S T.J UDE ’ S S CHOOL L EARNING I MPROVEMENT P LAN Nick Biagini, Bruno Bellissimo, Lydia Mazzeo,...

Post on 29-Dec-2015

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Transcript of S T.J UDE ’ S S CHOOL L EARNING I MPROVEMENT P LAN Nick Biagini, Bruno Bellissimo, Lydia Mazzeo,...


IMPROVEMENT PLANNick Biagini, Bruno Bellissimo, Lydia Mazzeo, Gina DiMambro, Tuta Pecile, Carolyn Filice

Smart Goals for 2011-12

• Primary Literacy:• Junior Literacy:• Intermediate Literacy:• Primary Numeracy:• Junior Numeracy:• Intermediate Numeracy:• CCCC:• Pathways:

Data used:EQAO: 2011 resultsCAT-4 2011 results2011 Report Card resultsRunning RecordsQCA OCAAnecdotal notes

SEF pillar to be addressed:

Assessment for Learning

Assessment for, as and of Learning 1.1 Students and teachers share a common understanding of the learning goals and related success criteria. 1.2 During learning, students receive ongoing, descriptive feedback based on the success criteria, from the teacher and from peers. 1.3 Students are taught, and regularly use self-assessment skills to monitor their progress toward achieving learning goals, and to set their own learning goals within the context of the Ontario curriculum and/or Individual Education Plan (I.E.P). 1.4 Assessment tasks are aligned with the curriculum, collaboratively developed by teachers and the resulting demonstrations of student learning analyzed to ensure consistency with success criteria. 1.5 A variety of valid and reliable assessment data is used by students and teachers to continuously monitor learning, to inform instruction and assessment and to determine next steps. 1.6 Assessment of learning provides evidence for evaluating the quality of student learning at or near the end of a period of learning. 1.7 Ongoing communication is in place to allow students, teachers and parents to effectively monitor student learning.

Common Classroom practices in the area of Assessment for Learning:

All teachers to establish their own Success Criteria of the six Learning Skills on chart paper and placed in a visible place in the classroom.In the classroom ‘Look Fors’:

1)Establish a learning goal2)Co-create with the students a Success Criteria that clearly specifies a guideline for achieving Level 4 work3)Create a rubric outlining only Level 3 and 4 guidelines4)Create a descriptive feedback conference sheet that will be discussed with your students. 5)With the students create a Student Self-Assessment sheet6)Use the rubric and Success Criteria to assess the task7)Use a gallery walk to have the students assess the individual student tasks8)Teachers to comment on how students have been using Success Criteria in the Growing Success Report Card

Collaborative Math Inquiry

What else can we do do improve numeracy proficiency??• use math

manipulatives• Smartboard


• Follow Nelson program

• Conduct NAFLC to fill gaps

• •

Time Spent






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Who’s Who

Lead Contact information

Nick nick.biagini@tcdsb.org

Carolyn carolyn.filice@tcdsb.org

Gina gina.dimambro@tcdsb.org

Lydia lydia.mazzeo@tcdsb.org

Bruno bruno.bellessimo@tcdsb.org

Tuta tuta.pecile@tcdsb.org