Russian History Bee.docx - History...

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Russian History Bee

Tossup#1: Supposedly this man faked his death, dying years later in the monastery of Tomsk as Fyodor Kuzmich. This man created the class of the “free agriculturalist” in addition to doing nothing to stop Nicolas Zubov, who throttled his father. Shortly after losing at Friedland, this man agreed to negotiate with his nemesis, doing so in a barge in the middle of the Dnieper river; signing the Treaty of Tilsit. Earlier thrashed at Austerlitz, this son of Paul I finally had his revenge when he pursued the fleeing French all the way back to Paris in 1814. For the point, name this Russian tsar during most of the Napoleonic Wars.

Answer: Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russias Tsar Alexander I [prompt on Alexander]

Tossup#2: This man taught spying techniques to David Crook, who on the orders of the NKVD began spying on the writer of Animal Farm, George Orwell. This friend of Sylvia Ageloff assumed the covers of Mr. Mornard and Mr. Jacson before performing his most famous action. In absentia, he was awarded the Order of Lenin after committing his most famous deed in Mexico City with an ice pick. For the point, name this killer of Leon Trotsky.

Answer: Jaime Ramón Mercader del Río

Tossup#3: This facility is partially controlled by the Roscosmos State Corporation, and it has been leased to Russia until 2050. A town built around this facility was called Leninsk, and it was chosen by General Vasily Voznyuk to test the R-7 Semyorka, the first ICBM. Gagarin’s Start is the name for one of the launch pads at this facility, and it was at this facility where the Soyuz Mission was launched. For the point, name this location where the Vostok and Sputnik satellites were launched, a Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

Answer: Baikonur Cosmodrome

Tossup#4: This man was charged with raping the 12-year-old girl Katerina Goltzwart, though he was cleared due to the efforts of the Count de Segur. This man wrote the book Narrative of the Campaign of the Liman, which he conducted with the aid of the Prince of Nassau-Siegen. For the point, name this admiral of Catherine the Great, who earlier had claimed that “he had not even begun to fight” aboard the Bonhomme Richard.

Answer: Pavel Zhoves [accept John Paul Jones] [accept any underlined part]

Tossup#5: Cyber Warfare played a major part in this war, in which a ceasefire was negotiated by Nicolas Sarkozy. After Eduard Shevardnadze was ousted in the Rose Revolution, Mikhail Saakashvili made it a top priority of his nation to gain control of the namesake disputed territory, which soon sparked this war. Shida Kartli was controlled by one side in this conflict, as

was the city of Tskhinvali. For the point, name this war during the presidency of Dmitry Medvedev, where Russia aided a region attempting to break away from the capital of Tbilisi?

Answer: South Ossetia(n) War [accept the Russo-Georgian War]

Tossup#6: Casualties during this event were low due to the extremely poor gunmanship of one side, such as when the Oryol fired 500 shots but failed to hit anything. The perpetrators of this event were dubbed “pirates” after eventually sinking the trawler Crane. In the thick fog of this event, the Aurora and the Dmitrii Donskoi accidently fired at each other. During this event, Zinovy Rozhestvensky suspected fishing boats to be members of the IJN. For the point, name this incident in the North Sea which almost dragged Britain into the Russo-Japanese War.

Answer: The Dogger Bank Incident

Tossup#7: Due to NKVD head Lavrentiy Beria, this country suffered the execution of thousands of its officers at the Kalinin and Kharkiv Prisons, as well as at the Katyn Forest. This country was ruled by Władysław IV during Russia’s Time of Troubles and by Augustus the Strong during the Great Northern War. The House of Jagiellon held power in this country after the death of the last ruler from the house of Piast, Casimir the Great. For the point, name this country once united to Lithuania, and home to the Grand Duchy of Warsaw.

Answer: Poland

Tossup#8: This man became president of his country by defeating Vyacheslav Kebich, and he was criticized for his handling of the Drazdy Conflict. This man was the only person to vote against the independence of his home country from the Soviet Union. This man arranged a meeting between Petro Poroshenko and Vladimir Putin, although he is said to still govern “Europe’s last dictatorship”. For the point, name this politician who, from Minsk, governs Belarus.

Answer: Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko

Tossup#9: The last of these figures forced the nobles of Pskov to swear allegiance. After one of these figures deposed Feodor II, he was crowned by Patriarch Ignatius in 1605, though Boris Godunov claimed that he was merely a monk called Grigory Utrepyev. Another one of these figures was “recognized” by Marina Mniszech, and was known as “the rebel of Tushino”, although he claimed to be a figure assassinated in 1591. For the point, name these three imposters during the Time of Troubles who claimed to be the youngest son of Ivan the Terrible.

Answer: The (probably) false people who claimed to be Tsarevich Dmitry of Uglich

Tossup#10: This battle began shortly after the dismissal of Barclay de Tolly. One side in this battle blundered by refusing to commit its Imperial Guard, while the other side built fleches named after a commander mortally wounded here, Pyotr Bagration. During this battle, a decisive flank was performed by Matvel Platov, though it was rebuffed by Viceroy Eugene’s IV Corps, and called a failure by Mikhail Kutuzov. That operation however delayed the IV Corps from attacking the Raevsky Redoubt which, for the point, was the hub of what 1812 battle which bloodied Napoleon’s invasion of Russia?

Answer: The Battle of Borodino

Tossup#11: This city was sieged due to one side increasing trade with the Khazars by building the Sarkel fortress. Legendarily, one side led by Dir and Askold was forced to retreat from sieging this city by the intervention of the Theotokos Mary. This city was sieged easily because the defenders under Michael III were recovering from their loss of the fortress of Loulon in their wars against the Abbasid Caliphate. For the point, name this city sieged by the Rus in 860, the chief city of the Byzantine Empire.

Answer: Constantinople

Tossup#12: One of the commanders during this battle was initially known as Zurgadai, although Genghis Khan changed his name to Jebe. The Cuman Khan Köten, and Daniel of Galicia were commanders on one side during this battle, which took place during a raid which circled the entire Caspian Sea. One side during this battle overran the Kievan Army, and then executed Mstislav III by trampling him to death. The chief Mongol commander during this battle later helped Batu Khan conquer the Kievan Rus. For the point, name this decisive 1223 victory for Subotai, located on a namesake Ukrainian River.

Answer: Battle of the Kalka River

Tossup#13: Shortly before this battle, the Swedish commanders Evert Horn and Jacob de la Guardie commanded the latter’s namesake campaign to relieve the Siege of Smolensk. This 1610 battle was the decisive engagement in a war ended with the Truce of Deulino. One side’s commander in this battle ordered the Reiter cavalry to counterattack the charging Hussars, though that maneuver by Dmitry Shuisky was a failure. For the point, name this decisive victory for hetman Stanislaw Żółkiewski during the Polish-Muscovite War, which was the climax of the Time of Troubles.

Answer: The Battle of Klushino [accept The Battle of Kłuszyn]

Tossup#14: Peretz Smolenskin criticized this type of event, another of which began after the murder of Eastern Orthodox Patriarch Gregory V. The worst of these events was monitored by

Mayor D. M. Neidhart in the city of Odessa. The Kishinev one of these events killed nearly 50 people in modern day Moldova, and these events were common in the Pale of Settlement. The Assassination of Alexander II triggered one of these events. For the point, name these acts of mob violence against Jews, most commonly done in Russia.

Answer: pogroms [accept Jewish Massacres and equivalents before “Jew” is mentioned] [Since the first line refers to the 1871 and 1821 Odessa Pogroms, accept that before “Odessa” is mentioned]

Tossup#15: This man was informed of his father’s death in the village of Ninasi, and listened to Konstantin Pobyedonostsyev in cancelling his father’s last ukaz. This man’s Secret Police, the Okhrana, uncovered a plot which included the older brother of Vladimir Lenin, Alexander Ulyanov. This man passed the May Laws heavily restricting the rights of a certain religion, even within the Pale of Settlement. He cracked down on the Narodnaya Volya, also known as The People’s Will, who had earlier assassinated his father in 1881. For the point, name this conservative tsar, the son of Alexander II.

Answer: Alexander III Romanov [prompt on Alexander]

Tossup#16: Although not Georgii Stackelberg, this man clashed with Yasukata Oku at the Battle of Telissu. A veteran of the Russo-Japanese War, this man committed suicide near Willenberg after he was surrounded by the enemy Eighth Army. This man’s ally during that campaign was later defeated at the First Battle of the Masurian Lakes, after one side relieved Max von Prittwitz from command. He was defeated by Erich von Ludendorff and Paul von Hindenburg. For the point, name this Russian Commander who, along with Paul von Rennenkampf, lost the 1914 Battle of Tannenberg.

Answer: Aleksandr Vassilievich Samsonov

Tossup#17: This man met with John of Kronstadt after he had earlier visited the Monastery of the Caves. Due to an attack by the Maximalists, this man visited the wounded daughter of Pyotr Stolypin, who had succeeded Sergei Witte. Some people speculated he stopped administering aspirin to his patient who was suffering from hemophilia B, thus helping to cure him; much to the relief of Queen Alexandra Feodorovna. This man was murdered by Purishkevich and Felix Yusupov by cyanide poisoning, and then repeated bullet shots. For the point, name this healer to the prince Alexei, and famous Russian Mystic.

Answer: Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin

Tossup#18: British Rear-Admiral Thomas Kemp occupied this city shortly after its urban status was gained due to Alexander Trepov. This city is home to the Alyosha statue, commemorating

the Soviet Unknown Soldier, as well as the headquarters of the Russian Northern Fleet. The Germans attempted to siege this city and cut off access to the vital Karelian Railway, though heroic Soviet soldiers stopped Operation Silver Fox. Located on the Kola Peninsula and bordering Finland, for the point name this Russian city, Russia’s northernmost ice-free port.

Answer: Murmansk

Tossup#19: Dying in Ruokolahti, this man’s left cheek was blown off the day the Moscow Peace Treaty was signed. Instead of a Mosin-Nagant Rifle, this man used an M/28-30 Rifle, without a Telescopic Sight, preferring an Iron Sight. This man fought in the battle of Kollaa where he accumulated 505 kills, while the other side where unable to proceed due to their lack of ski troops. For the point, name this Finnish Sniper during the Winter War, who was famous for his snow-like camouflage.

Answer: Simo "Simuna" Häyhä [accept The White Death]

Tossup#20: This Soviet Frontier Guard on the Russo-China border later rose to become Secretary of the Letter Bureau. A moving speech by Nikolai Tikhinov appointed this man to his highest office. This man met with Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock, and he famously prevented a visit by Erich Honaker to West Germany. This man organized the “Friendship Games” after many Eastern Bloc countries boycotted the 1984 Olympics held in Los Angeles, in revenge for the US boycotting the 1980 Moscow Olympics. For the point, name this sickly penultimate General Secretary of the Soviet Union, who was succeeded by Mikhail Gorbachev.

Answer: Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko

Tossup#21: One side during this war claimed victory at the battle of Tartu and the 1558 Siege of Narva, though the latter was later recaptured by the Swedish Commander Pontus de la Guardie. The Bishopric of Ösel-Wiekunder led by Magnus of Holstein played a major part in this war. The Truces of Jam Zapolski and Plussa ended this war in 1583, with a major defeat for Russia. The Coalition side in that war was victorious against Ivan Galitzin at Wenden, before advancing to siege Pskov, where King Stefan Batory was victorious. For the point, name this war pitting Poland-Lithuania, Sweden, Denmark versus Russia under Ivan the Terrible, which contested a namesake territory in modern-day Latvia and Estonia.

Answer: The Livonian War

Tossup#22: During this event, James Yorke Scarlett was supposed to aid the main participants. The order prompting this event was drafted by Richard Airey, and delivered to one commander by a man who would die in the first minute of this action, Captain Nolan. A French observer to this event said “it is magnificent, but it is not war, it is madness” after 674 soldiers charged to

fight Pavel Liprandi on the command of Lord Lucan. For the point, name this action “into the Valley of Death” ordered by Lord Cardigan and carried out by the namesake unit of horseman.

Answer: The Charge of the Light Brigade

Tossup#23: This man began his career working on the capillary properties of water, and his doctoral paper was called “On the Combinations of Water with Alcohol”. This member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences built on the work of Lothar Meyer and the man who claimed to discover the Rule of Octaves, John Newlands. This man fiddled with a set of cards to predict undiscovered elements, which he labelled with the prefix “eka”. For the point, name this scientist who discovered the Periodic Table.

Answer: Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev

Tossup#24: The man who conducted this event was primarily funded by the Stroganov Family, and his conquest was turned into the province of Perm. Shortly before this operation which had earlier been attempted by Dmitry Pavlutsky, the Khanate of Khazan was conquered. The battle of Chuvash Cape was instrumental in the fall of Qashliq, though Khan Kuchum would continue to resist until his defeat at Urmin. For the point, name this action mainly conducted by Yermak under Ivan the Terrible against the Khanate of Sibir.

Answer: The Russian Conquest of Siberia [accept Fall of the Khanate of Sibir before mentioned]

Tossup#25: During this man’s most notable voyage, he almost exactly copied the path of a previous explorer, Semyon Dezhnyov. This man’s 1725 expedition, aided by the lieutenants Martin Spangberg and Alexei Chirikov headed to Kamchatka to firmly establish the fact that there was no land connection between Asia and North America. For the point, name this explorer for whom a sea, located between Russia and Alaska, and a land bridge are named after.

Answer: Vitus Bering [accept Ivan Ivanovich Bering]

Tossup#26: This ruler was influenced by the Byzantine Princess Bucharia to rule as regent for her sickly brother. This person later executed her lover Ivan Khovansky to make room for her next lover who was defeated in the Crimean Campaign, Vasily Gallitzin. Fyodor Shaklovityi was a supporter of this monarch, as were the Miloslavsky Family. She seized power as regent after the death of her older brother Feodor III, by catalyzing the 1682 Moscow Revolt of the streltzy units. For the point, name this empress of Russia who manipulated Ivan V, though was eventually sent to a monastery by Peter the Great.

Answer: Sophia I Alekseyevna, Empress Regent of Russia

Tossup#27: These people were referred to as raskolniki, or schismatic, for opposing the 1666 reforms of Patriarch Nikon. These people disagreed with the majority of Orthodox Christians on such issues as how to make the sign of the cross, doing it with only two fingers. Feodosia Morozova was viewed as a martyr for these people after dying in prison, although she is most famous for her letters to the arch priest Avvakum who was burned at the stake. For the point, name this sect of Russian Christians who refused to adapt to new reforms.

Answer: The Old Believers [accept The Old Ritualists]

Tossup#28: Through Deniz Gesmiş, this man infiltrated the Revolutionary Youth Federation of Turkey. The investigators of this man were thrown off when they were told to search the Warrenton Training Facility. James Woolsey was forced to resign after this man was captured, by his obviously increased living quality, even though he only made $60,000. This man’s second wife served a relatively light sentence, which included her deportation back to Venezuela. For the point, name this double agent secretly working for the KGB, who revealed more CIA agents than any other man except for Robert Hanssen.

Answer: Aldrich Hazen Ames

Tossup#29: A campaign on this sea is said to mark the formation of the Russian Navy, after the signing of the 1700 Treaty of Constantinople. The first Russian campaign on this sea was commanded by Swiss Admiral Franz Lefort and aided by suppliers in Voronezh. Boris Sheremetev commanded another attack upon the more southerly located Black Sea. For the point, Peter the Great used Cossacks hailing from the Don River region to capture a namesake fortress on what sea now located between Ukraine and Russia?

Answer: Sea of Azov [the sea was defended by the Fortress of Azov]

Tossup#30: The progenitor of this event, Genrikh Yagoda, also built the Baltic-White Sea Canal, and had Lev Kamenev executed. This event, which begun at the First Moscow Trial, was called a sham by the Dewey Commission. Nikolai Yezhov was chief of the NKVD during much of this event, which culminated with “The Trial of Twenty-One”. For the point, name this event in which Stalin “cleansed” the Communist Party, resulting in nearly a million deaths.

Answer: The Great Purge [accept The Great Terror]

Tossup#31: Using fascines, this man surprised Boris Sheremetev, thus winning the Battle of Holowczyn. Earlier, this man’s commander Carl Rehnskiöld defeated the Saxony Commander Johann von der Schulenburg at the Battle of Fraustadt. This man also defeated Augustus the Strong of Poland shortly after smashing Tsar Peter the Great, though he would later lose to him

at the 1709 Battle of Poltava. For the point, name this Swedish King who won the Battle of Narva, though lost the Great Northern War.

Answer: Charles XII of Sweden [accept Charles XII Wittelsbach prompt on Charles]

Tossup#32: This man killed the brother-in-law of Mikhail Kutuzov, Alexsandr Bibikov. This man was depicted in the Alexander Pushkin novel The Captain’s Daughter, and he garnered the support of many Old Believers; although most of his followers were eventually executed by Petr Panin. A bounty on his head swelled to 28,000 rubles after he seized control of Kazan and most of the land between the Volga River and the Urals, although Ivan Michelson defeated him at Tsaritsyn. For the point, name this disgruntled Cossack who led a massive Peasant’s Revolt against Catherine the Great.

Answer: Yemelyan Ivanovich Pugachev

Tossup#33: The first secretary of this organization was Wilhelm Einhorn, and the deputy director was Vladimir Mazuru. This organization was created with the help of “The Mobile Brigade”, also known as SMERSH, which was led by Alexandru Nicolschi. This organization hired Ilich Sánchez, also known as Carlos the Jackal, to assassinate one of its dissidents, who had defected to the CIA. Along with attempting to assassinate Ion Mihai Pacepa, this organization partnered with the East German Stasi and the Soviet KGB after the overthrow of King Michael I. For the point, name this Secret Police used by Nicolae Ceausescu to terrorize Romania.

Answer: The Securitate [accept Department of State Security or DSS]

Tossup#34: One side in this battle claimed that the border was east of the Nomonhan village, and that side succeeded in driving the enemy from Baintsagan Hill. Yaozo Azuma’s brigade was surrounded and destroyed by forces under Grigori Shtern in this battle. Michitaro Komatsubara commanded one side’s 6th Army, a part of the Kwantung Army in this battle in Manchukuo. For the point, name this 1939 Japanese-Soviet border skirmish in which the Soviets were commanded by Georgy Zhukov.

Answer: Battle of Khalkin Gol

Tossup#35: This author of Poor Folk wrote a novel called The Possessed about the Nechaev Affair. This author of the first major existentialist novel, Notes from Underground, wrote about Nastassya Filippovna and her lover Prince Lev Myshkin. This author of The Idiot depicted Nikholai Stavrogin and Stepan Verkhovensky who unintentionally cause anarchy to the local region in the novel Demons. One of this man’s protagonists refuses counsel from his friend Razumikhin after murdering Lizaveta and her half-sister, Alyona Ivanovna the pawn-broker. For

the point, name this author of The Brothers Karamazov, who depicted the student Raskolnikov in his most famous novel, Crime and Punishment.

Answer: Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky

Tossup#36: Lieutenant Khvostov explored the area near this location, before reporting back to RAC head Nikolay Rezanov. This site’s founders encountered the Kashaya Pomo people. The Kad’yak and the Nikolai were two ships sent to explore near this building, which was authorized by Alexander Baranov. This site was founded in 1812 after an expedition reached the Gulf of Rumyantsev, now known as Bodega Bay. For the point, name this southernmost expansion point of Russian Alaska, a fort near San Francisco.

Answer: Fort Ross

Tossup#37: This man’s older brother killed a man who had hunted in the Drevlyan Woods, Sveneld. This man fled after Oleg was murdered by a man who was advised by Blud. This man was aided by the Earl of Lade and King of Norway, Haakon Sigurdson, in deposing Yaropolk I in 980. This man married Rogneda after sieging Polotsk, and was soon proclaimed kynaz, in addition to ruling as prince of Novgorod. For the point, name this leader of the Kievan Rus, who in 988 converted Kiev to Christianity, thus earning himself sainthood.

Answer: Saint Vladimir Sviatoslavich the Great

Tossup#38: This event took place in a location now called Senate Square. This event’s main conspirators quieted down activity after the mutiny of the Semenovsky Regiment, although they formed the Union of Salvation. This event occurred after the disappointing efforts of Mikhail Speransky and Nikolai Nivosiltsev. During this event, ring-leaders Pavel Pastel and Nikolay Panov attempted to seize the Winter Palace, while Pyotr Kakhovsky shot Mikhail Miloradovich, a general sent to broker with the rebels. For the point, name this 1825 Rebellion broken up by Nicolas I which famously chanted “Konstantin and Constitution”, occurring in a certain month.

Answer: Decembrist Revolt

Tossup#40: This man’s career was influenced by something he called “the instinct of research”. This man was heavily influenced by Ivan Sechenov, dubbing him “the father of Russian physiology”. This man’s most famous result occurred when he described the result when a neutral stimulus was mixed with a rewarding unconditioned stimulus. Due to this man’s theories, the mere ringing of a bell heralding food often caused salivation in dogs. For the point, name this Russian Scientist, who invented Classical Conditioning.

Answer: Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

Tossup#41: A member of this organization made the operas The Saracen and William Ratcliff. This organization was influenced by the Abramtsevo Colony and Mikhail Glinka, and one of its members wrote Prince Igor. Including César Cui, a member of this organization composed an opera on the regent during the Time of Troubles, Boris Gudunov, in addition to Pictures at an Exhibition. Including Alexander Borodin and lead by Mily Balakirev, this organization’s most famous member composed Scheherazade, in addition to the notoriously difficult interlude, The Flight of the Bumblebee. For the point, name this group of Russian Composers which included Modest Mussorgsky and Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov.

Answer: The Mighty Handful [accept The Mighty Five]

Tossup#42: This man defeated Vizier Cenaze Pasha at the Battle of Rymnik. This man was also victorious at Maciejowice, capturing the American Revolutionary War veteran Tadeusz Kościuszko. After a victory at Lanckorona, this man catalyzed the first Partition of Poland by defeating the Bar Confederation. During the French Revolutionary wars, this personal enemy of Emperor Paul I won the battle of Novi, and after crossing the Alps he was dubbed “The Russian Hannibal”. For the point, name this undefeated Russian general, who won 93 battles until dying in 1800.

Answer: Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov

Tossup#43: This man first received public attention by reporting on striking gold miners who were butchered by the Russian Army near the Lena River. This Narodnik supporter denounced certain Russian Ministers as “hired assassins” and “cowards” for failing to dismiss the mystic Grigori Rasputin. This man was targeted in the Kornilov Affair. For the point, name this deeply unpopular Russian Leader who assumed power after the resignation of Tsar Nicholas II by forming the Provisional Government, and who refused to leave World War One?

Answer: Alexander Fyodorovich Kerensky

Tossup#44: Due to Yegor Ligachev, this man became the first man to resign in the Politburo’s history, doing so before narrowly defeating Gennady Zyuganov. This man famously fell from a bridge, though his enemies claimed this occurred because he was stone drunk. This man’s vice-president, Alexander Rutskoy, claimed his policies were “economic genocide”, causing money to fall into the hands of rich oligarchs. For the point, name this Russian President until 1999 who was succeeded by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

Answer: Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin

Tossup#45: This man acquired one title after winning a battle near the Izhora River against the Swedish Commander Spiridon. Sartaq Khan raised this man to his highest position, and he died

while returning from Sarai. At Lake Peipus, he won his most famous victory against Hermann of Dorpat. For the point, name this Russian Prince of Novgorod who defeated the Teutonic Knights at the Battle of the Ice.

Answer: Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky, Grand Prince of Vladimir [accept either underlined portion]

Tossup#46: One of the lieutenants of this faction, Anton Denikin, aided Ukrainian Nationalist Symon Petlyura to kill thousands of Jews. Led by Lavr Kornilov, this faction’s Volunteer Army participated in the Kuban Campaign and retreat via “The Ice March”, all the while conducting its namesake “Terror”. This faction was led by a former Admiral who governed as dictator from Omsk, Siberia while relying heavily on Western Intervention to help prop up his cause. For the point, name this faction led until 1923 by Alexander Kolchak which opposed the Red Bolsheviks during the Russian Civil War.

Answer: The White Army [accept The White Guard or similar equivalents mentioning “White”]

Tossup#47: This practice was first recorded by Absalon, Archbishop of Lund. Saxo Grammaticus documented this practice which was also depicted in a 1903 painting by Sergei Ivanov titled the Muscovite Campaign against the Lithuanians. This practice was critical in destroying the heavy water plant Vermork in Operation Gunnerside, allowing the Norwegian Commandos to effectively cover the snowy terrain. The most famous use of this practice occurred in the Battle of Suomussalmi, where the Russian 9th Army was destroyed by the Finnish Army. For the point, name this practice mostly effectively used in the Winter War, which involves strapping a certain device to a soldier’s feet.

Answer: Ski Warfare [accept reasonable equivalents]

Tossup#48: This region was ruled by the friend of Ghazi Mollah, the Naqshbandi Leader Imam Shamil. A grueling 47 yearlong conflict in this region included the Principality of Guria and inspired Leo Tolstoy’s masterpiece War and Peace. Mikhail Vorontsov and Aleksey Yermolov were Russian Commanders during the namesake conflict in this region which included the fall of the Imamate of Dagestan. Russian gains in this region included the seizure of Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. For the point, name this region between the Black and Caspian Seas.

Answer: The Caucasus [accept the Caucasian War or the Caucasus Mountains]

Tossup#49: Shaaw Tláa and Skookum Jim helped propagate this event. The Excelsior and the Portland were crucial in spreading word about this event, which would cause virtually all of Bonanza Creek being bought by people in this event. Participants in this event had to travel through either the White or the Chilkoot Pass to arrive at the location discovered by George

Carmack. The Panic of 1896 helped rouse support for this event, which resulted in the booming of the towns of Dyea, Skagway, and Dawson City. For the point, name this event in which miners heavily excavated a territory purchased from Russia?

Answer: Klondike Gold Rush [prompt on Alaska Gold Rush prompt on Gold Rush]

Tossup#50: In this organization’s demise, it elected Heinrich Sudermann to the post of Syndic. In 1370, this organization signed the Peace of Stralsund with Valdemar IV, after forming the Confederation of Cologne to wage war against Denmark. The Russian State of Novgorod not only held the Tatars off, but flourished as the easternmost hub of this organization. This organization’s first major hub was created when the Duke of Saxony, Henry the Lion founded the port of Lübeck. For the point, name this league which dominated trade in the North and Baltic Sea through such ports as Hamburg.

Answer: Hanseatic League [accept League of Hansa]

Tossup#51: Along with the cattle deity, this deity was evoked to confirm a treaty with the Byzantines. This copper bearded diety’s array of weapons include golden apples, which some people believe is a reference to ball lightning. This man’s chief enemy turned into a dog to evade this deity, but this deity caught up to Veles and threw him into a lake. This axe-wielding deity is often believed to be a fusion of Thor and Zeus. For the point, name this thunder god, and chief god of the Slavic Pantheon.

Answer: Perun

Tossup#52: Russia annexed this region in 1783, making it the Taurida Governorate. A government in this region sacked much of Ryazan before breaching the Serpukhov Fortifications. This polity was thrashed by Prince Repnin and Mikhail Vorotynsky. Led by Devlet I Giray, a polity in this region killed Prince Belsky before causing the Great Fire of Moscow in 1571, although the khanate of this region was severely beaten the next year at the battle of Molodi. A war in this region to curb Russian Black Sea influence included the battles of Sinop, Balaclava, and the Siege of Sevastopol. For the point, name this region of Ukraine recently annexed back to Russia by Vladimir Putin?

Answer: Crimea [accept The Crimean War accept The Crimean Khannate]

Tossup#53: After his enemies’ attempted to ally with the Grand-Prince of Lithuania Casimir IV, he executed Dmitry Boretsky. At the Battle of the Ugra River, this man defeated Ahmed, who was later assassinated by Ivak, Khan of the Nogai Horde. This man’s general, Daniil Kholmsky seized the Northern Dvina after crushing the Republic of Novgorod at the Battle of the Shelon River. This man proclaimed his capital “The 3rd Rome” after marrying the niece of the last

Byzantine Emperor, Sophia. For the point, name this Grand Prince of Muscovy who ended the dominance of the Golden Horde in Russia.

Answer: Ivan III Vasilyevich [accept Ivan the Great do not accept Ivan the Terrible, prompt on Ivan]

Tossup#54: This battle opened when the two champions Chelubey, aka Timur-Murza, and Alexander Peresvet killed each other, depicted in a famous painting by Victor Vasnetsov. One side in this battle was aided by Genoese Mercenaries from Kaffa, though they didn’t get aid from Oleg II of Ryazan. One commander at this battle was succeeded by Tokhtamysh, who united two hordes into the Golden Horde. For the point, name this decisive defeat for the Blue Horde under Momai, and a victory for the Russians under Dmitry Donskoi.

Answer: The Battle of Kulikovo

Tossup#55: The main target of these events referred to one of them committed by Dmitry Karakozov as “the event of April 4, 1866”. Supposedly, a fortune teller told the main figure in these events that there would be 7 of them. One of these events occurred during the 1867 World Fair, and nearly killed Napoleon III of France. The main figure in these events was forced to run in a zig zag pattern after meeting Alexander Soloviev. The last few of these events were organized by Sophia Perovskaya, who was hanged after Nikolai Rysakov finally succeeded. For the point, name these events often organized by Narodnaya Volya or the People’s Will, which finally succeeded in 1881.

Answer: Assassination attempts on Alexander II [accept equivalents, prompt on partial answers]

Tossup#56: One of these people’s claims was televised in 2002, though that person had died in Podolsk two years earlier, aged 100. In addition to Natalya Bilikhodze, another of these people named Nadezhda Vasilyeva sent a letter to George V of England, asking him to help his “cousin”. One of these people named Eugenia Smith claimed that she was simply knocked unconscious at the Ipatiev House, before fleeing Yekaterinburg. The most famous of these people was in fact Franziska Schanzkowska, although her case was advocated by Gleb Botkin. For the point, name these women who claimed to be a Russian princess who was actually executed by the Bolsheviks in 1918.

Answer: imposters of Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna [accept equivalents of “imposter” and “Grand Duchess” if the latter is mentioned, prompt on partial answers]

Tossup#57: This person carried the Olympic Flag in the 2014 Olympics, in addition to asking the Soviet Government to find the exact spot where this person’s father was killed in the Winter

War. This person partnered in a mission with Valery Bykovsky, and it took nearly twenty years until the feat this person completed was repeated, by Svetlana Savitskaya. The asteroid 1671 Chaika was named after this person’s call sign in the space mission Vostok 6. For the point, name this female Russian Cosmonaut, the first woman to fly into space.

Answer: Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova

Tossup#58: This man painted Pope Francis’ favorite painting, which is largely drained of color. In addition to painting The White Crucifixion, this man painted what some fans have described as “an ode to young love”, called La Mariée. An upside-down woman meets a scythe carrying man in the backdrop of one of this man’s paintings. In this man’s most famous work, a green man holds a glowing tree while looking at a goat being milked inside the image of another goat. For the point, name this painter of I and the Village.

Answer: Marc Zakharovich Chagall

Tossup#59: In compliance with Order #227, this location was fortified by Lieutenant Ivan F. Afanasiev. This location, manned by the 42nd Guards Regiment, overlooked a key section of the Volga River. This location was supplied by a secret tunnel which connected to the opposite side of the Volga River. According to General Vasily Chuikov, one side’s attack upon this location suffered more casualties than their attack upon Paris, two years earlier. For the point, name this ferocious siege of a Russian house during the battle of Stalingrad, where 25 men held off the German Army for 58 days.

Answer:s Pavlov’s House