Safety April, 21 st 2015 Topic for Today….Physical Fitness.

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Transcript of Safety April, 21 st 2015 Topic for Today….Physical Fitness.

Safety April, 21st 2015

Topic for Today….Physical Fitness

So….what does Physical Fitness have to do with Safety?

A Lot.If it can cause “lost time” it is Safety’s responsibility.

P.S. This is NOT a fitness course … just highlightsIntended to make you think…and act.

There is a world of information out there…go find it.Then go do something useful with it!

Tonight, we will briefly cover

But first…..

What is FitnessWhySome friendly adviceA look into the futureThe routines

Phil BonaseraApril, 1972. NAS Chase Field, Beeville TX.

Today in HistoryAnniversary of Battle of San Jacinto

The Battle of San Jacinto, fought on April 21, 1836, in present-day Harris County, Texas, was the decisive battle of the Texas Revolution. Led by General Sam Houston, the Texian Army engaged and defeated General Antonio López de Santa Anna's Mexican army in a fight that lasted just 20 minutes. About 630 of the Mexican soldiers were killed and 730 captured, while only nine Texans died.

As a result of the Battle of San Jacinto, almost a third of what is now the United States of America changed ownership.

It is one of the most decisive and consequential battles in the history of the United States and indeed the Western world.

Roll Call:

Tom Leopold ‘74

Physical FitnessOr

Securing Your FutureThe FUTURE???

I am more concerned about NOW!

Retirement Planning…Two Components1. Money 2. Health

The secret to having plenty both is pretty much the same.

Start Early … the sooner you start, the more you will accumulate.Make Regular “Deposits”

Getting older ain’t for sissies … it’s best to be prepared.

It will be here a lot sooner than you can imagine…trust me.

A Satisfying retirement requires plenty of BOTH.

“Fitness” means “Health” So…physical fitness means physical health

How many of you work out on a regular basis?(jogging, walking, weight lifting, etc.)

“Why should I work out regularly” you ask?

Top 10 benefits of physical fitness (for the boss)

1. You're more likely to live a long and healthy life (cheap insurance)2. You'll have more energy, strength and stamina (reduced injuries)3. You'll keep excess body fat off (less sick days used)4. You'll keep your bones strong (reduced workplace injuries)5. You'll prevent or reduce low back pain (less sick days used)6. You'll keep your mind sharp (reduced workplace mishaps)7. You'll improve your mood (happy employees)8. You'll get sick less often (less sick days used)9. You'll sleep better (you’ll come to work ready to work)10. You'll enjoy life more (happy employees)

Long and Healthy Life… You can’t ask for much more than that!

So…what’s not to like about fitness?You get a bunch of quick benefits (look, perform, and feel better).You get a bunch of long term benefits (long and healthy life).

Good Health is NOT automatic.(in fact, it’s just the opposite)

You have to work at it!

The 80 / 20 Rule

20 % of how long you live is dictated by genetics. 80 % is dictated by your lifestyle (fitness) choices.

Dietary changes, coupled with a healthy amount of exercise, can lead to a much longer and much healthier life.

About 80 percent of chronic disease (cancer, dementia, heart disease and diabetes) is avoidable through diet and exercise.

Senior NOTAM: Physically fit people not only live a long time; they tend to die quickly without a long period of sickness.

Anybody looking forward to dying prematurely?

Physical activity can reduce your risk of dying early by 40%

You don't have to do high amounts of activity or vigorous-intensity activity to reduce your risk of premature death.

You can put yourself at lower risk of dying early by doing at least 150 minutes (2 ½ hours) a week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity. (30 minutes a day….Monday through Friday)

(This is a MINIMUM…I recommend MORE)

The Law of Diminishing Returns

45 minutes to 1 hour of moderately intense exercise a day is ideal.Personally…I would do about 1 hour and take the weekends off.

45 minutes

1 hour

30 Minutes

3 hours

One More Time…for emphasis.

You can avoid chronic disease.

You can reduce your risk of dying early.

You will look better and feel better while you are still young.

It will only take an hour or so a day.

So….why wouldn’t you spend an hour a day to get these benefits?

Someone…..give me a reason.

Some friendly advice about what is coming in your future.

(Trust me…I know these things).

If there is absolutely no way you can get out of taking a terrible beating, the only sensible thing to do is, get in the first lick! - Billy Jack 1971

Well…..You are all fixing to take a terrible beating.

A mild beating will begin in your late 20’s or early 30’s.The beating will intensify about age 40.It will turn into a terrible beating after age 50.

The beating will be administered by Mother Nature.It is called “aging” (growing older).

There IS a way to defend yourself!

Big Hint: Don’t just sit there and take it…DO SOMETHING!

Here’s What to Expect

Aging (if left untreated) means a loss of strength and flexibility.

Aging (if left untreated) means atrophy (shrinking or weakening) of muscle, nerve, tendon, ligament and bone.

BUT….IF you are physically fit throughout your life…You can remain strong and vital well into your last years, before succumbing rapidly to whatever kills you.

You are at your peak fitness in your mid 20’s to early 30’s.

You…at age 25

Old Dog Trick….Hit your peak age (in your 20’s) at a high level of fitness

DO NOT go into your 20’s at THIS level of fitness

Aging “fantasy” line.

If you do nothing….your fitness and health will decline….but NOT steadily.

After 40It goes downhill fast without intervention(diet and exercise)

“Reality” aging line

What’s This?

With Effort (Diet and exercise)

You can alter the rate of decline significantly

Physically “Fit” aging line

Notice that there is no Nursing Home

Now is the time to decide that you are going to have a long and healthy life.

In early adulthood you (and your time) will be totally consumed by:

Your careerYour family

If fitness is not a part of your daily routine in your teen years…You likely won’t EVER find the time to work it into your schedule when you are an adult.

Don’t prioritize your schedule…schedule your priorities.Figure out what is important to you…and make it happen.

Pay yourself first…

Decide RIGHT NOW what kind of physical condition you want to be in when you are 90.

We all know where life will eventually take usThe question is…In what condition do you choose to arrive?

These different “end” results are not random.They are due to different choices of lifestyle (fitness).YOU Decide how do you want to live the last half of your life.

Decide how you want to live the first half too!

You can’t appreciate how important fitness will be in the LAST half of your life.That’s when the benefits will be realized and most appreciated.Just like a Retirement account…the big payoff is at the end.___________________________________________________________________________

Assume you will live to be 100 (that is reasonable).

Up to age 40, you won’t suffer that much if you are not physically fit.

BUT if you ARE physically fit you will be HEALTHY and HAPPY (and more attractive). You will excel at sports and will pass all of your PT Tests with ease (CAP, USAF, etc.)

In the last 60 years, if you haven’t been maintaining your fitness, you will begin to SUFFER…your health (and ability) will begin to decline, RAPIDLY.

Stop and think about “retirement” for a minute:1. You don’t have to go to work (you can do what you choose)2. The kids are raised and out on their own (you are responsibility free)3. Your marriage is solid and enjoyable (no stress)4. You retirement account is funded and mature (you’ve got money)5. Your expenses are minimal (the house is paid off)

What’s the point of saving money for retirement…if you are going to be too sick and too worn out to enjoy it? (Retirement = Money + Health)

If you don’t maintain your physical fitness, your body will atrophy to the point that you won’t be able to do anything when you are retired!

Are the scientists going to invent some magic pillthat will give you great health without exercise?

I wouldn’t bet my life on it.

This guy is 93There isn’t anything wrong with him.He just “got old”.

He went to the office every day … made a fortune during his career.He didn’t have time to work out or exercise…too busy working.

Now, he is spending his hard earned savings on Nursing Home bills.He is too worn out to enjoy his retirement (the golden years???).

This guy is 93 too.Big difference huh?

He went to the office every day also.BUT…he took the time to stay physically fit throughout his life. Senior NOTAM: He didn’t start lifting weights until he was 87.

He lives in his own home. He can dress himself and go to the toilet alone.He is fit enough to go anywhere and do anything he wants.He loves retirement.

Which do you choose? You MUST Choose one.

Only a few lifestyle choices have as large an impact on your health as physical activity.

Don’t just sit there…do something!

Inactivity kills just as many people as smoking.

If you sit for more than 11 hours a day, there's a 50% chance you'll die within the next 3 years.

So…have I convinced you?Do you think it’s a good idea to get (and stay) Physically Fit?

If so….Here is the “routine”.

These are my suggestions (factually based)….do your own research and come up with your own plan…just make sure it’s a good one…one you can continue to do throughout your entire life.

Total Physical Fitness … Requires These 5 Things*Cardio / Aerobic (running, walking, cycling, swimming) Muscle Building and Bone Strengthening (lifting weights) Flexibility (Stretching, Yoga) Balance (Specific Exercises, Pilates)*Proper Nutrition (we will talk about this another day) *Items in Red are required for heart health…required to GET old.______________________________________________________

All you need to get started:A decent pair of shoes (for running or walking)A pair of dumbbells (or a place where you can work out for free)A water bottleThere is NO EXCUSE for not being physically fit…it’s WANT TO!

Any Questions on “The Plan”?

I know it LOOKS like a lot to do.But…it’s really pretty easy.

After you get started, you will enjoy it.

(Trust me…I know these things)

O.K. Let’s Talk Specifics

Cardio / Aerobic Exercise (walking, running, swimming, etc.)Strengthens your heart and lungs and burns lots of caloriesPick One:

Walk 3 miles (45 minutes) 5 days a week (no sensory input)Jog 2 ½ miles (30 minutes) 5 days a week (no sensory input)

I suggest WALKING (easier on the joints)Unless you’re planning a Military career (then…running is required)

It’s pretty straightforward.Start at 10 minutes a day … build up to 30 or 45 minutes a day.THEN gradually increase the pace (until you can walk 3 miles in 45 min. or run 2 ½ miles in 30 min.)

Any Questions on Cardio / Aerobic?

Muscle Building and Bone Strengthening Exercise (pumping iron)

Maintains (builds) muscle strength (Way better than muscle atrophy)Maintains (builds) bone strength (this is really important)Regulates blood sugar (insulin)…prevents type II diabetesSpeeds up metabolism (muscle burns calories while you are resting)

Do some research…learn a little, then get started:

Build your own routine…20 - 30 minutes a day (approx.)

Monday…upper bodyTuesday…lower bodyWednesday…rest (stretching, flexibility, balance)Thursday…upper bodyFriday…lower body

This is Bodybuilding NOT Muscle Building

Study and learn BEFORE you begin your muscle building programALWAYS….5 minute warm-up before lifting (that’s your stretching routine)USE PROPER FORM (to avoid injury)Increase weight by smallest possible incrementPAY ATTENTION (no multi-tasking)Remember to Breathe….and hydrate.

Public Library

Half-Priced BooksGarage Sales

Some Info available online

You can do a very effective lift routine with a set of dumbbells(Soup cans, Chains…almost anything will work)

$15 at Walmart…new.

Garage SalesRoss Dress for LessGoodwill StoresThrift TownUsed Sporting Goods Stores

Talk to the coaches at school.They might let you work out there…and give you instruction and coaching too.

Bottom Line: Build Muscle (like these two)…it’s good for you!Muscular people live longer, healthier, and happier lives.

Senior NOTAM: The older you are, the more important your muscle mass becomes. Being old and skinny is not a useful thing if you want to enjoy your last decades.

Choose one from Column A, and one from Column B

Any Questions on Weight Lifting?

No Notice Spot Eval

Flexibility Test

Balance Test

DO NOT ignore Flexibility and Balance (use it or lose it).Why do old people fall down a lot?Why do old people have Velcro instead of shoelaces?(Remember…you are going to get old…be prepared).

Flexibility Routine: stretching exercises and / or YogaA brief routine every day (every day before you lift weight and also work it into normal activities…stretch) Study

Balance Routine: specific exercises and / or PilatesA brief routine … Once a week minimum (Wed).Work balance exercises into daily fitness routine and daily activities (toweling off, getting dressed, walking on the curb, walking backwards, etc.) Study

Any questions onFlexibility or Balance

These are … “use it or lose it”.

So…this is what your week will look like.1 hour to 1 ½ hours a day (M – F).Every Day: a few minutes of Stretching or Yoga

(with balance exercises thrown into your daily routine)

Monday: 30- 45 min. aerobic and 20- 30 min. weight liftingTuesday: 30- 45 min. aerobic and 20- 30 min. weight liftingWednesday: 30- 45 min. aerobic and balance routine/PilatesThursday: 30- 45 min. aerobic and 20- 30 min. weight liftingFriday: 30- 45 min. aerobic and 20- 30 min. weight lifting

It’s advisable to work out in the morningOr in the evening so as to finish at least 2 hours before bedtime

Show and Tell

Look at the Handout…discuss

Finally…In Summary

Be Realistic…Use Common Sense

Do not let “physical fitness” ruin your life (no narcissism allowed).

If you are ill take the day offIf the weather is horrible skip the aerobics

If your spouse, kids, or boss have short notice urgent needs…Shorten (or skip) the workout routine until their needs are taken care of.

Skipping a day or two of your workout routine is not the end of the world…you have the rest of your life to work on it. Be Happy!

You ARE going to live “that long”…. So, take care of yourself.

And … the time to start taking care of yourself is right now.

Finally…Don’t be Eubie!




I’ll see you next month.