Sachin and Nitin

Post on 07-Mar-2016

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Transcript of Sachin and Nitin (Slim Ali)

Slim Ali

12 1896,

27, 1987(90),

ornithologynatural history

InfluencesErwin Stresemann

Padma Vibhushan(1976)

(12 1896 - 27 1987) " " , - 1976 1947 ( ) [] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [ ] , -- , - [1] () .. - , - - .[2] . ( ) , , [3] - - - , , .[4] , - , - - - , .[5] 13 , 1913 .[6] [ ]

- , . , () ( ) - ,() ( ) . .. 1917 . , [7][8] 1918 [9] , .. [10] 1926 350 [2][11] 1928 , . . [12] , [13][ ]

(1976)1930 , . .[14] .[15] .. , . [16] , , , , - - [17] [18]- "" . [19] [20] :[21]30.4.1937 'I am disappointed in Salim. He is quite useless at anything but collecting. He cannot skin a bird, nor cook, nor do anything connected with camp life, packing up or chopping wood. He writes interminable notes about something-perhaps me... Even collecting he never does on his own initiative...20.5.1937 'Salim is the personification of the educated Indian and interests me a great deal. He is excellent at his own theoretical subjects, but has no practical ability, and at everyday little problems is hopelessly inefficient... His views are astounding. He is prepared to turn the British out of India tomorrow and govern the country himself. I have repeatedly told him that the British Government have no intention of handing over millions of uneducated Indians to the mercy of such men as Salim:... 1939 1939 , . ( )

[22][23] : " "[22] :My head reels at all these nomenclatural metaphysics! I feel strongly like retiring from ornithology, if this is the stuff, and spending the rest of my days in the peace of the wilderness with birds, and away from the dust and frenzy of taxonomical warfare. I somehow feel complete detachment from all this, and am thoroughly unmoved by what name one ornithologist chooses to dub a bird that is familiar to me, and care even less in regard to one that is unfamiliar ----- The more I see of these subspecific tangles and inanities, the more I can understand the people who silently raise their eyebrows and put a finger to their temples when they contemplate the modern ornithologist in action.Ali to Ripley, 5 1956[24] " "[25] [26] . .[27] , . 1971 1978 .[28][29][30] [ ] 100 . ,[31] , , . . . . , , [32][33][34] - , .[35][36] , , 480 [37]1980 , " " , [38] (1924 " " , [39]) . [40][41] [ ] , () .[42] .[43] [30]it is true that I despise purposeless killing, and regard it as an act of vandalism, deserving the severest condemnation. But my love for birds is not of the sentimental variety. It is essentially aesthetic and scientific, and in some cases may even be pragmatic. For a scientific approach to bird study, it is often necessary to sacrifice a few, ... (and) I have no doubt that but for the methodical collecting of specimens in my earlier years - several thousands, alas - it would have been impossible to advance our taxonomical knowledge of Indian birds ... nor indeed of their geographic distribution, ecology, and bionomics.Ali (1985):195 - "- " [44]1960 , [45][46][47][48] [ ] , . 1953 " " , (1970 ) (1958), (1973) (1978) . 1967 - , $100,000 , 1969 . 1973 1958 1976 .[49]1985 [50] 91 1987 1990 , (SACON) . " " 1972 , , ( ) - ( ) [51][52] - ( ) - [53]The International Jury for the J. Paul Getty Wildlife Conservation Prize of the World Wildlife Fund has selected for 1975Salim A. AliCreator of an environment for conservation in India, your work over fifty years in acquainting Indians with the natural riches of the subcontinent has been instrumental in the promotion of protection, the setting up of parks and reserves, and indeed the awakening of conscience in all circles from the government to the simplest village Panchayat. Since the writing of your book, the Book of Indian Birdswhich in its way was the seminal natural history volume for everyone in India, your name has been the single one known throughout the length and breadth of your own country, Pakistan, and Bangladesh as the father of conservation and the fount of knowledge on birds. Your message has gone high and low across the land and we are sure that weaver birds weave your initials in their nests, and swifts perform parabolas in the sky in your honor.For your lifelong dedication to the preservation of bird life in the Indian subcontinent and your identification with the Bombay Natural History Society as a force for education, the World Wildlife Fund takes delight in presenting you with the second J. Paul Getty Wildlife Conservation Prize. 19, 1976.[ ] , , 1930 , 1984 [54] , 1941 , 12 .[55]1943 , , [56] 10 "" 1964 1974 , , [57]"" " " , - 1983 , [57]:Salimalibooks.jpg " " (1953 " " ), " ", " " ( " "), " " " " [58] " " (1967) , [59][60]1985 , [61] 1986 , 64 [62] - 2007 , [63]Bottom of Form