Royal Order of Jesters Titles: What Is an Impresario?

Post on 09-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Royal Order of Jesters Titles: What Is an Impresario?

Royal Order of Jesters Titles: What Is an


The Original Cast of the Royal Order of Jesters, founded in 1911 as

an offshoot of the Shriners, were given a wide variety of titles, ranging from royal director to royal master transportation to royal leading

lady. The Cast also included a royal impresario.

Strictly speaking, the term impresario refers to the conductor, manager, or promoter of a concert company or an opera. Used in that

way, it keeps in line with the generally theatrical theme of the Royal Order of

Jesters’ titles. But the term can also indicate a person who sponsors a sporting event or a show on television. Literary luminary Seth

Godin has even referred to it as being anyone who spots an opportunity and brings

interested parties together to make something happen.

The origins of the term stretch as far back as the 18th century, when impresarios formed an

important part of Italian opera theaters. The profession was a difficult one, however, and many of the original impresarios ended up in
