Sacred Self Newsletter: Detox

Post on 30-Mar-2016

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Opening the doors to the world of detoxification. We explore what detoxing is and options out there.

Transcript of Sacred Self Newsletter: Detox

Sacred Self Newsletter Sacred Self, Sacred Life

“Detoxify your body” it’s something we have all heard in the past, detoxing has definitely become a mainstream concept but just what does it mean? Your body is constantly detoxing as part of its natural process, but still what does that mean? Detoxing is how your body removes toxins or foreign substances from your body. Toxic or foreign substances can be anything from alcohol to chemicals in your household cleaners, they are all around us in our modern society.

Although your body naturally detoxifies itself, today we are bombarded by more and more toxic and foreign substances and frankly our body just cannot keep up! Not only are there more toxins but there are also more stimuli and more stress….all of these factor into a more toxic environment within your body.

How do you know if you are becoming too “toxic”? Some common signs and symptoms include: acne, fatigue, joint pain, general all over achiness, and digestive problems.

Your main organ for detoxification is your liver, but don’t forget that your body also relies on your skin, lymphatic system, kidneys and intestines. Detoxification plans are designed to help support one or more of these systems so that they can work effectively and quickly.

There are many methods of detoxification out there, we will discuss some of them today.

Sacred Self Newsletter Sacred Self, Sacred Life

The simplest way to support your natural detoxification processes starts with eating right and exercising daily!

Try to eat meals that are high in fibre, lots of fresh veggies (especially the dark green ones), and fruits (think antioxidant rich!). Avoid items like dairy, alcohol, caffeine, processed meals, and meat. Drink 8-10 glasses of water each day and if you want something different try herbal teas.

Here is a great salad to help you get started with your meal planning:

Ultimate Detox Salad

Serves 2 to 4

½ cup red cabbage, shredded or finely chopped

½ cup yellow bell pepper, julienne or chopped

½ cup carrots, shredded

½ cup alfalfa sprouts

1 cup mesclun greens or baby lettuce

¼ cup fresh lemon juice

Stevia to taste

1 teaspoon fresh garlic, diced


1. Place the greens on a serving plate and arrange the carrots, red cabbage, yellow peppers, and sprouts in four circular piles along the top of the plate like a rainbow.

2. Mix the lemon juice, stevia, and garlic together and drizzle over the top.

Sacred Self Newsletter Sacred Self, Sacred Life

Hydrotherapy is also a great option and can be done a number of ways, here we will talk about 2 of those options.

A Hot Bath! That’s right a nice hot (comfortably hot) bath is a great way to help you sweat out the toxins! Give your bath a boost with some plain epsom salts, the salts help to draw out toxins from your body.

Ionic Detox Footbath: this is a machine that uses a small current of electricity to split the molecules of the water into ions so that you have your feet in ionized water. This ionized water helps to draw out extra’s floating around in your body. It helps to draw out toxins and free radicals but this unit is not intelligent and will draw out anything “extra” floating around which may include vitamins and minerals so it is important to remember to replenish with a supplement afterwards.

The footbath works 2 fold you get to relax and unwind in a warm footbath and toxins are drawn out. These are common and if you check into local natural health clinics and spas you will find one near you that offers the service! You can also purchase the units to have at home, just be careful not to get a plain old footbath make sure it is an ionic detox footbath! (not that a regular footbath with some epsom salts is a bad idea but it works much slower that the ionized foot bath)

p.s this is also a fun one to do with friends because you get to visually see some results!

Sacred Self Newsletter Sacred Self, Sacred Life

Some other great ways to boost your detoxification processes include:

Dry brushing

Supplements and detox kits- I have used the wild rose and Renew Life products and enjoyed both!

Infrared Saunas

Reduce stress with positive affirmations or daily meditation practices.

Drink lemon water first thing in the morning!

Try a Chi machine

Lymphatic drainage massage

Do regular, conscious deep breathing a couple times a day-this increases your oxygen intake which gives your cells more energy to work with and naturally produces a calmer mind.

Common vitamins that help to support your detoxification process: vitamins A, B complex, C and E, plus magnesium chromium, selenium and omega 3 fish oil. Also, green tea, milk thistle and garlic may be helpful.

Remember to look at all the options, know your schedule, your body and plan accordingly. Don’t feel stuck with a “cookie cutter” diet plan for detoxing. Make it personal, make it your own. If you are not sure where to start contact a local health and wellness centre, most places offer free consultations that can provide you with information on their services and how they can help your process.

Sacred Self Newsletter Sacred Self, Sacred Life

Sacred Self Newsletter is brought to you by Danielle Hughes CRMT, Holistic Health Practitioner. Danielle has a passion for natural health and healing and works at the health and wellness centre Let it Heal Cambridge.

Questions? Comments? Topic suggestions? Contact Danielle at

Let it Heal Cambridge

26 Swastika Trail

Cambridge ON