Ruidoso police seek abduction...

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Ruidoso High Schooi freshrPenlearn the grim truth about STDs

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18 8'''·''­Countbusy 0.

RUIDOSO, NEW MEXICO • WEDNESDAY, Ju:. 1'5, 2003 • OUR '56TH YEAR, No. 67

Ruidoso police seek abduction suspect

A computer­generated sketchof the su~pect

• Witnesses haveprovided informationon a man who kid­napped and robbedan elderly Ruidosowoman last week.

BY SANDY suoomR1'I1XJSO ~E\\'~ ~TAFf \\lUTER

A Ruidoso woman said the man whokidnapped and robbed her never scaredher: He just made her "madder thanheck - so mad I could squeeze a grape."

Ruidoso police are looking for theman who abducted 79-year-old BessieEllis between 10 a.m. and noonThursday.

Ellis said she was getting into hercar in the parking. lot of the HospitalAuxiliary Thrift Shop at 140 Nob HillDrive when the man put his armaround her neck and pressed what felt

like a gun against her. She had lookedaround the car before unlock-ing all the doors, but appar­ently he was hiding behind it,she said.

"He said, 'Don't do any­thing foolish and you won'tget hurt.' I said, 'I'm hurtingalready,' and he loosed up,"Ellis said.

The man took her purseand all the money in it andhad her drive first to StateNational Bank on SudderthDrive to cash a check throughthe drive-in teller, and then to State

National Bank on Highway 70 inRuidoso Downs to cash anoth­er check.

"I pulled into the centerlane and pulled way over tothe right and told him I could­n't reach out over from theright and said I'd have to stepout of the car," Ellis said. "Isaid 'What name should I put'?'and he hesitated. He almosttold me. I stood up andmouthed to (the teller) in thebank to help me, and she didn'tget the message and started

talking about me tutoring her daugh-

ter."Ellis continued to mouth that she

needed help but the teller put the moneythrough before she got the message.Then she told Ellis she needed to go intothe bank to sign a card, but the abductorgrabbed the money and told her to drive.The teller ran out of the bank waving atthe car as it sped of1'. heading for the Y.

The man ordered Ellis to turn in atthe hospital and jumped out of the carbefore it stopped.

"I got out and yelled at a man work­ing there and he chased after him. Hewas gaining on him, but running

Sec KIDNAP. lugt' 2\

Donations enable Downs Fire Department to buy defibrillator


Assistant Fire Chief Jim Badjar. left. shows off one of the two new defibrillators bought with donatIOns from Prudential Financial.Ruidoso Downs Auxiliary and BehaVior Motivators Steve Brown, aPrudential agent. presented a$1.000 grant to the fire squad

Attorney David C. Iglesias contt'nelsStinnett pl'rsuaded anothl'r polin- ofli­cer to state that thl' dl'fendant entt'rl'dthe holding eell becausl' hl' was toldDiPaolo was pulling her wrist from Iwrhandcufl'. He is accused offalsl'ly tt-llingother people that hl' entl'n'd tIll' eelllill'the same n'ason.

Stinnett also is named as a dl{ell­dant in an unrelated :lrd .Judil'l.tlDistrict Court case in DOlia AllaCounty, where he previously wasemployed.

Jose Coronado, the atulrnl'y repn'­senting Lucy Maestas, said his dil'lltfiled suit against Stinnett, thl' DonaAna Sheriffs Department and dl'putyRichard Mayfield in Oetober. The suitclaims the defendanLo; violated hpr eivilrights, and accuses them of assault,battery and wrongful arrest.

The claims are til'd to a .Jan. :m.1999. incident when Stinnett andMayfield werl' enlled out at 11 p.m.because of a disruption involving sompjuveniles, he said.

"Parents becaml' involved and Olll'

(Maestas) was roughed up," Coronadosaid Tuesday. He claimed Mayfil'ld wasinvolved in the physical contact. but atthe direction of Stinnett.

His client initially was charged withresisting arrest, obstructing an OmCN

and battery against an officer, but wasacquitted, Coronado said. That tooksome time to resolve. Maestas hiredanother attorney first for the civil suitand then retained him, Coronado said,explaining the delay in filing the case.


Stinnett already awaiting trial on other count

Already waiting for his trial inLincoln County District Court on apetty misdemeanor battery charge, for­mer Ruidoso police officer Alfred ClydeStinnett was indicted Thursday in U.S.District Court on three federal counL<;connected to an incident in a Ruidosoholding cell.

He is charged with deprivation ofrights and witness tampering stem­ming from claims by a 16-year-old run­away that she was manhandled byStinnett.

The village of Ruidoso and its insur­er have settled a civil case for $500,000brought on behalf of the family ofSuzanne DiPaolo by attorney GaryMitchell. Stinnett resigned at thattime., According to the indictment,Stinnett is accused of assaultingDiPaolo on Nov. 7, 2001, "by slammingher to the ground while she was hand­wifed, resulting in bodily injury" anddenying her the constitutional right notto be "deprived of liberty without dueprocess of law, which includes the rightto be free from unreasonable seizuresby one acting under the color of law."

He also is charged with attemptingto "corruptly persuade anotYler personwith intent to hinder, delay or preventthe communication to a law enforce­ment officer or judge...of informationrelating to the commission or possiblecommission of a federal offense."

The indictment signed by U.S.


Former RPD officeris charged federally

"A defibrillator nee<L<; to be start­ed within four to six minutes ofa per­son being down (with a heart attack J.

Before, we had to wait for an ambu­lance."

Badjar said there had been twoheart attacks prior to purchasing themachines, and none since - proving

Sec HEART. rage 2:\

Prudential Financial donated $1,000and the Ruidoso Downs Auxiliaryand Behavior Motivators togetherdonated $1,250 toward the $3,500life-saving machine.

"We run one in the rescue truckand one in the fire command vehicle,which is the first-responder to every­thing," Badjar said.


Heart jump-start

kill> '" I \FIl\ 'I Iff IlWIU

BY SANDY succm

Ruidoso Downs Fire Departmentis ready for heart attacks, thanks tothe generosity of several benefactors.

Assistant Fire Chief Jim Badjarsaid the department was able to buya second defibrillator Nov. 26 after .

doubled after 21 days, which was unfairto other potential applicants for the job.

Coleman responded that Ingle, aschairman, oversaw the operations fromMay 16 to June 30, 2001, without anypay, and from July 1 to Nov. 16,received only paid expenses baseft QJl

$20,000 designated in the budget. Shewas hired with that same figure untilJan. 1 when Chavez and other authori­ty members perfonned a mid-ye8r bud­get review and increased the salary.The same actio.n would have occurredfor anyone in the position, he cOntend-

See LCSWA, page 2A

lincoln CountynA

Corona homecomingfestive for all




by advertising for a manager andtelling other applicants they were over­qualified, then selecting Ingle under thelesser title of operations supervisor,which unlike the manager, C8IlRot befired at the will of the board.

Coleman responded that then-<:hair­man Modesoo Chavez Said no applicantwas told he or she was over-qua1ified.Out of five applicants, only Ingle wasqualified because oftP~ requirement forat least one year of solid waste experi­ence. That included her time on theboard.

• Sederwall wrote that Ingle's pay,

Miss Rodeo New Mexico 2003is anatural for the job. ,


cle in the Ruidoso News dealing withCommissioner Leo Martinez, as countyrepresentative to the authority board,being upset with attendance of somemembers and contending their criti­cism of Authority supervisor of opera­tions Debra Ingle amounted to fI clashof personalities.

Sederwall then ticked off severalactions on the part of the Authority hecontended were improper. Under theLetterhead of the Authority on Jan. 10,Coleman responded to each point:

• Sederwall said the Authorityimproperly handled the hiring of Ingle

lage of Capitan, who has been here foryears, knows the facts and at least (is)willing to do their research before com­ments are made to the newspaper."

Contacted. Tuesday, Sederwall said,"My response is that I'm not going tofight with a fool in the newspaper."

Sederwall questioned how Colemancould write that the Authority boardasked for a response to his letter whenthere hasn't been an Authority meetingand at least two members, himself andAngelo Vega from Carrizozo, didn't

•request a response.In his letter, Sederwall cited an arti-


Ned CantwelV4A

Go ahead and cut taxes- just not all of them


6A I Opinion 4A4-68 County news 7A

'i8 I Ohltuaries .SA4A Spon.~ .18


Rl IDOSO :'011'\\:'\ STAff' \\'RITER


Capitan mayor under fire as LCSWA chainnan asks him to leave boardBY DIANNE SlN.UNGS

The chairman of the Lincoln CountySolid Waste Authority is asking themayor of Capitan to step down as hisvillage's representative on the garbagecoalition board.

In an open letter responding to state­ments Mayor Steve Sederwall includedin his January 2003 Mayors report,

. Authority Chainnan Don Colemanwrote, "Your personality thing shouldstop, or have yourself replaood on thisboard by another person from the viI-



Ruidoso High Schooi freshrPenlearn the grim truth about STDs

\ \\

18 8'''·''­Countbusy 0.

RUIDOSO, NEW MEXICO • WEDNESDAY, Ju:. 1'5, 2003 • OUR '56TH YEAR, No. 67

Ruidoso police seek abduction suspect

A computer­generated sketchof the su~pect

• Witnesses haveprovided informationon a man who kid­napped and robbedan elderly Ruidosowoman last week.

BY SANDY suoomR1'I1XJSO ~E\\'~ ~TAFf \\lUTER

A Ruidoso woman said the man whokidnapped and robbed her never scaredher: He just made her "madder thanheck - so mad I could squeeze a grape."

Ruidoso police are looking for theman who abducted 79-year-old BessieEllis between 10 a.m. and noonThursday.

Ellis said she was getting into hercar in the parking. lot of the HospitalAuxiliary Thrift Shop at 140 Nob HillDrive when the man put his armaround her neck and pressed what felt

like a gun against her. She had lookedaround the car before unlock-ing all the doors, but appar­ently he was hiding behind it,she said.

"He said, 'Don't do any­thing foolish and you won'tget hurt.' I said, 'I'm hurtingalready,' and he loosed up,"Ellis said.

The man took her purseand all the money in it andhad her drive first to StateNational Bank on SudderthDrive to cash a check throughthe drive-in teller, and then to State

National Bank on Highway 70 inRuidoso Downs to cash anoth­er check.

"I pulled into the centerlane and pulled way over tothe right and told him I could­n't reach out over from theright and said I'd have to stepout of the car," Ellis said. "Isaid 'What name should I put'?'and he hesitated. He almosttold me. I stood up andmouthed to (the teller) in thebank to help me, and she didn'tget the message and started

talking about me tutoring her daugh-

ter."Ellis continued to mouth that she

needed help but the teller put the moneythrough before she got the message.Then she told Ellis she needed to go intothe bank to sign a card, but the abductorgrabbed the money and told her to drive.The teller ran out of the bank waving atthe car as it sped of1'. heading for the Y.

The man ordered Ellis to turn in atthe hospital and jumped out of the carbefore it stopped.

"I got out and yelled at a man work­ing there and he chased after him. Hewas gaining on him, but running

Sec KIDNAP. lugt' 2\

Donations enable Downs Fire Department to buy defibrillator


Assistant Fire Chief Jim Badjar. left. shows off one of the two new defibrillators bought with donatIOns from Prudential Financial.Ruidoso Downs Auxiliary and BehaVior Motivators Steve Brown, aPrudential agent. presented a$1.000 grant to the fire squad

Attorney David C. Iglesias contt'nelsStinnett pl'rsuaded anothl'r polin' ofli­cer to state that thl' dl'fendant entt'rl'dthe holding eell becausl' hl' was toldDiPaolo was pulling her wrist from Iwrhandcufl'. He is accused offalsl'ly tt·llingother people that hl' entl'n'd tIll' eelllill'the same n'ason.

Stinnett also is named as a dl{ell­dant in an unrelated :lrd .Judil'l.tlDistrict Court case in DOlia AllaCounty, where he previously wasemployed.

Jose Coronado, the atulrnl'y repn'­senting Lucy Maestas, said his dil'lltfiled suit against Stinnett, thl' DonaAna Sheriffs Department and dl'putyRichard Mayfield in Oetober. The suitclaims the defendanL'i violated hpr eivilrights, and accuses them of assault,battery and wrongful arrest.

The claims are til'd to a .Jan. :m.1999. incident when Stinnett andMayfield werl' enlled out at 11 p.m.because of a disruption involving sompjuveniles, he said.

"Parents becaml' involved and Olll'

(Maestas) was roughed up," Coronadosaid Tuesday. He claimed Mayfil'ld wasinvolved in the physical contact. but atthe direction of Stinnett.

His client initially was charged withresisting arrest, obstructing an OmCN

and battery against an officer, but wasacquitted, Coronado said. That tooksome time to resolve. Maestas hiredanother attorney first for the civil suitand then retained him, Coronado said,explaining the delay in filing the case.


Stinnett already awaiting trial on other count

Already waiting for his trial inLincoln County District Court on apetty misdemeanor battery charge, for­mer Ruidoso police officer Alfred ClydeStinnett was indicted Thursday in U.S.District Court on three federal counL<;connected to an incident in a Ruidosoholding cell.

He is charged with deprivation ofrights and witness tampering stem­ming from claims by a 16-year-old run­away that she was manhandled byStinnett.

The village of Ruidoso and its insur­er have settled a civil case for $500,000brought on behalf of the family ofSuzanne DiPaolo by attorney GaryMitchell. Stinnett resigned at thattime., According to the indictment,Stinnett is accused of assaultingDiPaolo on Nov. 7, 2001, "by slammingher to the ground while she was hand­wifed, resulting in bodily injury" anddenying her the constitutional right notto be "deprived of liberty without dueprocess of law, which includes the rightto be free from unreasonable seizuresby one acting under the color of law."

He also is charged with attemptingto "corruptly persuade anotYler personwith intent to hinder, delay or preventthe communication to a law enforce­ment officer or judge...of informationrelating to the commission or possiblecommission of a federal offense."

The indictment signed by U.S.


Former RPD officeris charged federally

"A defibrillator nee<L<; to be start­ed within four to six minutes ofa per­son being down (with a heart attack J.

Before, we had to wait for an ambu­lance."

Badjar said there had been twoheart attacks prior to purchasing themachines, and none since - proving

Sec HEART. rage 2:\

Prudential Financial donated $1,000and the Ruidoso Downs Auxiliaryand Behavior Motivators togetherdonated $1,250 toward the $3,500life-saving machine.

"We run one in the rescue truckand one in the fire command vehicle,which is the first-responder to every­thing," Badjar said.


Heart jump-start

kill> '" I \FIl\ 'I Iff IlWIlH

BY SANDY succm

Ruidoso Downs Fire Departmentis ready for heart attacks, thanks tothe generosity of several benefactors.

Assistant Fire Chief Jim Badjarsaid the department was able to buya second defibrillator Nov. 26 after .

doubled after 21 days, which was unfairto other potential applicants for the job.

Coleman responded that Ingle, aschairman, oversaw the operations fromMay 16 to June 30, 2001, without anypay, and from July 1 to Nov. 16,received only paid expenses baseft QJl

$20,000 designated in the budget. Shewas hired with that same figure untilJan. 1 when Chavez and other authori­ty members perfonned a mid-ye8r bud­get review and increased the salary.The same actio.n would have occurredfor anyone in the position, he cOntend-

See LCSWA, page 2A

lincoln CountynA

Corona homecomingfestive for all




by advertising for a manager andtelling other applicants they were over­qualified, then selecting Ingle under thelesser title of operations supervisor,which unlike the manager, C8IlRot befired at the will of the board.

Coleman responded that then-<:hair­man Modesoo Chavez Said no applicantwas told he or she was over-qua1ified.Out of five applicants, only Ingle wasqualified because oftP~ requirement forat least one year of solid waste experi­ence. That included her time on theboard.

• Sederwall wrote that Ingle's pay,

Miss Rodeo New Mexico 2003is anatural for the job. ,


cle in the Ruidoso News dealing withCommissioner Leo Martinez, as countyrepresentative to the authority board,being upset with attendance of somemembers and contending their criti­cism of Authority supervisor of opera­tions Debra Ingle amounted to fI clashof personalities.

Sederwall then ticked off severalactions on the part of the Authority hecontended were improper. Under theLetterhead of the Authority on Jan. 10,Coleman responded to each point:

• Sederwall said the Authorityimproperly handled the hiring of Ingle

lage of Capitan, who has been here foryears, knows the facts and at least (is)willing to do their research before com­ments are made to the newspaper."

Contacted. Tuesday, Sederwall said,"My response is that I'm not going tofight with a fool in the newspaper."

Sederwall questioned how Colemancould write that the Authority boardasked for a response to his letter whenthere hasn't been an Authority meetingand at least two members, himself andAngelo Vega from Carrizozo, didn't

•request a response.In his letter, Sederwall cited an arti-


Ned CantwelV4A

Go ahead and cut taxes- just not all of them


6A I Opinion 4A4-68 County news 7A

'i8 I Ohltuaries .SA4A Spon.~ .18


Rl IDOSO :'011'\\:'\ STAff' \\'RITER


Capitan mayor under fire as LCSWA chainnan asks him to leave boardBY DIANNE SlN.UNGS

The chairman of the Lincoln CountySolid Waste Authority is asking themayor of Capitan to step down as hisvillage's representative on the garbagecoalition board.

In an open letter responding to state­ments Mayor Steve Sederwall includedin his January 2003 Mayor's report,

. Authority Chainnan Don Colemanwrote, "Your personality thing shouldstop, or have yourself replaood on thisboard by another person from the viI-

,app ....... p ...". .. ,T' ....... "',W'. p

. ,



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~__P._lG_E_4C...._Ru_l_DO_SO_NIIiiIIE)VS ~--~--- ....--1V-·_.'.SiUIDE '.. W~NSSO~,JAN. 15,ZOO3, i; .,j

FALL throughthe Aspen leaves'to'get yoursubscription.

SPRING into theweekend with theinformation in ourFriday Vamonossection.

or send. check ormoney order to:

Call(505) 257·4001

Ruidoso NewsP.O. Box 128

Ruidoso, NM 88355

SUMMER excite­ment ranges frombetting onfavorite jockeyto hiking a newtrail.

3 months: $14.006 months: $20.00

1 'year: $34.00

Out of Linenln & OteroCounties:

3 months: $21.006 months: $27.00'

1,year: $43.00

"R~oNEWSEvery Wednesday & Friday


..10·.. ·· WINTERIZE~.' . your family plans'1

l. . with our award~ winning WinterW Visitor's Guide.

The RUIDOSO NEWS will takeyou through every season of

Lincoln County.----------,

JANUARY 22, 2003

Kudlow &Cramer lI!J

World', Best AncientCultural lID

, ·JA"UAIJV,iO, ~QPa• •



m WTBS GIl Croc.Dundle2"

GIl WGN .~. m JennyJones

lID Gm






• 1

,app ....... p ...". .. ,T' ....... "',W'. p

. ,



-:~: " :~-.;, ~.. ~... r'."··'."<'nli7',.,.:":"'''"'''r.?'~"..~,


~__P._lG_E_4C...._Ru_l_DO_SO_NIIiiIIE)VS ~--~--- ....--1V-·_.'.SiUIDE '.. W~NSSO~,JAN. 15,ZOO3, i; .,j

FALL throughthe Aspen leaves'to'get yoursubscription.

SPRING into theweekend with theinformation in ourFriday Vamonossection.

or send. check ormoney order to:

Call(505) 257·4001

Ruidoso NewsP.O. Box 128

Ruidoso, NM 88355

SUMMER excite­ment ranges frombetting onfavorite jockeyto hiking a newtrail.

3 months: $14.006 months: $20.00

1 'year: $34.00

Out of Linenln & OteroCounties:

3 months: $21.006 months: $27.00'

1,year: $43.00

"R~oNEWSEvery Wednesday & Friday


..10·.. ·· WINTERIZE~.' . your family plans'1

l. . with our award~ winning WinterW Visitor's Guide.

The RUIDOSO NEWS will takeyou through every season of

Lincoln County.----------,

JANUARY 22, 2003

Kudlow &Cramer lI!J

World', Best AncientCultural lID

, ·JA"UAIJV,iO, ~QPa• •



m WTBS GIl Croc.Dundle2"

GIl WGN .~. m JennyJones

lID Gm






• 1


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Schlotlsky's' ond Schlotzsky's Del,' ore regIstered trademarks of Schlotzsky's, Inc, Aushn, TX



THE SANDWICH THATMADE.US FAMOUS!The OriginalToasted sourdough bun, threemeats (lean ham, Genoa salami,co"o salami), three cheeses(mozzarella, cheddar, Parmeson),mustard, mannated black olives,amon, lettuce and tomato

Deluxe OriginalMore than twice the meatof The Onglnal

Hom &Cheese OriginalToasted sourdough bun, shovedlean hom, three cheeses,mustard, mannated block olives.oman, lettuce and tomato

Turkey OriginalThree cheeses, smoked turkey,Genoa salami on a toasted sour·dough bun With hght mayonnOl,e,lettuce, tomato, mannatedblack olrves and onion

Large OriginalOUR OWN MUFFULEnAThe Ongmal on a giant 8" bun

Fiesta ChickenToasted lalapena cheese bun Withthlnly-sliced roasted chICkenbreast, melted cheddar cheese,hre-wasted sweet red bell pe~pers, green onion, shced blockolrves, red onion, lettuce, tomatoand Salsa dreSSing

Roast Beef &Cheese eToasted sourdough bun, Angusroast beef with melted cheddarand mozzarella cheeses, dill pICkleshces, Onion, hght mayonnOlse,lettuce and tomatoTurkey &Bacon dubToasted wheat bun With shcedsmoked turkey, bacon stnps,melted mozzarella and cheddarcheeses With Irght mayannOise,lettuce and tomato

Pastrami &Swiss eToasted dark rye bun, Anguspastrami sliced thin and piledhigh, D'lon mustard and meltedSWISS cheese

*Chicken BreastThlnly-slrced roosted chickenbreast on a toasted sourdoughbun With Fat Free Spicy Ranchdre'>SlOg, lettuce, tomato anddill pickle shces

*Smoked Turkey BreastSmoked turkey breast on atoasted sourdough bun, lightmayonnOl,e, lettuce and tomato

*The VegetarianToasted wheat bun, slicedcucumber, tomato, Onion, lettuce,manna ted blOCK ohves, cheddarcheese and Fat Free SpICYRanch dreSSing

*Albacore TunaAlbacore tuna on a toasted wheatbun, lettuce, tomato and Fat FreeSpICY Ranch dreSSing

Addmonol reglonol ;;.Iemons ovmlobleof mdlVldual restauronts

*ChIcken CaesarRomOine lettuce, stripS of roostedchicken breast and freshly gratedParmesan chem

*CaesarRamalne lettuce and freshly gratedParmesan cheese

Smoked Turiley Chef'sIceherg, Romame leltuce, radicchio,baby spinach, red cabbage, canals,smoked turkey, mozzarella andcheddar cheeses, tomato, block olrvesand pepperonofll

*Gorden and Small GardenIceberg and Romame lettuce,radICchiO, baby spmach, redcabbage, carrols, tomato, cucumberand block olives

Potato Salad


*Fresh FruitChicken &Pesto PostaChicken Salad eJ!JJ'Albacore Tuna

Add/honol reglOnol sefechon DVodobleof mdlVlduol reffiJuronts

~Choice of Featured Sandwichesor Piuos with Otips and Drink

The Ongmal • Smoked Turkey Breast •Double Cheese 8. Pepperoni PIZZO •Barbeque ChiCken PIZZO • Pastrami 8.SWISS • Turkey Ongmal

Double Cheese &PepperoniHerbed sourdough crust, tradrhonalfavonte with tomato sauce, extraPOrtlOns 01 mozzarella chee,eand pepperoni

Barbeque ChickenHerbed sourdough crust, StriPS ofroosted chiCKen breast, BBO sauce,Onion, Jalapeno, mozzarella andcheddar cheese

Vegetarian SpedalHerbed sourdough crust, bellpepper, onion, mushrooms, blackolives, ba,i/ pe,to, fre,h tomatoand mozzarella cheese

Thoi Chicken~Herbed sourdough crust, SesameGarlic Sauce, StriPS of roastedchicken bremt, ThO! Peanut Sauce,carrots, chopped green Onionsand mozzarella cheese

*Asian Almond~Chicken Wrap~Stnp, of roa,ted chICken bleast,Asian BBO Sauce, red cabbage,ramome lettuce, carrols, Cilantro,toasted almonds and Sweet ChiliSouce on a toosred splC'{ lurtllla

Chicken Caesar WrapSlnps of roosted chICken breasf,Caesar dressmg, romaine lettuceand fresh~ grated Parmesan cheeseon a toasted whole wheat tomlla

The Original CombinationHerbed sourdough crust, pepperoni,mushrooms, hell pepper, onion,black ohve" hesh tomato, moz­zarella cheese and tomato sauce

Tuscan HerbHemed sourdough crust, IIflHoastedvegetables, portobello mushrooms,fresh tomato, mozzOlelio chee,e,garliC dressmg, Tuscan herbseasoning and tomato sauce

Three MeatHerbed sourdough crust,pepperOni, Genoa ,alaml, choppedhom, extra porhon of mozzarellacheese and tomato souce

Kung Pao Chicken G:9Herbed sourdough crust, strips ofroosted chICKen breast, corrols,roosted peanuts, green Onion, moz­zarella cheese and Kung Pao sauce

Md/hono! regional selechons DVO//ableat mdlVldual resfauronll

*Zesty Albacore Tuna WrapAlbacore tuna, Fat Free SpicyRanch dreSSing, fommne lettuce,tomato, red Onion and shcedcucumber on a toasted wholewheat tamlla

Salsa Chicken withCheddar WrapStriPS of roasted chICken breast,cheddar cheese, shced block ohves,Salsa dressmg, romaine lettuce,tomato, led oman and Cilantro ona toasted SpiCY torhlla

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THE SANDWICH THATMADE.US FAMOUS!The OriginalToasted sourdough bun, threemeats (lean ham, Genoa salami,co"o salami), three cheeses(mozzarella, cheddar, Parmeson),mustard, mannated black olives,amon, lettuce and tomato

Deluxe OriginalMore than twice the meatof The Onglnal

Hom &Cheese OriginalToasted sourdough bun, shovedlean hom, three cheeses,mustard, mannated block olives.oman, lettuce and tomato

Turkey OriginalThree cheeses, smoked turkey,Genoa salami on a toasted sour·dough bun With hght mayonnOl,e,lettuce, tomato, mannatedblack olrves and onion

Large OriginalOUR OWN MUFFULEnAThe Ongmal on a giant 8" bun

Fiesta ChickenToasted lalapena cheese bun Withthlnly-sliced roasted chICkenbreast, melted cheddar cheese,hre-wasted sweet red bell pe~pers, green onion, shced blockolrves, red onion, lettuce, tomatoand Salsa dreSSing

Roast Beef &Cheese eToasted sourdough bun, Angusroast beef with melted cheddarand mozzarella cheeses, dill pICkleshces, Onion, hght mayonnOlse,lettuce and tomatoTurkey &Bacon dubToasted wheat bun With shcedsmoked turkey, bacon stnps,melted mozzarella and cheddarcheeses With Irght mayannOise,lettuce and tomato

Pastrami &Swiss eToasted dark rye bun, Anguspastrami sliced thin and piledhigh, D'lon mustard and meltedSWISS cheese

*Chicken BreastThlnly-slrced roosted chickenbreast on a toasted sourdoughbun With Fat Free Spicy Ranchdre'>SlOg, lettuce, tomato anddill pickle shces

*Smoked Turkey BreastSmoked turkey breast on atoasted sourdough bun, lightmayonnOl,e, lettuce and tomato

*The VegetarianToasted wheat bun, slicedcucumber, tomato, Onion, lettuce,manna ted blOCK ohves, cheddarcheese and Fat Free SpICYRanch dreSSing

*Albacore TunaAlbacore tuna on a toasted wheatbun, lettuce, tomato and Fat FreeSpICY Ranch dreSSing

Addmonol reglonol ;;.Iemons ovmlobleof mdlVldual restauronts

*ChIcken CaesarRomOine lettuce, stripS of roostedchicken breast and freshly gratedParmesan chem

*CaesarRamalne lettuce and freshly gratedParmesan cheese

Smoked Turiley Chef'sIceherg, Romame leltuce, radicchio,baby spinach, red cabbage, canals,smoked turkey, mozzarella andcheddar cheeses, tomato, block olrvesand pepperonofll

*Gorden and Small GardenIceberg and Romame lettuce,radICchiO, baby spmach, redcabbage, carrols, tomato, cucumberand block olives

Potato Salad


*Fresh FruitChicken &Pesto PostaChicken Salad eJ!JJ'Albacore Tuna

Add/honol reglOnol sefechon DVodobleof mdlVlduol reffiJuronts

~Choice of Featured Sandwichesor Piuos with Otips and Drink

The Ongmal • Smoked Turkey Breast •Double Cheese 8. Pepperoni PIZZO •Barbeque ChiCken PIZZO • Pastrami 8.SWISS • Turkey Ongmal

Double Cheese &PepperoniHerbed sourdough crust, tradrhonalfavonte with tomato sauce, extraPOrtlOns 01 mozzarella chee,eand pepperoni

Barbeque ChickenHerbed sourdough crust, StriPS ofroosted chiCKen breast, BBO sauce,Onion, Jalapeno, mozzarella andcheddar cheese

Vegetarian SpedalHerbed sourdough crust, bellpepper, onion, mushrooms, blackolives, ba,i/ pe,to, fre,h tomatoand mozzarella cheese

Thoi Chicken~Herbed sourdough crust, SesameGarlic Sauce, StriPS of roastedchicken bremt, ThO! Peanut Sauce,carrots, chopped green Onionsand mozzarella cheese

*Asian Almond~Chicken Wrap~Stnp, of roa,ted chICken bleast,Asian BBO Sauce, red cabbage,ramome lettuce, carrols, Cilantro,toasted almonds and Sweet ChiliSouce on a toosred splC'{ lurtllla

Chicken Caesar WrapSlnps of roosted chICken breasf,Caesar dressmg, romaine lettuceand fresh~ grated Parmesan cheeseon a toasted whole wheat tomlla

The Original CombinationHerbed sourdough crust, pepperoni,mushrooms, hell pepper, onion,black ohve" hesh tomato, moz­zarella cheese and tomato sauce

Tuscan HerbHemed sourdough crust, IIflHoastedvegetables, portobello mushrooms,fresh tomato, mozzOlelio chee,e,garliC dressmg, Tuscan herbseasoning and tomato sauce

Three MeatHerbed sourdough crust,pepperOni, Genoa ,alaml, choppedhom, extra porhon of mozzarellacheese and tomato souce

Kung Pao Chicken G:9Herbed sourdough crust, strips ofroosted chICKen breast, corrols,roosted peanuts, green Onion, moz­zarella cheese and Kung Pao sauce

Md/hono! regional selechons DVO//ableat mdlVldual resfauronll

*Zesty Albacore Tuna WrapAlbacore tuna, Fat Free SpicyRanch dreSSing, fommne lettuce,tomato, red Onion and shcedcucumber on a toasted wholewheat tamlla

Salsa Chicken withCheddar WrapStriPS of roasted chICken breast,cheddar cheese, shced block ohves,Salsa dressmg, romaine lettuce,tomato, led oman and Cilantro ona toasted SpiCY torhlla

Dendous Dally Varieties

Fresh Cookies • Cheesec:ake

Ask about our Pastries

(12 &UNDER)

Piua, Cookie &DrinkSandwich, Cookie &Drink

DRINKSCoco-(ola1\, Diet Coke", Sprite",and other Coco-(ola" flavors

Freshly Brewed Iced Tea

All Natural Lemonade

20 oz Bottle To Go

Bottled Water

*Denotes 7Gfams of fat or Less;SaIods do IIOt lnducIe Wild Dressing.CroatOllS, or a.ow Meil HoocIeJ





Angel Soft4 roll






Red SeedlessGrapes

~hilean new crop


Pridejumbo pack LB.

small pack .59fj. lb.

Paper TowelsBrawny

regular or designerroll

BanquetPot Pies

chicken, turkey, beefor chicken with broccoli


~7e~304 MECHEM • RUIDOSO. N.M.



•[ VISA ]



Doritos® 2select group

reg. price $3.29 FOR

Campbell'sChunky Soup

select group18.6-18.8 oz.

'~- . - ." ,.... _-:. .JI~: -

.' r A

' """ ~ .';;-" '1~

Sandwich B:'d


Thriftwaywhite24 oz. FOR


select group15-16 oz.

..• .hlll





Angel Soft4 roll






Red SeedlessGrapes

~hilean new crop


Pridejumbo pack LB.

small pack .59fj. lb.

Paper TowelsBrawny

regular or designerroll

BanquetPot Pies

chicken, turkey, beefor chicken with broccoli


~7e~304 MECHEM • RUIDOSO. N.M.



•[ VISA ]



Doritos® 2select group

reg. price $3.29 FOR

Campbell'sChunky Soup

select group18.6-18.8 oz.

'~- . - ." ,.... _-:. .JI~: -

.' r A

' """ ~ .';;-" '1~

Sandwich B:'d


Thriftwaywhite24 oz. FOR


select group15-16 oz.

..• .hlll

"'. -~- -r

Tropical Mangos

Yellow HotPeppers





Chilean Peachesfresh'




Mini PeeledCarrots2 lb. pkg•

........- .

.. .


! .

"'. -~- -r

Tropical Mangos

Yellow HotPeppers





Chilean Peachesfresh'




Mini PeeledCarrots2 lb. pkg•

........- .

.. .


! .

.. "'4 if.. • • • '4 .. , ~- - ----- --.- •....-- - ----..- ..". ---- --- ., - .. - - - - ." ." ~ • - • - • ". . ..--... ~ ~~ , -.or, ~ - " ~ "j ", . 4 '


4-4.4 Lb.Bags

-•• ..... ...... - ••' #

Seleoted Varletl••


660Z.Cups For

48 Oz. Btl.Right Blend, Corn or Canola j

MazolaCooking OilBuy 1 Get 1


Harlna Preparada

Quaker :'=:-:~ !

SMasa99x ~i

. -"WiL.... ..~:!~:?;

Chicken .Noodle Chicken

__~~'-- ~oodleJ,

Selected Varieties

BestYetDinner ' "•.Helper .

I ~'''-f

"l': FREE 7~~~:;~~

- . ' . ' ~~,~'&". ,~, 10 Lb.. Bag . .. \

, .\ 1''f,~'J BestYet ~~<;; " • '1. ~ .~

, 'b, 4 ,;"~ Pinto :BeansBuy 1 Get



Ruidoso • Roswell"Where Service, Quality, & Variety Are A Must!"

"We Offer You The Greatest Selection OfLiquor In Our Area" __--liiii..

","1' . ." , \.

I -~ ,. .\' ~ "_>L...~~~~&~ ••_~--"~~_....... _ ....--....__.~-:..:._..... __._~__,_.~~,,--~.~ ~'_""·~""_~""w.ttL.L~.~ .."" __~'''''''' '. ~"_" __.'_"_'~"4.•._._.,_ ... _.........:...-...~~ ......._~.........._~•.. ·:,;,SM'

.. "'4 if.. • • • '4 .. , ~- - ----- --.- •....-- - ----..- ..". ---- --- ., - .. - - - - ." ." ~ • - • - • ". . ..--... ~ ~~ , -.or, ~ - " ~ "j ", . 4 '


4-4.4 Lb.Bags

-•• ..... ...... - ••' #

Seleoted Varletl••


660Z.Cups For

48 Oz. Btl.Right Blend, Corn or Canola j

MazolaCooking OilBuy 1 Get 1


Harlna Preparada

Quaker :'=:-:~ !

SMasa99x ~i

. -"WiL.... ..~:!~:?;

Chicken .Noodle Chicken

__~~'-- ~oodleJ,

Selected Varieties

BestYetDinner ' "•.Helper .

I ~'''-f

"l': FREE 7~~~:;~~

- . ' . ' ~~,~'&". ,~, 10 Lb.. Bag . .. \

, .\ 1''f,~'J BestYet ~~<;; " • '1. ~ .~

, 'b, 4 ,;"~ Pinto :BeansBuy 1 Get



Ruidoso • Roswell"Where Service, Quality, & Variety Are A Must!"

"We Offer You The Greatest Selection OfLiquor In Our Area" __--liiii..

","1' . ." , \.

I -~ ,. .\' ~ "_>L...~~~~&~ ••_~--"~~_....... _ ....--....__.~-:..:._..... __._~__,_.~~,,--~.~ ~'_""·~""_~""w.ttL.L~.~ .."" __~'''''''' '. ~"_" __.'_"_'~"4.•._._.,_ ... _.........:...-...~~ ......._~.........._~•.. ·:,;,SM'

_ .... ----......-- ".-- .... ~ - ... T ... .... ....- ..... -,- ..... .,.--- .....- ... _ ........... ..- _ ...... ...-- """'- ...- ............ .....- .... ...- T·

•,.-- ...... ..... .-- ... .. ~ ... ~ ,.- -- - ..... _ ... .- - .,..-.... ..-" r ... -..- .... ... r .. .. - .... '_ . ......... ,... .......~"........ _ r- r-'''- ...-----..............,.

• ••



Peyton'sMeat Franks

Large &Meaty

Beef BackRibs



Umlt 4 PleaseThereafter 69¢ Ea.Lb.


Extra Lean

BonelessStew Meat


Fryer Thighsor Drumsticks




_________________IIIiIIII ".•

4 Lbs. & Down


, \I, '

BonelessRun1p Roast


'" Spare Ribs

, I I


7Oz.Pk .



1lMf&et-or01lcken &ChteM

II Monterey'-quito.

8 Ct.Pkgs. For


Blueberry or Peach

Mrs. Smith's

selected Varieties

Mrs. Freshley'sFamily Packs

$2 110.-Pl<go. For

8.5-10.6 Oz.Pkg.

SlllctId VIrideI

HonnelBI8ck LabelB8con

8e11cted_.II MontereyBurrito.

Selected Varieties

Swift Brown'NServe Sausage

& Biscuits




Mrs. Smith's~:::-:-===~--I Garlic B ads

235·25 OzPk

Selected Vartetl••

Country CharmIce ere m Bars

Grilled or Popcorn

Gorton'a8h mp

8eIected VIrieIIeISkIllet & Oven



Slllotld VIrlItIeI

Smart On••Entre••8Dt.



• ro.-..State FairCom Dog.JU>


=19 BeaYetChopped

'g: H8m

. ....• "'}J.' .. -





Cubed BeefTripe


':': Chorlzo ~ Turkey ~o.-For-------+- r--------+:------::-~-----+

Homogenized. 2%. 1% or Fat Free Skim

Gandy's, Price's orCreamland Milk


_.,,~,~~z...~r' ~ "'.,.....

~ LA"Di~·'. 'M.&1'l1,~~' "

Unll8lted. Salted, Ught or Regular

Land 0 LakesBu er

UgIrt SaltedLand 0 Lak••

B r



FleglJa' or ThIel<


BeaY!Bun LengthSmokeds.uuge

39 24 oz.Slllctld YIrIItJII SIIIIltId IIIrII!III EachDol, Michelina"II nd. DlnnVInIII or Selected Vartetles •

ClnnImon HuIlnut

19 ,ac SlicedIntematlonaDelights Loaf Cak••

~~ ••


PIua or AmIrlcIn 1I111ll11d IJIIIIIIII •

Kratt a....n alantWa~'AI -Um. ~Oz. Creat.-A-M.alkg.

8111Cll1d~;., 'w.... \' '11

Land 0 I ••Chunk Ch••••


.. • S·. me ze_·. . ee __ en ert • .__._. .- ...-.. ---.. .-.... _ ~ . _...lI. __.-.... •••~ ••-..~J~ -"'"- _6 ,.~ __ ~_ •

............ .......... "" .., .... .... -w -.... 'WIll' """ '--" '. ... ..... .. - .... -- - • '" .... " --..... ..... - - - - - .. .... ... .... .. -.... • - • .. - --........ - ........ -... .. -............. - ....... -- ........ -- .... -." ........ . ,.. .... ..... .... -.... ..... -- --.,.


• •


16·24 CtPkgs. For

a i

.~I~ I fYl!!t

BestYet5 Lb.Flour


Selected Varieties

StayfreeFeminine Hygiene

ChoooIaI•. Vanillaor Strawberry



. --"""":til ,Ij ~;


14·21 Oz.Pkg.

50 CtBottle

tW :fiI:'... • i

~ -- '..-- ......Selected Varieties

KrusteazBread Mix


Selected Varieties

~IenolExtra Strength

, .

Iielected VIr1eUet

Oral BAdv8ntageToothbrulh

64 Oz.Cntr

176-22 Lb.Bag

;;-----------:--'t::lt;;4-""(.1:.10 \'CIIoI lIt l

~('Ji.lD· 'Ie-, fbI

Selected Varieties


!.t\t'!'1iILamb & Rice, Uttle Bits or Original

PurinaDog Chow



99 =VlrttUn

g-LlvelCit Food

6 Oz.Pkg.

20 Oz.Cntr. For


Selected Varieties

Beggln StripsDog Treats

Smucker's StrawberrySqueeze Jelly

~ ~~

, . •

89 99 99 798eIecled Vlrttll.. Selected VllltlI.. Sellctld VIIItlI.. BeltYetDel Monte Del Monte Kellogg" Creamy WheatFruit CUPI •""*- Fru.t To 00 .p..... Cereal 11.8-20 OJ Farina 280L

.OL Cuoo • OJ CupI Bo. 80.

14 Lb. BoxScoop AwayPlul Crystall

Selected~'. se ected Varletles• ea <None .• ,~ >1f.

ngelSoft Marcil Gras :iSOIBath Tissue Paper Towels . Ipes •••

8912 Ct. <None>6 25-35 Ct.

Pkgs. For Ct. Pkg.;' •_..

,~ •

19 C ' $ 39RI!lII or Pump 811lnoh .', >" '.'

BeltYet Hefty "" BeltYet ZiplocLiquid SoIP lI-:nOL Foam Platel Party CUPI Sandwich Bigi 100 CI.


1':~ ", ..1'".(,i$

,=l~~~ ','

Seo LowJ Powd« ~,.' ' 69 39 59Arm aHIrMler .

GIllon or Quart FabrlClre W1k1t1owe11 or Country Iielected Vlrtetlel

BeltYet Laundry Ann &Hlmmer RufflelFreezer Bagl Detergent IU80L Dryer Sheets 4OCI. Tralh B8g1 27·100 CI.

Boll Boll Pkg.


Ho!urIdIth. D1jon or Spicy


BeltYet~ Snick Crlckers


59Selected VIrttlI..

AuatexBeef Stew1e OL


lOA or BeltYet~OL Ketchup



"",I .•i .......;~~. i'·.-:'"'::,~

"," ,-::.

29 8eIected VIrttUn

O.d II PliO2.~OL Sal..

Selected Vlrttll..

O.d II PlIORetried Belnl


t:,. ,1f:Selected Vlrttll.. t·".l"

Mrs. DalhSplcel

29Wrlgle, StrIpa._-------_-1


•• •'--,


I ....- - ._. .. .


Iielected VIrIIIIII

Rice-A-Ron.or P.1ta Ron'3 Count


11.6-13 OJ.Pkg.



• • •

Bring home the value. From our family to yours.




LSelIOl1d VlrtIU..

0rvI11. RedlnuchtrMlcroWivl Popcom

•.......••.............•.......................•...•..•..•....•........................•......•.,•••••••: ClrtilM1Ol1 or Quaker: Quaker 1bII1Ited: Life c.....,I ~$

-"",....-10QulJlr'~"'" ..., lOft.........,....'~ i••u.u * ' " " ,....... •• i2 2

_....,.,.IollI....(l) ~1'll!J*>!1I1\n_ondIarDr*_~""pllU2Lo-pllU2L_..,\)IoIIIr• " 01. ':::,Oobhll.....~ ~'Y"'l' lfND (1)1llIIQilijMd~"""artIolt,m........,IJCCl*.......1lIII' ,1lIII'....~~QaIor.1lqDr8nl1arDr*IOOll~......JIIll.C\nl(l)lIIIgnl.........,.a!~l)...."'""'*"..jiId_mIId. ...........- .....---1------

•: 11M10l 110.001.1 F'" ..........ant.. S6BI en: .........,I-dleb....l: -S1OJlO(Io, tlll>.'11CI) _IUJ(I, '.JIlKI) _'\lOp ,'u.WO)'*'I....•••: =••=C'h-:-.::::...II)-::-------~----.,---------•: ..ino.IM- '. _ ,'p.tei...., ., .. " • '.'· . ,

~~!i~~lft·'I•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,••••••••••••••••••_ 1~~

New Crop

Red RomeApples

Lb. Lb.

!I'RlSH'RUIT_III". •• '-' c::o ...... .... -III ..... ...... -iii ...... ..'RUIlSfIAIS. \California, N

~ unldsLemons



Large Size,Washington State


resh CrlsCelery

­.....­...•'IAIS. N Cew rop




lb.., +) "..~

. i~.;,'..~'m'~,",l:..~. "(~,'\ 'f./1\' '. ," ~~, '~(O~ ;:

f. ~-",!';t (Medium, All Purpose . ' ' "'~J.~\W Texas

Yellow " .~ Rio StarOnions -6'<1> Grapefru

$ $3Lbso 3 For

Sweet Ripe


. . .,,'

Red Seedlese I



". '~~ . . Deli & Bakery, ..

Hot Ready To Eat!


EniS1'" '2For .


~ Baby Swiss;f' ,iii!>, Cheese

4~99 Chocolate or

Vanilla Pudding


12 Piece Mixed Fried Chicken, 2 Lbs. Mashed American Favorite


Chicken Deal .. ~. ",..


12 oz. Cans

Coke orDr Pep er


3 Liter

Coke orDr Pepper

$3 For

12 oz. CansBud or Bud LightCoors or Coors Lightor Miller Lite

99. 18.. ~, ...../

. " '. '" . . Pack.

l' . 11-120z.CanI' L,.'

Busch or Busch LI hl.........3O Pack



Lawrence BrothersYour Money Transfer Headquarters

• Western Union Wire Transfer "Great Rate to Mexico"• Western Union Quick Collect &Swift Pay • Utility Bill Pay

•Smoke Signal Telephone Service • Lottery• Great Phone Card Service • Fidelity Express Money Orders

• We Cash All Payroll Checks with Approval

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New Crop

Red RomeApples

Lb. Lb.

!I'RlSH'RUIT_III". •• '-' c::o ...... .... -III ..... ...... -iii ...... ..'RUIlSfIAIS. \California, N

~ unldsLemons



Large Size,Washington State


resh CrlsCelery

­.....­...•'IAIS. N Cew rop




lb.., +) "..~

. i~.;,'..~'m'~,",l:..~. "(~,'\ 'f./1\' '. ," ~~, ,~(O~ ;:

f. ~-",!';t (Medium, All Purpose . ' ' "'~J.~\W Texas

Yellow " .~ Rio StarOnions -6'<1> Grapefru

$ $3Lbso 3 For

Sweet Ripe


. . .,,'

Red Seedlese I



". '~~ . . Deli & Bakery, ..

Hot Ready To Eat!


EniS1'" '2For .


~ Baby Swiss;f' ,iii!>, Cheese

4~99 Chocolate or

Vanilla Pudding


12 Piece Mixed Fried Chicken, 2 Lbs. Mashed American Favorite


Chicken Deal .. ~. ",..


12 oz. Cans

Coke orDr Pep er


3 Liter

Coke orDr Pepper

$3 For

12 oz. CansBud or Bud LightCoors or Coors Lightor Miller Lite

99. 18.. ~, ...../

. " '. '" . . Pack.

l' . 11-120z.CanI' L,.'

Busch or Busch LI hl.........3O Pack



Lawrence BrothersYour Money Transfer Headquarters

• Western Union Wire Transfer "Great Rate to Mexico"• Western Union Quick Collect &Swift Pay • Utility Bill Pay

•Smoke Signal Telephone Service • Lottery• Great Phone Card Service • Fidelity Express Money Orders

• We Cash All Payroll Checks with Approval

. ,
