bn &yaina

Book 006, Number 2461:

$maid b 'Abd al-8aman re6orted tat Ab $raira ad narrated to im tatte A6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im 3ommanded te 6erson /obroke te fast in 8amadan to free a sla=e or obser=e fasts for to /3onse3ti=emonts or feed sity 6oor 6ersons

Book 006, Number 2462:

 +is adit as been narrated it te same 3ain of transmitters on teatority of Hri

Book 006, Number 2463:

'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er re6orted tat a 6erson 3ame to teMessener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im and said: % am brnt; ere6onte Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im said: $o is itI $e /te 6ersonsaid: % ad inter3orse it my ife drin te day in 8amadan &6on tis /te$oly @ro6et said: .i=e 3arity; i=e 3arity $e /te 6erson said: +ere isnotin it me $e 3ommanded im to sit don; /%n te meanile tere erebrot to im /to te $oly @ro6et to baskets 3ontainin eatables; ere6onte Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im told im to i=e tem assadaDa

Book 006, Number 2464:

'Abbad b Abdlla b Hbair narrated tat e eard 'A'isa /Alla be 6leasedit er sayin: A 6erson 3ame to te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6onim; and e ten narrated te adit t /neiter tese ords are fond:B .i=e3arity; i=e 3arityB /nor is ords:B drin te day timeB

Book 006, Number 2465:

Abbad b Abdlla b Hbair re6orted tat e ad eard 'A'isa; te ife of teA6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im; as sayin: A 6erson 3ame to teMessener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im in te mosDe drin /te montof 8amadan and said: Messener of Alla; % am brnt % am brnt; ere6on teMes- sener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im asked im as to at te matteras &6on tis e said: % ad inter3orse it my ife /in a state of fastin

 +ere6on e /te $oly @ro6et said: .i=e 3arity &6on tis e said: A6ostle ofAlla; % sear by .od; tere is notin it me /to i=e in 3arity as % do not6ossess anytin $e /te $oly @ro6et said: #it don #o e sat don and e

as in tis =ery state en tere 3ame a 6erson rin a donkey it a load of

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eatables 6on it +e Mes- sener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im said: ereis tat brnt one o as ?st ereI +ere6on te 6erson stood 6 +eMessener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im said: .i=e tis /eatables brot by

te man in 3arity &6on tis te 6erson said: Messener of Alla; 3an tere beanyone else /more deser=in tan %I y Alla e are nry; e a=e notinit s &6on tis e /te $oly @ro6et said: +en eat /tese eatables

Chate : ?e&!!#!$!t1 of o#e7!n" the fato not o#e7!n" !t !n the &onth of /a&a*an

 fo a ta7e$$e

Book 006, Number 2466:%bn Abbas /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted tat te Messener of Alla

/may 6ea3e be 6on im ent ot drin te mont of 8amadan in te year of"i3tory /en Me33a as 3onDered and as fastin till e rea3ed )adid /a3anal sitated at a distan3e of forty-to miles from Me33a and e ten broke tefast And it as te abit of te Com6anions of te Messener of Alla /may6ea3e be 6on im to follo im in e=ery ne tin /or a3t #o tey folloedim also /in tis matter

Book 006, Number 2467:

 +is adit is narrated on te atority of Hri it te same 3ain oftransmitters Jaya /one of te narrators said tat #fyan /te narrator adstated: % do not kno ose statement it is:B %t is te last ord of te Messenerof Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im i3 is a33e6ted as /final as it abroates te6re=ios onesB

Book 006, Number 2468:

%t as been narrated on te atority of Hri it te same 3ain oftransmitters tat breakin of fast /in a ?orney is te final of te to 3ommands/eter one may fast or one may break it; and it is te last 3ommand of teMessener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im i3 is to be a33e6ted as final

Hri said: +e Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im mar3ed on Me33aon te mornin of 14t of 8amadan /lit en tirteen nits ad 6assed

Book 006, Number 2469:

A adlt like tis as been transmitted on te atority of %bn #ibab o saidtat tey /te Com6nions of te $oly @ro6et folloed te latest of is3ommands and looked 6on it as one abroatin /te 6re=ios ones and temost firm

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Book 006, Number 2470:

%bn 'Abbas /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted tat te Messener of Alla/may 6ea3e be 6on im ?orneyed drin te mont of 8amadan in a slate offastin till e rea3ed '&sfan $e ten ordered a 36 3ontainin drinkin aterand e drank tat o6enly so tat te 6eo6le mit see it; and broke te fast /anddid not resme it till e rea3ed Me33a %bn 'Abbas /Alla be 6leased it imsaid: Alla's Messener /may 6ea3e be 6on im fasted and broke te fast; so eo ised fasted and e o ised to break it broke it

Book 006, Number 2471:

%bn Abbas /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted: <o not 3ondemn one oobser=es fast; or one o does not obser=e /in a ?orney for te Messener ofAlla /may 6ea3e be 6on im obser=ed fast in a ?orney or e did not obser=e it


Book 006, Number 2472:

 Fabir b 'Abdlla /Alla be 6leased it bot of tem re6orted tat Alla'sMessener /may 6ea3e be 6on im ent ot to Me33a in 8amadan in te yearof "i3tory; and e and te 6eo6le fasted till e 3ame to )ra' al-.amim and te6eo6le also fasted $e ten 3alled for a 36 of ater i3 e raised till te6eo6le sa it; and ten e drank $e as told afterards tat some 6eo6le ad3ontined to fast; and e said: +ese 6eo6le are te disobedient ones> tese arete disobedient ones

Book 006, Number 2473:

 +is adit as been narrated by Fa'far it te some 3ain of trans- mittersand e added: %t as said to im /to te $oly @ro6et: +ere are 6eo6le to omfastin as be3ome nbearable and tey are aitin o yo do $e /te $oly@ro6et ten 3alled for a 36 of ater en it as afternoon +e rest of teadit is te same

Book 006, Number 2474:

 Fabir b 'Abdlla /Alla be 6leased it bot of tem re6orted tat in te

3orse of a ?orney Alla's Messener /may 6ea3e be 6on im sa a man;6eo6le 3rodin arond im and 6ro=idin im a sade &6on tis e /te $oly@ro6et said: at is te matter it imI +ey said: $e is a 6erson obser=infast ere6on te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im said: %t is noriteosness tat yo fast on ?orney

Book 006, Number 2475:

'Amr b al-$asan is re6orted to a=e said tat e eard Fabir b 'Abdlla /Allabe 6leased it bot of tem as sayin tat te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3ebe 6on im sa a man +e rest of te adit is te same as mentioned abo=e

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Book 006, Number 2476:

 +is adit as been narrated on te atority of #'ba it te same 3ainof transmitters bt it tis addition tat e /te $oly @ro6et said:B +akead=antae of te 3on3ession of Alla o anted it to yoB en e /one of tenarrators asked im /te oter one; Jabya b Abi )atar e did not retain it inis mind

Book 006, Number 2477:

Ab #a'id al-)dri /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted: e ent ot on ane6edition it Alla's Messener /may 6ea3e be 6on im on te 1*t of8amadan #ome of s fasted and some of s broke te fast t neiter teobser=er of te fast fond falt it one o broke it; nor te breaker of te fastfond falt it one o obser=ed it

Book 006, Number 2478:

A adit like tis as been narrated on te atority of atada it te same3ain of transmitters by different narrators /e3e6t tis differen3e tat in teadit transmitted by +aimi and &mar b Amir and $isam /te date of settinot is 1!t; and in te adit transmitted by #a'id it is te 12t; and in te onetransmitted by #'ba it is te 17t or 19t

Book 006, Number 2479:

Ab #a'id al-)dri /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted: e ent ot on ane6edition it te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im drin8amadan and neiter te obser=er of te fast as fond falt it for is fastin;nor te breaker of te fast for breakin it

Book 006, Number 2480:

Ab #a'id al-)dri /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted: e ent ot on ane6edition it te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im drin8amadan #ome of s obser=ed te fast and some of s broke it eiter teobser=er of te fast ad any rde aainst one o broke it; nor te breaker ofte fast ad any rde aainst one o ad fasted +ey kne tat e o ad

strent eno /to bear its rior fasted and tat as ood; and tey alsofond tat e o felt eakness /and 3old not bear te brden broke it; andtat as also ood

Book 006, Number 2481:

Ab adra re6orted Ab #a'id al )dri and Fabir b Abdlla as sayin: etra=elled it te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im +e obser=er ofte fast obser=ed it; and te breaker of te fast broke it; bt none of tem fondfalt it ea3 oter

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Book 006, Number 2482:

$maid re6orted tat Anas /Alla be 6leased it im as asked abot fastindrin 8amadan ile tra=ellin $e said: e tra=elled it te Messe<er ofAlla /may 6ea3e be 6on im drin te mont of 8amadan; bt neiter te ob-ser=er of te fast fond falt it te breaker of te fast; nor te breaker of tefast fond falt it te obser=er of te fast

Book 006, Number 2483:

Ab )alid al-Amar narrated from $maid o said: % ent ot and asfastin> tey said to me: reak /lit o ba3k; re6eat $e said tat Anas re6ortedtat te Com6anions of te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im sed toset ot on a ?orney and neiter te obser=er of te fast fond falt it tebreaker of te fast; nor te breaker of te fast fond falt it te obser=er of

te fast /(ne of te narrators $maid said: % met %bn Abi Mlaika o informedme te same tin on te atority of 'A'isa

Chate 6: The e%a* of one %ho *oe noto#e7e fat #e,a+e of a e$!"!o+ *+t1

Book 006, Number 2484:

Anas /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted: e ere it te A6ostle of Alla

/may 6ea3e be 6on im on a ?orney #ome of s ad been obser=in te fastand some of s ad not been fastin e ot don at a 6la3e on a ot day Mostof s ad te 3lot for selter +ere ere also tose amonst s o seltered/temsel=es aainst te rays of te sn it te el6 of teir ands +eobser=ers of te fast fell don /on a33ont of eakness +ose o ad notobser=ed it ot 6 and 6it3ed tents and atered te monts +ere6on teMessener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im said: +e breakers of te fast a=etaken aay te reard today

Book 006, Number 2485:

Anas /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted tat te Messener of Alla /may

6ea3e be 6on im as ?orneyin /alon it is Com6anions #ome of temad obser=ed te fast ereas te oters ad broken it +ose o did not fastirded 6 teir loins and orked; bt te obser=ers of te fast ere too eak toork &6on tis e /te A6ostle of Alla said: +oday te breakers of te fast a=eone it te reard

Book 006, Number 2486:

aa'a re6orted: % 3ame to Ab #a'id al-)dri /Alla be 6leased it im ande as srronded /by 6eo6le; and en tey dis6ersed % said to im: % am notoin to ask yo abot at tese 6eo6le ere askin % ask yo abot fastin on

a ?orney &6on tis e said: e tra=elled it te Messener of Alla /may

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6ea3e be 6on im toards Me33a and e ad been obser=in fast e altedat a 6la3e +ere te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im said: Jo arenearin yor enemy and breakin of fast old i=e yo reater strent; and

tat as a 3on3ession /i=en to s t some of s 3ontined to obser=e te fastand some of s broke it e ten ot don at anoter 6la3e and e /te $oly@ro6et said: Jo are oin to en3onter te enemy in te mornin and breakinof te fast old i=e yo strent; so break te fast As it as a 6oint of stress;so e broke te fast t sbseDently e sa orsel=es obser=in te fast itte Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im on a ?orney

Chate 9: Cho!,e fo o#e7!n" fat an*#eak!n" !t on a >o+ne1

Book 006, Number 2487:

'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er re6orted tat $ama b 'Amr al-Aslami askedte Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im abot fastin on a ?orney; ande /te $oly @ro6et said: ,ast if yo like and break it if yo like

Book 006, Number 2488:

'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er re6orted tat $ama b Amr al-Aslami askedte Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im ts: Messener of Alla; % am a6erson de=oted m3 to fastin #old % fast drin te ?orneyI $e /te $oly

@ro6et said: ,ast if yo like and break it if yo like

Book 006, Number 2489:

 +is adit as been narrated on te atority of $isam it te same 3ainof transmitters

Book 006, Number 2490:

 +is adit as been narrated on te atority of $isam it te same 3ainof transmitters tat $ama said: % am a 6erson m3 sed to fastin #old %fast drin te ?orneyI /+e rest of te adit is te same

Book 006, Number 2491:

$ama b 'Amr al-Aslami /Alla be 6leased it im said: Messener of Alla; %find strent in me for fastin on a ?orney> is tere any sin 6on me /in doinitI +ere6on te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im said: %t is a3on3ession from Alla $e o took ad=antae of it; it is ood for im; and eo 6referred to obser=e fast; tere is no sin 6on im $arn /one of tenarrators in is narration said: 'lt is a 3on3ession; and e made no mention ofBfrom AllaB

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Book 006, Number 2492:

Ab <arda' /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted: e set ot drin te montof 8amadan it te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im in s3 anintense eat tat one of s old 6la3e is and o=er is ead /in order to6rote3t imself aainst te e3essi=e eat; and none amon s as obser=inte fast; e3e6t te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im and 'Abdllab 8aaa

Book 006, Number 2493:

Ab <arda' re6orted: e ere it te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6onim on some of is ?orneys on an intensely ot day so m3 so tat a 6ersonold 6la3e is and on is ead /in order to 6rote3t imself aainst e3essi=eeat; and none amonst s as fastin bt te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e

be 6on im and Abdlla b 8aaa

Chate ;: It ! efea#$e fo the !$"!& not too#e7e fat !n Aafat on the *a1 of Aafa

Book 006, Number 2494:

&mm al-,adl bint- al-$arit re6orted tat some 6eo6le ared abot te fastinof te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im on te day of 'Arafa #ome of

tem said tat e ad been fastin; ereas te oters said tat e ad not beenfastin % sent a 36 of milk to im ile e as ridin is 3amel at 'Arafa; and edrank it

Book 006, Number 2495:

 +is adit as been narrated on te atority of Ab adr it te same 3ainof transmitters; bt e did not mention tat e as montin /ridin on is3amel

Book 006, Number 2496:

 +is adit as been narrated by Ab adr on te atority of &mair; te freedsla=e of &mm al-,adl; tro te same 3ain of transmitters

Book 006, Number 2497:

&mm al-,adl /Alla be 6leased it er is re6orted to a=e said tat some6eo6le amon te Com6anions of te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6onim ere in dobt abot fastin on te day of 'Arafa and e ere it im ontat day % /&mm al-,adl sent im a 36 of milk and e as altin at 'Arafa; ande drank tat

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Book 006, Number 2498:

)raib; te freed sla=e of %bn 'Abbas /Alla be 6leased it im; re6orted fromMaimna; te ife of te A6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im; tat 6eo6lead dobt abot te fastin of Alla's Messener /may 6ea3e be 6on im onte day of 'Arafa Maimna sent im a 36 of milk and e as altin at a 6la3eand e drank it and te 6eo6le ere seein im

Chate <: Fat!n" on the *a1 of Ah+a (=thof M+haa&)

Book 006, Number 2499:

'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er re6orted tat te rais sed to fast on teday of 'Asra in te 6re-%slami3 days and te Messener ot Alla /may 6ea3e be6on im also obser=ed it en e mirated to Medina; e imself obser=edtis fast and 3ommanded /oters to obser=e it t en fastin drin temont of 8amadan as made obliatory e said: $e o ises to obser=e tisfast may do so; and e o ises to abandon it may do so

Book 006, Number 2500:

 +is adit is narrated on te atority of $isam it te same 3ain oftransmitters; bt e made no mention in te first 6art of te adit tat te

Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im sed to obser=e fast; and saidabot te se3ond 6art tat e abandoned te /fast of Asra; and e oised obser=ed te fast and o ised oterise abandoned it; and e did notold it as te ords of te A6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im asmentioned in te narration transmitted by Farir

Book 006, Number 2501:

'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er re6orted %n te 6re-%slami3 days fast asobser=ed on te day of Asra; bt it te ad=ent of %slam /its 6osition asas3ertained as tat of a =olntary fast +en e o ised to fast fasted; ande o liked to abandon it abandoned it

Book 006, Number 2502:

'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er re6orted tat te Messener of Alla /may6ea3e be 6on im ad ordered to obser=e fast /on 'Asra before te fastin in8amadan as made obliatory t en it be3ame obliatory; ten e oised fasted on te day of Asra; and e o ised did not obser=e it /ontat day

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Book 006, Number 2503:

'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er re6orted tat te rais sed to obser=efast on te day of Asra drin te 6re-%slami3 days +e Messener of Alla/may 6ea3e be 6o im ten 3ommanded to fast on tat day till /fastin in8amadan be3ame obliatory +en te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6onim said: $e o ised to fast sold do so and e o ised to break itmay do so

Book 006, Number 2504:

Abdlla b '&mar /Alla be 6leased it tem re6orted tat /te Arabs of6re-%slami3 days sed to obser=e fast on te day of Asra and te Messener ofAlla /may 6ea3e be 6on im obser=ed it and te Mslims too /obser=ed itbefore fastin in 8amadan be3ame obliatory t en it be3ame obliatory; te

Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im said: 'Asra is one of te days ofAlla; so e o ised sold obser=e fast and e o ised oterise soldabandon it

Book 006, Number 2505:

A adit like tis as been narrated on te atority of Abdlla tro tesame 3ain of transmitters

Book 006, Number 2506:

%bn '&mar /Alla be 6leased it tem said tat te day of 'Asra asmentioned before te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e e 6on im +ere6onte Messener of Alla; /may 6ea3e be 6on im said: +at as a day on i3te 6eo6le of 6re-%slami3 days sed to obser=e fast #o e o amonst yo likesto obser=e fast sold do so; and e o does not like it sold abandon it

Book 006, Number 2507:

Abdlla b '&mar /Alla be 6leased it bot of tem re6orted tat e eardte Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im say abot te day of Asra: %tis a day on i3 te 6eo6le of 6re-%slami3 days obser=ed fast #o e o liked tofast on tis day sold do so; and e o liked to abandon it sold abandon it

'Abdlla /Alla be 6leased it im did not obser=e fast e3e6t en it3oin3ided /it te days en e as in te abit of obser=in =olntary fastsdrin e=ery mont

Book 006, Number 2508:

Abdlla b &mar /Alla be 6leased it tem re6orted tat te day of 'Asraas mentioned before te A6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im and enarrated a adit like one /narrated abo=e

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Book 006, Number 2509:

'Abdlla b &mar /Alla be 6leased it tem re6orted tat te day of 'Asraas mentioned before te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im and esaid: %t is a day en te 6eo6le in te 6re-%slami3 days need to obser=e fast; soe o ises to obser=e fast sold do so; and e o ises to abandon itsold do so

Book 006, Number 2510:

Abd al-8aman b Jaid said: en al-As'at b ais entered te ose of'Abdlla e as a=in is breakfast $e /'Abdlla b &mar said: AbdMammad /al-Asa't; 3ome near to te breakfast +ere6on e said: %s nottoday te day of 'AsraI $e /'Abd al-8aman said: <o yo kno at te dayof 'Asra isI $e said: at is itI $e said: %t is a day on i3 te Messener of

Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im sed to obser=e fast before te /fastin in temont of 8amadan /be3ame obliatory t en it be3ame obliatory te/fastin of 'Asra as abandoned /as 3om6lsory Ab )raib said: $e /te$oly @ro6et abandoned it

Book 006, Number 2511:

 +is adit as been narrated from Farir on te atority of A'mas it tesame 3ain of transmitters and e said /tese ords it a little bit of =ariationfrom te 6re=ios adit: en /fastin in 8amadan as /made obliatory; eaban- doned it /te 6ra3ti3e of obser=in fast on Asra

Book 006, Number 2512:

ais b #akan re6orted tat al-As'at b ais ent to 'Abdlla on te day of'Asra ile e as eatin $e said: Ab Mammad; 3ome near and dine &6ontis e said: % am fastin +ere6on e said: e sed to obser=e fast and ten/tis 6ra3ti3e as abandoned

Book 006, Number 2513:

'AlDama re6orted tat As'at b ais ent to %bn Mas'dd ile e as eatinon te day of Asra +ere6on e said: Ab Abd al-8aman; it is te day of

'Asra /and yo are eatin &6on tis e said: ,ast as obser=ed on /tis daybefore te /fastin in 8amadan as made obliatory; bt en it as madeobliatory; /fastin on te day of 'Asra as abandoned #o if yo are notfastin; ten take food

Book 006, Number 2514:

 Fabir b #amra re6orted tat te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im3ommanded s to obser=e fast on te day of Asra and eorted s to do it andas 6arti3lar abot it t en /fastin in 8amadan as made obliatory; een3e fort neiter 3ommanded s nor forbade s; nor as e so 6arti3lar

abot it

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Book 006, Number 2515:

Abd al-8aman re6orted tat e eard M'aiya b Ab #fyan deli=erin asermon in Medina i e en e 3ame tere /for $a?? $e deli=ered a sermon onte day of 'Asra and said: @eo6le of Medina; ere are yor s3olarsI % eardte Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im say on tis =ery day: %t is teday of 'Asra Alla as not made fastin on +is day obliatory for yo bt % amfastin $e o likes to obser=e fast amon yo sold do so; and e o likesnot to obser=e it may not obser=e it

Book 006, Number 2516:

A adit like tis as been narrated on te atority of %bn #iab tro tesame 3ain of transmitters

Book 006, Number 2517:

 +is adit as been narrated on te atority of Hri it te same 3ain oftransmitters tat be eard Alla's A6ostle /may 6ea3e be 6on im as sayin ona similar day: % am fastin today; so e o ises to obser=e fast sold do so>bt e did not make mention of te rest of te adit

Book 006, Number 2518:

%bn Abbas /Alla be 6leased it bot of tem re6orted tat en Alla'sMessener /may 6ea3e be 6on im 3ame to Medina; e fond te Fesobser=in te fast on te day of Asra +ey /te Fes ere asked abot it andtey said: %t is te day on i3 Alla ranted =i3tory to Moses and /is 6eo6leani %sra'il o=er te @arao and e obser=e fast ot of ratitde to $im &6ontis te A6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im said: e a=e a 3loser3onne3tion it Moses tan yo a=e; and e 3ommanded to obser=e fast on tisday

Book 006, Number 2519:

 +is adit as been narrated by %bn isr it te same 3ain of trans-mitters /bt it a slit =ariation tat e /te $oly @ro6et inDired of tem/Fes abot it /fastin on te day of 'Asra

Book 006, Number 2520:

%bn'Abbas /Alla be 6leased it bot of tem re6orted tat te Messener ofAlla /may 6ea3e be 6on im arri=ed in Medina and fond te Fes obser=infast on te day of 'Asra +e Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im saidto tem: at is te /sinifi3an3e of tis day tat yo obser=e fast on itI +eysaid: %t is te day of reat /sinifi3an3e en Alla deli=ered Moses and is6eo6le; and droned te @arao and is 6eo6le; and Moses obser=ed fast ot ofratitde and e also obser=e it &6on tis te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be6on im said: e a=e more rit; and e a=e a 3loser 3onne3tion it Moses

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tan yo a=e> so Alla's Messener /may 6ea3e be 6on im obser=ed fast /onte day of 'Asra; and a=e orders tat it sold be obser=ed

Book 006, Number 2521:

 +is adit as been narrated on te atority of Ayyb it te same 3ain oftransmitters

Book 006, Number 2522:

Ab Msa /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted: +e day of 'Asra as onei3 te Fes res6e3ted and tey treated it as %d +e Messener of Alla /may6ea3e be 6on im said: Jo also obser=e fast on tis day

Book 006, Number 2523:Ab Msa re6orted tat te 6eo6le of )aibar /most of tem ere Fes

obser=ed fast on tt day of 'Asra and tey treated it as '%d and a=e teiromen ornaments and beatifl dresstoear +e Messener of Alla /may6ea3e be 6on im said: Jo /only obser=e fast on tis day

Book 006, Number 2524:

%bn Abbas as asked abot obser=in of fast on te day of Asra; ere6one said: % do not kno Alla's Messener /may 6ea3e be 6on im sinlin otany day's fast and 3onsiderin it more e3ellent tan anoter; e3e6t tis day

/te day of Asra and tis mont; meanin te mont of 8amadan

Book 006, Number 2525:

A adit like tis as been narrated on te atority of '&baidlla b Abi Jaid

Chate 0=: On %h!,h *a1 the fat ! to #eo#e7e* !n M+haa&

Book 006, Number 2526:

$akam b al-'Ara? re6orted: % ent to %bn 'Abbas /Alla be @leased it bot oftem and e as re3linin sin is mantle as a 6illo near te fontain ofHamam % said to im: +ell me abot fastin on Asra $e said: en yo seete ne moon of Marram ten 3ont te /days and obser=e fast on te 9t %said to im: %s it o te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im obser=edte fastI $e said: Jes

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Book 006, Number 2527:

$akam b 'Ara? re6orted: % asked %bn Abbas /Alla be 6leased it tem as eas re3linin sin is 3loak as a 6illo near Hamam abot fastin on 'Asra

 +e rest of te adit is te same

Book 006, Number 2528:

%bn 'Abbas re6orted tat en te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6onim fasted on te day of 'Asra and 3ommanded tat it sold e obser=ed asa fast; tey /is Com6anions said to im: Messener of Alla; it is a day i3te Fes and Cristians old in i esteem +ere6on te Messener of Alla/may 6ea3e be 6on im said: en te net year 3omes; .od illin; e oldobser=e fast on te 9t t te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on imdied before te ad=ent of te net year

Book 006, Number 2529:

Abdlla b 'Abbas re6orted tat te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6onim ad said: %f % li=e till te net /year; % old definitely obser=e fast on te9t; and te narration transmitted by Ab akr is:B $e meant te day of AsraB

Chate 0: He %ho ate on the *a1 of Ah+aho+$* a#ta!n (fo& eat!n") fo the et of

 the *a1 (a a &ak of ee,t)

Book 006, Number 2530:

#alama b al-Aka' /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted tat te Messener ofAlla /may 6ea3e be 6on im sent a 6erson of te tribe of Aslam on te day of'Asra and 3ommanded im to de3lare to te 6eo6le to obser=e fast in 3asetey ad not obser=ed it; and to 3om6lete fast till e=enin if tey ad taken food

Book 006, Number 2531:

8bayyi' dater of M'aid b 'Afra' said tat te Messener of Alla /may6ea3e be 6on im sent /a 6erson on te mornin of Asra to te =illaes ofAnsar arond Medina /it tis messae: $e o ot 6 in te mornin fastin/itot eatin anytin e sold 3om6lete is fast; and e o ad ad isbreakfast in te mornin; e sold 3om6lete te rest of te day /itot food

 +e Com6anions said> e en3efort obser=ed fast on it /on te day of 'Asraand; .od illin; made or 3ildren obser=e tat e ent to te mosDe andmade toys ot of ool for tem and en anyone felt nry and e6t for foode a=e tem tese toys till it as te time to break te fast

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Book 006, Number 2532:

)alid b <akan re6orted: % asked 8bayyi' dater of M'aid abotfastin on te day of 'Asra +ere6on se said: +e Messener of Alla /may6ea3e e 6on im sent is messener to te =illaes of te Ansar; and te restof te adit is te same /bt it tis =ariation tat one of te Com6anionssaid:B e sed to make toys ot of ool and took /tem to te mosDe alonit s en tey /te 3ildren asked s for food; e a=e tem tese toys to6lay it; and tese made tem foretfl till tey 3om6leted teir fastB

Chate 00: Fo#!**an,e to o#e7e fat on I*-+$-F!t an* I*-+$-A*ha

Book 006, Number 2533:

Ab &baid; te freed sla=e of %bn Aar; re6orted: % obser=ed %d alon it&mar b al-)attab /Alla be 6leased it im $e 3ame /ot in an o6en s6a3eand 6rayed and /after 3om6letin it addressed te 6eo6le and said: +eMessener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im as forbidden te obser=in of faston tese to days (ne is te day of ,itr /at te end of yor fasts; and tese3ond one; te day en yo eat /te meat of yor sa3rifi3es

Book 006, Number 2534:

Ab $raira /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted tat te Messener of Alla/may 6ea3e be 6on im forbade to obser=e fast on tese to days '%d-l-Adabi and '%d-l-,itr

Book 006, Number 2535:

aa'a related from Ab #a'id $e said: % eard from im /Ab #a'id a aditi3 im6ressed me; and % said to im: <id yo ear it from te Messener ofAlla /may 6ea3e be 6on imI +ere6on e said: /%s it 6ossible tat /% soldsay abot te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im tat i3 % a=e noteardI % eard im sayin: %t is not 6ro6er to fast on to days; Ada and ,itr /atte end of 8amadan

Book 006, Number 2536:

Ab #a'id al-)dri /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted tat te Messener ofAlla /may 6ea3e be 6on im forbade to obser=e fast on to days te day of,itr and te day of #a3rifi3e /'%d-l-Ada

Book 006, Number 2537:

Hiyad b Fbair re6orted tat a 6erson 3ame to %bn '&mar /Alla be 6leased ittem and said: % ad taken a =o tat % old fast on te day /bt it

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Book 006, Number 2544:

Mammad b 'Abbas b Fa'far re6orted tat e asked Fabir b Abdlla /Alla be6leased it tem; eter e ad eard like tis from te A6ostle of Alla /may6ea3e be 6on im

Book 006, Number 2545:

Ab $raira /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted te A6ostle of Alla /may6ea3e be 6on im as sayin: one amon yo sold obser=e fast on ,riday;bt only tat e obser=es fast before it and after it

Book 006, Number 2546:

Ab $raira /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted Alla's A6ostle /may 6ea3e be

6on im as sayin: <o not sinle ot te nit /6re3edin ,riday amon tenits for 6rayer and do not sinle ot ,riday amon days for fastin bt onlyen anyone amon yo is a33stomed to fast /on dates i3 3oin3ide ittis day /,riday

Chate 05: A#o"at!on of the %o* of A$$ah:@An* a fo thoe %ho ,an fat (#+t *o not)

 the e.!at!on !@ #1 the %o*: @Whooe7e

 %!tnee !t he ha$$ ha7e to fat the %ho$e&onth@ (!!' ;5)

Book 006, Number 2547:

#alama b Aka' /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted tat en tis =erse asre=ealed:B And as for tose o 3an fast /bt do not e6iation is te feedin of aneedy 6ersonB /ii 1!; /e o liked to obser=e fast did obser=e it and e ofelt rel3tant to obser=e it ate and e6iated till te =erse as re=ealed i3abro- ated it

Book 006, Number 2548:

#alama b Aka' re6orted: e; drin te lifetime of te Messener of Alla/may 6ea3e be 6on im; in one mont of 8amadan /obser=ed fast a33ordin toor likin $e o ised to fast lasted and e o ised to break broke it andfed a needy 6erson as an e6iation 1544 till tis =erse as re=ealed:B $e oitnesses amon yo te mont /of 8amadan e sold obser=e fast drin itB/ii 1!4

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Chate 0: ?e&!!#!$!1 of ,o&$et!n" the(&!e*) fat of /a&a*an #efoe the,o&&en,e&ent of the ,o&!n" /a&a*an

Book 006, Number 2549:

Ab #alama re6orted: % eard 'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er as sayin: %ad to 3om6lete some of te fasts of 8amadan; bt % 3old not do it bt drinte mont of #a'ban de to my dties to te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be6on im or it te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im

Book 006, Number 2550:

 +is adit is narrated on te atority of Jaya b #a'id it te same 3ain oftransmitters bt it tis =ariation tat e said tat /'A'isa did not obser=e fastbt in #a'ban ot of reard for te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6onim /%n anoter =ersion; te ords are:B Jaya said: % tink it as de to tereard for te A6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on imB

Book 006, Number 2551:

 +is adit is re6orted on te atority of Jaya it te same 3ain oftransmitters bt no mention is made of te dty to te Messener of Alla /may6ea3e be 6on im

Book 006, Number 2552:

'A'isa re6orted: %f one amonst s ad to break fasts /of 8amadan de tonatral reasons; i e menses drin te life of te Messener of Alla /may6ea3e be 6on im se 3old not find it 6ossible to 3om6lete tem so lon sead been in te 6resen3e of Alla's Messener /may 6ea3e be 6on im till#a'ban 3ommen3ed

Chate 06: Co&$et!n" of the fat on #eha$f of the *ea*

Book 006, Number 2553:

'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er re6orted Alla's Messener /may 6ea3e be6on im as sayin: %f anyone dies in a state /tat e ad to 3om6lete somefasts; is eir mst fast on is bealf

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Book 006, Number 2554:

%bn 'Abbas /Alla be 6leased it bot of tem re6orted: A oman 3ame to teMessener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im and said: My moter as died; andfasts of a mont are de from er +ere6on e said: <on't yo see tat if debtas de from er; old yo not 6ay itI #e said: Jes /% old 6ay on er bealf

 +ere6on e said: +e debt of Alla deser=es its 6ayment more tan /te6ayment of anyone else

Book 006, Number 2555:

%bn 'Abbas /Alla be 6leased it tem re6orted: A man 3ame to te A6ostle ofAlla /may 6ea3e be 6on im and said: Messener of Alla; my moter as died/in a state tat se ad to obser=e fasts of a mont /of 8amadan #old %3om6lete /tem on er bealfI tere6on e /te $oly @ro6et said: old yo

not 6ay te debt if yor moter ad died /itot 6ayin itI $e said: Jes $e/te $oly @ro6et said: +e debt of Alla deser=es more tat it sold e 6aid

Book 006, Number 2556:

 +is adit as been narrated on te atority of %bn 'Abbas /Alla be 6leasedit tem from te A6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im

Book 006, Number 2557:

%bn Abbas /Alla be 6leased it tem re6orted: A oman 3ame to teMessener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im and said: Messener of Alla; mymoter as died and tere is de from er a fast of =o> sold % fast on erbealfI +ere6on e said: Jo see tat if yor moter ad died in debt; old itnot a=e been 6aid on er bealfI #e said: Jes $e /te $oly @ro6et said: +enobser=e fast on bealf of yor moter

Book 006, Number 2558:

Abdlla b raida /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted on te atority of isfater: en e ere sittin it te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6onim; a oman 3ame to im and said: % ad ifted to my moter a maid-ser=ant;and no se /te moter as died +ere6on e /te $oly @ro6et said: +ere

is a definite reard for yo and se /te maid-ser=ant as been retrned to yoas an ineritan3e #e /tat oman aain said: ,asts of a mont /of 8amadanare de 6on er> sold % obser=e tem on er bealfI $e /te $oly @ro6etsaid: (bser=e fasts on er bealf #e /aain said: #e did not 6erform $a??;sold % 6erform it on er bealfI $e /te $oly @ro6et said: @erform $a?? on erbealf

Book 006, Number 2559:

'Abdlla b raida /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted on te atority of isfater: % as sittin it te A6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im > te rest

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of te adit is te same bt it tis =ariation tat te /te narrator said:B,asts of to montsB

Book 006, Number 2560:

%bn raida /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted on te atority of is fater:A oman 3ame to te A6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im; and te rest ofte adit is te same; bt e said:B ,astin of one montB +is adit as beennarrated on te atority of #fyan it te same 3ain of transmitters in i3it is said:B ,astin of to montsB

Book 006, Number 2561:

raida /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted a similar adit on te atorityof is fater tat a oman 3ame to te A6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im

and e said:B ,astin for one montB

Chate 09: When an o#e7e of fat ! !n7!te* toa feat2 o o&eone f!"ht %!th h!&2 he ho+$*a1: @I a& fat!n"@

Book 006, Number 2562:Ab $raira /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted Alla's A6ostle /may 6ea3e be

6on im as sayin: %f any one of yo is in=ited to a meal en e is fastin; esold say:B % am fastinB

Book 006, Number 2563:

Ab $raira /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted: en any one of yo ets 6in te mornin in te state of fastin; e sold neiter se obs3ene lanaenor do any a3t of inoran3e And if anyone slanders im or Darrels it im; esold say:B % am fastin; % am fastinB

Chate 0;: E.,e$$en,e of fat!n"

Book 006, Number 2564:

Ab $raira re6orted Alla's Messener /may 6ea3e be 6on im as sayin:Alla; te Ma?esti3 and te Ealted; said: E=ery a3t of te son of Adam is for ime3e6t fastin %t is done for My sake; and % ill i=e a reard for it y Alla inose $and is te life of Mammad; te breat of te obser=er of fast isseeter to Alla tan te fraran3e of msk

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Book 006, Number 2565:

Ab $raira re6orted Alla's Messener /may 6ea3e be 6on im as sayin:,astin is a sield

Book 006, Number 2566:

Ab $raira re6orted Alla's Messener /may 6ea3e be 6on im as sayin:Alla te Ealted and Ma?esti3 said: E=ery a3t of te son of Adam is for im;e3e6t fastin %t is /e3lsi=ely meant for Me and % /alone ill reard it ,astinis a sield en any one of yo is fastin on a day; e sold neiter indle inobs3ene lanae; nor raise te =oi3e> or if anyone re=iles im or tries to Darrelit im e sold say: % am a 6erson fastin y $im; in ose $and is te lifeof Mammad; te breat of te obser=er of fast is seeter to Alla on te <ay of

 ?dment tan te fraran3e of msk +e one o fasts as to /o33asions of

 ?oy; one en e breaks te fast e is lad it te breakin of /te fast andone en e meets is Lord e is lad it is fast

Book 006, Number 2567:

Ab $raira /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted Alla's Messener /may 6ea3ebe 6on im as sayin: E=ery /ood deed of te son of Adam old bemlti6lied; a ood deed re3ei=in a tenfold to se=en ndredfold reard Alla;te Ealted and Ma?esti3; as said: it te e3e6tion of fastin; for it is done forMe and % ill i=e a reard for it; for one abandons is 6assion and food for Mysake +ere are to o33asions of ?oy for one o fasts; ?oy en e breaks it; and

 ?oy en e meets is Lord; and te breat /of an obser=er of fast is seeter toAlla tan te fraran3e of msk

Book 006, Number 2568:

Ab $raira and Ab #a'id /Alla be 6leased it bot of tem re6orted Alla'sMessener /may 6ea3e be 6on im /as sayin: Alla; te Ealted and Ma?esti3;said: ,ast /is e3lsi=ely meant for Me and % old i=e its reard +ere are to/o33asions of ?oy for te obser=er of fast $e feels ?oy en e breaks te fastand e is a66y en e meets Alla y Alla in ose $and is te life ofMammad; te breat of te obser=er of fast is seeter to Alla tan tefraran3e of msk A adit like tis is narrated on te atority of Ab #inan

it te same 3ain of transmitters /and te ords are:B As e meets Alla; $ereards im; and e is a66yB

Book 006, Number 2569:

#al b #a'd /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted Alla's Messener /may 6ea3ebe 6on im as sayin: %n @aradise tere is a ate i3 is 3alled 8ayyantro i3 only te obser=ers of fast old enter on te <ay on 8esrre3tionone else old enter alon it tem %t old be 6ro3laimed: ere are teobser=ers of fast tat tey sold be admitted into itI -and en te last of temold enter; it old be 3losed and no one old enter it

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Book 006, Number 2570:

Ab #a'id al )dri /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted Alla's Messener/may 6ea3e be 6on im as sayin: E=ery ser=ant of Alla o obser=es fast fora day in te ay of Alla; Alla old remo=e; be3ase of tis day; is fa3efarter from te ,ire /of $ell to te etent of se=enty years' distan3e

Book 006, Number 2571:

 +is adit as been narrated by #ail it te; arne 3ainof trasmitters

Book 006, Number 2572:

Ab #a'id al-)dri /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted Alla's Messener/may 6ea3e be 6on im as sayin: $e o obser=es fast for a day in te ay of

Alla $e old remo=e is fa3e from te $ell to te etent of se=enty years'distan3e

Chate 0<: ?e&!!#!$!t1 of &ak!n" an !ntent!on fo 7o$+nta1 fat!n" #efoe noon an*e&!!#!$!t1 of #eak!n" 7o$+nta1 fat

 %!tho+t eaon

Book 006, Number 2573:

'A'isa; te Moter of te elie=ers /Alla be 6leased it er; re6orted tatone day te Messener of Alla t6ay 6ea3e be 6on im said to me: 'A'isa;a=e yo anytin /to eatI % said: 'Messener of Alla; tere is notin it s

 +ere6on e said: % am obser=in fast #e said: +e Messener of Alla /may6ea3e be 6on im ent ot; and tere as a 6resent; for s and /at te sametime some =isitors dro66ed in en te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be6on im 3ame ba3k; % said to im: Messener of Alla; a 6resent as i=en tos; /and in te meanile tere 3ame to s =isitors /a ma?or @ortion of it asbeen s6ent on tem; bt % a=e sa=ed sometin for yo $e said: at is itI %

said: %t is ais /a 3om6ond of dates and 3larified btter $e said: rin tat #o %brot it to im and e ate it and ten said: % oke 6 in te mornin obser=infast +ala said: % narrated tis adit to M?aid and e said: +is /obser=in of=olntary fast is like a 6erson o sets a6art #adaDa ot of is ealt $e mays6end it if e likes; or e may retain it if e so likes

Book 006, Number 2574:

'A'isa; te Moter of te elie=ers /Alla be 6leased it er; re6orted: +eA6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im 3ame to me one day and said: %s tereanytin it yo /to eatI % said: o +ere6on e said: % sall ten be fastin

 +en e 3ame to s anoter day and e said: Messener of Alla; ais as been

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offered to s as a ift +ere6on e said: #o tat to me> % ad been fastinsin3e mornin $e ten ate it

Chate 3=: Eat!n" an* *!nk!n" (an* e.+a$!n!e,o+e) !n fo"etf+$ne *oe not #eak

 the fat

Book 006, Number 2575:

Ab $raira re6orted Alla's Messener /may 6ea3e be 6on im as sayin: %fanyone forets tat e is fastin and eats or drinks e sold 3om6lete is fast;for it is only Alla o as fed im and i=en im drink

Chate 3: The fat o#e7e* #1 the aot$e ofA$$ah (&a1 ea,e #e +on h!&) #e!*e/a&a*an

Book 006, Number 2576:

Abdlla b #aDiD re6orted: % said to'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er: <id te

A6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im obser=e fast for fll one mont besides8amadanI #e said: % do not kno of any mont in i3 e fasted tro- ot;bt tat of te mont of 8amadan and /te mont in i3 e did not fast at all;till e ran te 3orse of is life

Book 006, Number 2577:

'Abdlla b #aDiD re6orted: % said to 'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er: <idte Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im obser=e fast drin a montI#e said; % do not kno of any mont in i3 e fasted troot e3e6t8amedan and /te mont in i3 e did not fast at all till e ran te 3orse ofis life May 6ea3e be 6on im

Book 006, Number 2578:

Abdlla b #aDiD re6orted % asked 'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er abotfastin of te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im #e said: $e sed toobser=e fast /at times so 3ontinosly tat e said: $e as fasted; e asfasted And /at times e did not obser=e fast /for days and e bean to say: $eas abandoned fastin; e as abandoned fastin #e said: % did not see imobser=in fast troot te ole of te mont sin3e e arri=ed in Medina; bttat of 8amadan

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Book 006, Number 2579:

A adit like tis as been narrated on te atority of Abdlla b #aDiD btin te 3ain of transmitters no mention is made of $isam and Mammad

Book 006, Number 2580:

'A'isa; te Moter of te elie=ers /Alla be 6leased it er; re6orted tatte Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im sed to obser=e fasts /so 3onti-nosly tat e said tat e old not break; and did not obser=e /tem till esaid tat e old not fast: and % did not see te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3ebe 6on im 3om6letin te fast of a mont; bt tat of 8amadan; and % did notsee im fastin more in any oter mont tan tat of #a'ban

Book 006, Number 2581:

Ab #alama re6orted: % asked 'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er abot tefastin of te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im #e said: $e sed toobser=e fast /at times so 3ontinosly tat e said: $e as fasted /ne=er tobreak; and e did not obser=e fast till e said: $e as i=en 6 6era6s ne=er tofast; and % ne=er sa im obser=in /=olntary fasts more in any oter monttan tat of #a'ban /lt a66eared as if e obser=ed fast troot te ole of#a'ban e3e6t a fe /days

Book 006, Number 2582:

'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er re6orted: +e Messener of Alla /may6ea3e be 6on im did not obser=e fast in any mont of te year more tan inte mont of #a'ban; and sed to say: <o as many deeds as yo are 3a6able ofdoin; for Alla ill not be3ome eary /of i=in yo reard; bt yo old betired /of doin ood deeds > and e also said: +e deed liked most by Alla is oneto i3 te doer aderes 3onstantly e=en if it is small

Book 006, Number 2583:

%bn Abbas /Alla be 6leased it bot of tem re6orted: +e Messener ofAlla /may 6ea3e be 6on im did not fast troot any mont e3e6t drinramadan And en e obser=ed fast /e fasted so 3ontinosly tat one old

say tat e old not break /tem and en e Abandoned; e abandoned /so3ontinosly tat one old say: y Alla; 6era6s e old ne=er fast

Book 006, Number 2584:

 +is adit as been narrated on te atority of Ab isr it te same3ain of transmitters /it a slit =ariation of ords and tese are; tat e /tenarrator said:B <rin any mont 3ontinosly sin3e e 3ame to MedinaB

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Book 006, Number 2585:

'&tman b $akim al-Ansari said: % asked #a'id b Fbair abot fastin %n 8a?ab;and e ere ten 6assin tro te mont of 8a?ab; ere6on e said: %eard %bn 'Abbas /Alla be 6leased it bot of tem as sayin: +e Messenerof Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im sed to obser=e fast /so 3ontinosly tat e/ere in3lined to say tat e old not break /tem and did not obser=e temso 3onti- nosly tat e /ere in3lined to say tat e old not obser=e fast

Book 006, Number 2586:

Anas /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted tat te Messener of Alla /may6ea3e be 6on im sed to obser=e fast till it as said tat e ad obser=edfast; e ad obser=ed fast /6era6s ne=er to break it; and e did not fast till itas said tat e ad i=en 6 fast; e ad i=en 6 fast /6era6s ne=er to

obser=e it

Chate 30: Fo#!**an,e to o#e7e eet+a$ fat an* e.,e$$en,e of o#e7!n" fat ona$tenate *a1

Book 006, Number 2587:

'Abdlla b 'Amr b al-'As re6orted tat te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be6on im as informed tat e 3old stand 6 for /6rayer troot te nitand obser=e fast e=ery day so lon as e li=ed +ere6on te Messener of Alla/may 6ea3e be 6on im said: %s it yo o said tisI % said to im: Messener ofAlla it is % o said tat +ere6on te Messener of Alla may 6ea3e be 6onim said: Jo are not 3a6able eno to do so (bser=e fast and break it> slee6and stand for 6rayer; and obser=e fast for tree days drin te mont> for e=eryood is mlti6lied ten times and tis is like fastin for e=er % said: Messener ofAlla % am 3a6able of doin more tan tis +ere6on e said: ,ast one day anddo not fast for te net to days % said: Messener of Alla; % a=e te strentto do more tan tat +e $oly @ro6et /may 6ea3e be 6on im; said: ,ast oneday and break on te oter day +at is knon as te fastin of <a=id /6ea3e be

6on im and tat is te best fastin % said: % am 3a6able of doin more tantis +ere6on te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im said: +ere isnotin better tan tis 'Abdlla b 'Amr /Alla be 6leased it tem said: $ad% a33e6ted te tree days /fastin drin e=ery mont as te Messeiner of Alla/may 6ea3e be 6on im ad said; it old a=e been more dear to me tan myfamily and my 6ro6erty

Book 006, Number 2588:

 Jaya re6orted: % and 'Abdlla b Jaid set ot till e 3ame to Ab #alama esent a messener to im /in is ose in order to inform im abot or arri=aland e 3ame to s +ere as a mosDe near te door of is ose; and e ere

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in tat mosDe; till e 3ame ot to s $e said: %f yo like yo may enter /teose and; if yo like; yo may sit ere /in te mosDe e said: e oldrater sit ere and /yo relate to s $e /Jaya ten narrated tat 'Abdlla b

Amr b al-'As /Alla be 6leased it tem told im: % sed to obser=e fastninterr6tedly and re3ited te /ole of te r'an e=ery nit %t /teninterr6ted fastin and re3ital of te r'in e=ery nit as mentioned to teA6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im or e sent for me; and % ent to imand e said to me: % a=e been informed tat yo fast 3ontinosly and re3ite/te ole of te r'An e=ery nit % said: A6ostle of Alla; it is rit; bt %3o=et tereby notin bt ood; ere6on e said: %t sffi3es for yo tat yosold obser=e fast for tree days drin e=ery mot % said: A6ostle of Alla; %am 3a6able of doin more tan tis $e said: Jor ife as a rit 6on yo; yor=isitor as a rit 6on yo; yor body as a rit 6on yo> so obser=e te fastof <a=id; te A6ostle of Alla /6ea3e be 6on im; for e as te bestorsi66er of Alla % said: A6ostle of Alla; at is te fast of <a=idI $e said: $e

sed to fast one day and did not fast te oter day $e /also said: 8e3ite ter'an drin e=ery mont % said: A6ostle of Alla; % am 3a6able of doin moretan tis; ere6on e said: 8e3ite it in tenty days> re3ite it in ten days % said:% am 3a6able of doin more tan tis; ere6on e said: 8e3ite it e=ery eek;and do not e3eed beyond tis; for yor ife as a rit 6on yo; yor =isitoras a rit 6on yo; yor body as a rit 6on yo $e /'Amr b 'As said: % asard to myself and ts % as 6t to ardsi6 +e A6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3ebe 6on im ad told me: 'Jo do not kno yo may li=e lon /ts and bear teardsi6s for a lon time; and % a33e6ted tat i3 te A6ostle of Alla /may6ea3e be 6on im ad told me en % re old % ised % ad a=ailed myself ofte 3on3es- sion /ranted by te A6ostle of Alla /may-6ea3e be 6on im +isadit as been narrated by Jaya b Ab )atir it te same 3ain oftransmitters and e made tis addition after tese ords: <rin e=ery mont;/fastin for tree days; tere is for yo ten times for e=ery ood and tat is6er6etal fastin /for tree days old brin a reard for fll tirty days % said:at is te fast of te A6ostle of Alla; <a=idI $e said: $alf of te ae /obser=infast on alternate days for te ole life And in te adit no mention as beenmade of te re3ital of te r'an; and e did not say: Jor =isitor as a rit 6onyo; bt /instead e said: Jor son as a rit 6on yo

Book 006, Number 2589:

'Abdlla b 'Amr /Alla be 6leased it tem re6orted: +e Messener of

Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im said to me: 8e3ite te ole of te r'An drine=ery nont % said: % find 6oer /to re3ite it in a sorter 6eriod $e said: +enre3ite it in tenty nits % said: % find 6oer /to re3ite it in a sorter 6eriod e=entan tis; ere6on e said: +en re3ite it in se=en /nits and do not e3eedbeyond it

Book 006, Number 2590:

'Abdlla b 'Amr b al-'As /Alla be 6leased it tem re6orted tat teMessener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im said: 'Abdlla; don't be like so andso o obser=ed 6rayer drin te ole nit and ten abandoned it/altoeter

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te fast of <a=id /6ea3e be 6on im > e sed to obser=e fast one day andbreak on te oter day

Book 006, Number 2599:

'Abdlla b 'Amr /Alla be 6leased it tem re6orted tat te Messener ofAlla /may 6ea3e be 6on im said to meG 'Abdlla b 'Amr; it as been3on=eyed to me tat yo obser=e fast drin te day and stand in 6rayer drinte ole nit <on't do tat; for yor body as a sare of its on in yo; yoreye as a sare of its on in yo; yor ife as a sare of er on in yo(bser=e fast and break it too ,ast for tree days in e=ery mont and tat is a6re6etal fastin % saidG Messener of Alla; % a=e ot strent eno /to domore tan tis; ere6on e said: +en obser=e te fast of <a=id /6ea3e be6on im (bser=e fast one day and break it /on te oter day And e/'Abdlla b 'Amr sed to say: old tat % ad a=ailed myself of tis


Chate 33: E.,e$$en,e of o#e7!n" fat fo thee*a1 *+!n" e7e1 &onth' An* fat!n" on the*a1 of Aafa an* Ah+a an* &on*a1 an*


Book 006, Number 2600:M'ada al-'Adaiyya re6orted tat se asked 'A'isa; te ife of te A6ostle of

Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im; eter te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be6on im obser=ed fasts for tree days drin e=ery mont #e said: Jes % saidto er: i3 ere /te 6arti3lar days of te mont on i3 e obser=ed fastI#e said: $e as not 6arti3lar abot te days of te mont on i3 to obser=efast

Book 006, Number 2601:

'%mran b $sain /Alla be 6leased it tem re6orted tat te A6ostle of Alla

/may 6ea3e be 6on im said to im /or e said to anoter 6erson and e aslistenin to it: (; so and so; did yo obser=e fast in te middle of te montI $esaid: o +ere6on e /te Messener of Alla said: en yo break it; tenobser=e fast for to days

Book 006, Number 2602:

Ab atada re6orted tat a 6erson 3ame to te A6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be6on im and said: $o do yo obser=e fastI +e Messener of Alla /may6ea3e be 6on im felt annoyed 15*0 en '&mar /Alla be 6leased it imnoti3ed is annoyan3e; e said: e are ell 6leased it Alla as or Lord; it

%slam as or Code of Life; and it Mammad as or @ro6et e seek refe

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it Alla from te aner of Alla and tat of $is Messener '&mar ke6t onre6eatin tese ords till is /te @ro6et's aner 3almed don +en &marsaid: Messener of Alla at is te 6osition of one o 6er6etally obser=es

fastsI +ere6on e said: $e neiter fasted nor broke it; or e said: $e did notfast and e did not break it $e said: at abot im o obser=es fast for todays and breaks one day +ere- 6on e said: %s anyone 3a6able of doin itI $e/'&mar said: at is te 6osition of im o obser=es fast for a day and breakson te oter dayI +ere6on e /te $oly @ro6et said: +at is te fast of <a=id/6ea3e be 6on im $e /'&mar said: at abot im o obser=es fast oneday and breaks it for to days +ere6on e /te Messener of Alla said: %is; % ere i=en strent to obser=e tat +ereafter e said: +e obser=an3eof tree days' fast e=ery Mont and tat of 8amadan e=ery year is a 6er6etalfastin % seek from Alla tat fastin on te day of 'Arafa may atone for te sinsof te 6re3edin and te 3omin years and % seek from Alla tat fastin on teday of Asra may atone for te sins of te 6re3edin year

Book 006, Number 2603:

Ab atada al-Ansari /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted tat te Messenerof Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im as asked abot is fastin +e Messener ofAlla /may 6ea3e be 6on im felt annoyed +ere6on '&mar /Alla be 6leasedit im said: e are 6leased it Alla as te Lord; it %slam as or Code ofLife; it Mammad as te Messener and it or 6lede /to yo for illinand 3eerfl sbmission as a /sa3red 3ommitment $e as ten asked abot6er6etal fastin; ere6on e said: $e neiter fasted nor did e break it; or edid not fast and e did not break it $e as ten asked abot fastin for to days

and breakin one day $e /te $oly @ro6et said: And o as strent enoto do itI $e as asked abot fastin for a day and breakin for to days;ere6on e said: May Alla besto 6on s strent to do it $e as tenasked abot fastin for a day and breakin on te oter; ere6on e said: +atis te fastin of my broter <a=id /6ea3e be 6on im $e as ten asked abotfastin on Monday; ere6on e said: %t as te day on i3 % as born oni3 % as 3ommissioned it 6ro6etood or re=elation as sent to me; /ande frter said: +ree days' fastin e=ery mont and of te ole of 8amadane=ery year is a 6er6etal fast $e as asked abot fastin on te day of 'Arafa/9t of <'%-$i??a; ere6on e said: %t e6iates te sins of te 6re3edin yearand te 3omin year $e as asked abot fastin on te day of 'Asra /10t ofMarram; ere6on be said: %t e6iates te sins of te 6re3edin year /%mam

Mslim said tat in tis adit tere is a narration of %mam #'ba tat e asasked abot fastin on Monday and +rsday; bt e /%mam Mslim did notmention +rsday for e fond it as an error /in re6ortin

Book 006, Number 2604:

 +is adit as been narrated by #'ba it te same 3ain of transmitters

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Book 006, Number 2605:

 +is adit as been narrated by .ailan b Farir it te same 3ain oftransmitters; bt it one =ariation; tat tere as been made mention ofMonday and not of +rsday

Book 006, Number 2606:

Ab atada Ansari /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted tat Alla's Massener/may 6ea3e be 6on im as asked abot fastin on Monday; ere6on esaid: %t is /te day en % as born and re=elation as sent don to me

Chate 35: Fat!n" !n the &onth of Sha#an

Book 006, Number 2607:

'%mran b $sain /Alla be 6leased it tem re6orted Alla's Messener /may6ea3e e 6on im a=in said to im or to someone else: <id yo fast in temiddle of #a'banI $e said: o +ere6on e /te $oly @ro6et said: %f yo didnot obser=e fast; ten yo sold obser=e fast for to days

Book 006, Number 2608:

%mran b $sain /Alla be 6leased it tem re6orted tat Alla's A6ostle /ay6ea3e e6on im said to a 6erson: <id yo obser=e any fast in te middle of

tis mont /#a'banI $e said: o +ere6on te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3ebe 6on im said: ,ast for to days instead of /one fast en yo a=e3om6leted /fasts of 8amadan

Book 006, Number 2609:

'%mran b $sain /Alla be 6leased it tem re6orted tat te A6ostle of Alla/may 6ea3e be 6on im said to a 6erson: <id yo obser=e fast in te middle oftis mont i e #a'banI $e said: o +ere6on e said to im: en it is teend of 8amadan; ten obser=e fast for one day or to /#'ba ad some dobtabot it bt e said: % tink tat e as said: to days

Book 006, Number 2610:

 +is adit is narrated by 'Abdlla b $ani b Aki Mtarrif it te same 3ainof transmitters

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Chate 3: E.,e$$en,e of the fat of M+haa&

Book 006, Number 2611:

Ab $araira /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted Alla's Messener /may 6ea3ebe 6on im as sayin: +e most e3ellent fast after 8amadan is .od's montal-Marram; and te most e3ellent 6rayer after at is 6res3ribed is 6rayerdrin te nit

Book 006, Number 2612:

Ab $raira /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted tat e /te Messener ofAlla as asked as to i3 6rayer as most e3ellent after te 6res3ribed6rayer; and i3 fast as most e3ellent after te mont of 8amadan $e said:

@rayer offered in te middle of te nit and te most e3ellent fast after/fastin in te mont of 8amadan is te fast in .od's mont al-Marram

Book 006, Number 2613:

A adit like tis as been re6orted from te A6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be6on im by 'Abd al-Malik it te same 3ain of transmitters in 3onne3tion itfast

Chate 36: E.,e$$en,e of o#e7!n" fat fo !.

*a1 !n the &onth of Sha%%a$ afte /a&a*an

Book 006, Number 2614:

Ab Ayyb al-Ansari /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted Alla's Messener/may 6ea3e be 6on im as sayin: $e o obser=ed te fast of 8amadan andten folloed it it si /fasts of #aal it old be as if e fasted 6er6etally

Book 006, Number 2615:

Ab Ayyb al-Ansari re6orted /tro anoter 3ain of transmitters: % eardAlla's Messener /may 6ea3e be 6on im sayin like tis

Book 006, Number 2616:

Ab Ayyb re6orted a adit like tis /tro anoter 3ain of transmitters

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Chate 39: E.,e$$en,e of La!$at-+$-a* an*e.hotat!on to f!n* !t

Book 006, Number 2617:

%bn '&mar /Alla be 6leased it tem re6orted tat some 6ersons amon teCom6anions of te A6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im ere son Lailat-l-adr ile slee6in in te last eek /of 8amadan +ere6on Alla'sMessener /may 6ea3e be 6on im said: % see tat yor dreams areereardin te last eek> so e o ants to seek it sold seek it in te lasteek /drin te nit

Book 006, Number 2618:%bn '&mar /Alla be 6leased it tem re6orted Alla's A6ostle /may 6ea3e be

6on im as sayin: #eek Lailat-l-adr in te last eek /of 8amadan

Book 006, Number 2619:

#alim re6orted on te atority of is fater tat a 6erson sa Lailat-l- adron te 27t /of 8amadan +ere6on Alla's A6ostle /may 6ea3e be 6on imsaid: % see tat yor dreams aree reardin te last ten /nits of 8amadan #oseek it on an odd nmber /of tese ten nits

Book 006, Number 2620:

#alim b 'Abdlla b '&mar re6orted tat is fater said: % eard Alla'sMessener /may 6ea3e be 6on im as sayin: #o far as Lailat-l-adr is3on3erned some 6ersons amon yo a=e seen it /in a dream in te first eekand some 6ersons amon yo a=e been son tat it is in te last eek> soseek it in te last ten /nits

Book 006, Number 2621:

%bn &mar /Alla be 6leased it tem re6orted Alla's Messener /may 6ea3ebe 6on im as sayin: #eek it /Lailat-l-adr in te last /ten nits %f one

amon yo sos sla3kness and eakness /in te earlier 6art of 8amadan; itsold not be alloed to 6re=ail 6on im in te last eek

Book 006, Number 2622:

%bn &mar /Alla be 6leased it tem re6orted Alla's Messener /may 6ea3ebe 6on im as sayin: $e o is anios to seek it /Lailat-l-adr sold seekit in te last ten /nits of 8amadan

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Book 006, Number 2623:

'%bn '&mar /Alla be 6leased it bot of tem re6orted Alla's Messener/may 6ea3e be 6on im as sayin: #eek te time of Lailat-l-adr in te last/ten nits; or e said: in te last nine /nits

Book 006, Number 2624:

Ab $raira /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted Alla's Messener /may 6ea3ebe 6on im as sayin: % as son Lailat-l-adr> ten some members of myfamily aoke me 6; ten % as 3ased to foret it #o seek it in te last eek$armala said: /+e $oly @ro6et did not say:B % as made to foret;B bt estated:B t % forot itB

Book 006, Number 2625:

Ab #a'id al-)dri /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted tat Alla's Messener/may 6ea3e be 6on im s6ent in de=otion /in i'tikaf te middle ten nits ofte mont of 8amadan; and en tenty nits ere o=er and it as te tenty-first nit; e ent ba3k to is residen3e and tose o ere alon it im alsoretrned /to teir res6e3ti=e residen3es $e s6ent one mont in de=otion +ene addressed te 6eo6le on te nit e 3ame ba3k /to is residen3e and3ommanded tem as Alla desired /im to 3ommand and ten said: % sed tode=ote myself /obser=e i'tikaf drin tese ten /nits +en % started de=otinmyself in te last ten /nits And e o desires to obser=e i'tikaf alon itme sold s6end te nit at is 6la3e of i'tikaf And % sa tis nit /Lailat-l-adr bt % forot it /te ea3t nit > so seek it>%n te last ten nits on oddnmbers % sa /te lim6ses of tat dream tat % as 6rostratin in ater andmd Ab #a'id al-)dri said: %t rained on te tenty-first nit and te aterdri66ed /from te roof of te mosDe at te 6la3e ere te Messener of Alla/may 6ea3e be 6on im obser=ed 6rayer % looked at im and as e 3om6letedte dan 6rayer; /% fond is fa3e as et it md and ater

Book 006, Number 2626:

Ab #a'id al-)dri /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted tat te Messener ofAlla /may 6ea3e be 6on im de=oted /imself to 6rayer in te middle /tennits of 8amadan +e rest of te adit is te same e3e6t for tese ords:B

 +at e adered to is 6la3e of i'tikaf and is foreead as besmeared it mdand aterB

Book 006, Number 2627:

Ab #a'id al-)dri /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted tat te Messener ofAlla /may 6ea3e be 6on im obser=ed i'tikaf /3onfined imself for de=otionand 6rayer in te first ten /days of 8amadan> e ten obser=ed i'tikaf in temiddle ten /days in a +rkis tent it a mat anin at its door $e /te $oly@ro6et took old of tat mat and 6la3ed it in te nook of te tent $e ten 6tis ead ot and talked it 6eo6le and tey 3ame near im; and e /te $oly@ro6et said: % obser=ed i'tikaf in te first ten /nits and days in order to seek

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tat nit /Lailat-l-adr % ten obser=ed i'tikaf in te middle ten days +en /ananel as sent to me and % as told tat tis /nit is amon te last ten/nits $e o amon yo likes to obser=e i'tikaf sold do so> and te 6eo6le

obser=ed it alon it im; and e /te $oly @ro6et said: +at /Lailat-l-adras son to me on an odd /nit and % /sa in te dream tat % as6rostratin in te mornin in 3lay and ater #o in te mornin of te tenty-firstnit en e /te $oly @ro6et ot 6 for dan /6rayer tere as a rainfalland te mosDe dri66ed; and % sa 3lay and ater en e 3ame ot after3om6letin te mornin 6rayer /% sa tat is foreead and te ti6 of is nosead /tra3es of 3lay and ater; and tat as te tenty-first nit amon te lastten /nits

Book 006, Number 2628:

Ab #alama re6orted: 'e dis3ssed amonst orsel=es Lailat-l-adr % 3ame

to Ab #a'id al-)dri /Alla be 6leased it im o as a friend of mine andsaid to im: old yo not o it s to te arden of date treesI $e ent otit a 3loak o=er im % said to im: <id yo ear te Messener of Alla /may6ea3e be 6on im makin mention of Lailat-l-adrI $e said: Jes; /and addede ere obser=in i'tikaf it te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im inte middle ten days of 8amadan; and 3ame ot on te mornin of te tentietand te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im addressed s and said: %as son Lailat-l-adr; bt % forot /te ea3t nit or % as 3ased to foretit; so seek it in te last ten odd /nits; and % as son tat % as 6rostratin inater and 3lay #o e o anted to obser=e i'tikaf it te Messener of Alla/inay 6ea3e be 6on im sold retrn /to te 6la3e of i'tikaf $e /Ab #a'id al-

)dri said: And e retrned and did not find any 6at3 of 3lod in te sky +ente 3lod atered and tere as /so ea=y a don6or tat te roof of temosDe i3 as made of te bran3es of date-6alms bean to dri6 +en tereas 6rayer and % sa te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im6rostratin in ater and 3lay till % sa te tra3es of 3lay on is foreead

Book 006, Number 2629:

 +is badit as been re6orted on te atority of Jaya b Ab )atir it tesame 3ain of transmitters /it a slit =ariation of tese ords: % sa teMessener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im after e ad 3om6leted /te 6rayerand tere as a tra3e of 3lay on is foreead and ti6 /of te nose

Book 006, Number 2630:

Ab #a'id al-)dri /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted: +e Messener ofAlla /may 6ea3e be 6on im obser=ed i'tikaf in te middle ten days of8amadan to seek Lailat-l-adr before it as made manifest to im en /tesenits ere o=er; e 3ommanded to strike te tent +en it as made manifestto im tat /Lailat-l-adr as in te last ten nits /of 8amadan; and3ommanded to 6it3 te tent /aain $e ten 3ame to te 6eo6le and said: (6eo6le; Lailat-l-adr as made manifest to me and % 3ame ot to inform yoabot it tat to 6ersons 3ame 3ontend- in it ea3 oter and tere as a

de=il alon it tem and % forot it #o seek it in te last ten nits of 8amadan

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#A$%$ M&#L%M (()  *: +$E (()  (, ,A#+%. /) %+A AL-#AM

#eek it on te nint; on te se=ent and on te fift % /one of te narrators said:Ab #a'id; yo kno more tan s abot nmbers $e said: Jes; indeed e a=ebetter rit tan yo % said: at is tis nint; se=ent; and fiftI $e said: en

tenty-one /nits are o=er and te tenty-se3ond beins; it is te nint; anden tenty-tree /nits are o=er; tat i3 follos /te last nit is tese=ent; and en tenty-fi=e nits are o=er; at follos it is fift %bn )alladsaid: %nstead of te ord JaliDan /3ontendin; e said Jaktasiman; /tey aredis6tin

Book 006, Number 2631:

'Abdlla b &nais re6orted Alla's Messener /may 6ea3e be6on im assayin: % as son Lailat-l-adr> ten % as made to foret it; and sa tat %as 6rostratin in ater and 3lay in te mornin of tat /nit $e /te narratorsaid: +ere as a don6or on te tenty-tird nit and te Messener of Alla

/may 6ea3e be 6on im led s in 6rayer; and as e ent ba3k; tere as atra3e of ater and 3lay on is foreead and on is nose $e /te narrator said:'Abdlla b &nais sed to say tat it as te tenty-tird /nit

Book 006, Number 2632:

'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er and %bn mair re6orted Alla's Mes- sener/may 6ea3e be 6on im as sayin: Look for /and in te ords of aki; seekLailat-l-adr in te last ten nits of 8amadan

Book 006, Number 2633:

Hirr b $abais re6orted: % t asked &bayy b )a'b /Alla be 6leased it im: Jor broter /in fait %bn Mas'd says: $e o stands /for te nit 6rayertroot te year old find Lailat-l-adr; ere6on e said: May Alla a=emer3y 6on im> /e said tese ords it te intention tat 6eo6le mit notrely only /on one nit; ereas e kne tat it /Lailat-l-adr is in te montof 8amadan and it is te tenty-se=ent nit $e ten took oat /itotmakin any e3e6tion; i e itot sayin %nnsa Alla tat it as te tenty-se=ent nit % said to im: Ab Mndir; on at rond do yo say tatI

 +ere6on e said: y te indi3ation or by te sin i3 te Messener of Alla/may 6ea3e be 6on im a=e s; and tat is tat on tat day /te sn oldrise itot a=in any ray in it

Book 006, Number 2634:

Hirr b $bais re6orted tat &bayy b )a'b /Alla be 6leased it im saidabot Lailat-l-adr: y Alla; % kno ell abot it #'ba said: +o te best of myknolede it as te tenty-se=ent nit for i3 te Messener of Alla/may 6ea3e be 6on im 3ommanded s to stand for 6rayer #'ba dobtedtese ords: +at it as te nit for i3 te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3ebe 6on im 3ommanded s to stand for 6rayer And /e frter said: +is asnarrated to me by a friend of mine from im /te $oly @ro6et

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#A$%$ M&#L%M (()  *: +$E (()  (, ,A#+%. /) %+A AL-#AM

Book 006, Number 2635:

Ab $raira /Alla be 6leased it im re6orted: e ere talkin abot Lailat-l-adr in te 6resen3e of te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im ande said: $e o amonst yo remembers /te nit en te moon arose and itas like a 6ie3e of 6late /at te fa end of te mont in a state of anin

Chate 3;: O#e7!n" of !t!kaf !n the $at ten*a1 of /a&a*an

Book 006, Number 2636:

%bn '&mar /Alla be 6leased it bot of tem re6orted tat te A6ostle of

Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im sed to obser=e i'tikaf in te last ten days of8amadan

Book 006, Number 2637:

Abdlla b &mar /Alla be 6leased it bot of tem re6orted tat teMessener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on im sed to obser=e i'tikaf in te lastten days of 8amadan afi' said: Abdlla /Alla be 6leased it im soed mete 6la3e in te mosDe ere te Messener of Alla /may 6ea3e be 6on imsed to obser=e i'tikaf

Book 006, Number 2638:

'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er re6orted tat te Messener of Alla /may6ea3e be 6on im sed to obser=e i'tikaf in te last ten days of 8amadan

Book 006, Number 2639:

 +is adit as been narrated by 'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er troanoter 3ain of transmitters

Book 006, Number 2640:

'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er re6orted tat te Messener of Alla /may6ea3e e 6on im sed to obser=e i'tikif in te last ten days of 8amadan tillAlla 3alled im ba3k /to is ea=enly ome +en is i=es obser=ed i'tikafafter im

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#A$%$ M&#L%M (()  *: +$E (()  (, ,A#+%. /) %+A AL-#AM

Chate 3<: When ho+$* a eon ente the$a,e of !t!kaf a he !nten* to o#e7e !t

Book 006, Number 2641:

'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er re6orted tat en te Messener of Alla/may 6ea3e be 6on im de3ided to obser=e i'tikaf; e 6rayed in te morninand ten ent to te 6la3e of is i'tikaf; and e 3ommanded tat a tent sold be6it3ed for im; and it as 6it3ed $e /on3e de3ided to obser=e i'tikaf in telast ten days of 8amadan Hainab /te ife of te $oly @ro6et 3ommanded tata tent sold be 6it3ed for er %t as 6it3ed a33ordinly And some oter i=esof Alla's A6ostle /may 6ea3e be 6on im 3ommanded tat tents sold be6it3ed for tem too And tey ere 6it3ed en te Messener of Alla /may

6ea3e e 6on im offered te mornin 6rayer; e looked and fond /so manytents +ere6on e said: at is tis =irte tat tese /ladies a=e de3ided toa3DireI $e 3ommanded is tent to be str3k and abandoned i'tikaf in te montof 8amadan and 6ost6oned it to te first ten days of #aal

Book 006, Number 2642:

 +is adit as been re6orted tro anoter 3ain of transmitters; and tereit is mentioned tat 'A'isa; $afsa and Hainab /Alla be 6leased it tem6it3ed te tents for i'tikaf

Chate 5=: One ho+$* &oe (!n *e7ot!onan* a1e) !n the $at ten *a1 of /a&a*an

Book 006, Number 2643:

'A'%sa /Alla be 6leased it er re6orted tat en te last ten nits beanAlla's Messener /may 6ea3e be 6on im ke6t aake at nit /for 6rayer andde=otion; akened is family; and 6re6ared imself to obser=e 6rayer /itmore =ior

Book 006, Number 2644:

'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er re6orted tat Alla's Messener /may 6ea3ebe 6on im sed to eert imself in de=otion drin te last ten nits to areater etent tan at any oter time

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#A$%$ M&#L%M (()  *: +$E (()  (, ,A#+%. /) %+A AL-#AM

Chate 5: Fat!n" on the =th of 4h+$-H!>>a

Book 006, Number 2645:

'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er re6orted: % ne=er sa te Messener of Alla/may 6ea3e be 6on im fastin in te ten days of <'%-$i??a

Book 006, Number 2646:

'A'isa /Alla be 6leased it er re6orted: +e A6ostle of Alla /may 6ea3e be6on im did not obser=e fast in te ten days of <l-$i??a