S ta g e 1 (Ye a r 2 ) – L e a r n i n g F r o m H o m e ...

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Transcript of S ta g e 1 (Ye a r 2 ) – L e a r n i n g F r o m H o m e ...

| NSW Department of Education - St Johns Park Public School Name: ____________________________ Class: _________

Stage 1 (Year 2) – Learning From Home – Week 6Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Morning FitnessFollow Superman:https://youtu.be/nMpSKmcdXBI

ORTarget PracticeSet up empty water bottlesand try to knock them all overusing a soft ball, rolled upsocks or a small soft toy.Challenge yourself bystanding further away.

Star jumpsHow many star jumps canyou do in 1 minute?

EnglishReading: FluencyPoem - Animal VoicesFocus: Expression

Writing: IntroductionFocus: This week we will beexploring the Setting in astory with evidence.What is the setting in a story?View the Youtube clip morethan once:https://youtu.be/3BVOIyUnk6s

FitnessFollow Kangaroo:https://youtu.be/NJ7evRLFXV8

ORPenguin waddlePlace a balloon or a soft ballbetween your knees. Waddlefrom one side of the house tothe other without dropping theballoon or ball. Challengeyourself by creating anobstacle course to jump over.

Star jumpsHow many star jumps canyou do in 1 minute? Did youbeat your previous score?

EnglishReading: Animal VoicesFocus: Automatic wordrecognition

Writing:Watch the story with yourteacher on ZOOM.Revise: What is a setting?Revisit the vocabulary.Zoom discussion withteacher/ older sibling/parent

FitnessFollow King Arthur:https://youtu.be/f1DCBvypjNw

ORSticky note wall bopWrite each letter of thealphabet on a sticky note andstick it on a wall. With a softbean bag or sock ball,practice your spelling byhitting the letters. If you spellthe word incorrectly, you muststart again. Challengeyourself by standing furtheraway.

Star jumpsHow many star jumps canyou do in 1 minute? Did youbeat your previous score?

EnglishReading: Animal VoicesFocus: Rhythm and phrasing

Writing Task: Plan andcomposeMy Dream Garden

FitnessFollow Fred Flinstone:https://youtu.be/5ALV5ngx8WM

ORMirror, mirrorStand face to face with yoursibling or your parents andhave them try to copy all ofyour moves. eg. 10 kneehighs, 5 burpees, 12 toetouches. Swap roles. Try tokeep up with the mirror!

Star jumpsHow many star jumps canyou do in 1 minute? Did youbeat your previous score?

EnglishReading: Animal VoicesExpert reading!Focus: Smoothness. Recordand upload to Seesaw forassessment.

Writing: My Dream GardenRevise and edit yourparagraph.

FitnessFollow Honey Monster:https://youtu.be/ke04O2ma7eI

ORDance partyChoose one of your favouritesongs and have a danceparty.

Star jumpsHow many star jumps canyou do in 1 minute? Did youbeat your previous score?

EnglishReading: Choose your ownreader-a hard copy or online.Find a comfortable, sunnyspot. Read for relaxation andenjoyment for 15 minutes.

Writing: My Dream GardenPublish and upload toSeesaw. Handwritten ortyped.

Spelling: Write the heading‘Friday Spelling’ in yourworkbook. Ask someone to



DefinitionThe setting of a story is thelocation where a story takesplace. This setting can beanywhere; it could be yourhome, school, or a magicalkingdom far away.Every story has a setting. Forexample, the Little Red RidingHood story is set in a villagenear a forest. There is ahouse inside the forest whereRed Riding Hood'sgrandmother lives.

Setting of Little Red RidingHoodhttps://youtu.be/ivg_Yc-YDYo

Story: The Flower by JohnLighthttps://youtu.be/uDswFXEEYh4

or scan QR code to watch:

Vocabularydim- opposite of lightcellar- underground roommarked-very noticeablesmuggled-moved secretlysecret- not meant to be seencity- a large townsupposed- made up/fiction

(if not on zoom)Where or when does the storytake place or begin?Is the setting realistic or afantasy setting set in a past orfuture time? Why do you saythat?Can you describe what thecharacter sees all aroundhim?Describe the setting whereyou are sitting. Your teacherwill start off.Teacher discusses the writingtask. See Wednesday.

Spelling: Write the heading‘Tuesday Spelling’ in yourworkbook. Practise writingyour spelling words inalphabetical order.

Choose 2 activities from thespelling grid to complete inyour workbook. Don’t forget towrite the heading.

Speaking: Prepare yourspeech on palm cards andpractise your speech.Remember, a good speakermaintains pace (how fast orslow you speak), eye contact(looking at the audience),volume (speak clearly andloudly) and gesturing (smallhand movements).

A garden is a special place.Your family would like to builda garden. Write aninteresting and descriptiveparagraph of 3-5 sentencesdescribing what your dreamgarden would look like.Scan the QR code to see theimage.

Things you can include is aname for the place anddetails. Adjectives can beused to create an atmospherethat allows the reader topicture the setting in theirhead.

Descriptions to include are:-The weather-The time of day-Things that can be seen-Things that can be heard-Things that can be felt

Some vocabulary you caninclude-perhaps three persentence:lush beautiful private warmInviting welcoming peacefulwater fountain water featuregreen grass lawn trees,herbs, fruit vegetables cool

Comprehension: Read andlisten to ‘The Flower’ by John

Light here:https://youtu.be/uDswFXEEYh4

or scan QR code to watch:

You MUST answer eachquestion in full sentences(not 1 or 2 worded answers).Look for the keywords/phrases in the questionto answer. Complete in yourbook or on SeeSaw.

1. Why do you think Briggcouldn’t find any flowers inthe city?2. What did Brigg find on topof the huge dusty slopes andhow did it make him feel?3. What would it be like to livein a world where there are noflowers or plants?4. How did Brigg feel when hehad plants and flowers by hiswindow and what do you thinkhe was thinking? What cluesin the picture tell you?

Spelling: Write the heading‘Thursday Spelling’ in yourworkbook. Ask someone togive you a pre-test. They maylike to challenge you and mix

read out the words to you tosee if you remember how tospell them.

Choose another 2 activities tocomplete from the spellinggrid. Don’t forget to write theheading.

Speaking: Record yourspeech and post on toSeesaw. Remember to showthe skills of a good speaker.

Grammar: Finish incompletework.

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wandered-walked slowlysearching-lookingsign-symbol with information

Comprehension: You MUSTanswer each question in fullsentences (not 1 or 2 wordedanswers). Look for the keywords/phrases in the questionto answer. Complete in yourbook or on SeeSaw.

1. (Predict) - Looking at thecover page of the book, whatdo you think this story will beabout?2. How do the city people feelat the start of the story? Whatclues in the book tell/showyou?3. It says ‘...dangerous bookswere stored’, why mightbooks be dangerous?4. Why might a book belabelled ‘do not read’?5. The shopkeeper hadinteresting items in his store.Where do you think he gotthis ‘picture’ of the flowerfrom?

Spelling: Read through thespelling list which focuses onthe digraph “wh’’. Write theheading ‘Monday Spelling’ inyour workbook and practisewriting your spelling words.Choose 2 activities from thespelling grid to complete in

Handwriting: Watch thefollowing video.https://youtu.be/rjzX76J0rE0

Complete the handwritingsheet. Start by tracing overthe letters then rewrite themon your own on the linesunderneath. Make sure youlook at the lines and formyour letters using the correctformation. Don’t forget tocomplete the last sentence.Choose one BESThandwriting piece when youare done and upload toSeesaw for your teacher tomark.

Grammar: Watch thefollowing video.https://youtu.be/QxoDGlPUmyU

Complete the worksheet onadjectives.

bright sunlight butterfliescrickets bees beetlescolourful soft velvety flowersnature natural manmadematerials buddy bench

Spelling: Write the heading‘Wednesday Spelling’ in yourworkbook. Practise writingyour spelling words startingwith the word with the leastamount of letters to the wordwith the most.

Choose 2 activities from thespelling grid to complete inyour workbook. Don’t forget towrite the heading.

Speaking: Continuepractising your speech,remember to practise theseskills.

Grammar:Choose 3 of yourspelling words and using yourknowledge on conjunctionand adjectives, write animaginative story that has atleast 3 full stops, 2 differentconjunctions and 3 adjectivesin a different colour.

up all of the words.

Choose 2 activities from thespelling grid to complete inyour workbook. Don’t forget towrite the heading.

Speaking: Continuepractising your speech,remember to practise theseskills.

Editing: Edit your imaginativestory with another colouredpencil and make sure it has atleast 4 full stops, 2 differentconjunctions and 3 adjectives.

Handwriting: Complete thehandwriting sheet. Start bytracing over the letters thenrewrite them on your own onthe lines underneath. Makesure you look at the lines andform your letters using thecorrect formation. Don’t forgetto complete the last sentence.Choose one of your BESThandwriting piece when youare done and upload toSeesaw for your teacher tomark.

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your workbook. Don’t forget towrite the heading.

Speaking: Watch thefollowing video on how tomake a powerful introduction.https://youtu.be/bBc3dAlKoUw

Plan and write a two minutespeech about how to staysafe when using the internet.Make sure you include lots ofdetail about the following:

- What is one way to besafe when using theinternet to have fun orconnect with friends andfamily? For example, ifyou like to playminecraft, what can youdo to make sure you arestaying safe?

- What is one way to besafe when using theinternet when you aredoing research forlearning?

This should take you about aminute. Then talk about oneexample of a time when youwere being safe when usingthe internet (this should beanother minute long). Itcannot be an example youhave already mentioned in

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the first part of your speech.

Grammar: Watch thefollowing video.https://youtu.be/hIVL38Is5Ac

Complete the worksheet onconjunctions.

Break Break Break Break Break Break


MathematicsNumber Topic:Rounding numbers to thenearest 10

Rounding numbers to thenearest 10 means findingwhich 10 they are nearest to.For example, 68 rounded tothe nearest 10 is 70.

To round a number to thenearest 10, look at the units(ones) digit. If the unit digit is5 or more, round up. If theunit digit is 4 or less, rounddown.

Watch YouTube video:Rounding to tens on anumber linehttps://youtu.be/030GwA9tBCgor scan QR code:

MathematicsNumber Topic:Rounding numbers to thenearest 10

Watch YouTube video:Rounding to tens on anumber linehttps://youtu.be/030GwA9tBCgor scan QR code:

Activity: Complete ‘Roundingwith number lines’ worksheet.

Mangahigh: Login towww.mangahigh.com andcomplete assigned activity - ‘2Digit Place Value Little RainCloud’

MathematicsNumber Topic:Rounding numbers to thenearest 10

Activity: Complete ‘Roundingto the nearest 10’ worksheet.

Challenge: Round off thefollowing 3 digit numbers tothe nearest ten. Write out thequestions and answers inyour workbook.

1. 314 →2. 129 →3. 101 →4. 111 →5. 545 →

Mangahigh: Login towww.mangahigh.com andcomplete assigned activity - ‘3Digit Place Value Little RainCloud’

MathematicsMeasurement andGeometry/Data Topic:Length

John is a carpenter and heneeds pieces of wood tomake a kitchen table. Howcan he work out how long thepieces of wood need to be?

To work out the length of anobject you need to measureit. So how do you measurethe length of an object?Length is measured instandard units ofmeasurement such asmetres. Standard units ofmeasurement are always thesame length.

Show me with your handshow long you think a metre is.We are now going to measure

MathematicsMeasurement andGeometry/Data Topic:Length 2

Watch video on length:https://vimeo.com/581972482or scan QR code:

Look at the pencil. Whichcolumn from the table wouldyou place it in?

Take one of your pencils andplace it next to yourone-metre piece of string. Tryto measure this pencil withyour string. Can you get ameasurement of the length ofthe pencil? This pencil isdefinitely less than one metre

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Activity: After watching thevideo, complete the activity‘Round Down - Round Up’.You will need: A deck of cardsor UNO cards. Note: Only usecards with numbers.

Scan the QR code to watch avideo demonstration on theactivity.


Mangahigh: Login towww.mangahigh.com andcomplete assigned activity -‘Recognise tens and ones’

and make a one-metre lengthof string.

Help the student to measureout one metre of string usinga tape measure or ruler. Holdup the one-metre length ofstring.

This is one metre (1m). Walkaround your environment andplace your one-metre stringnext to different objects. Makesure the string is straight eachtime you measure an object.Are these objects shorter thana metre, about one metre orlonger than one metre?

Activity:Complete ‘Week 6 ThursdayLength activity’ in SeesawActivities or draw thecolumns and write it in yourbook. Write the names of theobjects in the correct columnsin the table.

Mangahigh: Login towww.mangahigh.com andcomplete assigned activity -‘Measure length and height’

in length.

It would be helpful to have astandard unit of measurementthat is less than one metre tomeasure the length of thispencil. Do you know astandard unit of measure thatis less than one metre? If youdo, what is it called?

The centimetre (cm) is astandard unit of measure thatis less than one metre andcan be used to measureobjects that are smaller thanone metre.

Find a centimetre on a ruler.Compare this centimetre toyour metre string.

Activity: Complete‘Week 6 Friday Length 2activity’ in Seesaw Activitiesor in your book. Use thecentimetre markings tomeasure the objects below.Start at the 0 mark and countalong the numbers until youreach the end of the object.Write the length of eachobject in centimetres. The firstone has been done for you.

Mangahigh: Login towww.mangahigh.com andcomplete assigned activity -

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‘Use non-standard units todescribe length’

Break Break Break Break Break BreakAfternoon Science & Technology

Topic: Living and nonlivingthings

Living things can grow,move and change.

Go to https://ab.co/3fnTG2Kor scan this QR code:

and click on the different ‘Ch1, Ch 2, Ch 3 to see thefeatures of a variety ofanimals and how thesefeatures help the animalsmeet their needs for food,shelter and safety frompredators.

Complete thebelow 2 Science activities onSeesaw.*If you do not have access toSeesaw or a device, you cancomplete this in your book bywriting and drawing pictures.*

Activity 1:● Find 4 living things around


Watch the following YouTubevideo.


Compose a response toanswer the question:

“Why do different peopleeat different food?”

*Note to parents: Pleaseallow and encourage studentsto sound out unfamiliar words.Corrections can be made ontop of their attempt if you wishto provide immediatefeedback.

Creative Arts

Introduction to topic:https://bit.ly/3xenDbP

Warm-up: FootstepsFollow the instructor anddance to:


Focus Dance:Watch the Chicken dance.https://bit.ly/3ibNVan

Practice the dance.Film your best performanceand upload on Seesaw.

ReflectionComplete the reflection sheeton Seesaw.

GeographyWatch What is a Suburb?:https://bit.ly/3AbtuAC

Seesaw assignedactivity: Build a Suburb

Select and move somefeatures to create your dreamsuburb.

Record yourself describingyour dream suburb andexplain why you have placedspecific features in certainplaces (for example: I haveplaced the police station nextto the shopping mall so therewill be no thefts).

ReflectionWatch Types ofCommunities (suburbs):https://youtu.be/jcEY8l8Ix2E

Catch up session for allincomplete tasks and anopportunity to upload toSeesaw.

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your house, back yard orschool. Write the name ofeach living thing andexplain why you chose it.

● Find 4 non-living thingsaround your house,backyard or school. Writethe name and explain whyyou chose them.

Activity 2:Identify all the photos of livingthings. Colour their boxesusing this colour key:feathers = greenscales = pinkfur = redskin = purplefins = blueshell = orange

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Activity Grid

Extension 1. fireplace

2. winter

3. August

4. hibernate

5. skiing


Invisible ink Write your spelling word in white crayon. Paint over the words to make hidden words appear.

Vowel Spotlight Write your spelling words using one colour for the vowels and one colour for the consonants.

“Ransom” words Use magazines or newspapers to cut out the letters you need to spell the spelling words.

Chalky letters Use chalk to write out your spelling words on cement.

Forwards and backwards Write your word forwards, then backwards. For example: wheel, leehw

Across and down Write each word going across and down, sharing the same first letter. For example: why h y

Picture words Draw a picture and hide your spelling words in the picture.

Spelling Words 1. why 6. wheel 11. whistle

2. their 7. wheat 12. whither

3. better 8. whole 13. overwhelm

4. whip 9. whispers 14. wheelbarrow

5. white 10. whiskers 15. wholeheartedly

Use technology Type your spelling words on a computer.

Words without vowels Write your spellings. Then rewrite them again without vowels. For example: wheat wh - - t

Word detective Choose 10 spelling words to write a clue about each word. Ask a family member to guess the word based on the clues.

Round Up – Round Down For this activity you will need: - A deck of playing cards or UNO cards (If you have none, make your own number cards using paper) Choose two cards from your pile. Look at the number carefully and decide if you round the number UP or DOWN. Place it in the correct box below and repeat with new playing cards. Note: Only use the cards with numbers.

c c



wh wh wh wh wh wh

whip whip white white wheel wheel

wheat wheat whole whole

I whispered


Rounding with a Number Line

Chicken DanceHow well did you use your body

to perform today?How well did you use your

timing today?How well did you use your

space (level) today?


1. What body parts did you use for the dance?2. What levels did this dance have? Low/Middle/High3. What speed was this dance? Slow/Medium/Fast

wh wh wh wh wh wh

why why whiskers whiskers whither

whither wholeheartedly wholeheartedly

A wheelbarrow is used for
