S. Dixon, C. Mesnage, B. Norton. LinkedBrainz Live

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Simon Dixon, Cedric Mesnage and Barry Norton (Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London). Music Linked Data Workshop, 12 May 2011, JISC, London.

Transcript of S. Dixon, C. Mesnage, B. Norton. LinkedBrainz Live

LinkedBrainz LiveLive!

Simon Dixon, Cedric Mesnage, Barry Norton

Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary





• MusicBrainz is “an open music encyclopedia ... collects & makes available... music metadata”

• It aims to be:

– The ultimate source of music information

by allowing anyone to contribute and releasing by allowing anyone to contribute and releasing the data under open licenses.

– The universal lingua franca for music

by providing a reliable and unambiguous form of music identification, enabling both people & machines to have meaningful conversations about music.

• It currently describes >9M tracks, soon to be >30M

LinkedBrainz Live, Dixon, Mesnage and Norton

Music Linked Data Workshop, 12th May 20112

Linked Data

• Defined in a W3C Technical Note including these core principles:

1. Use URIs as names for things

2. Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those 2. Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those names.

3. When someone looks up a URI, provide useful information, using the standards (RDF*, SPARQL)

4. Include links to other URIs. so that they can discover more things.

3LinkedBrainz Live, Dixon, Mesnage and Norton

Music Linked Data Workshop, 12th May 2011

Linked Open Data

• The Linking Open Data (LOD) project of the W3C Semantic Web Outreach and Education

Task Force has

developed adeveloped a

good deal of

best practice

and exposed

a large number

of interlinked datasets4

LinkedBrainz Live, Dixon, Mesnage and Norton

Music Linked Data Workshop, 12th May 2011

Comparison of MusicBrainz & LOD 1

• MusicBrainz is a relational schema where

(internal) primary keys are externalised as

UUIDs, “Universally Unique” Identifiers

• Disambiguation easier if entity type included:• Disambiguation easier if entity type included:

1. Use URIs as names for things

2. Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up

those names.

3. When someone looks up a URI, provide useful

information, using the standards (RDF*, SPARQL)

4. Include links to other URIs. so that they can

discover more things.


• artist/


(The Beatles)

• recording/


(‘With a Little Help from my Friends’)

LinkedBrainz Live, Dixon, Mesnage and Norton

Music Linked Data Workshop, 12th May 2011

Comparison of MusicBrainz & LOD 2

1. Use URIs as names for things

2. Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up

those names.

3. When someone looks up a URI, provide useful

information, using the standards (RDF*, SPARQL)

4. Include links to other URIs. so that they can

discover more things.



LinkedBrainz Live, Dixon, Mesnage and Norton

Music Linked Data Workshop, 12th May 2011

Comparison of MusicBrainz & LOD 3<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<metadata xmlns="http://musicbrainz.org/ns


<artist id="b10bbbfc-cf9e-42e0-be17-e2c3e1d2600d" type="Group">

<name>The Beatles</name>

<sort-name>Beatles, The</sort-name>

<life-span begin="1957" end="1970-04-10"/>




1. Use URIs as names for things

2. Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up

those names.

3. When someone looks up a URI, provide useful

information, using the standards (RDF*, SPARQL)

4. Include links to other URIs. so that they can

discover more things.




LinkedBrainz Live, Dixon, Mesnage and Norton

Music Linked Data Workshop, 12th May 2011

Comparison of MusicBrainz & LOD 2’

• Non-informational resource:

• Informational resources:http://musicbrainz.org/ws/1/artist/b10bbbfc-cf9e-42e0-be17-e2c3e1d2600d?type=rdf



1. Use URIs as names for things

2. Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up

those names.

3. When someone looks up a URI, provide useful

information, using the standards (RDF*, SPARQL)

4. Include links to other URIs. so that they can

discover more things.




LinkedBrainz Live, Dixon, Mesnage and Norton

Music Linked Data Workshop, 12th May 2011

Comparison of MusicBrainz & LOD 4


1. Use URIs as names for things

2. Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up

those names.

3. When someone looks up a URI, provide useful

information, using the standards (RDF*, SPARQL)

4. Include links to other URIs. so that they can

discover more things.

LinkedBrainz Live, Dixon, Mesnage and Norton

Music Linked Data Workshop, 12th May 2011

MB Next Generation Schema

• Artist

As before, but further


• Artist Credit


• Artist Credit

Allows joint credit

• Release Group


‘release type’ (cf. album) entity, cf.

• Release

• Medium

• Track

• Track List

• Work

• RecordingLinkedBrainz Live, Dixon, Mesnage and Norton

Music Linked Data Workshop, 12th May 2011

Music Ontology

11LinkedBrainz Live, Dixon, Mesnage and Norton

Music Linked Data Workshop, 12th May 2011

Music Ontology


LinkedBrainz Live, Dixon, Mesnage and Norton

Music Linked Data Workshop, 12th May 201112


map:Recording a d2rq:ClassMap;

d2rq:dataStorage map:database;

d2rq:class mo:Signal;

d2rq:classDefinitionLabel "Signal"@en;

d2rq:uriPattern "recording/@@musicbrainz.recording.gid@@#_".

map:recording_name a d2rq:PropertyBridge;

d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:Recording;

d2rq:property dct:title, rdfs:label;

d2rq:join "musicbrainz.recording.name =>


d2rq:column "musicbrainz.track_name.name".

map:recording_credit a d2rq:PropertyBridge;


d2rq:join "musicbrainz.recording.artist_credit =>


d2rq:join "musicbrainz.artist_credit_name.artist_credit =>


d2rq:join "musicbrainz.artist_credit_name.artist =>


map:DBpediaTrans a d2rq:TranslationTable;

d2rq:javaClass "translators.WikipediaTranslator".

map:artist_dbpedia a d2rq:PropertyBridge;

... d2rq:property owl:sameAs;

... d2rq:condition "musicbrainz.link_type.id=213";

... d2rq:translateWith map:DBpediaTrans.

RDFa Roll-out

LinkedBrainz Live, Dixon, Mesange and Norton

Music Linked Data Workshop, 12th May 201113

<div class="recordingheader"



<h1>“<a rel="foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf"


property="dct:title rdfs:label" xml:lang="" datatype="">

With a Little Help From My Friends</a>” </h1>

<p class="subheader"> <span class="prefix">~</span>

Recording by

<a title="Beatles, The" rel="foaf:maker“



The Beatles</a></p></div>

Future Work

• Complete D2R mappings

– Regular dumps to be made available

– Deferencing to RDF from (NI) MB URIs

– SPARQL endpoint– SPARQL endpoint

– Completion of mappings (advanced relationships,

interlinkage to further datasets), consistency testing

• Tutorials on using LinkedBrainz

Summer School (23rd May)

Linked Services Tutorial (30th May)

14LinkedBrainz Live, Dixon, Mesnage and Norton

Music Linked Data Workshop, 12th May 2011