ROYAL AUSTRALIAN · 2013-01-17 · I ROYAL AUSTRALIAN o -• • -PICTORIAL RegIs! ... .,; by...

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Transcript of ROYAL AUSTRALIAN · 2013-01-17 · I ROYAL AUSTRALIAN o -• • -PICTORIAL RegIs! ... .,; by...




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RegIs! ... .,; by Australia Post PublicabOr'l No. VBH8876

VOLUME 33 No. 1 Navy News, 2 Macleay 51. pons Pornt 2011. or PO 80. 706. Oan,nghurst. 2010 Phot1e 359 2308 and to

RAN stllPS al'l(l estabhshm&nts .""'- JANUARY 19, 1990

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HMAS DERWENTs GlouccsfH Cup victory (or 1989 bas posed somelhing or:ll quandary.

For not only did the W A·baseu destroyer escort win the cup - fo r foremost efficiency in the fleet - ,,, she WOon another four 'lw~n.h find was runner-up in .. si~ t h .

This ha~ rabed the quc)tion: has any o the r RAN ship had such a convincing win in the ann ual Flee t awards"! Initi;11 inqui ries hu\'c ra iled to fi nd such a wi nner.

DERWEN'rs haul ror the awa rds Included: the Commodore Wardle Cup. the VO)'3ger Trophy. the Wonnald Shicld and the Sih'cr Platter food :5e1VlCe

lIwanJ. She was runner up fot Ihc A IO shield, Thc GO"emor Gcneral. Mr Bill Hayden. Will

the Glouceste r Cup to DERWENT ~t I·IMAS ING un Wednesday.


'The Mantime Commander, Rear Admiral l.D.G. Mac­Dougall said DERWENT put together a winmng per­formance acros~ Ihc oo;lrd.

" it wa~ a product ur guod managemenl and guod leadership ~I! ~,II levels, with m;Lrked enthu~iasm.~ he said.

" It's signific-.mtthat one ship should scoop w many efficiency tmphies.

"II rardy happens this way. butthi~ i~ 1101" tile asscS!>­menlS camc aooul."

DERWENT w~s launched nearly J() yea rs ago ;md oommissluned in 1'J64. but RADM MacDuugali said the ship's age was nm a weigh ting factor In Ihe awards. It was dune soIdy un merit.

Our cuHesponocnt a003rd DERWENT \;110.1 the

"MAS DERWENT .•. 1989 Gloucester Cup winner

ship's Gloucester Cup ,ictory ..... as bUI] t on leamwork.

He \\ mle: " It is i m~sib]e for the ship ludo well and Win m all

she does ..... uhuu t having the support of " guod ha rd ..... orking ship's cumpany, ..... e ll supporled by their fa milies a t home and dedicated to Ihei r cause.

"The expericnce uf DERWENTs senior ~ailors. cuupled wi lh this fecli ng ur !>clungmg. played a majur part in Ihe ship's succcss wilh Ihclr acccplancc of ac­cuuntahility and ability to make:L plan ,"'u t k.

"Bcc-.luse of the experience ur thel r senior s;u lors and dedic-.l liun of their Juntor );l1lors. the shlp's otricers .....ere ..... llIingly ablc 10 dele!!a le :lnd super"ise the shap­ing of a most suceessful year."

Fleet award victors for '89 • The fuU 'ilil fo r 1989 R~ : ... ards :lJId troph;j$ IS I:S folio .. ): • Duke ofGloucesler (up­for the SJllp foremost In gen­eral crfLCierlC}' HMA~ DER· WENT. " 'ith HMAS SYD­NEY as runner-up and .I spe­Cial menllon 10 HMAS TOB­RUK. • Figliling Efficiency SlIield - submarine whIch .lchieves the highest standards of opera­tion efficiency in all a'pt.·cts of submarine warfare and train­ing: HMAS OTAMA. • Kelly Shield - MCM ~nd PTF I i award: HMAS HMA~

'p. • McNtooIl Troph~ - for $quad ron ai r :;afe.\' :Ind effi­ciency: 817 Squadron . • Commodore Wardle Cup - for OUlstanding communica­hons sen'ice: HMAS DER­WENT wnh HMAS SYDNEY runner-up and special menlion to NAVCOMMSTA Darwin .

• Otran.o Shield - best and most ronsis.enl standard of ac­lion Informalloll profiCIency: IIMAS DARWIN "'1111 HMAS DERWENT close run­ner-up. • Voyager Trophy - best o\'e rall efficiency in ASW op­era tions: HMAS DER WENT wi , h HMAS DARWIN close runner-up. • Wormald 'h",'d ,,' ~waTd:

With IIMAS SYDNEY runner-up. • ElectronIC Warfare Proli­cicTlC) Shiekl: HMAS TOR­RENS wnh HMAS SlUART runner-up. • P~lKt3n Shield - fo r out­,.anding sportm!! 3chle"e­menl: ( 1\ Major War V~ls. HMAS BRISBANE "'I\h HMAS SYDNEY runner-up. (2) Millor War V~'s. HMAS .. ilh HMAS 'p. • Sil'-,r Plalle r Food ServIces A"ard: (I) Major War V~ls. HMAS DERWENT with '-IMAS CANBERRA runner· 'po (2) Minor War Vessels. I"MAS GAWLE R wi . h STS Young Endea~ou r close run­ner-up . (3) Submarines. OlWA Y. • NOEA Award of Excel­lence - for Palrol Boal en­gmecring excellence: HMAS IPSWICH wi th HMAS GLADSTONE runner-up. • Collins Trophy - for night ;ur $afe.y and effiCIency: HS 748 Flight wi lb HMAS MO RESBY close runne r-up.


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A "'/FTII ann/"usary roke .. S MNETC 'Stu' Marrolr (right) . BUNBURrs youngtsl crt"" mrmbrr. LCDR R obiruon (It/" and mtmlHrs o/Iht ship's company.

/';</",.,: LSPII Bill McBride.

.<DVI!kl"'Hi3 " MAVVMeWS".-'


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"/I1AS BUNBU RY. the laslln Ibe line of the frtmantle daSlo patrol boalS. t:e'ltbrlltH htr fifth bir1hda)' in De­cember 1\189.

Built at NOEA in Cairns, North Oueensland the ship was launched by Mrs Mary Beazley, the wife of Defence Minister, Kim Beazley before commissioning on De· cember IS. 1984.

The ship is curTenily under the command of Lieutenant Commander Glenn Robinson, who is the fourth oWe::r to hold the position.

n UN BURY is home-based at HMAS STIRLI NG in Western Australia and is under the operational control of the Naval Officer Commanding West Australia Area .

Since commissioning the ship has steamed 160,1155 naut­. - ieal mileli. conducted 13 patrols, 125 boardings (for four ar­

rests) and numerous landingli.

During her commission she has also parllciJmted in six task unit exercises. consorted three workuf1S. conducted three single watch leave periods and three formal inspec­tions .

She has deployed overseas twice, 10 Exercise Starfish lmd to Indonesia ~nd Papua New Guinea.

0",: of the moS( interesting statistics is that although she carries a ship's company of only 22, more than 90 person­nel have served in the ship in the past five years in billet posi tions.

Thc ship has undergone a single watch leave period at HMAS STIRLING after completing a busy year of opera· tions covering 30.416 nautical miles.

The coming year and d~I~~:~rhO~'~d~m~":';h~':"_':':o:":.:ro' BUNBU RY and the OIhe~ of this class.





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Commodore Rod Taylor is to be ne~' As­sistant Chier or the De· rtn<:e For<:e Operations.

CDRE Taylor, presently commodore nOlillas in Maritime Command, wilt be promoted into the job in the rank of rear admiral from February 28.

CDRE Taylor graduated from the RAN College in 1957 and spcci31iscd in navigation .

During the Vietnam war he was mentioned in de­spatches .... hi le serving in HMAS BRISBANE.

Another 5enior promo­tion is that of Captain Mur­ray Forresl . to the rank of Commodore. from January 5.

CDRE Forrest. previ­ously with the ADF Struc­tural Revlcw Implementa· tion Team . became director general of na"al logistics policy on pronlotion.

RAN and RANR provi· sional promotions which were promulguled on 29 June 1989 are confi rmed to date 31 December 1989.

1lIe (ollol"lOg are provi· sional selections fro promo­tion in the RAN to dale 30 June 1990:

Commander to Captain M.F.Horne, GtSU, KUT­TAI3UL - NSC; V.T. l3at­tese, GLEX P. HARMAN - NAVY OFFICE; J.H. Ashton. MDN. HMAS SUCCESS: M.G. Donaldson . GLEX, HA R­MAN - NAVY OFFICE: R.E. Shalders. GLEX PWO ASW. KUITABUL - MHO: W.A.G . Dovers, GLEX PWO G. ADELA IDE: M. War­rington. GLEN ME, HAR­MAN - NSC ANNEX; I.M. Watts. GLEX, HA R­MAN - NAVY OFFICE.

Lieull'nanl Commander 10

Commander Seaman and A"ialion (13) A.J . Lanigan, SDEX PWO C. HARMAN (Ots) -USA; J . Young. GLEX PWO G. UARMAN -DEPDE": R.S. Davidson , GLEX PWO G, HAR_ MAN - DEPIlEF: RJ . Sherwood, GLEX N DAG­GER, KU1TA13UL -MHO: C.W. Donald, GLEX 0, HARMAN -OEPDEF; W.M. Gately. GLEX PWO N DAG­GER. HARMAN (01S) ­UK; A.P.S. Ladromirski, GLEX PWO C, Harman­navy Office; S.D. Coulson. G LEX. PLATYPUS: T .1. Morgan , GLEX P, GAWLER; R.M. McMil­Jan , GLEX PWO D CAN­BERRA; P.J . Launder, SDEX C. ItA RMAN (Of S) - Hong Kong; MJ . Tripovich. GLEX PWO D, KUITAB UL - MHO; M.H. Devries, GLEX PWO G, KUITA BUL -MHO.

Eflcin«rinc (4) M. Baker. SOEN WE , HARMAN - NAVY OF­FICE; E.E. Powell, SDEN WE, STIRLING : P.G. Isley. GLEN WE. CAN­BERRA : M.E. Bowden. SDEN WE SM, ItAR­MAN - NAVY OFFICE.

Supply (2) N.A. Teague, GLSU, CAIRNS; M.J . BonalO, GLSU. HARMAN (01S) -USA.

_ ..... " " Ii , ~ .~., ~ ..... .. . E .~.-, ro-•. •

5 ne • Ions


In~ trudOf" (1) J .A. Uyman. GUT, HAR­MAN - NAVY OFFICE.

lAg_I (I) M.FJ . Smith, GLSU LE, HA RMA N - DEPDEF.

Ueuttuanl to L~ull'nanl

Commander ~a ... an and A .. ialion ( 14) R.J . Ingram, SLEX ATC. ALBATROSS: C.J. Olurcher, GLEX, CER­BERUS - NOCVIC: B.A. Hilliard. GLEX. STIRLING - NOCWA; R.L. Boyce, GLEX PWO C. WATSON ; P.J . Kraus. GLEX N. CAI RNS: A.A. Schubi'rI, GLEX O. AL­BATROSS: R.J. Cody. SOEX C COONAWARRA; C.W. Maslen, GLEX SM, OTWAY; M.F. Gallagher. GLEX SM, HA RMAN (Of S) - UK; R.E . Van Kem­~n,GLEX,KUTTABUL

- MUO ; S.G. Elms, GLEX 0, ALBATROSS; M.D. Hensehke , GLEX 1', HARMAN (Ots) - USA : M.S. Angus, GLEX MCD, HA RMA N - NAVY OF· FICE: OJ. White. GLEX. HARMAN (Ots) - UK.


Stlpply (4) S.A. Schiwy, GLSU. JER· VIS SAY; J . O'Neill, GLSU, IJARMAN (01S) - USA: D.l .D. Sandwell . GLSU. HARMAN NAVY OFFICE: G.T. Smith. GLSU. CAN· BERRA.

IMlnKlor (3) S.B.S. Pringle, GLiT.


WATSON; M.W. Daws, G LlT, STIRLING : J.C. Douglas, GLiT. ADFA.

Ordnance Inspection (I) 1'.0 . Dore. 01 . HARMAN - DEPDEF.

E. R. Shaw is promoted to LCDR with seniority of 30June 1989.

The (ollowing are pro"i­sional select ions for promo­tion in the RANR to date 30 June 1990:

Commander to Caplain (I) K.V. Taylor, RLEX. FONSC.

Lil'utenanl Commander to Com .... nder (6) N.F. Meaden. RLEN WE, LONSDALE MPD; B.S. George . RMSG, LONSDALE MPD; OJ . Thorley, RLSP LE, AUR: R.W. Hunter, RtSP INT, LEEUWIN BAR· RACKS - FPO; J .S. Frith . RLSP NCS. WATERHEN SPD ; R.J . Gherardin . RLEN ME, ENCOUNTER -APO.

Lieulenanl 10 Lieutenant Commander ( 10) t .J. Hulme, RSEX . MORETON - BPO: C.R. Fiford, RLSP INT, LONSDALE - MPD: R.G. Beran. ' RMSG, AU R; I .A. Spurling, RSEX, LEEUWIN BAR­RACKS - FPD; M.B. tlooper, RLEN WE, IJUON - HPO ; 1. Mil· ""right , RLSP NCS, LONSDALE - MPO; S.A. Langford , RMSG, LEEUWIN BARRACKS - FPD: G.!'. Norman, RLSI' NCS, HUON -l-l PD: B .T. Smith, RtSP NCS, WATERHEN -SPO; G.C. Ctercteko, RMSG. AUR.

CNS and his admirals congra tulate all offICers on thei r provisional selection for promotion.



. •

owra airlift crews

The efforts of the Ii..:ed­will!: CI'tWS or NAS NO" TlI's HC723 Squadron ' ... ~re praised by the P ri me Minis­te r and !\Irs Ha .. 'ke in a ' :I

meel- Ihe-c~ .. 's' " 'all.; lI round a l KAAF Richmond a t the e nd of Defence in"o ln 'menl in Operation Immune.

Three crews from HC723 operated one of the two Hawker Siddeley 748 air­craft in naval service for nearly fou r months to c-.. rry nearly 10,000 eivilian pas­sengers 10 desti nations in­cluding Sydney_ Canberr.l. Melbourne, LaunceslOn and Hobart.

Many of the naval flights were to Tasmania and. in part icular, Launceston. And it was the people of Tasmania. the island Siale which depends so heavily on tourism. who were par­t icula rly grateful for the ef­forts made on their beh~lf - to the extent where the mayor and councillors of Lau nceston held a civic re­ception fo r the crews in­volved .

One o f the th ree Navy crews new to Richmond on December 15 to allow the Navy to take their place nex t to the RA AF fo r an offi cia l O pera t ion Immune ·thank you' fro m Prime Ministe r Ha,,'ke.

- Operation Immune has provided the nation with vital air services a t a t ime whe n the domesl ie airli ne industry had bee n crip­pled :· the Prime Ministcr to ld the assembled Navy a nd A ir Force crews.

- The d imensions of your contri bution 10 the nation du ring thi s damaging period can be simp ly mca­sured .. ,

Mr Hawke said the Ser-vices had: • Pro vided some 224.000 seats includi ng. at the height of operations, 3071 sea ts on a single day; • Carried 175.000 passen­ge rs ; • Been, for the fi rst four weeks of Operation Im­mune, Austra lia·s major domestic carrie r. p roviding between 30 per cent and 4U per cent o f available seats; • Serviced 17 locations around Australia and. in particular , milimaincd air links between Tasmania a nd th~ mainland; and

, , , , , , , , , ,

• Flown nearly two million nautical miles - equal 10

1000 t rips across Australia or about five retum jour­neys to the moon.

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• We are a privileged member ol tha fastest growing Real Estate agency network. in Australia - you benefit by our referral service.

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Pictun: News Umiu4. , , , , , , , , , , I I I , .

MFO service medal

J\1 embe~ of Ihe Royal Australian Navy .. -ho served .. -ilh Ihe Mullinatio nal FOKts and Observe~ in the Sinai have been recognised by the award of Ihe new A ustralian Ser­vice Medal.

The Governor-Gener .. 1 recen tly approved the award. which is for 170 days servicc wi th the M ultinat ional Forces and Ohscrvcrs in the Sinai from February 9.1982 to April 28, 19S6.

Eligible members already have permission to wear thc MFO Medal which was insti tuted in 1982 by the director general of the Multi national Fo rces a nd Observers with Ihe suppon of the governments of the Arab Republic of Egypt, the State of Israel and Ihe United Slates of America.

The Australian Service Medal is still being produced at the Ro)",,1 Austmlian Mint. and it isc:o;pccted that it will be availahlc in mid 19,}(1


• I

The Royal Austmian Navy's west coast operational capabilities received a boost with the arrival of HMAS WESTRALIA al "MAS STIRLING on ils delivery voyage from the UK on Derember 20.

The latest addition to the Austral ian Fleet. W ES­TRALIA proudly carries Ihe former RAN oi le r HMAS SUPPLY's hull number. 0195.

WEST RA LI A was met at sea the previous day by the WA-based DE HMAS DERWENT which had the distinction of being the first RAN unit to carry out a RAS wi lh the Navy's sec­ond replenishment ship.

The meeting also saw eNS, Vicc Admiral Michael Hudson, transfer to HMAS WESTRALIA 10 welcome and join the new arrival whilst the Minister for Defence, Mr Beazley, joined In G age Roads off Fremantlc the fo llowing morning for the run down to STIRLI NG,

W ESTRALIA was met by a la rge crowd of VIPs, families a nd friends whilst music for Ihe joyous occa­sio n was provided by a large segme nt of the RA NR band o f the FTe­mantle Po rt D ivision .

Crew me mbers we re quickl y down the brow to be u nited with loved o nes after months away in the colder English climes.

In a welcoming cere­mo ny cond ucted on the wharf, Mr Beazley, VADM Hudson a nd NOCW A , Commodo re Graham Stubington , addressed the ga the ring.

Mr Beauey described how W ESTRA Ll A's ae­q uisi lion advanced the phasing-in of the two ocean navy pol icy.

··This ship has the capac­ity to ensure tha t military and political objectives of the two-ocean policy will be carried 0 111 ," he said .


- In pcacel ime it will pro­vide fuel services for RAN vesse ls and in wartime it has the capacity 10 deploy e ffectively from the W A coast,

··WESTRA LI A can carry more than 20,000 ton­nes o f fuel, allowing il to suppon a fleel of ships in na va l e xercises.

Hit mult iplies the effee­liveness o f our destroyers o ve r he re by a ve ry consid­e ra ble amount,~ M r Be31:­ley said.

- Witho lll it, you become terribly dependent on IlOrthe m pons a nd III a wanime si tuation tha t wo uld be mOSI unwise.

~ I think the two-ocean Navy is a real ity now.

- We are a marilime na­tion a nd we depend o n o ur Navy for proleCl ion and freedo m of o ur scalanes,"

VADM Hudson con-gratu lated Commanding

Officer 10hn Moore and his crew fo r the enormous amount of work carried out on WESTRALIA over the past four months.

''There is stiU much work to do and if it is done wi lh the degree of profes­sionalism that has so fa r been displayed, each sailo r will have completed his job exceptionally weU," he said.

CORE Stubington said the arrival of H MAS WES­T RALIA was a memorable and sign ifica nt occasion in the history o f the RA N.

~This ship , which is the RAN's la rgcst vessel, will beller enable the Na vy to carry out its patriotic mis­sion," he said.

~The fi rst W ESTRA LIA did 121,000 nautical miles and was claimed to have bee n s unk by the 1apanese three t imes and na rrowly missed by a 1apa nese kamikaze ai rcraft on one occasion .


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Australian subsidiary of U.S. based international chemical company seeks to employ a blending plant operator at its Silverwater, K S, W., plant.

This is a career appointment and offers excellent prospects for promotion, fo r the right person .

Knowledge of pumps, valves, boilers would be an advantage, however company will train successful candidate, if he/she does not possess these skills.

Weekly wage is in excess of $400 , plus some oven ime,

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. NAVY NEWS, Janual}i .19, 1900(3) 3

I I I I I I ,

" " ,

O/Iltt' HMAS SYDNEY Associotion, Mr OOllllas Pri~ and MIS l'riu ... itlt RADM (Rt ld) Crabb and ... /"ffU o/Iltt QHqCllJ/lo" 's ;/fQU6urvl priu lor "'mosl 0111$(0,,11;116 Jrd. I t "" app~lIIiu". App~lIliu

A n¥L Wif/illm w,.m",. I I I

NIRIMBA's first HistOl'y has been

created at HMAS NIRIMBA with COmman­del" Carolyn Brand tak· ing over .s the Execu­tive Officer from Com-. mander Jim Firth.

CMDA Brand r. the first female executive officer at NIRIMBA.

She came to NIRIMBA following service at RANTAU as the Mine Warfare Test and Evalu­ation Group leader where she was respon­sible for conducting lest and evaluation of the prototype minehonter catamarans, the new minesweeping equl~ men! and the Stoneflsh Exerdse Mine.

CMOR Btand Is In­terested in alpine NtJlng and golf.

She has i8pieSlnted

An Anzac's

Navy at Inter-service skIIng al the Women's National Inter-Service for the last four years as captain of the team.

She Is married to Steve Brand who she met while serving at HMAS ALABATROSS where he was flying for the RAN.

Steve is now in the RAAF, serving at RAAF Richmond in 37 Squad-

CMDR Brand sees her main challenge as main­taining the fine tradition of effeclive and efficient female ExeCutive 0ffic­ers .'ready established In the RAN and in de­monstrating that male or female the XO Is the xo,

Includes: Double Guest Room

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Applies to DFLP members.

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'on as ec nicians':

• • Inls er

Graduale!ii from Ih~ lrad~ lrainin !!! ~nl~

lI!'t1AS NIIU!'tI8A ... ~ I'ntcrin~ thl' "oA;fo.~ III an import ani time in IIII' navy'5 hi5lory • • (mrdin~ 10 Defence Science and Personnd !'tIin;5Ie,. 1\1. Da,-id Simmons.

"This is nn cxcilmg e r:1 for Ihe navy ... we arc in the midsl of Ihe largcsi peacetime naval construct ­ion prognlm in Austmlia'S history." he said.

He spoke of how the navy would acquire new frigalcs. ~uhmarincs. hdicopten;. ~urvey Vl.'$­

se ls and minehunte~. -They all require tech-


nical pe<>ple 10 ensure ,,::::::'::7.==::;;:;-they arc opernled prup- Appnnri« intakt! ... i,h erly and perform to the 0JJ1«', M, Si",moflS.. limilS of Ihei r speciflca -tions.- he added. - lie said if Ihey did 001 OffICer al Ihe P-.. sslng Ou) Crabb alld president of

- A navy is only as good become 'all o f ooe com- Parnde for the 104lh In- Ihe Caslle Hill RS L. Mr The prcclsc

as ils people and. in a pany·. ifthey(ailedtoscc lake of Apprenliccs al Arthur Smilh. himself a technical navy. il willOflly themselves as PI leam, HMAS NIRIMBA . !.!istinguished ex·n~'·al

this grant and Ihe projecl o r projccls which would bc supporled were being fi nalised . be as good as ils techni - submerging Ihei r com- He also presented perwn.

Clans. RlOI'l differences 10 ~wards and pri~ which MAs lechnieians you achieve Ihe common aim. included new awards

should remember. how- then they could go no from the HMAS SYD· ever. what Sir Francis funher. NEY Associalion and the Drake lold his ships· com- --Tha t Sialement is as Castle Hill RSL.

to yea rs ago. - he ad!.!e!.! . were represented by dis-

Mr SImmons an-nounced .hat as pnrt of the Defence FamIly Sup­(XIri Funding I'rogram . the service commun ity centred on I-iMAS

··Thes.e grant.!; arc de­signed 10 encourage self-help among f~ mi1ies. -

" I am confidenl that this program will bring welcome benefits to ser·

pany as; 'Ii':~h';;Y:~::;~ l rue today as il was 40Cl Both Ihesc associa tions

:i~:ti:C~"'III::~M~' ;slll;m:.m:llol~"~" ;;;:~W;;';~' lIll1mi, ~~~~~,:~~:~~gi,"I';'~'~' ~::~;"~l1l1l1i: ~;';~; as Revie" 109 (Reid) 1IIII III ~",.~rei,: ;fi'[mii;i1i ; es t h ro u ghou t I ..

I I 1111111111111111111111111111

woult! rece ive

Two midshipmen have gained special awards alth~ Australian Def~nre FOf'CC Academy Graduation Parade.

Midshipman Lorrae Blunden was presented with Ihe Chief of Ihe De­fence Force - Navy P.ue. and Midshipman Jaso.. Scar.; 10'16 awarded Ihe Uni­versi ly Medal.

MIDN Scars aged 21. was a past studenl of Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School al Tamwnnh before he joined Ihe Navy and ente red the DefcllOC Academy's firsl inlake in 1986.

Using new material in lhe form of mUMs-manial returns fo r the period. the lhesis eumioed the popu­lar belief thai discipline was harsh and unbending in the Navy.

Our corrcs(XIndeni re­pons Ihat Ihe thesis perhaps modified Ihe popu­lar view thaI naval discip­line centred on press gangs. floggings Bnd keelhaulings.


He has graduated wilh Fi rsl Class Honours in Ilis­lory.

His Ihesis was about dis­cipline in the Royal Navy during the years 1913 10 1946 - a period of vital im­(XInaocc in Ihe history of the Royal Navy.

Mit is true that in some no ...... discipline .... as han;h depending as il often did upon the capricious whims of individual senior officers.

MOn Ihe whole , however. Ih is study shows Ihal Ihe applicalion of naval discip­lioe was reasonably sys­temal ic.

him for cxct'plionol acadrmic pufonnanu by Ihe Chanullor of Iht' Univr"'il}' of NSW, Tht' H onOWNlblt' ftlr Jwstiu Gordon Samuels at a d~ne confuring unman}' 01 Iht aeadt'my. Midshipman I.orrae Blwndrn (right) wll"- Ihe Chitf of 'ht Dt'ft:nu f oret - Navy PriU prtStntt:d 10 ht:r by Gtntral P.C. Gralion al tire ooodtmy'S graduatian parodI'. (Photos b}' CPL R. SlrtJtka, Au:malian Drftnet Foret Arndtm}'}.

Not only did the Navy have to fight in two world .... ar.; bu t during the inte r­.... ar year.; lhe Royal Navy had 10 endure the SIrClSes of disarmamenl .

MAlt sentences handed down by courts-man ial were reviewed by Ihe Ad­miralty with a significant number of Ihem modified . ~Above all. il has been

levels of couMs-martial in Ihe Royal Navy were re­markably low.

"Even under lhe stem tesl of war mos. naval offic· er.; and men perfo rmed thei r dangerous lasks with­OUI the undue intervention

NOCQW ituprclin~ TS CORAL SEA 's guard tHfort prt:Stnting lilt' Quunsland NR C Colowt.

TS CO RAL SEA has . eteiv" a reward for its ef- COR I AL forcs wilh Townll'Yille NRC unit awarded the Ji1 Queensland NRC Colo.r aad the Naval Association Shield for being Ihe most ctrtrient unit in Queens-

land during 1989. SEA's In a ceremony alleO<.k:d by ISO cadets fHlm TS DUN­

DABERG (reluclan lly relir.quishing Ihe colour). TS ROCK HAMPTON. TS PION EER and TS EN-DEAVOUR. the Na ...... 1 OffICer Commanding Queen".. aw.a~d " ... d. Commander G Scown . paill Iribule to Ihe unil and • ~ t heir many 'l'pPOrle,," fu-r their exce!"ional effon s liver the ~Sl 12 months.

~The instrumenl which W;!.S the basis of Britain's security in the 20th century was both formidabl e and dependable. H

MIDN Blunden'S prize is awarded annually 10 the top thIrd year midshipman fo r oUlStanding perfor-

manee in military and academic subjects over Ihree year.;.

Lorrae. aged 22 years . was a forme r slDdent of Maitland Girls High School before enlering the De­fe nce Aeademy·s second in­lake in 1987.

? ,


., Y(FU AN! ",", " ." _ ~ SVlVICE


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i' \

The completion of work on HMA Ships PERTH and ADELAIDE 'on cost and in reasonable lime', augured "" e ll for the future of Auslnlian Dden"!! In­dustries, the Minister for Ddence. Mr 8 eazley, said at a ceremony lol l ADl"s Garden Island on Dc('cmber I to mark Ihe ships' return 10 service.

"The Government and the people of our country have tremendous confidence in the Nav)". ~ he: said before a Scahawk helicopter landed on the new rear deck of Ihe FFG.

Referring to Ihe ANZAC ships source selection and contmelUr.1 arrangements , Mr Ikazley iaid he had spent 11 consider· able amount of lime in the past few months on lier 1100'0 ships.

Tier one ships such as PERTH and ADELAIDE were, however. the ships most representative of the fighting arm of the Navy.

"We ure a maritime nation and. if " 'C do not have the capaei ty to build. repair. refit and deploy ships. then we do nOi have the capacity to defend oursel\·es.­he said .

~What we have (in the "',ork compktcd on PERnl and ADELAIDE) is a prodUC1 of excelknt Australian workmalllihip.-

Mr Beazley conve)'ed his.besl wishes 10

Ihe C<A of PERTH and ADELAIDE. respectively Captain Chris O~enbould

and Commander Bill Dovel'S, and their cre ..... s.


had been away from the Reel for three years. and ADELAIDE, 19 months.

~Bringing these ships to a sta te ready for delivery has been a joint llnder­taking with the combined effor1S of Ihe two ships' companies and dockyard per­sonnel of ADI.- he said.

'"The ... ·ork invol\'ed has been complex and demanding but the Naval Engineering Division has shown us that the new com· pany is rising to the challenge and I want to e~press my appreciation to the company e~ecutive and to the workforce;.-

VADM Hudson said the m~rnisation of HMAS PERTH would ensure an effec· tive service life for many years to come.

He said the activc fin stabilizers would be welcomed by the ship's comp.1lly.

~ And the installation of the Omnipure sewer.lgc Irealment systcm 10 PERTJ-I will allow the ship to meet international regulations for the discharge of sewage overboard, hc said.

" It a lso highlights the Navy 's concern for the environment and Ollr determina· tion to retain our sound environmental record. -

Chief of Naval Siaff, Vice Admiral Michael Hudson. recalled an incident early in his career where. as a young XO of HMAS VENDE I IA, he had 'succeeded in having the en tire (Garden bland) dockyard (as it Ihen was) go on Sirike ' .

A DI managing director. Mr Ken Harris said the rebuilding of the ADELAIDE's stern and e~tensjve modernisation of PERT H had taken some twO million manhours to complete. required some 300 km of single electrical cable and 800.000 electrical oonnecliOIlS.

LEur Tutin (l'fO , LCDR WhillQbr und LEur GI'nn ... helping kup ,h, RN7.N flying.

~ I ... .an aSS liTC you tha t I have learned from Ihal experience and would not like to see it repeated, - he said.

Admiral I'ludson said the retu rn to ser­VICC of PERTH and ADELAIDE marked the end of a long hard road for bot h ships and the dockyard. PERTJ-I

• • •

-Garden Island has been developed to mec t the very speeial needs of the Navy,­he said, -and the development has been in line wi th the changing require llIen ts of the Australian Defence Force." ... _ _ "

TIl, Minis/,r for o ,fenct ulld Chi,f of Nu ~ul Sluff ""," ftJ illed by NO WRA (I. 10 r.) LCDIb uigh Con u;n. PUl" Folka Qnd IQn on A DELA IDE's ne'" sum duk Qfur Q SeQhQ""" land·on immediau ly ufler the I'ERTIII

A DELAIDE hund-buck r:ertmony.

aroos iwis!

Three Ro,al Australian Na .. y pilots a re helping 10 keep the Royal New Zealand Navy n"ing.

Lieutenant Commander Andrew Whittake r has been in New Zealand for Iwo years and has served as flight commanocr on the frigates SOUTH LAND and WAI KATO.

More recently he has txen naVllI flight commander for No 3 SquadrOfl Royal New Zealand Air Fora: in Auckland.

His replacement, Lieutenant Oris Tutin. has just arrived in New Zealand to take over as night commander for the tanker ENDEAVOU R and survey ship MONOW AI until the frigate CANTERBURY comes out of refit in mid 1990.

Lieutenant Neil Gunn has be.:n in New Zealand 18 months most of which has been spent as fl ight commander of the frigate WELLI NGTON.

The Royal New Zealand Navy's shortagc of pilots has been so critical thut in ea rly 1989. of the four operational Wasp pilots twO were Royal Austr .. lian Navy and two Royal Navy.

'The Wasp itself may be some",hm aged (23 years in New Zealand Navy service) ho ... 'c\'Cr. it is still a t:lpable helicopter in its primary roic of ASW "'"eapoos deli\'Cry.

1bcsc weapons include torpedoes and depth charges. A replacement for the Wasp is prcsc:ntly under

consideration. The loan has provided the Royal Allstralian

NaY)' pi lots wilh valuable s m~1I ships helicopter operating experience with a Navy with morc than 20 years experience in tha: field.


Self-storage unitt for rent



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MOVING TO CANBERRA? Why not contact one of !he most nelpful real eslale offices in Canberra?

As our main role In lile Is seiling SERVICE, we would be only too pleased to otter assistance with your real estate needs. whether buying. selli ng or renting.

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Officer Class 2) 20 Hours per Week

2 VACANCIES $ 12.62 per hou r

(including 15% loading in lieU of leave) Applications are Inviled Irom persons interesled in part·time lemporary employment lor a minimum peliod 01 t 2-24 1TI()iiths. The positions are located in our navy Headquarters Branch. LlY8fl)OOI Street, Syd""Y.

You will be responsible lor ensuring !hal Navy familieS have iIeXlFISS 10 pertinenl current information conoenVng their local oommunity. and also relevant 5efVice conditions and activities. 'This Inlomlation will be passed on over the telephone and through your viSits 10 family homes .

Family Uaison Officers will also undertake the support duties in conjunction with Naval Social Workers.

tf }?J have good communication and organisational skills, a good knowledge 01 the Impact 01 militaty service on family ~Ie and enjoy meeting and assiSting peopItI . your application Is welctlll'i u:l.

Seleclior1 for the vacancies will be based on the appro'.ed selection criteria whictl may be obtained by telephoning Miss M. Trew (02) 266 2t 5 t .

Applications providing a daytime contact telephone number and quoting SlfON5C'65IG mus1 be forwarded within 2 weeks 10:

Regiona l Secretary De~rI~nt of Defence

P.O. Box 706, Darl lnghurst, N.S .W., 2010 .

• • ,





-- , ,

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• • , • • • •

Darin" visit by JlMAS BRISBANE 10 Ihe J l'rvis Bay .rea , ... inefl rmm the Roy.' Australian Naul Cullea:e were given the upporllolnity to spend a day a t sell on the ship, gaining Ii rst· lland knm.tedge 0( seo-ing on a de­stroyer.

and various ship depanment5, werc also given chance to o~rvc the bridge and operations room in ac­lion.

It was a thoroughly enjoyable day for all participants and enabled Ihe trainees 10 gain a grea ter understanding of mueh of the theory thai they learn at the Naval College. The trainees were given a tour through the engine rooms


The only organisation that truly represents the Serving Member (Navy­Army-Air Force)


Please en-OI me iI$' ~ 01 AlFFA. I ~'" 10 be bound by the ""'.1 01 the COnsIitIIIIOn (lithe Atmed Forces Fedefation 01 Australia.

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o I en::k:18 II cheq.Ht tor $13 quasterty 1S261\a11 year I $52 Annual - . o I have .... -.ged alortnightly "'J1"08fl\ 01 5211Vough my Cfed~ l.Ir*Wl.

RM8fVf$ts ditet;t ~ymen' CtIty: 5(J par cent of abovto til/tn. RetJI«i ~ S IO.OClIyur).

SetViee No. ..........•....••.....................•..••......•...•....••.. Ser.vice ••••••••••••••..•••••••••

Unit ......... ~ ••....................•....•••. ~ .. ~ .....•.... ~ ....•••••.••...•.•.......•••...•. ~ .... ~ ......••

Rri. ................ _ ......................................................................... SfI. : '" I F

Postal Address ...........................••...............••..•...............•........••....••..•••....•

.... ~ ....... _ .......... ~ .... ~ .•• ~ ••• ~ ......................... ~ .......... J?op-ncle ........................ _

Phone Nee.: ML ........................................... BIH ..................................................... ..

"-. <~'eG'Com ,, 'u'v>ed . .... "' _ WI .............................................. _ ••• _ •• _ ......... ..

Slgnature ....................•....................•...•.....•....••...•.... Date ....... .

• • • • ,

A •

A of 15 students qualified as Anti·Sub· marine Air Conlrollers (ASACs) in 1989.

lbc student mix has in­cluded three members of the RNZN as w('11 as 12 of our own, ranging from an AIl RP 10 junior LEUTs.

The course, conducted for the most pan 31 RANSWARS HMAS WATSON. is nOI an easy one and includes theory. simulated control and an !'oIeDS component.

II culminates in a week­long HliveH period of assess­ment 31 sea.

Although the anrition ralC on course currently stands in ('Icess of 30%, LSRP HCrooksy- CROOK of HMAS ADELAIDE proved himself to be MTOP JACK",


.. . , ,



LSRP Crook nc('i~;"6 hiJ {lM'lI nI/rom CA PT Camm.


RANNS' • anniversary

A group or 24 serving retird and ex·WW2 Nursing O m cers has mel at "MAS CE R­BERUS 10 celebfllte the silve r anniversary 0' Ihe re ' o rming or the Royal Ausinililian Naval Nurs­ing Service.

Among those presenl were seven ex·RANNS Of­ficers from WW2.

The RANNS was fi~ 0('

ficially formed in October 1942 wilh a lotal st renglh of 24 by the end of Ihal year.

There were 12 nursing sislers serving in the Syd­ney area under Miss M.C. Rae an..t 12 til the Mel· bourne area under Miss I.A. Laidlow.

The nursing sislers held offICer status until March 1943 when nursing mem­bers of all Ihree services were granted commissions.

Dunng Ihe years 1942 10 1948 nursing officers served at Townsville. Brisbane . Milne Bay. Darwin , Perth and Fremantle as well as in Sydney and Melbourne unlil the RANNS were dis­banded on June 30. 1948.

When the Women·s Royal Australian Naval Service was re-introduced in 1951 it .... as decided that Civi lian Nursing Sisters should be employed in es­tablishments .... here WRANs were employed.

Miss Maude Jones, who had wor k.ed for the Navy as a civilian nursing siSler from 1951 . .... as appointed matron when the RANNS was re·formed on


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, ,

•• • RAN

Three HMAS AL­BATROSS perwnnel ha\ e re«i\'ed Maritime Comrnande.-'s oonl­mendations rollo~'ing

lin incident in"ohing a Sea King helicopter during the Kangaroo '89 Exercise.

Lieutenant Andrew Jankowski. Lieutenant David Moncrieff and Sub Lieutenant D:l\";d Turner well! commended. on their professionalism displayed during the ditching and subsequent recovery of Sea King NI6-100 on August 6, 1989.

In panicular Lieutenant Janko .. ski ..... .as com· mended for his superior leadership qualitIeS and flying skills , UtUlenant Moncrieff for displa)'ing high standards of team­work, profes.sionalism and flying skills and Sub Lieutenant Turner for his great presence of mind. airmanship and profes­sionalism.

The offlcen ~;:

" , ,

• • • RAN .. . ,

M r RIl)' Cro",d,~" ptaide.t tire Ordill tlry MamlJlf Ltul l"11 II COp! 0/ KtitJt /..L",is' JHlinfing 0/

ben of 817 oil' '00. Sub Li~tC'IJ('"t T.",rr is Qw.rdrd llis colfI~lUlatioll by Ihr MQritimr CommQndu ,

RMr i,QI I.D.G, M.cJ)o"8llli.

At .buul 1515 _ Dettmbcr I. 1942 I. e Bathurst Class CornUI:. IIMAS AKl't1IOA L E _ attacked in the Am"n! Se. by nine h p'2"'V bombers and three I'".pler aircnh .

She was struck by two torpedoes and sunk.

A total of 100 souls were lost - 40 of AN:. l\UDALE's crew, two members of the Nether­land's Army and 58 In­donesian soldiers.

Among those who OII"ttt

killed was 19 year old Or­dinary Seaman --rc:ddy­Sheehan.

Ordinary ScMnan Sheehan was OOdly wounded soon afler the order 10 abandon ship was given.

When he realised he would 001 be IIble lo$Wim clear of the sinking s.bip he dragged himself back 10 his post at the after Oerl ikon gun. strapped himself in. and managed 10 down one of the a;r­craft which were stramng his shipmates in the wate r.

Teddy Sheehan was seen to be stili firing his gun as the ship slipped beneath the waves.

Each year the: o..dilllllry

"GO T HE WHOLE HOG" was the nidi ~ of PWO I (PWO II) ._ ,rMlu.a l~ from n HO

one of Ibe eourse 111ft" seven lon, montM.

The course commenced with 13 students bcin& sent 10 CERBER US fm systems technology. gun­nery including firings at WEST H EAD and Com­munications.

On completion it was back to WATSON for 14 weeks of instruction with inte rl udes at RAAF EDINBU Rm l and NAS NOWRA .

During this time a ll the knowledge fOl'" • young and not 50 young PWO was passed on ready for Ihe Pract ical Ph il!iiC.

The Practical Phase, conducted wilhin the liB, Wali six weeks of ~START THE GAM E,

A H M/DALE's fast action.

Seaman Sheehan Award is given 10 the Scaman QMGIFC who during the previous 12 months has:

• ' -lightS( rC$ullS on completion of his basie

""'~. • Maintained a high standard of dress and bearing. • DemonStrated loyal ty and dedication. • Participated in ac­tivities thaI bring credit to that person and the RAN .

• Displayed the above qual ities during sub­sequent posting and com· ple tion of basic course.

Ordinary Seaman Quartermaster Gunner John Lanigan has been presented with the 1989 Teddy Sheehan Award by A ir Vice Marshall A.R. Reed. AO. Air Officer


• IS

Commmanding, Logistic Air Command.

This a .... rd was (SlaD­lished in 1986 by Ihe RAN Corvettes Associa· tion.

John Lanigan joined the RAN from Mackay in Queensland on January 9. 1989.

At IIMAS CE R· BERUS he successfully completed his Recrui t Training. Basic Gunnery Training and othe r courses. before joining his fi rst ship. HMAS DA RWIN, last July.

Before leaving home to join the Navy, John lived with his parents Marlene and John (senior) at their home in Sarina near Mackay.

He has had an e~cellent start to his Naval career and looks forward to more svcress in the future.


, ,

"Every dog has his day," as they uy .,' altd ror Lead· . , Seaman Airaewman " 8 _" It ~ dllria.: tbe re~t biennial iruipedtnn of lIobart's IlJUAS H UON by Commodon J im Dkno-, Naval O D"u:er Command;n.: Victoria area.

Bass' role as H UON's mascot was recognised by the presenta tion of a good conduct badge. and an ap­proving pat from Commo· dore Di(:kson (above) .

Ceremonial Divisions were he ld in the Drill Hall of HMAS H UON which re­cently celebra ted its 78th binhday.

Some 180ship"soompany filled the magnifittnt old hall .



'Bass' has day ••• The Naval Officer Com·

manding Tasmania, Oxn­mandcr Graeme King. said - The integra tion of Re· serve and Permanenl Forces has been such a suc­cess in Tasmania tha t with all members a ttending the in it ial combined parade, the I '11 hall was filled

PWO 10; (1 10 r): LEUT D . M cD oUI QfI RNZN, LEUT D . J OhIUIOIt, [.BUT p , MQjrM'ski, LEUT W. C.",,,,lns RN7..N, LEUT S. WilliQms, LEUT R. Rudlr, CA PT N. M. C Q r$/)!I, LEUT M . Brooker (Sydney-E",drll), VA DM

M, W. Hudson AC, L COR M. Sprwcr:. /,EUT R . C"II, /_EUT M. SI/)lIe, 1_£UT P. ChQIIC'Tf(1fl, LEUT S. DuJb.

START THE GAME- in HMA Ships PAR· PWO Staff saw Chid of Thc course also saw the and -STOP THE RAMAlTA. CAN· Naval Staff Vice Admiral first of the submariner GAME. STOP THE BERRA and DARWIN M.W. Hudson award the qualiftcd PWO (LElJT GAM E- normally said ..... he re the students were Sydney.Emden prize P.S.Chatterton)oriSlhat with an English accent. put t (awarded to the oourse PWO qualified sub-

All this led to the com· llle dux) to Lieutenant mariner . asks our torres· mon sea week conducted suitably tabulated the Manin Brooker. pondent? , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

herie raises

SWRCK Sherie Mil­ligan , or HMAS PEN­GUIN, wu motiyated to e n tet" the Miss A ustralia Q_est 1989 afte r ",odin, \'olun­tJtmy rOC" the SI Edmund's aool ror the blind utd yi5 .. lly impaired a. WaI:troon­gah , NSW.

Sheric feels SlrOf!&Iy about the need 10 com· mUnK:ale with jA!Opk of SWR CK all ages and (I("'u all • . . walks of life. Sher,e M.II'gan

By joining the Miss A ustral ia quest She rie had tbe opponunity to asSifl Ihe SpastK: Childrens A ppeal and to help adul ts and children who have cerebral palsy.

Throughoul 1989 Sbe rie spent most of her spare time o rganising functions to assist he r fund raising efforts. Whilst Ioan· posted to HMAS STALWART Sherie staged a particularly novel fund raising event . A perfect match night was held enroute to New Zealand and te lecast through the sh ip, the lucky couple won a return l ri p from New Zealand to Australia o nboard STALWART and a d inner for IWO II the five star restauran t, Cafe a la Sialwart .

Some of the other functions beld were luncheons on ~d

a pan y II drives and ra.ffIe5 were also o rganised.

The year's fund raising culmina ted in the semi-final judging Of! November S. After raising $9,400 Sherie Wali judged mnoer-up in the charity section fo r the North Sydney rqion. Sheric'5 performance was highly commendabie especia lly coosklerin, she carried out her walch keeping duties in the main gaily

Sherie would like to extend a heany Ihanb to everyone who nsds;led he r during the year, especially LElJT Pease, CPOCK Raine of H MAS PENG IUN, POMTPSM Dono¥a.n of Submarine Refi t Facilily and the following ships . dona-t;ons; HMAS Sllips JERVIS BAY, COOK , DARWIN, ADELAIDE.PLATYPUS,

It's a salon just for you


SHAMPOO, CUT AND DRY $9 (both with complimentary beard trim)

Upstairs at 30 Lonsdale Street, Braddon, ACT

Telephone: 47-4585 or 47,9551

NAvY NEWS; JanuafY 19, 1990 (9} '9 ..

, , I I


~, ,~ .... .. ~


Hello there , and Happy New Year. I hope all our memo bers had a great Chrislmas break, and are now fully refreshed and ready for ano ther hectic year - didn 't 1989 ny by! !!

No doubt a lot of readers have just moved and a re still seuling inlO their new areas - wilh Ih is in mind, I would like to su ess what a grea t way Navy Wives is to get to know others in your situalion, in your new suburb. We have groups in several of our cilies :- the group in Sydney is based al HMAS Nirimba in the Weste rn Districts , and goes under thai name, Cerberus has a thriving group, as does Albalross. We also have a branch al Fremanlle who meel on a regular basis (conlact Kerry on S28 1501 for de lails), one at Canberra , who ho ld monlhly coffee morn­ings at Harman, and a small branch at Brisbane , who meet a couple of limes a year al Moreton. All a re made up of members willing to make ne,. and last ing friendships , so why no t pop along - you'll nOI regret it!

CERBERUS - A big effort in 1989 from the Cerberus Wives Association saw some huge donalions being made al the dose of the year . They were:-$2 ,000 10 the Harrison Homeless Youth; S500 to H aslings Hospi tal to purchasing a Tens machine: and S500 to Jenny Linke Homes for Handicapped people on the Mom ington Peninsula. A great effort by the members of this club.

Many thanks to Leslie Starr ..... oo resigned as Vice Presi· dent and EditOl" of their Newsleu er a t the end of the year , Vicki Gorman has been e lected as Vice President and Cheryl Fox as lbe Edito r o f the Newsle tter . do hope you both enjoy your new positions, Ihey are sure to be a chal­lenge !

If you would like details of the groups first meeting fo r the yea r, then contact Bev Jones on 8J..9591. Babysilling is available II lhe 4 Cs Child Care Centre during the meet· Ings.

WESTERN DlSTRJCTS (of Sydney) - The first mee t· ing of Ihis year is being held on Thunday, February 8. Due to popular demand, it will be a Craft morning. Be there a t lOam for a delicious morning tea, and then ge t down to the serious business of learning how to make those beautiful cottage crah pholo album covers . To participate you will need to bring along your own album, ei ther new o r o ld, and 40cm of material . Also bring 2 metres o f gathered lace , 1 metre of narrow ribbon and trimmings if desired . You wiD need a parr of Shlrp scissors. penci l and rubber - the club will supply the glue, wadding and cardboard . This will all take place in the groups rooms at Build ing 112 HMAS NIRIMBA, Quakers Hill. If you 'd like further info on th is meelins , then ring Bev on 674 3213 o r Ka thy on 838 7321. Babysi ttins win be provided in the adjo ining Creche free of charge , the meetings normally fin ish abou t mid·day.

NOWRA - The fi rst meeting of this group of Com­bined Service Wives is being held on Wednesday, February 21 in the groups club rooms at Fla t 2, Canberra D rive , HMAS ALBATROSS and will begin at 9 .3Oam. Babysi t· ling is provided, but if you would like to use this service then please ring Nikk i on 044 216 744 for fuJI details . This meeting will be the Annual General Meeting, so it is hoped that a lot of new faces will tum up, especially if you a re new to the area , its a great way to make new friends!

Please RUSH ME a free illustrated brochure.

Reply 10: CREST CRAFT, Box 178 PO Macclesfield, 5153, SA.

Include your narne, address, poslcode. ARMY, A.A. A., R.AAF. also available.

The manage r reports Ihat there are vacancies at The Fosler Gardens Holiday Homes from February 3, to M arch 20, a nd f rom April 7 o nwa rds.

Bookings a re no w open for Easle r Shcool H olidays, 14-2 1 A p ri l 191X1.

Ring the manage r o n (065) 546 027 or wri le 10:

The Manager Fosler Gardens P.O. Box 20 Fonler NSW 2428

It 's about time you de veloped the ··Forsler Routine ~

10 (10) NAY¥ NEWSr January'19, 1990

By UIT] Noye

Wednesday after-noons ill Canbern find sailon t.kiag 10 tbe water.

They are serving memo ben of the RAN woo, after hibernating throu£h the winte r, have embarked on a course in basic yachtsman­ship on I.....ake Burley Griffin.

Apart from the Canberra course the Navy runs courses in many are il$ around Australia including Sydney, Jervis Bay and Perth. Sailing orr.cers loc­a lly can give details.

The Navy has Tasars, which are sometimes called ~dinghies , n at Nlvy sailing centres at CRESWELL, ALBATROSS, HARMAN,

Classic run for Lady

IIMAS NIRIMBA's pil lramm!: yac:ht, !-ADY Pt: NN.IIYN. r«ltnlly took pari in Ihlt annual Broken Bay to Lon! lIo .. t Islan.d YariaI Oassif:',


ski ppered by Richard C:m who was supported by Bill R .. ~. Des Carncy. Bill Vlm Bohecmen. Brendan lIall . Bomb(' r Brown. Aillho ny Wi1l~ " nd Robin Dunk.

The r .. ce was ~t <lrted in 1Ight nOrlh easte rly oondi· lIon~ lind in company wi th III o the r yachb Ihe Lady s<.iled towllrds he r ~l ina tion .

Sail reduct ion was Ihe o rde r of thc day lind the ride became lIuite bumpy to quo te one of the crcw memben;.

(h<erc-.. st squally condi · tim'" preva iled "nd this made ror difficuh nllviga­liun. Never the less Bill Van Hoheemcn found the ~ma ll island and cnlry w-.. s made early on a Wednesday murnlng.

f ulluwing <I rest in Lord Hu ..... c the yacht completed thc trip hy rc turning t,.Sydncy.

The return trir W'L, uneven tful and all crew ..... ektlmed Ihe mll rc rci;o."(· 109 c ruising rou tine on the p"~"'gc humc .

T hc-..: racc, p rnvide ;ID cxccllent ' ·enue fur pe ..... mncl Itl increa....: Ihe experience level lind pmg· rc" !llwllrd, ht llh I n, h~) rl' and O ff,hure ticket'.


They are made avai lable for priva te use after the A ustral ian Yachting Feder· ation TL1 qualification IS


Pictured above by a yach t in Canbern, are insuuctor Petty OffKZ r Andy Be1dom and new course members Sgt . Bernadette Woods, Senior WRAN Dianne Mevill and C PO GeoI"ge Duncan.

Sgt . Woods, with the Army at Duntroon, is wife o f a naval member of (be


Four RAN Tasa r yachu are housed at HMAS HARMAN. The Austra­lian Defence Force Academy, which hil$ a boat·shed on the dlores of Burley Griffin , also has a neet of yachts.

They are by and large

Tasars, a DOled general· purpose erafl .

The Naval squadron issues a newslette r 10 ~serv·

ing memben with a known inte rest in sailing." It inviles "all with a common love of heing out on the water under sailn to join in activilies.

Commander Roger H acker, CO of Canbern Squadron of the RAN Sail· ing Associ l tion, reports that there Ire excellent sailing waters close to Canbern.

MSome beautiful tracllli of water are ohen surrounded by natu ral bush," he added. - Sailing PlCDICli are a rranged including 10

Burrinjuck Reservoir ."

The Navy took part in inte r·Service competitions.

In championships sai led a l Jervis Bay in April, Navy ..... on wilh Army second and Air Force third.

Commander Marlin

• •

linsley, sailinS officer at HMAS HARMAN, reports thai the Navy wel­comes newcomers to its competitive sailing.

MCanbern is specially acti~; il provided sixty per cent of those undergo ing trials for the Australian naval team he said. Canbern".

last summer,"' - Well done ,

En roule to competing in the world Tasar champion· s.hips in Vancouver in July the navaiteam reptcsenting Australia raced the US Navy at Pearl Harbour.

The Americans were no match for the two AU$tra· 1iao boats.

A siJr;-boal team was selected at Jervis Bay to rep­reseut the Navy al the AU$traJian Tasar Cham­pionship!; staged on Corio Bay, GeeIonS, from December Z7 to January S.

Yadlts are available only to Se.,;...., personnel ,.ho

ha~ obtained the required qualifications over the nine afternoons of the new course , along wilh a fu ll Sunday in which fami lies go on the Wile r unde r supervi·


Instructo r Warren Hellwig. a civilian with Defence a t Campbell Park , hil$ years o f uperience sail­ing the sandy shallows and picturesque riven and inJeu off the NSW soulhe rn coast , including Jervis Bay and NoWR.

H e I nd his teenage $On Peter have been runners-up three times in the annual national Cherry class cham­pionships and a re current NSW· ACT champions.

Warren Hellwig ..... as sai l· ing o fficer for the 1989 naval champ;onships, sailed on Je rvis Bay from November 30 to December 3. He wel· comes Canberra inquiries fo r a summer ins(ruct ion course , to begin in early February , on 66 483S (b).

V$tfS 01 the Holiday CIn'rts. Fi~ In ap-01 your ct.oice and tndosIi a stamped

Holiday Centres BURRILL LAKE

..... "" lII .t

~. $t • •

, ~

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I 12.89

~ b.. . , ~ , rn , ~ .,.,

Atan & Aud...,Jo-gI __ (~-CPOPT) Bu~low Pa,.

BURRILL LAKE, NSW 2:53i (044) 55162t

for I'OOng tafl'llties fortniglltly ~ hom KaIfIlmodatiofo may ;;aZ; ... WMkly Taritla S ... , l c. Personnet A1tSchool HoliGlys ._...... . ........ S205.00 .. Peall season isept·April) .. SI7D.OO 01/ ~11 iMay·Aut) " St20 00

linen HwlD9 Cl\lf0t iOpllOllilj S3 00 per week per SIlott TIHT"A britl& Ow..," EIeh .»c!~lOIllt IlIOhl " _ PublIC Hobday LWE 13 mghts)

• •

AMBLIN CARAVAN PARK This Centre .... 1i5!S 015 Hew eottaoes. t4 Mooem On·~ c.avans <JDd 130 CioI ..... lII SItes 5/IIIaIed in 9 ICIts 01 beautrful parklvld which Ironls directly 01lIO 1he sm bud! <HId 00' waters 01 Geogf'3l)hlC 8ily. Centrat to all South We5t touriSt spotS and all sporting lacHities Cott8ges Service PIHtonnet Civitlans

Daily W~ W~

." "" ' ' '0

'" .83 "" '" S85 SI70

010 '" "" '" .73 S1 45

50 "00 Wftk ir1 al

I-+I(~.---------------­APPLICATION FORM I The Manager •.•.•••. •... .... .•...•.•........... .. .................... .. .•.• . •. I Please book

II;; r 0 ~~~~ .... ? .. ~:~::, ,~~~ .... ~ .... ~~.~ .. i .

I ..... ... pc • • ed dg' are: .........•.•.••.•.•.•...•.•.•. Jo. ..... .•.................. .

I Name ••.••..•.•.•.•.••...............•.......................•.•.....•...........•..

I AanklTrtle ...................•.•.•.•.•...••.......................... ...•..•..•.•. I No. Adults ............ .............. No. Children ......................... .

I Address ............................. .•.•.•... ...... ... . .......•.•...•.•.•

I .......................................................................................... . I ... ....... .... ....... ...... ...... T e lepoone .. .. ... ................ ............... .


~.-~, - •• . .... - ... , . .. . "....... . , . . . . . , , , , .


I 1

Ski team in Europe

The A,"tralilm Drft'nft Force (ADF) alpine ski lea rn is nunoll), C"Ompc!lin& in Euro~.

The RAN romponcnt Includes SIX men and women in the squad of 19. mcluding officials.

They are Caroline Brooks (HMAS CRES· WELL), J ill Buckfield (HMAS ALBATROSS). Lynne Connell (HMAS HA RMAN), Lee Dodd (HMAS HARMAN), Rob Freedman (HMAS sue CESS) and S. Willi ts (HMAS JERVIS BA V).

The learn, the largest sent to Europe. lefl '1n December 27 for se"~n weeks of Iraining Dnd com· pelilion against NATO defence forces.

ACT team takes up challenge

In .. u U,er cunditions ranging from " 'ind and nin to hot and humid . the Nanll Prognms and Re­sources manMj:;emenl branch learn has rued 169 olher learns in Iht' CRI) Team ChaUenge.

The learn conSisted of Spike C~mpcy. I'ctcr Cole, Karen Fahey. Angela Wells, Grcg Swinllen. John Prichard :md Rod I lanOO.

This c"cnt consistcd 01

eight 'fun' runs over a 4.5 km course illong Canberra's Lake Burley G riffi n.

The conccpt of thc event was to Improve on your base time and hence score as many points as poSSIble.

Unfonunatdy. some learns obviously look ad· vantage of Ihis and sct de· libera tely slow times in the fi rst run

However. the lea rn from DGNPRM .. "as honest throughout but 5t iH fi nished a c reditable 761h overall with 633 poin ts.

A vlL'itly iJ.eUcr posit ion was obtained in the fastc~t

teams' ca tcgory where it finished 17th.

The largest improvement was achicved by Spikc Campey who cut an impres· slve 8.5 mins off his time.

Thc tcam's fastest runner was John Pricha rd who reo gistered 16.2 mins to be in the top 20 (not bad after coming back afte r a collapsed lung).

The most valuable member was Karen Farcy. who didn 't mi» a single race. and the high~t point scorer was Rod Harrod.

1989 was an outslanding year ror HMAS AL­BATROSS sporting learns.

The ha.c .. ·on Ihe Auslr.llian rules mld .. eel compeli t lOn and the Monsignor Lyons Plate al the COMAUSNAVSUP knockout carnival

The Rugby union team won the Army 7-a·side. Na' y 7· a-side (Old Windsor Cup) and the Dcmpste r Cup competition.

Due to a tragic loss of a team member it did not pan ieipa te in the Mon's Cup for which it had good prospects lor success.

The hockey team W'on both cup and plme at tht.' knock­out carnival and faired well in Ihe midweek and wed.enl! competition.

The soccer side won the midweek compet ition (Showers T rophy) and the HMAS NI RIMBA Cup knockout.

The women's netball team fared well by winning the Naval Support Command netball shicid and also finishing third in the mid,,"Cek competition.

ALBATROSS won the Tuff·triathlon for me second lime and several members perfonned extremely we ll In the

~ "' --- ,

IIMAS AUIATR OSS CommQnding Off/ttl. CO R E; fh~ firs. ma/~ turon 11r~ litl~ in

LWRE;TC J, Bry'Qnl,

No .... ra Triatltlon finishing 71h. 12th and 21st in a field of 13(.0 staners. Ihe P;OSI few months ALBATROSS personnel ha'e becn competing against one another in the various depot earni\'al)

Athlet ics was first which pro,'ed a great success .. ith only one record brolo:en, the 5000 metres by POA TA Good but sc'eral new records ha~e hcen sc t for the women.

TeChnical won the men's section and Skyhooks the female.

The cross-country WilS run o\'er a 5km course which was quite demanding wnh some excellent times. First overa ll was POATA Good in 19min. 2Isec .. first female was LWRETC l1ryant and the fi rst ve te ran was \VO Asher.

In e biathlon run POATWL Steinman proved 100

strong, HI.' won the open class with LEUT Lewis winning the ve lcran and SWRA T A Nash the female seclion.

This event will be a lead up to the Tuff·triathlon. with distances sllghtl) increased nell l year.

Finall)'. the annua l Vat Smilh obstacle rela) was oontC$ted wllh a few changes to previous years .

The Techntcal division took out the relay,


;;-;;;:",y/rom CDR E Tay lor.

Historical victory for ACT golfers: . A Navy learn has ",·on Ihe 1989 Auslralian Public Sen'ice Permanenl Heads Golf C()mpetition .

The competition was pl~yed at the OueanDc)'an Golf Club.

The Permanent Heads Shield is a civilian team event competed for each year in the Aer,

Forty nine department teams entered comprising IWO teams of two players cilch.

• • • • • • •


I retains I = : - -- -I asar crown I = = - -- -~ Navy has rel.ained Ihe natio nal Tasar sailing~ : championship . : ; The RAN team tr.l,dled 10 Geelong 10 conlest the ; : 17th AuSlnlhan Tasar Ch~mpion~hlps .. hieh were con· : ; duCled b) the Ro)al GeelOllg Yacht Club. ; ; I-Ieat one was sailed In a /i'·ely soulh easterly. Na,·y ! ; hild a field du) With Rkl Longbotlom and Peter ! ; Q,ldwcli reachmg the "·Indward mark only seconds apart ! =m fi~t and thi rd po~itions. . : : In these conditions good crew work .. 'as vital and RICk : : and Peter were both fortunate to be teamed up with : ! crews who were exeellern helmsmen in their own right-! ; Phi l Anderson land Tony Manin. Other Navy placings ! : were Mike Larsen and Lila Billsborough 30th and An. !! !! dre .. ' Goldsworthy (AOFA) 40th. !! = MODERATED :: ~ The bree~ modeT3ted for heat two and the course was! : set closer to the shoreline. :: - -: Longbonom ami Andcrson again sailed a polished = ! r.lCC to rc<:ord their second wLJI with Caldwell and Man in ! E re~o\'eri ng from well back early to finish a creditable 9th. ! ; Larscn and Goldsworthy found the big neet diWeult to ! : copc "1Ih to finish 391h and ~th re~peC1ive1y . : ! Heat th ree WJ~ it mormng m~ set down for a 1030 ; :: ~tar1 and competitors were sent o ff in a light nonherly :: !! breeze .. hi~h faded 10 almost nOlhing by Ihe end or lhe i - -: mtt, ! : Peter Q,ld .. -d1 met wllh di!ioa~ler al the windward mark :: ! where he was forced to tuck by a ~tarboard taek boat ! ! nght on the mark and sUDscquenlly hil Ihe mark . ! ! Rick Longbollom had a baule ro)'a l al the front .. i to ! ! Victorians Shapcott and Collings and 470 class chamPIon ! : Chris Tillet from South Aumalia : E After holding second place for mO~1 of the mce :: ! Longbottom made a nuoor taelical error close to the ; E finl~h to slip 10 fourth behind Shapcott . COllings and Til . ; : Iet in that order. : ; Caldwell picked his .. 'ay through the neet to claw his i ; Wil )' from 3bout 60th to fini~h 19t h. Larsen and !! : Golds\\onhy sailed steady raccs for 281h and 31st. : ; Race f()ur was :lI1other IIghl Mfalf with an extremely ! ; light northerly breeze holding out the sea breeze and re. ! :; sultong in a shortened cuur~. : :: The r:.ce was e,·cntually won by Chris Tillel with local :: E Geelong competitor Ed Gardner picking up the best of a ! ! new bn:e7.e on the final beat to leap from mid neet to see- ! :: ond!. : I Rick Longbottom finished fift h while Caldwell hun.g~ i on well to finish a respt(.1able 16t h. Mlck Larsen had hiS: E Dest race of the series for an 18th whi le Golds,,·onhy; ; finished 43rd. ; : DOUBT : ; There was some doubt Ihat the pentul l imate heat ; ; would be sailed when compelilors woke to a 40 knot E ; nonherly and we temperatures! A late southerly; : change saved the day and the race committee set a short : ; course close in·shore reanng a ~trong southe rly gale. ! E No problems for Rick. however. and he and Phi l went ~ : on to score a ridiculously easy win , ! ! Peter Q,ldwell was fourlh early and was slow to realise ! E why several boats passel! him O\-·c r the next two legs. ; ! A plastic bag and seaweed on the centreboard were fi- ; :: nally discovered in time for him 10 get back into 12th pus-: ! ition by thc finish, ; : Mlek Larsen was most unlucky to eapsisc late in the : ; race and d rop about lO places for a 34th with Goldswor- ; E thy right on his tail for a 35th_ ; ~ Championship contender Glen Collings was 15th in ! : this filee leaving Longbottom in an unassailable posit ion : ; with one race to go. Chris Tillet was 7th. ! ! The final heat wa~ sailed in a gUSty. southerly which ; ! shifted by amounts up 10 4(f during the race. : - -! Longbottom got it right and overtook Collings on tlte : E final beat for his fourth heal win and hiS th ird Australian E ; t it l.:. Caldwell was on the wrong ~ide of a major wind E :: shifl to ~lip from 5th to 16th while Goldsworthy had his :; ; best r.lCC of the series for a 25th. ~ ! Final posi tions overall for the Navy competilors were: : : Rick Longbollom and Phil Anderson lst. Pe ter Caldwell ! § and Ton)' Mart in IIlh . Mick Larsen and Lila ! E Billsborough 3200. Andrew Goldsworthy 371h. : "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111110;

The format for the e"ent was :. 4BBU stablcford and shield winners werc dete rmined by an aggregate of the two team scores.

Defence Navy for the first l ime in the 34 year history of the shield recorded ~ .. in with 91 points. Navy's previou ~ best known result was runner-up in 19!15. COi ncidentally by the same plavers who were sua:essfulthis time.

NHBS- OF COURSE! TIle wi n capped a highly s\K':CeSSful )'ear of team com­

petition golf following a prestigious Navy win in the Scherger Cup which was dorIated in 1964 by the then Chief of Staff. Sir Frederick Scherger.

The cup i.§ for annual competition be tween golf teams from DcfellC'e Central and Suppon, Navy, Army and Air Force _

- - --Applications available from your Pay Office, Credit Unkm or by

contacting NHBS on Toll Free 008 33 3156, DNATS (8) 32 5088, (03) 697 5088 or writing to:

Tlrt "'inning I~Qm mt m/wrs: M id: Brttll, Ah'Qn GrQlram , G~o,.,~ Koclrtl Qlld D~lIlIj5 P~"Y-

The event was played at Yowani Golf course wilh George Kochel (Navy tcam) winning the ovenll individual first prire .

NHBS, GPO Box 2123T, Melbourne, VIC 3001 _

- .





~ ..


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RAN c-r~ CoJnfe<'n FI)f)Q, ~ *"""',..- _ ~

fo ur Navy golrers have won selection in an Australian Odence Force team to tour Hawaii in June ror matches against US Sen'ice teams,

They are Mark Lewis. who capped a great year by becoming the Services 19R9 nat ional champion . M,ck Rossendell (Navy's 19b9 national champion). Phil Hardy ,lIld Brian HilI.

They were among the 10 named after last month's Australian Defence Force champion­ships at Canberra's Fed­eral golf dub.

AnOlher five lOurists w[1I be namcd shortly.

The Canberra titles in­cluded the na tional sing­les championships, single Service championships. a state teams match and the national mter-Scrvice championship.

Mark Lewis shot a par round on day one of the 36-hole event and strug­gled with most of the 12()' man field in often heavy r .. in on day two for a n and 149 total.

While Mark IS Ihe Au­stralian SelVices' cham» ion, each of the Ihree run­ners-up become their respective service national champion for 1989:

'NAVY's Mick Ros­sendell (NSW) - 76, 77 - 153.

'A RMY's Corporal Cl iff Smith (South Au­malia) - 76. 77 - 153.

' RAAF's LAC David Maynard (Ouet:llsland) 77. 76-153.

I ~OVIM~ _ .. ,

, , , , , ,

Three learnS ",ill be fighting in nexi Wednesday's final I Zingari round of cricket matches for the last two semi-final positions in the shortened 1989·90 midweek competiron.

The round will also decide which of the two leading teams - KUTfABUL or PENGUIN - is mmor prt:mier.

Each has lost Just one match during Ihe season and is on eight competition pomts.

The three·way contc-st for the minor semi-final positions is bet"'een PLATS! WATERHEN six points. ALBATROSS (fi ,'e) and trophy holder NIRIMBA (tour).

NIRIMBA is eXJlC-cted to dowlI last­placed WATSON 10 go to SIX poims; while ALBATROSS will prove a formidable op­ponent for PLATSIWATERHEN :II

I t '

• "

No"ra. In any cvcnt , tile Command Recreation

Officer may have to separ.ue PLA TSI WATERHEN and ei ther KUITABUL or PENGUIN ror second »OSmon or NIRIMBA and PLATS/WATERHEN for the fourth spell.

A washom of all games would sec KUT­TABUL. PENGUIN, PLATSI WATERHEN and ALBATROSS in the ··four. ~

The top \\\0 sides will play the rna/or sem[-final amJ teams three lil10J four the minor ~seml," both matches on JanuJrY 31.

liS series bro ht forward

The NSW and Victo­rian inter-Sen'ice cricket series have been brought forward 10 avoid a clash with the departure On March 3 of the Australian Services squad to New Zealand .

The NSW s.enes will now be played at HJ\IAS AL­BA TROSS on February 19, 2U and 2 1 with NAVY mct:ting RAAF in the operung match.

Phil Hardy finished eighth overall on 156 and Brian Hill ninth on 158.

Mark uw# ... Stn>icts champ and one oj jour Na~y galJus aJl to Ha .. 'ali.

A NSW Comblllcd Ser­VICCS squad will be selectcd al the end of the series fur ,lnnual matches all,nnst the NSW Governor's XI at Sydney's Scots College on February 28 alld the NSW Cricket Ass.ociatlon at the Sydney Cricket Ground on March I.

The trophy for the Ser­vices' Champion Team of 10 went to ARMY 1588 from RAAF 1590 and NAVY 1596.

lbe championships. the fifth held and founh at Federal. :lttracled

'~'~Z" ii'. from AWA , ~ Ericsson,

WA NG. Case


& Voss and Hoskyns GP. President of the Au­

stralian Defence Force Golf Associat ion, Com­modore Alan Brecht, was elated at the allround suc­cess of the 1989 !ltles.

A capacity field had representcd the coumry's best Serviee golfers; ADFGA patron . Chief of the General Staff. Lieu tt:nanT-General



12 (12) NAVY NEWS, January 19, 1990

Lauric O·Donnell . had played a round on the second day and had aT­tended the presentations and the championships had been fealured III the "Canberra Times" and local Canberera televi­sIon spons news.

Meanwhile, Frank Wyllie has hit a career best two-under-par 46 stable ford points to clinch

, I I I I I I I

the RAN Officer Golf Society's iIlustnous trophy at Pymblc.

H is round included an eagle but he faltered slightly coming 10 the final holes fo r a four unde r par,

The unlucky runne rs­up were Warwick Conlin (44 points) and Mike Davidson (42 points). , , , , , , , ,


• .. , ·itt ,



Final select ion trial for the NAVY squad (defend­ing the t·S NSW trophy for the eighth yea r) will be a POSSIBLES v PROBA­BLES fixture at the Randwick Spons Compkx on February 4.

A team from the squad will then meet the Univer­sity of NSW in a return match at A LBATROSS tht: day before the fi rst I-S match ,

In a selection trial pre­Chr istmas. NAVY 180 downed OANTAS (who had won last year) 154.

NAVY faced an hour's torrid baiting on a damp Randwick wicket , losing opener Bob Ducie at two and Mark Ham at 18.

The consistent Rod Thiel steadied the innings but at 22 pulled a short-pitched delivery into his face and was trea ted at hospital for a fractu red cheekbont:.

The helmeted Keith Mil­ler then took control. post­ing a handsome 72 (includ­ing four 00),

TypeseU<r'9 & Artwork by POInts & ~as Ply. Ltd. ~. Telopea. NSW 21\7 Phone (02) 683 4124. Pnnted on the premIse!> or Moo.a Press, 7 Garners Avenue. ManickviHe, NSW 2204. Phone (02) 560 3900.