S tar chart

Post on 21-May-2015

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EDLD 5352 EA 1264 Week 2 PowerPoint presentation on STaR Chart

Transcript of S tar chart



STaR Chart Main Areas STaR Chart focuses on Where does CMS fall? How does CMS compare to the state? What can we do to improve?

What is STaR Chart?

STaR Chart stands for: School Technology and Readiness

The STaR Chart is data compiled from a survey completed by all teachers in every campus to determine their progress toward meeting the goals for the Long Range Plan for Technology.

4 main areas StaR Chart focuses on

1. Teaching & Learning2. Educator Preparation3. Administration &

Support4. Infrastructure

Summary by Key Area

Early TechDeveloping TechAdvanced TechTarget Tech

Early Tech – Instruction is teacher-centered and student occasionally use software applicationsDeveloping Tech – Instruction is teacher – directed and students regularly use technology

Teaching & Learning

Teaching & Learning cont…

Advanced Tech – Instruction is teacher – facilitated and students work with peers and experts to evaluate information, analyze data and content in order to problem solve.

Target Tech – The teacher serves as facilitator, mentor, and co-learner. Students have on-demand access to all appropriate technologies to complete activities in all core areas.

Teaching & LearningWhat level are we?


Educator Preparation

Early Tech – Technology skills include multimedia and the Internet.

Developing Tech – Use of technology is for administrative tasks and classroom management.

Advanced Tech – There is integration of technology into teaching and learning

Target Tech – There are regular technology – supported learner-centered projects.

Educator PreparationWhat level are we?


Administration & Support

Early Tech – There is no campus technology plan

Developing Tech – Campus plan aligned with Long-Range Plan for Technology

Advanced Tech – Campus plan board approved and supported

Target Tech – Campus plan focused on student success.

Administration & SupportWhat level are we?



Early Tech – There are 10 or more students per computer

Developing Tech – There are 5-9 students per computer

Advanced Tech – There are 4 or less students per computer

Target Tech – There is on-demand access for every student and direct connectivity.

InfrastructureWhat level are we?


How do we compare Statewide?

Teaching & Learning – Developing Tech

Educator Preparation - Developing Tech

Administration & Support – Developing Tech

Infrastructure – Advanced Tech

Teaching & Learning – Developing Tech

Educator Preparation - Developing Tech

Administration & Support – Advanced Tech

Infrastructure – Advanced Tech


For the most recent STaR Chart data for Clark Middle, click on this link: http://starchart2.epsilen.com/campusSearchlist.aspx?foryear=20112012&district=united&campus=clark

As you can see, we do no fall below the statewide level; however, we have a lot of room for improvement and growth. In order to keep up with our student’s generation, we need to understand and further integrate technology into our lessons.

WHAT CAN WE DO TO IMPROVE?1. Focuses on content

curriculum using technology as a tool to meet technology and content standards.

2. Promote higher order thinking.

3. Is student centered.4. Focuses on problem
