Rude Boys 2 (Strange Days)

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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This is a cartoon from the time before I got to know how to use Paint Shop Pro, because although there are full colour slides and there is a narrative, I am still using hand drawn speech bubbles. The story is in two parts, and portrays the inappropriateness and sheer brutality of the administration of injections in the old NHS asylums in the UK. Speak to someone who knows the time, and they may say:' Yes, I knew someone like that too.' This is also a take on the meaning of 'Doctor's orders'. What the doctor ordered, you would surely get. Even if by a Broadmoor-trained Teddy Boy.

Transcript of Rude Boys 2 (Strange Days)

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Andrew presents

An Andrew Production

Late 20th Century Scenesfrom the Asylums

at Hellingly in Sussexand Oakwood in Kent

Rudeboys 2 (Strange Days)

Part Two

‘The First Time’

…Following a 1-to-1 unwitnessed interview with the psychiatrist,

Arthur is informed that because of nurse Mustapha’s

uncorroborated allegation that Arthur is not taking his tablets, he will now be given medication by


Arthur knows Mr Burke insists on being called ‘Mister Burke’. All the other staff are called by

their first names. Mr Burke calls all the patients by their first

names. Mr Burke is also one of the few nurses to wear a

uniform. All the other staff wear everyday clothes.

Although it is the mid-1970’s, Mr Burke has a Teddy-Boy hair

style. Arthur associates Teddy Boys with ripping up cinema seats and other violence.

Arthur has hair over his ears and likes to be associated with non-violence, peace and love.

Furthermore, Arthur has heard that Mr Burke has trained at

Broadmoor, where Arthur has heard that some patients die

through over-sedation or being restrained.