SA Geospatial Insights€¦ · insights through small group activities and surveys. Participants...

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Transcript of SA Geospatial Insights€¦ · insights through small group activities and surveys. Participants...


SA Geospatial Insights Power of people, data and location



SA Geospatial Strategy ......................................................................................................... 2

SA Geospatial Community ..................................................................................................... 3

Co-Design Engagement ........................................................................................................ 4

Building a future state ............................................................................................................ 5

Building an economy ............................................................................................................. 6

Understanding geospatial impact ........................................................................................... 7

Challenges to geospatial capacity in South Australia ............................................................. 8

SA government geospatial data and services usage ............................................................. 8

Geospatial services from SA government ............................................................................ 10

Why access services from SA government .......................................................................... 11

Industry - Insights ................................................................................................................ 12

SA Government - Insights .................................................................................................... 13

Next Steps ........................................................................................................................... 14

Organisational Consultation List .......................................................................................... 15

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SA Geospatial Strategy

Everything happens somewhere. Developing our understanding of “where” enables us to make better decisions, implement greater efficiencies, improve customer experiences and stimulate a smarter economy. By using the power of people, data and location, we can build a strong foundation for a digital geospatial economy to benefit all South Australians.

The SA Geospatial Strategy will be the SA government’s roadmap to harness the state’s strengths, identify opportunities and advance our leadership in the geospatial industry. It will guide us on the best route to take and what we need to do to get there.


The Office for Data Analytics (ODA) engaged the South Australian geospatial community for their input on the SA Geospatial Strategy. In July and August 2018, ODA held a series of co-design workshops, online surveys and face-to-face meetings with over 250 leaders from government, business and industry, education and research sector.


This report summarises the insights obtained during the consultation process including:

existing challenges, perceptions and opportunities for advancing a thriving economy from location-based information,

recognising and closing the value-chain gap between government, business and citizen,

understanding the South Australian government’s ‘readiness capacity’ for innovation, and

a future where geospatial data and technology constitute mainstream business.

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SA Geospatial Community

All three tiers of government play critical roles in advancing and underpinning the geospatial sector in South Australia. Over the past three decades government has strongly focused on data infrastructure, standards and policy frameworks. In South Australia state government has advanced its learnings and knowledge by investing a unified approach call Location SA. This geospatial platform puts South Australia in a position to advance the users of geospatial data and assist industry to benefit from location-based data.

Educators, innovators and private sector are also integral links in the supply chain of geospatial technology and location-based data. An enabled and supported geospatial sector connected across multiple digital technology and industry domains would deliver on new partnerships, innovation and drive economic development.

Professional associations play a critical role in the geospatial ecosystem. South Australian community is one of the most collaborative and well advance jurisdictions in the Nation, while also being one of the smallest jurisdictions. Spatial Industries Busienss Association (SIBA) and the Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI) work side by side in partnership with industry, government, educators and its people to provide an opportunity to advance and raise the profile the sector globally.

Participant commentary

“the most effective championing Government can do for the geospatial industry is to encourage the growth of the private sector by supporting the creation and circulation of wealth in that sector.”

“if you make as much data available to private industry, they will make use of it in innovative ways, stimulating the SA economy.”

“Geo Innovation Hub - Provide a mechanism for collaboration which is currently missing. Visiting field leaders can inspire and educate. Industry and government can work together.”

“SA government should start to think about one service delivery model to be more effective, efficient, consistent and transparent in the data, services, analytics, modelling”

“Engagement with non-spatial government - marketing geospatial is an ongoing challenge but ensuring we have buy in from leadership is an important step to ensure that the public sector are making full use of geospatial”

“If the geospatial strategy is to be accepted, the private sector also needs to appreciate it is part of the solution, and should not be telling government what to do, but acting in unison with the government to collaborate on the outcomes”

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Co-Design Engagement The engagement comprised a four-part approach:

Co-Design Workshops: two workshops (one for industry, one for government) prompted a range of insights through small group activities and surveys. Participants reviewed the current industry state of play, barriers for success and the ‘possible’ for South Australia.

Online Survey – Industry: survey for industry employees (business, educators, researchers, innovators, local and federal government,) on geospatial supply and demand.

Online Survey – SA Government: survey for State government employees on building capabilities for delivering better geospatial services in and outside government.

Co-Design Workshop Online Survey

Co-design Workshops base n: 80 (attendees) Online Survey base n: 179 (all respondents)


Senior Manager


Team Leader12%

Academic 3%

Software/ Technology


Data Scientist / GIS Analyst


Project Officer9%




Methodology and Workshop Structure

Co-Design Workshop – Morning:

- 65 industry leaders from across Australia

- Workshop content: o Ecosystem influences o Value of geospatial o Possible futures o What’s holding us back

Thinktank Workshop – Afternoon:

- 25 SA Government employees - Workshop content:

o Role of government in geospatial o Responding to challenges

Online Survey

- 83 responses to industry online surveys consisting of:

o Future possibilities o Impact on the economy o Data & technology uptake

- 96 responses to SA government online surveys consisting of:

o Future supply o Creating opportunities o Supportive environments

Base n: 179


Senior Manager


Team Leader


Data Scientist /

GIS Analyst11%


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Building a future state

The “4th Industrial Revolution” is rapidly shifting society and economies forward through digital technology. Those who adopt and embrace the revolution will see significant and beneficial opportunities through the creation of new investments, reshaping of traditional economies and the retirement of past technologies. Geospatial will play an extensive role in many aspects of that revolution. Almost every element of a smarter future for South Australia will require data and/or technology from the geospatial industry to be successful and ubiquitous. Thinking about a future state. Which “4th Industrial Revolution” digital technology has the greatest potential for the geospatial industry in South Australia? The figure below summarises the order of importance of various digital technologies for the geospatial industry based on the survey results. It clearly identifies four areas of technology of particular interest - mobile devices, IoT (Internet of Things) platforms, big data analytics and artificial intelligence.

Base n: 179

Top six technologies with the most potential for the geospatial industry:


1. IoT platforms (19.3%) 2. Mobile devices (18.1%) 3. Smart sensors (15.7%) 4. Artificial Intelligence (12%) 5. Machine learnt algorithms (10%) 6. Big data analytics (10%)

Base n: 83

SA Government

1. Mobile devices (19.4%) 2. Big data analytics (19.4%) 3. IoT platforms (14%) 4. Artificial Intelligence (14%) 5. Cloud computing (8.6%) 6. Smart sensors (5%)

Base n: 96

Mobile devices20%

IoT platforms17%

Big data analytics


Artificial intelligence


Smart sensors11%

Machine learnt algorithms


Cloud computing


Small satellite platforms


Augmented reality


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Building an economy

Over the past 20 years, we have seen geospatial data and technology become integrated and embedded in the workflow of many traditional market segments, including urban development, defence and environmental management. The economic impact of geospatial integration on these sectors has seen a significant shift in the way government and business operates more efficiently, effectively and collaboratively. New market segments like autonomous vehicles, smart cities, space and citizen services are largely driven by the criticality of ‘location’ and contribute unique opportunities for a digital economy.

Which industry sectors have the most potential to build an economy from geospatial data, technology and services?

The findings suggest that South Australia has a unique opportunity to drive a geospatial enabled economy around some traditional sectors like emergency management (12%), land & planning (10%) and utilities (10%), while also investing in emerging markets like agriculture & farming (21%), smart cities (13%), space (5%) and health and human services (7%).

Base n: 179

Base n: 176 (all respondents)

Top five sectors with the most potential to build an economy from geospatial (data, technology, and people):


1. Agriculture and farming (22.3%) 2. Smart city (16.4%) 3. Utilities (13.4%) 4. Emergency management (8.8%) 5. Land, planning and development


Base n: 83

SA Government

1. Agriculture and farming (19.8%) 2. Emergency management (14.6%) 3. Land, planning and development

(12.2%) 4. State government (11.1%) 5. Smart city (10.4%)

Base n: 96

Both groups identified the same top four out of five sectors to invest effort in a geospatial economy.

Agriculture & Farming


Smart City13%

Emergency Management

12%Land, Planning &


Utilities – Gas, Electricity, Water,


State Government


Health & Human Services





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Understanding geospatial impact

The workshops posed a series of questions to establish the perceived value and the best place to focus on achieving the greatest transformative effects of geospatial information. The online survey repeated the same questions to determine whether responses from a larger cohort would generate different views.

Both industry and government respondents consider that geospatial technology, data and services have positive value and impact.

Most respondents ranked “better information for decision-making” and “more data-driven outcomes” as core strengths of geospatial. Responses indicate that the state government has a significant role to play in advancing the growth of the geospatial sector through building better relationships across sectors, advancing the supply of geospatial data or services and providing a unified platform for innovation and research.

Rate the impact of geospatial information in South Australia to…

Workshop Online survey Industry

Online survey SA


Build a stronger economy 75.7% 65% 70.3%

Increased productivity 84.3% 83.8% 76.8%

Better regulations and compliance 58.6% 57.9% 55.9%

More data-driven outcomes 87.1% 87.4% 85.5%

Better information for decision-making

94.3% 92.8% 91.9%

Increased transparency 68.6% 73.5% 55.3%

Better civic engagement 78.6% 66.9% 67.1%

Perception of SA Government geospatial services

How close do you think SA Government geospatial offerings are from this ideal today?

To be successful, 78% strongly agree that, to be successful, significant work is required to improve the state government’s data delivery model to achieve identified outcomes.

Base n: 179


Far 59%

Very far19%

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Challenges to geospatial capacity in South Australia

A recent survey revealed that 95% of geospatial leaders across Australia believe that geospatial services are not achieving growth potential, or losing out on resources necessary for growth to other industry sectors (2026 Agenda, March 2017). The lack of a clear mandate was also identified as a significant roadblock to implementing the necessary transformational change to drive a geospatial economy.

What are the biggest challenges or inhibitors for growing a connected geospatial capability in South Australia?

Twenty-one percent indicated ‘awareness raising and communication to the non-geospatial business sector’ as the most important challenge that requires addressing to elevate the geospatial industry as a value-add provider.

SA government employees considered that access to government data is vital to building a new digital economy. Two thirds (66%) indicated a greater need for stronger executive leadership to drive the value of geospatial. Only 25% reported that their department has a clear and coherent geospatial plan.

The education ecosystem will be critical in growing and delivering a capable geospatial intelligence workforce in the future. One in five identified education as a foundation to build geospatial capacity.

Base n: 179

Top three biggest challenges or inhibitors for growing a connected geospatial capability in South Australia

Industry sector

1. Awareness to non-geospatial business sectors (21.6%)

2. Access to public data and services (17.2%)

3. Government / Private partnerships (16.4%)

SA Government

1. Access to public data and services (21.1%)

2. Education, training and capacity building (20.7%)

3. Awareness to non-geospatial business sectors (19.5%)

Sidebar: Ordnance Survey (UK)

Unlocking of Government’s mapping and location data to boost economy by £130m a year.

In June 2018, the UK Government released parts of its Ordnance Survey MasterMap for free to help businesses use geospatial data more easily and drive innovation across the UK economy.

It is estimated that this will boost the UK economy by at least £130m each year, as innovative companies and startups use the data, plus wider benefits to the community.

Awareness to non-geospatial business sectors


Access to public data and services


Education, training and capacity building


Government / Private partnerships


Cost - R&D to commercialisation


Innovation and entrepreneurship


Belief in becoming a global leader


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SA government geospatial data and services usage

Over 84% of respondents indicated that they accessed at least one SA government service in the last 12 months. One in three (34%) users accessed data through the open data portal (Data.SA) or directly from a government agency. An indicator of geospatial data popularity from Data.SA reports that 19 of the top 25 datasets are geospatial or reference a location within the dataset fields.

The Location SA Map Viewer was the most popular mapping application for visualising and locating data, acting as a comprehensive point of truth for SA government geospatial information. Respondents commented on numerous Map Viewer successes but also reported that the mapping application could improve in terms of data sharing with businesses, educators, researchers and innovators.

Base n: 179

GIS dataset from source agency


Location SA Map Viewer


Dataset from data.sa16%

Property Location Browser


Web services10%

Nature Maps7%


Water Connect5%



Accessed at least one SA Government geospatial service in the last 12 months

Industry sector SA Government Base n: 83 Base n: 96

Top 5 services accessed

Industry sector SA Government

Dataset from

Location SA Map Viewer

GIS dataset from source agency

Property Location Browser

Web services (e.g. WMS, WFS, GeoJSON, etc)














84% Yes Yes

No No

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Geospatial services from SA government

Responses indicate that the state government can improve geospatial data, technology and service delivery inside and outside government. Both SA government and industry respondents who accessed services in the last 12 months indicated opportunities for improvement. For example, a total of two in every three people were not satisfied or were only somewhat satisfied with current service offerings from SA Government.

Sixty-five percent of industry respondents surveyed said they had difficulty finding and accessing state government geospatial data. Many indicated that the SA government could help their businesses become more cost effective if they provided more timely data though Application Programming Interfaces (API). In comparison, SA government employees referred to restrictive access protocols and the need to improve service offerings.

On the other hand, one in three were extremely or very satisfied with the current service offerings. These people highlighted better experiences with web mapping applications, such as Location SA Map Viewer, Nature Maps and Property Location Browser provided by SA Government agencies.

To understand the satisfaction rating the survey asked ‘why’? Below is selected commentary.

Industry SA Government

“… difficult to access source data in an automated and timely way”

“Need the ability to have open data in WMS WFS so no need to have multiple sources of truth”

“Everyone is always satisfied with the offerings, but costs are always prohibitive”

“More software APIs please”

“Not all data that is held by agencies is easy to access and Location SA has lots of data but not what I need. A lot of red tape and "it’s my data, not sharing" attitude.”

“This sharing model is prohibitive for government to be effective and collaborate. I get better service directly from an agency”

“There were some limitations but generally most data was easy to source.”

Overall, how satisfied were you with the SA Government geospatial offerings?

Industry sector Base n: 83

SA Government Base n: 96

Very satisfied


Somewhat satisfied


Not satisfied16%

Very satisfied


Somewhat satisfied


Not satisfied13%

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Why access services from SA government

There is a need to understand why and for what reason people are accessing data and services from SA government and if there is capacity to extend services into industry sectors.

Which primary industry sector/s best represent the reasons for using these offerings?

Private industry indicated that they used SA government service offerings for utility (15.8%), local government (10.8%), and land planning (10%) sectors. These traditional sectors comprise 36.6% of why to access SA government geospatial offerings.

SA government participants identified geospatial data as important element for the delivery of digital government initiatives and increasing workflow productivity within their departments. Sectors SA government identified as a reason to use the offerings, included emergency management (10.8%) and land planning (9.1%). The participants also identified that service supply is helping re-emerging sectors like human and health services (8.2%) and agriculture and farming (9.9%) who are taking advantage of new offerings.

Industry SA Government










Agriculture & Farming EmergencyManagement

Government – Local Government – State Human & HealthServices

Land, planning anddevelopment

Utilities – Gas, Electricity, Water,


SA Government staff and agency capability

To what extent, do you agree with the statements about your role? % agree/strongly agree

My role will be impacted by my agency's geospatial transformation.

84% I have sufficient geospatial competency to understand and contribute to my agency's future needs.

68% I have the skills and experience to contribute to the future of geospatial in SA Government

68% My agency empowers and supports me to come up with new ideas

60% I believe my role could directly help transform geospatial services across SA Government

65% Describe your agencies level of geospatial maturity?

Minimal 11% Informal and reactive 23% Transitional 28% Customer-driven 32% Transformed 7%

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Industry - Insights

Believe more SA Government geospatial offerings would have a positive effect on

their business

The top three datasets identified by industry which should be freely available to

transform the economy:

Expected benefits in next 2 years from a connected and

transformed industry Increased revenue Lower


% Other Improved

social value

1/3 of organisations surveyed have a dedicated geospatial team

to support the business.


Anticipated increase in usage of geospatial information in the next

2 years:

Build data products or services for customers

Analytics to improve operational performance

Integrated technology devices and data services




Cadastre / Valuation

Hi-Res Imagery

3D Adelaide & metropolitan area




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SA Government - Insights

said their agency had focused more on geospatial technology, data over the

past 2 years

reported their agency had no geospatial plan or strategy 36% were unsure if such a plan

or strategy existed in their agency

believe their executives understand and promote

geospatial information across organisation




almost half indicated they have access to appropriate

professional development and training


are encouraged to innovate for improved service delivery

and internal productivity


only a few staff think there is clear communication to implement geospatial

innovation in government


indicated the need to establish a Geohub to advance the

collaboration among government, private sector,

researchers and entrepreneurs


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Next Steps

SA Geospatial Strategy – The insights from the consultation process have steered us towards some broad priorities where a geospatial ecosystem could have the greatest effect on the economy. Three targeted areas can be identified as priorities:

Create the conditions

Establish a platform to foster growth through extended partnerships between government, industry, educators, professional associations and researchers.

Engage and communicate

Improve on promoting the geospatial industry through increased awareness of innovative possibilities outside the geospatial industry

Invest in the people

Inspire and develop the next generation of skills to push the boundaries of geospatial sciences.

These priorities will lay a foundation to help develop a geospatial enabled economy in South Australia.

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Organisational Consultation List

Office for Data Analytics would like to thank the participants from the following organisations who made available their time and a valuable contribution.

Private Sector Adelaide Complete Surveys Adept Technology Aerometrex Airbus Alexander Symonds Surveying AWS Beach Energy Business Aspect Commonwealth Bank Consilium Technology DigitalGlobe Digital Node DWS Earth-i Earth Radar Enzen Australia Esri Australia Frontier SI FYFE GeoIT Solutions Geosoft Golder Associates HERE Technologies Iluka Resources Innodev Michael Grear Surveys Myriota

Nearmap OZ Minerals PSMA Australia Risk Spatial SA Power Networks SA Water Spatial Location Services Spiral Data Group Spookfish Tonkin Consulting Treasury Wine Estates WSP Vinehealth Australia Universities Adelaide University Flinders University University of Canberra University of South Australia Local Government City of Adelaide City of Charles Sturt City of Marion City of Onkaparinga City of Port Adelaide Enfield Mount Barker District Council

Government of South Australia Attorney-General's Department Department for Child Protection Country Fire Service Department for Energy and Mining Department for Environment and Water Department for Health and Wellbeing Department of Human Services Department for Industry and Skills Metropolitan Fire Services Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure Department of the Premier and Cabinet Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia Police State Emergency Services Department for Trade, Tourism and Investment Department of Treasury and Finance Defence SA Federal Government Australian Bureau of Statistics Geoscience Australia Workshop Facilitator Cofluence

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For more information:

Gary Maguire, Senior Geospatial Intelligence Officer E

Office for Data Analytics W