Rotary International Youth Exchange Rotary International District 9970 Inc.

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Counsellor & Host Family Briefing. Rotary International Youth Exchange Rotary International District 9970 Inc. Agenda. Eligibility (Slide 3) Background (Slide 4) Rotary Club (slide 9) Counsellor (slide 10) Host Families (Slide 16) RI Certification (Slide 27) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Rotary International Youth Exchange Rotary International District 9970 Inc.

V2.1 July 07CIHF-001

Rotary International Youth Exchange

Rotary International District 9970 Inc.

Counsellor & Host Family Briefing

V2.1 July 07CIHF-001


• Eligibility (Slide 3)

• Background (Slide 4)

• Rotary Club (slide 9)

• Counsellor (slide 10)

• Host Families (Slide 16)

• RI Certification (Slide 27)

• Student Wellbeing & Abuse Prevention (Slide 29)

• Summary (Slide 40)

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Who is eligible…..

• Aged between 16 – 18 years at departure

• Academically above average

• Articulate

• Demonstrate leadership

• Capable of being an excellent ambassador

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Rotary Exchange Organisation





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Aspects of a Rotary Exchange

• Cultural exchange

Become part of their host families

• Educational exchange

School attendance is compulsory

Non-attendance results in being sent home

• Rotary Involvement

Attend meetings whenever possible

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What the exchange means to Students

• It is not just about eating lunch at school • It is really full immersion• How much a Student puts into the Exchange is how

much they get out• Develop personal leadership & communication

skills• Build Host family & counsellor relationships greatly

influence the students success

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Pastoral Care Code of Practice

• NZ Rotary districts registered under Pastoral Care Code of Practice – S238F Education Act 1989

• Aim is to protect the interests of all international students studying in New Zealand

• Police checking prescribed for all family members and volunteers over 18 years

• Consent to disclosure of information

• Exception – section 19(3)(e) Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004

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Code of Practice Requirements

• Robust procedures for selection of host families Interview host parents Check of physical accommodation Monitoring & Inspection

• Written Agreement with Students School

• Welfare & Wellbeing Training

• Commonsense approach for everyone’s benefit

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Rotary Clubs – The Key & Core

• Clubs are a KEY part of the exchange programme, providing vital resources and support for students … Counsellor Host Families Activities Support Network

• It is a CLUB project and it is the CLUB that host the student not one sole family

• Adopt the student as a member Include in club services & activities

• Celebrate customs, festivalsfrom their country

• Get to know them!

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D9970 Student Counsellors

• Thank you for offering to be a student Counsellor.

• The position of counsellor to an inbound student under the rules of our exchange programme is an important and responsible one.

• The attitude of the counsellor can have a major effect on the success or otherwise of a student’s year in our District.

• The counsellor should ensure they keep a liaison with the District Youth Exchange Committee.

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Counsellor Responsibilities


Rotary Club

District Committee



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Counsellor Responsibilities

• Help the exchange go smoothly for all parties

• Students interests & Welfare comes first

• This may be the first time a student is away from home for an extended time

• New language, New school and New families.

• The District timetable

• A checklist for counsellors

• Counsellor reports

• Out of district travel

• Change of family forms

• CANNOT be a host family for the student

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What YOU and YOUR Club can receive from participation

• International guest speaker

• Insight into another culture

• Meet an interesting and outstanding young person

• The satisfaction of helping a young adult achieve a dream

• Fun & good times

• A Lifetime experience

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Weekly Hospitality Host Weekly Hospitality Chart

Annika Sievert

July August September October November December January February March April May June WEEK Rotarian

Monday 1 WK08 1

Tuesday 2 1 1 2

Wednesday 1 3 2 2 3

Thursday 2 4 1 3 3 1 4

Friday 3 5 2 4 1 4 2 5

Saturday 4 1 6 3 1 5 2 1 5 3 6

Sunday 5 2 7 4 2 6 3 2 6 4 1 7

Monday 6 WK01 3 WK 04 8 WK08 5 WK12 3 WK14 7 WK17 4 WK21 3 7 WK29 5 WK30 2 WK34 8

Tuesday 7 4 9 6 4 8 5 4 8 6 3 9

Wednesday 8 5 10 7 5 9 6 5 9 7 4 10

Thursday 9 6 11 8 6 10 7 6 Cycling 10 8 5 11

Friday 10 7 12 9 7 11 8 7 Conference 11 9 6 12

Saturday 11 8 13 10 8 12 9 8 12 10 7 13

Sunday 12 9 14 11 9 13 10 9 13 11 8 14

Monday 13 WK02 10 WK05 15 WK09 12 WK13 10 WK15 14 WK18 11 WK22 10 WK25 14 12 WK31 9 WK35 15

Tuesday 14 11 16 13 11 15 12 11 15 13 10 16

Wednesday 15 12 17 14 12 16 13 12 16 14 11 17

Thursday16 Orientation 13 18 15 13 17 14 13 17 15 12


Friday 17 Murray B 14 19 16 14 18 15 14 18 16 13 19

Saturday 18 15 20 17 15 19 16 15 19 North 17 14 20

Sunday 19 16 21 18 16 20 17 16 20 Island 18 15 21

Monday 20 17 WK06 22 WK10 19 17 WK16 21 WK19 18 WK23 17 WK26 21 Tour 19 WK32 16 WK36 22

Tuesday 21 18 23 20 18 22 19 18 22 20 17 23

Wednesday22 19 24 21 Queenstown 19 23 20 19 23 21 18


Thursday 23 20 25 22 20 24 21 20 24 22 19 25

Friday24 21 26 2nd Orient 23 21 25 22 21 25 23 20


Saturday 25 22 27 Murray B 24 Milford 22 26 23 22 26 24 21 27

Sunday 26 23 28 25 23 27 24 23 27 25 22 28

Monday 27 WK03 24 WK07 29 WK11 26 24 28 WK20 25 WK24 24 WK27 28 26 WK33 23 WK37 29

Tuesday 28 25 30 27 25 29 26 25 29 27 24 30

Wednesday 29 26 31 28 26 30 27 26 30 28 25 31

Thursday 30 27 29 27 31 28 27 29 26 32

Friday 27 Arrives 31 28 30 28 29 28 30 27 33

Saturday 28 Couns 29 29 29 31 28 34

Sunday 29 30 30 30 29 35

Monday 30 31 31 WK28 30 36

Tuesday 31 37

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Student Familiarisation

• Transport

• Emergency numbers

• Map

• Banking

• Using a phone

• Banking & ATM

• NZ Money and Exchange Rate

• Customs

• Doctor

• Your City or Town


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Host Families

Thank You for being a Host Family• Treat students like your own

• Give an insight into typical Kiwi life

• Can be Non-Rotarians

• Do NOT need children ofthe same age

• Host for the right reasons

• Host for about 3-4 months

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Host Families are..

• Welcoming & Hospitable

• Open Minded & Accepting

• Willing to promote cultural exchange

• A mother and/or father figure

• Prepared to take responsibility for students care & wellbeing

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Host Family Code of Practice

• Encourage student to speak English• Make them feel at home & a family member not a

guest• Provide Clean & Comfortable accommodation• Environment for them to study• Balanced & appropriate diet• Eating regular & wholesome meals• Care for their welfare, safety & security• Regular access to bathroom facilities• Maintain a close liaison with their counsellor &

Rotary• Respect their cultural background

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Host Families

• Questionnaire for first night.• Forward Program• Out of district travel• Risk Activities • Student insurance

Medical Accident Theft/loss/damage

• School & Rotary Attendance• Change of Host Family Advice

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Points to consider

• Language• Comings & Goings, Curfew• Student travel• Damage• 7D’s (next slide)

• Food • Getting Lost• Homesickness• Host Family Relationship• Insurance• Keys• Quality of their friends

• Money• Religion (& Food)• Using phones• Internet usage• Medical Treatment• Rotary emergency contact numbers• Keep in touch with students commitments• Financial assistance

Student planning Host family activities

• Sibling relationships

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• No non-prescription drugs

• No driving of motor vehicles of any kind

• No serious dating

• No drinking of alcohol• No disrespect of People or Property

• No downloading of prohibited material, i.e. pornography (or visiting chat rooms )

• No body decoration

The 7D Rules

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D9970 Travel Rules

Approval by Area Day Trip Overnight

Within D9970 Travel Area(Rotary District 9970)

Host Family Host Family

Outside D9970 Travel Area(Domestic NZ within reason)

Host Family &Counsellor &

RYE Chair

Host Family &Counsellor &

RYE Chair

Overseas Travel(Only under exceptional


Parents & RYE Chair

Parents & RYE Chair

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Host Family Resources

• Familiarisation Training (Today)

• RI Host family guide (749en.pdf)

• Student Counsellor

• Host Rotary Club

• RYE Committee

• Contact numbers

• Youth Exchange website

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Host Family Responsibilities

• Ensure there is a safe place

• Ensure the 7D’s are not broken

• Communicate regularly with the Committee

• Advise the committee of any breach immediately

• Advise the committee of any comments

• Work out a ‘What If’ Scenario• What if you heard the student had drugs

• Not responsible for all sight-seeing

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Host Family Expectations of the Student: The student will

• be involved with the host family and their activities• won't get stuck in their room or on their computer skyping

their family and friends back home• help with household chores, cooking, cleaning, washing• be at least a little independent (once they have settled in)• won't expect to be driven around everywhere or be picked

up• will use public transport or a bike or walk• will speak English when ever possible• make some kiwi friends• not to have their home treated like a hotel

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Host Family Expectations of the Student: The student will

• be involved with their host Rotary club, attend their meetings

• be friendly and polite to their host parents, they are halfway between being your friends and your parents

• be prepared to eat with the family• not expect to be taken on holiday everywhere, some host

families cannot afford that• understand that hosting another young adult in their

household comes at a financial cost, appreciate that• not act in a way contrary to the host families rules and


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RYE Certification

• RI has set abuse and harassment prevention guidelines designed to protect youth participating in Rotary club and district programs.

• A club and district certification program for Rotary Youth Exchange

• To be certified for participation in Youth Exchange, RI districts comply with the abuse and harassment prevention guidelines, and adopt stringent screening, selection, counselling, orientation, and reporting procedures.

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Student Wellbeing

• RI is committed to creating & maintaining the safest environment possible for Rotary Exchange Students

• It is the duty of all Rotarians, spouses, partners, and any Volunteer (Host Family & Counsellor) to safeguard the welfare of, & to prevent the abuse, in any form, of Rotary Exchange Students

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What is abuse?

• When the behaviour of someone in a position of greater power than the student causes them harm (Could be Student to Student )

• The common denominator of abuse is that it makes the subject feel bad and worthless

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Types of Abuse

• Physical

• Emotional

• Sexual Exposure to inappropriate material Verbal Gossip, Innuendo, advances etc Physical

• Neglect

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Recognising Abuse

• Unexplained bruising or injury• Continual stomach pains or ailments without medical

explanation• Aggressive or withdrawn behaviour – wont talk about

injuries• Unexpected fear of an adult – flinching when touched

or confronted• Sexually explicit behaviour or language• Unaccounted sources of money• Becoming Quiet & withdrawn• Fear of going home, going out etc• Change in appearance – losing weight, poor grooming• Drop hints – being asked to keep a secret etc

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Often they will not tell

• They feel responsibility

• Afraid – they will be blamed

• Threatened

• Bribed

• Embarrassed

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What to do?

• Don’t leave it – it’s your responsibility

• First: Notify the authorities - Police

• Second: Advise Rotary Designated contact – RYE Chairman, District Governor

• If concerns lie in Rotary, talk to the District Governor

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What if the student talks to me about abuse?

• Listen attentively • Let them know it was right to tell someone• Stay calm• Let them know they are not to blame• Let them know you will have to tell someone• Only ask questions to establish what was done and

who did it• Make a note of what was said & time & Date• Contact the Police, then Rotary or Non Rotary contact• Don’t investigate yourself or challenge the alleged

offender• Follow up

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RYE Procedure

• Ensure & Confirm the student is safe Removal to safe/precautionary environment

• Advise Rotary D9970 District Governor• Contact appropriate agencies - the Police• Ensure student receives support (incl.

Counselling)• Report to legal parents• Cooperate with authorities• Avoid slander or libel claims

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Sensible Conduct

• Treat students with respect

• Tone of your voice

• No Rough games

• No Physical Force

• No sexually suggestive comments

• No excessive time alone

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Student as Abuser

• Student to Student Abuse

• Student to Adult Abuse

• The Same Procedures apply Notify Police

Notify Rotary

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What is an exchange

“ For me this exchange is something that will take me a whole life to understand. I would not know where to start, if I was asked “in what way did you change on your exchange”.

It is a time in your life where you are in control the whole time and you learn to take every moment as a gift that could change you to be the best you can be. An exchange cannot be explained for someone to truly understand. The experience has to be felt to truly understand what it is like.

It is about learning that your Mum and Dad do have the answers sometimes.”

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Summary:When the world comes to your place

• We have the legal & moral responsibility for someone else’s child

• RYE committee is here to help We cannot help if we don’t know

• RYE committee can offer support and guidance

• Make life long friends

• Enjoy the experience

• Have fun!

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Rotary Exchange Organisation





V2.1 July 07CIHF-001

Rotary International District 9970

Rotary International Youth Exchange

Rotary International Youth Exchange