rush, the Ruby shell and Unix integration library

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Adam Wiggins\' presentation from the 2008 Silicon Valley Ruby Conference.

Transcript of rush, the Ruby shell and Unix integration library

Cluster management with

the Ruby shell and Unix integration library

Adam WigginsApril 18, 2008

bash+ssh are the cornerstone of unix systems administration


Ruby is its own universe

unix = awesomeruby = awesome

So put them together and you should get awesome x awesome...

unix = awesomeruby = awesome

So put them together and you should get awesome x awesome...


def start_mongrel # kill any existing mongrels pids = `ssh #{host} "ps -u #{user} | grep mongrel_rails | grep -v grep |

sed -r 's/ *([0-9]+).*$/\\1/'"` `ssh #{host} "kill #{pids}; sleep 1; kill -9 #{pids}"`

# don't try to restart if previous mongrel crashed log_contents = `ssh #{host} "cat log/mongrel.log"` return if log.match(/^\s*from .*\/mongrel_rails:/)

# do it `ssh #{host} "echo 'mongrel_rails start -d' |

sudo -u #{user} -H bash"`end

What are the problems here?


Try inserting a single quote into the regexp here. How many backslashes do you need?

pids = `ssh #{host} "ps -u #{user} | grep mongrel_rails | grep -v grep |

sed -r 's/ *([0-9]+).*$/\\1/'"`


What if this value can be entered by the user, and they type in: ";rm -rf /

pids = `ssh #{host} "ps -u #{user} | grep mongrel_rails | grep -v grep |

sed -r 's/ *([0-9]+).*$/\\1/'"`

Output is all text

Why do we need the inverse grep, or for that matter the complex regexp, just to get a simple list of PIDs?

pids = `ssh #{host} "ps -u #{user} | grep mongrel_rails | grep -v grep |

sed -r 's/ *([0-9]+).*$/\\1/'"`

Error Trapping

How can we catch errors, like permission denied or file not found, and log them?

log_contents = `ssh #{host} "cat log/mongrel.log"`

Unit Testability

Um... yeah. Good luck with that.

`ssh #{host} "echo 'mongrel_rails start -d' | sudo -u #{user} -H bash"`

In short, Unix and Ruby do not play well together.

And that’s really a shame.


Bringing Ruby and Unix together.awesome x awesome!

Let’s try that again.


def start_mongrel # kill any existing mongrels pids = `ssh #{host} "ps -u #{user} | grep mongrel_rails | grep -v grep |

sed -r 's/ *([0-9]+).*$/\\1/'"` `ssh #{host} "kill #{pids}; sleep 1; kill -9 #{pids}"`

# don't try to restart if previous mongrel crashed log_contents = `ssh #{host} "cat log/mongrel.log"` return if log.match(/^\s*from .*\/mongrel_rails:/)

# do it `ssh #{host} "echo 'mongrel_rails start -d' |

sudo -u #{user} -H bash"`end

def start_mongrel # kill any existing mongrels box.processes.each do |p| if p.uid == uid and p.cmdline.match /mongrel_rails/ p.kill end end

# don't try to restart if previous mongrel crashed log = box['log/mongrel.log'] return if^\s*from .*\/mongrel_rails:/)

# do it box.bash 'mongrel_rails -d', :user => userend

Processes box.processes.each do |p| if p.uid == uid and p.cmdline.match /mongrel_rails/ p.kill end end

Files log = box['log/mongrel.log'] return if^\s*from .*\/mongrel_rails:/)

Bash Commands box.bash 'mongrel_rails -d', :user => user

Basic concepts of rush

Boxes box ='') box['/var/log/nginx/*.log'].search(/error/)

Files & Dirs dir = home['myapp/'] dir['config/environment.rb'].contents

dir['**/*.rb'].search(/^module /)

dir['README'].copy_to other_dir

Processes mongrels = box.processes.find_all_by_cmdline /mongrel_rails/ mem_hogs = { |p| p.mem > 50.mb } mem_hogs.each { |p| p.kill }

Permissions file.access = { :user_can => :read_and_write, :group_can => :read }

Bash Commands box.bash 'rake db:migrate'

Bash Commands box.bash 'rake db:migrate', :user => 'www', :env => { :RAILS_ENV => 'production' }

Bash Commands begin box.bash 'rake db:migrate' rescue Rush::BashFailed => e log_warning "Failed to migrate: #{e.message}" end

It’s Ruby! spec_lines = myproj['**/*_spec.rb'].line_count total_lines = myproj['**/*.rb'].line_count spec_percent = (spec_lines * 100 / total_lines).round puts "Specs are #{spec_percent}% of the total code." puts (spec_percent >= 30) ? "Nice!" : "Tsk, tsk."

It’s Ruby!

“I can not adequately convey the sheer joy it was to rewrite my Bash deployment functions in Ruby.”

- Jamie Hoover

What’s good about the traditional unix shells?

Lessons to carry forward.

Remote and local are seamless

box1['myproj/'].move_to box2

Small sharp tools, chained together

dir1['**/*.rb'].search(/^class/).copy_to dir2

Why now?

Cloud computing.Why now?

Cloud computing.

Which means automation of systems administration tasks.

Why now?

Pre-cloud computing, sysadmin tasks are occasional and manual

In cloud computing, sysadmin tasks are frequent and automatic

In cloud computing, sysadmin tasks are frequent and automatic

So we need a real programming language for them!

My need came from:

hostnames = %w(host1 host2 host3 host4)boxes = { |h| }

arc_host ='archive')archive = arch_host['/arc/nginx_logs/']

boxes.each do |box| log = box['/var/log/nginx/access.log'] archive_name = "#{}_#{}" log.copy_to archive[archive_name] log.rename + ".old"end

Clustering (finally)

gem install rush