s3.amazonaws.comVol+19+(1863)/Sabbath... · "I k d d h d U ... but alao'th6'learned. to' th ., ti:...

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Transcript of s3.amazonaws.comVol+19+(1863)/Sabbath... · "I k d d h d U ... but alao'th6'learned. to' th ., ti:...

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WESTER;L Y" R. I. _ <. 1.. -: - ,,'

, 'WOVEirnEJl, '5, ·i863. t \<)- "' •

. l~ve, Iv,imd good.' In a~ vast tr ts f . d ~. . " ac Q mID yet. tiOOBJand kind---»- . ~z.~~~:::;f~~~;~~~!tlriOI~B charges, they leave ed by the plougbahate ,of rt:UtJ ,edge-must I!ubml' to .tern and 10~IJllls;." ~l""~~JlIo;'~I't.', . b~t . smouldering ruins, -vast dOlllains 'um:eclaillled. "-0'" instruct not. ,continued discipliiie, yield tb('ml~"efl

I l

, I I

"I k d d h d U ... but alao'th6'learned. to' th ., ti: .t.1IIIii ." aC ene an carre by the fires barbarism and sin. There -fore great- e IDVlgor. ng ,:~= of strife-from which~ indeed, they er conquests yet f.o be liIade m' mnd m the high generous cultures. ' !1

d th"- as well as the DIu t tea h ~~~:;~ :~;:;~~:~ (ton "'-', attempt to recon- the domain of thought, ~han w~!r"':1 ,s . c -, Above all. and as a "'Y'",.,.,.Uind ,. etruct l but tlie uns\lapely JDasses ever made by an Alexander not only by"'l}re,enllanlt. ICY moun· glory to all, deep and ardent tm't;v.

sllon fall f th ' . h N tains," and .. India's tr d " o 61r own ,welg t. """.Y'I a apoleon in the domain II an s: ' a rich religious culture, is nel:$1el1. are continually finding fault with empir.e, . In gaining these conquests, but also on Mars ~il1, academIC, A living religious powermnst cOliu,ol

the whole ld 't t d th . d' groves and college It must nd wor ,1 S ac ors an elr a.n press_rvIDg their supremacv , I' a _ener";ze all education, 'h- d f. ' ~ contend with keen an" stro:ngminde o·

'~~:~~~~~l;~;l~~:l::: me. 0 s 0 actmg~carpmg at every· tImes future are to achieve more \I and buoyant, iII " , th.n:" d th . b ,.. h -with minds subtl'j" f b IrElstlraints ~rIj~III'liII!i!,,~~~ijj I., aroun em: nAlt·ar· are wan t e times past, however brilliant ~ ar·reac '1, of ancient laws they at "eace amon"" themselves- th h ing and It t t' '" ose .ac ievements. Coming labor. mus yet ready to be swayed tor A"ldom can the . II meet duplicity and' b 00 Y agree upon ers WI work from a higher . y the noble and i11sp,\rjlog, th . d' t' , h· h relig' ions and false ..tI:i1otoptl'l' eIr own IS IDgUlS IDg C aracteris. point than past laborers, .. grown need religion, not only to "el~tt:il.in f d 'f th gray in the affection I I " Ica; a~ I.; ey attempt _to con. will'have more efficient peop e- them from wandering of[ struct '3 plMftirth of fundamental ~mple .means for diffusing foes in all the of sci- ever increasing avenues ot p~incipleB. they are sure, before. pro mgs. She will have bljttef Christianity temptation, but _to warm with ce~d,in~ -far, ~o seize ~ach man his schools. with more ampla: fonds and bap_ vine enth~iasm, to lift all fa.v;ofite plan)¥, .. and ,; t~ ,~ 'off . their support!Lbetter endowed its pure low impulses, and fire with loft: aims

~~~I~~tO~~~;; let emies, . ~o\le~s and -to give meekness. fortitude pa-l!; schoolS, With more able politics tience; energy: perseveran~-~ kin·

and a far larger :Qll)JIbe\' of youth In.order to do dIe a. burning zeal for the good

;,5. The Church a Positive Power. fI.ocking ~o their por£~18 for' instruc the not only h1lll?ariity-to impart a moral cour· ;,,(J'''r.t~irl''liill'~If\:.JB~d~irlIJ ''1'li Ch h bon. SCIence and art, and invention. th' the teacher. age tfiat cannot be frowned do~-". P'FO"- ' e urc. comes, among these d d. e press, Chairs a"t t te ' " 't' d d an Iscovery, are to march on with I' b spm no con nt to move in the

, neKa Ive au estructive elements.. . earmng must e to her sm th ' tl an'f

d . gIant strIdes from conquest to con. . Th 00 , gen e current of pnlJlic

S,~elllls' b" t t"" PSI Ive an eo~structive power. Th '. servICe. e pen writer. the favor but a ., u , -ue. Its Great Founder inangurates it quest. e treasures, resources and eloq'uence of the • n aggressive spIrit, that THE WI. 'th .the beatitudes of that I great powers of nature. are to become more b t' d f h' h must be will leap the bounds of public opin. FLAW Di THE loII!:.

and more the servants and al'ds thap lze b ro~ onh

Ig. The farmer. ion, and take a bold. stand for truth BY REV. THEO. L, ~. ,

expository sermon on the mount. Re- e mec a t h d man. Reform will battle more effec. j b ndIC, e t e ay and right, 'and maintain' that ~tand T~e wedding wall a pleas.nt an'" ·more wards, consolations. positive good, 11' a orer, nee a educa· f I f and full -< • Th bri

A ." lHW\ltaQd m .... }~·~~;;~~~~~,i!';"':;' . d I h tua y the massIve and adamantl'ne t.l·on, that the ear. ess. 0 consequen_ces-not only U1 promise, e, .. e "'.. .,' ,.. .... .

are promIse. n exc ange for ain d· I I r d fi t forms of error. Ignorance and suo t d' 1 f Y un er- mamtam. but build up, advance all as. <; ear y lonne ur" attractive '. '.1 .

and misery, He offers a sanctified t't' d .. s an mg y 0 nghteous nobl . te 'n' d· , 17rtcf' as Milt.on's Eve. Her brigbt spirit, the everlasting love and pers I Ion an prejudICe and oppres.· l'b ty d • em res .... an msbtutions. Such fa e glowed WIth the white and ted ' ... , .... . h ness. I er ,an are th I b d b h·" favor of God and all holy intelli- slOn. t at have ranged rampant so e a orers nee ed, and such w., icb .. natnre's own sweet and cnn- c tt!'C '; . IIPltfu.d""'lltollii>rw

, Ch' t b long ove~ this fair earth. are yielding Weighty are the their training. nm,go haud laid on." The man at ber chair j lt iti"elltir<ely ""'!.·f~'i'll"1&' ge~ces. rIS weI}t a out doing th ' B I . d th side was every inch 8 man,· and bi. ~~ will Dot ,. lace U8 wit bon est pride wben Illg pn· at··~~tl~~,a~ goO, d, h,ealing, strengthening, per. ell' sway, enevo ence will thaw Impose upon e by the If such are the demands 'or a hl'gh r fi bed . h b sml,ding, building up, establjshing up more effectually the heart of hu- many and great fnrnished Christian culture it follows her softly spoken "Yes I do" fell A happJ!' e ri@hteousnesB, and organizing a king. manity, Religion is shooting out for doing good, for the next to personal holiness and ~ more upon his ear, The link tbat day weld- yearning; loving -h,j,i~ •• 1

doin 'not of this world. Thus has it luxuriant branches over all the earth. world, to see that yonthare living faith and earnest zeal rlhrlR!-_1 ed before God with prayer _med stubborn 11001 meitll'·.oo' .. ll,· ..... l·..t.r. , '.' whereon gr I fi th h Ii th 0 hI . I '80 bright, and firm and str~ng th"'· truth like ",.x in U.e ~=;!i~~~

evk !ieen with all wise and efficient f ow eaves or e ea ng or ug y Ian cu ture is. the great want of tbe 00 ~ye could detect 8 flaw. ,... fi~lit.Y ill conquered 'I

.It . 1-; or~anizers in His kingdom, They 0 the nations, foundly educated. Church-the want (,f the world· and A few weeks after, wben the brid&l can be I~anquiabed-.. ' It ~ur hav.e ever had a positive good to High pl'ivileges and large duties should seek an it is one of the highest behes;s tour was over. we saw them at ohurch Christ l' , - "

. ~ti~ves pr~sent, principles to inculcate are thus granted the church. How the cultivation of all powers posed upon 118 as stewards of the side by side. A 'toed beginning' From that evefling »cqUJ81 0118 pr~6tices to introduce. These hav; shall it rightly meet them, and thus -physical, religious. Lord, holding his. gifts in trust'to be thought we. It wu the Sabbath fo~ man, His home is • ~;~=:~"'Jlt,;,',l qt,l~¥i!#l~.~¥,e,;«<B\~I(IQvllrl' f Ifill Th d t b - celeb~ating the Lord's Supper. When Tbel'!! is an altar tat hi. II

ha!;!' merits which challenged the can- u its mission? This is an jm- ey nee 0 e with bodies used as means for good, to give the tIme came for- distribnting the hold -be I

lIiliibr'f'" .. t~~;I~cIjl~iIBiti~, .th::e :!: diq consideration of man, The Chris- portant question, a practical and that are stout of an~ strollg fully to the founding and endowing b!ead and wine. the non·professors thro0!l'h brute ' tian ~eformer ?as never. a~ked man satisfactory answer to which makes of nerve-constitutiolJ ~apahle of Christian schools - either changed their seats or left tbe no flaw ill the

BrEt\w •• 'r ,.W-,g- to/gIve up hIS old prlDClples and all the difference between a iive and standing toil and strukle-capable One of the loveliest Ghorch ; -lIOt all, but many of them, !~ their' daity walk ~ icon- t' th" dead church, of e,nergy and enterPt'se. Theyes. brightest features of the ,age'l's Tbe young bridegroom rose reluctant- What kno",eet tboD, 0 any P! C Ices, save on e conviction I Iy. halted a moment, then took his tber tbQu Bhab ... Uhy

he th t he has something better offered 6. The Ohurch's Field if Labor peCla Iy need a .thorou I a!,d extend_ vealed in its active a,nd bat and went over to a side pew Independent . . cap.r him. 'The heralds of the cross bave . •. ed course of mtellec ~l training, sive philanthropy, Men are sat by himself. The bride wa; left ....,--:'-':"'""-~~,

"Iall.lle8 '~~ndlibl\l"l)ari~lll~bI>rogress, eve I' r gone forth with the implements .A. churclh1

should embrace lD Its that will enable themt stand high the blessedness of giving their to commemmora!e the love of her Sa- ,null' A··~~'J~~lJllrj .., ave com mISSIOn a events and all peoples' h te 'A. . viour alone It . tb' fi """",,"., .~""I A_A _ tberee dof,l building, rather than of tearing fI h.' ,. ' III waver statIon the. 'flay be call· to systematic organizatiQns for . was elr ret sepa- A ted" .. _ as mg, mto. .thelr m.IDds new life, ed upon to occupy, Th'. actl'vI'tl'es ing the world, and to '-.hold ration. and in 3 moment a U great k re urn m .... on.r'

d own. True, they have torn down- awakemng dlVlne sent m ts d f 1M gulf" seemed to open between them ! ~y co!pmunicates, in • .. tiM lICota, ail th~y have removed the l'nbbish ; but- .' • ,~ en ,an 0 the age require activi~s of mind. effects of such gifts flowing Ah. thonght we to ourself, there is a frIend. the following jlitel'1e,~i!", ~entehl'a .y on,ly as they were prepared 10 lay spI~g ~ ?ol~ acttVl!I~S, It s?o~ld The higher and lower wlks of life in perennial streams of good. flaw in that wedding link already· deut:

\bi.-tii .• 1 ®Irtajn :llu~lIbjlr,I,(>f "I)."u s:'t'hO founda.tion of the New Jerusa- ~ a slrp e hPasslvl'!, reCelVID~ ntingle, Edncation of highest learning that giving money Ihey are one toward each other. boi h'" Let 'fe mentiOlillOlllethilll, eSB "'. , They have made encroach. bcom~tsacen~!t wal atevebr IS offered It giade is open to all, all. :Many the advancement of education toward God tbey are two I How can b~~~?'teJy ~'fm'oenitl~r~:~:~~~:~1~1·)~~~

y I spm u teac ers. and un seeking place and ' False fior the spread of truth t'wo walk togetber toward elernity. He i. • nat.i .. e ~:,tili:~)~~~~!'!~N~ --!~~~!~.~~~r~~'~~llh~~:l~I~~~i~~c~i;ta~et'l JJw QA"", ' when,tb'ilyare in opp08ite~i- on the .plillJe,11l ::, '.t!~"'~1;,l!l..!~~~"'&ci~t.:J' is far nobler l will draw ",".~~~., ~~~~::::.";":n!:'i~:it in •• ~!)tl~ J5oID&j,.ri

.' among the l~ariling and !f! ~~Mte°cb~~!~~~;;i~~~::'~~~h Tb

't they were to usher in the social forces. It shonld,~ther guide Fl h I qlni()kIl'~8!d w~u· """':Y v children an ey 00 d f I' h 'ld h a8 , g are, hearts with O'T'atitu'de at th"'~PlI :=t:fi~~~~~~~~ ""s.tllre,;,t~II¥l¢I.. ' d"" li' g om 0 19 t, to bUl t e than be guided-it should' rather o· lng mother or tbe imeli~nOII! fl.tb.r~ w, ,lVJ1I.e 4e- , d I f Z' Th k f d liancy. must be met· signs of Christian progress ., and Will it nol be a blouse.di~'idl!d

of. ,the. 'lIo~pel h&ll give~ • lc~t.~ e,s;o llO~·.d et

WI or hO . emo· lead than be led. in all great, pro- yield to scope. dellth-tnfl1,ose we seek thus to bless the world itself? .. and mUtff p~gre r(ve 1 spIrit to' t~on ~B on ,!, ~nCl, e~ a ,to. t elf t~ue gressive, and beneficent movements I "']J1t'~ that underlie glorify God. by all the gifts and Looking around the church. we lIaw

wor. • 18 splr ' 18 In USIDg' ." _, . , . . . con ItlOns. ~. e trlliniinll ers granted us. ~ .*-ff .... :. .. :. ..... Ii' D • t 1 ~arent, ent)cmg lus chIldren away them -promulgating the laws over melanchuly as this one. Husbands I·'

'd Th. ,~., f '., work" Cbrlst!3mty IS like the kmd -giving the principles underlying d' . "h other separations J'ust as wI'de Gnd

1'1:" In..,,..,,, ~ 8S 01 socle y, IIIIV- f: 11 b f . or a year will not J, ALLEN, Cor. Sec, d' re Igto" ,. {Ii;.! 'u ... J;;:lh-' I J' -,'. a . rom t e pRt B 0 sm and death, by shadowing them, Its divine pulsa. an WIV~S were there tbat day tbat l"CIol e,.~ 'l'r w o,e, ull,l , lin ,every ..... t' th to d h b . mands of the age. dnr.ing the previoos week bad 'dwelt ell:teanrgebel


m'' _.0" { t'" 6"'00 a,orac mg 'em war s t e eautl- tions should be felt_ throughout the I' W!,:~:~~h:.:~~;~"~~ ,_n, e .. _""rp m!!" .'" 'as lJPQn ful d Od R l' . . der a great mistake lovmgly together. They had sat at t ! '1

SUfh 'princip'es, a8 djbit.of. . an go '.' ~ IglO~ entices man gieat heart of humanity-beating men have a passable mlHSTERS' HOURS. Ihe Same table at home; tbey bad ~ my, , . a~aitltll1l'of :ai' ,~tli, 6f"i~ towards. tbe nghdtby wkmh~ldeedS an.d .out into all literature, art, science, that will enable them Miui~ters are' annoypd with wt'pt andd rpjo.iced torgetber in thesor- T~'~:~:an at . C i!Jil~ ilf rna . iI ana ~'on ' ~sua8lve wor s. I e error lS education, ind118try, law. politic~, im- well at toe almost as milch as editors. Some row~ an the JOY! a une common fire- Ii· dOl ,'''1' " '~:'., 'Ji~ii ",. ,,' ... ,.. ,!ri""g to "" dow' tho p"li,go"" tH, '" wh,"%,~. ,~, u ,h'm '" ,hligo! '" h .. " ,'d" .... , "', .. hI .. "h,', D,· n" t ,~, 11o~ ~on, ','1m" I "._ '1 ,'.I~ f th h d f r . they grow in years, the lead in place for Htudy. unknuwn ~ven vine L,rd and Redeemer they parted a~~ l.ppttltlUll u4l

11 r\'Odfng.,,,W~in,,,., pljll .:~m over .e. eat 0 hmlan, rhe.lglOn cerns- the humblest member of the the progressive of the their families. so much of their To human eyes. but a narrow cbulch: 'b" 8. tlll!lr,.

t6 .: __ . ""~ .. ,\"",,. of ,~ 'Y~ .. ~",v~ng ?," "", "?, '" gre,th=M broth~h''''', d,y, Th<y =y w,n r". ""h"w'~ ,,"' .. , hyp""" .1", dI.ld,dthorn ; "t In GOO',,'''''' '.: i~~:'~i=~i~,; tndb;"'1tIo' ,,,,,,~",, I .. " ~": .. ,, pt<>"'" bu •• ,\h ,,,rn.1 ""h,"'.''", ], "d" to .=mpll,h "'," re .hU,; b,' "",'Iy " w"h 10 ,~ 'h'm "h",;,,"" ,n' ,hoy .," ,p;"""~ .. wid, ....... , :~::":h t .. d •• ' ;""'-''''' , .... ,clog 'n a,., ,.,. :"'" . kno'IT hl"goon, g<ny "'''' "'''hM,h m'" h'gln '100 m" .d.=lng, ond ... , ",;'. " >h, ",ri,h, A book h~ "r <h' ",,~, "bkmg ~"hI' r"", !'..re ,'--»er ,:"' ... B.d ,Alii thO e 'eathfllll'n' "u. with the 'bleod of its victims, with cently been published in London, 0 8eparatlOn. t e qU~8tlon came up ~ lit' ,.. ~~ry~~I~ ,... , ... , .. _ un U II. sion with the family institution. con. themselves falling ill the race. ~:l:. Parso~ and Pt'ople." giving to our nund, "In the great day wbeo I:~ ee t~on.

, eDcel olettor. I • Therel I. ,an awak- s:l.1t pepper foJ.; their wounds, trollilig. guiding, and inspiring with pressed down in the Those 11Icldents 1D the every-day life of Christtbe Jud~e .ball t!eparate s<)uls. ure e'allltbl/ritiM ........... "' ... ,'mp"""""" of Th, I, tho good s.m,n,,?, h" ,wn prinrip"" Itm'" b""", " ""W, 'n'" ,,, .. , """,m .. , W, ..... p,mgmph, .... h"h"""""h ""hoop r""" N, .m! .:- m~//:~~:tl,::~~;;~I"";:lCi"c,.;,: tbill .d~lpl- : .~, ""00 .. the wounds of the SpIrIt. b . f d' t th t t 'h th h h 'I "1 am often amused at those 'he !r0at~. will the wedding-tie bi,ld ~ereb!D, ~. .~ .p~ .... .... ani,e... n., .,. e muse moe s a e-not ID t e oug per aps of splritua. seem to tl' k th t senn01HII'riJinJ th • 0 '11 h b j' d f '1 out t OUil'

..... ' '\ 'Ok. 1 .... '/ e' II WIth 011 and wme and balm. 1111 a en, r WI t ere e ODn a .. tllo . "·b aria"welred ,:,c~jl'!," U~n."'D, I aChe Ig.n' "B~ !l1 ' ' sense of the union of church and ity, if' not morals, supersede 3nd preach!ng is a c1('rgYlllan'~ nal'G-1 fl,iW in tbi: Huk, that will leave bl"" ~le!"'T :y ."......., "to j a' d:ar)q1Fss. The waves of eternity are and, at the same time, more practical pasS the remainder days in ish it is in reality his sli!l:htest a parting that sball never again be fol- . p'!.t to tb

tMl \IIIlame.

, ~"_j,jpobtaneonl",.orY of n.illions, Ma~ is ~a.nde~ing amid ~oubt and state, but in that higher, spiritual, them. while they to est work. while in many a large !laud and wife to III' •• k .... ollder "itb om an power '81do11l'lItIlIii , d et I·t I' t k' b' h r lowed by a,meetl'ng T" lline OI;,.lIr' ·"·;,i~~~t~;~=

ofi,tLu!...:.I,'~ '! ' .. ~ II) itt 'lID ever ,washiug the sands of time from sense, of the Christian carrying his comparative 0 It th r a1l y ,s a as VI IC , 0 b ... h ""-:';-!""'f' ' erelore, {lthers, reqUIres qoiet ' To many' a loving wife "bo -will c llr"", ."

. e..-.. ...... .,e1'llaUiy' in : th' lQng- under Iiis feet. He wants something rellgion into all the relations oC life, hecomes those are look· But how is that qoiet read theBe Iinee, this i~ asore and ten- ... I~' .. ..;. illW1illDd. :..tri!!ing .. ttel1 a better con- real;: Bome,thing positive, to which acknowledging, at all times and in ing forward to futnre 11se· to be gained. wben one der suLject. What shall I do to .. ~e Il~~~;;~~i"~~~~j~fiii

. before ' experienced:. he ca~ cli~g with the assurance of all places, the presence and power fulness, who are of exert- stream of interrupt-on presses my hU8t.and'. soul t, b811 beeq \be ..... 'i .. ,aiCiilJ.tb.,oftioi olchhackles, support and sljlofety. He needs the of a higher, a religious law. The ing a high, command- I\s? I have often sat down w bortben of her own Bool for mOf!!! S ' locked door to write or read. but than one anxtons ·year. We would

Thero .b.~th, ~I* its sacred stillness only true and sure foundation of per- ing influence, to well what I conld not tell my servant to reply to Buch all sbe, YQll eat! pf"4Y ~"~Jia )1Iihd."dliIJCoy!erlltl's ,in a.nd!.ita divine benedictions, its petuity in the state is virtue, and they will have to and make 'J:ot at borne,' wben I was at for bim. Bat to make your p'''yt!l'

ch'ttt'Ch-goiug bells. its service, to this virtue must of necessity be the preparation , not permit- almost as snrely as I got well of any avail, be \l<Iorefal not to con· ~~t 'his, soul heayenward, He natural outgrowth of the religion of ting their zeal to them prema- my subject ~ome interroption tradict it by Jonr life. Do no& nee, 'd~ ,home 8~enes aud sympathies, nation.. The church. as the turely into the It requires a It was in vain my poor servant God to direct bini to the Savione; ed tbat master was very much tben yourself Btand in bit '.ta,:'

.tIi~ioo., .. ~litCljdlhllm.JiIl.Y'be an im- tlI.giv8 sweetnesB of spirit. He needs representative, herald and expollent, different a more varied ed. and could not be seen. can do more than pray for bim ; ateain' !lild- government and laws to restrain him, becomes the exponent and guardian culture, for oflife, now, are people who will not take cali draw him, By driving, ,all

1'II'.n"'''t.iI'il' "'p~d:- He needs lights and guides, to lead of a nation's virtue-consequently of when a wi~ IItrike off I I want to speak to him for one not. move bim one incb beaYellwvcl. ~"lIIr~R~lil~.' _ ... I~ .. ~~j',,~~i:#ll&lll~Jr,,)B's . fo~ and' train, .to cultivate his rcligio118 a nation's liberties, It is the na.tion's as many words hom: as ment '-rone moment with soch Y 0:1 cannot force him to the. 'ehor~b. ftr.d-.IIrilOil

1 h ~ alway. meaning t-enly ml'notes to a prayer-meetiog.· to bi. DI'ble', -or

~c ,nat.nre;·and to kindly direct moral'insttucto.r, As is the con d ave been the world ". p , .' " . . cannot call again. do ask him to to the Savionr. Bat if. in tbe .ame

but .l.ikewiH: . I tb." ~T6nly bills, '.]'or these ends, church, so may: we expect ~ to find with fifty years of before tlie me,' etc .• etc, This all went on of Jelu8, yon fasten the silli:_ Haw- "''':= o41~\U''''fl(f!:.WlILP(''t:~h' inno;vai\op1s, must have, not something nega- the nation. As teaches the church invention 'of the of printing. I was sitting with only the tbin IIBrs of atrection to hi.-, and -PIP'T &!.:'~:'.f~t'!'t~ ,,.J1MIIlliM ":j AIi!~~II"I"'bpill"'., and al~' maimer ~f tive, destructive, misanthropic, but upon those great questions of hu. Previous to and steam- of a 8ma11 London houee betweeo the persuaBionB oC earn6llt Qel .. ..;. liflaiaill

•• tem$! 'if such something affirmative, constructive, brotherhood, equality, freedom, boats, and and the broad and my tormentor; and at lallt I mOrA oC-. holy, 1'ii'eelt-tEimiKif1ed. " .. 1'-"""'w'illliltirUc:tive.. philanthropic. This is found in its peace, J'ustice, mercy, so will the na. net-work of and h' '-- __ often obliged. in order to get rid, ble life, -you may be,.deUgbtl'olly .1 Ig.....- bim or her, to bage an interview, W Bee how- be

richness and, fullness 'in the religion tion act. As far, likewise. as the schools, ADd misf!iOlls, wOObl--nae..m,ny could I tell A. the hnge m.,n<"' .. r."OiI.II_1i& of J,e8us. The Church is the divine principles tanght by the church gov- republics,-the on those pre- of all tbe tricks pliij'oo down through \he o..ganizatiQIl for fulfilling this mill- ern the individual. as far as mati be- paring for were quite un· io 1..00000 to obt.in ,thll liUle' paring for the pulpit. One goOd sian of religion. comes subject to her moral sway, the like those of the Any de- invariably locks bimself in biB IfO ..... ·m ......

. ¥,d lIpw much ,soever she may state will not h~ve to govern, The no~ination or all teachers and 1.ry; but tben he is away ~rom heart have done in.the paahnd present in law .of force Will ~ot have to be gmdeB, ho~ soever they may boob; and another goes reomh,th' toward Cbm' by tbe

;.f¢~~rlilhtd.1 furnishing the world thoae positive a.pp.hed., when. the hIgher law of reo have done lD the 1\'ill h.ve fa to tbe Briti.h llnseum. Bnt a .weet pra1erful '''.'erythilfig,1 v I most pleased with the de9ice positive etrorltl, that ~. " elementi whic,b go to make up a IgI?n IS suffiClent, The ~overnmen.t~I do ~ore, ,far more the future. in eminent canon . the vicar of yonr hU8band's convenlo.

tl\1~t~,~.~"!J.;ll~~to~~~'i.~1,! pron!' .. iYe cWm.ion. she bas much duttes of ·the state are elt~e: ~rQhlbl- ordllr to keep up the onward mense LOndon' parish,· who made wisel" There ii • iiMirt ii.9r~ \0 ~o in the future-for the end tory or r~gntatory-prohlbitmg the marcb of the and fulfill their that, at last, he had been dri.reni tact ill tbie bu.i ..... · )W_bt"",,*rh_'h'''\~ :=~:;=.C=~ 1B ,nC?~ l;e~. ' '~' grsat movements eV~1 an~ regul.ting the g.~. In ~" obligations to bnmahity .Dd to GOO. t~ke, a lodging, •. nd rem0ge ~:r:::~:' be~: :: approMll)taiia.,

.... Fojt:'4!tfel:'tO't;!iltl have1not ;retspent theidorce. ' far a8 the churcb_ accomplishes ItB thorou.l and compre- ~ Iblbrary .~te, and ..... ·iB' not ."'"'", him wlUl ,'~ =~I!;~ ""t1~~~' ;tij'iTl1i~.~4;1' ...' d . . 'I b'ts . d!'i· IDg e reti,,!,,.,. to u, ' -_ ... " ,¥! loI_ ,car~r lifl;' not '. ye~ run. They are mISSIOn an r!lm?Ves eVl, Y ~ correspon ~g to the pro- onl, one ~~p, IIi. ,e!(~;~:iet~iI': with taunts; do ~t 1~~r~IPM~I~;,!~i:,;4111!.I~t'il ~Ilbtlelliito contiliue, ~oral and reno.vJtwj{ po",.erJt!le~te lJlovements of the age" i. into' the 8eCret of ~i Of'plty ; it will ont, ,Iftiit.la~~ ... 'WliIltiIIi ~~r:~ ~::~~==:i~:::'~~;~' -r::-~I'''' ".ilIOl~i~ a~d' I?ower, Indeed, ,,,,ill not have to' reltr!tin lit by ita demanded. Deep, - OJIg· ciontinued in ~rd~r- tb.~ if 1IOIIIiti1!eIY ~-I~~y. ,-.:ban_. aiad III ~ 9t. 4lvangelizing and civ power of force. and thought BboUld cbano- ,be, mIght know ~ .. ~ Splri\ or .~~!~!1

i~ing. t~e ,'~~~11 ~~. but . ~u~t be- 'l. 77le (JhlArch an EdIil:tJlor-JIer whO are pre~g them- '. ~i~~ ;r. M:,:~o,.Wl~Mif~m,.1~;'!~1 ,:aulb~1!liy ~II! J¥8t begIDpmg, Bespot'tibility. a p~ce and. ~ iDBtJeIlC9 ~ GOD has ~ w .. y to rein 1n tbe ~ 'nOeDOC j the,n _I:JdJ~ . _ iI .• IDlpber&.. Thecloud Ins.truction ill an sIllCD.tia.l ele- lUIlongmen. They.m1lllHle.,-trained ~'U"~le.TII,,~ •• W&oy{toa "'P""~: .', ': ...:...... "". ,;,0 .. , -..I; ,m .. lrMiob 19norance JUBt begtnlf to move ment In the church's OOmllll8ll10n of early and 10ng...;!JnWlt drink :;-ordered' l1y'the LOrd ' lIJortit & r.~ ,001 .... ,

......... I~~~. ~ip~~.l .~y. _T~ere ev.nge~tion. lItis to teach all D~ d~~~htB ftom tb,~ ~oun~~ ~ J~tIe.~,t~·~1I w~1.n ' ','. ,. actaal incideDt 1".., ..... ·;cICl ..... I ••

I ., f ',).

l~ __ _

, ,

/i.e1d' nf laEor- in, that place, setts, Rbode IsllIUd, Qonn'~~.t:i9~t, during the present year ha8u~1:~!~'t!;~~tr~~~i_~~'m='t~ brings liS down to within mlois, 'and Wisconsin, have rnl·I ....... .,rt an emphatic majority for the 1

r h I r L' t d th h·hi ••... ir ... £il'1l nnhli ...... 1 the lead of the President. o t east years 0 wS conver e roug m"'nt .. u.l.JS.pljlH-"~IDlirl" MONEY must be plenty, if we jndge l.borio1l8-, ~Dd DlWfullife, since ty, tbere is no record, !l'e~ .. ~Q"', . from the amount being inve.ted in

most of his labors have ready ordaiDed' as nilnister. 61 tbe TRE~N . I~' ORIo.-A conspiracy I!,Wl~'_CIiIm~::~I,,.~~~r.J~~,"..,'::,"-,,:,,,_..J,'!'1II1J .. ~l_.w~,,,"",,,), '~~~~~~~.~~~~·:~:~~~~t'l~~~~I~~! {n. -~Mi :clailn 1:OIlveraibb in' 'Cfoi:1n, ;.ti; I ~ Twenties reached, lIi~ and a and in: NeW' Jersey, and his his' his preaching. Hill own memory .s.ptiBi "'{IurJ1'l, members is 1,039,. Columbus, Covington, and Newport, miilions on the 3111t or October, W ..... I

fretU! in our mlnda. lerved to reblaJl at least thirteen bun- 400: year past 67.1'16. to release the rebel prisoners at Camp Ii. t I I' it .. - • iDg over t ir ,.8 x mil Ions for we

'I'1\'" ... ,;'it,Ar of this nolic;e hal beel'l whom he h~d irqmersed, though Number of 12,551. Number Cbase and overthrow the State gOY' week. pelrllol~ally acquainted with EW. I("x~ many yelU"s, during tbe latter part of • .591. N umbet etnlOOtIt. Tbe coD8piracy was br~ugbt lion for more than thirty.five yearlf, of his miuistry, he avoided this labor 7,952. The above to ligbt 'by tbe Unit()d States beteo-and lias eDjoyed tbe- privilege oC be- wbenever younger men were present 74,000 cOHlmuui. tive"'{ who were 81lPPOSed bt the 109 all800iated with him in three re- to "fficiate. cants in Bri America, nor about parties implicated to be spies' from

the rebel army. The pll't, aa 'l!l"'dl'''~.~1f.()fA'''Iu~!l!ti~.''~19 IIIl vival8 of religion, within eleven year.. His style of preaching may be de 500,000 of deDominations of closed to the detective~, wa~, that n past, as a fetlow-Iaborer. Eld. Max- scribed as mainly expository, witb Baptillts, by varilluB Da~eB, attack was to be mude on Camp ed' 'm6: .Bte_ tile dtad t' I C' . t H' t' I I t' d b 't F e W'I! Chat«>, rdea~e tIle rebel "'risk,Dltrs ~' 'l"~~i'..lN~' u,~jJ.'Lm ~-II-'Orth: ~t!ll was a prllc lea IIns Ian. I~ prdc IClt app Ica lun an ex· sue as I es, re I ,.

,1(;,." ~ n ~LItJ~:f'!' "" ~';f< d I'j h' -. . Cb . d \. 6 dB' B . t & c<>nfined theTt', llurnbefl.ng 3WO, seize


em' "II !I:4l[' I~" "'~1', ,'I.e, J~_, _ny ever,)- ay I e, III cunversatlon, tatlon. rlst IIIl JIm cruci e aptlMtB, aptl8 8, c . • n "'"' W~II .. - the aroenal at Culumhus, taka po~' his whole demeanor, in all of was ever the k"y-"ote. SpeakinIF There are 24 periodicals pub- f I fi mJh I lid theIr '!AXJrlcll "8"~81011 0 the pi nitellliary, r .... aSH

,..IIl 'I'd ~, ; II nectiollll, relations, and ~cfati"n~, earnestfy, from the fullDe~s of a warm States, of which Johu Morgan alld the "ther ollicpr~ do lot/ow them." JjJ,dcrtl Slel'bl!1I were practical uhil)itions of tbe alld tender heart, be found his way published at con6m.d there, and tbeD was tll com-~#?~.a.l.e.~: ~.dll\ll1f·JTudldl \lndd'J· ,r~ truth, gr~ce, _,!.-er of our huly easily to the hearts and better the uldest. Then !IIence a r .. bel caml'algn ill !oui..

.. ra re·· .. '" 1111 .""... ,. UIII'tud States l.hr~hal Sand" aDd I!I!, ,'III" \,Il ."u."', wv reliITion, He. ong the first of .elv~s of hiQ bearers, .. isslle five mo.re. - ., .. . '.. PIOVIISt Marshal M. J. R .. aDY;, a:rr~st· p.rt'ln 'he funetahet\t\cee. ' , all the wortby ministers who have Thus he labored long and success· Baptist Theologi. ed tLe followl/lg pel SIlDS impUcat"d

'!I'W~!II~IIiJ ~. Mas_,on ",all ~orD lD graced the ranks of tbe Seventh-day fully in bis Master's vineyard, and cal which the u"~.,,.~.1 iJE!l.he plot: Charl"R W. H. Catilcart, NJ(.port! 1{ J, :AUFu~t 21st, 1'86,01 Bllptist people; aDd may we not be bas gone to rest upon his sheaves; .;r' Columbu~, f()fmerly Scbool Com. Ot'r!Jt~ I!IIl,4!.IIt •• I Hili father, ~alcb allowed to say, tbat he W811 one of faUiDg in the w .. rm sunset of th" missioller of Obio, ,J. 1) CrenllPp, of Mnll'oD, ,..a' the~1 younge8t BOO or God's nobilityj'u the Gospel kingdom? autumD of life, and-lying down with Columbus, CathariDe Parmentler, oj

R • .. T Crucinnati. Re., John, linll,o " 'Of· No.port, . He was almost univel'l'BlIy- kDown iD tbe yellow leavett of.October. HE SUlIDA.Y r.":w,.-'1'hA -'--___ ......c.... __

1. j 'nil 'Mary, his mother, was the the Seventh day Baptist The facts and' ilJcidents drawn Tribune, arter (I., ,;'/ ·.,~;'in ICE FOR DIPItrHERIA.-A oorres-,.I, tourtb daugbter of/ Rev, Wm. Bliss, tion, and he was as nniversally re- from his own lips duri~g his last tbat gangs of .have heen em- pondent of the ProvideDce Journal

01 the sa!De :plaJJ, ,.~ose ~ouored spected, --esteemed, and beloved. His sickDess, are given to the w?rld. with ployed on SUlndt.r8 laying railroad vOIh-hes very strongly for the efticacy name tbe subject 1,1 thIS notice bore deatb will be deeply felt and lament· a design to do some feeble JustICe to tracks au_oss RIo, • .l,;, ... " cal1~ the at- of ice as a cure for .dipbtheria, croup, up. At the tendJr age 'Of fo~rteell ed. He was heard to say, but a few the lutJors and memory of one whom tention of thl~bQ1ieJe authorities to and aU arJinary illflammations of tbe yeafs, bis mind bkcame deeply im· days before his death, that he did not we, iu common with many who read Art 8, Sec. Revised Stat throat. Tbe application is as fol-pre8111ld with a sense of his lost con· wish to outlive bis ability to preach them, rctIJember as our II spiritual utes, whicb iD speaking of the lows:

ditiQb a8 a Binner I; "lid even at that the GOBpel of Cbrist. He wall ted to father." • GLEANER. S .. bbath- Break up a lump of ice in a towel lIilrly ag~ Iffi was trOUbled wltb fearll die with tbe barness on; and his • II Nior "blll Le any servile Ia- and put the picr:es in a bowl. Take thRti~ .,~,t,oo,'}~ e for hfm to' ~ a wi~bes were realized. He bas "got MISSIONARY)(El!TING, boring or OD ~hat d .. y, .ex-, position Nlightly inc1int?d backwalds,

" j 1 f th bl d hI' cHpting "'"'I·hll.f nec('ssity or chanty, , e,tber iD a chair or on a sufa. 1 PIU' !rucce8slu linn ICII t ur e e8~lDg8 l'l's hODorable discharge, 3n as 'Ihn IWvel,teenth allDua meetlDg I h . r.1'l I tlD eS8 snme perSOD W 0 unl' ceed for half au hour With a tea-

l" aalval!oll" Bi1 r"ygi~us aw~.en. gone home to glury, to share the of the American Mis~ionary ASlocia· formly la~t day of ~he week. Hpoon to fc~d y .. ureelf with 8mall iog IlItpplly resulted 1D Il1g nblalll111!1' ble~8edll~s8 of tho~e who die in the tion, (an anu-slavery organization,) called as holy tim", aud lump~ uf ice, letling tbem di.solve a Ilope ill Cbrillt; iaud on tbe 31Mt of L,,~d. In his living day be could was b~ld iD H"pkinlon, Mass., on does not work 011 that day, slow'y iD the back part of the l1Iouth Mtiteh, 1799, be I was buried with have said with Puul .. For me to thP- 2ht amI 22d of October. and wh"re sball not diAturb or Ihe entrance of tbc thrllat. A '" . I , . r • I I t 'f ' , otbpr IJHI'SOI's! n dielr ob"ervancc .. f 8111g1c such application will oftell 1J1lfiis~ lI:Y b~pLl.m, III tIe Wa ers 0 \ive i" Christ, aDd to die is gain." Plesident Blanchard", of WheatoD Ihe firstd th" wee~ as holy time. bn'ak up a comwon sqre tbluat, tlte harbur pf Ner-purt, aDd on the He left his home, about the first of College, Illinois, one of the Vice' Every offend Dg agaillst the which otherwise w01lld bave a follo.lug Subbatb be was admittrd Seplf-mber, to attend the GeDeral Presidents, in the absence of the ven- provisiolls sectllln, shaillorfeit course of two or three daIS. In case to·tlle mfim~ersh~'p of tbe Srvellth- COllference to be convened in Adams. erable President, David Thurston, DOlle dollar offense." of a bad sore tbroat, use the ice fre. ~a11:a~pli8t Grl.ur h ~f that place, his Jefferson Co., N. Y., having attended D., of MaiDe, occupied tho chair. The New Observer prints the qnently and freely. In case of ulcer-

d~ ~I llhss belDg tben tbe ad . h d h above statu and says tbat tbe work atilln or dipbtberia, keep a small lJ.~a~1 a ler +' . . - every General,~onfercnce SIDce t e Lewis Tappan, Esq., rea t e lump of ice constantly iD the rbouth. mIllIMf~~t.or., organization of tbat body, But his treasurer's report, showing the re- on is a manifest violation of • • . PIiB81Dg over ~bout twenty years health failed about the time tbat be ceipts nf thp. fiscat year to have beeo tbe aw, an(lI1e authorities are bOllUd TOUCHING INCIDENT.-A naval ~ffi~er

h ' h" d' h' h Hearly $58,00{}, whlcb was more tball 'f ~! odr. brat er ~ ~I!\tory, ur~ng ~ IC reached Leonardsville, his old field of $10,000 mOrl! than the plevious year, to prevent by force I necessary." I sends the following touching! inci-~!l!iltl~ ,pasij!'d tli,l-ough a dIverSIty of lailor, which resulted in deato, allow- beside clothing and other materials I dent: . 1¥~.:,v;icif8itudllB!1 on b~.thlland. and ing him, as bis last privilege on for the freedillen of our lalld, in value MEN.-Th~re "While on the blockade ser~ice a W'at~,.tUI,dre~l;tl~n~ed some ~evtvll.l8 earth, to expire in the arms of bis sufficient to swell the total receipts not a few, who 100- I few months ago, ib' Warsaw Sound, and.deetelrM01l11~' hll! own mlDd as a people. The Lord gave him tu us; to $72,000, fin increase of 53 per ., , - ,- and professional Ga, a frail, leaking boat, .m~D'1led Ch . t' '1' each a tillie cent. men are eminently privilegcd I by two male cODtrabands, aDil CuD' ns IIln pi grl we r and to us aDd the world there was a The Revs. Geo. Wbipple and S. S •

h h·-- ~ 'd b d 1 . class, w' ii~!eblrer,og'i'th,e it is to live 'I taiDing, besides, women and cbi.dren, w en ~S,_ ~ID I' ecame ,e~p y If' grea.t blessiDg in that girt. The Jocelyn'read the Secretaries' reports, '" I I d 'ft d d to l I d tL~" .;j, • LAd so· letLl1 g e\sc f th w,"hout L t ch I,' te t sow y rr e own esse . presllt I~~ WI!!,,"" .' . m If' . Lord has taken him a way, in bis own showing a prosperous state () e , e IIU s DOW IJ. sent a boat and

for him t??O tball bUlldl1lg an~ navl- ~od time, and it is onr duty to be mis.iolls abroad. but especially a Prof. has just prepared bronght tbem OD two f{ati,ug ~~88els. ~fter Bome two yc?rs ;econciled to this solemD provideDce, great call UPOD the Christian and i~!m~ID Lexicon. He has men were brothers,' Doth r h d t g II tg aDd sevel'e con h philaDthropio puhlic for vastly iD' been I't twen'y years, been shot by tbe Imeml1' .. Pic:ket'~

o ar 8 ru g II - which has bereaved U8 of ODe of t e creased aid iD behalf of the fretdmen • was wounded .ii(,'t$ in~ his Qwn mind in ,regard to most emiDellt ministers of our day. and" puor whites" in ollr Sontberu and he ..' tue other bis call,~~ ~d'; 0 the I~burs of the Long may bis memory aod i"flupnce State~. 10 CaIro, I I rapidly passing Gospel mlll~stl'Y, he. waS ~et apart t? live among mI. A. CAMPBELL. In the evening, the Rev. Dr. Blau- on each of the, duty to tell hi • t.hat work .•. 1'0 H.'.' kID, ~09" ~, J., AD, r,ll, WilS!!' Erurnl;'''N, No Y., \ '. t. ,'lb, ISN, Chll"d preacbed the .iI,nual R,'rmt,1l week, 11..1\ I at th" ti'l,(', !;!fiPp()rtted'b1,:!i"Bv~o~md'

~ I frolB H." i3: 2, il!u dtr .\ t the hrother ... , .1>" ,', ,itb, 1819 r and 'ro~ thut ,date ~~i ' '---, (:ollilt~t8 t plaee. we luIluw im:'{'O S{:hk>lleetlW~.f,r~ '"i ',.RtDEB -"1t'Hm GRBElrE.

.t - " • "...[ ", ~~~ ~.- f' t I!~k.ttp1U\iide~l 1lT:.;!",W.;lii N,'llI' to' ""!f:After tl., ,·Pl ••• t"Jll <) I.', pil.~ ur· c·p~nllc.r~

; 'g alit! if) c0uquer. hv the pB8SIOg 011 r.re ;,';tlisiono, I

CHANGE OF HOUa.-Tbe from New York for Bddon, viaNe. London, Groton, and :Fall River, now leave New York at 4 o'clock P. M., instead of 5 o'clock.

SNow.-A letter dated Albion, Wia., Oct. 23d, lIays: "Tbi.! morning we have at.ollt tbr'ee inches of an ow, lIut IIot very cold; BilOW will pr,)u~,u'l"1 melt away 110011,"

Railroad trains RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENOE, t~ Warrenton.

Rev. A. B, Stepbens, ChaplaiD lltored to the R.,ppabllb~'<lcll:' the Elevpnth SlInt" Carnlinll regi. or four day •. nlent. wMtes to the Southern Christian Tbroo OODlCript. de .. rtftr.'lr ...... ", Advocate, Sept. 23! .. We DOW con· ~ ~tltnte tlte garri ... m of Fort Sumter. Ihe rebel Army DUlle P.()t.~mlaC, ,"dI. On tbe laot fa~t day I began a meet- their b.-eahl PriQCe :W~I ..... ~f,;:, II wg which has been goillg on aDd in· Va, a few d&,. I(POIl,

creasing in interest all the whilt', thllt Lee', .rmy .... ·_1 .... beJro.i11O till now God has hOllored ~8 wi.tb a pinched for 8nppJiM of' gracious revival of religion among tbe soldier8 of thl8 c'llDmRnd. A fac~. it their IoCCOIIDtl be ."~jiiOII.!r few months ago but two officers in be in alm08t a IIt.te the regIment were members of the They fur.tbet· .M.~, church; now but few more tban tbat stoo" in t!ie number ale DOt pr .. fes80rs of reli- P. Hill is now gIOD. About two hundred have j.,iD' , ed the church, and !j. larger number grace, if not io bave been converted." fur falling to capture M~lajle'.,,"'lIlpPII~"

In FOlty·third street, in Nf'w York, traiDs durIng Leel, late the.e is an instllulion the like or nd e . which evety denominatioD ought to A shockiDg aalcc~~id~e:n::t~t:jf~itd."~ have, and one of which few cao bOlUlt cenlly OD tbe 11 It is a home fo\' the female poor. The VirgiDia. A. train .. nly quali6catioll for admission and dellllJcd hor_ and ,i,~=~i'~ care, Wllh food aDd clutblllg. is to be hundred alld 11la ... alr"'."'i an indigent mlimLer of tbe Methodist was throwll nn ..... Chur~h. The ladles of that deuomi- at II bi"h D"tlOn have a Sociely for its support, curve. FIfty ItOt.~B and its accommodalions are so large, seventy-five th'!Jlllolillfjl'll and its funds so freely supplied, that a few 80 Belric>li181" tiN .... ·iH ..... '''I.'tllO&' 110 one uf tbose who are thus 6ed need go upon tbe Charity expected to world.

The first pioneer of IDdian educa­tion, Dr. Duff, bas left India, per4aps forever. He left the country in pain and iD sickDess, supported by pillowB on all side~, weak, faint, ".n!i barely recovered from a fat&llndiaD disease. He Lad to be lifted np to the vessel which carried him to a more grateful climate-to SiDgapore in the Indian Ocean-where he expeols to rally bill strength, and re-collect his energies, Dot for Indi~ but for Scothud-hi. home.

Tbe members of tbe :New School Presbyterian Synod, on Tbnrsda1, Oct. 22d, had an interview ,with \he t'nlint. PreaidclJ t, in . til"". .re1ren~ed

to-jJi'ot,1r:6eJ./i, 10~' Jltr, ·N. '>Yi' tb{J;;~~:" __ ~_I'",~""3ea.-,-~' _

'rl,~d ,'a,ia frOID t1'ltluce'to COltliud '~te with til( ._,' H,,[kmton Churl'll, \' , I (I I ~ I C" ntry, :rl./" "Y., ill, tb~, :v,ioillilYI of Eld. Gre"', l,.l:t) r('gulll }Jas.ora

events in Ollr OW" tim.> and C'l1111lry. etopped.,y hf:',S-B,uJ,e\1C", when I 00 tlie mOloil'h of the 221, after d"~uted tllr ' day·; tt a IR , ,hit to

a St'aRon of dr',,' )n, condncled by :be Pyram 8, I seldom aUo\\,cU my­Ihe R, v. Mr. Magill, of Waterbuly, ~elf t" rec e a visitor exeept on Conn, the HOIl. William Claflin, of ~'rida:rs, tb Sabbath anl Id.ure day Newton, was call. d to the chair. of the MlIsl 8, aDd mUTe Iban onee LeWIS Tuppan. CLalrman of tbe BII' I pa.~pd a! 1 rler of Ille year witb· SIDess UU1HnJitte.·, reported a Selie .. out guillg OJt r my hUQse."

I.A.lwigllfy sod _. :g(~9d mel! 1I;.~ ... :" saw aron!,d blm, ,

cult; .1~kriDK tioee.liantly_ as' iI" ,.h .. l ~l, ~ I.:t .,," p-I",,,,;iled much, both , elilaiii1!T1zillg' mitlist.l'r' !If' the Go~pel, amoDg our people and others. HI~

~\iH t ~;~~Ii .1 en I aging. 6UCrl's", gift, was peCl~liarlv. that of an evall-flil':"y , v~eci!J~s lJavlD~ been gl'li"l; aud 111 thIS departmeot. he ga,llM!r~ i .Gpspel kIngdom ever sought to labor, and laborlDg undl'r' iaDs during this was ever bless~d. His stroDg rc-tlllle.· liallqe on the Holy Spirit as a guid,"

into .. II truth nud duty, formed a per­sonal characteristic. Making bis "lead of mind" the criterioD, he often went counter to bis own idea~ of policy. apd often against all hu­man wisdom ; but. in tbe reault he was' ever blessed. AD iDstance or two willijerve tp illustrate tbis.

W~i1e. ~astor of the church at 'ilel~"e~' F.rje~"s.bip" he hl\d determined, for

reasons that seemed good, that he ougbt not to ~Iabor at Alfred, eve~ sboule! '. way 8eem' to opeD. This 'iOoclua19n guidll;d his action for ~ome

until one day, riding alone OD lh1:jrll4lbaek\ ~ be,' waB suddenly im·

:'J<I"'lil .. l"I~IC.i.iI\'.i~~';·Ptb~I~"l',orl"alfi. ust go to Alfred to

1,:"i~~lti!~=i~~lik!,"da1biQf: ,;~!~~i.~ttt~~~ 1;~~8i .. !" ~~ and fordble was l rmpreHloo:>. tbat 'be. aeemed

miDjli~i'lil~i~~8,t@JtrtlCkas<, by an, electric sbock, aDd I

Bcarcely retain his seat Yield , to the calli' be \vllrt t to A Ifl ed, and

I ]t I l:.. H Cl\'Se to t"e pas tor. e , ""'r,.,._hiOOti!ivEld IhiOl'\cordi!j.lIy~ aDd they Ijet

Utl~·cj"htl1'll" coIIIPiile.:ll'clllr ~,'.tMliat.i81l especial efFurt for the bDild-1Vlbll.\rlhllf;t;tttirte,di~:ti)j.1'i iiYi!':uri of Zion; An ubandant bless·

of resolutioDs, which wpre ably dis- ',-+-___ "-_ cussed during the day by the Rev. THE WA~ SEEN IN SYRIA -At M,·s"rs. Whipple and Jucelyn, Secre· the late mee g of the American

Rev .• L. E., BarDard, 9f Gllcngiia, CHARITABLE V"rmont, who was accused

James M. Linnard, of Burlington Free Press uf.kit::kinlg made the following wife, and .. bipping '~E~r:.",eilrbtioen paid after the dealb uf times within a year, Correcte Ilbe

slatemeDt thrungh tbe same cbann'1l Pennsylvania Bap'ist He has whipped his wire. but filteen miBsionary pllrposes, times in three year!', and ifMbe tabore oan Baptist Mirisionary IInder tbe il1ipres~iou that he hall

tariesj the Rt·v. Mr. B .. rdw"Il, mis· was made by Mr. sionary from the OjIbways; the Rev. . _. _ _ Me~srs. Davis aDd Trask, of Fltch- Ian miSSIOn, lU wbICb burg, aDd M. S. Scudder, Esq., of he alluded til e frightful massacre Grantville. An interesting episode by tbe Dpl. He said that the cnn~isted iD tbe p;esen,tat,io.n to t~e Governmell~ s administered iD the

in the city of BostoD, "ver kicked her, it is hecaulle sbe' 00.

can Baptist Hume .\I.18Blot!ar.y li,oCle'l eaMioDally runs agalDst his ul1lifted :~~~~!~:t~:1~~~~ loot. Iy, f~uDded in the city of '

The large emigration of colored $1000; to tlie TrllBtees people f1"<)m til is country to Bayti is !~:~~~;:~I~~.

audience of Fanure Vlrgrula CaSHl- . pea Lawrence, the little fugitive slave French intere from 1840, was ex­girl~ of beautiful wbite complexion, cellent, bnt. was driven out hy

Street Baptist Church, brightening' the prollpectll of Chris- .; and poor members of tiaDity in tbat island. Nominally $1200 ; to the Indigent the eDtice population uf nay;1;i has I

aDd with flowing I inglets, the story English bayon 8 in 1845 : or whose baptism iD Plymouth Church, by the Rev. Henry Wald Beecher,

SlugJe Women'>! Ileen for Il long time in coonee,tion with tbe Roman Catholic Church, but

York, $1000 ; to practically tLe immense majlmty are,

A. gal1aut alld ment bu takeo pfaCe g... :A. detachment (If

created so mncb interpst. In the evening, aftcr devotion al

services, the Hon. William Claflin, chairmaD, made a happy aod forcible address, urgiDg npoD the friends of tbe ARsociation, the privilege of all entarged liberality in carrying for­ward its noble Chl'islian purposes. ffe W8S follow .. d by the Rev. Mr. TholllpsoD of Jamaica, giving a con. clu"ive statewt'nt of the impi ovements re_ulling from emancipation ill that islaDd.

The Rev_ Mr. Green, son of Rev.

.. In three y rs after there was a civil war; fiv year~ after another; and in 1850 a assacre to Which t~e India massacr ore no compliorisOD ;, aftel'wl\;d~ tl, missioDaries were

Philadelphia Baptist for botb in their belief and "prallticallire, the use of the Minister's pagans. wider Col. Stan I"" auc:*~ja 'fliHitif

illt fift)' ponwolts down Fund, $1000. A few montbs ago, a Hebre. jr)ur Dill was commeDced In Jerusalem. face Of the elf~JIII1i

cursed by thO atives beoause they SUNnAY LABOR, on were identifi as ADglesy. They has receutly been performeq in were flnldly nciliated by the distri· bution of fo Dd promises of retri. Broad way, N (lW York. It seems "utioD upon Jeil" eDemies. Tbere that tbe ,. gridiron" railroad -build­~as an oppOS 'on fwm the "":mi,,, era took Sunday to lay their ttack .. Uhrist)alls, bu the rumor of across that cruwded thorougl~farc, tW'l'!en'Euglan lind tbe U I'\t:<tP~'1 I !I~ned tbeir,. '. Thpy th~n begau for which purpose tLey had arge to uuder.tan,d t· t-the English and gangs of men working tbroughout !he .Americang I Syria were not the day. Some of tbe papers speak identical. That nitigated tbeir an- of it as an iIIustratioD of Sunday. ger. Gi,d is t1 S uSing this very breaking j but most of them ehow war' us a meaDS of propagating- the Go@pel." eDtire indifference to that feature

---If...---_ the husiness, and speak only or the

[t·is entitled Halbanon-"Tbe Leba- with 1,000 of:Gen"'!~.~S:Z~~~ti Don "-is iS8utld mODtbly, and printed attacked tlte reW" on in three characters-Hebrew i&:rabic taiD, and .droVl! tliem fr~Iiii·.tiIIlpiiltt.: and L"tin. Tbe first part '''ont.iD~ ·.rt~;I~·;tI;." ':'kI.t.d~l

r- tion. Oor lc.lI w.. " political and other news i die secoud part is pun·ly literary, aud bears the aad SfteeD ,""ouaM. heading, "Hillor of Leballon."

The address by the Rev. Dr: Phil. Scbaff, of Miirnerahurg,; Pen tIle late National Sabbath Con.en, tion at Sarato,ga, buing \jslled in thee PriDceton Re·vle'w. October, is now issued iD a 32 pamphlet, 8 'Vo., as' document No. qf the II New York Sabbatb Oommit-

\li6ielil~rutfii~[8ti:ci)~:IJ~it~m;~1~!~~r. S\!ores upon scores are JMl~IjiA't,OI l. ·.manyof them the most

balldti .. t· I The work: was one. of

JODathan S. Green, tbe veteran JIIis~ sionary of the Sandwich IslaDds, spoke' with happy effect of his desire aDd inteDtion tu return to his native islands to preach the gospel. Mr. Wm. Davis, 8n ex slave, also spoke Addre~ses Fere also made ~y the Rev. Mr_ Richardson, of Beaufort, S~ C, Dr. C' I B. Webster, SurgeoD of the. Freedljlen's Camp at Arlingtoll HeIghts, a?d tbe Rev. R. M. Chip­

question ho.w the crossiDg,of Broad· Y(J~rk--:Old~ ..... ·.,. by rail carll il! likel,. to-afFect Hu ... ;',d

man of CODIl.


i<ri"nQ life ill especially the multiplication

of beDevoleDt aDd educational insti­tu tions. A school has been opened by a yOUlJjr clergyman iD Dalecarlia for traiuing There is an Increase of tMchers

of Rhode in tbe common A '1IlajuJi lIot, ikuowiDg w/here or how school in Upsala:

1·lIIhlr'!' be was to laborl It was in after i4Iltl(I.OI~$i~'DIi"~~lIj t;Dldspmmer, and peopl~ were milch

borried with business j ~et the way !lpenll~, and meetings 'in. . tuted" people lind hundredS' Were r.m'''.;rt,,;.l

hia own blDlds,i'd,";/nI"'!,i\;;.;

G!~ne ' ile'~tiJ'~ci::<~~I~ dred Aetl, cl!uroh, ... iU:iihi .... .unll or'-b' t.I!.t"and 'tIla.' 'IoOd lIIit'. !~I!' ",illl\tL. ~ the • !,~iBt1io8~')!, caDap

"JU ..... I (il4~iijjit'dWil ."ll".a8. d _I 10 the three .kmgdSIID!', JgrJt m~'i1'k1g " pevl" at Malmoe, Ib Sweden, on tbe 2tfih

Thele are tW'o of many; in· aad 27th Angu8t. The celebrated

the husiness of the street.

THE BIBLE UNION.-The Al~lel:icllh Bible Union beld its

Lee was re1;re:i~Hn/l{ d and our tr\>Opll 1ria,rclliuJ~1 I '~~~~~~~:~:~;lg~ ililta:lnlllr.,

Petersburg. Of, c1nmil$ ~1~lf~~~:E~tt~t~~ I! tbe Sabbatb a boax. .. ... ni1ifli.A to correllp'Ond ft .. :,t:l!C8I>f!f'

The war committee of BJlltbn are AlIBBO&E J. TRUlUl\l.-We ~j::::!:f~·tlteJ!lxeeub.e BoJo:a,r~:d~tI:~:1~r ~".U"~O,I ncli aid "benever p

~5lli~~~~~;~;~i~~]t.1 at wotk. They are igoing to quested, says the Janesville Swan. Br orde. of tllelJoaTd. nllt! meaull which were before so Gazette, to state. the following The act of ITO . I' A b J T u.. lIJ"UT.COr.!!eo., 6uccessful in promoting enlistments lD re ratlon)to m rose


rum all, a F~br03ry 21, WesUldm-'ton. N_ Y. Tbey will have publtc addresses and &on 0 the ate Joseph . rnman ofl-meYIII of the musIc on the C~mmon andl in "th"" I the town of Milton, to correct ,~me from liinnt'lIot •• places. They suggll!lt. tbat unfavorable reports in relation to of l.nds of tbeir :rel!er.l;ion'ili of wealth be inVIted to At tbe commencement of the Country for thE~t-1tne£t each the prl\le of a Bubetltute. rebellion be was engaged in teaClting sales have been made,

The rebel Imthoritles at in the Slate of Texas, and to eral Land.oJllce ba.ellnial"M directed that guld sent to Impressment into the rebel army sch .. dule of over one IU1,dled

prisoners in that city jshal! be volunteered in tbe State militia to thirty purcbatlae, for but tbat Treasuty Notes. protect tbe State against the Indians will soon be issned.

",hlch .. re not regarded as ID'lDt'3' by Who were then committing depreda- A new the le\JPI governtnetot, shall be ex- tUlns on the people. He was detain- been succe~sfuJl,.

UlllI,,1 (mD ged for rebel sCflp-thus forcing' ed in the mlhtary servIce of thtl con- jaconet mn8lius, that entel~ed Ope. our men to expend what they receive federates against his wll~hes, and largely Imported, have ~ellproidoc·

t'neUly falhUl( 1U tbe CIty. thougb offered a commissiou in the ed and prlDted bere in lin~.tiel' .. fLllr I. lltalld in the diM The government dHectives in B .. I rebel army resolutely declined it. will succes8fully cOlnp~te

rI!e,tiull. AIII.and", .. , abanduOIng a timore sciz,'d a blockade.rllnn .. r He has never beeD oat of the State, thing of foreign \8\rOIIIC,po, .. itiOll at ,V~rmilio'l called tbe C"quette one nl~ht la"t and never in a battle again8t the mUIHlDs are very

UQOptI .re well IIniliplied, UIlIIIllIYI k H UnIOn forces. but is now ill the pound. nnd b f I A ~ d wee. er cargo, valned at 120,000, (aFlOg care of Ihe Sick I'n the B:r...llI'ns·1 e eer It • n ellpe ition W38 cun Isted f po d h k I ,. about one-eigh1h of t1~e1"'lri

I .. ~ 0 W er, W 18 Y. UllIuer "Ille 1J0sptlai. ,;;;~,~, ito;I~8;;.1 .or .ome point on the and dry goods, intended fur the required for ordinary eall!fllilJ, '1 to cooperate with Gen. rebels. This is ~he largest seizllTe Trnstworthy lelters

Gen, Bauks was 0'( tbe kind yet made iu tbat port by SU1IKARY OF lfEWB, Qnebec from the .AlI .... ~ i;O:~:lflto~i~;"'A;dle~;8tinatI01i tbe detectives. At • factory' 10 Portlanil. Me.. Sooth Ham, vuu""v \111,l!t..!J,',,'a

811C' Tbe correct q 110ta or Nbw York nearly one thousand bllllbels of po. 11i8t welt, at tbe rlPI.thl'.f made State, under tbe new call, iDstel&d or are "coocentrated" for the the shah, a raus mony,

JAPAN TEA oj ~ ~Pfum,~;~'(::::tll~~~~~a=~;SU alid~ Tbm bIt bu UCII kind or TI.l

FOU .. Cu, ..... , Damely: CAlJG!), "'~.;;;';:-:F:'j GO .• 'IN", ~'ll;ES'I, tbatevery one derstand frl-m d&JCHptJon and tbe priMa M.D· nex~d. tnat tbe Company are determined to undersell tbe wbole ru tr.de.

:nIlvij{ation of belnl{ 35,000. as formerly .tated. is army I'very day. All the water is weighing 500 ponn,ds. throwlI guerril. 60.318. Oen Fry also advises abRorbed. leaving aoout five pounds uut in one blast, wrll~IWI aSRay 'MARRTED,

".'1I.eti,e. Guvernor Seymour tbat New York of nutriment from the sixty pounds over 80 per cent Thi. ing In Walwortb, Wis., Oot. 21st. 1863. bS Eld.

over TWO GEN ro (.02 cents) per pound ,,~oye We guarantee to sell ALL our Tua at D"t l§~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~l~ cost. beh.vlng tbl. to be .. ttr .. ctlve to the

many wbo bave berelofore been p .. ylng ENo.· MtJD'S PSOI'fI'8...

Stu.te was de6C1ent QlI thei 17th of which a bushel of potatoes averages, to printers. type metal ao alloy, C.ll. Le ... ls, Mr. WILL ... H. COON, 01 W~I-October 47.657 men, so Ithat tbe an. d this COllcentration is grolllld up, one of antimo"y to four '~I"a',. worth, and /lliss IlELIIN JtL WHIELER, of York-r S sblre. CattarILugus Co • N. Y.

GREAT AMERICAN TE.t COIolPANY, IJI!'(urras .urn 10."",

wbole number requlfed bef'ore Janu. glvlDg it the appl'aranc.e of Indian now has fallen to a~lptb 0 1 b Eld _, In Brooklleld, N. Y.. ct. Uth, 863, y . IIry next, to aVOId a rleW' dralt, IS meal. It is cooked by returning the incbes in St. Louis. I161Du/j/icl1n J.It. Todd. Mr. J ... ES DORWABD, M. II •• of 108.035. water to It in a boiling lItate, and of October 26 says: Friday 0btl.~o. N. Y·I, and MISS ESTIlCB U. CL.uu<B. of

No. 61 V_y Street, N." York.

k. h f . t e .ormar p aca.

The whole Dllmber of sqldiers ob. eeplng It ot rom ten to Srteen morbDlng the te~~~et~~:~~~t:t;in~:'dic&t- In Hopkinton, Oct. 9tb 1863, by Rev Sian· tained uuder lhe late draft in Massa. mlDntes, wben it 8wells like starcb ed y some of tbe bad ton AUSlln, Mr. 10Mb» ii. BARBER and MISS

24 MUSIC LESSONS FOR LARSl Iliss H. w. Stillmao ,In!

muslo lel80DS at the a.buve fate. if p&i.d jJl advllnce, or at elgbt doll .. r8 pQr quarter paid otberWl86. Inquire at ber realdence OD Il&l. tim~ til" Te~lIe88 chased another chusetts was one thousand 61gbt hun. and u.S8umes the apparence of pota. Bunk at suurise to witbio degl ees A&TIllIzu A. BUllDW&. all of HopklDton.

-booner "'~I'-" w "~d ond '-)I)wn dll~d and tbirty. all of whom wele toes prepu.red for the table. of zero. The streets roofs of In Hopklnton,Oet.11th, 1863, at the rest .... '" n ,,-.. U.,~ _ u Id I dence of Dr. Jobn W. Co1llnl. by Rev. Stanton ut f1'~e IIts_el: Oayuga h811 al80 sent to the AI my of t~e Potom lC. The Detroit pl\per~ say tbere is bDl ings are stil AUtin, Ilr. RALPH THO.P8Q", of Nortb Ston-

Street. Westelly, R L

F OR 8 ALE .-THE BUBdCRIBER. ba.ving accepted an appolDtment u

m.sslonary In Kallllls. ollerB for sale bl. for· I dlilltl'O,tId t~o ~cli Q/ltR on thtl The quota called for was about sev- considerable excitement among the wbich fell on Tbnrsd.y ~.r~'::~~3~·' .. nd Ml8II ELIzA E. LJJWIf,

~f' LaiiillilllMl, loa with wder. en Ib'JUsand. busllless houses in that citv owing At a recent of

It "pi "tl6ligbt tWa e'\'erv Provost Marsbal.General Fry states to the fact tbat twenty o~ thirty Society of Natural DIED,

reSIdence at Albion Center. W1800n81n, I :~::ii~~!:;::t consiBung of a very commodiouS hOUle, .. net

Jllb~' either tlOI Of int~ Mobile basi that Cilldit has been given for drafted firms have been or are about to be AgaSSIZ announced the ,m."",,,.,, en cap~lIred, au th~t the coast of men who paW commutation, as well prosecutec by the United States Dis· a stage of metamorphosis

• Texall will henceforth be the prlOcj. I\S for those who fnrmslled substitutes trict Attorney for the misdemeanor velopmcnt of fishes wl,icll;iI pal thtllll'" ~ Ibtlir "P,ll[atlOnB. The or reRponded in persoD. The Presl- of sending letters throllgh other gous to the tadpole condl Venu., (lne of the lar*est alld IIwlft dflnt orders tbat every mall who has channels than tbe postoffice. Tbe The difficulty of obtai eet ot' tbe blocltade-rjinners. with paid tbe three hundred do:~al scorn behef has obtaiued to some extent from the egg bas IIrllveDtElcilre'l"iou .aluable cargo, hM been run a .. hore mutatIOn shall be exonerated from that the demands of the law are ful: knowledge of this -wondt~rf!llra,CI on the North Carolioa coast, by tbe mllitaty service fur three years. filled by SImply affixlDg a stamp to Cincinnati, according to Naneemond. and destroyed. Col. Olawford, who WU.8 sent out letters. but the Department denies statement of its trade alld !u~11Dll~8.

~ TBII MRA't&~ J to distribute arms in Virginia and the validity of the act, as the same bas one hundred and . ' North C .. rolina. adjacp.nt to East st~mps may be u~ed again. houses engaged in m611\t1"cl~nrin

Tbe bark Urania, Oapt Co per, Tennessee, has returned to Knoxville IA sewiug machine for the Queen clotbing for the army, .nd arrived .t New York, 1ut week, He WllS perfectly Buccessfn\ ill both or BavarIa bas jllst been completed thou8and persons, chiefiy fem

'ItYI tbe Cape or Good Rope ha,'ving Slates. Tho pf'ople are rlsiug every· b~ Grover & Baker, and is on exhi· are employed hy them.

Ou bo.r,d &i "a.IW'dAts, the' Ij"'cers wttere aga.inst the rebels. bition at their salesroom. The cab- Diphtheria contioues to

l I' ~ ".r w;~ A ffi I d t h h II ioet is made of the finest rosewood, varioQ8 locaHttes in 1-- yea ..... ' captured I'D that vim' ity 0 0 cia Ispa c tltates t at a I btl d d' I'd . h , .... ,11< ,~ ""'.' of Shelby'~ force have been driven e a ora e y carve an ID al Wit familiae are IIwept oft" by

bY t~e pirate, AJII.~ama. Whan tbe beyond the boundary of Missouri. satin wood. It i8 similarly finished town of Moscow It bas tf~.~l~~", tile pttate ~eol'Jt!a w~s aDd that Geo. McNeil h3l! crossed Ibn both sides. The shaft and wheel fully {atal. Mr. A. A. roallun repalllll,g- 'ana 1;:0,-lIng III SIlI~on S the Boston Mountaills in pursuit. are SIlver-plated, and the operator'8 Fremont, Aroostock COtlDt;,,tE,celltly Ba" The Fli>rida and artnl'd salhng Tb R' b d E f 1 dress is prowcted by a gnard placed loat all his family. prtvateer TUiCal\)llt\llir forplerly the e IC mon xamuUll' 0 t le in front. of the wheel. A large plate The puenm.tic engine Cunrad, werB ctolilinlt on tbe cout, 17th, says tbat the .number of pns· on the c.binet il inlaid with pe.rl, iu carries one hundred and l_ .... u

Uid tbe Alabama wal laid to be in 0n,erB. of ~r held In Richmond at the center of which the roy.l arms bags daily tbrough ita \nl)O)lln or near Saldanha otend. tbls time. IS ten tbousand two hun- Bavaria .re repreeented. The mao five seconds, a distance

tlte Sea dred and 6fty odd. chine COlt tbree hnndred doll are. occnpy ten minUte\! time of ""n," caned The C')!Dmi.liouer, for' have been received by c.rts.

. "t~i\Ie'te".[~!1:~E:]~~~t~f~:~i~~~~t~bi~e: m?!~~~r~~~~ti~~:;i~i~~~~I·~II.'H,," IjJo~IlrJj118si6~~r :ole of t~:;ndi.n De- ~.·hoiDiiili.l .~ pirate.. tern are successful Utah Indianll by .h,;"h

,'I, I , ~ pr06tahle. I most valuable lands ever ceded to Gl11l1BlLLA ?PIlUTl l NS ! Hawkins' guerrillas have been rout· Government by a single Indian tribe

Richard.oo's guerriUatl, when they ed 10 Eaat Tenncssee, with lQjfIl, ,of have beeu aecured. This cetl810n entered Bardlto.wDj Ky, recelltly, sIxty SIX prisoners comprises nearly all the mining lands bwrned the dt;Rot, a loilQlllotive and yet di8covered 1D Colotado, and a ,r.ill of car8~ robbed tI~q .tores aud STATISTICS OF THII: DRAFT -The Pro large amnllnt of agricllitural and citizena, and ent the b,jegraph wu·eB. vost Marshal·Geberal. 10 a letter to grazlOg lands in addttitlu thereto. 'l'ho raid 011 V'.II,iIIe, Ky., was much thn Secretary of War, gives some 1D Arrangements are also made for a lell lucce_tal. Tne guerrIllas se- teresling statIstics concerning the gr.dual removal of the tribe to new cllri'd a IlntJIber of horself, but tbt'Y operation of the enrollmemt act He reservatiolJll_ .e,e ptlttued 10 that all _ays the act i. not perfect, anil may J o"iah ~~J' of Bo~ton. and the th6 huraes wetu and four of el,l.sily be imploved by certain amend· rl'cently d~1IfM Lord Lyndhurst. tbo dcprt:du.tor'W:~lJ\tl\lrcd. mentl. In I16veral of the Western wprp hoth ~ru 00 tbe night of May

A. States the dt.ft was not put in (uree, 21, 1 n~ i:::e same physicinD attend

Worcester tlOnll.

Tbom811 Barrow •• jr, Fl''''''lp.rlt the American MIIlII at Conn, fell from a ratlroad Hartford, on Thursday eVEmit:~. was i08tantly lulled.

By the 20th of Novernbe,rJ rangements for rllllnlDg trains between New York IOgtun will be completed.


In HartsVIlle. N. Y .• Oct. 2lst.1863, of be art disease. Mrs. St:SA.N B. BURDICK, Wlfe of Jere­miah Bordlck.ln tbe 78tb year of ber age. She was a member of tbo 1st Seventh day BaptIst Chorch of Alfred. Sl8'er Bordlck had been & great sufferer for severa.l yea.rs, and olten felt tbat death would be a welcome Vlsltant. At other times. sbe clung to life Wltb great tenacIty, seemlDg to fear death as well &It to love hre. Tbus sbe altem .. ted he­tween bope &Cd fear, until at last she ,. per mltted to" rest from ber labOr." N. v. B.

nine acres of land. '1'11. 11tuH,tlon II mOlt beantlful and much I .. bor hILI been eXp8l1d· ed In planting "nd cnltlv .. tln,.brubbery "Dd V~l;:!i~o~~': trees, both for omament "nd fruit. The C price w\IIln> placed so low as to m .. 1te It "n object to anyone Wlsblng .\Joh • location, a.nd especially to ,..y one wlBhlnl for a t .. m· lIy tbe benefits of a IlrBt-cllUlS Academy, furtber mlor ..... Uoo,"dMe .. Dan\el Coon, AI·

In AlbIOn, WIS, on the morn,ng of Oct. 16tb, 1863, 01 congestIOn of tbe bo ... els, Gro . WILLISTON, only son 'If George F. and A,Ad .. Torrey, aged 2 yeara and 18 day •.

•• * Bo:!.tOll and 'PortLand pa.pers please copy In Carolma Xllls, Oct. Utb, 1863, of typhOId

dysentery, HIIU)( JOIDISON, only son 01 Abel and Susan l .. ne Tamer, aged 3 ye .. rs, 3 months and ~ day •.

In Willing. N. Y .. Oct. 18tb, 1863. of dssen' tery. AnDI., dau,btu of Damel P. and Bet8eS Witter. aged about 2 years and: '1 montbs.

At Beloit. WI •.• Oot. 21st. 1863, of scarlet fever. with only four days Blaknel8, TACY EiuLV, daughter of IIms D. and racy Clarke, aged 3 18aft:

U Yet apia we hope to meet. thee, When tbe da.y or life is fLed J

Then In h .. ven with joy '" greeL thee;, Where no C&few-ell tear is shed )

REOEIPl'S, All payments for tbe SUUTlI RECORDER are ~ckoowledged from week to ... eek In tbe paper. Persons sending money, tbe reo ceipt of wblch Is not duly .. cknow!ed\.ed, Bbnuld glve us ea.rly notIce of the oml~ alOn.

Dennis Campbell, M.lton, WlS ,$10 00 18 ~2 LeVI G. Pierce," 10 00 21 13 Sopbronla VIDcent. 00 2 00 19 1>2 DaDlel Wllluur:s, M.adlson, Wis", 2 00 20 n Wm. McDougall, Oswayo, Pa , ~ 00 20 62 L. G. MusIOn, Hornell.nlle,N.Y. 10 00 20 62 Clark.e llogers, Alfred Cellter. 200 19 U John Crllndall, Porl.,!!e, N Y .. 2 00 20 12 E. C Rogers,Sanger.lleld Ce"t'r,2 00 19 52 D. P_ Wllhams, N. London, N.Y., 1 00 19 1>2

19 52

blOO, WI ... or Ibe Subscflber. It Fremollt. Lyon Co .• K&nBas. T. E. BABCOCK.


THB NEW YOH Tal"""', IItst I .. ued April AT ..... 0.,1118 10, 1~1. has to dILY .. I"rger aggregale clrcn· 'l'HZ N.ABBAGANS.'l'l' latioD tban .. ny nther newsp"per publl,bed In Ameflca, or (we bebeve) In the world, W8Iterlr. a. I, ~ Compelled a year sIRoe to locreaM tbe prioe Po .... , rr-, l.r,1 ""d IIIIIU, aII« ... ~ of Its several 1 .. "eB. or .nomlt to lbe peon· tenalvI _rtmlnt or Job fy ........ 1:11 .... , mary ruin of lis proprleto .. from tb ... ry and of modern style., enabl. ni til tlO"illJIIl magnltnde of Its olrcnlatlon. It bILl probably .0_10.11,. a •• til tile l&IIIIf.o&l_ iot .. .,ooe p"rted wttb Bome patronl to ... bom Itl ...... t r ... tldlou. talt.l. . T remukable obe .. pne .. was a -controUlD, reo BOOK8, B .. troBmL8. commendation; but otben have taken their PA.PllLETS, OIRCU&.4118 place., aod It bas oew Il101'11 tban Two Hon- CATAWGUOI, IIILl"IlIlAM. I dred Thousand BubBcriber. &lid regubt.r pur· REPORTS. cAIdlIl. cbaHrs----an excess ofatleast Fifty Tbousaod Speelal "ttentlon ginn to ptlbtl.,lw Ci/I; over tbose of any rival. And tblB nnpre· ors and Bronze. ced.llted currency It bas acbleved by very Orders by mall wiUlDe,t "ltla pr~ .t- ' bber.u expendltnre81n proonrlng early .nd tentl0n. Addre.. I authentlo Intelllgenoe, by the rea~le88 ex- __ :J .~H~. U~TT~tB~~~~~~~~k. pression of oonvlCtlon8, by tbe free elbi>loy' -ment of ability .. nd Industry wberever It mlgbt contribute to excellenoeln any depart· ment of our enterprl.e, and by unshr!nklnl Ildellty to tbe dictates of JlI8tice, Humllon!ty,

Freedom . for early and authentlo ad·

otberw"" from ltl own

Roswell Saunders, Adams Center,2 00 R. IL Woo~ward. 00 2 00 20 (2 IIrs. A. II. Green. Scott. N. Y .• 200 20 62

200 20 52 o~ing til the excess of viliunteermg. ed thei try into tbe world; he 80 that the present draft i, only a par· was called from one house to the tial nn"i Over 80 pe~ cent. ot tl¥Jse other to attend to Ihis duty. He drawn~ tbe present draft. includmg was Dr Joseph Warren. who three ~be 50,er cent. arlditillnal, ha.-e re- years afterwards fell at Bunker Hill. ~orted. Abont 30 per I cent. were Joeiah Quincy was ednc.ted at Cam­exempted uuder examina~ion. About bridge. 1D Massach\ll!eua, and John '0 per ceut. have been held to ser Lp.ighton Copley, afterwards Lord vice. ALout one-half p~id commu· Lyndhurst. was educated at Cam­

_ YMULY HUTIIIG OP CHUllCHB8.-Tbe Yearly Xe~tlng Jersey Cburches WIll be bead, hvJ~ .. il.e mISSIOn. Wltb the Churcb m menemg on Blxtb-day before

per- A. D. C. Barber, U

Geo. W. Maxson. .. 200 19 52

tattOn; one-thilrd of the remainder brtdge ID En,gland, Jll'ent.into service, and two·thirds fur· England is again thre.tened with biahed substitntes. 'I'hese proportions war ID Ind.a, The Punjaub, or are based upo'1 tbe reports up to tbis norlh.western portion olBritish In· limit $rom 'Is Congresidbtl.1 Districts dia, has been invaded by 7,000 men, AbotIt 200,000 soldiers h .... e been headed by the 800S of Dust M"ham­dischal'ged for diBIl\ulity. It is prob· med. one of tbe mOlt renowned chief· able they were nnfit fllr service when talus of Ceotral Asi., who died at elllil!ted, and $40,000,000 have been tbe beginninl of the pretlent year.

li~;~~~~~j~t~~ u8elessly espended III brmgmg tht'm It was f~ared that thIS force W3l! lilt.) lI~rvi.. All the exp .. nduurell of ooly the vanguard of a I.rger army; K'ill'fire:ellbiPtOI,I tbe Pruvost-Marshal General's B~rl'au, and, conseqnelltly. Brhish troops

lip to Ocl. 19, bave amOlJOted to $1.- were hutened to the lleat of hostili· 200,000, The amount I)f mouey reo lies, And other precautionl caken for

b .. tb In November, (20th,) at 1O<'o'ollook X. Introductory sermon by Batley will present an eseay on tages of Boola.! meet! ngs, and to contmue 1b.,- BIography of mlnl~ers' ()f tbe yearly meel.l;. are cordla!!y Invited to attend.

W.B. _ RIVEas OF ISL()OD.-'Jcoe

tbe syatim I. not unlike tbe tbe sea. whIt!> move smoot.ly clogged or obstrncted. But or .. nuvlal depos.t dallDlftbe,lllililchen comes tbe tellrlng devastation that tbe ob· structiOn of a fo rce which be .tBosed_ So the blcod ClrcuJat.. tbrougb tbe system untIl It by dis· ease; then burst out tbe 80re8 and d.sorders wblcb follow tbat T"ke Ayer'. SlLrsaparma and tlnrit-i'~o\lr .ave youraelt from the freshets

Geo. II. Fnsble, 00 200 18 52 Daniel Ch"ke, Soutbampton.1I1.,2 00 20 \7


1. W. Dav •• , Humboldt, Nebraska. • 30 1. M. Todd. Brooklleld, N. Y., 30

BILLS.-Tbe nlneteentb volUllle of tbe SaIl batb Recorder w.!! end on the 31st of Decem ber; hence we are now on the last quarier. Some of our subscflbers-probably from oversight-bave faIled to remIt tbe amounts daa from them. As a remlDder .. we a.re send· 109 bIlls to sucb. wblcb we hope w!llrecelve prompt attention. It Is very Importallt for us tbat all accounts to tbe close of the pre­sent volUble should be paId before that time. that we may arrange to beglu tbe Dew sear as near as pOSSIble on tbe ph.D of advlLnoe· payments. Tbe money ma.y be Bent by 1DII.i at our risk.


the WlDter Term of tbls Institntion opens .Nov 24th next, and continues seventeen

o us r~:E~['f~bi~~:~~~t'I~~:. tbem'

m tbe t:~~;b~:!~~~1J peaceable extirpation "bso! ute cure ;- NI.tlo,n"lllI8-tllht.t expediue'antnSj"nt ,ond

but" ;G~:o~;~f.~~1~ p ropoulld no mdorse none tbat

ce",ed from tbe draft is about ten repnlsiog ~he jnvade ... nmee as grea~ 811 the expenses on ae. A regnlar line of sailing vCR8els e6unt of the ellrol1meut .ct. bet .... een Cleveland. Obio, and L'iyer-

pool, hu heeo established Itlil • t I

1 THg DJlAr1 ANI> SUTI: Ql1oTAs.-A tended alilo, by per.ons in Liverpool. dispatch f!'Om W 118hll~lt.On, dated t<l establtsb a hne of IMlre,,-steamfl'll Oct. i9tb, la,,, : In I the recent BO- 10 lIat! from that port to Clevel.nd \louncement at the quotas to the sev· and Cbicago dIrect. The steamer.

deluges wblchl ~~::r.!~::::lt~:'~:~::: out npon that I all

... "No Ej,8'f t !to SOIJ'I'II .... --Tbese were tbe id.UtI~atpelrvaded tbe mind of tbe ml..u,lotll' 1'.ni,.1 Webster,

anotber-neither ~~~~i~~;~~~~E nor "ny of the v.rloaa

~~~~~~~ffi~~~~9~~~1 for ,,"cbleving d Peace "

RepubHc Into _hut. f>llth In their &rm18aand Ireve lbILt, If l'rovidence due

, er.lataotes, under rr~8id .. nt Lincoln's will be of .. r .. rge1:lpacity for cargo procl.matHln or r:toberIHtb,ea11i1l8' the Weiland canal ... lI.locks WIll

:~bt~~Irii.,~ri;c:e1~flr'~llIcl.iM;it rt"""1 '~lIt ." 'iiddition.1 COrce .of tbree hoa· admit of. 'fbft _I. ",ill be "r iron, Dl dretl tholl8and m n, the defiClellces of oC the /irst c1 ..... nd to ocenpy not

the state~ undet! former calls and der tbe recent draft are taken ac- over twenty-one d.y. in the pl8l!.,e

of ollly in reference to a 8ub- from por~ to port. 1

draft, in clise another is reo- Tbe princip.1 hotel. of New~York neCfisary by tbe failure to bave .trnck for higberpay from their

ii'.!~,ri~'l f;nfll lllll the full quota or volunteers guestl. $11 50 iD «old. or ts 50 in pr!l8llQled tbat there Will be no paper, ill the price 0011' demanded for m .. m'" states which raise their board io 80me of the public ho ...

hunJred thonsan!i vol- from travelen, while Qlerchante.!!d · .•. ·.:.:=~~1~~~~~~~~; .'."":-'- I Uillelere eallf~d for by the PrP.8ident's clerks who have for yeara been in the "." but in states where habit of living at hotelll for the pur-

to r.ise tbetr QU()\III pose of making the acqnaintance.ad tbounnd secnriug the custom of .trang!lra,

to be .~rted to, all have had an additional $6. or $8 per otoa'I:4eJlicilenc:iea .t the time io week tacked 011 their bills.

Tbe- can on the Kentucky 0eD' .... 1 ";;b-;;:i~~,~~i"r"e ell' RailrQAd containiag. portion of \he

wben nphoJdlnJl tbe lawa tbe C~Dlltltu-tlon of bll cOllDtry ill tbe of COIIgl'881. Be knew DO aectlolllU Uoel Jimlu for J- DERUYTER INSTI'nlTE.-DeRufter tlce. Neltber does know any J(adilon Co., N. Y. sectional hne. nor hm.ts sale of bls lOUD or 1_0'1'10", O. It. Soap and go to all Cbarles if. Thompaon, A.

Un! b t to b NeoU E. Dean, TelloCbAir

ful BtrUgele to oucb " serve tbe true gre~tne .. the perm .. uent .. eU-belng

We re6p8ctrully JOlIclt and actn'e exertiuDs of Ollr all .hOl8 news aDti convltll1ont s_U"l1y ... Itb ours.

New York. Sept. 10. 1863. parts of tbe 00, t a ny Ilrs. Illfllollda F. De .... L. thelD. Doctors and recommend .n. JeMIe O. Thompson. T'lla. 8: them; tbem. The .1. E. Jeannette Spenoer. DAlLY TIUBUNE. lltl. premlDIII of I IOld iillver medsl Ina uti Drawing. Single-Copy. • . • • • 3 c.llII_ i

of ... III .. Arioloe E. COOD. Instrumental_YQ'~' Mail Subscnb*n, ODe y,ar, (3t1lssIUlS,) lave been .warded at tbe .. e" HeDTY C. 0-. YQl:a.! Music. y~ anti Xe" lar •• y. the 111(,",11 No will be 8parei1~~~~r:~:~~~~ SEIlI-WEEItLY TRIBUNE . • 10111 are tritbout tbem. the ~~'!!!~':'';r (1/)( ~88U.~,) •• III all ieCti~ .... Mil Utem. Fin Coples. a.. J 'l.. - • Ten Copl_, one y8l&l', . --ImLY'pj4~:+;~ taotaru tbem, s.w TllltlO1I. An extra copy will be 8ent to I I'rankilD. York. ..... --- wbol8ndl1l\11 a club or t ... enty_ 'i!.II'.IIitii1iOi~ ., ....... 1, TIUI SUI-WftIlLYTaDmlSIl-' \0 t

_ PuLlillX.uy =::tPlano,) gymen (9r $2 25. ..... 1_Ac.u.-70 Board, WEEKLY TBIBOI!li!:. denlped KD04lftIL1: wr,umlP'l" one ye .. r. (52 t ..... )

001,181, OIle 1e ....

."a. "."-i"~ doHan Seoood Ohio haavy artillery, ... re npt to thmwn frolli the \rack wenty-se.ell

.niles fJ'01&' CiUCUlJlati. One ... , .. n'l W ... killed, Iligbteeo sentell Wo,U~'" ed: IUld lWAlI" ,lightly illjared. l'btl!COIIIIIW'I., acoident w~,o •• ed 111,. brojen rail. I " • I

'Ol'1f •• ro':.~rJ~~r:£~r~;fl~:'!~;.1 ctaya .go got into .n ~~~~~~~~~ Hiltlfard, Colin... .1il' .... I1~ £v.,o.lbehJDllilte,to M 'I • .s--.

itIie[.'Welu.!1 dedllcSl!1I flf .... beai_ .. large II&Ifooweifflll wa&r&c, , ,

never re~ the "'Or­

s he had of alt his lelBu re

astonished at this t · .Ikoll. urtlwr mq Dlry AlbIOn, WII, :.~~ij';~\~~~lrJ , ..... ,. ........ A1' -1IAOIlIll Ari .. t,pin,'" of sucli a treatise

...... 'I'.U-,WIlI!JUI- • E R I Jl: RAILWAy ..... PA~EN{}&1t Tbe ito;eorder's Court III Chicago ill tongue. and ascer- fIU.INS lea v .. , via Pavont" .'erry fl'CJmlollU'tl'olrr'e1ili,~;'.

engllged in the trial of Nebemiah l'brtuge.se, when first of Cha.wb/lrs dtreet, N • ., YOCk. aa Col· '&.'1I~"r,j~~1!t~~i:~~~~~e Hud I f N th Adamtl settled In -n",vl"" Ans fuwo, VIZ. OO .... a ... 1 '~ •• _oillotl.~ ge, a awyer 0 OT , " 10J ••• ExpreUforBIlft'aloandprtno1pt.l-.. h'"h '.uIM!"., fortbe crime ofsendmg an "m· totl..-II Organon the orIglO~1 Intermediate .tallOns. iDa.ctvanoe. 8Q:bilt'l"il~tli6'"

tn.chlDe" to a. man named Greek IUtO the CUlgalese dialect. and ~.oo .. It Milk. dAIly. for Pott Jervis Ilond slJ: monIlia .ro""'~;:~~~tsmi~i~, . 1 h' f k II that LI18 farmer owned a copy of that intermediate BtaLil>D8. '1I'IU"e II~ble t Ie-, Wit I t e mteni 0 I mg UJ lU5 P •• A.ocowmpdatlon,daily forPllrt Q ~ 0 In 1849 Itudge Invented aDd old version He had til lrol1l\"bly diS Jervis and priuclpalolt"LlonB.' oautll. I!lllbaorlb,&h

IlU Impro~ment in railroad ~xcelhng in clphned hIS mllld by the ~tl\dy of It 3.'10 r .... .vay (<lr M,ddletown. Iife,,-'nlr&b. Lb.t'rpapet •• mllat.' ...... paletltea empbllSlS. and • \V .. rwlck .. nd Intermediate 8~~~~r8i)1l1Ikl:rt notlfl th.~~:~~:!~~~=!~~r!~,!1'.r.l,'1 ;:>~.if~t. br.~ke,s. whleh bas IllUce come Into ex- mOle ulIIQelstand. "Ou P •• llTgllI ",xI'r ••• d .. 1 "I teDMlve use on Ihe western railroads A CLEVER MIRACLE -There is a llulttJo. CMlaudalgu .. and t>rlnclp ... I:.t>.!..IV'~8. reoelYe'd "~:~~:~~~l!~~

b d I lit saint at B~lgaUio. wh )se specialty IS [no Lr .. 1ll 01 tla.I<1r<!ay rllns ~~II&'O 11l11l~1~'·- ""11"., Whipple purc 68e terrlflmft rtg II better spellers, 1<>. btU doe. not run to UUUIC:ln:. II for s.we of tlils pat'e-nl, but the to cur-e .. glubo:\lty.1I Recently a. 600 r /I. l!llJllgrantrorlJunklrt .. nd prinoi' read •

and greater ea,se affilct~d with a bump. arter p"I.tll.tJons. AllvertlMllleabl, f t t fll. "'''preiS TrILln$ COlIne!,! &t Hornel" slfienl ","II tbe o":ilNll~

he I mg or some I me. weu np a 'Vlile With ""ttrUlld lor !luLlo· .. t Elmir .. with [~::,:~:::::~t::l~.~:~ i~ :;~~t~f~~ a praches tl.llhler to the mchA of the saint, "Ill Ibe llauand"lgua .. Dd NIKg"~ I""UsK .. llro/ld. IIll.rled t.1 tb. ra)JrIJa<I-.oIJll:e ;; by In almost balf t r tl S witnesses IJ al ItUlj\o..unloQ Wltll the "yr .. uu.e R"Uroad. tbelrU ill"rUQD. aad

filled rp'n .. ,. others, as the new" 1 Ie presencA 0 coon es at \J .rmng With tn. rallro"d lor Roobester for e.eh s,b4tqlJ'ltt Fore- To thefr amaz~mpnt. as he ascende,i. dnd Itulf,,",o. atureal Ilend wllb tbe r .. llroad tbem. familiar Wuli .. .l II d h d I 1 J. r t ' ~ vertlileQl8n",. ~1J;t;:~!~~:::~~~:~~~. warned 'by an anon"mOllll letter, the hump griNu" y IIn1UIS e • an< or."e ail on. ,,", .,dlil.m!'nc" wltll til. Actl&D'

-,,- l.f,,,,,,,r,,n places. n,at~ons fi II I h'-' d A LlO and Gledt We~teln U.allro .. d for J .. JIItI_ 1"lr4i'IcI'UI~,irJ)I""I.,,'Q .. Whippleel!caped in'ory. and after- d lla y a t 'get er uillappeare to ... o.ll,lrry'mdMoadvlll .... nd .. tBIlIfJ<lo ... d J o,n .... p,~m.mllM an dolUo"s. on tb~ kiF ;.il.. ..-~ .. ,_=.'_L k 11 warda callMd the Iltreat of Hodge for Ii epnca ran"" pllper .... lSWt>v-.or, a.. iJuuli;lr WIL t .... IJako ~lIore a.Urolld ror

the cnme 01 .-blch be standll charged that an exaUlInatlon It wa. ~~~~~I:~~ ... C~:~:::,o~~n~0~e~ir~~8~lt. CIll-The bolt i~ tbus described by till' "HUlU that t,be hU!I!P was a block 01 UIiA:>. M.L. ... or. Ueoeraldupetllitendent. Clllcag'O TrWzme: 'ice the 111an had p-Iacell nnder hl~ rramsleil.ve tlie following Bt1I.t1onl at

, M Wh I d d f cluthes, and which melted away umes IndLCated. 'r Ipp e I not, 0 C~lIr8e, HORNI!LLSVILLI proceed 10, 0P".D :a box of whlcb be under the Infll1~nee of the n&taral Gvlllg East uotng W~t, hId reMon to entertain snch uglJ heat of the body 207 p.m. Mall. 1.27 R. m. ~flghtEx.

~ 08 "~Iook. 1 25 p. m Ibll. SllsplClons With the IDdlfl'"rence Wllb readily "fll dJijlele, ua 9 ~7 .. Night Ex. 8.15 .. which he would have cracked an - ODDS AND ENDS, A~Fa.D egg. 011 the contrary, be took the :~e ctocnx,stl·tTqtti(). There are In Franc!!. says a ~ ~~ p .. ~ ;::fJ.Fre't. tt8~'::' ~:~. Frelt. firltt step In opening it by iI\Sertiug r"cl7 correspoodent, several mdlvldual. WELLSVILLE. twb shal p wedges nUlted by a Ira1'l8- .- h Ttlel'wriite'bp1&ter who clalloto be allied with sovereigns 12 28 p. m Mall. R.32a. m night Ex. verse bar for a little distance nuder 01. composltloUS. At Troyes there 18 a womjln who 610 " Way Fre·t. 2 ~2 P m. Mall.

use better containIng morp 8 U .. Night E:t. 10.17 " the cover. He then. in. COIIIPIlDY Clearly and connect- looks after the cattle who 18 known J&IJ:NDSHIP.

the pier. between warebooaes A and who feigned ov-er SpaID. At Ven 322 p. m wa.y Fre't.10 45 a. Ill. Frel&ht. With several 0~her8, took ihe box to to bll the descendent of the Lacerda 1132 a. m. Mall. 3 Up. /II. Ilall. :;~~~rf.~~~;;!@.~j~~&1~ B. and It With the w!jdges u~ dome th~re IS a pastry-cook recog CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JER-

1--J:i(17i:1 Immedlattlly IInder welgbts, nlzed as a descendant of Rodolph of ",EY.-~'rom !ootolCollrthwd .t..N.Y.-h b d t tb t r Han.burg. who proposed to pay a (;unnectmg at Hampton JUllctlon with Dela. W ,lC were raise 0 e op 0 a r-' warG, Lacl<awanna. and Western Ratlroad.

crane by ropes tbree hundred feet Vl81t to hiS l\lJgust COU8111, FranCIS and at Easton with Lehigh V.uley Railroad long. so a8 to gIve tbose who hand- Josepb, at Frankfurt, bllt was for- and itsConnectlone.formlug a dJrectJlne to

l'ITTdIlUBU AND THE WESI' wlthoutohange them good lee·w~y ln case of bidden by bm Wife 'rbe revolntIOu of caro. n,","""I d3nger. 'rbe weights were swept away many noble famlhes. GREA.T MIDDLE ROUTE TO TaE WEST.

npon the wedges, and the and cillimants constantly start up FALL A.BRJ.NGE.ENT-CbmmenoillgOctober

,~i~:;~~~(~~~~~~i~~.r6~t \ \ ry l ,jOT,

;ullin,.. beSide another. IS

t~~tJ~~~!:ti~'kt~~,J~Blt;~"'~1~e!:;,~t~r~ ; appea~ihg dl1l'crcnt from 'II really IS j and. moreover. tt

eqtjally mo(hfies tbe color with whIch It is In proltlmJty'; :rile follOWIng IlIflt3 by Chevreul, for tbe tOilettes of \ildl~8. libolllq be read aud pondered bl all who de$lre to cultivate b If' mooy of colors aud adorn theIr per

26. 1~63 Le .. ve Ne., Yt>rk as foit01fll! the box exploded 1D fire wlio beheve themselves their legltl Iiarrtsbnrg Express at-6 •. II., for Easton, with II report hke II cannon mate descendants, Readmg. PottSVIlle. Harrlsbllri. Kaach

"Arrangements bavlDg been made I' I ltd tb t h' Chunk. Wilhamsport. &0. ewi',h'k mornin"" J'ournal gives t IS ell cu a e II an Iron s Ip Mail Tram at 8 • 11 .• for Easton. Water

to save tbe fragments. !I of an expe"rlment snld to of 1,000 tons. mternal measurement, GaP. 8cranton. Great Bend, Pittston. BlIIg. nation of it rev, ~Ied the ac'CO~IP; U II d d ht f 1 hamton. Wtlltesbarre. &0.

t";·",·UI made at Perth Amhoy. WI carty a ea welg cargo 0 .- 1211. fhroughTram.forEaston.Allento.,n, nious constructIOn 0. thp tnacbine mvented by 600 tons, wblCh. added to the weigbt Maucll Chunk. Wtlhalllsport. Rea.dmll,Potts-The breakmg of tbe I j oed a f to hi 775 10 s g ves a diS Ville. Harrrs!}urg. &0.

D Andillli's. of that place Tbe 0 e s P'f 5 n. AI od - 3.50 P •• for i!laston. Bethlehem. Allen. -which beld a bammt;f. ThIS bam- r. placement 0 227 tong wo en f()l~~h:i~~~~~I~IU""~ are of interest : ~. town and Man"h Chllnk. mer worked with Ii sprmg, aDd wben mllde by Mr ship of the same lnterna.1 measure. '50 P. 11. for SomerVIlle.

released strnck with great force one t h t d I t 6.10 P •• for SomerVille. up three men ID addition ruen as a grea er ISP ace men In 7.00p.1I Western Exprel •• ff,o~lr'!:~:;~:.~ of Smith and Wesson's percuS$lon aDd paraphherna. the ra.tln of 1 339 to 1.22-1. and there- Flelnwwn. Readmg.IJarrl.burg.1

cartridges. which in turn fired the forward movement It fure has a dlsplacementof2.473 tous tt~~Ollgll to ~;~~~~~g~ar8 from Jersey Powder, ile""rated ;f£om the rna- dlaplacemeut recuced by tbe

.,.- thousa.nd cubiC a. EXt'RE:lS 1'IIAIN FOR HA.RR[SBURtJ. cbInelY by a thIn p:utltTon. gas. It carried weight of the sbip 1,000 toll~, lea.ves The 6. II Express Tram from New York

l'A,PER XAKlJIG IN THE U. S. At the of

~eilbing one hnndred and sev. a dead-weight cargo of 1.473 tons. arrives at Harrlsbllrg a' •.• connect1pg .. h f h east .. nd west on Uentral8&U·

ly·,tWt+()U[lds,and two hnndred and .beIng Wit I~ two per oent. 0 t e road.Northern C~:~~~I~:lN~~~ nd~ of ballast. 11$ form of the Iron ship, '.l1th. and WIth C three segars po LUted at A lady in NashvIlle wu making a THROUGH EXI'RI~S8.TRAn~

secured together at their viSit to the penItentiary, and was lIi)I~~~~.~~~~!I~~ loulgtl~u<lnal equato~ covered bv a permuted to look tllrclUgb tbe varl' tl

bV one hundred wards In oue room she aaw II car sixteen fl"lt three WO"i~n engAged iu and

tU[ ~lU::-r tv tIle k"')ller. hPJ: at)out.

,. (-fl. } m o,llin .tV ballooos. ," 1 hey ai' n ~l ;"." J.th --j1 t II( Hl:ld"! CahSf> I am

it s last ~ I', 'l'lll h~lliondll~' l\.Ull d::\ughtm", m&dam. ~dmi)riog urowd the pgssi' Oue of Dean Trench's lIermons on

"U"II..- agamat the wlOd. tbe subject. " What we can and nan. oLgl',lltng t III aoyand every nQt carry away when we- die." com

a small fudder, havmg mences thus appositely! "Alexan, square feet of snr- der the Great. l.Jelllg upon hiS death­

made flO long flight In one bed, comma.uded tbat when he wa~ but aftel a few tUlQft cal rled forth to hiS grav~ lus bands

blmself and a fe shuuld !,lot be wrapp~w.s n",ual. all was rrght. and that lU the cere-cloths, bu~ a be lelt w(}uld do all he had con Ilutslde the bier. tbat t><~en WIg-hi

plalC'l be sel I); uff in a BpH al see th!jm. ~nd might Be~~t the] iUllwijlra. gomg at tbe rate-of were empty" ....

ODe hnndred and twen- An excellent and glossy wash for .D€!rlllo~>r. and descrlbllIg Clr- Ihe W!\lt8 of roorn~ ,s thus prep;ued :

more than .me and Mix. o,1:lde of IIIIIC With common size. In cllcntnfereltce It and apply It With a brllSh as 0001-revulutions Ut fiJre. Illiry wlllte-wasb of lime_ Aftar thJ;i.

ttpper strala of·"cJuuds apply a. wasb III the same mallner of Wlltl,I~~L to View. the cblurlde uf ZHlC, which wIll com­

and her hu,baud ID a barvedt festI

III week$ ago at the 'Vii­

tHnll wl\b the OXide. alld furm a smovtb cement With- a shiilIug snr­face. WaU-pap6r after !,. time ah sorbs deleterIOUS substances and be. comes un~thy.

IT STIIlUL.&.T&:3, EIIUL,I.IU,TP, llrnao •• ftI, aUT WILL NOT brrOXl04l".1 OB r,TtTJ"UT.

TA.KIil NOIICS fhat Doctor Iialll's Celebrated Dyspep .,,, &emelly has lJeen neture tbe p<lbUv ~"r tile past ten years. And ~ t,l>lIt tI_ pie who have used it wilhoueh tor· '{'~:r~::~:~1 lit th.y tla .. e derived troln it 'fbe C1 of illS artiCle .. nd IIll repuUluon C"n obtained frolJ\ \l1e delOler. wllo seU lh or .old It lor any lengtb ortlme{ to butlJ-orthooA_ Dr. lIaw refers and 18 'WIll ng t'o test. And Illsu new La produce the let aacy of l!&vor wllicb for litUl~:t:.C,!: Llver,luw 81 ~!~:~!~~~~:i~~~~~~i ed, .d.Sl3eco tile KIdneys. rlln dowa Oy tile .,88r .. 1Id WllIdnd rellef ID tbll old edy!.

Hooghton, in N ortli­After the sermOD, M

\j,,~ascn.'mQ' took hiS se,lt at tbe Madame GoldschmJd~,

A correspondent of the. Sandullky (OhIO) BegUiler, wbo hIlS spent SIX

days amoug the 01 OlnCln- ~"'CAnt_ natl, says that more tban f of the crop bas been destloyed the rot. sang a

verse of wbICh we a book of hymns ann

a~llged by M Gold-

and the Vineyards of late Mr.

tnan one fourth of & ClOp , Longworth wll! not ~~~~~~~5~~~~~jr~~ bel\a, and C~tawha gc .• pe'.!~llpecclajlIY,i Ia.V()raOIIY

Maker'.s have been fl" .. t.nv,M P:~)~l~~~:. vmeyards will hal'dll' jl:I~Y llar"ee.ting. II

Tile I VlrglUl& "BQU~tin" 8~ys tha'

hOlQes ODce sQlpbllr bas been .dil!llOVAlrM sen Meadows. at tbe bDldt canDn As far as

Dr .. IIam's thing lOU allose !iy orates the new lIfe traced It covers some

aud 18 from one to three

JU310alneJ The '6J> it compo led- ~::::!~l·~~~~~:~~~.:f~t~ klOd of cruat., The cOln~ll~any ?{Ie hundred and sixty 15 supposed to be all sulph~lr.

The GreatJ Russian ~~'ll~,av pany bave received and :elWeo<1lld oue hfindrf!d and twenl~.v-fite

,:dl.nc:e.~ dullars, In the, course opera-tion", obtaIned on too faith of a .five per cent. guaranty by too govern-

()t~,er'I,j()in(~1 ment Tlie extent of the hne now worked is one thousand and ten

~~Gi~pj~hi~:~?~~ ~_,--,=,_--",,,,,_j.';;;:~:1:!q mties, and tbe traffic for 1862 W&II n h,ice tliat Df 1861.