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Complete News Coverage




VOLUME 6-NUMBER 44 S.tered at Seeond OIal8 MatteI'at the Post O:ffle8at Detroit. Hieh. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, NOVEMBER I, 1945 Fully Paid Circulation $2.00 Per Year-5c Per Copy



Former Teammates Return from the Warsof th.

WEEKAs comp,l.d by th.Grosse POinte Newl


Thursday, October 25AN INTERNATIONAL News

SerVIce story from Washmgtonsays that Plofessor Albert Em-stem and aSSOCIateshave mformedPreSIdent Truman that GermanlSCIentIstsare conductmg researchm atomIC energy and rocketbombs m Spam under the pro~tectIon of GeneralISSImoFranco• RepIesentatIve Coffee ofWa<:.hmgtonsays the PreSIdent ISrepOlted pleparmg a statementdenouncmg the Franco regImeand believes the SItuatIOn WIlllead to the severance of dlploma~tIc lelatlOns wlth that country.

* * *

GlovedBanditlFarrns Asks State iOnly FightsI I Is Given Long I T C b M b' :Center About

Pen Sentence lour acorn s I Council PostsErnes~ Mo~ris Put. Out of Pollution of Lake Ralph MacGregor Picked to

Circulation for Five to Try and Unseat ChesterFifteen Years I Resolution Sent by-T-r-u-s-t--e--e-s-t-o- -H--e-alth Commissioner Carpenter; Morgan Runs

Householders of G r ass e Asking Him to Halt All Dumping I The electIOn m the CIty ofPomte who have been nerv- A resolutIOn pr~testmg agamst the pollutIOn of Lake Grosse Pomte next Tuesdayous smce Ernest Morns the St ClaIr by Macomb County mumclpal1tles has been for- WIll be a qUIet aft aIr so far asgloved bandIt who was aI- warded to Dr WIlham E DeKleme State Health Commls- the electIOn of the execullveleged to have pulled off many SlOner, by the VIllage of Grosse POl~te Farms offICials of the CIty IS con-

The resolutIOn was adopted at. cerned Ralph B Nettmg, amaJor burglaries In Grosse a meetmg 01 the Farms trustees the lake less SUItableas a source councIlman of the CIty forPomte and m Bloomfield HIlls on October 15, but the formal of water supply for the com- several years past, IS unop-wIthIn the year, was let off wordmg of It was carned over mumtIes so USIngIt, and the con- posed for Mayor, as ale Nor-by the ClrcUlt Court on pro- to a later date PreSIdent James tmuance of thlS pracbce may bert P Neff for City Clerk,bahon, need have no further K Watkms worded the general constItute a seriOUS hazard to Theodore G OSIUSfor Traas-fears regardIng hIS move- stlucture and the exact wordmg publIc health and safety and urer, Nell Blondell for As ..ments Ernest IS defimtely IWas placed m the hands of a WHEREAS, It 15 enbrely un- sessor and Charles H Locke

RESULTS NOT KNOWN m removed from cIrculatIOn for commIttee necesary that SaId commumtIes tor Constablethe stnke poll of GM employes th I k f th d h fsome hme to come ! The attention of the State I use e a e or e ISCalge 0 The CouncIl fIght 15 anotheryeste1day but agreed by all that (c tl d P 16the overwhelmmg proportlOn of While he was stIll on proba- Health CommISSIoner IS called on nue on age) story John H Mack a pIesentthose who voted favored strIke hon he robbed a home m DetrOIt to the fact that WlllIam Harper councIlman IS a receptIve caudl-if demands are not met. • where a young woman whose dlam commlSlsoner ior Wayne I H II ' date rather than an aggreSSIveUmon spokesman concedE'Sthat pedroom he had entered recog- County, closed the mterceptor I a owe en one He appears to have noof 325000 GM employes ellg1ble mzed hIm only as a colored man gates on September 25 and agam serIOUSOppOSItIOn,although It l'to vote probably not more than Soon after the robbery a De~ allowed the sewage and dram- SEd noted that hIS name appears m100000 WIll ,ote In all Its plants % trolt scout car pl'CkedhIm up on age from Macomb to pass dllect- eason n s the polltIcal advertlsmg for thethroughout the country next ..t\/+%~~-»~>}.. a street corner for a general I t L k St CI t d f Carpenter slate along WIth that

qUlzzmg and exammatIon as IS y In 0 a e all" ms ea 0 of SIdney H Morganr~56~~:;~~~ye:o;~ ~~ c!~;ys\~; SIX FORMER GROSSE POlNTE High School football stars met m Hazel Park last frequently gIven to probatIOn or contll1umg through the mlercep- Police Books Full of Usual Mr Morgan lS a new name 11\plants who~cast theIr ballots to Saturday when they Journeyed there to see theIr old alma mater IS team WIn Its parole cases and found a quant1~ tor ThIS Interceptor was bUllt the candIdate counCIlmanIClIst.clay fourth vlCtOry of the season Posmg for the Grosse Pomte News photographer are, ty of Jewelry on hlS person, at a great expendIture of fedela! Depredations; Tomatoes He 15 generally agreed upon by

• , * back row, left to rIght -Stan JerVIS, nght end Ted Held, fullback, DICk Cotter, whIch they were convmced had and county funds for the express Are Favorite Weapon both SIdes, and has a !lkelyGLADWIN HILL New York tackle Front row, left to rIght -Bob Plath, halfback, Jack Huckms, tackle, Gene been stolen It was ldenhfied by purpOse of stoppmg the lake challce of leadIng the hcket.

TImes cOrIespondent In Warsaw Wambold, guard Picture by Fred Runnells the young woman whose bed- pollutIon As the NE'YS goes to press The real fIght centers about thesays the CommUnIstsare makmg --------------~-------.-------------------- room he had Invaded Local and state offICIalshave thIS week, POInte youngsters are head of Chester F Carpenter, afast progress toward the control h ThIS was a lIttle too much for pOInted out that Mr Harper has attendmg theIr annual commun~ CIty councIlman of several yearsof the country by the pohhcal "Jammleng" of PolIeceRadleo 200 C ;ldren the over patient ClrCUlt Court eVIdently beell IIngermg under lty Halloween parhes 1Il mn~ standmg and for practlCally histechmque of settmg Up several .... and Ernest was sent up fOl a long the qeluSIOnthat the POIntecorn- centers throughout the area and whole tenure of oflCe the com-mdependent partIes nommally B P e Ked I De I d M d Istretch In Jackson mUlllt!es dldn t care about lake another season of pranks IS miSIsonerof hIghways and parks.dlfferll1g In objectives but baSIC Y ointe 1 S S ISCose a e Happy I The tIme he pulled oft' three pollutIOn exceptmg d g the draWIng to a close The group opposed to Car-

_ burglanes m a smgle mght m the urm The pohce books of all the pellter has plCked Ralph Mac>-:sI1\e~~l~mg t~~d~~~~ISC~~~~~e II e B~fl B j B 1 b I Farms and ShQre~ hIS ~oca] ~ummer i~lm~mg ~aso? s~~Pomtes have been crammed for Gregor to carry the banner MrFo OWIng 0' oween oast y Toy C u career was summanly stopped lme ago e sate 0 lela s as e the last week or more WIth the MacGregor IS a masonry and~~~:u~~t~h~r~:~t~r~~~ :o~lI~ "" U by a VI,>iolshot In the gram ad- the Farms VIllageengmeer lVIur reports of the usual Halloween waterploofIng contractor He IStlOns m the Pohsh Government ---- ------ ImInIstered by LIeutenant buem ra~ SmIth to suggest to the depredatIons and damage RIpe marrIed and owns hIS home at

, , • Amateur Broadcasters Also Interfered with Boat and Plane POI n t e Or anlzat,on Also Img of the Shores pollce He lay Fharms trustees that they adopt tomatoes have been the favonte 942 Rivard whele he has llvedTHE C ~ B L r; G RAM Mrs Reception before Uncle Sam Stepped," G P {t Add at the POInt of dedth m1Recel~ ~ e resolut~oll protestmg Mr IIweapOll of the majOrity of the I for the past twenty yea" He

Thompson sent to Russla the day ,vesl

resen S 0 ge an mg HospItal for severa wee s aipel s ac IOn youngsters They have been used has no partrcular yen for politlcsshe was murdered ISdI~cardedas Some recent del k lnt mal Ions Irom a t110 of amateur II WIthout Funds but was apparentl~ too tough to The fimshed resolution as sent to throw at passmg motOrIsts but has consented to run for thea clew by the Oakland county radIO broadcasters that they were set to do some expert dlC He nevel ackno\\-ledged to Lansmg follows - and pedestrians at houses stores group that would lIke to un-authontles The Grosse POInte Toy any of the Pomte robberIes and WHEREAS Lake St ClaIr 1S and offIces They have been horse Carpenter

* * JammIng' of the polIce two~way radlO as theIr pIquant con- Club, WhIChIS startmg Its an- the pollee here found It Impos- one of the natural resources of rUbbed on freshly pamted homes The fIght that revolves aroundGOVERNMENTeconom1stsre- trlbutlOn to the H"Jllovleen fesllvltIeo;;; Wednesday nIght call- SIble to make out a burglary ca,se thIS commumty provldmg not A gate has been mIssed here Carpenter s head IS partly Intla~

port to the ReconverslOnAdvls ed forth an e'lD c<.:'nil from C_h_l_ef_T_,_o_m_b_l_y_o_f_t_h_e_C_'~t_y_l_nnual campaIgn to raIse funds agamst hIm only recreatIonal faClhtIe:; for and th~re, but they have been offIce In that Mr Neff, the CItyOly Board that Industry can af Ins offICe 1\'1011C1... c.ft"rno011 • to see that every POInte kId He was sent up at that tIme for bathmg, PQatmg and fishmg but dIscovered later, hIdden In shrub~ Clerk and Mr Blondell the

The ChIefs JmDomptu re I to pIess It IS a good bet how has a toy for Christmas, IS stealmg the car whIch he used 1 f h th t 1 bery or tossed In a vacant lot Assessor make no bones aboutiOIdhto ra2i4sebaS1Cwage hrates as malk tOle the lId nght off of the evel lIght m advance that the an'{lOUS that those who do. the nIght of the three pomt rob~ fasOthurmsdmgth e wa er supp y The usual soaprng of car WIn- theIr prefe1ences for MacG1egormuc as pel cent Wlt out In b h d d th t t th f be th F d Sh or IS an Q er commumtIes(' ea< Dllf'P<:' hItherto tnuuol "hed stOly of oys ee e e warnIng na e 0 e und know Just nes m e arms an ores I d 'Idows and wmdshlelds and the and Carpenter respect1Vel~ In

'" * how some CIO e Pomte ;youh<:. ~------- how the money IS spent land ~ was because ofhh)s break anWHEREAS th t f nngmg of doorbells have been addItIon to these however both

Fuday October 26 Dst "ummCI lll\ltcd In 0 thCll FI' , D h The fIremen and polIce of the I Ing IS parole Ior t IS offense e emp ymg 0 as populal as ever candIdates ale supported by aDR T' mt;'ns the pa.nful "nd em ler seat Pomte constitute the Toy Cub plus Ius Jewelry stealmg from raw sewage mto the lake by the One of the chIef concelns of lIvely glOUp of CItIzens

1 ROBERT LEY head of ba1l8<::Sll1gmiluSlOn of Ie Fed All the tIme they spend on the the room oi the sleepmg woman, mUlllclpahhes of Southern Ma~ the polIce has been the Iemoval Ralph B Nettmg the unop-i:t~G~~~anG~~~~~~I~tt ~~n~~~ "Ial Commtn natIOns all 01 Ies Now Conceded worthwhIle work of the Olgamza Itha~/ead to hIS long sentence Fe c~mbthCount~ten~s to contatmtlhn~and damagmg of stop anD.street possed candIdate for' Maj or, halh If I t h h J I Th I b I hon IS donated and evely pennv cen y- a e e wa el, 0 preven e SIgns The traffIc control SIgn had a fme record as a CItyIIDse as mg t In IS pIlson Cle are t 11ee oys at east I --- He was sent to Jackson pem use of the lake for bathmg to at FIsher road and the boulecell 1'1 the Nuelnbelg Pusan I m the Pomte hvmg on Loralne The death of 2nd Lleut George I receIved ISspent on toys wluch go tentlary by Judge Krause on a d&Stl'oythe fish therem to make Yard was damaged and stopped COU~CtI~man,alth~Ug~ f~r the• was aWaItmg tual as a war McMIllan and MOlan lespectIve C Phelps J'r mlssmg III ac to unfO].tunate chIldrcn who sentence for burglalY and entry _~ workm untIl re aIrs were made pas ree years e as een Incnmmal wlth 23 other as,:,oclates ly \\ho have by mdulgence of hon smce October 13 1944 has wol.,tldnot have any If It welen t I for five to fiftet!n years ' Th g lIce hi b t I thedNavy and hIS mablhty to at-

'" '" '" I fond parents: radIO hanSffiltters been offICIally conceded by the for the club, and for less pnv GODsey, Goosey erant a~Oe~r ve een as 0' ~en m~nr ~f the ,meetlll~s, halHARRY H BFNNETT who I of '\a power and range qUIte out War Department In a letter re~ Ileged aged and slCk I een no e y an excuse re.

had been ,e!loved of hlS POSI of plOportlOn to theIr amateur celved October 16 last by hIS Durmg the last year donatIOn. Accused Bandit Gander's Gone solutIOn adopted W hlS fellowhon as DIrector m charge of status WIth thIS eqUIpment the palents, who are lesidents of to the club and the balance left CI D. COu~CIl:nenf!YJ~ ueth~g ~S a:AdmmlStratlOn m the Ford Mo I,ouths had all sorts of fun for!BerkShlre road, Grosse Pomte over have totalled $118266, the I GI'VenHearl'ng eanup rIVe fca duae 0 e avtal company, several weeks ago, Park amount on deposlt on January 4 a emyreSIgns from the Ford board of a whIle last sutn~er In messmg LIeutenant Phelps was a crew 1945 'I Wanted the sale and conslder The W k d Some questIon had been raIseddn ectors asks that hIS re I up the radlO roes ages commg ln b f L b t b b I Th I b d h bAd b f J t Kate retUl'n of a goose, who spme IS ee en as to hIS ellglblhty for the offIc.SI nation be acce ted at once I flOm the bIg ShIpS passmg mem er 0 a I era or am er e Cu oes ltS eavy uymg ~Iralgne e are USICe en I tIme In the early hours of Mon~ whlle he was still In the

gt h b i P t through the nearby Lake channel WhIChwas hIt by flak whlJe rIght after the holIdays, when toyS neth Thomas III the Farms last day mornmg wandered {10m hIS That questIon apparently ha e may e ree 0 engage m over Vlenn,a AustrIa A fIre I can be bought at a dIscount They Saturday mornmg on a charge as

other busmess and even ever and anon Inter broke '-out and the creW was th t d f th f I of holdmg up the Beaupre Hard domICIlem a garage at 988 Lm'" Authorities Ask All to Co- been cleared up by an OPInIon* '" '" fe g \\ Ith the t :an<>.mI t aTe en s ore away or e 0 - ... coIn road H t II from a responsIble SOUlc th trIn r ISSon 0 forced to abandon ShIp Phelps 10WIn Christmas season Smce Vv are store on Kercheval avenUe IS mls ress WI e aGE"N"ERALMOTORS 'employes and from an'planes flYIng ovel \VasIn the nose of the plane at J g h 1 b h t on Tuesday afternoon October deeply appreCIate hIS early re- operate to eam- he can run for the offIce and be

endorse the stuke by a 6 1 vote Ihead the tnne crew membels the pIlot $~~~~~y ~ ~ dCu b as sP~~ 23 Paul W Barnes 26 of 1976 turn She trusts there WIll be • S f I elected but could not actuallybut hIgh um.on offICIalsmSIst The fun had not progressed too and co ~nlot have testIfIed an a a alance m ~ PhIlIp Berkeley MICh' waIved no hIatus In the fattemp.g pro... palgn uccess U serve untIl he was dIscharged.they WIll Older a stnke only as I far before sleuths from the Com MaJ Gen Edward F Wltsell bank on October 25 1945 °b examInation ' cess In VIewof the near approach Th P t authontIes hope Mr Nettmg receIves hIS dlS-a last resort after all efforts to I mumcahons CommisslOnofflCeIII actmg AduJtant General of the ~23661 The stores gIve 4-heclu He was bound ovel to CIrCUItof the season oi heartfelt thankS-I th e OInle I charge from the Navy on No-reach agreement WIth the com- A goods at wholesale pnces $ e annua c \:!anup campaIgn vember 1 It IS understoodpany have faIled DetrOIt were nosmg around rmy, told Mr and MI's Phelps Rec-ordsshow that 200 chlldlen court on a 5000 bond and two gIvmgs WIll make a garrIson fimsh on The electors WIll also pass

'" I/: '" I TheIr InVestIgations WIth the m hIS letter that It must now Ioi 54 famlhes \\-ere taken care of suretIec; Barnes was caught by the last three days of the cam upon the proposed employes'fl ht ' be presumed that theIr son Was DetrOIt pollee shortly after he The Ch t S I palgn Nav 2 3 and 4 :E udayNEW YORK TIMES corres- top Ig eqUipment WIth WhICh kIlled IWIth toys games candy and frmt took mne dollars from Alvm rlS Ian clence ec~ S d d'S d' , penSIOnmeasure recently adopt-

pond'Cnts m SIXEuropean COU"1they work, soon succeeded m cakes GIfts of toys frmt cakes Guom tlrOpIletor of the store ture delIvered by MISSFIOl- a~ur ah ~~ un ay d ed by the CIty ThISmeasure wastnes make commo'» report that tracmg the SCIentists to theIr 1 FINDS CHECK j and toys were also sent to 'l\,1arIneI He used a car he had stolen In ~~~:r~Igd:~g~:t~ F~~~%hO~f i clea~u:~e°ru~~~sh~:~m ~~~~rVI~Oapproved by the counCIl afterfnctIOn between the Anglo- lairs Needless to say the In I A hospItal benefIt check be Ho<:pltal SIgma Gamma St I DetrOIt 20 mmutes before, to Chnst SCIentist was omItted tory gardens and thelr premIses! long mvestIgatIon and ISqUite InAmencan Allies and RUSSIahas terference stopped short Ilongmg to Margaret Dwyer of FranCIS Home German Olphan make hIS getaway from publlcatlon III thIS Issue m general and lace the rubbIsh lIme WIth modern relatIonshIpsmade more dIffIcult the admInlS Whether 01 not the Jammmg 5 Lake court was found last age, EvangelIcal Orphanage and 1 ------ of the NEWS because of 1ea on the curbs b~tween the SIde I between mumclpal1tIes and theIrtrailon of th~ o;cu~Ied areas was resumed on the local polIce Saturday at Lake Shore and Lutheran ChantIes sons beyond our control It walks and streets All of the employes There does not appear

wave on one of the nIghts of Its Morass by Donald Reno, 18, of PatIents from the Fornte area Boy Breaks Leg w~ll appear m full In the Issue I VIllageshave pressed even extra to be any senous oppOSItIontoSaturday, Oct ~7 promIsed greatest achv~ty was 333 RIdge road He was re- who are In ElOIse HospItal and I of Thursday, Nov 8 truck mto serVIce to gather up Ithe measure

NAVYDAY and eIghty seventh not known when the News went warded for hIS fmd the Dow Convale<:centHome also In Scrub Game I the refuse I Another matter that haaanmversary of the late PreSIdent ------- receIved Innt cakes Twenty SIX • escaped much pubhclty on whIchTheodore Roosevelt s bIrth, fIrst cakes were gIven to old people In II the voters WIllalso pass concernsPreSIdent to buIld a modern Expert Says Po;nte's Bus the Pornte On the fIrst play of a sClub Detroz't Polz*ceAsk Poz'nters the authollzatlOn by the clhzensUmted States Navy advocate " football game on the Hlgh School fOl the sale of 23 acres of pro-of the strenuous lIfe,' a lover h glounds last Saturday mornmg pert~ whIch the CJty own~ Inof the outdoors, a natmallst, a Company Has C oz'ceSetup IThree in Farms Bobby Moore suffered a hlOke~ To Enrollz'n Traffz'c School DetrOIt along Radnol betwee'lhunter of bIg game, an explorer I leg He was taken to Cottage Mack and "\Vdrl en ThISpropel tym both Afnca and South Am- --------- B'tten by Dogs HospItal by Farms Pohce Of- ----- -. ... --_. was acqu rpd b) the cIty ma'lyeIlca • hISadmInIstratIOnmark~ One of the hIgher bracket em- fIre agamst paymg local taxes 1 fleers HIlgendorf and Roland Officer ,Joseph L Stephens of Ischool yeaIS ago fOI a sewer dl~posaled the end of an era and the be ployes of the DetrOIt Street Rall- all the councIls wo~ld have to do On Monday Dr John MacKen- the DetrOIt polIce department It would not guarantee them mstalla,hol1and used as bULhforgmmng of a new one as the fIrst ways 'OverhearIng a conversatIOn would be to let It be known that Three dog bItes were record~ Zle of Cottage asked the Farms has been callmg on Pomte pollce Immumty agamst pUUlshment a hme but has now been out ofPreSIdent to defImtely place between two CItIzens of the Grosse Pomte was ready to gIve ed m the Farms durIng the week to prOVIdetransportahon for an offiCIalsIn recent days to shm- but would place them In a pOSIIuse fOI the past tVventyfn elImIts to the machmatIOns of or~ Pomte In WhIChfear was expres~ a franchIse to any responSIble Kenneth FIelds of 208 Lake emergency trIp to Harper HOSPI-u1ate Interest among Grosse hon to receIVe'more conSIderateI yearsgamzed wealth ln the polItIcal sed that If the Pomte VIllages bus concern and It WIll be sur VIew was bItten on the left leg tal where Bobby was taken Pomters In schools for safe treatment, as eVIdencmgtheIr In I It ISa traLt 5000 feet long buthfe of the nation. bmlt a fleet bore down too hald on the Lake pnsed at the offers It WIll re Fuday mght by a terner owned The Fauns pohce IepOlted drlVInSWhlChthe FIfth and FIf terest In safe drIvmg only clbout 200 feet WIde Someof SIxteen of the most powerful Shore Coach Lmes, rnc on the celve and flom pal tle<l:who WIll bv Mrs LIlly Fra/Ifr of 388 they were told Ul'e mam artery ieenih DetrOlt police precIncts These schools are held each of t " bun~ ~(ught now bv afIrst hne battleshIps of that day matter of taxes the whole Pomte be mode than agreeable to meet RIdge road III the boy s broken leg, had be are puttmg In operatIon Officer Tuesday mght from 89 0 clock (Jthrll,. ouh J t 1 ~ 6t1e f)l aand sent them around the world area m~ght suddenly fmd 1tselt any half way rIght term>;011 the Maulyn Norton, aged 11 of come squeezed in the fracture, Stephens IS the Safety Officer !lhgh SdlOClon a 'practIce crUlse 1 Septemb~ WIthout bus serVlCe bro1.e m score of taxation' 903 Rivaid was bItten on the and hIS leg had swelled badly attachf'd to the Fifteenth DetrOlt InstructlOn comes under the the prop hal h to sell It 1907-Febrnary 1909, when WIth a and obselved that ------ left hand Monday mght by a Harper HospItal reported Wed- precmct headmgs A, Band C rihe first d.1J1JIo\.1ll1..ltely~d5000 lht:le isJapan was making bellIcose there was not thE' slIghtest dang CLASH BY NIGHT Schnauzer owned by R F OIlger n-esday mormng that CIrculation These schools he says should InstructIOn has to do WIth the muc..hOpput>li..JUnto thl~ ~J.le bygestures agamst the recently en~ er of that happenIng Last FrIday eve;nmgabout 745 of 271 McKmley road had been restored in the leg appeal to POInte cltlzens because duty of the polIceman and cal- CItIzen!:>who have glven thoughtacted CalIfornia Allen Land Laws 'Don~t you people in the Pomte as W LeslIe Baldwm of 22840 Rohert Young, aged 3 of 443 and the swelllng had been en- they are mamtallled m terrItory TIes InformatIOn on the varIOUSto the matter The mam aIgu-• • • ran for Presldent on the realIze,' he saId, 'what a chOIce Pomte drIve St ClaIr Shores, MadIson was bItten over the tlrely reduced Immedlately adJacent to Grosbe traffic ordmances of DetrOIt The ment 1Sthat thIS plot WIll be of"B u 11 Moo s e" (Independent) morsel It IS for a passenger car- was gomg W'eston Jefferson he rIght eye Tuesday mormng by Bobby IS the son of Mr and Pomte, and If any reSIdent oi second or B sectIon of the gleat future value to the CItytIcket m 1912and won 88 votes rymg concern to have the mon collIded WIth a car also gomg a cocker owned by R S Ban- Mrs Robert Moore of Kerby the POInte happens to get IOta course has to do WIth the gen as a ~Ite for public works neces-in the electoral college agamst a oply on the busmess of trans west owned and operated by W kert of 452 Moran road road drlvmg trouble wlth the DetrOlt eral the'11e of traffic VIolatIons sltated by the CItyS b10wth Itby PreSIdent Taft who earned portIng the people between De Slretch, a dentIst of 1796 Burns In all cases the bItes were re~ ------ pohce It would stand hIm or her of V.hICh the CItIzen may be IS fclt that to dc..qUrc ab 111mhonly Vermont and Utah and be~ trolt and a commumty like avenue, DetrOlt Both cars were ported to the Department of DRAFT CALL SCHEDULED In good stead to be the possessor gUIlty and C the genelal quaIl glOund lD the futmc would tObt

came the worst defeated candI- Grosse Pomte'?" conslderaply damaged and both Health and the ammals Old'ered Draft Boald 57 WIll have an- of one of theIr celhficates stat- :fic.atIonsreqUIred for }afe dIlV much l11( 1(' tlun tl (" Can'lpala~date who ever ran for PreSIdent f If any threat of suspenSIOnof drIvers got tickets from the Park confIned for a 10 day observa- other call for draftees on Mon.. mg that they had taken such a 109 on the part of the CIVIlIanI tlvel.) small sum that \\ auld b.

(Conwnued on. Page 2) gerVICeIS ever made as a back- police bon perIod day, November 19 course In the Detro'lt pollce drIver "'......l """'"






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~ho eares if Old Man Winter turnson hIS ehl1liest blasts? Not the man m.,de a.L",ndon Fleee... Wrapped mSlde ltunug pro-teetlon, he's as snug as a eat by the tircsldeAnd thIS coat, in spite of ItSgrateful warrtlth.weighs less per square Inch than even a te~tlleexpert mIght gues•• You'll scareely feer ItSpresenee on your back Styled In the d,stlne-tlve Whabng manner, we thmk a. LondonFleece ISa real find for the tlrtles. 0How about helping YOU Into onel 55.0

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Suggests You Place Your ThanksgivingPoultry Orde, EARLYI

The Best U. S. Prime TurkeysAre Now Available


Food to Grace Your Table



Thursday, November I, 1945

Ihausted from a week end's rest tator, that spawn of newspapezYou II have to handle them carew In the country man and lecturer I d knowfully" ZIng came Into the polIce sta- hIm m hIS A P days whel'l h

'Don't worry I kno}Vscandal hon WIth me to meet Al Carroll was workmg strIctly from thlrsm thIS lIttle affaIr 18 verboten but Carroll wasn t back yet from lIke the test of us Even now has a straw hat m the stock hIS trIp to see BIrdie Maclean couldn t keep away from a st01"exchange at the Grosse Pomte Cly.b 1 when It appealed to hIm

Zmg leaned back ' ThIS IS knew Carroll dldn t care much "Hello, Randall When are youthe first kItchen I was ever In for prIvate taIls and ZIng prob- gomg to hand out a hokec;l upthat had loungmg chaIrs In It ably had no hankermg for po- release on MIranda Ames~ AllNeat Idea" hce detectlves I left the powder I ean get so far IS the fact that

I explamed that I sometImes sample for Carroll WIth a note she s dead-and we dldn t getdrank my meals in it and lIke On our way out I careened that from the pohce"to be comfortable ill the process mto Flash Corbett Corbett these That s all there IS to get," I

'Well' he saId brIghtly days was by way of blowmg hedwe ve got a mce lIttle murder hImself up Into a radIO commen~ (To be Contmued Next Week)

set up here haven t we? --------------------------I could fancy Zing rubbing =========================

hIS hands together eegerly and * * * * * * * * *wlg-waggmg hIS moustache WIthgusto as he caught hIS ownmother gun In hand, stuffmgstolen bank notes Into a satchelthe whIle he expl;uned to herblIthely that he was gOing tofix everythmg up cozy for herHe d even gIve her a partInggift of a FIVe Year DIary towrIte her memOIrs m Smg Smg

I sald •Drmk up Then we 11go down to the Book-Callillacand slap a grIlled dmner and acQuple tankards of Sherry onthe expense account 1 can dropt}'us face powder at the GrossePomte PolIce StatIon

"0 K The Book IS where I'mslaYing Room 1300 One ofthose studIO apartments whereeverythmg turns out to besomething other than It lookshke'-

'Don't you thmk It would bea smart Idea to have a prIvatephone WIre put In Zmg~"

'FIrst thmg In the mornmgAbout thIS powder you're takIngto the pollee Even If the powdershould be proven by analysls tobe the same as that found onthe pIer, you stIll haven't madeany pomt There may be hun-dreds of women In town usmgthat partIcular powder"

'But Fay Ames wouldn't beusmg an ordmary powder Itwould be too expenSIve a brandto Involve a directory full ofwomen It's a pomt, anyWay»

"1 don't count so much onpomts as on people" he rephed"Anway, It s beyond me whyyou d want to mv01ve thewoman you're supposed to berepresentIpg lJ

"I m not her lawyet I'm herpubhc relations man If she'sInvolved the only way I cankeep It qUlet, IS to know aboutIt '

'Sounds lIke a perfect echoof the master's teachings U

We got mto my car crawhngdown the drIve by the lace~loamed lake toward town Thetraffic was the customary Sun-day a.rpenlino tangle of poopledrlvmg back mto town, ex~

All tI,I. and tho" .... QN lilYd." 1.... thl'thrillinG now glamour Idea A complet. p,.. entatlon eftoUetrles, .,.clally created to pl.a.. yOW', to.,•••Cologne, .hampoo, hand,Jolfo9, ,owder lniH, bvb~bath, soap, and IIp-,,omad. AU .~.,,'ed wi'). a lovel)'yowns-hearted fragrance. And packased iii lay-clI-tonleltl box •••

e CtIqu e Hlld-Ulltn e SlIIlIfN e lOW ....eklllMl1t ey&llttSolp eLlllS1lJflltllar

GIft Sets Ind1vlduaUyprIced $100 pnced

to $5 00 at $100PLUS TAX

Kopp~sPharmacy16926 Ket'chlJval, Gross. Pomt.. NI. 8900

annourn:ing •• ,

far IS that It IS a bram concuSM

SlOn Gausmg Instant death andmfhcted by a weapon unknow~

"RIght I m sure though, thatthey re bent on solvmg the caseand WIll do so"

uDo you thmk Cornelllus Dunnwants them to solve It""

'Why not? Why shouldn't hewant them to?" I demanded

, Don t get frothed up I Justasked, that s all JJ

'Well, whatever he wantsthem to do, It s got to be solvedI ve got to know who kIlledMIranda"

I must have shouted at hImWIth more force than I mtendedHIS moustache curved In a con-fidentIal leer

'And Just what IS your pas-SIOnate mterest In the case?»

I checked myself That wasJust the thing I dIdn t want todo appear to have a personalstake In MIranda

, I m workmg for Dunn It'spart of my Job putting thIS ,-----*thing in the rIght lIght before ~ Best Selhngthe press" ~ ''<5~ Books here

, You re a very mtense young -:t: thIS wee kman aren t you" 1m workmg 1ndlcate thatfor Dunn too but I m not p .overworkmg for hIm or any Grosse olntersbody else"

I took the envelope contam- Are Reading • •mg Fay s face powder out ofmy pocket and showed it to FrnST PLACEBlaek RosehIm By Thomas B Castaln

He clanked down hUI glass OTHER TOP NOTCHERSd 1 k Captain From CastlleThIS Fay Ames soun S 1 e a By SamuelShellabarger

lucky lottery tlcket" The WhiteTowerShe Isn t a tIcket-she's a By James Ramsey Ullman

Cass Tim.berlanewhole sweepstakes" By:SinclaIr Le\\-is'The others you ve mentioned The PeacockShedsHis Tail

P dl By AHce Tisdale Hobartthat were at thIS en eton's The World the: Flesh and Fatherdinner party," Zmg saId Jot- SmIthtmg down the names In a SOIled By Bruce Marshall

! I A Lion Is !n the Streetspigskm notebook ' 'I check up By AodrianLocke Langlayon theIr backgrounds and rela- KOPP'S _ BOOK DEP'T.hons with MIranda Ames"

'Most of them are sacred cawS IL ~*----__




East warrenLE. 8181

This SpaceIs Occupied By


15023E Jefferson at Maryland

8IN THE ESQUIRE ROOMCorneillus Dunn s aIr shIpped

InvestIgator Guy Zingler, wasm my bachelor apartment whenI drove back from Fay Amesplace Stretched out on a sofa,he was spellbound, gazmg at myfirst edItIon of 'Vertes' WIth anlnterhnear smIle

I SaId 'I m glad you got In anrIght and found somethIng toread"

, The SWItchboard operatorgave me the key you left forme '

Guy Zmgler was a glossy Hewas a thm sallow faced, sleeklygroomed man about forty WItha black prop of a moustacheWhiChhe had a trIck of slantmgto stress words when he talkedHe was wearIng an msplredCha:r;:vettIe WIth a smoky bluesmt WhICh I wagered he wasgomg to t'l11me before the nIghtwas over had been cut by theyttung "'.M.esseurs Rockefellerstallor llis groommg spelledPark Avenue but Broadway wastatooe.d on hIS face

Want to come WIth me mtothe kitchen whIle I mIX somedrmks? I suggested

The Juleps I set up dldn ttaste EIl,t~teso convmcmg to meas"-th'e .ones from the Amespantry Maybe It was because 1dldn t have the SlIver glasses todb the frostmg Job to perfechon Zmg funneled hIS down Ihoped he wasn t gomg to turnout to be one of these chamdrmker detecfn es He may havesensed my thought for he hastened to assure me he was apnvate lnvestigator, not a polleedetective

I told hIm what I knew ofM'lr-?nda's m u r d e r begmmngWith Dunn s phone c"ll my talkWIt:p.Al Carroll and my meetmg WIth Fay and Roger Brooks1 expanded on MIranda's back-ground as r knew It He ofcourse had Just a WIrephoto ac~quamtance WIth her

He saId, 'Thert all the polleehave definitely establIshed so

,1.....By LAWRENCE RANDALLAs Told to Mary Madison

SYNOPSIS OF THE STORY SO FARCommg home to Grosse Pomte, brlllIant young pub-lICISt

LARRY RANDALL finds Grosse Pomte shocked by thesensatIOnal death of the gIrl he loves and IdealIzes

MIRANDA AMES, fabulous beauty and heIress df theworld's greatest motor fortune, ConsolIdated Motors,WIth her stepmother,

FAY AMES a champagne blonde WIth a colorlul pastLARRY RANDALL IS aSSigned to suppress publICity onthe murder by

CORNELIUS DUNN, publIc relations counsel for ConsolI-dated Motors, dlrectmg the case from New York, andsendmg ace detective

GUY ZINGLER to aId Grosse Pomte polIce solve the Crime,m charge of

LIEUTENANT CARROLL, homICide expert, who showsLARRY the exhIbIts found by MIRANDA'S body onthe pIer of The Grosse Pomte Golf Club 1) match folderfrom The Plaza Hotel 2) spIlled face powder of un-known brand 3) a wme menu WIth the autograph ofthe bIg name band leader, Jock Pendleton and 4) astrmg of $50,000 pearls on :M,IRANDA'S body LARRYvows to kIn the ktller At the Lakeshote Drive estateof FAY AMES, LARRY finds her WIth

ROGER BROOKS, the aimless, arlstocratlc fiance ofMIRANDA.

DON MONACO, a hand-klssmg clarmet player of nobleancestry And

MISS SNEED the gaunt old famIly retamer who wasMIRANDA,'S former governess The cadaverous MISSSNEED startles LARRY m the act of takmg a sampleof FAY AMES' face powder, as PAY enters and elalmsher powder case A morbId atmosphere seems to hauntthe magmficent menage of the Ames estate

• • •

GAS BURNERSAvailable for everyone


• • •

• • •

'" .. .

• • •

• • •

• • •

. . ,



Lionel Approved Service StationTRAIN REPAIRS

All parts u.ed charged for at factory list price Do Dot pay 75c for10cent it~ms: CUp tillS ad for future l'eferf'DCe

Prompt • Reasonable • GuaranteedLarge stock 0:1'J ionel and American Flyer Repair Pant$ in stock Havethem repaired early to avoid delay

Detroit Deo/er for GorGroves TrackTllAIN LAMPS-BuildIng Kits Commg soon-the new lSJiYLINE,• MAIN sTREET' Kits, 11 bUIldIngs $1 50

Call for free 1946 calendal'-ll designs

SHOES off tho ratIon list atmIdnIght la.t nIght

Wednesday, October 81CEILING PRICES on automo-

Hiles expected to be ready thISweek hut OPA plans to lot tnemanufacturers announce themwhen they choose l• • •

PRESIDENT TRUMAN In abroadcast to the people lastnIght comes out for a pay boostand labors to demonstrate thatmdustry can absorb thIS addl.tIonal expense WIthout ralsmgprIces, • In most cases' •• asksthat all war tIme controls beretamed "Hold the hne" IS stllItho motto, WIth employers hold-Ing the bag

ARMY DISCHAI\GES coilt1)lUeat a rate WhICh gIves point toGeneral Marshall s warmng ~2 225DOe returned to cnnl hfe,.nce V E Day, May 12 throughOctober 26 releases SInCe October 1 total 1047000 WIth 307000dIscharged In the v. eek endmgOctober 26 "0.-\~

, ....... '" ~\i:<

GLOOMY PICTURE "r,;.ti>edISpIrIted and homeSIck Amen-can GIs In France IS pamted byNat A Barrows, correspondentof the DetrOIt News SIck ofFrance the French people, pncegougmg and delays In gettmghome

HIGH SCHOOL CHILDRENhave begun to debate the ques-tIon of compulsory mIlItarytraInIng the Howell (MICh)HIgh School places thIS Issuefir.t on Its debate proglam forthIS seasOn

GERMANPOLICE In the Lue-beck area create emergency or-gamzatlon to deal WIth murdergangs WhIChhave been plunder-mg homes and kIllmg reSIdents• • •

Tuesday, October 30GENERAL MARSHALL says

the mlhtary establIshment can-not hope to lllsure the safety ofthe Umted States very muchlonger at the present rate of de.mobIlIzatIOn says th.t de-mobilIzahon has becbme dIS-mtegratlon, not only of the armedforces, but appar-ently of aU cnn~ceptIon of World responsIbIlIty'

• • •

Monday, October 29THE UNITED STEEL WORK-

ERS (CIO) flIes request WIththe NLRB for a strIke vote

CIVIL WAR betw••n Commu-msts and Chung King grIps mostot North China• • •

PRIME MINISTER Attlee ofGreat Bntam WIll VISItPreSIdentTruman before ChnstmasWIll dISCUSSloans atomIC bombsand Palestme• • •

VICTORY LOA N campaIgnstarts WIth a goal of $329000000for the State of MIchIgan

• • •

ELEVEN ShIpS from Europeand 12 from the PaCIfic brmg14700 men home from the wartoday

THE VICTORY LOAN DElVE,WIthEleven bIllIons as Its natlon-al goal, WIll be launched In theDetrOIt area on Monday• • •

LT HAMILTON R JAMES,son of Mr and Mrs HamIlton DJames, of 337 Rivard m GrossePomte has been made a ChevalIer Ordre de la Couronne, Inceremoiues In BelgIUm heserved WIth the 79th InfantryDIVISIonat the Normandy Inva-SIon then was made lIaIson of-fleer between the U S SeventhArmy and the French forcesBefore hIS transfer to Brussels,he was In counter-mtellIgence InCzechoslovakIa

gue has thrown Its support behInd Mayor Jeffnes for re eleehon to a fourth term, says CIVICSearchlIght, offl,Clalorgan of theLeagtl~

1M THE 800K TOWEl _


FAUTS and FABRICSto your liking

• Di.tlnctive apparel need not. be anexpen"ve approach to masculine content-ment• The effort. of this .tore con.tantly .r.d..voted to the ..nt of a r"puta-tlon for ..unu.ualn .... " in the b... t ... n... ofth ... word ••• unu.uaIM •• that not only.ignlfle. very flfte m..rchandlSe but veryfine merchandl.e"rately pric..d.• Youwill find this exactly that kInd store• For a reflectIon of what w" mean, up..rb character of the Fall SUIt. andOuter Coats we are now .howing .•.•Coats from $40 up. SUit. from $4S up.



• Permanent employment With excellent working eon..dlhons Free lunch room, health and aeaW 1nsurance,annUity, etc AdvertiSIng experIence !lot $Ssentlal Asplendid opportunityfor able and IntelbgentgIrl. Call orwnte MISSSweet,MaxonIncorporated,2761 East Jelf.r-son Avenue, FItzroy 5710

Eleanor M. Deuster

(ContInued from Page 1) r~cogmze any government set upon the Rel'ubllcan tIcket In any country In the world thatWoodrow WIlson coasted to VIC~ has not been establIshed by thetory between the splIt Repubh~ free wIll expreSSIOn Of Its peoplecan ranks and became PresIdent '" '" '"by a ;rrunonty vote of fuore than Sunday, October 28a mllhon, so changmg the hIstory GENERAL MOTORS In a counoi Amenca and the world ter proposal to the UAW/CIO de

.. .. * I mands for a 39% mcreas~ offersPROF ALBERT EINSTEIN a SIX percent Increase m wages

sounds warmng of the possIble over the present rates but asksworld~wlde destructIon that may for a 45 hour week claImedbe wrought by the AtomlC bomb thIS would net the men the santeand advocates that Its control be pay as 45 hours work a weekplaced under the Umted States does now, wIth the last fIve ofGreat Bntam and RussIa through the hours overtIme the adop~a world Government and pro- bon of the GM proposal wouldposes that RussIa as not yet In depend also upon the amendmentpossesslOn of th~ secret of Its of the present 40 hour law bymanufacture be asked to make Congress ask employes tothe fIrst draft of a proposed Jam w1th employers to have Can.W h gress change maXImum hour

orld Constltutlon says t at law the reaction of Umonhe wrote to PresIdent Rosevelt m leatlers to thIS proposal, when It1939' predICtmg that uranlUm was fIrst Informally presented bynllght soon be the source of aCE. WIlson, Pres of GM, III anew and Important source of en- press conference was hostileergy, but confesses that he dId '" '" •not forsee that thlS mcalcuable BIGGEST UPSET of the cur-force mIght be developep. and re. rent football season occurs yesleased m hIS tIme terday when Northwestern de

* * • 'tlated heretofore unbeaten Per-STRlKE VOTE by Chryaler due 26-14

~loyes carrIes by 8-1 but as '" '" '"In the General Motors vote rep OPERATO~ of a Beauty andresents but a small part of the Barber shop are belIlg roll of employes ated by DetroIt polIce In connec-

'" '" • tIon WIth the LydIa ThompsonIN A 1200 WORD TESTA- murder has been decIded to

MENT SUICIDE Robert Ley ap- draIn the small swamp nearpeals to the Germ;;m people to WhIChher body was found In theexchew antI semltlsm, WhlCh he hope of fmdmg the murd~r weablames for Germatly's downfall pon a private Investlgator,

* '" '" Frank SelvIdge, hIred by LOUISPRESIDENT TRUMANmakes V Thompson, husband of the

an Important speech on our murdered woman, doubts thatforeIgn polley at Navy Day cele her murder occurred on Thursbr~tlQn ln New York says day, October 11, but belIeves Itwe must mamtaln a powerful may have been dumped on Sch-land, sea and all' force to enable lndler road sometime FrIdayus to act effechvely for world only a few hours before It waspeace defends peace tIme dIscovered • suggests also thattrammg to assure a great reser- she may have been kIlled In herVall: of ready manpower to meet Orchard Lake home and her@11emergencIes. assures the body taken to the place whereworld Amenca does not covet found,n acre of any nation s land • '" • '"bl1mtly says thIS country WIllnot. THE DETROIT CItIzens Lea-

BUSinessand SOCialCorrespondenceMonthly statements-typed and mailed

Medica! legal, and ,tahsheal typingMimeographing


Notary Publc


You are eordlally inVited to call orphone regardlng the services available.

Headlines of the Week

HOURS 9 00 to 5 00

Page Two

Stenographers, Typists andReceptionist WANTED

GROSSEPOINTE BANK BLDG-Room 201279 Rivard Boulevard

Gross. POInte 80, MichIganTUxedo 1-8186

Serf/lees I .. el"de

Thurs(Jay, November T, 1'945 GROSSE POINTE NEWS 1"age Three


e L.y Away


9 to 9 THURS, FRI, SAT.

Bedford that some boys wererunning about m a vacant houseacross the street, apparentlycarrymg burmng brooms AgaInthe offIcers took after the fastmovmg youths and got there Justm trme to catch a fleetmg glanceof them, but not soon enough tobag any of the quarry

Apparently the youngstersthought the traIl was gettmgpretty hot as that was tne lastheard of thIS partIcular platoonfor the evenmg


it with


Kont r ngs 01 dIStinction •••

DeCidedly f.m mn•••• doc dodly

• Cash • Cn.rgo Account• Paym.nts May Be Timed

To Your ConvenIence

ever a second alarm was turnedm from 1162 DevonshIre, Just afew steps away There presumably the same actIve youths hadset fIre to wmdrows of deadleaves on the pavement betweenSt Paul and Kercheval Againthe youngsters dId the dlsapp€'armg act

Exactly ten mmutes after thesecond call a report came Infrom the Berns home at 1240

Police on Hop

Engllgement Rings from $50.00Wedding Rings from $7.50

Federlll TlIx Included


that are ludged, noted and sold for theirclarity, their brilliance, their cut and color



",ove",enl .' dMs wnen ae,clle",enl ,n ,I' eV:~oe lor n Ie' and banded blac~

Skl'l."g'n clog WII~hU",ba",ood '\' ga ,oaflng 'neel an~:eRA'I01'\ fRt;\:0

I\I,ng rhylh",IC c nd A h,gh CO I Of lounge wea sa.S\ d at Ila resor

a'l ",00 \s tIme evenInggabardIne lor day tl"b t\oorg too.",ear•

je'Welry13933 E. JEFFERSON Corner Eastlllwn








Saturday evenIng about nmeo clock J WIttstock of 1200 De-vonshIre phoned the Park polleethat boys were plaYmg hare andhounds over hIS property breakmg down the hedges and shrub-bery

When OffICers Hoyer and Ingalsbe reported for an investIga-tIon they found no boys WhIlepondering on the sudden dlsappearance of the youngsters how



o D



(Scotland Ta,lors Co.)14143 E JEFFERSON

W 0


NeWt ex:qUlS"

Ite fabtICS In-cludIng thestriped s a It'and peppers



Other $45and $90


Explosion StartsBlaze in Park

A queer sort of grass fIre oc-curred Saturday evening 111a va-cant lot south of 572 PembertonAfter makIng an exammatIon ofthe fIre and Its OrIgm SergeantMead beheved It was caused bya small explOSIon of some kmdof gas that had accumulated In

a pIle of smouldermg leaves Heconcluded thIS to be the casefrom the fact that the explOSIOnhad been sufflCient to send fly-mg embers a conSIderable diS.tance away and start anotherfIre No actual damage wasdone



We have the finestcollection of OrIen-tals In DetrOIt AllSIzes and colors • • •18 world-famous types-room SIze, scatter,overSIZe and SIlk rugs,$4900 to $2 500 00


Grosse PointeMethodISt Church

Meeting in Kerby SchoolKerby Rd near KerchevalMorning Worship at 11 00

Sunday Schol tor Adults andYoung People of School Age

at 10 00Pre School SundaY' School

at 11 00Youth Fellowship at 6 30 p mRev Hugh C White Minister

242 Oak Street at McMillanTU 11129

S. J. Skaff'sSale

Now Going On

(fa Busfne.. since 1910)




Sixth Church of Christ,Scientist, Detroit

14730 Kerch.val AvenueSunday Services 10 30 & m

Sunday SchoolSession for October 10 30 a m

1030 amWednesday evemrt~ Testimonial

Meeting 8 00 P mReading Room open week days11 00 a m to 9 00 P m Sundays

230 to 500 pm

As a young woman hvmg mthe 1000 block on Maryland wasreturmng to her home at 8 pmon October 25 from a nearbycandy shop she was accosted bya whIte man apparently 25years old who asked her • whollved there ?

The young woman was alarmed by the appearance of thefellow and ran onto the porchof her home WhiCh fortunatelywas almost at the exact spotwheres he was accosted Theman ran up on the porch afterher and grabbed her arm Shescreamed and the man ran away,crossmg the street and dlsappear-mg between two houses on theOPPOSIte SIde

Woman's ScreamScares Accoster

Taxi Sleuth PutsFinger on Drunk

The Grosse Pomte Cab com-pany offlOe called up the CltypolIce statIon at 4 45 0 clockThursday mornmg and reporteda very reckless and apparentlydrunken dTlver gOing east onKercheval

OffIcers Dereadt and Collmstook up the hunt and arrIvedJust In tIme to see A J Wett-laufer of 514 Lmcoln road puttmghIS car m hIS garage The carhad ItS front end smashed Inand Its drIver very drunk

As the drIver had been latelyoutward bound from DetrOIt theCIty polIce called up the DetrOItACCIdent PreventlOn Bureau andthey sent out OffIcers Urbanand Beekman who r~ported thathe had hIt a car on CharleVOIXeast of Hillger They took Wett.laufer back to the McClellanpolIce statIon

Joy Ride EndsIn Lecture Tour

A roof fIre that was qUIcklyextmgulsh-ed by the Park fIre-men was started at the proper.tyat 920 BeaconsfIeld Just beforenoon on Sunday

Canadian DriverGiven Lodging


Ardent AdmirerScares Damsel

Bishop RaymondW adeComes Pranksters Keep,To Methodist Church Sunday

As Jerome Baecke, of Langton -~~~~~~~--post offIce, Norfolk county, On- The Charter Penod of the and condItlOns w III permIttarIo, was dnvmg south on Berk Grosse POInte MethodIst Church BIshop Wade has boeen In receIptshIre near CharlevOIX he coillded closes thIS commg Sunday No- of many mterestIng and mform-WIth a car ov1ned and drIven by vember 4, when BIShop Raymond atIve communIcatIons from theseJohn L Swantek of 8226 Mor- J Wade WIll brmg the message areas and has In hIS grasp a veryrIson gomg east on CharlevOIX of thoe mormng at the 11 0 clock comprehensIve not onlyThe Park pollce opened that the hour BIshop Wade who IS the of the conditions as they affectCanadIan gentleman was so much BIShop of the DetrOIt Area WIll the church but of general condlunder the mfluence of drmk that aSSIst the pastor Rev Hugh C tIons everywhere In the Eurohe had best be taken mto pro- WhIte and Dr J Adolph Halm pean and North AfrIcan TheatertectIve custody for the mght huber ExecutIve Secretary of of OperatIons

The followmg mornmg the the MethodIst Umon m the re- --~----Judge aproved theIr appraIsal of ceptIon and recogmtIon of allthe case by fInmg Baeclre $75 Charter Members The Charterand $5 costs He was also dIrect PerIOd remams open for SerVIceed to pay for the damages done Personnel who can come mtoto Swantek s car Charter MembershIp at thoelr

@arhest pOSSIble convemenceBIShop Wade before tl).e war

Was BIshop of the European andNorth AfTlcan J unsdictIon of theMethodIst Church He plans toleave on or before the fIrst ofMarch for a tour of the war de-vastated areas On hIS hst areSweden, Norway Denmark, Fmland LatVIa Esthoma and all ofCentral Europe and North Afnca

He WIll VISIt and report on asmany of these 10calltIes as tIme

---,FIve boys, sever~l of whom

have had prevIOUS acquamtanceWIth the CIty polIce, went on asynthetIc JOY rIde Sunday mghtand were pIcked up by tilepollce One of theIr chIef of-fenses was that they were mak-mg a great dIsplay of drmkmgbeer out of bottles held at arakIsh angle the whIle theycoursed up and down the qUIetstreets of thIS otherWIse wellordered commumty

Monday afternoon they wereall m for a t!llk WIth ChIefTrombly, who was prImarIly In~terested m where they got thebeer They succeeded In con~vmcmg hIm that they had col-lected It m two to foUr bottleleVIes on theIr respectIve homerefrIgerators

One of the boys IS alreadyunder probatIon wlth the Coun~ty Juvemle courts and the ChIefbore down strongly on theIr dIS-loyalty to a frIend who IS In aparlous pOSItIon WIth the court

After an earnest talk from theChIef and approprIate expres-SIons of regrets from the boys,they wer~ told to go and sm nomore

A young woman who lIves inthe 1200 block of BeaconsfIeldappealed to tbe Park pollce Sun-day mght for protection ShesaId she was • afraId of her gen-tleman frIend. also that he wassl1ll m her flat

Ever anXIOUS to succor In-nocense In dIstress, a couple ofthe offIcers accompamed herhome When they arnved therethey shed all doubt as to the ar-dor of her late fnend Althoughhe has dIsappeared he had doneVISIble damage to the door ofthe young woman s apartment

At her request they ImgeredwhIle she packed a few mtrmatepersonal belongmgs and wenthome to moth-er She saId shewould be only too glad to pay thelandlord for the damage donethe property by her late adImrer

Your watch should have the an-swer ••• but too often we fmdthat, due to needed repair or ad.iustment, you can only guess Anaccurate time fillece IS a valuedpossession. Our service depart-ment will be pleased to exammeyour watch for defects, worn orbroken parts.


What's the Time?

CHECK in an


Horo IS a comlortabl.rob. lor a man good

looking and of d.pendabl.Proper s quality

It IS a wrap around styl.With shawl collar

Hound s tooth checksIn gray tan or blue

the location of four addItionaltermmals These would provIdefaclhtIes for the handlmg ofabout 300 more buses per hour

The legend on the numerousmaps and draWings WhICh MrSmIth dIsplayed called the planthe 'DSR ModermzatlOn Plan

Mr SmIth doubted wbether thesubway feature In mtra CItytransportatlOn would ev 2r playthe Important part m the de-velopment of a DetrOIt tranSItsystem that It does In New Yorkas the phYSIcal condItions m thetwo Citles are entIrely dISSImIlar

Naturally the development ofa vast tranSIt engmeenng proJectsuch as proposed m DetrOIt wouldcost a large sum of mone3-, Justhow much Mr SmIth was un-wIllmg to estimate He dId vent-ure that when once the go aheadwas gIven on the Job It could befimshed In two and one half tothree years

hound's tooth

CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCEWhen the wmdows of a school

teacher hvmg on Kenwood courtwere soaped by a Halloweenprankster, 'She told Farms polIceshe thought she knew who dIdIt The accused youngster waspIcked up and confessed he wasIn the neIghborhood at the tIme,but demed that he had soapedany wmdows He admItted how-ever, that he had been kept school by the teacher severaltImes


L9 to • Mon Tue, WecL8 to 8 Thur.. Fri Sat.

ent ,'jf.WE ... Y ~.III.}llllf"13933 EAST JEFFERSON CORNER EASTLAWN


All work don. In ourown shop of cou ....fully guarant.od, andeconomically prlc.d.

Grosse Pointe Store for Mell170f& KERCHEVAL


Del SmIth, Publlc RelatlonsoffIcer for the DSR was the guestspeaker at the Grosse PomteRotary Club meetmg at theWhIttier Monday noon and gavethe members a revealmg talk onthe plans that are In the makmgfor a vast expanSlOn of the tran-SIt facilltles of DetroIt

About a year ago the Mayorappomted a body known as theMetropolItan T ran SIt Board,whose function It was to make asurvey of the CIty and Its Im-medIate suburbs wIth the two-fold obJect of brmgm~ In a rec-ommendation for Improved tranN

SIt faCIlItIes WhICh would contem-plate certam express hIghwaysand aId the DSR to gIve fasterand more adequate transporta-tIon SerVIce to the commumty

In general terms thIS board hasrecommended that four mam ex-press hIghways should be bUilt,one on Grand RIver, one alreadyknown as the Harper McGrawproJect, one runmng along Hast-mgs street from Jefferson avenueto the north boundary of HIgh-land Park and the other theLodge Express HIghway WhIChwould vIrtually preE;:mpt all ofthe present Fourth street

Practlcally all of these hIgh-ways would be eIther depressedbelow theIr present grade, as ISthe case WIth the DaVIson HIgh-way, or elevated above It A sec-ond Important feature of the pro-posed transIt system would be


Pointe Rotarians Hear PlanFor Detroit Transit System.



CH 9072



147'346 Charlevoix Ave

Open9A M to7P M Sat. 9to9


Also wedding and baby photographSOld prints renewe4-0d Coloring-

If you want vourpbotogra.pha forChristmas Order Now

(1) years-Same location)



Thursday, November I, 1945



17008Kercheval, Grosse POinte

17511 MACK AVE.


crystal silver linen musIc boxrefr gerator wash ng machine

Baby Grand plano

444 Arl ng on RoodBirmingham MICh gan

Date to be announced later


Beer and Wine


Store Hours 10 to 10 Daily

5 P. M. to 10 P. M. Sunday

Now U~der New Ow~ership



Special DesignMed Distributor

Mr. M. J. Malow

Full Line of Drugs



West Long Lake road .tOrchord Road Bloomfield Hills Country ClubBloomf eld H lis Michigan

Lv ng Room L brery - D n ng RoomSunroom Bedrooms






Village Camera Shop1824. KEROHEVAL, at Coplin


REPAIRCamerall • PrOJectors • Shutters

LEnox 4086

VOTEAs a Resident and Storekeeper•of GrossePOlnte C.ty.

we recommend

ployment on the federal levelor who are seekmg re em.ployment m federal serVIce

The Federal Employment RepIesentatIve IS located m DetrOIt

Recogmzed by the GovernmentAs a Step m the R,ght DweetlOn

for Belt., Relat'onsh,pBetween Government and Workers





mISSIon appOinted Mr HoraceParrish as Veterans' Federal Employment Representative, andthrough thIS offIce he IS render~mg a serVIce to all veterans, Ineludmg the phYSIcally handIcap ..ped, who are mterested In em




By FRED M KOPP, RPhSomehmes the doctor's ef

:forts are serIOusly handI~cappped by voluntary adVIceto those who can CIte Instances where such and sucha speCIfIC wOlked wondersfor theIr fnends

Perhaps It dId but that caseJ ay not actually resembleyours In any d€'f.,1 ee unly atramed doctor Cdn know whatyour consbtutlOn can standhow your very mental pro~cesses work and what yourmdividual needs may be

By all means protect thedoctor from mIsuse of hlbtrme and energIes But donot hesitate to refer to hImthose symptoms WhICh demand Instant attentIon andgreat skIll m handlIng

MedIcatIon IS always 1mportant It must be prescnbedby a phYSICIan It must becompounded by a competentdrugg:Ist

This is the 73rd of a senes ofEditorial advertisements appearingin thlS paper


Doctor's Efforts AreOften Handicapped

In lme WIth the expresseddeSIre of PreSIdent Truman, theUmted States CIVIl SerVIce Com-mISSIOn feels a keep responSIbIl-Ity In Its oblIgation to gIve allpOSSIble aSSIstance to returmngveterans, who are elIgIble forbenefits, In accordance WIth theVeterans' Preference Act of 1944

WIth mcreased demobIlIzatIOnthe dederal CIvIl SerVIce Com-



Marshall's WarningRarely have the Amencan people been treated to a

clearer statement on the problem of natlOnal defense andour world respons.b.htles than was cont8,1ned In GeneralMarshall's bpef talk on the rad.o Monday mght It wouldnot be overstramed to hken .t to Washmgton's FarewellAddress.

General Marshal spoke m the vem of a statesman ofv.SlOnand understandmg rather than the customary narrowand hard b.tten manner of a professlOnal

He deprecates the too rap.d demoblhzatlOn of ourflghtmg force and bluntly states that .f .t proceeds uncheckedthe army cannot guarantee the ,.fety of the nahan .f thefires of war break out anew

He sees the rap.d demob.hzatlOn a "d.smtegrahon"not only of the armed forces but of our whole cqncept ofworld respons.b.llty.

The newly born Umted NatlOns, whlOh ISwholly depend-ent on the mstant strength of Amenca to brmg .t through,ts first trymg days of hfe, w.ll be deserted and abandonedby us .f the present breakdown of our fightmg forcescontinues

The General's remark "I never felt so certam of any.thmg m my hfe", should place a stop to our present pellmell rush to str.p ourselves of our whole matenal and sp.nt.ual readmess for war There .s penl m th.s course and noAmencan has so well pomted .t out as our tned and provenStatesman-Chlef of Staff.

"1 stole forth d'mly m the d"ppmg pauseBetween two downpou1's to see what there was.And a masked moon had spread down compass raysTo a cone mounta~nfin the mtdntght haze,As 'f the final es"mate were hers,And as f,t measured In her calIpers,The mountam stood exalted m ,ts place.So love wdl take between the hands a face ••• "

(Robert Frost)* * *A gent from the west, statlOned here for the duratlOn,

was recently honorably eased out of the army ..• so he andh.s charmmg w.fe dec.ded they hked G P well enough tosettle down here They bought a house and sent 'home'for their worldly goods ..• were stored m a there

* * *When they first left theIr home, some three years ago, theyIhad to move in a rush, so left the packIng and storing to a care-taker in their employ Madam gave impllclt instructions to thetrusty e t, that all theIr precious s.lver shOUldbe placedIn a large elate for that purpose and stored ltt the bank The restof the lesser loot was to go in barrels to the warehouse She restedcontentedly ltt G P. for three years, confident that her ordershad been carried out

However v.hen theIr belongmgs arrIved In the Pomte, shewas hornfied to open the 'SlIver crate (fresh from the bankwhere It had been escorted all over the place by an armed guard),to find In It a mess of kItchen utensIls On the heels of thIShor 10le discov€'ry the frantIc woman 'heard' a rattlIng barrel bemg brought mto the house 'WHAT have you there?' she calledto the movmg man 'A lot of SlIver J •• was the laCOnIC replySure enough the famIly sIlver wa$ mdeed ratthng around man old barrel that had been at the warehouse whIle the kItchenparaphernalIa had been restmg under lock and key ]n the ban]\auIt

* * *One of the snapPIest 'prOUd father' stories came to Our ears IthiS week, when a Navy offIcer stationed here, drove a relativE"South to VIewhIS brand new baby, still at the hOspItal in his hometown He had been on the spot when the baby was born • • • butcould stay only a day or two before going back to see it Whenthey arrIved at the hospItal, Papa SaId to his companion, "Let'sgo see the baby first" They peered through the gla.. partitionof the nursery, where SIXor seven bundles from heaven reposed"THEREshe is?, he said pointing to the thIrd haby from the left"How do you know THAT one is yours," asked hIS pal "Theyall look alIke to me" ';[0 which the father replied, uSure that'smine. That's where she was when I saw her a week ago."

* * *If :t0u re the type that can scare up at least a goslmg pImpleat the thought of fightmg off a 'telephone salesman' for rug cleanmg •• we pass on a mfty Idea from a frIend for gettmg nd ofsame After thIS woman lIstened for an unhappy twenty mmutesabout the glorIes of the new rug cleanmg wonder that pIcked upLITERALLY everythmg •• she SaId, How about the bodIes underthe sofas?' The salesman explamed that our heroIne must havemIsunderstood • or at least HE was misunderstandmg HERNot at all JJ replIed the woman, "I want to know what thIS con

traptlOn does about the bodIes under the sofas HUMAN bodIes!The man hung up WIthout further ado

* * *A story in BeltaIre'" column last week remmded a ~friend ofours about a SImilar experience her husband had at a looal spota few years ago after a footbalI game The large reception hallwas crowded with a. milling mob fl0m all parts of the country.Suddenly from the farthest end of the roam, her husband (whom".e shall call Jake Bluff), saw an old school tie wavmg at hImfrantIcally He waved back and soon found the pal was weavin~hIS way through the mobs trymg to get to him The gomg wastough but the school tie tackled his way through the crowd, stop~pIng every now and agaIn to be sure Jake was still there. EachBus Tax bme he'd wave encouragmgly as much as to say, "I'm trYIng to

I get to y~u ••• hold on "There is no d'Spos,tlOn to find fault the bus ser. After about fifteen mInute., he made It ..• breathiessly held

v.ce the Lake Shore Coach Lmes have g.ven the people lout ius hand and WIth beamIng face, started to exclaim, "Helloof the POInte ConSIderIng the handIcaps In manpower and vou old soandso" ••• then took a closer look, and said, uGosh, I'mequ.pment under all passenger transpOl t concerns sorry .•• I thought you were Jake Bluff." Onr friend ••• whohave operated durmg the war penod, they have probably was indeed Jake Bluff was so surprIsed, he let the school tie getg.ven betler than average serVlOe. away without ever tellInghIm he was rIght the first tIme.

Th,s questlOn however .s qmte apart from the contmua- I • • •

hon of the pnv.lege of carrymg on Its busmess wholly free I Best defimhon of the week Fred Allen callIng Charhefrom any taxatIOn m the area m It operates McCarthy .. ' The woodpeckers hors doeurve'

It denves .ts revenue almost entirely from the peopleof Grosse Pomte, m their travel back and forth between Those who telephoned the Punch and Judy theatre for seatshere and DetrOlt In sp.te of th.s fact the bus company the early part of th.s week,might have be.n startled to hear a tiredmakes no contrIbutIOn whatever towards helpIng the prIvate VOIcesay, as the connection was made, uSame place'" We happenedcltlzen carry the burden of local taxatlOn. to recogmze the Punch's beloved "Richard" •• who told us he'd

As soon as .ts buses start to travel on the streets of had so many calls for seats for "Valley of Dec.slon,"that he JustDetrOlt, .mmed.ately to the west, .t begms to pay taxes plalu got tired of saYlllg,"Puneh and Judy" ...... he changed .tto a mumc.palIty where .t gets no revenue and where .t to "Same piace".s proh.b.ted from carrymg m.d.route passengers between.ts Detro.t and Grosse Pomte termmals.

The s.tuatIon .s one ments the early attentlOnof the Grosse Pomte publIc authontIes. To say that thequestion of levymg a fair and reasonable tax m the Pomte.s made too comphcated by reason of the d.v.slOn of thePomte mto five separate mumc.pahhes merely s.destepsthe .ssue. A wheel tax could be lev.ed wherem each mum.cJpahty would recelVe a revenue proportlOnate to the m.lesof travel on .ts streets by the bus company, the totaltax prod by the company to all the mumc.pahhes to be Justand fair.

The same process could be apphed to a flat per bus tax,or, .f the five cannot be persuaded to take actIOn on the matter, anyone of them could start .talone the certamtlf that the others would qmckly seethe hght and become wlllmg assoc.ates m a general agree-ment

The whole subject .s of too great .mportance to thetaxpayers to be hghtly passed over by the local

peoples of peaceful mtent whenever world peace was threat.ened W.sely, preparatlOn were begun even before theactual end of the war to orgamze th.s mtent through an as.soc.ahon of fifty natlOns The pnme purpose of th.s organ..zatlOn was the preservatlOn of world peace It was effectedon our .mhatIve and consummated on our own SOli Itwould have been treason to our assoc.ated natlOns, parhcu.larly to the many small and weak countues w):llch look tous as the.r ch.ef bulwark of defense, to have done less thanmake an early pledge of our mtent to mamtaIn m readmessstrength ample to command tn.s leadersh.p th.spledge has come and from the Presldent h.mself.

Mr Truman enumerated twelve general theses to ob-tam m our relatlOn both at the moment and m thedevelopmg future Most of them have long smce been accepted by the maJonty publIc opmlOn here, but the.r re.tera.hon was wholesome and hmely.

He demed any terntonal expanslOn or aggresslOn byus, eventual return of sovere,gn nghts to all peoples whohave been depnved of them by force, freedom of the seasfor all natlOns and equal nghts to the nav.gatlOn of boundarynvers and waterwa) s whiCh pass through more than onecountry Th.s later may be construed as a bow to Russ.aIn her deSire to gam free mgress to the Med.terranean area,but h.s precedmg declaratlOn of "No recogmtlOn for anvgovernment .mposed upon a nahan by a fore,gn power andpreventlOn where poss.ble of 'forceful .mpos.tIon of such agovernment'" deflmtely was not It may be mterpretedto mean that some of the puppet governments now apparent.Iy m process of establIshment by Russ.a m her small states w.ll long awa.t a welcommg nod of recogm.hon from Washmgton.

Item No 9 m h.s outlme of relahons saymg"The nght of the sovereIgn states of the Western Hem.-sphere to work together as good ne.ghbors m the solutlOnof their common problems", .s qmte clearly seen as a re-aff.rmatIon of the Monroe Doctnne of 1823,slIghtly smootheddown so as not to ruffle the sovereIgn sens.b.hhes of ourLatm ne.ghbors

The entIre declaratIOn was one with no Amer.canc,tIzen, short of small cahbred, .ssue seekmg polIhcos w,lld,sagree It breathed common sense from first to last Halr-splltters and w'lful doubters w.1I cull from .t selected .temsfor d.sagreement but the great body of the c.tIzensh,p of thecountry w,lI approve .t

And Amenca stands by her gung



GROSSEPOINTEfARMS 30 MICHIGANPhone TUxedo 2.6900 34 ....

Three Trunk LInesMember MIchIgan Press Ass n and National EdItorIal Ass~


FULLYPAID CIRCULATIONSUbScrlptlOnRate $200 Per Year by Mail All Newsand

AdvertisIngCopy Must Be In The News Off,ce byWednesday Noon to Obtam Insertlop That Week

Entered as second~class matter at the post offIce.,gan under the Actof March3 1897

P~;le Four

Standing By Our GunsPres.dent Truman's Navy Day speech m New York

was heralded m advance as h.s most .mportant expresSlOnon our relatlons smee he came mto offICe,was exact-ly that. Even such an hab.tual cnt.c of the admm.stratlOnas Senator Taft sa.d .t was an admJ,rable statement of prm-c.ples and Governor Dewey sa.d ".t was a wonderful,wonderful speech.»

It bemg Navy Day .t was approprIate that he shouldfirst pay h.s respects to the "most powerful navy m theworld" and rec.te .ts recent hero.c explOlts and .ts greatrole In wmnmg the v.ctory. The meat of the speech, as .tconcerned the Navy, was that .t was to be mamtamed as thestrongest sea force m the world, even after the demob.hta-tlon now under way. The same apphed to the airforce

ThIS was an exphc.t expresslOn from the Pres.dent thatAmerIca .s to assume and keep .ts place as the backboneof the Umted NatlOns, or such structure as may evolvefrom .t, to prevent wars between major powers and assurelastmg peace m the world It was the very essence ofcommon sense Where he sa.d later that AmerIcan fore.gnpohcy at full support of the Umted NatlOns' orgamza.t.on the assurance was already giVen that the means wereto be at hand would be adequate to .t force andeffect

If there was any smgle purpose upon the Am-~mcan people were m accord when we entered th.s war .twas that the errors of the last one were not to be repeatedWhen the peace had been won .t was to be kept Th.s d.rectly.mphed that such force m bemg was to be at hand, as wouldnaturally md.cate th.s nation as the rallymg pOlnt for all

Truman Tells HowPres.dent Truman's speech Tuesday mght was

frankly acknowledged m advance to be mtended to expressthe pos.tlon of h.s adm.mstratlOn on the problems that besetthe country's domestlc told uS httle that was new andalso httle we can d.sagree

Most of .t had to do a rec.tal of natural laws ofeconom.cs WhlOhall are more or less f"m.har On theone hand we are threatQI1ed w,th mflatlOn WhlOhwould bevery bad, on the other deflatlOn,, accordmg toMr Truman, would be even worse

Wages must be mcreased, the Pres.dent says, that thebuymg power of the people may be mamtamed That ofcourse would mean mflatlOn, unless, the prlOes of the thmgswh,ch labor produces and would be expected to largely buy,were kept down He pleads all the old tlme Rooseveltfervor to hold the lme

He makes some shght gesture of conceSSlOnto cap.talby proposmg that where .t fmds the formula of h.gher wageswIthout mcreased pnces msuperable, it may brmg .ts woesto the Government for a rev.ew of their md.v.dual problemsand, If the.r complamt Impresses h1S econom.c experts asJustlf,ed, a d.spensatlOn may be granted perm.ttmgthem to advance the.r pnces, subject, of course to the ng.dcontrol of the aforesa.d experts In a few cases, where thedanger confrontmg the employer would be too .mmment toperm.t delay, perm.sslOn m.ght be granted for a rev.ew ofthe.r s.tuatlOn at the of the wage advance By andlarge, however mdustry .s expected to he qmescent wh.leth.s great expenment .s underway The effects of the s.xmonths "eoolmg off' to mdustry .s to be subjectedbefore .t lets out a squeak, m.ght of course be read m therecords of the bankruptcy courts, but of th,s Mr Truman hasno fear He.s firmly convmced that mdustry m .ts present"very strong pos.tlon" w.ll be amply able to absorb th.sincrease of 20% to 25% m ItS payrolls

He labors at some length to demonstrate th.s v.a theprom.sed rehef from the excess profits tax, the abohtlOn ofovertlme pay, .mproved techmque m manufacturmg and thegreatly expanded market that .s bound to appear labor smereased buymg power These are all features of the s.tuatlOn on doubtless the great employers of thecountry have already had some casual speculatlOn.

In Mr Truman's entlre speech he fa.led once to use thewerds "cap. tal" or "stockholder" ObvlOusly such appro.brlOus terms would grate upon the ears of h.s selected aud•.ence The several m.lllOns of frugal c.hzens whose savmgsare mvested m the secunhes of these great employmg Call-cerns are to sh1ft for themselves .f d.v.dends stop H.s re-marks to the respons.ble for meetmg the payrolls wereall addressed to 'management the hired men of the ownersManagement was apparently the wh,ppmg boy for all theaccumulated faults of the emplO\ ers

The Pres.dent sa,d he was most anxlOUS to get theGovernment out of busmess as soon as poss.ble, but, heurges the retenhon of the warhme powers vested m thegovernment for a wh,le longer He yearns for the earlyrestoratlOn of free enterprise but at the same time wantsthose controls mamtamed WhlOhhave plagued busmess andmade a crazy qmlt of the whole AmerIcan econom.c patternfor the past doren vears

He supports collechve bargammg and th.s generalthes.s he w.ll have f~w d,ssenters Common sense long smceind.cated th,s a, the only feas.ble and fa.r way for em-ployer and (m]) 0'1 e to make the necessary adjustments mtheir .eJatlOrs He neglected to lay much emphas.s on 'theobhgatlOn of lobar to fa.thfully observe the letter and spmtof .ts covenants

I Mr Truman mherIted one of the most d1ff.cult tasks thatever confronted a ch.ef of state when he took over the

I Pres.dencv The people m the mam beheve m h.s smcentyin attemptmg the solutlOn of the tremendous problems thatfell m h.s lap the endmg of the war He cannot suggesta solutlOn for anyone of them that w.ll meet the ap-proval of all There w.ll be many persons however who117111regret that he d.d not speak as much emphas.s for

I a square deal for the "mlhons of men and women, plampeople of our common country who are the beneflClarIes

I of the successful functlOmng of our mdustr,al actlv.tles, ashe d.d for those who operate them their bram and brawn

Many also w.ll beheve they see a d.rect glance towardsh.s pohtlcal future m the pomted way he referred to the

I fa.lure of the Congress, even to spec.fled comm.ttees of Can.gress, to act favorably on certam leg.slatlOn he has proposed,and these segments of Congress have demed ordelayed It has vastly more pohtIcal courage forthese comm.ttees to sprag h.s recommendatlOns that It d.dfor h.m to make them

I H.s ammadverslOns on the Congress WIll not enhance: hlll popularIty that body nor strengthen h.s leadersh.pI at a moment when s.gns multlply that h.s leadersh.p .sI weakemng.I

ursday, November I, 1945 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Five




Here ore dresses to put sparkle nto personality ••to make grac ous wear ng for almost any occasion.They are dresses you IIenloy and that everyonewill find da,,' ng Many have lewel and beQdtrims others show the mportonce of sequinsAI! In .11 pretty and da"l ng

Pretty DRESS manners

29.95 to 69.95

7.95 to 27.50

Interpreting the



Under the skillful touch of America s hat des gners theMew look so exclt ng IS turned to I nes of inspired flattery.Those are the k nd of hats that are to be seen now In thew de selection Jacobson s has assembled for the women ofGrosse POinte Come see them yourself

COATS for abeautiful.winter

98.00 to 198.00:Plu. Fed Ta.x


Coats have taken a new lease on fashion Wh Ie we restill devoted to class cs there IS something new andthr II ng In the lush beaut es seen for the f rst time thISseason Coats With furred borders that dance i!:IS youwalk Coats With bands of fur for cuffs Coats w th w deand wonderful fur tuxedos and sweet manipulated collarsIt s a wonderful season for coats like these atJacobson s

1 1 ,f' '!-. f f ~..:

,.< I,. v, «


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GROSSE POINTE-Kereheval ai St. ClairTUxedo 1.3100


\ t

~ • ~•~t, 1,J "t, . ,~~ 4* I


~J)*'~ • •",'; 1" >l

~I' • ,( ~r'., ,,'

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If you va been searchIng everywhere here is asuave little pump for your b g moments ElegantIy s mple exqu Sltely crafted It IS one of ourcollectron of Foot Delight shoes that await yourchOOSing In our new shoe salon Available In Blackor Town Brown Calf w,th gros gra n beaded bow.

7.95 to 39.95

HANDBAGSof importance

Here are your


Important IS the word to describe the fash on out.look of the handbags awa tlng you at Jacobson s.From smooth sleek leathers to the chiC and smart.ness of black broadcloth you II find the one bag toeccent your costume as you would have It







3.00 to 65.00

by Hollywood VETTE 32 to 38


It s your security of fash'on rightness The n"ght of M dasmakes Itself felt aga n th s foil The glint of gold throughour ent"e collect on of lewelry from bracelets earringsand p ns to golden CIrclets around your throat


JEWELRY .. gilt edged!

something newsomething blue

FRANCETTE Ensembledintimates in hush-hush blue

NYLON bras

For tre f rst Time a complete corset wardrobe In palestblue for slender to average f gures Isn t It wonderful?Francette s famous f gure flattery lovller than ever In alUXUriOUSelastiC rayon satin by Cohama Everything hushedblue everyth ng perfectly contrived to keep youshapely ond sleek whatever the hour or occas on

The GIRDLES sizes 26 to 32The PANTY GIRDLE 25 to 29




Board of Artists' GroupWill Meet on November 7


NOW ..•

theThursday, November I, 1945

Commander HartzellHonored on Return

Commander John Hartzell, of RIdge road, who arrIvedhome yesterday ... on termmal leave from the Navy, WIllbe feted today at a cocktaIl party to be gIVen by LIeut.Commdr and Mrs Theodore D Buhl of RIdge road TheoccaSIOnWIll also mark Commander Hartzell s bIrthday

BeSIdes Commander and Mrs -------------Hartzell, guests WIll mclude Mr Mrs John Stroh Mr and Mrs Cand Mrs George 0 JohnstonCommander and Mrs FrederH..k Henry BUhI, Dr and Mrs J.M Alger, Mr and Mrs Harold Stewart Hudson, Mr and MrsR Boyer, Mr and Mrs Wesson Alvan Macauley, Jr, and Mr.Seyburn Colonel and Mrs Phelps and Mrs Gordon SaundersNewberry, Mr and Mrs HalSmIth Jr, Mr and Mrs JosephS Sherer MI and Mrs EmoryM Ford, Mr and Mrs FranCISBourke Dr and Mrs E KCarmIchael, Dr t;::harles G The Grosse Pomte Artists' As-Johnston, DI and Mrs F W soclatIon WIll hold a board meet ..SchreIber, MI and Mrs Charles mg on Wednesday afternoon,A Dean Jr, Mrs Jewett Dwyer November 7 m the home of the

Others arp Robert B Edgar preSIdent, Mrs W R MeIer ofMr and Mrs Henry T Bodman BerkshIre road Plans for theMr and Mrs Gan Stroh, Mr and .commg year WIll be dIscussed.

Party Given by Lieut. Commdr. and Mrs. Theodore BuhlComes on Birthday of Doctor Home from Japan


Make your evemng out' aluxury event by chOOSIng




7909 East Jefferson

* • •

Back ln the Pomte IS MRSCHARLES R MURPHY, of Balfour road, who spent a longweek end In ColumbIa, MoWIth her daughter LIZI, a froshat Stephens College thlS year


WETHERBEE honored LIEUTCOL AND MRS PEYTONJENNINGS at a dInner m theIrWhIttler road home last weekThe colonel and hIS WIfe arestaymg at the Book-CadIllac


BUHL of Ellair place WIll spendThanksgIvmg In New York asthe guests of Mrs Buhl smotherMRS LOUIS MENDELSSOHNThey WIll be Jomed by the BuhlchIldren LYDIA, who WIll comefrom Foxhollow and youngHENRY from Brooks

DetrOIt's smart east SIde nlghtspot AcceSSIble to all sectIOnsof the CIty, It IS parhcularlyconvement to Grosse Pomteand IndIan VIllage pleasureseekers Superbly preparedfood and the chOlcest lIquorsare served Dancmg everymght to the <;mooth rhythmof Gordon Welch s MUSIC

Your- host of the evemng

James Lewis

MR AND MRS ANDREW PHAPPER of UmversIty placeand MR AND MRS W DEANROBINSON of Kenwood roadspent the week end as the guestsof EMORY M FORD at theFord s summer home Wmgfordnear Port Huron

(Contmued On Page 7)


Fine China



• • *



Out on Lake ilhore road MRSJOHN SHALLCROSS and herthree youngsters are waItmg thearrIval of LIE U T - C M D RSHALLCROSS USNR from thePhIhpPInes The quartet havebeen staYIng WIth her parentsDR AND MRS HARRY NTORREY



Partymg was In order lastweek end In the Lake Shorehome of DR AND MRS CLIF-ORD C LORANGER Mrs Loranger and her mother MRS HC ROHNS entertamed at anafternoon tea and she and thedoctor also plotted a cocktaIlgatherIng Saturday mght


of Country Club lane, had adouble IncentIve for her recenttrIp to Washmgton Not onlywas she anXIOUS to VISIt herson In law and daughter LIEUTCMDR AND MRS JOHN RHERTZLER, but the Journeygave her an mtroduction to hernew grandson BENNETT TheHertzlers plan to make theIrhome In ¥ork Pa, when JohnIS dIscharged from the Navy

• * *Ghmpsed m the POInte last

week were MAJ AND MRSGEORGE F ALDERSON, ofColumbus 0, who VISIted heruncle and aunt, the HENRY GNICHOLS of Cranford lane ThemaJor and hIS brIde were marTIed m BrIstol Va, Oct 9


* * *

MRS HENRY BURRETT, ofSunnmgdale drIve, gave herdaughter, BARBARA and threeof her classmates at Dobbs Ferrya gay New York fUng last weekMARX" OWEN, PATJIALL ofJamestown NY, and ELIOTIRWIN of Buffalo, NY, Jomedm the fun

Chnstmas hme WIll find mem-bers of the HOWARD P BAL-LANTYNE household on McKmley place back m the fold\. TheIrson In law and daughter MRAND MRS JOHN M NOR-COTT and their son DAVIDreturned to the Pomte fromDalton Pa. last FrIday CORPCl);RROLL TREGO BALLANTYNE IS en route from Ger~many and hIS brother TECIICORP HOWARD P BALLANTYNE JR IS hopmg to reachthe States for the holIdays, alsofrom Germany

* • •Another famIly reUnIon In

progress here IS that In DRAND MRS FRANK J SLA-DEN S Lmcoln r 0 a d homeLIEUT COL AND MRS ROWLAND L HALL, theIr son-Inlaw and daughter came m yesterday from San FranCISCO Andalso on nand to welcome thelIeutenant colonel back from thePaCific are BRIG GEN ANDMRS WILLIAM E CHICKERING and thelt son BILL, JRfrpm Arlington, Va Bill IS allset to return to the UnIVerSItyof MIchIgan after servIng In theArmy AIr Forces

Pomters greeted former neIghbars LIEUT CMDR AND MRSALLAN SHELDEN, JR andtheir small daughter SUSANlast week as they VISIted herefrom San FranCISco The Sheldens Jaunted out to the semorMrs Shelden s country home atRochester for the week-end andthen headed for StubenV1lle 0to see Frances' mother MRSDAVID WEIR, before returnmgto the West Coast

* * *



16437 E. Warren, at Outer Drlve


After four years of arrIvalsand departures the WALTERSCOTTEN family Will soon betogether agam WIth the semorSeottens In theIr Edgemont parkhome are theIr son In law anddaughter CAPT AND MRSJOHN R OI\ELL JR Expectedsoon 1S CAPT OREN SCOTTENwho has done mtelllgence workIn England and Europe Thecaptam flew to Egypt recentlyto arrange for hIS SIster MRSPAUL MARDEN and her twoyoungsters, to saIl on the GrIpsholm Nav 10 Completmg thefamily roster WALTER SCOT-TEN II hopes to return fromSalpan before long

* * *BIrthday greetIngs rang

throughout the THE 0 D 0 R EOSIUS home on WashIngtonroad as Mrs OSlUS honored herhusband at a dmner party lastweek


S WARREN JR are antlclpat-mg movmg day when they WIlltake up reSIdence In theIr newhouse on Lakeland avenue Smcethe former lIeutenant commander s release from the Naval Reserve they have been the guestsof MRS BENJAMIN WARRENSR, In her Lake Shore roadhome Mrs Warren semor ISJust back from a motor trIp toBoyce Va WIth MRS RUSSELL A ALGER, of Provencalroad

Short And To The Pointe

Palm Sprmgs, CalIf IS thewmter address of the EDWARDBURNS CAULKINS, who arelookIng forward to VISItS WIthMrs CaulkInS' son m-law anddaughter MR AND MRSJONATHAN LATIMER m near-by La Jola MR AND MRSWILLIAM R POST JR aretakmg over the Caulkms' homeon Umversity place for thewInter

* * *

• * *Busy people are MR AND

MRS ALGER SHELDEN whoarrIved back In theIr LakeShore road home from a hunt-mg excurSIOn to Woonsocket SD last week Just In time toengmeer a dmner party TheIrmcentIve was the twenty fifthweddmg anmversary of MRAND MRS L ROTHE FARR

NewsPage Six

ADD BITS FROM HERE AND THEREDidjuno.That Sammy Chap,n ••• young charmer of Mrs. Roy D.

Chapin's personable flock ••• now pdots the AddISon Holtonplane? •••

That an autobiography of the late Roy D. Chapinwritten by John C. Long ••• has lust been publIShed? •••

That Broadway ColumnISt Ed Sullivan ••• raves about photoshe has seen of the James Edgar's young son? •••

That Lieut. Colonel C. James McK,nney ISback to civvies asof thIS week? •••

That the Po,nte welcomes home also thIS week Mrs. H. B.Miller and her son Richard • • • who have returned to the"Oxford road home? •••

Lieut. Commander Miller is to J'oin them soon after threeyears overseas ••• lately In the Paci IC •••

Mrs. Mdler and Dick. • were In Miami dUring the war. , •

IT'S A BOYTwo persons most Interested In a quick settlement of the

airlines workers strike •Could be Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. 0 Neal of Kensington

road •••Who can scarcely walt to fly down there to Memphis, Tenn.

to see the" first grandchild ••• Albert Earl 0 Neal III •••Little Sir Albert was born October 24 •••HIS exc,ted daddy longdlstanced hIS own parents that:, He has beautiful brown eyes and curly ha,," just 25 seconds

after the doctor announced,"It's A Boy I •••

Mrs. O'Neal was the former V"gle Champan of MadISon,Wise ••••

And AI ••• a I.. utenant ,n the USAAF ••• wdl be stickingto his army post for qUite a whde yet •••

* * *

We haven't heard the outcome •••Of the Famous Fem,nlne Hunting Party ••• given last week.

end ••• by Mrs. George Mason •••At her lodge on the Au Sable •••But we d,d hear that Les Ruwe acted as ,f he had seen

Harvey ••• when hIS blonde and charming wife •••Announced she was go'ng to VISitMrs. Mason ••• and they

were going to shoot quail •••* * *

FROM AFRICA TO MANHATTAN ORANGE BLOSSOMSJust any day now •••We should be hearing the wedding date •••Of Mrs Ruwe's son ••• Jimmy SCripps ••• and lovely

Shirleyann G,bbs •••J,mmy IS an enSign 1M the Merchant Marines ••• and the

time of wrlt,ng finds h,m stdl 'n Africa •••But w,th plans for an early December armal 1M these parts •••We understood the wedding ••• wdl take place ,n Man.

hattan ••• which the principal's adore I •••* * *

From Another Pointeof View

byJane Schermerhorn





The overnight complexion refreshment that supplements

natural oIls and helps keep your skm looking younger ••• IOVler. 3 50If you prefer an 011 try Estrogemc Hormone OIl, $5 00. Plus tax.

Cosmet1cs, Streer Floor.ele/IG 'llhll'l$tGilt ~6tHtt MOllr10Mi,tloe




16926 IiHRCHEVflL flVB•


KAY DAUMIT'S1!~lte-e'lenleLustre-Creme ••• an amazIng creme shampoo for every

member of the famIly. Extra rich In lanolIn, Lustre~Creme

is economical, easy to use ••• equally effective in hard or soft

'Water ••• leaves haIr more lustrous, easier to manage.

Buy Lustre-Creme loday. 11'$ Ihe ideal $hampoo lor the whole lamilyl

..M: 8900




Page Seven

Recent guests of MRS RICH-ARD P JOY of Lake Shoreroad were MRS HERMANSARTORIUS of New York, andDAVID W HICKEY of Atlan-ta, Ga

W!)menCouple Heads SouthFor Long Honeymoon

After week endIng wIth theEppa Hunton Heatons m theIrRIvard boulevard home Mr andMrs FranCIS S Cronm set outfor BaltImore early thIS week

The CranInS are Mrs Heaton sbrother In law and SIster andthey stopped WIth Mrs Cromn smother, Mrs C Hayward Murphyof Beacon HIll road, before sheleft to VISIt her SIster, Mrs ElroyCurtIs m New York

Mr and Mrs Heaton honoredthe BaltImore couple at an m-formal cocktaIl party In theIrhome Saturday night

Charles Richard Rutan of Woods and Gloria Anne ProustLeave for Palm Beach after Ceremony

Palm Beach, Fla was the destmatlOn of Mr and Mrs.Charles RIchard Rutan as they headed South after theIrmarnage m the Church of the Most PreslOus Blood Satur-day mornmg.

The brIde IS the former GlorIa.Anne Poust, daughter of Mr and WIth button trIm Her flowersMrs Donald G Poust of GrIggs were whIte orchIdsavenue, and her' new husband IS Her maId of honor and onlythe son of the late Mr and Mrs attendant was Mary Lou RIOr-John H Rutan, of Grosse Pomte dan Mary Lou S SUlt of paleWoods yellow wool and doe skIll hat

The young cQuple repeated were matchmg, and gardemastheIr nuptIal vows before the formed her corsage~oe: ~ Alexander McIntosh at Best man for Mr Rutan was I

Claude Harmon 11For her weddIng GlOrIa chose Th b d th II

a dressmaker SUlt of soft wool e rI e s mo er was InIn a powder blue shade WIth green crepe WIth her hat alsoIt she wore an Alencon lace In green She wore purple ~blouse and a tmy brown calot orchIds III

Followmg the ceremony guestsgathered In Dearborn Inn for

Guests from Baltimore the weddmg breakfast and recep- I~Feted on Pointe Visit hon ~

The Rutans plan to remam In ~Flonda untIl March and WIll ~make theIr home In the Woods I~when they return ~

Out of town guests Included tS lIe Anne Kennedy of the fWaves who came from Washmg-ton D C for the occaSIon andPfc Betty Kepler of the Mannes,who arrIved from ArlIngton, Va. rll

Made to your order

ARGINTINE NUTRIAfur J J'.,k,av.( 04M4,tMlv

Deep, full sleeves ••• fine detaIls that show the imagmatlOn of the

deSIgners, the arustry of the craftsmen ••• thIS is Nutna m the new manner. The

pnce of an exclUSIve design depends upon the model, and the bundles of fresh

shimmermg skms that you select from our large collectIOn of chOICe Argenune

pelts And we beheve that ••. quahty for quality •.• it is as low a pnce as is

offered dIrect to the pubhc by any furrIer m the country, eIther wholesale or retaIl



Breakfast Party to Aid Hospital

II "t w.)7, j


by, of and for Pointe

ACTIVE IN PLANS for the subSCription event, ("Breakfast m Hollywood )whICh members of the Bon Secours GUIld wJ1l sponsor on November 7 at 10 30 am mAnnunCIatIOn Hal!, 1318 McClellan, are, left to right -Mrs LOUIse Manck, 339 M~rn-weather road, Mrs Elmer T LabadIe, chaIrman, 462 Belanger road, Mrs F R Burns,4406 Alter road Mrs LabadIe IS lookmg at one of the hats whICh RadIO M C Slaglemay poke fun at durmg the program Proceeds WIl! be used to help pay for thehospItal addItion PICture by Fred Runnells

THE DISTRICT NURSINGSOCIETY WIll meet Wednesday,Nov 7 at 11 a m at 17845 EJ ef!erson avenue MRS HER-BERT TRIX WIllbe chaIrman forthe gathermg

:>outheastern Woman'sClub to Hear Review

Sunday LuncheonGiven by Groch's

Mr and Mrs Elmer C Jacob-Son of McMIllan road, have an~nounced the marnage of theIrdaughter Fay MaIlman 3/CUSNWR to Roland Gustafson ofIsplemng, Mlch

The ceremony was performedon Saturday mormng, October 20In the Jackson PresbyterIanChurch In San FranCISCO, Calwhere the brIde IS statIoned

The brIdegroom was recentlydIscharged from the Army AIrForces atfer servIng three and ahalf years In the PaCIfIC Theatel-of War

Mr and Mrs LOUIS Groch ofSt Paul avenue entertamed atan mformal luncheon on Sundayat the LIttle Club m honor ofMr and Mrs Crawford Johnsonand My and Mrs Prmce deBartlayben all of BIrmInghamAlabama

The Qut-of town guests werehere for the Welch deBartlaybenweddmg WhiCh took place In

Bloomfield on Saturday Sundayevenmg Mrs Groch left for INew York to spe-nd a few daysthere WIth the J ohnsons beforethe latter return to theIr home

The Groch s attractIve teenaged daughter, Prlmy. WIll leaveWIth her mother on November 21to spend a few days In NewYork In celebratIon of Pnmy sbIrthday

Fay JacobsonWeds on Coast


Also Candlds

(Between Warren and Hancock)

COlumbla 0010

Free l'a,kmg fo, Customers


Photog,aphy at Its Best S",ce 1898

• • •

• • •

• • •

• • •

• • •

D. D. Spellman Studios

Short and ToThe Pointe

HousewarmIng partIes are Inorder for MR AND MRS WIL-LIAM CANTLEY, who havemoved to Moran road from ChI A book reVIew WIll feature thecago The Cantleys are the par next meetmg of the Southeasternents of MRS JEROME HOW- Womens Club, to be held m theARD, also of Moran road parlors of St Mark s Church on. . . IMonday November 5 at 130 pm

There WIll really be cause for Mrs Henry Welduttes WIll re-ThanksgIVing thIS Nov 22 when VIew Great Son by Edna Fer ..MRS ALEXANDER K GAGE ber Mrs Edwm W,twer Mrs

h WIllIam Kretzchmar and Mrsof RIvard boulevard has all er Joe h R bm on III be the host ..sons home for the first tIme m Spa s wthree years HENRY GAGE IS essesbaek now, WIth hIS navy lIeutenant s umform packed awayand he and hIS bnde are househuntIng m the Pomte Next toarnve wlll be MAJ ALEXANDER GAGE JR who has beenIn Pans

GettIng settled In theIr newhome on Notre Dame are MRAND MRS REECE HATCHETTand theIr sons RICKY andROBIN who had made theIrhome WIth Mrs Hatchett smother MRS LOGAN WOODof Cranford lane The boys arecurrently takmg care of theIrmother WIth the head of thehouse In SantIago ChIle onbusmess until Dee 1

JUDITH STUCHELL, daughter of MR and MRS CLAIR ASTUCHELL of 740 UmveTSltyplace, Grosse Pomte IS appear-Ing In the fIrst performance ofthe Young People s ThoeatreGroup of Western College OX-ford, OhIO, where she IS a member of the sophomore class

• • •

Out at the Beaconsfield roadhome of MR AND MRS JOHNCOMERFORD thelr daughterMRS DAVID PEEBLES, andsmall ELIZABETH ANNE arebIding theIr time tIll they canJom LIEUT PEEBLES m Eden-ton N C The Navy AIr CorpslIeutenant has been transferredto the South from hIS station atGrosse Ile

New York has created a flurryof excltement for ANN CROUSEdaughter of MR AND MRSCHARLES B CROUSE of Prbveneal road who IS studYIngdramatics m the metropolIsSaturday Ann was brIdesmaIdm the weddmg party of ADAGRIGSBY CHILDERS of Plam-field N Y and LIEUTGEORGE FOOTE LANE IIUSNR Mr and Mrs Crousedrove Ann East and have Justreturned from theIr motor trIp

• • •Deep sea fishmg enthUSIasts In

the POInte are anXIOUS to hearthe egpenences of the RAY EDAYS of Cloverly road MrsDay and STAN flew to MeXICOCIty whIle Mr Day took careWest Coast bUSIness and thethree were reumted In Acapulcofor an Interlude of fishmgthnlls

MRS FRANK T NELSONwaved farewell to her son anddaughter In law, CAPT ANDMRS LESLIE P McDOUGALthIS week as the couple headedSouth after a festlve reumonWIth her and Mr Nelson IntheIr Kenwood road home ThecaptaIn IS Just back from theETO where he served 23months He and Mrs McDougalWIll stop In Washmgton, WIIhams burg and AsheVIlle, enroute to FlOrida


meet Thursday, November 1, at1230 at MRS P S REINECKES743 Washmgton road Mrs H SKNIGHT has planned a very mterestmg program MRS GER-TRUDE VAUGHN WIll assIst thehostess

<Contlnuedfrom Page 6)WIth her dIscharge papers

from the Waves safely tuckedaway MARGARET ARCHER IStradmg her Navy blues for fnl-ly femmIne clothes agaIn Mar-garet served for two years as aspeCIalIst second class In Cleveland Her proud parents are MRAND MRS THOMAS PARCHER, of Kenwood road

• • •Last week was a gala one for

MR AND MRS GEORGEVAWTER of Buckmham roadwho feted theIr son In~law anddaughter LIEUT AND MRSROBERT BRUEN of OaklandCallf


Dont farget to attend thelecture by Dr Howard EKershner, m the audItOrIUmof PIerce JunIor HIgh Schoolon Wednesday evemng Nov-ember 7, at 830 pm DrKershner wIll speak on, Europe s ChIldren FourMonths After LIberatIOn, andthe JUnIor League of DetroIttakes pleasure In InVItIng thepublIc to hear thIS most Im-portant message from a manknown InternatIonally for hISlong record of experience IndealIng wIth European RelIefwork

AdmIsSIon IS free and every-one IS urged to attend

•. , fur bound, .. fur lined•• ,some lUith

luxury furswithout luxury tax



SPEEDERCAUGHTThe City pollee gave a tIcket

to John R Jones for speedmg 42mIles per hour on Kerchevallast Wednesday

Invltatlons are m the mall forthe Nov 10 weddmg of NancyDelores Robmson, daughter ofDr and Mrs George CooperRobmson, of St ClaIr avenueand James W Sneed, WarrantOfficer (Jg). Army of the UmtedStates, son of Mrs LOUIse Sneedof RIchmond, Va, and the lateJames W Sneed

The Jefferson Avenue Presbytenan Church wIll be the settmgfor the 3 p m ceremony

Nancy was graduated fromGrosse Pomte HIgh and Chnshan College at ColumbIa Mo

Nancy Delores RobinsonTo Marry November 10

-"A REALLY 6000 (OAT"•• ,lllaiton .Pierce patrons quote

Thursdlly, November I, 1945

Woman's Page

Memb.,. Are Working on AnnulIl Book SlIle to Be HeldNovember 30 IInd Dllcember I


Eight Pointers at MarygroveWill Receive Caps, Gowns

The Urosse Pomte branch of the Amencan AssocIatIOnof Umverslty Women are holdmg a general meetmg onThursday, Novembm 1 at 130 pm m the home of Mrs JohnPear, 707 Trombly road

A pIcturesque presentatIon 0art masterpIeces from the- Na .. Market, Kercheval and St ClaIrtIonal ~rt Gallery In Washmg- Books donated for thIS sale areton wIll be a feature of theseSSIon bemg gathered at the heme of

The fIrst evenmg socIal studIes Mrs Kenneth Beardsley, 841group wIll be held on November WhIttier MISS Florence Severs8 at 8 p m at 271 McMIllan Pomte hbranan, 18 dOIng theroad Mrs EdIson Botts wIll behostess and Mrs Pear wIll be classIfymg and tICketmgleader for the meetmg, wIth her I

subject, 'Women In Industry"The International Relations

group wIll meet on November 28at 1 30 P m at 707 Trombleyroad, when Mrs Pear wIll be thehostess Mra Hansel D WilsonwIll be the leader of thIS groupwIth the diScussIon on the sub-Ject 'Internabonal EducatIOn

The A A U 'tV" has sponsored al'r111hon dollar FellowshIp Fundfor post graduate study by um~versity women who are domg re-search In the many fIelds ofhIgher educatIon

To help fInance a post graduatefellowshIp, the Grosse POintebranch IS now busy preparmgfor Its second book sale whIchhas been set for November 30and December 1 at the Orchard

Busy Season PlannedBy University Women

Freshmen at Marygrove Col..lege, DetrOl t MIchigan, fromGrosse Pomte who wIll receIvetheIr caps and gowns at the annual InvestIture ceremony at thecollege November 6, are

Maylou Ann BabcoGk. BarbaraCondon, Bette Hay, Jean FrancesKennedy, Ann Lemweber, Mar-tha Rabaut, Mary Seymour, andMary Ann Staudt

They are the daughters res-pectlvely of Mr and MrsCharles W Babcock, 384 Moranroad, Mr and Mrs John T Con-don 701 Lakepomte Mr andMrs Ivan C Hay, 645 Neff road,Mr and Mrs Leo Wm Kenendy,87 Moran road, Mr and MrsJoseph Lemweber, 696 RIvardboulevard, the Hon and MrsLOUISC Rabaut 1015 Three MIledrIve Mr and Mrs Harold Seymour 605 RIvard boulevard andMr and Mrs John C Staudt910 Lakepomte avenue


Page Eight GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, November I, 1940




Sheila Bourke HostessAt Halloween Party

Even the WItches couldn t keepgrown ups away from the Hallo-ween party Mrs FranCIS HBourke of RIvard boulevard,plotted for her daughter SheIla,Saturday afternoon

In addItIOn to SheIla S class~mates at the Sacred Heart Con-vent her grandmother, MrsJoseph 0 Shaughnessy and heraunt Mrs John Tuck, Jr, JomedIn the fun Mrs Tuck IS vlsltmgthe Bourkes from Wash1.ngtonand WIll Jom MaJor Tuck Dec 1


Protection Now Availablefor Passengers and Pilots



Do You Fly?

I2 I2 Griswold St. RA. 4417-8.9

Luncheon Will Be GivenFor Alpha Gamma Deltas

Mrs D 0 Butterfield HIllcrest road Grosse Pomte Farmswil be hostess at a luncheonTuesday. Nov 6 at 1 0 clock

An InVItatIon IS extended toall Alpha Gamma Deltas on theEast SIde ReservatIOns are urgedby Monday, the 5th

A very mterestmg programWIth a round table dIscussIOn ofbooks and current even.ts ISolanned

ranged by the Fred Fugers ofMcMIllan road Mrs Fuger theformer Countess Ala GrabskaIS Mrs Strasburger s mece

, c


",, , f-

" 'cHt }~""

El1een FayePlamst MarvelCLOSED SlJNOAy

forsupper entertaInIng

l\atlonall) Known Cmsmc

Sparkltng Entertammentby


The POInte WIshed Mrs E,"enryStrasburger Godspeed FrIday asshe left for Montreal and thencefor London, where she WIll JomMr Strasbu:cger, new arnbassadol' to London representing thePohsh government

Accompanymg theIr motherwere Theresa who bade goodbye to her classmates at theSacred Heart Convent andHarry, who was graduated WIthhonors In June from the As-sumption College In SandWIch

Mrs Strasburger was the centel' of much Pomte entertammgbefore she boarded her tramHer brother and slster~m~lawCount and Countess AlfredNlecychowskl were hosts at afannly dmner m theIr Neff roadhome The HamIlton James ofRivard boulevard, feted her at a IcocktaIl party I

Mr and Mrs Edmond Delbosfollowed through WIth a dinner Im theIr Lmcoln road reSIdence IA final dInner party was a1'

Mrs. StrasburgerOff for England

For An EveningThat's Dtfferent

Jewels For Eter'V OccaSIonCHerry 3454 807 Metropolitan Bldg

J-ules r. sc~ubotCUSTOM JEWELS

Mrs. Theodore HinchmanWill Entertain at Tea

Excellent food tastefully served n the old CheneMans on Your cho ce of three pleasant d n nqrooms After theatre dinners Me our specialtyLuncheons are aqa n be nq served With mus c byMuza~ Cho ce w nes and ttquors are a feature ofour comfortable cacHa J lounge Enterta nmentnlqhtly by sep a pan st Albert Holmes

.little Lt?-2681 East Jefferson Chas B McLear Mill' MElrose 9853

Mrs Theodol e Hmchman,Vendome load has askedgroup of Pomters In fOl tea onWednesday, Nov 7 to honorher guest fiom Boston, MrsCharles C Hmchman I

Pourmg dUring the afteinoon IWIll be Mrs Arthur MaxwellParker and Mrs Horace PrestonMIS DaVId Ballantyne Hmchman Mrs E Olney Jones andMrs RIchard Ballantyne WIll as"SISt the hostess

The VISItor WIll head for theEast Dec 1 to make her homeWIth her daughter Mrs GraceWngh t of Boston

Shephard entertamed theIr weekend house guests, Mr and MrsLee Stokes~ Jr of Clevelandand Mr and Mrs WIlham Stakes

Jommg at the home of Dr andMrs ClIfford Loranger for cocktaIls before the party were Drand Mrs Eldon C Baumgarten,Dr and Mrs Joseph eroman, Jr,of Mt Clemens Mrs LeWIS Potter, Dr and Mrs C H Ewmgand Lloyd V Bartley TheHarry N McMemmens also hada cocktal1 group theIr guests be~mg Mr and MIS Navarre Bennett, Mr and Mrs a L WIgton Ml and Ml s C H Longsdorf the Carl Srruths and JohnGates

Saturday was the weddmg anmversary of Mr and MIS Edward R Macauley and theymarked the occaSIOn WIth acocktaIl fete at then KenWoodroad home before gomg on to theparty Thelr guests wel e Mrand Mrs Norman Olsen Mr andMrs Henry C Hopkes Jr, MrsCathenne Weary Wmans, Dr Iand Mrs Donald C Wmans andEdward PIckell I

WIth Mr and MIS James Copeat the GPYC fete were Mr andMrs James McEvoy. Jr Mrand MIS RI<.hald Purdy and Mrand MIS RIChard K Degener AsSatul da) also v,. as M Cope s Ibuthdav anmvelsalY \1rs Copeentel tamed a large group atcocktdIls In theIi' home on Sun-nlngclale dnve before the Hal~loween party

CRUSHES HANDWhen hIS hand was pmned be

tween a tluck and a fence whenhoe was workmg on Washmgtonroad last Fnday Harry Smed.ley of 103 Stimson sufferedsuch severe InJUries that 16stitches were reqUIred to closethe wounds He was treated mCottage HospItal

Come to Kern's

Miss Ethel H. Lamb, R.N.


Week of November 5

Baby Care Exhibit

Social CalendarBIRTHS

OctOber 22 To MR AND MRS WILLIAMGEORGE BURTON, II (Faye MarIe Barrett) a daugh-ter, JULIANNE

Church Women Getting Set for Bazaar


THE WOMAN'S ASSOCIATION of the Grosse Pomte CongregatIOnal Church WIllhold Its annual bazaar FrIday and Saturday, November 2 and 3 at the corner of Way-burn and Jefferson avenues Among those bUSIlyengaged gettmg ready for the eventare, left to nght -Mrs James Cunnmgham of 472 North Colomal court, Mrs Fred-enck T Farr of The WhIther, Mrs Edgar H SIms, chaIrman, of 464 Neff road, MrsJames T Huette, 1339YorkshIre road The pICture was taken m the SIms' recreahonroom By Fred Runnells


que fashIon WIth a tuxedo of exaggregated SIze sl1k hat and caneand he drew long applause \HthhIS presentatIOn of When MyBaby SmIles at Me I Edward RMacauley and Harry N McNenlmen were hot saxophomsts In amUSICal quartet WIth Dr Clarence MagUIre at the plano andDr Donald C Wmans \\ lth hISvIOlm

Mrs George N Ll1ygren andMrs Eugene T 0 Keefe werethe femmme smgmg SOlOIsts,Lawrence Peez, RIchard Degen~er and Dr Stanley 8ml th werea 'College KIds trIO and Curtl,sH Longsdorf Jomed Carl SmIthIn a duo presentatIOn of song

Among the cocktaIl hosts before the party were Mr and MrsHarlow C Stahl, of Mernweather road TheIr guests wereMr and Mis Roy A Fruehaufand the week~end house guestsMr and Mrs Roy Kropps ofChIcago Mr and Mrs WarrenH Farr Mr and Mrs ForrestW Starlmg Mr and Mrs WHarold LIghtbody Mr and MrsEverett E Lundberg Mr andMrs Fredenck GIllson and Mrand Mrs JUhan Meln tosh

Mr and Mrs Joseph E Burkeof YorkshIre road were hostsat cocktaIls to Mr and MI sWayne Van Osdol Ml and MrsWIllIam W J! an Mr and MISOils Walker Mr and MIS Richard J Martm Dr and ~rs WHarvey ShIpton, Mr and MrsLawrence Peez and Dr and MrsStanley Snnth

WIth Mr and Mrs George NLllygren at the Halloween fetewere Mr and Mrs Eldan RTaylor, Mr and Mrs James HMa1k::. and Dr and Mu. Clalen<.eE MagUire Alvm C HamerGPYC s general entertammentchaIrman, and Mrs Hamer wereWIth Mr and Mrs Hurd A Casilll Mr and Mrs Donald L

will conduct a forum on child care that Will In-terest mothers mothers to be nurses home eco-nomics students In short all who like babies.The diSCUSSionwill be amplified by the use of apractical moving picture and MISS Lamb Willanswer general que s t 10 n s A supplementarymanual Baby's Own Story will be given freeto each person ",Hendlng

Square DealOptical Service

Grand River at Times SquareGrand River at Oakman

~_, ..."J•

-r.iYour eyesight IS a pricelesspossess on ••• don t neglect It I Let our Miller optometrJSts give you a complete end careful exam natlon Glasses need not beexpenSive, you II be pleasedto find how reasonable ourpnces are Give your eyesthe care they deserve


Numerous cocktaIl parties weregIven beforehand but the great-est fun of the everung revolvedaround the amateur floor showstaged by members under thedirechon of Harlow C Stahl,party chaIrman, wIth co Carl SmIth 3l' master ofceremonIes

In hIS role of emcee Carl 1mpersonated Ted LeWIS m bur les-





It s a",",zng-co v TARNISH OFF crystals workwonders-removing tarnIsh from your silverwareIn 30 seconds-WITHOUT RUBBINGI No m"'emessy old - lash onedcleaning-here 5 a boonfor busy housew ves I Absolutely harmless to Silverware or hands

On Sale atLeadIng StOles

In time of bereavementIt IS a comfort to have thefuneral serVIce In your ownneIghborhood con vementto famIly and frIends

Your cherIshed hard to replacewatch deserves the finest careLet D e Roy s factory trameliwatch craftsmen restore its e.m~elency All work fully guaran~teed

Far from the nOIse andcon fu SIan of congestedareas the beautiful andspaClQUS HarrIs East SIdeChapel IS especIally locatedto be convement to all EastSlae resldents and to thoseof nearby suburban areas

Call the Harus East SIdeChapel to secure the qUIetmemOlable and neIghbor-ly serVIce that charactenzesHarrIs Funerals

Very Special Floor Show Staged by Guests Is Feature ofGala Event Held Saturday Night

Grosse Pomte Yacht Club members made merry lastSaturday evenmg at thec lub s annual Halloween part),wIth dmner, dancmg and a very specIal floor show Tradi-tIOnal decoratIOns of wItches, black cats, ghosts and Jacko lanterns furmshed the atmosphere, and It was a Case ofcostume or not as you please

Yacht Club MembersCelebrate Halloween

'To! ,

1'0,,",,'"Louis Mefera--

16401 E. WARREN. CORNER AUDUBON21648 Gl'IUld JIJ_ 2l!fl85 Mi<Iuga ..

In Redford IJl W Dearborn

Woodword at Gratiot•

•• Hours: 9:30 to 5:30










Page Nine

Page Nine

*We SellStore.Packed Bulk

dea&e6tICE CREAM

• At the FountainThursday, FrIday

and Saturday



Now servm~ freshly madetasty sandWIches

Individual and BoxBox of 12 $1.00

Cigarettes, certon $1.35Assorted Pound Tobacco

*Grosse Pointe Drug Co.17051 Kercheval ~

Grosse Point.

You 11 en laY thIS fIrmlyhand packed bulk Ice


Wholehearted laughter doesaway With the need for any otheraid to dIgestIOn


Section 2.

Mr and Mrs Arthur 0 ASchmIdt of FIsher road enter~talned at a cocktaIl pc!rty Satur~day evenmg In theIr home tocelebrate theIr 10th weddmg an.nIversary

The guests mcluded MI andMrs George CaSSIdy, Mr andMrs Howard Germonpi ez, Mrand Mrs Glasson Coombe Mrand Mrs Arthur Wrack, Mr andMrs Homer Durgy, Mr and MrsWhItney Collms, Mr. and MrsNell Luma, Mrs FranklmRoberts, M1ss Dorothea SchmIdt,Capt and Mrs Marshall Fred-erIcks, Mr and Mrs RobertBrodIe of Pontlac, Mr and MrsGordon Reynolds of Pontlac, Mrand Mrs Ralph Knuth of Fhntand Dr. and Mrs Karl Malcolmof Ann Arbor

Schmidts HostOn Anniversary

Roy Kelly of 1011 Maryland,manager of the apartment houseat the .same address reported toPark pohce on October 25 thatsomeone had entered the base.ment of the place after mIdmghtand stolen two washing machmemotors valued at $18 each

There had been no forCIbleentry and Mr Kelly belIevesthey were taken by some personwho had secreted hImself In thebasement earher In the evenmg

Two Washing MachineMotors Stolen in Park

~~.dry luartilli · MANHATTAN

S2n'/5 Q~

(ode 1\0 UU


Some people pursue happmessOthers create It

66 PMClf Hiro,"Walker &. Sons Inc, '.ena, In. Copr 1~45

$211'/5 Qt

Code 1110 121.1


b-/ J\ ~




New Ford Seen in Pointe Setting

The Rotary Club 1Sgomg ahead worthy cause of mterest to thefull steam for the Feather Party whole Pomte commumty TheIt IS gomg to have In the NeIgh club does not make any profItborhood Club on the evenmg of out of It for the club Itself norMonday, November 19 does any mdlvlduald aSSOCIated

It IS already determmed that WIth the affa1rthIS event shall exceed m slze Usually the orgamzatIon hasand scope any of the several some prIme obJect towards WhIChprevlOUS hIghly successful Slm~ It alms as the benefeclary of thelIar events conducted by the event ThIS year It IS the hopedub " to false enough money to make

The clu,p WIshes to emphaSIze at least a bIg start on the estab~agalll to the Pomte commumty hshment of a local blood bankthe baSIcally senous purpose for Grosse Pomte Patronage ofwhIch underhes all of the fun the party wI! be a pleasant andand frohc whIch attends these easy way for the CIVICminded asaffaIrs WhIle It WIll be an even well as fun lovmg people of themg of real fun and entertamment commumty to do a good turn Infor all who attend the hope IS furthermg a splendId SOCIalselthat out of It WIll be realIzed I VIce movement Ia substantlal sum of money Allof the money reahzed from theevent wlll be applIed to some



at Parke DaVIS We hope heshed them pronto

• • •

Rotary Club Busy PlanningFor Annual Charity Party

ALFRED F STEINER, owner of the Ford,. Mercury and Lmcoln agency whoseshowrooms and servICe garage are on Mack avenue at Grayton, pomts out new feat-ures of the 1946 Ford V-8 last Fnday at the Grosse Pomte Yacht Club The newFords have a wheelbase of 114 mches The new grIlle presents a lower WIder heaVIer

A I ' '.appearance new rear ateral stabIhzer Improves roadablhty and multl-Ieaf sprmgsglVe a smoother rIde Intenors are luxurIOUS m both the deluxe and super deluxemodels Many new engme featYres are embodIed m the I)ew Fords

PICture by Fred Runnells

Henry Ford II of Provencalroad a VIce chaIrman for the1945 Commumty War Chest Cam~paign and chaIt'man of the IndustrIal Umt asked executIves of lfi-dustnal plants m the MetropolItanpetrolt area thIS week and theIrWar Chest plant chaIrman to can ..tmue sohcltatIOn for the WarChest drIve through January 15

We are proposmg Ford saIdthat each orgamzatlon develop

ItS own plans as to re solICItatIOnsobcltatlon upon hIrmg paytondeductlOn and tImmg

Many workers In the other twocampaIgn umts the CommerCIaland ProfeSSIOnal and the Metro~pohtan Umts wlll contmue toSOlICIt theIr prospects


now open III the Pomte area onweek days untIl 10 00 P mand part tIme on Sundays Localmanagers subSCrIbed to thelongf'r hours to meet the competItIOn of nelghbormg statIons

Ford SuggestsDrive Continue




16' rubber, lace-to-toe boots Idealfor Huntmg, Flshmg, Farmmg andall outdoor workers $543SIZES 6 to 11. ..

Youths' Sl%as, II to 2Boys' SIZes, 2112 to 6Men's Sizes available

Establhhed in 1924

Oros se Pointe News





10 all leather h gh tops penCO' d nonslip soles rubber heels

Good Pointesand Bad


Famlly SceneALMOST NIGHTLY there's a

famIly game of pmochle at theSHARPE home on Oak-thIC'egeneratlOns partIcipatmg Grandfather ALLOR and hls daughterand son ~III law the BOBSHARPES and theIr two hIghschool sons BOB and BILLThey play partners the losersJookmg on One generatIOnplays as well as the other Lastmght s wmners l}.. pre Bob andBIll takmg the decldmg gameWIth an extra large meld• • •


thIS year but 1;lomters are scor~mg bIrds BUS BEAUPRE andbrother KENNY brought threedown on openmg day EZRALOCKWOOD of RIdge road hadfine luck m the Thumb dIStrIctand AB CROOKS dId wellaround Selfndge MR ANDMRS BILL MICHEL faIled toflush bIrds at Graylmg earlyseason rams haVIng washed outnests her e a bo u ts GILESREAUME S pheasant, bagged InCanada came to hIS officem tasty l)andWlChes put up bythe Mrs One nimrod morenImble than most reportedlyshot a pheasant dmner rIght InhIS own ~back yard on ;Hillcrest laws abIde!• • •For the Courageous

OUTSTANDING EVENT atPercy Jones HospItal was thededIcation last week of the newmachme shop school for handlcap p e d vet&rans convalescmgthere G LEN N ANDERSONfounder of the enterprIse doeshIS good deeds qUIetly and sm~cerely and thIS outstandmgevent went unheralded and unsung because Glenn hkes Itthat way Togethet WIth othermdustr-iallsts Glenn made theshop school a reality It hasbeen m partIal operatIon fOlsome weeks and when entIrelycompltted wIll represent an m-vestment of $100000 Already150000 man hours of work hav~been completed by handIcappedveterans and amputees gIVIngan Idea of the school s potentIalvalUE! m rehabIlItatmg manyhundreds of Uncle Sam scourageous men • • •Ad,ettMADGE MORTIMER long Inthe clrculatIon department ofthe NEWS left thIS week forNew York CIty to return to h~rold love -radIO A host offrIends bade farewell WIth gIftsand flower.; and a tear ortwo realIzmg they WIll mISSMadge plenty The column Jamsm wlshmg her a terrIfic successm the new venture• • •


broke a toe Jammed Itagamst a castor on a table legat home and currentlysports a cane to support a nea1-Iy satm bandaged foot m a bal-let motIf Sometlme back whenyour scnbe broke a toe m thesame manner, SCO'rTY HOCKhad to laugh Not long afterScotty called to borrow thecane for he had mlsgUldedand broken hIS toe If we werethe laughmg sort we wouldhave had a double laugh for Itwas only a couple weeks agothat Scotty had a seSSIOn oncrutches Now that the thmg IShapPIly over we re both watchmg our toes and q s GEORGEGIFT IS usmg crutches betweenhIS home on Neff and the office

Four Are WonGrosse PaIUte now has won

four games lost one and tled oneTh1s commg Saturday the Blue

DeVIls WIll entertam Fordson,theIr arch rIval The gamepromIses to be a Battle Royalas Fordson defeated Royal Oak13 0 last Saturday and RoyalOak held Grosse Pomte to ascoreless tIe earller m the seasonOn the other hand Monroe de~fea ted Fordson 7..0 four weeksago and Grosse Pomte whIppedMonroe 14 0 the first part of theseason

Draw your own conClUSIOnsBUT be sure to be on hand nextSaturday at 2 30 pm at theGrosse Pomte athletIc field toWItness thIS tItamc prep battle

U S Your reporter WIshes toapologIze for glvmg out thewrong mformatlon as to wherethe Hazel Park game was to beplayed

Mrs. William H. GatesJoins Husband in East

Game StatistIcsGlosse Pte Hazel Par-k

FIrst downs 4 7Fast downs rushIng 4 6First downs passing 0 11< orwards attempted 4 16Forwards completJ::d 1 6Forward mtercepted 1 1Fumbles 3 4Fumbles recovered 4 2Yards pendlized 45 5Punt average .:'103 122

Open evenIng! tm 9 LEnox 5420SaturdaYI tUl.8800 Kercheval cor. Crane

We speclahze In custom bmlt SUItes and have ready madesmtes for sale ChOIce of materials SUites made to orderAll work guaranteed 5 years Re-upholstermg worked calledfor and delIvered Free estImates


Denny Thomas Is Big Star As Grosse Pointe High Battlesto Fourth Victory of 1945 Season

It was a nOlSYbus nde home after Grosse Pomte hadtloGked away Its fourth vIctory of the season, 7 to 6 overHazel Park Saturday afternoon It was much different thanthe hearse nde home from Wyandotte a week prevIOus whenthe Blue DevIls suffered theIr first defeat of the season

BIg Don McPhaIl got the bal •rollmg when he yelled How comedy of fumbles wIth eachabout a song fellas? Immedl- team contnbutmg equally to theately GrosS€ Pomte s Alma Mater actrang out to be followed by other At the start of the fourth quar-songs Above the dm came the ter Hazel Park's first team re-cry That s another scalp for turned to the game and passesus now brIng on Fordson Ford began filhng the aIr Four passesson IS Grosse Pomte s hottest put the ball on the Blue DeVIlsrIval and the game IS always the 5 yard lme WIth four downs tobIggest for both schools make five yards for a touchdown

ThIS JOY 'Wo1,lldnt have been Hazel Park abandoned Its suc~possIble If It hadn t been for the cessful passmg game. and revert~steller play of Denny Thomas, ed to hne plays Three lme playscenter and lIne backer of the netted a three yard loss Onteam Although the entlre team fourth down ReId passed toplayed an InspIred brand of ball Sutherland m the end zone forIn the first half, It was Thomas the scoreK k BI k dwho kept the VIctory spark alIve Ie IS oc edunng the second half when AInsley kept Grosse Pomte InHazel Park serIously threatened the lead by blockmg the placethe Blue DeVIls goal lme Re ment kICk for the extra pomtpeatedly Thomas stopped the and Grosse Pomte led 7 6Hazel Park lIne smashes and Beer fumbled on hIS own 40batted down passes Denny not after the kICk off and Hazelonly played a swell defenSIve Park recovered Hazel Park de~game but put on an offenSIve termmed to grab the lead starIt-dnve all of hIS own several tImes ed passmg agam successful y,when he Intercepted Hazel Park and the ball was restmg on t~~passes at crUCIal pomts of the Blue DeVIls 28 as tIme Wgame and ran back a punt fOl runmng out Ir Hazel Park9 yards Thomas play was the could score at thIS stage of thet pe that stamps a player for game Grosse Pomte wouldn tIn State mentIOn It was be~ have enough hme to stage alIeved before game tIme that touchdown drive Agalll HazelDenny wouldn t last very long Park passed but thIS tIme It wasbecause of the knee mJury re~ Denny Thomas who mterceptedcelved In the Wyandotte shower and ran the ball back to theroom but Thomas was a 60 Blue DeVIls 26mInute boy agam despIte the sore Grosse Pomte made a firstknee ! down on Its own 36 but a cllp

W T pmg penalty put the ball back toPomte ms ()SS (the 21 yard lme Beer standmg

Grosse Pomte won the toss and on hIS own 15, punted to theelected to defend the south goal Hazel Park 46Ed Isbey returned the kICkoff to WIth barely enough time tohIS own 39 after takmg the run a half dozen plays HazelbounCIng ball on the 20 Beer Park pulled one of the oldestpunted to Sutherland, on the tricks In football, the old StatueHazel Park 30 who fumbled and of LIberty play WhICh nettedend Don Wm ..Jow recovered for them 23 yards to the Grossethe DeVIls Thls looked lIke the Pomte 31 It was here that Dennyfirst break of the game but Thomas "topped Hazel Park s lastIsbey s pass to DICk Wuelker was bId for the game Thomas batlntercepted by Sutherland on hIS ted down a fourth down pass onown 25 and he was stopped In h1S own 27 yard lIne and GrossehIS tracks by Wuerker Pomte took over It was merely

Hazel Park cheer"! were turned a case of freezmg the ball formto groans on the first Hazel the rcmammg <;econds and BeerPark play when Webstel center plunged 111tOthe ce-nter of theed the ball hIgh over McIlvnde s hne for five yards as the gamehead and the ball bounced to endedthe Hazel Park 2 yard lmewhere It was recovered by DICkWuerkel It dldn t take GrossePomte lank to capItalIze on thIS'second bleak Marty Beer crash-ed the Ime three tImes Hesmashed over fl0m the 3 yardhne

A tnck play made the extrapomt a fake placement kICk byIsbey and Wuerker WIth Isbeypassmg to DIck Fmch In the endzone to put the Blue Devllsahead 7 0 after five mmutes ofplay

Play was even fOI the latterpart of the first perlOd and earlystages of the second quarter WIthMarty Beer keepmg Haolel ParkIn Its own terntory WIth hISfine punts

Denny Goes To WorkHalf way through the second

quarter Denny Thomas startedGrosse Pomte on another touch-down drIve when he pIcked upa Hazel Park punt On h1s own 18and ran It back to hIS own 32Ed Isbey attempted to gaIllaround rIght end but was boxedmatter plckmg up 10 yards Ashe was bemg tackled he lateraledto Marty Beel who pIcked upanother 13 yards to the HazelPark 45 where he was pulleddown from behmd by the safetyman as he was gettmg mto theclear

LOUIe Champme added 6 moreyards through center WIth the Mrs. WIlham Howard Gatesball restmg on the Hazel Park 39, the former Dons Zens has leftIsbey gambled on fourth down Gross'€ Pomte agaIn for NewBeer knifed off nght tackle and York where she met her hus~1ambled all the way to the Hazel band, LIeutenant J g WIlhamPark 16 Grosse Pomte tned Gates, for Navy Day Fromdesperately to score before tIme there they plan on gomg toran out In the first half, but Charleston S CarolIna for thelost the ball on downs when remamder of the tune BIll hasthre€ lIne plays and a pass before bemg dIscharged DonsfaIled Hazel Park punted out arrIved about SIX weeks ago atof danger as the half ended the home of her parents Mr

Hazel Park s coach pUlled a anc\ Mrs Reed Zens on Devon-neat blt of strategy when he shue road after spendmg thestarted hIS second team In the summer WIth her husband mthIrd perIod ThIS perIod was a. Callforma


Re-Upholstering and Restyling


Thursday, November I, 1945

Blue Devils DefeatHazel Park by 7-6

~ Page Ten" ,.",-' GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, November I, J 945


•For better municipal government, we urge thecitizens of the City of Grosse Pointe to vote forthose candidates for the Council who are best

qualified for the iob.


We Recommend for Council of the City of Grosse Pointe


FOR COUNCILThree to be







We Also Recommend a "YES" Vote for,

THE' EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT PLANThis lftl plfltl for by the CIty of Gross. Pol"t. CltIJ."'s Commltfee










Nov. 18, 19,28, 21llA M TUUP M


AdmlBsiQnsse. PIns Tax


Dont buy inferIOr furn ture ,n thepresent market

to look I ke NEW and to serve likeNEWI


Open Tburs, Fri and Sat Evenings 'tIl Xmas



Once again we are ready to serve you as we d,d before thewar.

Folks •••

We now can caUfor and deliver as of yore. Thanksfor beingso patient.

Our work and servIce Is now better than ever.


Upper Mack Oleaners & Dyers17506 Mack Ave. TUxeda 2-8120

WE REUPHOLSTERThose Good Piecesf

• PenodPIeces

Fournier Upholstering Co.11805 HARPER AVE., near Canner PR, 970(1

an alternatmg-current network extensIOn indowntown DetrOIt. Th,S lS another step m theprogram to make a-c current avatlable ulti.mately m all of the metropohtan area.

There was no "standmg ;n line" for electricitydurmg the war, thanks to fores.ght and care-ful planning. Weare preparlng now to fur-nish even more electr.c power for peacethan was reqUIred for war Our new plantexpans.ons, added to our present system,w.ll serve all the needs of south-eastern M,ch.gan today and tomorrow.


re upholster WIthPre WarSprmg


j • Overstuffed

I ~I



The postwar plans of The DetrOIt Ed.sonCompany call for an expanSIon m electncgeneratmg capaclty to meet peacetime de-mands for power m thiS area.

Behevmg that the next ten years will see atremendous Increase In electrical powerneeds, the Ed,son company has planned foran expend.ture of $1Z5,ooo,000.n expans.onof .ts factllt1es durmg that per.od.

At th.s moment lt lS expendmg $4,000,000 tocomplete add.tlons to one of .ts power platlts.In addition, about $J,ooo,ooo wtll be spent for

When ready to build or buyyour home, see one of our off"ers

on Home FInancing Plans.

PEOPLE'S FEDERAL SAVIl\IG5-J .e_ ,rf/4Hc'aIio,.

GtlSwotd at Congre .. St" ...GroUlld fl •• r a"hl .vlldl,.,

Begin your plan.for a home by saving

regularly in a Peoples FederalInsured Savings Account.


PLANSfor your

to move Into ShanghaI China 501 Washington road, Grosse iafter the end of hostIhtl'es POinte, MICh, has been aSSIgned

The umt WhICh carrIed thIS to the crew of the USS FRANK-dIstinction was orgamzed under LIN D ROOSEVELT, second ofthe mysterIous name of NABU the Navy s new super aIrcraftI3-or Naval Advance Base Umt carrIers13 Members of the group most The 45000 ton carner, namedof them Seabees, were the flrst for the late Presld-ent Roosevelt

IAmerIcans to move through the IS the first maJor combat vesIYangtze ana Wangpoo rivers III sel of the modern Fleet ever to IeIght years Since shortly after be named for an indIVIdual Ithe III fated PANAY had been Members of the ShIPS crewbomhed and sunk In 1937 I took pre wmmisSIomng trammg I

The group of LST s (landmg I at the Atlantic Fleet s NavalShIPS tank) WhICh brought the I TrainIng Station at Newport, R Iumt to ShanghaI from theIr or I Igamzmg pomt at Calclone, Sa • • • I

~ mar Island stopped.en route at Mr and Mrs HamIlton DOkmawa to rendez\ ous WIth James of 337 Rlvard have Just ItheIr escortmg vec;;sels and to receIved word that theIr sontake on necessary supphes LT HAMILTON R JA'VIES

~ The tnp was marked by foul Ihas been made a Chevall'er Or Iweather, mcludIng two tpyhoons dre de la Couronne In BelgIUm Iand the exploding of a floatmg I LIeutenant James was v,Ith Imine that rocked one of the the 79th Infantry DIVISIon atLST s but the most senous the Normandy InVaSIOn Aftercasualty was the 'dunkmg I of that he became lIaIson offIcer Ione of the crewmen, who was betwc'Qn the U S Seventh Armypromptly rescued by hIS mates and the French forces Just be~

• • • fore hlS tranc:fer to B"'ussels, he IALLEN CAREY, 29, electrl-


was m counter mtelllgence In IClan s mate, thIrd class, USNR, C7ccl'otlovakla



eoI' Manistique

CHerry 4816

14641 Mack Ave

NI, 9100

T/5 JOHN S HUWILER, sonof Mr and Mrs John Huwl1erof 108 Mapleton IS In CalcuttaIndIa where he has been stahoned for the last five months

novas nall~,10 A t\f to$ P M M:<in, Wed and Sa!,

Ev.. 10 $ P t\fCl<lSed Thursdays


GI.... llS FlU"It line! ne~al~edll>lamlnatl<ll1'

Greater DetroitMortgage Oorp.

Andrew L Malott, Pres317 W. Fort St. RA 9600


We wIll make loans on yournomes on eIther FHA orNon FHA baSIS


Ample funda for long tel,'mlow mterest rate loans

BUILDERSWe WIll make constructIonand permanent loans on awholesale scale

VETERANSSee us about a loan to financea home pursuant to G I BIllof RIghtsATTORNEYS and BROKERSWe WIll co operate to the bestof our abIlIty with you Inservm~ your clIentsIndividual oWlners of mortgagesAdministrators Executors andTrustees who wish to obtain cashfor or to refmance mortgages intheir care should see us regardmgour loan plans and rates

Grosse PointePark

Duplex or Double HouseSItes Lots 75 or 100 x 150feet deep. BeautIful treesNear the Lake and newVIllage Park Stop at ouroffIce for plats and prtcesDevonshire and Jefferson

Call TU. 1-0120


Houseman-Spitzley Oorp.

SpeCialIsts In LaunderIngand cleaning fme cur-tams, draperies, lace tablecloths, chenI1e and candle-Wick bed spreads for

more than 19 years.East Side s Exclusive Curtain LanD

dry for PIck up lWId DeliveryService

RUSSELL'SCurtain Laundry

• Cleaners.

~[1<He has been In the Army Medleal Corps Since Apnl 1942

HIS SIster, 1ST LIEUT LILYHUWILER, 15 an Army NurseShe was In the Jungles of NewGumea for 13 months and hasbeen In Mamla for the pastseven months A recent snapshotof her In Mamla showed herstandmg In front of the Gover-nor Generals palace whele Mac-Arthur was so much In eVIdenceIn bygone years The NEWS regrets that the figure of LleutHuwl1er was so small In thephoto that :It cO..lld not be satIs-factorIly reproduced

• • •


SHANGHAI-(Delayed) -LT(J g) FREDERIC J SCHREI-BER, USNR 37 of 227 Chalfonte,Grosse Pom te MlCh, earned anunlucky number through alucky voyage to be among thefIrst Amerlcan Naval personnel










Clamc.1Records aSpec,alty'

• • •

Frank LowmasterRoe A MaierEdgar B MarionR J ]IauerAlbert E MederCharles E MillerHI'S D Scott MitchellJane Scott MItchellGordon MontfordClarence C MoroneyJ E MorrisonTheodore G OsmsMrs Theodore G Oll,u.Harry ~ PhIllipsChar)ell A PoupardJohn M ReadyArthur Re.D.andDr E J RevesChester RIckerMrs Frank SchaeferHal H SmithHoward F SnureEdward SpitzerHarold R Sullivan"Ilham SweeneyHerbert B TrlxDr Bryan TrombleyJoseph P UvickJoe Vande Bergho VerfailleClarence D WardleEbert 0 WarrenThornton E WaterfallG G WedthoffHoward WestphalVern WeotJack WhitIngConrad WilliamsLeslIe P Young

IVanhoe 4813-4814

son Allen F Edwards, III whowas born In Bryn Mawr Theymade theIr home In WynnewoodPa a suburb of PhIladelphIa

Commander Edwards famIlylIved on Neff road He and MrsEdwards formerly lIved on Neffroad before he entered the ser-VIce, but now they are lookmgfor a house

• • •

Alo.D.ZOAllenErnest ,ArttW A BaileyGeorge BeranekMrs Barney BessoHarry BlackwellClarence E BlellsedNeIl BlondellM1'tI C J BoullllneurHerbel't BuhlerT BnrkemoRichard CampauMrs C F CarpenterHarry CavanaughDan M CronInJohn P CushmanHI'S J P CushmanMaul'1ce De VuystC H DhoogheMayor Hugh L DillRobert C DouglasHerbert FEldtE EnglehartD M FerryHugh J FerryEdward T FitzgeraldAlbert GhesqnireLoUIs GhesqmreRay W HIlge.ndorfHarry E HoffmasterJames S HoldenHarold HowardJerome HnvaereHenri GermaineGeorge KimberFred M Kopp1\011'5Agnes M LindemannS A (Bud) LingemanCha.des Locke'"

Honest courteous and frIendly home rlldlo serv <:'9 hasnot been rationed since 1920. We are as near as your


35%Malt Whs.rky65%Gram Neutral Spsnts-86 ProDf

You are going to hear a lot about Royal Banquet andwe urge you to make ltSacquamtance at the first opportunny. Compare lt wlth your favonte brand of Scotch •You have a pleasant surprtse coming, for you'lldIscover that we've scored a real triumph in the artof whisky making.


• Standard posewar bottle Illustrated Today RoYal BanquetISbetng p-ackaged In the round VictOry Bottle.

We havethe H,t

Parade Records

mENYOUTASTERoyal Banquet Scotch-type whisky you'll under-stand why some of the finest clubs and hotels In the countryserve and praISe thlS fine AmerIcan product.

7231 Mack Ave., Detroit, Mich.

To the Citizens

To be Voted at the Oity ofirosse Pointe Election on Noy. 6, 1946For Mayor:[gJ RALPH B. NETTING

(Former Counc,zman)

For Oouncil(Three to be Elected)


[gJ JOHN H. MAOK(Incumbent)



~ With the Boys ,rrrr'lllnIDl

""mlllllllllllllmlllmllllllllll"lllllll""llll"lll"lllllllllllllllllllllil 11I1II1II1U1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1l1U1II 1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111'e

LIEUT COMMDR ALLEN F SIgned to the Army and NavyEDWARDS, JR IS back In the MumtIons Board In WashmgtonPomte on termmal leave and wIll D C and served there untIl hebe out of the Navy on December was sent to <::klpper a mme sweep-7, Pearl Harbor Day He has er III 1942 After a short tnck hebeen In the serVIce sInce two transferred to Naval AVIatIOn S 2/C DONALD D MGLEANmonths before the onginal Pearl and was assIgned to the Naval can be reached at U S NavalHarbor Day, or October 1, 1941 AIr MaterIals Center In Philadel- Barracks 8 B ValleJo CalIformato be exact phla, where he has served SInce He IS the son of Mr and Mrs

When fIrst called to actIve du- He and Mrs Edwards are Edwm G McLean of 353 McMIl-ty ~Com1nander Edwards was as- brIngmg home a 13 months old, Ian road

We, the undets!$ned C1Uzensof the Clty of Grosse POlnte, recommend thefollowmg candldates, also an amendment to the City charter provldmg for theEMPLOYEE'S RETIREMENT PLAN to replacO'the present employees' securltyplan: •

1hursday, November I, 1945

Jack O'ConnorRadio, Home Appliance & Record Shop








.J..•+ BLENDED SCOTCH.TYPE WHISKY i-• •~'+'+'~'~'~'~'+'+'+'+-.-.-+-o$-+'+-+-+\








Page Twelve GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, November I, 1945 ~

Special Propositio!loNotice

---------------------- -------- --

In accordance with action of the Oily Council you are hereby notified Ihal al the GeneralOily Election of the Oily of Grosse Pointe to be held OR

To the Qualified Electors of theCity of Grosse Pointe

Tuesday, the 6th Day of November, A. D. 1945the following Proposed Amendment 10 be known as Ohapter "A" of the tilly Charter (being aPension Retirement System for certain employees of the Oity of Grosse Pointe) Will be Sub.mitted to the Qualified Electors of the Oily of Grosse Pointe, for Approval or Disapproval.


SectIon 87 Upon retIrement for dIsabIlIty aft prOVIded In see..tIon 85 a dIsabIlIty benefICIary who has not attiuned hIS elIgIbleretirement age shall receIve the followmg benefIts

(a) Benef1ta to Ellgible Retirement Age From the date of h,SdIsabIlIty, but not to exceed SIX months precedmg the date hISapplIcatIon :for dIsabIlIty retirement IS flIed WIth the Board, or thedate hIS name last appeared on a Glty payroll, whIchever IS thelater date to hIS attamment of hIS elIgIble retIrement age, a dIS'"abIlIty benefICIary shall receIve a dIsabIlIty penSIon of one halfhIS average fmal compensatIOn, PrOVIded, That the saId dIsabIlItyretirement penSIon (1) shall not exceed fIfteen hundred dollarsper annum and (2) shall be subJect to the prOV1SIonsof sectIons91 and 92

(b) Benel1ts Upon AttaiUlng Eliglbie Retirement Age Uponattammg hIS ehglble retlrement age saId dl<;abillty benefICIaryshaII receIve a penSIOn as prOVIded In SectIon 82, paragraphs (b),(c) and (d), PrOVIded That In computIng such penSIon, member-ShIp serVICe credIt shall be given saId benefICIary for the perIodhe was reCeiVing a dIsabIlIty retIrement penSIon prOVIded In para~graph (a) of thIS sectIOn In addItIon to hIS penSIon saId benefici.ary at hIS elIgIble retu'ement age shall receIve an annUIty eqUIV-alent to the annUIty he would have receIved had he continued hIScontrIbutIOns to the AnnUIty Savings Fund saId contnbutIOns tobe based upon hIS average fmal compensatIon at the tIme of hisretlrement


Sechon 86 Upon retIrement for dIsabIlIty, as proVIded in see ..bon 85 a member who has attaIned hIS elIgIble retIrement ageshall receIve a serVIce retIrement allowance accordmg to the pro-VlSlOnsof sectIon 82

OptlOn 3 MODIFIED JOINT AND LAST SURVIVORSHIPALLOWANCE. If a benefICIary dIes, oneHhalf hIS reduced retlre ...ment allowance shall be continued throughout the hfe of andpaId to such person haVIng an Insurable Interest In hIS hfe, ashe shall have nominated by wrItten deslgnabon at the tIme of hISretIrement

DEFERRED RETIRElIIENT BENEFITSSechon 83 Should any member who (1) has attameq ag.

fIfty-fIve years, and (2) has fIfteen or more years of serVIce cred-Ited to hIS serVIce account, separate from the serVIce of the CItyfor reasons other than hIS death or becomIng a benefICIary, heshall remaIn a member durmg the perIod of hlS absence from CItyserVIce ~or the exclUSIve purpose only of reCeIVIng a serVIce re ..tIrement allowance, prOVIded for In sectIon 82, to begin upon hISattamment of age SIxty years, PrOVIded, That should such mem ...ber WIthdraw all or part of hIS accumulated contrIbutions stand-ing to hIS crewt In the AnnUIty SaVIngs Fund, he shall thereuponcease to be a member

DUTY DISABILITY INCURREDSectlOn 85 Upon the apphcatIon of a memb~r, or hIS depart-

ment head a member who becomes totally meapacltated, arISIngout of and In the course of hIS actual performance of duty as anemployee of the CIty, WIthout wIlful neglIgence on hIS part, shallbe retired by the Board, Prov1ded, That (1) the Med1cal D1rectorafter a medIcal exammatIon of such member shall certIfy to theBoard that such member IS mentally or phYSIcally totally Inca-pac1tated for the further performance of duty to the C,ty and thatsuch mem]:>ershould be retIred, and (2) the Board concurs In thereport of the MedIcal DIrector

(Continued On Page 13)

OPTIONAL RETIREMENT ALLOWANCESSectIOn 84 Until the effective date of hIS retirement, but not

thereafter, any member may elect to receIve hIS benefIt In a rl1'-brement allowance payable throughout lIfe (to be known as aregular retirement allowance), or he may elect to receIve the ac-tuanal equlvalent...of hIS regular retirement allowance at thathme, In a reduced retIrement allowance p~able throughout hfeIn accordance WIth the prOVISIOnsof optIon 1, 2 or 3, as herem ..after set forth If a member dIes wlthm thIrty days after hIS r""'..tirement becomes effectIve, no optIon electIon shall be effectIve;such a member shall be conSIdered In serVIce at the time of hISdeath and hIS accumulated contrIbutIons standmg to hIS credIt mthe AnnUIty Savmgs Fund shall be paId In accordance WIth theproVISIons of sectIOn 93

OptlOn 1 CASH REFUND ANNUITY If a benef,clary d,esbefore he has receIved In payment of the annUIty portions of hISreduced retIrement allowance the amount of hIS accumulated con~tnbutIOns standmg to his credIt In the AnnUIty Savmgs Fund atthe time of hIS retirement, the balance shall be paid In a smglesum to such person or persons, havmg an Insurable mterest InhIS hfe as he shall have nommated by WrItten deSIgnatIon dulyexecuted and flIed WIth the Board, or If there be no such desIg~nated person or persons, then such balance shall be pald to hISlegal representative, or

Ophon 2 JOINT AND LAST SURVIVORSHIP ALLOW-ANCE If a benefICIary dIes, hIS reduced retIrement allowanceshall be contmued throughout the lIfe of and paId to such person,havmg an msurable Interest In hlS hfe, as he shall have nommatedby wrItten deSIgnation duly executed and flIed WIth the Boardat the tIme of hIS retirement, or

(b) Basic Pensipn A bas1c pens10n of one hundred dollar!per annum and

(c) Membership SerVIce Pension A membershIp serVIce penslOn equal to one-one hundred thIrty-fIfth (1/135) of h1S averagefmal compensahon multIplIed by the number of years of memberShIP serVIce credIted to hIS serVIce apcount, not to exceed thlrt)lyears, PrOVIded, That the amount of the membershIp serVIce pen-SIon when added to the baSIC pensIOn shall not exceed the sumof nOmehundred doUars per annum, and

(d) PrIOr Service Pension A prIor serVIce pensIon equal teltwo-one hundred thIrty fIfths (2/135) of h1S average fmal compensahon mUltiplIed by the number of years of pnor serVIce eredIted to hIS serVIce account, not to exceed thIrty years, PrOVIdedThat If the membershIp serVIce when added to the prIor servic4!exceeds thIrty years, then the membershIp serVIce credIt shall b4!reduced so that the total of membershIp serVIce credIt and prIOJserVIce credIt IS not greater than thIrty years" PrOVIded furtherThat the total of the penSIon portIons prOVIded by the CIty Inparagraphs (b), (c) and (d) of th1S sechon shall not exceed e1ghteen hundred dollars per annum

RECORDS-ANNUAL REPORTSectIon 73 The Secretary shall keep, or cause to be kept In

convement form, such data as shall be necessary for an actuarIalvaluatIon of the varIOUSFunds of the RetIrement System and forcheckmg and compIlIng the expenence of the Retirement SystemThe Board shall render a report to the Mayor and the CounCIl onor before the fIfteenth day of August of each year, showmg thefIscal transactIons of the RetIrement System by means of an ac-tuanal valuation of the assets and lIabIlItIes of the RetirementSystem

OPTIONAL RETIREMENT FROM SERVICESectIon 80 Any member who (1) has attamed hIS elIgIble re-

tIrement age, and (2) has ten or more years of serVIce credItedto hIS serVIce account may retIre upon hlS wrItten apphcatlon tothe Board settIng forth at what tIme, not less than thIrty daysnor more than mnety days subsequent thereto, he deSIres to beretIred

MEMBERS' SERVICE ACCOUNTSSectIon 79 SubJect to the prOVISIOnsof the RetIrement Sys-

tem and to such other rules.. and regulatIOns as the Board shalladopt, the Board shall credIt each member s serVIce account WIththe number of years and months of prIor serVIce and membershIpto whIch he may be entItled

COMPULSORY RETIREMENT FROM SERVICESectIOn 81 Any polIceman or fIreman member who has at-

tamed age SIXty years, and any member In any other elIgIblebranch of the CIty serVIce who has attamed age SIxty fIve years,shall be retIred forthWIth by the Board, PrOVIded, an extenSIon ISnot granted as prOVIded for In paragraph (a) of thIS section

(a) ExtenSion of Service. Upon wntten request of a memberwho has attamed the age of compulsory retIrement, as prOVIdedin thIS sectIOn, approved by hIS department head the 'Board maycontmue such member III serVIce for penods not to exceed beyondthe member's attamment of age seventy years, or AprIl 1, 1950,whIchever occurs later

WAR SERVICE CREDITSectIOn 78 Should an employee, who whIle employed by the

CIty, be called or enlIsts, or was called or enlIsted, in the mIlItary,naval, marIne, or other armed serVIce of the UnIted Stat Gov'..ernment dunng tIme of war, or other natlonal emergency recog-nized by the Board, and should such IndIVldual be re-employedby the CIty WIthIn one year after the date of termmatIon of hISreqUIred enlIstment, then such serVIce shall b'e credIted to hImthe same as If he served the CIty unmterruptedly Durmg thepenod of a member's serVIce In the Federal Government hIS can-tnbutIons to the Annwty Savmgs Fund shall be suspended andhIS balance m the AnnUIty Savmgs Fund standmg to hIS credIt asof ~he last payroll date precedmg hIS leave of absence from CItyserVICe,shall be accumulated at regular Interest.

MEMBERSillP CEASESSectlOn 76 Except as prOVIded In sectIon 83 should a member

separate from the serVIces of the CIty Or' should he become abenefICIary or dIe, he shall thereupon cease to be member andany 'PrIor serVIce and membershIp serVIce WhIch may be credItedto hIS serVIce account at the tIme of hIS separahon from the ser-VIce of the CIty shall be forfeIted by hIm Should such person bereemployed by the CIty WIthin a perIOd of four years followmgthe date of hIS last separatIon from the serVIce of the Clt) heshall agam become a member of the RetIrement System and anyprIOr serVIce and membershIp serVIce WhIch may have been cred-Ited to hIm at the tIme of his saId separatlon from serVlCe shall berestored to hIm

SERVICE RETIREMENT ALLOWANCESectIon 82 Upon retIrement from servlce, a mem.ber who has

ten or more years of serVIce credIted to hIS serVIce account shallreceIve a serVIce retlrement allowance, whIch shall conSIst of

(a) Annuity. An annUIty whIch shall be the actuanal eqUIva-lent of hIS accumulated contrIbutIons standmg to hIS credIt In theAnnUIty Savmgs Fund at the bme of hIS retJ.rement,

MEMBERSHIPSectIon 75 The membershIp of the RetIrement System shall

Include all offIcers and employees of the CIty (1) who are em~ployed by the CIty on the day precedmg the effectlve date of theRetIrement SY.!ltemand who contmue In the CIty'S employmenton and after the effectIve date of the RetIrement System, and (2)all persons who become offIcers and employees of the CIty onand after the effectlve date of the RetIrement System, ProVIdedthat the membershIp of the RetIrement System shaH not mclude(1) employees whose pay averages less than fIve hundred dollarsa year, nor (2) employees whose serVIces are compensated for ona fee or contractual baSIS, nor (3) the MedIcal DIrector of the Re ..tIrement System, nor 4) elected offIcers of the CIty, nor (5) as-SIstants apPOinted by the CounCIl of electIve offIcers of the CIty,nor (6) the C,ty Attorney

(a) Membership Dec1ded by Bo.. d In all cases of doubt theBoard shaH have the power to deCIde who IS a member of the Re~tIrement System

MORTALITY AND OTHER TAXESSection 74 Tbe Board shall adopt such mortalIty, serVIce,

compensatIon and other tables of expenence as are necessary Inthe propel' operatIon of the RetIrement System on an actuarIalbaSIS

SERVICE CREDITABLESectIon 77 The Board shall fIX and determIne by appropne.te

rules and regulatlons how much serVIce In any year IS eqUIvalentto a year of servIce, but In no case shall less than ten days'serVIce In a calendar month constltute one month of serVIce, norshall less than ten months serVIce In a calendar year constltuteone year of serVIce, nor shall more than one year of serVIce becredItable for all serVIce rendered on one calendar year

II;>ethe techmcal advlSor to the Board on matters regardmg theoperatIon of the RetIrement System

(e) Medical Director The Board shall appomt as MedlCal D,-rector a phYSICIan who IS not elIgIble to receIve benefIts underthe prOVISIons of the RetIrement System The MedIcal DIrectorshall hold offIce at the pleasure of the Board

(f) Employment of Serv1ces. The Board shall employ suchpersons as are reqUIred for the proper operation of the RetIrementSystem and the compensatIon for such serVIces shall be fIxed bythe Board subJect to the approval of the CounCIl

ADlIIINISTRATION OF RETIREMENT SYSTEMSectIon 66 There is hereby created a Board of Trustees In

whom IS vested the general admlnlstratIon management and re~sponslbI1Ity for the propeJ."operatIon of the Retirement System andfor makmg effectIve Its prOVISIons The Board shall be orgamzedImmedIately after three trustees have qualIfIed


PRELIlIIIN:ARY BOARDSectIOn 66 Until the f>rst electIOn 1S held the Mayor shall

appomt the member trustees prOVIded for In section 67, paragraphs(c) and (d) to serve as trustees until theIr successors shall beelected and have qualIfIed The Board so constItuted conslstmg ofthe trustees prOVIded for In sectIOn 67, paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and(d) shall order and arrange for an electIon by the members of theRetIrement System. to be held WIthIn nmety days folJowmg theeffective date of the RetIrement System At the fIrst ~ectIon theappOinted CItIzen trustee shall serve three years, the polIceman orfIreman trustee shall serve two years, the general CIty trusteeshall serve one year

TRUSTEES' REGULAR TERM OF OFFICESectIon 69 After the fIrst electIon the regular term of offICE'

of the trustees prOVIded In sechon 67, paragraph (b), (c) and (d),shall be three years The members of thp Board shall serve WIth...out compensatIon for theIr serVIces as trustees Each trustee shallwlthm ten days after hIS appomtment or electIon, take' an oathof off1ce to be adm1mstered by the C1ty Clerk

BOARD OF TRUSTEESSechon 67 The Board of Trustees shall conSIst of fIve trus ..

tees, as follows(a) Two members of the Counc11 to be selected by the Coun-

(b) The Mayor shan appomt, by and W1th the consent of theCounell, a CItizen, who IS an elector and a freeholder of the CIty,and who 1$not ehglble to receIVe benefits prOVIded by the RetIre-ment System

(c) A pohceman or flreman member of the RetIrement Sys~tem to be elected by the polIcemen and frremen members of theRetirement System

(d) A member of the Rehrement System, other than a pollce-man or fIreman member, to be elected by the members of theRetirement System, other than pohcemen and fIremen members

(e) The elechon of the trustees, prOVIded for 1n paragraphs(c) and (d) of thIS sectIOn, shall be held under such rUles andregulations as the Board shall adopt to govern such elechons

VACANCY ON BOARDSectIon 70 If a vacancy occurs In the pOSItIOnof trustee,

through separatIon from CIty servIce or for other reasons, the va~cancy shall be fIlled, wlthin nInety days after the date of the va-cancy, for the unexpIred term In the same manner as the pOSItIonwas preVIously fIlled

(u) "FIremen" shall mean employees of the FIre Departmentof the CIty holding the rank of fIrefIghter or hIgher rank, but Itshall not Include (1) CIVIlIan employees of the FIre Department,nor (2) prIvately employed fIremen, nor (3) persons employeddurmg emergenCIes

(v) "PolIcemen" shall mean employees of the PolIce Depal t-ment of the CIty holdmg the rank of patrolman or hIgher rank,but It shall not mclude (1) CIVIlIan employees of the PolIce De-partment, nor (2) pnvately employed pohcemen, nor (3) personsemployed during emergencies

(w) Words of the mascuhne gender shall Include words ofthe femmme gender and words of the smgular number In relatIonto persons shall Include the plural number and VIce versa

MEETINGS OF THE BOARDSectlon 71 The Board shall hold meetmgs regulalllY, at least

one 1h each month, and shall deSIgnate the tIme and place there~of It shall adopt Its own rules of procedure and shall keep a rec-ord of Its proceedmgs Each trustee shall be e.tItled to a vote atany meetmg of the Board and at least three concurrmg votes shallbe necessary for a deCISIOnby the BoaTd Three trustees shall con-stItute a quorum at any meetmg of the Board All meetmgs of theBoard shall be publlc

CHAIRMAN OF BOARD-OFFICERSSection 72 The Board shall elect trom Its members a chaIr-

man and a VIce chaIrman(a) Secretary. The CounCIl shall appomt an admmistratIve

offIcer of the CIty as secretary and admInIstratIve offIcer of the:RetIrement System

(b) Treasurer. The CIty Treasurer shall be treasurer of theRetIrement Syste:r;nand the custodIan of Its funds

(c) Legal Advisor. The C,ty Attorney shall be the Legal Ad-VISor to the Board

(d) Actuary. The Board shan appomt an actuary who shall

DEFINITIONSSection 65 The followmg words and phrases as used in thIS

Retlrement System, unless a dIfferent meamng IS plaInly reqUIredby the context shall have the followmg meamngs

(a) CIty shall mean the CIty of Grosse Pomte, State ofMlChigan and Its predecessor the Vl11a~e of Grosse Pomte Sta.teof MIchIgan

(b) •Council' shall mean the Council of the C,ty of GroutPointe

(c) •Board' shall mea.n the Board of Trust ... prov,ded for InSechons 66, 67 and 68

(d) •Member' shall mean any person Included In the mem-bershIp of the Rehrement System

(e) "New Member" shall mean any member WIthout prIorserVIce credIted to hIS serVIce account

(f) UOrIgmal Member" shall mean any member with prIorservlCe credited to hIS servIce account

(g) (Se;vlce" shall mean serVIce rendered as an employeeof the CIty

(h) IlPrIor SerVIce" shall mean serVIce rendered a\ an em-ployee of the C1ty prlor to the effechve date of the Rel1rementSystem

(1) 'Membershlp SerVIce" shall mean service rendered as aftemployee of the CIty smce last becomIng a member of tl1e Retire.ment System

(J) 4 Regular Interest, for a penod of fIve years after the ef-fectIve date of the Retlrement System, shall be three per cent perannum, compounded annually For each subsequent fIve year per-Iod thereafter, regular Interest shall be such rate of Interest asthe Board may determme

(k) 'Accumulated Contnbuhons' shall mean the sum of allamounts deducted from the compensatIon of a member and cred-Ited to hIS mdIVIdual account m the AnnUIty Savmgs Fund, to-gether WIth regular Interest thereon

(1) 4 Average Fmal CompensatIon" shall mean the av<!rageof the hIghest annual pay receIved by a member durmg a perIodof fIve consecutlve years of servIce contamed WIthIn hIS ten yearsof serVIce ImmedIately precedmg hIS retIrement, If he has lessthan fIve years of serVIce, then average fmal compensatIon shallbe the annual average pay receIved by hIm durmg hIS total yearsof serVIce In cases where compensatIOn IS not all paId In money,the Board shall fIX the value of that part of the compensatIon notpaId In money

(m) "AnnUIty' :shall mean annual payments denved from amember's accumulated contrIbutIons standIng to his credIt in theAnnUIty Savmgs Fund

(n) I PenSIon" shall mean payments derIved from moneyprov1ded by the CIty

(0) I RetIrement Allowance" shall mean the sum of the annUI-ty and the pens10n and shan be pAld In equal monthly install-ments thereof

(p) I Retlrement' shall mean WIthdrawal from actIve serVIceWIth a retIrement allowance granted under the prOVISIonsof theRetIrement System

(q) 4 BenefIcIary' shall mean any person In receIpt of an an-nUIty, penSIon, retIrement allowance, or other benefIt, granted ac-cordmg to the prOVISIonsof the RetIrement System

(r) "AnnUIty Reserve" shall mean the present value of allpayment to be made on account of any annUIty, or benefIt In heuof any annUIty, computed upon the baSISof such mortahty tablesand regular mterest as ~e Board ahall adopt

(s) (PenSIon Reserve" shall mean the present value of all pay-me;n.ts to be made on account of any penSlOn, or benefIt in heu ofany pens¥>n, computed upon the baSISof such mortalIty and othertables of expenence and regular Interest as the Board shall adopt

(t) UEhgible RetIrement Age" shall be age SIxty years formembers other than polIcemen and fIremen ihlployed by the CItyFor polIcemen and firemen, ehglble retlrement age shall be agefIfty-fIve years Durmg time of war engaged in by the UnItedStates, the Board may extend the age at whIch any member i.elIgIble to retIre, not to exceed age seventy years:

(Amendment to the Charter of the CIty of Grosse Pomte, M1Ch)

EFFECTIVE DATE(b) The effechve date of the Rehrement System shan be the

the fIrst day of Aprll, 1946

NAME AND ESTABLISHMENTSechon 64 (a) The CIty of Grosse Pomte Employees Rehre-

ment System heremafter referred to as the Retirement Systemj 18hereby estabilshed for the purpose of provIding retIrement allow-ances for certam employees of the CIty of Grosse Pomte under theprOVISIons of thIS Ordm!nce


City of Grosse POinte


METHOD OF MAKING PAYMENTSSectIOn 100 All payments from the funds of the :RetIre-

ment System shall be made by the CIty Treasurer only In ac~cordance WIth the accountmg procedure adopted by the CIty,PrOVIded That no payment shall be made from the funds ofthe Retirement System unless such payment shall have beenpreVIously authOrIzed by resolution adopted by the Board

Pubhshed In The Grosse POInte News Thursday, Novemb&

I, 1945

ERRORSSectIOn 102 Should any change or error in the recorell

result m any member or benefICIary recelvmg from the Retlrement System more or less than he would have been entItledto receIve had the records been correct, the Board shall correctsuch error and as far as practicable shall adJust the paymenJIn such a manner that the ?ctuarlal eqUIvalent of the benefiJto which such member or benefiCIary was correctly enhtlecshall be paId


Page Thirteen ~Funds of the RetIrement System, except the Expens. Fund IlPrOVIded That mterest on contnbutIons of members to theAnntuty Savmgs Fund wIthm anyone fiscal year, shall beg1non the first day of the fiscal yeat next follOWing and shall b. HcredIted at the end of the fiscal year The amounts so allowed rshall be due and payable from xnterest and other earnxngs on the ~funds of the RetIrement System Any addItional amount te~ ~qUIred to allow regular mterest on the Funds of the Retlrement IIISystem shall be paId from the PenSIOn Reserve Fund, and anyexcess of earmngs over such amount shall be credIted to thePenSIOn Reserve Fund k




ASSIGNMENTS PROHIBITED iSectIon 101 The rIght of a person to an annUIty, a penSIon I

a retirement allowance, to return of accumulated contrIbutions II'the annUIty penSIon, or retlrement allowance ltself, any optionalbenefit, any other nght accrued or accrumg to any person unde!the prOVISIons of the RetIrement System, and the moneys belongIng to the Retlrement System shall be unaSSIgnable andshall not be sUbJect to executIon, garnIshment, attachment, theoperatIOn of bankruptcy or Insolvency law, or any other procestof law Whatsoever, except as IS speCIfIcally prOVIded In th4RetIrement System

Norbert P. Neff,

VALIDITYSectIon 104 Should any section or part "f a sectlol'l '"

the Retlrement System be held to be Invahd for any ressonsuch lnvahdlty shall not be held to ImpaIr or InvalIdate the remamder of the sectIons of the R.etIrement System, or an~part of It, It bemg the legIslative Intent that every sectJ.o1\and part hereof shall stand and be In force and effect notwlths;tancbng the InvalIdIty of any particular Pl.'oVISIOnor proVlSlons

STATE OR FEDERAL COVERAGESectIon 103 Should the members be requlr.d by law n""

enacted, or whIch may be enacted, or any amendments or rulmgs m connection therewlth havmg the force of law, to aecepcoverage under any Federal or State annulty, penSIon, retIre ~ment, or old age secunty system, and should the CIty and/or thl ~employees of the CIty be requlred to make contrIbutIons to OJ ~lbe subJect to payroll taxes in support of such system, then a1benefits of whatever nature prOVided by the Retirement Systemaccrued or accruIng to members except the rIght of refun(ot accumulated contrIbutions shall be modIfied In such manne tas IS recommended by the Board and approved by the Councll.

EXPENSE FUNDSectlon 97 The Expens. Fund shall be the Fund to whIch

shall be credIted all money prOVIded by the CIty (and anyInstrumentalIty of the CIty) to pay the admInIstratIon expenseof the Retirement System and from WhICh shall be paId allexpenses reqUIred In the adminIstration of the RetIrement Sys.tern The Board shall annually certify to the CounCIl, accord-mg to legal budget procedure, the amount of approprIatIonnecessal y to admInIster the Retirement System durmg eachfiscal year and the CIty shall approprIate such amount to thecredIt of the Expense Fund

MANAGEMENT OF FUNDSSectIOn 98 (a) The Board shall h. the trustees of the several

funds of the Retirement System and shall hc:1ve full power toInvest and rf'Invest such funds subJect to all terms condItIons,lImItatIons and lestnctIons Imposed by the law of Mlchlganupon lIfe Insurance compames In the makIng and dlsposmg ~)ftheIr mvestments except that notes bonds or oblIgations of theCIty of Grosse POInte shall not be subJect to saId limItatIonsor restrIctIOns The Board shall have full power to hold pur,;chase sell aSSIgn transfer and dIspose of any securItIes In WhIchany of the funds of the Rehrement System have been InvestedThe Board shall have power to purchase notes bonds or oblIga-tIons of the CIty of Grosse Pomte at any legally conducted sale

(b) MaXimum Cash on DepOSIt There shall be kept ondepoSIt avaIlable cash, not exceedmg ten per centum of thetotal assets of the RetIrement System All funds of the RetIre-ment System shall be held for the sole purpose of meetmg dlS..bursements for penSIOns annultIes and other benefits authorIZedby the RetIrement System and shall be used for no otherpurpose The moneys to be credIted to the AnnUIty SavmgsFund AnnUIty Reserve Fund and the PenSIon Reserve Fundshall be mterpreted to refer to the accou:ptmg records of theRetirement System and not to the actual segregation 6£ themoneys wlthm the saId Funds of the RetIrement System

ALLOWANCE OF REGULAR INTERESTSection 99 The Board annually shall allow regular mterel1Jt

on the mean amount of assets credIted to each of the several

The pensIOn Reserve Fund shall be the Fund (I) In WhlCh shallbe accumulated reserves for the payment of all penSIons andother benefits payable from the contrIbutIons made by the CIty,and (2) from WhICh shaH be paId all penSIonS, and otherbenefits In lIeu thereof to members and benefiCIarIeS as pro~vlded for In the RetIrement System

(b) ApproprIatIons to PenSIon Reserve Fund Upon thebaSIS of such mortalIty tables, regular Interest and other tables,as the Board shall adopt the Actuary shall annually computethe penSIOn reserve lIabIlIties covermg penSIOns and other benefits payable or whIch mIght be payable from the PenSIon ReserveFund to members and beneficlanes of the Retirement SystemThe penSIOn reserve lIabIlIties covermg serVIce renderd and tobe rendered by orIgInal members and benefiCIarIes who wereongmal members shall be amortIzed In such manner as theBoard may determme subJect to the approval of the CounCIlThe penSIOn reserve lIabIlItIes covermg serVl,ce rendered and tobe rendered by new members shall be financed over the penodof prospectIve membershIp serVIce of such new members TheBoard shall certIfy to the CounCIl on or before the thIrd Mon In January of each year the amount of contrIbution to theRetIrement System to be paId by the CIty, and the CounCIl shallapproprIate and cause to be paId to the Retirement System,durIng the enSUIng fiscal year, the amount of contribution socertIfied

(c) If AppropriatIons be InsuffICient In event the amountapproprIated In the budget for any year be InSUffICIent to payIn full the amounts due In saId year to all beneficlanes of the'RetIrement System, the amount of such inSUffICIency shall there.upon be prOVided by the approprIatmg authontIes of the CIty

(d) ContributIons by InstrumentalitIes of City. ContribU-tions to the RetIrement System by the CIty to the extent neces ..sary to prOVIde penSIons and other benefits upon the of members who were employees of InstrumentalIties of theCIty shall be made from the revenues of saId InstrumentalIties

POINTE NEWSthe amount of hIS accumUlated contrIbutIons standmg to hIS credItm the AnnUIty Savmgs Fund except as otherWIse prOVIded mthe Retlrement System, shall be paId to such person or personshavmg an msurable mterest In hIS hfe as he shall have nommatedby WrItten deSIgnatIon duly executed and flIed WIth the BoardIf there be no such deSIgnated person or persons, then the amountof hIS accumulated contrIbutIons shall be paId to hIS legal reJil-resentatlve

(c) Payment of BurIal Expenses If a member dIes mtestate,WIthout havmg nommated a benefICIary, as prOVIded In paragraph(b) of thIS section, and WIthout heIrs an amount from hIS ac.cumulated contnbutIons standmg to hIS credIt In the AnnUItySavmgs Fund not to exceed a reasonable sum as determmed bythe Board may be used to pay hIS burIal expenses If he leaves noother estate suffICIent for such purpose Any balance credlted tosuch member In the AnnUity Savmgs Fund, not used for bunalexpenses shall be transferred from the AnnUIty SaVings Fund tothe PenSIon Reserve Fund


ANNUITY RESERVE FUNDSectIOn 95 The AnnUIty Reserve Fund IS hereby created

The AnnUIty Reserve Fund shall be the Fund from whIch shallbe paId all annUIties and all benefits m lIeu of annUIties as prOVIded In the RetIrement System Should a dIsabIlItybenefiCIary be restored to actIve serVIce WIth the CIty, hIS an-nUIty reserve, If any shall be transferred from the AnnUItyReserve Fund to the AnnUlty Savmgs Fund and shall be Crf"dltedto hIS mdlvldual account therem

ANNUITY SAVINGS FUNDSectlon 94 (a) The AnnUIty SavlUgs Fund IS hereby created

The AnnUIty SavlUgs Fund shall be the Fund (I) In which shallbe accumulated at regular mt,rest, the contrIbutIons from thecompensatIOn of members to prOVIde for theIr annUIties, and (2)from whIch shall be paId refunds of accumulated contrIbutIons asprOVIded m thIS RetIrement System

(b) Members' ContrIbutIons. The contrIbutIons of any mem.ber of the Retirement System shall be fIve per cent of hIS salaryor wages paId to hIm by the CIty The offIcer or offIcers responsl.ble for makmg up the payroll shall cause such contnbuhon to bededucted from the pay of each member on each and every pay.roll for each and every payroll perIod, so long as he remams amember In the employ of the CIty The member 5 contrIbutIonsprOVIded for herem shall be made notwlthstandmg that the mml.mum compensatIon prOVIded for by law for any member shallbe changed thereby Every member shall be deemed to consentand agree to the deductIOns made and prOVIded for herem andshall receIpt for hIS full salary or compensation and payment ofhIS salary or compensation less sald deductIon shall be a full andcomplete dIscharge and acqUIttance of all claIms and demandswhatsoever for the serVIces rendered by such person durmg theperIOd covered by such payment except ~s to be:peflts provldedby the RetIrement System The offIcer or offIcers responsIble formakmg up the payroll shall certIfy to the CIty Treasurer on eachand every payroll the amounts to be deducted and each of saIdamounts shall be deducted by the CIty Treasurer and when de ..ducted shall be paId mto the AnnUIty Savmgs Fund and shall becredIted to the mdlvldual account of the member from whose sal ..ary or compensation saId deductIons were made

(c) Re Payment of ContrIbutIons Prf''Viously Refunded Ina.dditIOn to the contrIbutIOns deducted from the salary or wagesof any member, a<:;herembefore prOVIded, he may redepOSIt In thE'AnnUIty Savmgs Fund by a smgle payment or by an mcreasedrate of contributlOn an amount equal to the total amount or anypart thereof, whIch he may have preVIously WIthdrawn there ..from as prOVIded m the RetIrement System

(d) Transfer of Accumulated ContrIbutions Upon the rellre-ment of a member hIS accumulated contnbutlons standmg to hIScredIt m the AnnUity Savmgs Fund shall be transferred to theAnnUlty Reserve Fund At the expIratIon of a perIod of threeyears from the Date an employee ceases to be a member any un ..claImed balance of accumulated contributIons standmg to hIScredIt In the AnnUIty SaVIngs Fund shall be transferred to thePenSIOn Reserve Fund

PEl\SION RESERVE FUNDSectIon 96 (a) The PenSIOn Reserve Fund IS hereby created

(Continued from Page 12)

NON DUTY DISABILITY INCURREDSection 88 Upon t{ie applIcatIOn of a member, or hIS depart~

ment head, a member who IS In CIty serVIce and who has ten ormore years of serVIce credIted to hIS serVIce account, becomes totally and permanently incapacItated for duty as the result ofcauses occurrmg other than m the actual performance of duty tothe CIty, may be retired by the Board PrOVIded That the Medlcal DIrector after a medIcal exammatlOn of such member shallcertify that such member IS mentally or phYSIcally IncapacItatedfor the further performance of duty to the CIty and that suchmember should be retired PrOVIded further, That the Board con~curs In the report of the MedIcal DIrector


Section 90 Upon retIrement for dIsabIlIty, as prOVIded In

sectIOn 88 a dIsabIlIty benefICIary who has not attamed hIS ehgible retIrement age shall receIve the follOWIng benefIts

(a) Cash Refund AnnUity A cash refund annUlty whIch shallbe the actuaTl~1 eqUlvalent of hIS accumulated contrIbuhons stand to hIS credIt In the AnnUlty Savmgs Fund at the tIme of hISretIrement and

(b) Non Duty DIsabIlity PenSIon. A dIsabIlIty retIrement'PenSIOn of a basIc penSIon of one hundred dollars per annum plusone one hundred thIrty-fIfth (1/135) of hIt average fmal compen~satIOn multIplIed by the number of years of serVIce credIted tohIS serVIce account, not tQ exceed thIrty years saId dIsabIlIty retIrement penSIOn to contmue from the date of hIS dIsabIlIty, butnot to exceed SIX months precedIng the date hIS applIcatIon fordisabiJIty retIrement IS flIed wIth the Board, or the date hIS namelast appeared on a CIty payroll whIchever IS the later date tohIS attamment of hIS elIgIble retIrement age PrOVIded That thesaId disablhty retirement penSIOn (1) shall not pxceed mne hun ..dred dollars per annum and (2) shall be subJect to the provi-SIOns of sectlOns 91 and 92 ,

(c) Benefits Upon AttaInIng ElIgible RetIrement Age UponattaInmg hIS elIgIble retIrement age sard dIsabIlIty benefICIaryshall receIve a serVIce retIrement penslOn prOVIded lor m sectlon82 paragraphs (b) (c) and (d) PrOVIded That no serVlce credItshall be gIven saId benefiCiary for the penod he was recelvmg adIsabIlIty retIrement penslOn under the prOVISIons of paragraph(b) of thIS section

(c) ContributIons of DisabIhty BeneficIary Suspended Dur-ing the perIod a disabillty benefIcIary IS receIvmg a dlsablhty re-tIrement penSIOn provIded In paragraph (a) of thIS section, hIScontributions to the AnnUIty Savmgs Fund shall be suspendedand hIS balance In the AnnUIty Savmgs Fund standmg to hIS credItat the date of hIS dIsabIlIty retirement shall remam In the AnnUitySavmgs Fund Upon attammg hIS elIgIble retIrement age saIddIsabIlIty benefIcIary s accumulated contributions shall be trans-ferred from the AnnUIty Savmgs Fund to the AnnUity ReserveFund Should saId dIsabIlIty benefICIary dIe before attammg hISehglble retIrement age, the amount of hIS accumulated contrIbu~tlons standmg to hIS credIt m the AnnUlty Savmgs Fund shall bepaId In accordance WIth the prOVISIons of sectlon 93


SectIOn 89 Upon retirement for dIsabIlIty, as prOVIded In

sectlon 88 a member who has attamed hIS elIgIble retirement ageshall receIve a serVIce retirement allowance as prOVIded In sec~tIon 82

Thursday,November I, 1945

Notice of SpecialPropositionI



Candidates for the Following City Offices Will Be Elected:

Tuesday, Nov. 6, 1945

City of Grosse PointetI~



Norbert P. Neff, City Clerk.

Election NoticeTuesday, November 6, 1945

City of Grosse Pointe

Tuesday, November 6, 1945

PROPOSITIONShell the C<lunell <If th. City of Gr" ••e Point. ..11, for n<lt 1.55 then $ property in the C,ty of O.tro,t, onglnolly pureho$Od by the then Villagllof Gro$$. Point. for U.e a. 0 plent .Ite, for wh'ch there 1$no longer eny ne.d and d.,crlbed a.

"All that part of lots 14 and 15 of the .ubd,vl$lon of P C. 300, City of Detroit,Wayne County, Michigan, lying between the center hne of Cornwall Av.nue.xt.nded, a. ded,cat.d on Leonard Hiliger Lend Co, .ubd,v,.lon a' ree<lrd.d inlober 41 of pl.n, page 77, Wayne County record. and the hne between P. Co'.241 and 123, .... ptlng the p.rcel. taken for the openong of Chandler Park Driv.150 feet Wide 6nd Warren Avenue 105 feet Wide al.o a striP of land 25 feet o. begln",ng at a poont on the center hne of said Cornw.1I e.-tended d,st.nt northe .. terly 109 36 feet from the e•• terly hne of •• id LeonardHJilger Land Co .ubdIVl.,on, then.. .outheasterly and parallel With the hnebetwe.n •• id Ion 14 and 15, 865 60 fe.t to the westerly lone of Mack 66feet Wide, thence northerly along .00d we.t.rly hn. of Mack Avenue 35.36 feet thencenorthwesterly and parallel With •• Id hne between Ion 14 and 15, 842 feet thence."uthwesterly 25.04 feet tl> the p",nt of beginning. Th. above de.cnbed parcel.contain 23 acres more or 1&$$1I1

Polls of such election will be open from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. Eastern Stand.ard Time on day of such election.

at which time the following special proposition will be submitted +0 thequalified electors of the City of Grone Pointe:

The qualified electors of the City of Grosse Pointe, Wayne C 0 u " + Y,~ Michigan, are hereby notified that, a City General Election will be held

at the Fire Hall, 17145 Maumee Avenue,on

{ F. ,,", Y•• , ••


Norbert P. Neff,City Clerk





Spec:ialCharter Amendment Proposition:

Important Special Notice

For Detail. "f ThIS PropoSltoon See Pag •• 12 and 13 in Th,. N.wspaper



Election Notice


To be known as Chapter "A" of the City Charter, being a Pension-Reotirement System for certain employees of the City of Grosse Pointe.

The qualified electors of the City of Grosse Pointe, Wayne Co u n t y ,Michigan, are hereby notified that the City General Election for thepurpose of electing City Officers will be held on


at the Fire Hall (Central Polling Place), 17145 Maumee Avenue, be-,tween St. Clair and Neff Streets. The poUs of such election being openfrom 7:00 o'clock A. M. until 8:00 o'clock P. M., Eastern Standard Time.


Sectlon 92 (a' Once each year durIng the fIrst fIve years fol-lowmg retirement of a member WIth a dIsabilIty retirement pen.lIOn or allowance, and at least once In every three year penodthereafter, the Board may, and upon hIS applIcation shall reqUIreany dIsabIlIty benefICIary who has not attamed hIS elIgIble retJre~ment age to undergo a medIcal exammatIon by or under the direc-tlOn of the MedIcal DIrector Should any dISabIlIty benefICIarywho has not attamed hIS elIgIble retirement age refuse to submItto such medIcal exammatIon, In any such penod hIS disabIlltyretirement penSIOn or allowance may be dIscontinued by theBoard untIl hIS WIthdrawal of such refusal, and should such refu~sal continue for one year all hIS rIghts m and to hIS dIsabIlIty re-tIrement penSIon or allowance shall be revoked by the BoardIf upon such medIcal exammatIon of a benefICIary, the MedIcalDIrector reports that saId benefICIary IS phYSIcally able and cap of resummg employment, and hIS report IS concurred lU bythe Board saId dIsabIlIty benefICIary shall be restored to activeserVIce WIth the CIty and hIS dIsabIlIty retirement penSIon or al-lowance shall be dIscontinued

(b) Reinstatement of DlSllbillty BenefiCiary to Duty. A dlS-abIlIty benefICIary who has been or shall be restored to activeserVI~, as prOVIded In thIS sectIon, shall from the date of hIS restoratIon agam become a member of the Retirement System andhe shall contrIbute to the RetIrement System thereafter m thesame manner as he contrIbuted prIor to hIS dlsablhty retIrementAny prIor serVIce and membershIp serVIce on the pasls of WhIChhIS dIsabIlIty retIrement allowance was computed at the tIme ofhIS retirement shall be restored to full force and effect

(c) Adjustment of DisabilIty PensIOn Should the Secretaryreport and certIfy to the Board that the saId dIsabIlIty benefICIary1S engaged In a gamful occupatIOn, busmess or employment andthat the total of hIS pay from such occupatIon, busmess or em~ployment and hIS dIsabIlIty penSIon exceeds hIS average fmal com..pensatIon, and should the Board concur In the Secretary s report,then the amount of hIS dlsablhty penSIOn shall be reduced to anamount WhICh together WIth the amount earned by hIm shallequal hIS average fmal compensatIon Should hIS earmngs be laterchanged the amount of hIS dISjibilIty penSIOn shall be correspond~mgly changed

REFUND OF MEMBERS' ACCUMULATED CONTRIBUTIONSSectIon 93 (a) Should any member cease to be an employee

of the CIty before becommg entitled to a penSIOn prOVIded by theRetIrement System he shall be paId all or part of hIS accumulatedcontrIbutIons standmg to hIS credIt In the AnnUIty SavIngs Fundas he shall demand m wrItmg on forms furmshed by the BoardPrOVIded, That the payment of members accumulated contrlbutIons may be made m monthly Installments thereof accordmg tosuch rules and regulatIons as the Board may adopt

(b) Refund of Accumulated ContrIbutIOns In Event of Death,Should any member dIe before hIS retirement becomes effective,

PENSIONS OFFSET BY COMPENSATION BENEFITSSectlOn 91 In case the present value of the total benefIts

whIch may be paId or payable under the provlslOns of any work~men s compensation, or penslOn, or slrrlllar law to a member .,1to the dependents of a member on account of any dIsabIlIty ordeath IS less than the penSIOn reserve 'for benefIts payable fromfunds of the RetIrement System on account of the same dIsabIlItyor death then the present value of the total benefIts WhICh maybe p.:Hd or payable under any workmen 5 compensatIOn or pen~SIOD, or SImIlar law shall be deducted from the penSIon reservefor benefIts otherWIse payable from funds of the Retirement Sys~men and such benefIts as may be prOVIded by the penSIOn reserveso reduced shall be payable under the prOVISIOns of thIS RetIre~ment System

'Thursday, November I, 1'1'+0

you waited for!Post-Warthe•ISThis*

at*1: ~., ~ +Arrange your Evening Out as a regular Weekly Event.


More Entertainment Talent*Leisure TimeMore*

41\1DPlan for FUN!


I !Page Fourteen

I~ More

C()1tlpetihve p~oto.


If you would KN OWyour future and what itholds for future genera-tions, read the Washmgtonreports of these experts,Jay G. Hayden and BlairMoody•

You cannot keep abreast of what ishappening in Amenca unless you followthe actIons and decislOns of these BIGTHREE I


'115 H'~'EfI: • i "Delfs. Wl!!st .1 GraUet _ IY '0118

Daneing Nightly from 9 pm Complete Shows at 9 80 pm and 12 80 & m

FmST WEEK SECOND WEEESunday, Nov 4 Sun, Jlatlnee, Nov 11


• TRIAL BY JURY' and Sun EvenlDg Nov 11"PffiATES OF PENZANCE" THE MIKADO', Nov 12Wed Matinee Nov 7 • THE MIKADO"

, TRIAL BY JURY' and Tnesda) Nov 18• PINAFORE' :rBIAL BY JURY' and

Wed. Evening Nov 7 f PIRATES OF PE1\ZANCE"• TRIAL BY JURY" and Wednesday Nov 14


'THE GONDOLIERS" Thursday, Nov 15Friday, 1\ov 9 • PATIENCE'

• IOLANTHE' Friday, Nov 16S. M .1 N 1 f THE SORCERER'a a ne~1. oV.> ..;,;O Sat MatlDe~t. Nov 17

"THE M.lhADO') THE MIKADO"Sat Evening, Nov 10 Sat El'enmg, Nol' 17


EVENINGS-ORCHESTRA S GO}2 40. Bale. 2 40 180 1 20 TaxMATINFES-OnpHESTa 1 80. Bale 180, 120 Inel

Walt Disney's




Yvonne DeCarlo • Rad Cameron







GREEN VersatileBig Week! Comedv M. C.

Jean LaJean • Walter Alman • Pat Walsh Dancers





submIt their model mght prmts I Amencaand PhotographIc SOCIety of graphs


and dehclOus

Chinese Foodof All Kmds


Michael Angelo s FamousCONTINENTAL FIVE

Open Saturdays Sundays andHobdays at 4 00 P M

Week Days ai 5 00 P MClosed Mondays

Good Food You'll Remember

CLIfford 0434 CAdlllae 2230

Closed TuesdaysOpen All Other Da;u 'TI1 1 a mSundays and Holidays Open From

1 00 p m



East Jefferson at Shook RoadPhone" Mt Clemens 8961



Listed in Duncan Hines'UAdventures In "Good Eating"

1564 Broadwayat Grand Circus Park

Restaurant andSea Food House

Beers .. Wmes .. Liquors

Dine at This Original Tavern

Famous Home of

The Grosse Pomte CameraClub WIll be addressed at ItsTuesday evemng meetmg by Elwtood Armstrong on the subJectof I ComposItIOn.

Mr Armstrong IS an outstandMmg salon exhIbItor and presIdentof the Photographic Gmld ofDetroIt He IS well known forhIS composltIon and a.bIhty as alecturer In addItIon to hIS talklVIr Armstrong wdl show manyof hIS salon prmts to the mem-bers

In addltlon to the lecture plat-form, the Club members WIll

Camera Club Will HearTalk on Composition

You 11 always find tempt-Ing, delICIOUS foods here

prepared by best cooksIn town!All Popular Refreshments

Club StevadoraGets Two Bands

Feature MusicalNovelty at Sid's

Numerous musIcal and noveltyfeatures provide a temptmg reason for a VISIt to SId s Cafe, EastWarren at Barham For mghtlydancmg, there are The Vacol ..Aus, under the dIrectIon of FrankWantack, who doubles on fIvepromment Instruments HarryFrench, natIonally-famous nova-chord arhst and composer IS themterlude feature The frequentdancmg seSSIons begm at 9 p mand contInue untIl clOSIng HarryFrench plays from 6 30 unhl11 30 pm-from 6 30 untll 9p m as a dmner tIme featureand from 9 on as an alternateWIth the band EvelY Mondaymght IS amateur mgfit at SId sAnyone 21 or over, possessmgtalent of any .descrlptIon IS eh~gible to enter the contest, provId-mg they are 10 an amateur statusEvery Tuesday and Thursday,the management presents anorchId to the most outstandmggroup or orgamzahon present

- at-



at the piano


Temple and Second Avenue




Sunday, November II, 8:30 P. M.


RICHTER'S Cafe15125 HARPER, at L"kepolnte

Open Again and Ready f~r Business




.t.on_A.ve_B.0 ..'' __ 1 1

-,Ill ",' ••

6th Season Now Open!

Grosse PointeWoods Recreation

• Dancmg Every Evemng• Roadhouse Dinners• Refreshments of all kmds23722 E JEFFERSON AVE


St Clair Shores, MlchRoseville 9031

Dine and Danceat

THE Mar-Jo

FINE ENVIRONMENT ~'b-...Excellent League-a i!(r~

wIth a Few r ~Openmgs \~t

20422 Mack .\at Laneaster .' INI 9688 or _•.;TU 10521

The Crest Company5756 CAS5 AVE MADISON,2747

Director of Pointe PlayersWill Head Organization

For AdultsAn adult dramatIc group )S

bemg organized under thedIrectIon of Harry V. Andel-son at the Grosse Pomte HlghSchool, startmg Thursdavevenmg, November 8 at 7 lO

PerS1Jns mterested In the varI-ous phases of dramatIc produc '\::.1hon can find a ready outlet for +*,-0'}<> ~»theIr tal~nts No one need say f ~.;:.:tthat they have never acted be- PFC GORDON F SCHAEN-cause they were not chosen for lNG, discharged thIS weeka part The group WIll be lImIted after spendIng two years Withto a workable number so that the Infantry In the European

Theater of War WIll speak toeveryone can be actIve the boys and gIrls of Calvary

Mr Anderson dIrects the Lutheran Church on Sunday,Pomte players at the HIgh school November 4 at 945 am PrIV-The last two plays done by ate Schaenmg saw actIon InthIS group were successes and BelgIUm Germany and Hollandcontamed a calIbre of work and was wounded by smpersWhICh many called profesSIOnal In the Battle of the Bulge HeMr Anderson was closely as spent SIXmonths In Army Hoswsoclated WIth the ' College pltals and IS now hvmg atTheatre' at the Teachers Col. 20625 RIdgemont A cyclone of fun, preciplatedlege of ConnectIcut He receIved by the clever chatter and gesta B A degree from TrInIty col~ ST PAUL'S TO VOTE ures of Berme Green, the pop-lege In 1943 and an M A from ular humorIst and master of cere.Harvard Umverslty In 1944 He HIgh school stUdents at St momes, contmues to dommatedId outstandmg work In speech Paul's school WIll "go to the the fast movmg variety floorwhIle at school and teaches the polls" Just as theIr parents WIll show at Club Stevadoraspeech courses at the HIgh next Tuesday A mock mayor- A maJority of newcomers lendSchool alty electIon WIll be held at topflight support whIle Berme

All former Pomte players are school at WhICh an estImated 215 chalks up another week, hISespecIally urged to attend the WIll cast votes. seventh, as the club headlmermeetmgs of the dramatIc group -------------------------Call NI 2000 Ext 25 for mforma-tIon.

Drama GroupBeing FormedFor Pointers


HIT CROSSING STREETLast FrIday) mornmg at 1

o clock as Clarence F Recker of3692 Lakepomte was crossmgMack avenue at Maryland fromthe southwest corner to thenortheast corner, he was hIt byan automobIle drIven by WlllIamKerby of 194 Moross road andsuffered severe lacerations aboutthe head The Kerby car gomgsouth on Maryland was makmga left turn mto Mack

Recker was treated by DrNeumann and taken to hIS homeby the pollee

16023 MACK AT DEVONSHIRECoUtteous SefHce ,n

A Pleasant AtmosphereVeLuxe Menu Includes



Imported& DomestIC

We Are Now ServingFrench Fried Potatoes!

Enjoy a Splendid Dinner atA. BLESSING CAFE


Complete line ot

Bellows Specialties

Stdl East S de s faVOrite eahng place-Mac s Cafe-serving a wide variety of chOice Sea Foods andthe Finest Meat avadable Bring the fam,ly-d,nehere tonight

Food Served Weeks Days to 12 p.m; Sundays,Noon to 9 p.m.




Jefferson nr 10MMIle RdSt ClaIr Shores




NOTE(when available)


) All new red leather booth'I, ~ and new decorations forJ J?, your complete comfort

/ and enjoyment.. For Reservations:J." CALL NI 9758

Road House Dinners •••We make a specIalty on Roadhouse dmn'rrs-JustI1ke the Old Days

Steaks and Golden Brown ChickenPHONliJ FOR RESERVATIONS

Beer - Wmc - L'quors and M,xed Vrmks

Driscoll's Steak House



THE WINE S"OP127 Penobscot Bldq.

r__________________________________________ .... _"'az ..... _

• oderate Prlees At




TU. 2-7171

... Electrical,WIRING




14808 GratIOt AR. 1888

H*1$Made to Your Order

(Beveled Edges)Furniture & Desk TopsOld MIrrors ResI1vered

and~. RepairingBryson Home Shop22329 9 Mile Rd, near Mack

Rosevdle 1363-WEvenmgs - TUxedo 1-4383






25 Yrs', Experience


21-SERVICES!sl-Carpenter Wark

CARPENTER work Remodelmgand repalrmg Porches garages,etc C A Patterson TUxedo2 3252 Grosse Pomte area only

y_Piano Tunlnq '-PIANO tumng-Electrlc cleallll1g.Cllfford L Edwards, TUxado1-3173

z-Washinq Machinesand Appliances

(tl-Dress Making

BRING your alteratIOn troubleto Mane Stephens 13327 Ker4

cheval MUrray 5740

(wI-Bldg. Material

A CLEARANCE SALENEW lumber, standard SIze $75

per M and up Bevel SIding$65 00 at yard also doors, 1-Beams, MIll w 0 r k , SumpPumps Shmgles, Brlckote,TrIm Storm Sash, etc OpenMonday \11 7 PM Brmg trall-er RelIable Lumber Co 241-55Schoenherr Road, East DetrOIt,MICh

WASHING machmes, any make,repaIred Pre war prIces Workguaranteed 14 years In busi-..ness Jerry s Household Ser-VIce TUxedo 2-1350

Jess Gallagher14624 MACK AVE., at Manistique

Nlghhngale Market Is TU I 326ftDlreetly OpPoslte Us. •• U






Watches RepairedONE WEEK SERVICE


All Work Guaranteed • 35 Years Experience RepaIrIngBoth American and SWISS Watches • Estunates Free'

Also Alarm Clloekand Jewelry


CEMENT WORKNew or repaIr work.DrIveways, porches,

basement floors, rat walls,Clty walks.

BondedFor free e~tIma te call

E VAN NESTEPIngree 2179

OPEN DAILYMonday thru Saturday

pOINTE OL~!!~,~! ~o!~~LORSMen's and Ladies' SUlts TaIlored To Order r LE. 3040 It493trsdSylDJEFFERSON, prirlmy .LimitsFred M. Schuman Estabbshed 1925 Open Eves 'tlll 7 00 •

ALGER FLOWER SHOPFlowers For All Occasians

Gift Pattery - Gardens16338 E. WARREN at COURVILLE

Wall Washing

Save Used Fats!

ALL-BRIGHTWindow Gleaning 00.

AR. 11109213 Philip

COMPLETE radIO repaIrs ar~drecondItIonmg, 15 years' ex-perIence Expert, courteousserVIce All work guaranteedLEnox 5688

(rl--Cernent VVark

CEMENT and bnck work -Porches, stone steps, base-ment, drIveways garages andSIde walks Free estImate CallDrexel 1163


LAUNDRY done at my homeReferences TUxedo 2 1371

WILL do large famIly laundryPIck up and dellver CallTUxedo 1 4665

(ml-Radio Repairs



\ '





\' ,

AR. 1110



NI. 4255




• l



.Ih.finer interiorand exter10r



We Wash and Trim All BrtedsDogs, All Breeds Bo&Tded by Day or Montb

11115 MACK AVENUE • NI.4221


Ralph J. KossPo ntlng - Papl>rhanq nq

Interior and ExteriorWallpaper Removed

By Steam

ALL.BRIGHTCleaning & Painting Co.


'oooo ... ~ooo ,oooounuoo "'0 ,oooooooooo'do '/°0000_, I

~W~'''''''h'l~ j


,0l);I~~ko~~ n~o~!r~o~~o 0 ° ° 0 ° n n n n u 0 0 n n nc;.r~~s~o~'1,'lI~e"~OnO~~nC


Storm Windows. ScreensRepaired & Installed

Gutters Cleaned

Window Washing ServiceLawnmowers Sharpened and


1385 E.. tlawn Drexel 6986

21-SERVICES 21-SERVICES(j}-Paint and Decarate !Il-Windaw Washinq

STORM wmdows put up Wmdows washed We also washwalls Reh&ble whIte menNIagara 3831

WALL WASHING-Best workWell recommended TUxedo1 2012 Call evenmgs

PAINTING, decoratIng, wallwashmg and paper hangmg25 years experlence Ostm andLamky TUxedo 1 1396

FOR YOUR pamtmg, decoratmg,paper hangmg and wall wash-mg WorkmanshIp and ma~tenal guaranteed Call WllhamElgeman Tuxedo 2 9083

!II-Windaw Washinq

***********************************************************************~II GUIDE TO GOOD SERVICE II:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ •••• ~.~~~~~.~.~.~~.~~.~.~~.~ ••• ~~~ •••••••••• ~~ ••••• ~¥


1040 Lawndale'.Vlnewood 2-8510

We Specla( ZI>in Cleaningholed Down Carpeting

In Your Home

LAMP REPAIRSOld style floor and table lampsbrought up to date Vases madeinto lamps Parts for all lampsBroken ,e:lass and porcelainlamps restored Also 3 Way andFluorescent

Lamp Repair ServiceTO 8-3773 UntIl 9 P M



We Specialize In Cleaning

Carpets on Yaur Floor.

Phone for Estimate

LA WNMOWERS sharpened orrepaIred by experts We sharp.en or repaIr any artIcle youhave RapId serVIce

FIXIT SHOP14221 Kercheval Avenue

LEnox 4352

Haines Carpet Cleaners

TUxedo 1-1260


Upholsteryand Carpets

Cleaned at Your HomeDomestIc and OrIental

Guaranteed Moth-Proofmg


Free EstImatesTUxedo 2 6249 VErmont 7 4377

CARPET OWNERS - AttenhonRepaIr now and save the wearAlso staIr carpet shIfted Dayor evenIng NIagara 0703

Blcycles pamted and repaIredATTENTIONfor A 1 work

CALL TUXEDO 2-8053:PIck up and delIvery servIce

5241 Farmbrook $

WASHERS, radIOS vacuums re.paIred by relIable servICemanONC Appllance PIngree 2588and PRospect 1936 19660Kenosha

TOY Manchester or black andtan, three months old tramedand regIstered Must sell Gomg to FlOlda Call LEnox 5513

PERMA-CEDAR, kennel beddmg .prevents doggy odor, 50cper bag Lambrecht LumberCo, RoseVIlle 0047 EvenmgsTUxedo 2-8297


STORM SASH for steel or woodwmdows, complete, mcludmgpalntmg and lnstallatlon CItySash & Screen Company PRos-pect 3700

BELLILE SERVICE COGAS stove repamng All makes

Prompt servIce LEnox 2586





Punch & Judy Block




WANTEDOld Clothing



TYler 4-3625

A telephone call will bring usto you Immediately!


34 FORD convertIble radIO andheater Good condItIon $200Call TU 2 2073


BOOKS bought In any quantltyEntire llbrarles, bookcases andpamtmgs Bronzes B C Claes,1670 Leverette Phone CHerry4267

FURNITURE WANTED-If youhave anythmg In the lme ofhousehold furmture and rugs,call The Neatway Furmture,13930 Kercheval LEnox 2115

WANTED-Antiques, chma, artobJects figurenes for my homeNo dealers PIngree 1964

WANTED-Antlques Small ra-dlO Smger sewmg machmeCall Fitzroy 5810

URGENT - We need footballeqUipment for Grosse PomteWoo d s boys' organIzatIonPads helmets, shoes, etc W1l1buy Lawrence D Marr, 1463Amta TUxedo 2 1498



MARTEN blended Skunk furJacket, excellent conditlOnbeautIful style, SIze 16 18$175 Genume beaver Jacketbrown fox collar and cuffsSIze 16, $75 Portable type.wrlter, perfect condItion, $35FItzroy 0594 Afternoons 2 to5

BABY S bassmet, scale, car seat,dIaper pall potty chaIr, CrIband chest of drawers 11024East Warren

GRAY RUSSlan caracul SIze 12Cal TUxedo 2-2266

SEAL fur coat short SIze 38very reasonable black ndmgboot" Slze 61'2 llke new twoburne-r electnc plate CallFitzroy 2873

FOUR-PIECE maple bedroomset excellent condItIon $129Call PIngree 1967 on Saturdayand Sunday only

MAHOGANY three sectlon bookcase WIth shdmg glass doorsSUItable for busmess office$20 WIll trade ror small walnut desk TUxedo 2 4087

NINE PIECE dmmg room SUite11ke new TUxedo 2-8767 1930Lochmoor


GREENHOUSE (attached to ga-rage In CIty of Grosse Pomte)-beheved to be of tYDlcal steeland bent wood Burnham canstructIan-17~' WIde by 33%long-two doors WIth glasscanopIeS-Its framework andall heatmg system plpmg andvalves can be acquIred by anyperson wIllmg to remove It-most of Its glass, exceptmgvertIcal pahes broken m recent hall storm Call MISSClapp, FI-7800 any day exceptSaturday or Sunday

9 PIE.CE walnut dlnIng room setIlke new Call TU 2 2006

LIVING ROOM SUlte Mmk andother coats Man s overcoat,SIze 42 PIng pong table, Icebox % SIze VIolIn Reasonable22030 Gaukler, St ClaIr Shores

ONE studIO couch, mnersprmgmattress top, 3 couch pIllows2 table lamps, 1 mattress,practIcally new, 1 gate1eg ta.ble, 2 spmdle back chaIrs, 1case bonk shelves NIagara3869 Call 5 to 8 30 P m

IN TIME for ChrIstmas girls26' bIcycle, $15 Also gIrl s22' blcycle WIth basket, $10Call NIagara 1155

WHITNEY baby carnage playpen chaIrs, etc Call TUxedo2-2852

ELECTRIC Iron electrIC bunwarmer foldmg cot and mattress, lamps goblets mIscel-laneous glassware beautifulImported vases bookends etcWonderful for ChrIstmas gIftsBlankets shoes lady's cloth-mg sIze 12 14 Men s c10thmgSIze 39 medmm 5518 Grayton

DUNCAN-PHYFE dmmg roomtable lIke new $45, 5 pIecewalnut bedroom set WIth m.nersprmg mattress coil sprmg$115 22420 Statler blvd StClaIr Shores RoseVIlle 2277 R

ELECTRIC Ironer Ironrlte model 30 excellent condItIon 1153Harvard

WIRE HAIRED terner pupplesOne male one female Pedlgreed ARlmgton 5610

MEN S cuts SlZe 44 overcoatsshIrts SIze 17% Call TUxedo2 3112

6-FOR RENT(Hauses, Apts., Flats, etc. I

GROSSE POINTE - Rooms foroffices, second floor SpecIfyspace needed and type of bUSiness Box No 110 GrossePomte News

7-WANTED TO RENT(Hauses, Apts., Flats, etc.1

BUSINESS man and WIfe, nochIldren, need two-bedroomunfurmshed house or terracePermanently located DetrOItTop references T G DaVIS,TOwnsend 8-5520t ExtenSIon2525, daya

PRESENT Grosse Pomte hometo be owner occupIed Decem-ber 7th Need 7 or 8 roomhouse Smaller home If ample storage spaceNo chIldren or pets Call af-ter 7, Tuxedo 2-1085

EXECUTIVE permanently moving to DetrO'l,t wants 3 or 4~bedroom unfurnIshed house orWIll consIder furmshed housefor 6 Months W,ll pay up to$125 per month Phone MrMaycock, PLaza 1520 between9amand5pm.

FLAT or garage apartment, 2or 3 bedrooms Grosse PomteresIdents 'to No young .chIldrenno pets Please call MrsBrossy TUxedo 2 1478

DESIRASLE tenants deme desirable dIgS for SIX weeks CallNIagara 0792

DESIRE 3-bedroom house A-Ireferences MUrray 4653

DISCHARGED veteran, WIfe andbaby deSIre a house, apartmen t, terrace or Income, pre.ferably Grosse POInte areaCall TOwnsend 9-1494

VETERAN and WIfe want fur-mshed apartment or flat Onebedroom suffICIent No ChII..dren, no pets Excellent reNferences TU 2 4175

2 BEDROOM house lncome orflat In Grose Pomte or VlcmIty for two adults MurphyCAdIllac 7351

FOUR or 5 room unfurmshedhouse flat, apartment urgently needed by serVIceman sWIfe and two chIldren Goodreferences Call IVanhoe 7661

TWO or three bedroom houseSears executIve best refer~ences PRospect 6406

BUSINESS executIve deSIres two01' three bedroom house orbungalow for self and wIfeand one chIld 8 Call OLIve7478

COUPLE deSIres small mcomeor apartment Furmshed or un-furmshred Call NIagara 7333

DISCHARGED srmy maJor andWIfe deSIre three to five roomsApartment flat or house Fur-nIshed or unfurmshed Re-sponSIble cduple ReferencesCan TUxedo 2 5277

HOUSE or duplex Three bed-rooms and bath, by adultcouple wlth outstandmg recordas tenants. No ammals, nochIldren W,ll pay up to $150per month Box 400

MARRIED couple, age 49 and 43deSIre modern apartment,. flator house m Grosse Pomte orE Warren area Excellent De-trOIt references Call NIagara6035

MUST have occupancy by Ja.n-uay 1st 3 to 4 bedooms, auto~matIc heat Grosse Pomte orEast DetroIt area Care ofhouse and grounds guaranteedRent may consIder buymgDoctor Bonus $100 War BondCall NIagara 7696

ENGLISH woman deSIres plea-sant room for a few monthsWIth use of kItchen for lIghtbreakfast Tuxedo 1-0268

NAVAL offIcer here for perma-nent duty urgently desires torent 2 or 3 bedroom unfur-Ulshed modern house orbungalow, gas or 011 heatPlease phone Cmdr Flemrng,Cherry 9330 StatlOn 401



19253 Harper

• • •

• • •


CASH RATES30 Wor~s .IPaI£aeh Additional Word .so

To Place a Charge Ad byP4one, CaU-


Inursaay, Novemoer I, 1""'0

Ads will beAeeepted to 4, P In Tueldayt at

the NEWS offlce

Your Ad wIll be accepted un-tIl noon Wednesdays at thelow Cash Rate at anyone ofthe .followmg storesANN &: nICKS

20792 Mack Gr Pte WoodsBLUE CROSS DRUG

17511Mack at Neff RdBUSCH DRUGS

..... .. 15228 East JefferS011c..UNNlNGHAM S

.... ..... ,Kercheval at Notre I)ameGROSSE PTE DRUG CO

........ .Kercheval at at. Cla1rHARKNESS PHARMACY

.... ,Mack at Lochmoor BlvdKOJi>P PlL\.RMAcY •

_'" .16926 Keroheva.MAR1LAND CONF T Rl M 1 c

.......... .. .1009 ar,yan

MILLER PHARMAcY............ .Kercheval at Wayburn

NOT~ .. ~~ .. :¥'~&ChevtUSCHETTLER S .. .15324 E Jefferson~l.HET u..FR S. Fisher at Maumee-:,TEADMANS

SWHIER DRUGS M -,. A__ .... 17201 a<,;4 venue

rITUS DRUGS I at FlsheJ.. N Kercheva




/Sallne $1 21 Clinton $1 44Jonesvllle $242 Quincy ~32J,OColdwater $282 Sturgis '" ...L. Angeles $4198 at Louis $637



SMALL tan purse contammgmoney and glasses Glasses arevaluable Generous rewardCall FIt7roy 9777

AT BEST & Co change pursecontammg 2 slIver dollars, bothlucky pIeces Irreplacable sen-timental values If fmderspends dollars please notIfy mewhere spent Call NIagara0864

GENTLEMEN S gold wnst watchWIth InItials F C N on backLost m shoppmg dIstrIct orvlcmlty of Lakeland and Umverslty Reward Call NI4672


THE Ever Ready EmploymentAgency has all kmds of ex-perienced help WIth referencesready CAdlllac 0284

EXPERIENCED and capablecook for dmner partIes lunch-eons and buffet suppers CallNIagara 1655

LADY, middle-aged, refmed, WIllcare for elderly couple or Children by the day or hourly CallTuxedo 1-1192 mormngs or eve~mngs

WHITE woman to do your laun-dry In her home SpeclallzmgIn curtams References 19540Nme Mlle Rd, St ClaIr Shores

ELDERLY lady wants geMralhousework laundry aSSIst WIthcookmg Stay mghts WrIteBox 550, Grosse Pomte News

AVAILABLE for prIvate partIesclubs and lodges Lady ac-cordIOmst speclahnz In oldfavorIte tunes Songs everyoneloves to smg TUxedo 2 6561

DIETICIAN WIshes to care forconvalescent or chIldren gomgsouth Telephone TOwnsend7 5103

SECRETARY - Accurate andneat typIst wants temporary Orpart.tlme work Call TUxedo1-0384 FrIday or Saturday

EXPERIENCED pamtmg andpaperhangmg Clean up forthe holIdays RelIable Refer-ences Free estImate RoseVIlle2667 W

TUxedo 2.6.• GROSSE POINTE NEWSI(3 Trunk Lines to Serve 'foul

CHARGE RATESao Words .. .. .. ..600Each AdditionaJ W01'd _ 20

AUTOROLA Deluxe RadIO, ex HAVE BUYERS for apartmentscellent condItIOn, $20 Call flats smgles, vacant and com-NIagara 4397 merclal properties For prompt

MAN S all wool tallormade black courteous serVIce have Hoch.overcoat, Slze 44 to 46 $25 muth sell It 13021 Kercheval ( Ismokmg Jacket, wool, $5 two LEnox 5410 cl-Electr c Repairs

paIr of rubbers sIze 9 $1 all FOR INFORMATION regardmg ELECTRICAL WIRINGnearly new lady's all wool Grosse Pomte real estate, callgray coat SIze 38 one paIr Maxon Brothers, one block And Repalrmqpre.war black crepe shoes SIze east of Punch and Judy The. Have All AvaIlable Material in Stock10 5A, $5 worn tWIce Call atre on Kercheval TUxedo To DoTUxedo 1.1236 2 6000 • New Homes • Old Homes

C 11 Repairing • AWc l3,ndBABY GRAND PIANO a EX PERT • Recreation Rooms Wired

NIagara 3663 • Garage Wiring Underground• Power Wiring • Mise Electrical

LADY S tuxedo coat SIze 18 Repairlngboys overcoat SIze 18 boy sAP P RA ISA L Good Service Reasona)::l1ef1ngerhp corduroy, Slze 16 BAYERS ALL ELECTRIC ANDboy s SUIt coat SIze 18 men sndmg breeches SlZe 34 ma- AND APPLIANCE COhogany lIbrary table NIagara Evenings Residence TV 1-45723980 , Sales Act'lon 17330E Wanen Store TU 1-0440

LARGE hand-carved CalIforma (d I-Curtain Laundryredwood bedroom SUIte con 'IDl~iT SERVICEMAN S WIfe would lIkesIstmg of overSlze double bed to do curtams In her home 619WIth bUllt ..m readmg and mght Meadowbrook MUrray 5851lamps, boX" sprmgs and downmattress, bureau WIth mIrror ~~&lb~~ (e)-Custom Corsetsbookcase large loungmg chair SPENCER CORSETSand book easel 677 Sunnmgdale Grosse Pomte Woods INDIVIDUALLY designed Dress

PR 9 8 00 and SurgIcal garments OverCORD WOOD 410 GAUGE Stevens Sprmgfleld. 13 years expenence Maude

NURSE or nursery governess de SIngle shotgun 3 boxes of 12905 G. Bannert, 368 McKmley, GrosseSlres pOSl\lon Young chlldren 16 and 24-mch shells $22 Nlagara 9071 rat lOt POInte Call NIagara 4027 or

d d f t t I TOwnsend 7-4312Expenence an ree 0 rave All Hardwood and Seasoned HAND crocheted bed spread full Results Count We SatisfyCall Rosevllle 0763-M Slze $30 1564 Hollywood (fl-Refrlqeration

TUxeclo 2-6305YOUNG lady for general office MARIMBA, 3 octave Deagon 14-REAL ESTATE WANTED REFRIGERATION and motor

work In msurance office Typ. Good condItion Used In hIgh servIce LIcensed and bondedI C SWILL PAY $10 to $25 for goodng necessary areer po SI- school band Mallets & cover WANTED Kelvmator, FrIgIdaIre ColdbllIhes Call CAdIllac 4787 practice plano, could use play- Large Thor Mangle Nlagara Spot, Copeland Crosley and

or plano HOgarth 4422 S ERVI C EOFFICE work, general Doctor's 4035 UnIversal W,lllams LEnox WASHERoffice preferred $40 per week ACCORDION for sale or rent ANTIQUES, clocks, Sheffleld Grosse POI'nte 6763 If no answer call TRlmty RADIONI 8606 AccordlOns furmshed to be- 1-4600agara v-ase, powder Jar, lamps filS

gmners Lessons by Joseph f P . PARTS FOD ALL MAKES • PICKUP AND DELIVERYLADY wlll care for chlld not Masslmmo, 25 years expert cellaneous dlShes palr 0 ro pe rt Ies QUALITY RefrlgeratlOn ServlCe FlUORESCENT BULBS AND l'IXTURES

under four whIle mother ence 7046 Harper TWmbrook candle sticks paIr of vases Guaranteed serVIce on Cold Vacuum Cleaners and Sewmg Machmes Repairedworks For more detal1s call 1-5838 or IVanhoe 6335 Call Nlagara 1331 ALL SIZES spot, Crosley, Copeland, Um We RepaIr Beauty Parlor DrIers and ElectrIcal EqUlpmentT 1 4 5992 vetsal, Leonard, Kelvmator For 25 Years We Have Been

y er - d BEAUTIUL Ilvmg room furm- CASH BUYERS N F d th k P . tAl. ShIT S TIME to conSI er fall plant- orge, rIgi alre, 0 er ma es Oln e PP lanCe op Servt-ng Grosse Pot-nteEX PER I E N C E D laundress mg 500 chrysanthemum plants ture In home only f,ve LIcensed bonded PRospect

WIshes work at her home m bloom m 10 dlfferent colors IDontbs Sellmg out at sacr1 WAITING! 7297 Day and mght 15318 East Jefferson LE....x 9229 Interior _ ExteriorFmlshed If deSIred All flat 39c each You dIg 'em See Mr flce pnce 3 piece section Call us for free appraisaI- Opp Esquite Theatre (> IIUwork Mangled PlCk up and M,tchener, East of CadIeux on davenport $150 Large club 18 years experlence m the KELVINATOR and Leonard ser- P a i n tin g anddehvery by customer Ohve Warren chalr $40 RegenGY chair $40 VIllages throup;hout the Pornte VICe 15 years factory branch Decorating -.5948 Also, 1941 Norge refngerator Call LEnox 0 I00 J Hayes LEnox 8212. I

ONE DOZEN pewter mugs May 1941 Fngldalre, electnc stove In Grosse POInte Woods It's We Must Be R'ght ".6-FOR RENT be used for hIghball or water and electnc vacuum cleaner J h C St dt (I)-Paint and Decorate "ADUR'S STANDARD STATION Call For Ese-mate I"(~louses. Apts.. Flats, etc. I glasses, $45 NIagara 8082 and hand sweeper TUxedo 0 n a U PAINTING decoratmg, wall pa 1\ ~FLORIDA Health Camp-Abun- BEAUTIFUL ant 1que couch 2 3679 Inc permg Prompt s~rVlCe, rea ALL STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS FOR YOUR CAR'S SAKE A.. H. DePClepe ~

dance of good food Telephone CHerry 6000 Lme 241 for ap 8 PIECE walnut dIning set 232 15322 East JI>fferson sonable rates Don Sherman We Da Welding Mack Ave., Car. Roslyn Rd. NI.1440. I~TOwnsend 7-5103. pOlDtment FISher Rd. ROsevl11e 1164-R. ' I~;- ........ -I~





830 to 000Saturdays 8 ~O to 5 00

2,,4'5, 2x6's, 2x8'5, 2x10's,2,;:12's Roof Boald5, SIdmg, Trims, MQuldlngs,Wmdows, D 0 0 r s, BarnSash, Rool Roofing, R CShmgles, No 210 Shingles,3 In 1 and Hex Shmgles


Grosse POtnte Farms131 Kercheval NI. 01a3



Everythmgfor theBul1der


We Treat You Right •.• See Our Pamt LIne'







17910 Van Dyke at Nevada TW 1 9020Closed Sundays


Blggf'5P LittleLumbel Yardl.n t:he World


Call on Us

InsulatIon Board, KlmsulInsulation Roc k Wool,Plaster Board, Rocklath,etc Nalls, Stepladders, 4,5 and 7 ft Fen~e PIckets,Paint and Hardwal e

19743 Harper, between 7 and 8 Mile Rds.-TU. 2.4800•

These breakfast and dmette tables haveVIT1WLITETOPS m varlOUS colors and sIzes BeautIful and long lastmgAlso PORCELAIN TOPS m a varJety of colors

Buy from Detroit s largest manufactmer of breakfastand d neUe furmture and save money See OUI largefactory dIsplay room of hundreds of mdrVIdual pIeces andcombmatlons

Kindergorten Ta~le and Choirs, Deluxe, $9 45of Lifetime Construction.. • up


Hit Parade and ClassicalRECORDS

4lbums 01 SinglesRadIOS ChecI(ed and Repaired"enlce Prompt and Rt'asonablt'

WOlk is GuaranteedHARPER.VOGUE

RADIO f!,I'RVICI16945 l.trpel TV I 2880



10Mechanics to Serve You!

Complete Bumping and Painting Service


Drive Your Car in Now! No Waiting!



14801 E. Jeffersonl at Ashland LE. 8400

carry a complete lme ofGeneral DetrOIt Fll e

ExtmgUIshersAlso Recharges

Lambrecht Lumberand Supply 00.

25260 GratiotPhone Roseville 0047


nual orphans party at ChrIstmas ItIme and to r"lJse money for theevent are plann,mg a car d party Ifor Sunday Nov 11 at 8 p m InSt Paul s School

The evemng WIll feature entertamment and refreshments aswell as door and table pnzesReservatIOns may be placed WIthKatherme Reed NI 408a

Thursday, November I, 1945Mrs. Edward C Dou~hty Dies in Williamstown

Sodality Plans Mr; Edward Closby Doughty I road, dled Saturday m her home, ~Orphans' Party the Iormel Gertrude Russel Fanway WIlhamstown, Massdaughtel of Mrs \Valter S Rus Born 111 DetrOlt Mrs Doughty

Membel s of the Young Ladles sel of Moran road and SIster ofSodalIty of 8t Paul s Pcillbh are Mrs A G Nutter also of Moran has hved III WIllIamstown smcealready antlclpatmg theIr an I - 1916 )



ALFRED F. STEINER CO.Ford-Mercury-Lincoln Dealer

1690 I Mack at Grayton

CATHOLIC WOR!{SHOPThe RadIO Workshop of the

CatholIc Theatre of DetrOIt hasreturned to the an after a summer recess The commg season sbroadcasts-whIch WIll be heardat 2 p m on Saturdays overStatlOn WJLB-mclude mUSICaland dramatIc programs Onceeach month there WIll be a speClay program by the ChIldren sStage


JIll! McCord of 16826 5t Paul,returned home from DetrOIt at43Q 0 clock Thursday afternoonand found a wmdow pane In thehouse blOken She also found agUIlty lookmg baseball In thesame room

The mystery was all clearedup a httle later when BIll Cum-mmgs of 16834 5t Paul caUedon the phone to say that he knewall about the broken pane andthe ball and was very sorry andwould pay all damages

Honest Ball PlayerExplams Broken Pane


INOW ON DISPLAY I~ Here IS the most beautIful Ford eve1 bUIltI -with more advancements than manyi pre.war yearly models There's new and


~=_~I- ~~ el~~~i~~~::eOdw::~::::;: o~ra:;;as:~= Ime ... and massive, rich new styling

We cordIally mvite you to come m and

1,1 "oth"m>U"t "'w 1946 Fmd. I~ iI~--------


TE. 1.5260





.Phone fo1'Flee ]< stlWlltt'

BItterness IS a dIsease to becured not a force to be used

TROMBLY SCHOOLThe mothers of the chIldren III

1 B held theIr first meetmg onthe afternoon of October 23 WIthMrs Ethel Cowe prmclpal andMISS Han let GIfford :first gradeteacher

Tea was served In the lunch-room by the GIrl Scouts Hallo-ween decorations were usedCookIes made by the glrls wereserved

We Guarantee Delivery NextSpring ••• If ordered Now'There wan t be enough fabile to fIllall demands - order ;)our awnmgsnow Pa~ next veal'

Oldest Independent AwnmgCompany In DetrOIt • • • You

Can Depend On Us'

Awnings Taken DownlUrooved • • • Stored Repaired

}< reeted 1'1 ext Year by lI.",-perts


We SpeClalize In COUlteous EffIcientSerVIce

Recapping ••• VulcanizingBrake Service ••• Batteries

Wheel AligningAll Work Fully Guaranteed

"When It's TIme to RetIre Buy FISk"

8811 E. Jefferson, orner GraneLEnox 1103

Hear the Whiffier

CARS 'and TRUCKSSaturday, November 3rd



We Pay High Dollar-Car or Truck







We Apply wIth Power Spray Only One In Detr.,.

ChllDney and Wall Tuck.Pomtmg and RebmIdmgRoofing, Sheet Metal Work and General Home Mamtenance

(ContInued from Page 1)




SHOWING1946 1946





Shingles Curling or Splitting?•



Landscape Now


WIth fresh Northern eyergleens:estImates gIven flee Our workIS backed by years of expenenceWe also do soddmg gradmgtree removal and t.r:lmmmgWood and kmdlmg for sale

Iand particularly by the mumclpalltles of Southern MacombCounty by means of t1-}e NmeMIle Dram and

Further request saId mumcipalsewage masmuch as other dram Ihes to cease and deSIst flam soage faCIlIties are avaIlable to domg andthem except on the occaSIOn of Further urges that If tIus oban unusually heavy ramfall Jectlonable practice IS not

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT promptly and permanently dls,RESOLVED that the VIllage of contmued actIOn be taken by theGrosse Pomte Falms by Its State of MIchIgan to reqUIre ItsPreSIdent and ..Board of Trustees dlscontmuancehereby protests agamst the Adopted October 15 1945emptymg mto saId lake of rawsewage by any mUUlclpal agency,

and They're Readyat AU S,bleY Yards'




Cedar Fence Posts, 7' .47cKenmore Board, *too .3'hcPlaster Board, ftoo ••••• 4cUpson Tile Board, ft•.•.7c

Balsam Wool, 4t ..... Slf2C4" Rockwool, batts, *too 7c1/." Celotex, *too •• 5 2/10cCedar Fence Pickets •• 12c

* Ralo..proo{ ".tilation 1.summer* Large clear "talon storm.wludows* FUle mesh, insect proofscreens* Low pre ..war Ptlc ..

for Homo Dem.nltratlon CIflel Estimate

PlleBe EV. 5000

Easy Payment If DesiredOpen Sattlldays 'til 4 o'clock

Wmter keeps conung waItmgfor no man But you can tame Itsblusterm~ blasts by msulatmg now

STORM SASHSize 24"x24", at


* Each window custom. budt* Exc1uS1ve aU' tight Interlock fit* Interchangeable from lfl.oside* Draft proof vetltdaUoft 1ftwinter

Roll Roofing andFlintkote Shingles

Plastic Cement'" Roof Coating


Rubbish Burners $1.69

6460 Kercheval 15101 I. Outer Dr, I 10471 Gd. RiverFItzroy 5100 TWinbrook 1.2400 HOgarth 0001



Note these Weather-Seal Features

Get all tile factsand you'll hllyWeatller-SealInterchangeableStorm Windows

andSummer ScreeIlS

22350 Grand ll.iver Detroit, Mich.OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9

1",0,22 J ft"t _1'#",&5 A! ¥@

Pratt and Lambert Paints and VarllishesTelephone Cabinets ...•.•. , .... ,$4.50

Page Sixteen

Yes, We HaveExtension ladders

Lambrecht Lumber Supply Co.Ne"r 10 Mile Rd. IEvenings TU. Z.62971 RosevIlle 0047