Rotary Club of Broadbeach Officers Leadership Team · John McAvoy Helen McAvoy Rob Domican Kevin...

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Transcript of Rotary Club of Broadbeach Officers Leadership Team · John McAvoy Helen McAvoy Rob Domican Kevin...


WEEK 8 31st August 2010

Rotary Club of Broadbeach Officers

PRESIDENT Brian Pearson VICE PRESIDENT & P.E. Harold Busch SECRETARY Bob Jordan TREASURER Jim Hawkins

Leadership Team Committee Office

Membership Director Grahame Werrell Service Director Bill Waller

Fund Raising Director Klaus Axmann Youth Director Malcolm Daviess

Foundation & International Director Nathan Blair P.R. & Publicity Director Larry Greenman

Scooter Chairman Cec McPaul Police Officer of the Year Chairman Ray Milton

Sister Club Relations Chairman Dick Holland Young Achievers Award Chairman Kevin O’Brien

Social Events & Speakers Chairman Hermann Rogers


Sergeants & Corporals Chairman Russ Hutc hison Webmaster Jim Hawkins

Rotarlight Editor Brian Pearson

Honorary Members: Rob Borbidge, Bruce Duncan, Syd Garrett, Eddy Sarro ff, Peter Green, Lloyd Yelland

GUEST SPEAKERS PROGRAM Date Speaker Subject Speaker Host

7 Sept 10 International Evening Japan @ donto SAPPORO 14 Sept 10 Denis O’Brien Horse Racing 21 Sept 10 Jeffrey Kemp Parenting Today ’s teenagers Jim Hawkins

Door Duty Roster Date Attendance 1 Attendance 2 Greeter

7 Sept 10 International Evening


14 Sept 10 Uwe Seifert Bill Waller Bill Rex 21 Sept 10 Harold Busch Tony Lewis Ian Cowen

Please note: No.1 Doorkeeper will now hold the posi tion for 4 weeks to simplify the handover proceedings – please check ho w this affects you.

Please note your inclusion in any of the Duty Roster s implies your duty to attend – if you cannot for a ny reason,

the responsibility for finding your replacement lie s with you.

CONGRATULATIONS DUE THIS WEEK Birthdays Anniversaries Inductions

Agnes Adorjan Colleen Slade

Hermann Rogers Nathan Blair

Peter Gowans 2008

LAST WEEKS MEETING ATTENDANCE APOLOGIES INCOME Charity Income Broadbeach Rotarians Hon Members (Syd Garrett & Lloyd Yelland) Visiting Rotarians Partners & Family Guest Speaker & Ptnr Club Guests Members guests Total

32 2 1 1 1 37

Peter Batterson Bruce Duncan Keith Hawton Hermann Rogers Bob Slade Frank Adorjan Nathan Blair Harold Busch Larry Greenman Noel Hodges

Raffle $148 Fines $62.05 Copper Pot $23.40

Sizzle $277 (net) Y.T.D. $4,664 (net) Other Y.T.D.

Sizzling @ Bunnings Date 8:00am – 11:00am 11:00am – 2:00pm 10 Sept 10 Brian Pearson

John McAvoy Helen McAvoy

Rob Domican Kevin Wilkins Neil Jones

17 Sept 10 Cec McPaul Plus 2

Grant Williams (NAB) Larry Greenman Kevin O’Brien

24 Sept 10 Klaus Axmann Bob Jordan Hermann Rogers

Peter Gowans Uwe Seifert Bob Slade

Usual rules apply – if you can’t make it; please ar range a swap with someone else.

Please Note Sausage Sizzle Rules – no open shoes & remove apron before visit to bathroom If non Rotarians are helping us, we provide them wi th a sizzle & drink free of charge


President Brian welcomed Honorary Members Syd Garrett and Lloyd Yelland, Prof. Reto Weiler, Prof. David Vaney, Brian Garrett (son of Syd).

The two professors Brian, son of Syd

President’s Report

President Brian observed the power of Rotary to influence national opinion – following our debate the previous week on Monarchy vs Republic, the Monarchists having easily won – one national newspaper had conducted a poll finding support for the Republic had fallen to a 16 year low – amazing isn’t it?? The official launch of the outbound G.S.E team to Missouri will take place at Crowne Plaza Hotel this Saturday 4th September at 6:00pm. It would appear no contest as a major football match is on that night and President Brian may be a lonely attendee. Following discussion with Eddy Sarroff and subsequently the Park’s Department, President Brian was able to report that we have permission to erect a new collection box adjacent to the Centenary Statue at Kurrawa Beach. President B. has long felt we could significantly increase our


return if it was more obvious that we were encouraging donations for local charities. David O’Dwyer has undertaken to design a robust collection box and install.

National Conference Canberra 21/22 August 2010

R.I. President Ray Klinginsmith gave the keynote speech on the first morning on the theme

“Bigger, Better, Bolder” highlighting that if we don’t continue to change and evolve with modern times, the future of Rotary is dim. If we stay as we are in 15 years, it is clear that Rotary will be shadow of what it is now. (“Stop doing what you’ve always done, you only get what you’ve

already got”). R.I. President Ray asked us to challenge the status quo and look for diversity and flexibility in our mindset of how we run our clubs. He was confident that Rotary can do anything, but we can’t do everything, and should focus on our strengths. We should also improve our public image – “an old men’s dining club” – we are not, we are a dynamic service club enjoying great fellowship – if we could project this image into our local communities, we would find it much

easier to attract new and younger members.

President Brian, reporting on his recent attendance at the National Conference in Canberra (sadly he was not able to lay claim to “The Lodge”) he observed what an uplifting experience it had been to listen to the keynote speakers on many aspects of Rotary life, particularly from our Cowboy R.I. President Ray Klinginsmith. President Ray gave a lively and highly motivating speech, enthralling the 600 attendees.


The breakout groups were also fascinating giving an insight into the activities of so many different clubs and their members, it was amazing the achievements of some clubs with only 10 members. Overall President Brian had found the experience well worthwhile, most interesting and enjoyable with fantastic fellowship – he encourage all members not to miss out on these great opportunities at National or District level. We have our District 9640 Conference coming up in Yamba 1-3 April – let’s get together a good group of attending members, as we have in previous years – we will have a ball. (more details available from Pres. B.)

Mr. Silver Circle

Phil Moore announced the numbers allocated to participants and made the first draw for $50

Tony Lewis was the first winner,

if he had paid his contribution, he could have taken it home, however???????

Membership Director Grahame Werrell


Director Grahame advised that a “Reunion and New Members Night” is scheduled for our meeting on Tuesday November 30th, his committee is looking to invite previous members to have a “look at us now” – maybe we can entice a few of them back. Also we will be inviting prospective new members with special emphasis on professions we don’t have represented in our club at the moment. Grahame’s team are working very hard in this area and face the challenge of finishing this Rotary Year with a net 5 increase in membership – we have already lost 3, due to sad loss of Stuey, transfer of Duncan Burdett and elevation of Lloyd to Honorary status.

Sergeant Russ

Aided by his eager Bunyips, Rob Domican, Tina Rambaldini and Jane Wright, Sergeant Russ

happily dipped into our ever dwindling reserves.

George Mansell won the raffle Tina’s lovely smile tells us Can’t see the card – definitely not a Joker she won the Heads & Tails

Guest Speaker Prof. Dr. Reto Weiler

Rector - Institute of Advanced Studies in Delmenhorst, Germany

Professor Reto turned out to be a real fun character, despite being an eminent scientist – he is also a Rotarian and began by exchanging banners from his club Rotary Club of Oldenburg-Schloss, with our President Brian.


It is probably not a bad idea just to give brief bio on our two guests at this stage, to set the scene for our guest speakers address: Prof. Dr. Reto Weiler – born in Switzerland in 1947, became the Foundation Professor of Neuro biology at Uni. of Oldenburg in Germany in 1986, studying the structure and function of the retina. During this time Reto and his family made 3 sabbatical visits to Vision, Touch and Hearing Centre at Uni. Of Queensland – Reto is an Honorary Professor there. In 2006 Reto was appointed V.P. for Research at Uni. of Oldenburg and in 2008 appointed Rector of Institute of Advanced Studies in Delmenhorst. This will be the topic of his speech tonight. Prof. David Vaney – Uni. Of Queensland. David was the first to demonstrate the tracer-coupling of neurobiotin and biocytin in neuronal cells that are electronically coupled. This discovery resulted in a significant advance in retinal neurobiology, he has also made a major contribution to the understanding of the anatomy of the retinal pathway involved in night vision. David has played a large part in establishing neuroscience in Queensland. We were indeed honoured to have such eminent guests with us tonight. Reto and his family had spent the previous two weeks of their Australian visit bushwalking in the Kimberly’s, looking for Aboriginal paintings and before arriving at our meeting had spent the morning whale watching. The Institute of Advanced Studies brings together, in one place, professionals from from many different disciplines for a period of 6 to 10 months, living together in almost monastic circumstances to think far and deep into new ideas for research. They have a purpose built establishment, 10 years old and holding 46 Fellows from 18 nations, English is the language of communication. Only the best scientists in the world in the designated field are selected. Currently they are working on: “why do we love certain forms of art – reactions to certain paintings, music, writing etc.” Marine Scientist are working on coastal environmental effects of global warming on marine biology. Energy research is going on into renewable energy options, such as offshore wind farms. The emphasis is on changing minds in behaviour, art in science – incorporating famous painters and writers. As part of their experimentation they cooperate and use the facilities of surrounding universities.

Prof. Reto receives his well earned memento from Speaker Host Graham Sivyer


for his most entertaining and interesting talk.

Broadbeach Joker

Mick walks into Paddy's barn and catches him doing a s-xy striptease to a large

piece of red machinery.

Mick says "What the hell are you doing Paddy?"

Paddy replies "Well me and Mary haven't been getting on lately and the therapist

recommended that I do something s*xy to a tractor."


Two middle-aged couples were enjoying friendly conversation when one of the men

asked the other, "Fred, how was the memory clinic you went to last month?"

"Outstanding," Fred replied. "They taught us all the latest psychological

techniques, like visualization, association, and so on. It was great. I haven't had

a problem since."

"Sounds like something I could use. What was the name of the clinic?"

Fred went blank. He thought and thought, but couldn't remember.

Then a smile broke across his face and he asked, "What do you call that flower with

the long stem and thorns?"

"You mean a rose?"

"Yes, that's it!"

He turned to his wife, "Hey Rose, what was the name of that memory clinic?"


Children seldom misquote you. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you

shouldn't have said.


My mother wanted me to be a priest. Can you imagine giving up your s_x life and

then once a week people come in to tell you the details about theirs.


Husband and wife had a tiff. Wife calls up her mum and says, "He fought with me

again, I am coming to live with you". Mum said, "No no daughter, he must pay for

his mistake, I am coming to stay with you."


A mother took her five-year-old son with her to the bank on a busy lunchtime. They

got behind a very fat woman wearing a business suit complete with pager.

As they waited patiently, the little boy said loudly, "Gee she's fat!" The mother

bent down and whispered in the little boy's ear to be quiet. A couple of minutes

passed by and the little boy spread his hands as far as they would go and

announced; "I'll bet her butt is this wide!" The fat woman turns around and glares

at the little boy.


The mother gave him a good telling off, and told him to be quiet. After a brief

lull, the large woman reached the front of the line.

Just then her pager begin to emit a beep, beep, beep. The little boy yells out,

"Run, she's reversing.

Please remember to register for next week’s meeting