Romeo and Juliet A Play by William Shakespeare

Post on 22-Feb-2016

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Romeo and Juliet A Play by William Shakespeare. Characters & Summary of Acts 1 through 5. 9 th Grade English Ms. Richards. Click the image to continue. Main Menu. Plot Overview Main Characters More Characters Act 1 Act 2 Act 3 Act 4 Act 5 Review Question. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Romeo and Juliet A Play by William Shakespeare

Romeo and Juliet A Play by William Shakespeare

Plot Overview

Click the image to return to the main menuThis play by William Shakespeare takes place in Verona, Italy. Here two families, the Montagues and the Capulets, have an ongoing feud that continues through the generations. Romeo and Juliet meet and it was love at first sight. The young star-crossed lovers dont care about their families feud and they plan to secretly run away and get married. The outcome is tragic, but you will have to continue reading to find it out.

CharactersRomeo- Son of Montague and Lady Montague. About 16 years old, very passionate, leaves Rosaline because he falls in love with Juliet. Romeo has no interest in the feud of the Montagues and Capulets. Juliet- Daughter of Capulet and Lady Capulet. About 14 years old, falls in love with Romeo and wants to marry him. Tybalt- Juliets cousin. He hates the Montagues and is quick to draw his sword. He is vain and has a temperFriar Lawrence- A holy Catholic man who secretly marries Romeo and Juliet in hopes that it will stop the families from fighting. He is also a master with herbs and potions. Nurse- Acted as Juliets mother her entire life. She is witty and comical in the play. TheNurse helps Romeo and Juliet with their secret love but doesnt necessarily understand it.

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More Characters

Click the image to return to the main menu Mercutio- He is a kinsman to the Prince, and Romeos close friend. He tends to play on words a lot, and has an interesting imagination. He does not believe in Romeos love.Capulet & Lady Capulet- Juliets parents who love her, but dont know much about her or her feelings. They hate the Montagues, and want Juliet to marry a boy named Paris who is a kinsman to the Prince. Montague and Lady Montague- Romeos parents who hate the Montagues. Lady Montague dies of grief once she hears that Romeo has been exiled from Verona. Friar John- In charge of bringing the news to Romeo that Juliet has faked her death, but he gets caught up and the news never reaches him.Balthasar- tells Romeo of Juliets death, unaware that it is fake. Peter, Sampson, and Gregory- Capulet servantsAbram- Montagues servantRosaline- Romeos first love who does not love him backAct 1 Summary

Click the image to return to the main menuA young man named Romeo opens the play. He is depressed because he loves a girl named Rosaline, but she does not love him back. Romeos friend, Benvolio, sees that Romeo is sad and convinces him to go to a masked ball at the Capulets house, who his family has had bitter hate towards his entire life. Romeo agrees to attend, and he meets a beautiful girl named Juliet, who he later finds out is the daughter of Capulet. They seal their love with a kiss that night. Tybalt, Juliets cousin, recognizes who Romeo is and kicks him out of the ball, swearing that he will find him later to fight.

Act 2 Summary

Click the image to return to main menuAfter the ball, Romeo wanders into the Capulets garden where he hears Juliet calling out his name and wishing he wasnt a Montague. Romeo makes his presence known and the two share an intimate love scene and make plans to be married. Juliet sends the nurse to make final arrangements for the wedding. Friar Lawrence agreed to marry the two because he believes it will stop the feuding between the two families.

Act 3 Summary

Click the image to return to main menuTybalt, has found Romeo leaving Friar Lawrences cell, and tries to start a fight, but Romeo is so love struck that he refuses to engage in a quarrel with him. Instead, Mercutio fights Tybalt and is killed. Romeo is so enraged at his friends murder that he begins to fight Tybalt, and kills him. The Prince of Verona gets word of what has happened and bans Romeo from Verona. Juliet becomes hysterical, and her parents believe it is because of Tybalts death, so they plan her wedding with Paris, not knowing of her marriage and love of Romeo.

Act 5 summary

Click the image to return to main menuJuliet takes the potion and is laid in the Capulet tomb, but the Friars letter fails to reach Romeo, so he thinks that Juliet is really dead. He sneaks into the tomb and encounters Paris. Romeo and Paris fight and Paris ends dead. Romeo makes a deadly poison and drinks it as he says farewell to his love. Juliet wakes up realizes what Romeo has done and kills herself with Romeos dagger. The Montagues and Capulets find out what has really happened and decide to make up realizing what they had caused, making Verona peaceful.

Review questionWho convinces Romeo to go to the masked ball at the Capulets house?
