S & S . M · prayers. He has completed his first day of chemo and is feeling great. Family Faith...

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Transcript of S & S . M · prayers. He has completed his first day of chemo and is feeling great. Family Faith...


Holy Spirit Parish 227 Third St. Two Harbors, MN


HOLY SPIRIT PARISH Mass Schedule Confession Schedule

Saturday: 4:30 pm Friday: 7:30 - 8:00 am

Sunday: 11:00 am Saturday: 3:30 - 4:15 pm

Or by appointment.

Eucharistic Adoration: Fridays 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Holy Spirit Office Hours:

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Monday - Thursday

7:00 am - 11:00 am Fridays

Office is located in parish basement.

Office ................................................. (218) 834-4659

Office E-mail ............................. hspirit@outlook.com

Liturgy E-mail ........... jfleischer-hspirit@outlook.com

Rectory ............................................... (218) 834-4313

Parish Website ............ www.holyspirittwoharbors.org

Deacon Tim Egan ............................... (218) 349-9175

Deacon Scott Peters ............................ (218) 834-2543

Youth Ministry ................................... (218) 226-3100

Prayer Intentions ................................ (218) 834-4659

Birthright ............................................ (800) 550-4900

ST. MARY’S PARISH Mass Schedule Confession Schedule

Saturday: 7:15 pm Saturday: 6:30 - 7:00 pm

Sunday: 8:30 am Sunday: 7:50 - 8:15 am

Or by appointment.

Eucharistic Adoration: Wednesdays 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

St. Mary’s Office Hours:

8:00 am - 2:00 pm Monday - Thursday

Office is located in St. Mary’s Rectory.

Office/Rectory .................................... (218) 226-3100

Church Hall ........................................ (218) 226-3691

Parish E-mail .............. stmarysilverbay@outlook.com

Parish Website .................... www.stmarysilverbay.org

Deacon Fred Wright ........................... (218) 220-1790

Deacon Jack Ferris (Retired) .............. (218) 226-4753

Father Michael Lyons (in Residence) (218) 830-1600


Prayer Chain ......... (218) 226-3639 or (218) 226-3841


Please contact your parish office.

Pastor: Rev. Steven Laflamme

St. Mary’s Parish 57 Horn Blvd.

Silver Bay, MN

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time | August 20, 2017

BULLETIN SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Bulletin Announcements must be submitted to your parish office before

the parish office closes on Mondays.

slaflamme@dioceseduluth.org (218) 834-4313

St. Mary’s, Silver Bay

Parish News: Don’t forget Vacation Bible School is this week: Our theme is The Mass. You are never too young or too old to learn about the awesome beauty & mystery of the Mass! VBS will run Monday, August 21 - Wednesday, August 23, 10:30 am - 3 pm each day.

Knights of Columbus Annual Picnic: We will meet on Tuesday, August 22 at the Dugas Cabin at 5:00 pm. Meat and drinks are provided. Please bring an item to share, along with plates and utensils.

Coffee & Rolls: St. Margaret Circle will be hosting Coffee & Rolls after Mass on Sunday, August 27. Please plan to join us for delicious treats and great fellowship.

New Dynamic Catholic book - Into the Deep: Discover why growing in prayer, which sometimes can be compared to a battle, is worth every ounce of effort you give it. Even if you’ve never prayed, or if you’ve never developed the habit of daily prayer, God is waiting to meet you where you are and encourage you every step of the way.

Using a simple approach to prayer, you’ll learn how even ten minutes a day can change your life. Author Dan Burke explains how to set up your own sacred prayer space, discusses the common obstacles to prayer, and provides practical ways to overcome them. You’ll also read stories of others who are seeking to orient themselves to God through prayer.

If you’re ready for God to transform your heart and mind, you will know the life that Jesus has promised; a life of peace and joy that cannot be taken away by the trials of this world.

Please check these amazing resources on the bulletin table. Help yourself to the wonderful books & CDs. Once you have read or listened to them, pass them on to a friend or family member. What a great, easy way to share the faith!

Lectio: Eucharist - Discovering the Mass in the Bible: Jesus said “This is my Body” and “This is my Blood.” Some say they’re merely symbols of remembrance. Others say they’re really the Body and Blood of Christ, but can’t explain how that’s possible. The Eucharist is the center-point of the Mass – but why?

We will begin this Bible Study on Sunday, September 24 at 6:30 pm. In ten sessions, we will open Scripture to deepen our understanding of the mystery and wonder that is the Eucharist – and how it will transform your life. For more details contact Cindy in the Parish office.

Please Keep These People In Your Prayers

Parishioners: Rick Scheradella, Lino Rauzi, Gale Fredrickson, Tom Bott, Marilyn Johnson, Greta Stefanich, Ted Youngberg,

Tim Downey, Joan Scallen, Deanna Larson.

Clergy: Deacon Fred Wright, Fr. Francis Paquette.

Relatives & Friends: Jeff Mitchell, Mark Rollins, Steve MacMillan, Jan Hardel, Brad Hove, Linda Powers, Dan Moudry, Johnny Jerabek.

Military: Todd Curry, John Ferguson, Karen McGrane, Michael Seipke, Sam West, Chris Grensing, Sean Stebbins, Mike Ament.

Prayer Updates

Mary Fredrickson and the Dan Clark family would like to thank you for your prayers this past year. Dan passed away on July 26; may he rest in peace.

Rick Scheradella would like to thank everyone for all your prayers. He has completed his first day of chemo and is feeling great.

Family Faith Formation

Mark your calendars, we will kick off our Faith Formation school year on Wednesday, September 6 at 6 pm. We will start the night with dinner at 6 pm, followed by classes at 6:30 pm. If you have a student in Kindergarten-Grade 12 who hasn’t attended our program in the past and you’d like to enroll them for this year, please contact Cindy in the Parish office. Our Faith Formation program meets the first and third Wednesday of each month. Remember, our Faith Formation program is not just for the kids, the parents will meet in the Social Hall so they can also grow in their faith. All parishioners are invited to join the parents on this Adult Faith Formation journey.

Adult Faith Formation

Looking for a way to grow in your faith? Plan to attend the Adult Faith Formation starting Wednesday, September 6. Join us for dinner & fellowship at 6 pm, followed by class at 6:30 pm. This is an opportunity to not only grow in your faith but to meet new people, too.

FORMED.org - Audio Feature of the Week

What’s So Great About Being Catholic by Jason Evert. There’s ultimately only one reason to be Catholic: because it’s true. In this outstanding presentation, Jason shows us the beauty and the treasures of the Faith, as revealed through the Saints and Sacraments.

Go to www.FORMED.org. Type in our parish code: RYGYFN. Next, set up your username and a password. Enjoy all the great programs anytime by simply logging in.

Fr. Steve’s Church Teaching for Consideration: Priestly Celibacy

“Priestly celibacy has been guarded by the Church for centuries as a brilliant jewel, and retains

its value undiminished even in our time when the outlook of men and the state of the world have

undergone such profound changes.” -Pope Paul VI

As I continue our discussion of marriage and human sexuality in my bulletin articles, I would like today to speak about the reason why priests in the Catholic Church (at least in the West), are required to abstain from marriage and must live lives of celibate chastity. Most of us know that priests cannot get married, but I wonder if many of us know why that is the case. In fact, especially in recent times, many have wondered if Catholic priests should be permitted to get married. Some

argue that allowing priests to marry would increase the amount of priestly vocations. And some argue that not getting married and engaging in a healthy, marital sexual life is unnatural or unhealthy in that priests are required to unnaturally suppress healthy desires for sexual intimacy, which can be detrimental to the priest’s psychological, physiological and social development as a mature and well-balanced human person. These are serious objections. So, before answering them directly, I’d like to point out a few things about priestly celibacy itself. First of all, the life of celibate chastity, that is, making a promise or vow to God to intentionally forego sexual intimacy and marriage, is itself a vocation, or calling from God. It is true that a man cannot be ordained a Catholic priest in the Latin Church without also making a promise to live a life of celibacy, but we also believe that celibacy itself is a calling from God. In other words, if God is calling a man to become a priest, then He is also calling Him to live a life of celibacy. And when God calls us to do something, He always provides us with the grace to accomplish it. Second, it’s important for us to understand why the Church currently requires Her priests to forego marriage. Some believe that it’s simply practical- it would be too tough for a man to both attend to his wife and children and, at the same time, adequately attend to the parishioners entrusted to his spiritual care. That is indeed part of the reason why priests cannot get married. But it’s not the whole reason. It’s also because of who the priest becomes. On the day he is ordained to the holy priesthood, a priest literally lays down his life, his wants, his desires, in order to follow Jesus Christ very closely and to serve the needs of Church. In fact, this promise to serve the Church who is the Bride of Jesus Christ is so total, that one could say that the priest marries the Church. In imitation of Jesus, Whose priesthood he shares, the Catholic priest sees the Church, and in a special way, the parishes or people that he is assigned to serve, as his bride- they are the people whom he is supposed to lay down his life for in love, just as a husband does for his wife and vice versa on their wedding day. And this dedication to Jesus and His Church is meant to be so total, so complete, that it even includes the priest’s body. In other words, the priest gives himself completely and totally to Jesus Christ and to the Church, soul and body; he literally forgoes human marriage to be a witness to the kingdom of Heaven, because in Heaven, there will be no marriage, no sex, no bearing of children. Now, allow me to respond to the objections I mentioned above. It is simply not the case that if we allowed priests to marry, then we would have more priests. The reason for the shortage of priests is not due to the Church’s rule that priests can’t get married- all one has to do is look to some of our Protestant brothers and sisters and see how even though their ministers are married, they too are often suffering from a shortage of ministers. The priestly vocation shortage is due to a much deeper source that will have to be the topic of a future bulletin article. As to the objection that living an entire life without marriage or sex is somehow unnatural, well, in a certain sense, it’s not natural; it’s supernatural. Marriage and begetting children is the natural desire and state of affairs for most men and women. The call to give up marriage for the sake of the kingdom of heaven is a supernatural calling from God. Now, does that mean that living a life of celibacy is easy? No, it’s a challenge. But just because one chooses to abstain from sexual activity doesn’t mean that they are somehow living a life that is unhealthy. Here, I’d like to let Pope Paul VI speak: “It is not right to continue repeating that celibacy is against nature because it runs counter to lawful physical, psychic and affective needs, or to claim that a completely mature human personality demands fulfillment of these needs. Man, created to God's image and likeness, is not just flesh and blood; the sexual instinct is not all that he has; man has also, and pre-eminently, understanding, choice, freedom, and thanks to these powers he is, and must remain, the chief work of creation; they give him mastery over his physical, mental and emotional appetites.” In other words, we are called to control our desires, and not allow our desires to control us. By God’s grace, the priest is able to abstain from marriage and family life for a greater purpose- to effectively serve God’s people and to be a witness of a life totally and wholly dedicated, body and soul, to God. God bless you! ~ Fr. Steve

Upcoming Diocese Events: Sunday, September 17: Built Upon a Rock Fest at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary in Duluth. Saturday, September 30: God’s Gift-To Love Every Body at UW Superior. Saturday, October 14: 2017 Diocesan Assembly at Marshall School in Duluth.

Holy Spirit, Two Harbors

Family Faith Formation:

It is time to register your family for Faith Formation!

You can register after Mass on Sunday, August 27 or

register ahead of time by email. To register by email

contact me at stmarysilverbay@outlook.com. Our first

night of Family Faith Formation will be Wednesday,

September 13. The families will start out with dinner

together at 6 pm followed by classes at 6:30 pm. All

parishioners who would like to attend the Adult Faith

Formation are welcome to meet with us in the Church

at 6:30 pm. I am so excited to join you on this new faith

formation journey and am looking forward to an

amazing year together. If you have any questions, please

don’t hesitate to contact me at 226-3100. ~ Cindy Rowlee A New Opportunity for Parish Involvement: We are looking for people who would be willing to help

prepare the suppers for Family Faith Formation and for

clean up. Neither will be hard as we are planning

pretty simple suppers and are using paper products for

serving. Please call Gwen at 834-2605 or Linda at

834-3568 to volunteer. Family Faith Formation starts

Sept. 13th and we would need help at about 4:30 to

prepare and serve and at 6:00 for clean up.

Annual Fall Bazaar

Save the date: Saturday, Sept. 30th from 9 am -2 pm for

our annual Fall Bazaar. If you do woodworking, sew,

paint, knit/crochet or know of anyone with these talents

and are interested in having a table at $20 per table,

please email Connie at koss@frontiernet.net or call


Don’t forget to check out FORMED.org:


Parishioners, enter code: RYGYFN You should see the registration box for parishioners.

Type in the parish code. Now set up a username and a

password. Now you are all set to use all the great

programs on FORMED.org anytime by simply logging in.

Sacred Heart Candle: You may have noticed

the red candle at the base of the Sacred Heart

statue. These candles may be purchased for

$2.00 and will burn all week long for your

personal prayer intention.

Please Keep These People In Your Prayers:

PARISHIONERS: Arthur Barthman, John Erickson, Ron

Kor, Mary Murphy, JoAnn Payment, and Verna Rafn.

FRIENDS & RELATIVES: Bill Carlson and Patty


MILITARY PERSONNEL: Garrett Aho, Nate Berger,

Jacob Kearin, James Mickle, Christopher Uremovich,

Maddison Zavoral and Sophia Zavoral. SACRED HEART CANDLE: The Lundgren Children.

Coming Home Basket

The basket located in the vestibule (Church

entrance) on the right side is a “Coming Home

Basket.” Anyone who knows of someone who has

drifted away from their Catholic faith is encouraged

to write the name of the person on a sheet of paper

located in front of the basket and place the paper

inside the basket. As a faith community we are

encouraged to pray for the people whose names have

been placed in the Coming Home Basket as well as to

encourage those who have drifted away to return.

Eucharistic Adoration

We have Eucharistic Adoration every Friday 9:00 am

until noon. There is a sign-up sheet in the back of the

church to be certain that someone is always in

attendance during the time of Exposition. If you are

available during this time, please consider signing up

to spend an hour with the Lord in prayer.


Our Blessed Mother Mary is pleading with all of us to

pray the Rosary—a very powerful prayer. Besides

praying the Rosary prior to weekday Masses, we also

pray the Rosary at 4:00 pm before the 4:30 Saturday

evening Mass and at 10:30 am before the 11:00 am

Sunday morning Mass. Please join us in praying the

Rosary. If you are interested in leading the Rosary

prior to one of the weekend Masses, please call Linda

at 834-3568.

Saturday ST. JOHN EUDES 8/19/17

6:30 p.m.

7:15 p.m.

Sacrament of Penance

Mass - Intention for Deacon Fred Wright

Reader…....Marge Jorgenson

Cantor........Rick Frericks w/Guitar Accpt.

Plate……...Steve Rohloff

Chalices….Michelle Geissler & Emma Rohloff

Servers...…Lucas Stadler & Michaela Geissler


7:50 a.m.

8:30 a.m.

Sacrament of Penance

Mass - Intention for All Parishioners

Reader…...A.J. LeGeault

Cantor........Rick Frericks w/Guitar Accpt.

Plate……...Deacon Jack Ferris

Chalices….Ken & Bonnie Kruger

Servers…...Mita Frericks & Jason Blood

Monday ST. PIUS X 8/21/17

No Mass



7:50 a.m.

8:15 a.m. Rosary

Mass - Intention for John & Ben Wright Birthdays

Wednesday ST. ROSE OF LIMA 8/23/17

7:50 a.m.

8:15 a.m.

8:50 a.m.

3:00 p.m.


Mass - Intention for Special Intention “H”



Thursday ST. BARTHOLOMEW 8/24/17

7:50 a.m.

8:15 a.m. Rosary

Mass - Intention for Ed Grahek


7:50 a.m.

8:15 a.m. Rosary

Mass - Intention for Gen Grahek

Saturday BLESSED VIRGIN MARY 8/26/17

6:30 p.m.

7:15 p.m.

Sacrament of Penance

Mass - Intention for Joan Paulson

Reader…....Emma Rohloff

Cantor........Patty Armstrong

Plate……...Don Seipke

Chalices….Tom Frericks & Steve Rohloff

Servers...…Giovanni & Corrina Marolt


7:50 a.m.

8:30 a.m.

Sacrament of Penance

Mass - Intention for All Parishioners

Reader…...Thomas Clifford

Cantor........Tom Palen

Plate……...Deacon Jack Ferris

Chalices….Lois Kaari & Judy Zupancich

Servers…...Jake & Lucas Stadler

St. Mary’s Mass Schedule Holy Spirit’s Mass Schedule

Weekend Collection

General…………….…..…………...…….…………...$2642.30 UCA…………………………………………………….…….$565.00

Saturday ST. JOHN EUDES 8/19/17

3:30 p.m.

4:30 p.m.

Sacrament of Penance

Mass — Intention for All Parishioners

Reader……Barb Haynes

Cantor........Mary Simonsen

Chalices….Carol Anderson & Kathy McMahon

Servers…...Luke Johnson & Hayden Johnson


11:00 a.m.

Mass — Intention for Marge Giacomini

Reader…....Harold Ek

Cantor........Mary Simonsen

Chalices….Shari Hendren & Nancy Olsen

Servers…...Sid & Livy Hendren

Monday ST. PIUS X 8/21/17

8:15 a.m. Mass



8:15 a.m. Mass — Intention for Dave Battaglia

Wednesday ST. ROSE OF LIMA 8/23/17

No Mass

Thursday ST. BARTHOLOMEW 8/24/17

8:15 a.m. Mass— Intention for Special Intention “H”


7:30 a.m.

8:15 a.m.

9:00 a.m.

12:00 p.m.

Sacrament of Penance

Mass — Intention for Toni Malfeo

Eucharistic Adoration


Saturday BLESSED VIRGIN MARY 8/26/17

3:30 p.m.

4:30 p.m.

Sacrament of Penance

Mass — Intention for All Parishioners

Reader……Liz Scheidt

Cantor........Judy Fleischer

Chalices….Shawn & Kathy McMahon

Servers…...Kate Thomasen & To be assigned


11:00 a.m.

12:00 p.m.

Mass — Intention for Dan Welle

Reader…....To be assigned

Cantor........Rosemary Guiney

Chalices….Chris & Gina Lemke

Servers…...Anthony Lemke & Ethan Bopp

Faith Formation Registration

Limited Office Hours: Treasaigh will be out of the office

until September 4th. In her absence, Judy Fleischer will be

in the office periodically checking messages. Please use

hspiritemp@outlook.com during the weeks of August 21st

thru September 4th.

Weekend Collection

General .................................................... $2,700.85

Building Fund ........................................... $660.00
