RWLUTIONNO 3144 - Port of Seattle

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Transcript of RWLUTIONNO 3144 - Port of Seattle






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SeattleTacoma Internalionill A/rporl FAR Part IS0 Noise compatiblllty Program 1533 Amendments



Through Federal AviaUon Regulatlon (FAN Part 150 the Federal AV(EU0n AdmlnlstraUon (FMI has proad& -ports throughout the Unltcd States with a sl@lttleant pldnlng LA for addr-lng atrcralt nolx tmpacls Part 150 eslabllshes a volunlar, pro- whleh sels mtnlmum plannlng standards far alrpart nom eompaablllty and establtshcs n general approach to eonducung sludles and developlng nolse mfUgaUon programs Wlth Federal apprwal oflls program an alrport quallfles for Fcdcral funds to lmplemenl Ils nolse management programs

The Part 150 process lncludcs two secllons Flrst 1s lhe development of mise exposure maps These maps illustrate the nolse mnlours and mklcd Impacts for the &sung year and flve years Inlo lhc fulure The second part of the program 1s devclopmenl of an airport nOlSe conlpaUbillly progrant wlilch seeks lo mlugatc the n o l x lmpacls and reduce the number of p p l e subJccted lo nlrcnR noise

FTogrnm INCPI was adopted by lhe Port 0fSev1Ue Commlsslon In 1985 as the Nolse Remedy IVogram In Resolullon No 2943 as m e l d e d The Federal AvlaUon Admlnlstrallon lhen approved the program luler thal year Slnce then the lrports mise mlugauon rnfa~ures have been deslgned In d e t d and successfully Implemented Over lhe past few yews n numbcr of faclors have influenced the pace admlnllrtraUon and substance of some oflhe elements or the prograr


The I’Oe Of 5 Orlglnd SEX TAC FAR Pad 150 NOlSe COmpaUblllty



The p u r p s e of thls update Is to hrlng SEA-TACs 1985 Part 150 NCP Up In- date with changes that have been made to the program including program amendments dwelapcd through the Nolse Mediation F~oJcct Some new program elements that resulled from the public consultauon process are also Included Partles respansihle for lmplementlng the measures are idenuned alongwith the actions that lhe Portwill undertake the tlmcframc for lmplementauon of the measures and assaclaled preliminary costs of lmplementatlon

SEA TAC s 1985 NCP IdcnUned and established major noise mitigation programs and program boundales that reman the same today 7 h c

complete wilh lhe acqulsitlon of I 400 p~rce ls and the rclocaUon of an estimated 2 2 persons per parcel dnec the mld 1970s Another maJor component is the sound Insulation program whlch Is a voluntaly on golng program The lnsulauon program boundarks Include approxlmalcly 7 5M) rernalning cllglble single fanilly residcnccs This does not include mobile homes

As mcnUoncd somc rnodlllcaUons l o the hCP are a rcsult of the Port O f k a t U e s Nolsc MedlvUon ProJcct complclcd In Mwch 1990 and contained in the SealUc-Tacoma Inlernatlond f irpart Noise MedlaUon Agreement In the Noise MedlaUon ProJect the FAA Part 81dlncs elllens plloLs nnd airport users formed the Noise MediBUOn Camrnltlce and ncgoualed a package of noise abatement and miUgvUon measures for the airport Among the mcasures fonWned In lhc Nolse MedinUan package were scvcral modlilcnuons to the federally funded nolsc mltlgatlon program ut SEX TAC Somc of the mediated revisions were implemented fallowing F M concurrence wilh the understandlng that they would be Included in thls document for clarlllcatlon and nnal communlty and FAA cndoiserncni These meBsLIres ir.chide thc change from Cost Share to Standard lnsulatlon Rogram IM-7.4 and the addillon of the Speelal Purchase OpUon IM 3al as an added feeatarc orTransacuon A S S l S l a n C C

~ c q ~ i ~ i u o n ~ o g r a m a signincant c~npanent of the NCP is essenuauy


Program Funding Policy

7 h s package ofamendments represents an estimated cost of$102 million Unless stated othenvlse the Port of SeatUe intends lo request federal funding for the Noise Campatlhllliy Pro- amendments Where applleable lhc Port Wll seck mimhursement of such funds on a matchlng grant hasis (presently 8wb federal funds) for approved measures In addillon. through 1995 the Port Is pursuing Passenger FaclllUcs Charges which WII be used in part for noise mlUgaUon me Port intends to seck a long-term lictier of Intent from the FAA that would establish the FAAS po9t- 1995 fundlng Cummltment to these progranis ARcr I995 the Port will mnUnue to IdenUfy avdlahle Port funds necessary to complele the noise mltlgauon programs should federal funds ngl h avallable

Nois Elporun Maps

?he recent update to the nolsc exposure maps for SM-TAC Airpart was Submliicd to the M A for acceptance on Junc 11 I992 mey wem accepted on Aprll 15 1993 lhe maps and supporUng documcntatlon can be found in the Port or ka t l le s Noise !Sxposure M i p suhmlllal to the FAA dated Aprll 1992

Noiss Compelibi/iry Program MMsures

lhls document contains amendments io the Noise Compailblllty Program lor Seattle-Tacoma lnternatlonal Airport ?hey conslsl olchanges to the &sung program as well as the addluon of new program elemenls Far case of reference each proposed amendmcnt is presented fallowing the r c l e m t 1985 mCnSurc to which It relates The 1985 mcasures lhal arc not being amcndcd are not Included here but can be found in the orlglnal document UUed Sea Talac lnternvUonal Alrport P a i 150 Airport Noise ConipaUblliiy Program l 3 c word JurlsdlcUons~ Is uscd throughout thls documenl and refers ta those enuues havlng land use planning and control auIhority




2 state law q u w s that an avlgauon easement be granted to the port of Seattle when lnsulauon Vcatmcnt Is pmvlded

3 The prlorlty -tern developed for the Nolse Remedy P m p m glws preference to the m w t no l s Impacted homes

4 I t should be understood that purchaslng an avlgauon easement 89 a 'stand alone" mlUgauon mea8uR rvlll only be used after detennlnlng thal Insulauon of an ellglble bulldlng Is not fcaslble

LMlE Increase partldpaUon In lhc Cast-Share InsulaUon Program and acmlcratc the rate of InsukUon 111 was round Ulnt

pmgrm when It qulrcd a 50% llnancld mntrlbuuon by the homeowner 1

paruapauon wan Im In the InSulaUOn


muIENTr The Cost Sham lnsulauon &@em ollered homeowners CwtomM InsulaUon treatmen1 a1 50% Of the mt Befause parllclpauon In the program was low. a deelrlon wils made lo provlde InsulaUon treatment a1 no mal to the hommwncr Anuclpaung a slgnulcant Increase In hommwner Interest B slandardM dcslgn approach was developed h a d on

A 6

preylous qmce and yefined by neid audits The standardlled dcslgn appmach Is meant to acnlcnlc the program and d u n the mts of adrnlnlstraun prmcdms

The average cost far the rtandardM deslgn appmach 1s appmximalciy $L3 OOO per house for eONVUcUon plus $2 oio per houae for addstrat lon TNs toWs $10 Ow p r house lnsu!aUon mts In both the Nelghborhmd Reinfolammen1 Area and the Standard InsulaUon Area total approximately $84 mllllon ellglhk for FAA paruapauon a1 80%

The Port 1s msponolhle for ImplemenUng W s program To take part In thls program homcawners are responsible for submltllng appllcauons

The Portwlil Implemcnl the change from &e Cost-share Program la thc Standard InsulaUon Rogram



A 7

m e Umeframe far eompledng lnsulattan of sangle f d y residences wlthln the Standard lnsulatton h a Is the year 2001 mcm arc apprm;lmateiy 5 700 unlllsulated homes In the Standard InsulaUon Fmgram area and another 1 800 In the Nelghborhmd Ranforccment Area The port Intends to Insulate some percentage of homes from each program area Because of the volunlary nature of the program It e-ot be detemlned precisely how many msldcnts will

90% of homes arc Ukely to partlapate partlclpate me Port IS esumaung that



The amcndmcnts to Measure M 2 also Include the addillon of sound lnsulvllon of publle use faclllucs and mulU famlly developments I t Is Intended that pilot praJects be lmplemenled for lhesc types of ~tmctures This would Include lnsulauon o f t w I21 churches one Ill prlvate schoal one (I1 mulU fvmlly slructurc of more than four unlts and one 111 convalescent home me praJeels that are being recommended haw n m r been part of lhe Nolse Remedy Rogram Experience has shown that the manner In whleh slmctures are Included In a program and how the program 1s ImplemenLcd from a technical and admfnlslratlve standpalnt Is LnfomaUon needed prlor to a commllment lo a full program If successful the pllot proleek will be cxpanded

me Port will IdenUFy the structures for the pllol projects uslng InfarmaUon developed by the Rtbllc Bulldlngs Cammlttee and based on lhe following crl1crl.n ellglble for Federal fundlng loealcd In the Nelghborhoal Reinlorcemenl Progrnni Area constructed Wthout sound lnsulatlon ox pern>llted or vested before FAA neeeptanee of the 1985 NFMS or wllhln a reisonahlc Ilme thcrcaRcr m d for mulU famlly devclopments prlmnrlly owner occupied Other crllerlv will Include the willlngncss of lhc owner to pTrUclp'tlc and gr?nl an avlgallon elsemenl and n strong IndlcvUon U l l l Uie sWclure wlll remnln as the usc currmUy deslgnvlcd Of lhese s ~ m c l ~ i r c s only cllglblc rooms will bc Insulntcd hised OP FM crlterln and gLildcllncs

For the lnsulnllon of publlc usc facllltles and nlulll-iarnlly struclums the Part will cslabllsh n pllot RoJccl Revlcw CarnmWee to help evaluate the cllccUveness 01 the pllal proJccls An acousUcal consultant will work with the Porl thc FM the coniinlllm and bulldlng owner In ocvelaplng tnsulvtlon plans nnd procedures nssesslng the SUCECSS of Uie pllol proJccl and recommendlng niodlneauons to the plans If nccdcd pdor to prweedlng

owners wlll be hcld to dlseuss concerns and procedures opUans a* allable nolse exposum chancterlsues etc In addluon a iollow-up oplnlon survey wlll be glven 10 Sollclt vIcws cancernlng the success of the pmJects

wiu, full pragran ImplcmenLIUon 1"dlVid"al bdenngs wilh pmpctty"L-?.L_m A9 -



Expanding the Sound ImulaUon Ragram to Include MulU-famUy Dwelopmmts

*UENDEll ACTxm l b h e Port will conduct a pilot project an one mulU famuy dmlopment The Port will LdenUIy thls parllmlar structure based upon the mterla pmacnted Upon Vpprwal by the F U sound lnSuIaUOn plans wlU be d e v e l q d arid submltted to the FAA for approved plan sound lnsulallon wlll mmmence T~IIs pilot proJcct will determhe the feaslblilty. p m n d u d q u k m c n t s and costs for sound lnoulauon of other mulu- famUy structures Such other InsuIaUon

pllot proJect

Community dlscusslon durlng the Noise MediaUan RoJect indicated lhe need to further address the Issue of sound lnrulnung muiU-fadly developments As dkcectcd ln Port of SeatUc Cammlsslon ResoluUon 3125 the Port is lncreaslng the rate of its single f d l y residcnUal tnsulauon pro- and wlll be developing

developments Into 1- NOIY Rcmedy pragram This amendment is the flrst step ln developing that plan and pmgram hs stated above the Port intends io InlIUatc a p1iot pm1ect far a mulU farmly development wlth four or mom unlts prlmarI1y owner occupied me parUCUlar

Upon a p p d Of the

proJeets can pmeccd s u ~ u c n t to the

a plan for Ineorporaung mulu famUy

A I2

1 '

me new B C U O ~ MU be mtlaied by the port as smn as the structure and NCP Is appmved by the FAA Prellmlnary dlseusslons with the owners consultant sollcltatlon and commlltee delednallon can be Mllaled pdor lo that Ume It Is anlldpalcd lhat the pllot proJect can be completed by mid-1995 -

*VUE Reduelton of Noncompallble Mablk Home3 Ln the Alrport Environs by Rovldlng an lnccntlve 10 Change Land Use

In exchange for conventan 10 a compatible use and an avlgation easement the Port of SentUe MI1 assist the oumer of the park or property In converting tile use hy pmvldhg funds lo move the mablle homes outslde the Nolse Remedy baundarles If the following condlllans apply

a) If the owner of the property on whlch the mobile home Is located seeks la convert lhc use of the property lo a eompallbk use and.



bl If lheJudsdlctlon In whlch the property IS located requires the owner of the property to develop a relocauon plan for the msldenls of a park thal 1s eloslng and.

A I4

e1 If the owner of the pmperty as a eOndlUon of an avigaUon easement supdates that no nonmmpaUblc u6e WII be allowed back on the pmperty and Lhat Port funds wlll be used for the relocauon of the mobile homes and

dl If lhe Jurisdleuon agrees to msblct development on the properly to noise compauhle u8es

In addltlon remgnidng the dlmculty of moving older mobile homes or h d l n g sites on whleh to move rnobilc homes the Port wlll provide advisory YT\ICCJ to mobile home owners to assist them In locating other mobile home ~ i te s outside the Noise Remedy Program arca

Moblle homes an not compauble with a hlghly noise Impacted area yet the technology 1s not available to sound Insulate thcm In addition the landlordltcnant relaUonshlp precludes options a d a b l e for slnglc famlly dwlllngs (In using federal funds the Port must work dlreetly with the properly owner 1 The program oulllned Is Intended to promote a Lznd UY change to a eompatlblc UY as denned in FAR Part 150 I! Mil be most elleeuve when resmletcd to Jurirdlcllans such as the Clty of SCaTac that require property owners to dwclop a relmauon plan when wishing to d m a mobllc home park As with the Ports lnsulauan p m p s parUelpaUon

A I 5

ldc"ufld through the Slate of washlnRlon the svr* RI.1 of mming a mohllc home Is csumated at 66 Ow ar unft tolaling $3 ooo ooo over the n i a nvr years

RESPONSIBLE PARTIES 'The Port of X a l t l e is currenUy responslblc for funding this measure and vvlll apply for FAA grants to implement it m i s measure to be most eIT..euve wlll require that Jurlsdleuons develop pallcleo related to closure of moblle home parks and that tncy plm and mnc such property Ln a manner compatlblc wlth the alwrt environs



T l E F R A E

Is documented here as an amendment


A4sislance to residenls of specially situated homes

Rcmgnlzlng that mise allcetcd msldents next 10 Port acqulsltlon property and In unique circumstances thal may make sale of thew homes dlmeult a special purehaw opUon to lhe Tkansactlon Assistance program was dewloped If a home is lmrncdlately adlacent to Port acqulsltlon property and the homeowner has owned hlslher home for more lhan nve years the homeowner has lhc opUm of selling lhe home to the Port at a purchase prlce based on fair market value m e Port will lhen Insulate the home If feasible. and afkr It far resale ~ W S transaction could only occur once wllh each proper@. the new owner would not qualib for this speclal purchase optlon

m s actton is antldpated to cost apprwlmately $4 mlllion for the We of the program wlthmanaveragecost per structure of $21 OOo It Is lntendcd to

EV manvnuurrunrrarnr



Assessment of new features far lhc Ndse Monltorlng System


AMENDED ACnON Sea-Tac Alrpart's NOIW Monltorlng system Installed In 1979 MI1 be evaluated Based on thls study. a determlnauon WII be made ahut replacement of thc system

Measure A 4 as written has k n tmplemcnted mls amendment IS

Intended to ald the Alrpoli In better delermlnlng the succcss of Its newer noise abatement p r o m s and Incma~lng the flulblllty and cffcctlveness of the now

WUISIO~ other madincauons

rnonltorlng pmcss

be appmximatcly $75 Mx) m e cost of m e mst of the eyaluauon Is anuelpaled to

LmprovemenIs wi l l depend on lhe studles but muld be $6W.oM) for a new upanded system

RE.WONE2BLEPARlE.S The Port Is responsible for InlUaung and proyldtng funds for the Naluauon and wlll apply lo the FAA for funding lo Improve the syslern as needed

?be Port wlll InIUale lhe sludy and Is responsible for lrnplernenUng rime- and feasible recommcndallons of lhc sludy

lnlUaUOn of lhhe pr0J-t Wll oecur In 1994


l X E F 6 U E

A 14

REspoNyBlE PARTIES I h c Port ofSeattle wlll work with public agmcics and lhe FAA to develop mutually agreed upon pmeedurcs and guldehes for appllcatlon and dlSbUrSemmt of funds To access funds lhc publlc agencies must Lnmrporatc land uselnohe campallblllty planning standards consisten1 vvllh lhe prlndples and guidehes OfFAR part 150

?he Port wlll meet vvllh the FAA and pubUc agencies la delcmhe guidches and

7heUmcframcandcoslforlhcscland uselnolw compaUbllily planning clTorts can vary greatly bul they can be inlUated Immcdialclysubsequcnl to lhc approval of lhe Noise Camp~tlbliily Program amcndmenls


ISLIE Cmrdlnauon of Community Fi=nnlng Effarts Through a Planners Forum

A mmmlttee called the Planners Forum will be lnltlated to allow plannllng represenlauvee h m allJurlsdlctlans Wlthln lhe ALrport 5 65 DNL mnlDur Or other InvltedJurlsdlctlons with Interest to meet and sham lnlomaUon prtalnlng to mmprehenslvc pknnlng mrnmunlty/alrprt planning. land use Issues and noise mlugauon clTorte on a regular bas&

The Airport Is surrounded by many JudsdlcUons havlng M I l o u o hJpes of land use planning and development actlvltles In an ellart to cmrdlnste all of these YnrloLtS acuvlues 85 well 89 gl-rt dcvclopment plans It Is recommended that a Planners Forum be InlUated It Wlll act as n slnglc paht of ~onlact and ccardlnauon for all of the= agencies In Issucs related to communIty/&prt plannhg The p a N C l p a n & are envls1oned lo be the plannm lhat arc responslblc for land use development Wllhln each Jurtsdlctlon Wlthln the 1991 NEMS

me m t for the Forum urul be included in normal operaung expenses of the Port



E?+QMSI#LE PARTIES The Port 1s responslble for lnluaung and coordlnallng the Forum and provldlng space to meet The d o u s pubUc agencies and Jmsdkuons are responslble for pmvldtng Input and paruclpaung ln the Forum ?hem may be c e m co~ulfants speakers or n w technology developments that may be appmprlate for the Forum

nhe Port has IlllUatEd the Forum and rneellngs will be held at a rmnllmurn of once each calendar quarter

?he Umcframe for the meellngs will be tmmedlate with meeungs at least qudlerly I h c Forum will ConUnue Indennltely will1 rvaluatlans pedomed everyyear


REsP0Nslill.E PAR71ES The Port Is responsible far monllormg and updating the FAR part 150 at the nve-year lncrcments or when there Is a signillcant change in amraft m s numbers of opemuons or faelilly changes that sigdncanuy lmpct noise I ~ Y E I S me port will produce the annual report for pubUc dlssemlnauon me Federal AviaUw AdmInlshUon muld help fund the update If then arc funds avallablc for such p1-g



Based on the monllorlng acUvtUes described the Port will mYalualc the program when there Is a slgnUlcant change or at the end of the nw-yex u m e r m e me pod MU pubush the results of Its cvaluauon In the Nalse Abatement Quarterly Repod

me Part will lnslllute monllodng pro ecdures lmedlalely and will plan for a full update of the program In 1996 or earller If necessary as per FAR h r t 150 me annual reblew d l be lnlualed I" February of each year me h t review wlll be LnlUaled subsequent lo the Bppmval of these amendments to the NCP

A 3 1