Rotary Club of HOLROYD (inc)€¦ · Rotary Club of George Town, Tasmania, AUS, D9830 Rotary Club...

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Transcript of Rotary Club of HOLROYD (inc)€¦ · Rotary Club of George Town, Tasmania, AUS, D9830 Rotary Club...

Rotary Club of


District: 9675 Chartered: 26 April 1958 ABN 93 065 053 972 Date:


Volume: 60

23 April 2018 No: 19 PO Box 94, Merrylands NSW 2160.

The Rotary Club of Holroyd meets the 2nd & 4th Monday nights each Month at 6pm for a 6:30pm start at Club Merrylands Bowling, Corner of Newman & Oxford Streets, Merrylands NSW 2160. Apologies/Guests to Eileen Britten on 9683-3848 or 0427-658-982 prior to the day of the meeting

RI President Club President President-Elect Ian H.S. Riseley Sofia O’Donoughue Pat Gerardis District Governor Secretary Treasurer Stephen Britten Narelle Wilson Helen Wilson

Future Meetings :

23 April 2018 Regular Meeting – Guest Speaker Catherine Gregory - SANDS

26 April 2018 RCH 60th Birthday @ Holroyd Centre

28 April 2018 D9675 Assembly @ Greystanes High School

30 April 2018 Social Night with George Town Rotary Club Members Guildford Leagues

1 May 2018 Holroyd School – Tree Planting

7 May 2018 Project Planning Meeting

14 May 2018 Dr Chris Metcalfe - Merrylands Chiropractic

21 May 2018 Board Meeting – location TBA

28 May 2018 Club Assembly

4 June 2018 Project Planning Meeting

11 June 2018 Queen’s Birthday Holiday – no meeting

18 June 2018

Duty Roster 14 May 2018 28 May 2018 25 June 2018

Meet & Greet Paul Reid Rob Feil John Heslop

Invocation Ann Abdel Ahad Jerry Duma Pat Gerardis

Welcome Guests & 4 Way Test Bill Auld Peter deZilva Mariya Gojan

Introduce Guest Speaker Barrie Britten Trevor Elias Vera Liondas

Vote of Appreciation Eileen Britten Allan Ezzy Irene Little

Sister Clubs: Rotary Club of Huntington, Indiana, USA, D6540 Rotary Club of George Town, Tasmania, AUS, D9830

Rotary Club of Gourock, Scotland, D1230

Notes of Meeting: 23rd April 2018

GUESTS : Catherine Gregory, Elettra Brown, Liz Heslop, Sonia Hodges

APOLOGIES : Ann Abdel Ahad, Bill Auld, Julie Apps, Lou Camenzuli, Vicki Clement, Bryce Davies, Jerry Duma, Pat Gerardis, Mariya Gojan, Irene Little, Jenny Pedley, Julia Reid, Paul Reid, Andrew Stringer, Peter Wilson

RAFFLE WINNER : Rob Feil, Owen Manson, Catherine Gregory


Last week the Board met at Guildford Bowling Club as a ‘test event’

The arrangements for the 60th birthday of HRC are going well. To date we have 72 people coming; Katrina Feil will entertain us with some songs, Rod has prepared a PowerPoint presentation with photos of people and events from the past 60 years; Shane Reid, Julia’s daughter-in-law, is making the cake.

The Mayor, Clr Greg Cummings, has accepted our invitation to be present when we plant six crepe-myrtle trees at the Holroyd School on the morning of May 1st. Hopefully we will get an article and a photo of this will be in the Cumberland Newsletter and the Advertiser.

Plans for our 19th Charity Golf Day are well underway.

For those who know the Tester family, David and Steven have closed their Steret Electrical business, David is still working for himself as an electrician.

Secretary: Narelle Wilson (Correspondence)

• All correspondence has been distributed o Thank you card from Ros Stein

o Cumberland Council – Mail for Robert

o Care Flight – mail for President Sofia

o Police Legacy – Newsletter

o Holroyd High School – Newsletter

o Rotary Magazine for Ann

o The Westmead Institute – Invitation to 21st Birthday Party

o Shelter box – Asking for donation

o D9675 Bulletin - Sec Janice Hall –

Death of John Chaplin - West Wollongong Rotary,

Reminder Dis Ass. 28/4 Greystanes High,

DG Stephen has included Shelter Box Newsletter,

looking for volunteers to raise funds for Invictus Games,

volunteers needed to help at MacArthur Science & Engineering Challenge 10-11/5,

Simon Rez – looking for employment for Rotarian’s son in hotel industry,

Lloyd Chatfield – announces Dr Jenny Kerrison new National Manager for RAMS as of July

o St Judes Newsletter passed on by JR

o RC of Sydney Cove – Invitation to 30th Anniversary Cruise

o Dis Sec Janice Hall – New PO Box for District 9675 – PO Box 250 Earlwood NSW 2260,

Reminder Club Insurance and Compliance Forms need to be returned,

information re Global Grants in District 9675,

The World Skills Australian National Championships 28/5 – 7/6 at Sydney Convention Centre,

RC of Sydney’s Vivid cruise 30/5 supporting End Polio,

RC of Illawarra Sunrise Swing Into Wings 5/5,

DG S Britten info re Shelter Box activities,

RC of Hurstville invitation to Comedy for a Cause 26/5

o Dis Sec Janice Hall – Information re MUNA, invitation from RC of Corrimal to a club meeting with the

Ambassador of Indonesia 18/3

o Christine de Cruz – for Mayor Cummings re his attendance at Birthday Celebrations

o Shelter Box – Newsletter

o ARH – Newsletter

o Dis Sec Janice Hall – Warwick Richardson chosen as DG for 2020-2021

o Dis Sec Janice Hall – DGE Sue Hayward looking for someone to put together a prospectus, clarification

in the matter of Global Grants,

information regarding Dream Cricket,

information e Rotary Leaders Institute,

Rotary Emergency Services Awards Presentation, Bankstown Sports Club 1/6 $85 per person,

important dates re NYSF, MUNA and Youth Exchange,

RC of Sydney invitation to luncheon 1/5 guest speaker The Hon Michael Kirby,

report from DGN Di North on End Trachoma 2020 information evening,

information re a Rotary Foundation Fundraiser in Timor Leste,

RC of Sydney Inner West invitation to a meeting 23/4 featuring Tom Switzer as guest speaker,

Shelter Box Newsletter.

o St George – Statements for General and Special Accounts

o Thank you card from John Batson

o Campbells – two brochures

o Endeavour Mutual Bank – Statement

o Aphrodite Samios – Inability to attend Birthday Dinner

Treasurer: Helen Wilson

• Payment for our 60th Birthday Celebrations are due – please see Helen

Club Service: Pat Gerardis

Please look through the white folder as it moves around the room and mark yes or no if you will be available to attend or help with upcoming events.


Car Show is planned for WYATT PARK Auburn – 3 March 2019 – Council will support this !!

Community Service: Peter deZilva

• Dream Cricket – PG, JM and PdZ have met with the co-ordinator to arrange the Dream Cricket event for the Holroyd school on Tuesday 22nd May . 0900 -> 1400

• Tree planting at Holroyd Special School is planned for Tues 1 May – with RC George Town . • Daffodil Day – will be held on 24 August 2018 at Westmead Hospital. We need volunteers please • DRY July Activity has been put “on hold” for this year • Ronald McDonald House have changed their “Arrangements” for catering – we will not participate

Foundation: Julia Reid

• Reminder : Any Centurion Members or anyone wishing to join - the Rotary Foundation would be happy to receive your contribution. See Julia for more information.

International: John Melbourne

• JM will conduct 2 more Fund Raising Sgt Sessions before July in support of a “Clean Water” Project • Request to support Shelter Box will be referred to the Board

Fund Raising: Rod O’Donoughue

• April 28th – D9675 Assembly - catering at Greystanes High School – please update “the Book” if you can help NB RC George Town visitors will be assisting us.

Vocational: John Heslop

• SCC Awards were held on 9th April, thanks to the Organising Committee, any input for 2019 event welcomed.

• The Warwick Tester Memorial Award will be presented to a 4th Year Apprentice from Endeavour Energy at our X Over.

• Vocational Visit is being planned to Holroyd School – more details later !!

Membership: Robert Feil

• Potential new member Fatima Taha will visit us shortly.

New Generations: Barrie Britten

• We had 3 x RYPEN Attendees (April 6 – 8) from Cerdon College they will visit us and present shortly • We are sponsoring a MUNA Team from Cerdon (19 May).

2 Additional MUNA Teams have been identified and sponsoring clubs sought. • Applications Close for NYSF on May 31, 2018 • Barrie also highlighted the D9675 Inspirational Youth Awards and called for nominations

General Business

• George Town Rotary Members Peter Cox, Ron & Marion Riley + Graeme Johns will be visiting commencing 25h April - for our 60th Birthday Celebrations amongst other events. A DRAFT Program has been prepared / distributed to hosts / team members.

• All members are welcome at all functions – limited to those who RSVP’d for Fridays PFF Visit $5 pp • We will join them for dinner on Monday 30th April at Guildford Leagues Club @ 6:30 pm


• Norma Brennan – 90th Birthday – 3 May- at Calabrini – Westmead. • David Holz – call Julie before you visit – recommended you go as a Pair he may be (or fall) asleep • Irene Little is recovering from the effects of her treatment – she visited members recently.

GUEST Speakers - Catherine Gregory & Sonia Hodges - SANDS

o Catherine and Sonia were introduced by Rod O’Donoughue and provided an impassioned presentation on the importance of and support provided by SANDS. SANDS is the miscarriage, stillbirth and neonatal death charity that operates across Australia,

supporting anyone affected by the death of a baby; working to improve the care bereaved parents receive by healthcare professionals and breaking the silence and taboo of baby death in today's society.

Sands volunteers offer a real sense of understanding and hope; they too have been through the devastating loss of a baby.

An estimated one in four pregnancies (93,000) ends in miscarriage in Australia each year, while approximately 2,500 babies are either stillborn or die in the first 28 days after birth. Despite the fact that the death of a baby affects so many Australians, it remains a topic that is rarely spoken about in public.

Sands provides support, information and education to bereaved families and healthcare professionals across Australia.

• Narelle Wilson proposed the Vote of thanks

ANZAC DAY by D Hunter

I saw a boy a’marching, with medals on his chest, He marched alongside Diggers, marching six abreast.

He knew that it was ANZAC Day and marched along with pride, He did his best to keep in step with the Diggers by his side.

And when the march was over, the boy looked rather tired.

A Digger asked, “Whose medals, son?” to which the boy replied: “They belonged to my Dad… but he didn’t come back,

He died in New Guinea… up the Kokoda Track.”

The boy looked rather sad – a tear came to his eye. But the Digger said, “Don’t worry Son. – And I’ll tell you why: Your Old Man marched with us today, all the bloomin’ way.

All us Diggers knew he was here. It’s like that - on Anzac Day.”

The boy was rather puzzled and he didn’t understand, But the Digger went on talking, and started to wave his hand, “For this great land we live in, there’s a price we have to pay,

To keep Australia free, and to fly our Flag today.

“Yes, we all love fun and merriment, in this country where we live, But the price was that some Soldier… his precious life must give.

Your Old Man died for us, son, for all things good and true. I hope that you can understand these words I’ve said to you.”

The boy looked to the Digger, and after a little while,

His face changed expression, and he said with a beautiful smile, “I know my Dad marched here today. This is our ANZAC Day.

I know he did, I know he did. All the bloomin’ way!”

Wedding Anniversaries 24 April – John & Liz Heslop, 3 May – Sue & John Melbourne Happy Birthday

22 April - Stella Camenzuli, 23 April – John Heslop, 3 May – Norma Brennan 9 May – Mariya Gojan, 11 May - Peter Wilson, 13 May Gloria Elias Rotary Anniversary

29 April 2000 Rod O’Donoughue , 8 May 2000 Paul Reid, 9 May 2016 Vicki Clement Get Well Soon

Alana Wilson, Irene Little, David Holz,

Coming Events: Day Date / Time Event Monday 23 April Regular Meeting – Guest Speaker Catherine Gregory - SANDS Wednesday 25 April -> Wed 2 May 12:40 Flight - George Town TAS Rotarians here Thursday 26 April 6:30 pm RC Holroyd – 60th Birthday – Holroyd Centre Friday 27 April – 10:00 Visit to Parramatta Female Factory

Saturday 28 April – 07:30 Setup D9675 Assembly at Greystanes High School – Catering ** Sun – Mon 29 / 30 April RC George Town Bathurst Excursion

Monday 30 April - 6:30 pm Social Meeting –Dinner at Guildford Leagues Club with G’Town Rotary Tuesday 1 May – 10:00 Tree planting – Holroyd School Wednesday 2 May – 07:45 – 09:10 Greystanes High School – Mentor Session # 2 Wednesday 2 May – 2:30 pm RC George Town visitors depart

Monday 7 May Project / Planning Meeting Monday 14 May Regular Meeting - Dr Chris Metcalfe Merrylands Chiropractic Wednesday 16 May Cerdon College Soiree

Monday 21 May Board Meeting Saturday 26 May D9675 MUNA – at NSW Parliament House Wednesday 23 May 10 am – 4pm Red Shield Appeal – Greystanes Shopping Centre

Thursday 24 May 10 am – 4pm Red Shield Appeal – Greystanes Shopping Centre

Saturday 26 May 9 am – 7pm Red Shield Appeal – Maccas Wenty – Great Western Highway

Sunday 27 May 10 am 4pm Red Shield Appeal – Maccas Wenty – Great Western Highway

Monday 28 May Regular Meeting - Club Assembly Wednesday 30 May – 07:45 –> 09:10 Greystanes High School – Mentor Session # 3 Monday 4 June Project / Planning Meeting Monday 11 June Queen’s Birthday Holiday – no meeting Friday 15 June Nosh –Lily’s at Seven Hills Monday 18 June Joint Board Meeting Monday 25 June Regular Meeting –TBA Monday 2 July Project / Planning Meeting Wednesday 4 July – 07:45 –> 09:10 Greystanes High School – Mentor Session # 4 Saturday 7 July – 12:00 noon Change Over from Pres. Sofia O’Donoughue-> Pres. Pat Gerardis – Holroyd Centre Wednesday 25 July – 07:45 –> 09:10 Greystanes High School – Mentor Session # 5 Wednesday 22 August – 07:45 –> 09:10 Greystanes High School – Mentor Session # 6 Friday 24 August Daffodil Day – Westmead Hospital – TBC Wednesday 5 September 07:45 –> 09:10 Greystanes High School – Mentor Session # 7 Wednesday 17 October 07:45 –> 10:30 Greystanes High School – Mentor / Mentee Presentations Wednesday 31 October 07:45 –> 09:30 Greystanes High School – Mentor Program Evaluation / Feedback Friday 2 November – 7am-> 3pm Holroyd Charity Golf Day – Cumberland Golf Club

The Object of Rotary

The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as the basis of worthy enterprise and in particular, to encourage and foster:

• The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service. • High ethical standards in business & professions; the recognition of all useful

occupations; & dignifying of each Rotarians occupation as an opportunity to service society.

• The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarians personal, business and community life.

• The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

The Four-Way Test

Of the things we think, say or do: • Is it the TRUTH? • Is it FAIR to all concerned? • Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? • Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

The Rotary Grace

Oh, Lord and Giver of all good, We thank thee for our daily food May Rotary friends and Rotary ways, Help us to serve thee all our days.


For life, for health and the spirit to serve Rotary, for faith, for freedom and good fellowship - we give thanks.

Local Rotary Clubs

Parramatta City – Novotel, 365 Church St, Parramatta, Monday 12.30 for 12.45pm Parramatta - Parramatta RSL Club, Monday 5.45 for 6.15pm

Wetherill Park – Club Marconi, Tuesday 7.15 for 7.30am Blacktown City – Blacktown Workers Club, Tuesday 6.00 for 6.30pm Granville – Auburn Tennis Club, 181 Chisholm Road, Tuesday 6.00 for 6.30pm

Parramatta Daybreak – The Lighthouse Restaurant, Friday 7.15 for 7.30am

National Anthem

Australians all let us rejoice, For we are young & free; We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil; Our home is girt by sea; Our land abounds in nature’s gifts Of beauty rich and rare; In history’s page, let every stage Advance Australia Fair. In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia Fair.

Acknowledgement of Country

I would like to acknowledge that this meeting is being held on the traditional lands of the Darug people, and I pay my respect to elders of the community both past and present, and acknowledge with respect any Aboriginal people who may be present.