Running exercise

Post on 14-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Running exercise

Running Exercise

Most people don’t have time on doing exercise because they are busy on their job. Some people are just lazy to move that’s why they do exercise. Exercise can improve or can make a human body become healthy and strong. Doing exercise daily will take you into a good mood. Most people who don’t do exercise don’t burn fats especially if they eat a lot and they become fat. People join a fitness gym or a mixed martial arts gym in order to become healthy and have a good shape. If you don’t have enough money for the fees in a fitness gym, you can also improve your physical body or health by dong running exercise.

Here are some TIPS on How to do RUNNING EXERCISE

The first thing you need to do is to go out. It is advisable to go outside than just running around your house. You can go into a park to run, bring friends with you so that you will be motivated. All you need is a pair of running shoes or just a pair of old sneakers. It is also a good idea to run in the morning or before sunset. You should also run into a place wherein there are trees around so that you can also breathe some fresh air.

Go out

In order to be comfortable when you run, you need to have a good form. When you run, you must relax your body. Stand and bend your body slightly forward. Don’t put down your arm, you should bend your arms like a boxer but your hands must be in the line of chest. When you are running, make sure that you make a high step from the ground so that you can avoid stepping on some crack on the ground or stones.

Running Form

You also need to learn the right way of breathing when doing exercise. When you push yourself too hard on your running exercise, you will definitely catch your breath. The right way of breathing is you inhale using your nose and exhale using your mouth. There are possibilities that you will accidentally swallow bugs if you inhale using your mouth.

Right breathing

There’s lots of stretching you can do before or after running. Some people say that stretching can improve your performance. When you are running, you need to stretch your leg muscles. One good example of stretching is you lie down and bend your knee and hold it with your hands. You can do it for 15 to 20 seconds each knee.


If you have enough money, you can join a fitness gym for more intense exercise or workout. If you make it as your daily routine, your muscles will definitely become visible. I recommend Evolution Gym because they have a good training exercise and also you can learn self defense.