ROME - · PDF file2- An island located between Carthage and Rome. There, Romans and...

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Transcript of ROME - · PDF file2- An island located between Carthage and Rome. There, Romans and...





2- THE MONARCHY (753 B.C.-509 B.C.)

3- THE RISE OF THE REPUBLIC. (509 B.C.-390 B.C.)

4- EARLY EXPANSION (390 B.C. - 202 B.C.)

4.1- The Punic Wars

4.2- HANNIBAL, The enemy of Rome


5.1- The roman legions


7- THE EMPIRE. (27 B.C. - 476 A.C)

7.1 Trajan: (53 A.C. - 117 A.C.)


8.1- Roman marriage

8.2- Roman school

8.3- Roman food

8.4- Roman entertainment




Exercise 1: Timeline: Paint: With green: The Monarchy.With red: The Republic.With blue: The Empire.

You can use this link:



A princess named Rhea Sylvia had 2 twin boys by Mars, the god of war.


A jealous uncle wanted to kill them.

Years later, the two brothers decided to build a city.

Romulus named his new city Rome. This was, according to the legend, the year 753 BC.


Exercise 2: Put in order:

A servant put the twins in a basket in the river

A shepherd found the children Rhea Sylvia loved Mars, the god of war.

Romulus killed Remus A wolf cared for Romulus and Remus.

When Remus died, Romulus named the new city "Rome"

The twins argued and fought The twins founded a city Rhea Sylvia had two sons



The city of Rome began in 753 B.C., and Romulus was the first of seven kings.

2- THE MONARCHY (753 B.C.-509 B.C.)

Rome had powerful neighbours to the north: The Etruscans.

About 575 B.C., the Etruscans conquered the city of Rome.

Etruscan kings ruled Rome for the next 60 years.

The last Etruscan king, Tarquin the Proud , was cruel and terrorized the people. In 509 B. C., the people rebelled against him.


Exercise 3: Look for the name of five Etruscan cities, and place them in this map:

Exercise 4: True or false?

1- The Etruscans lived in Southern Italy.

2- The Etruscans knew the alphabet.

3- Tarquin the proud was a Etruscan king in Rome.

4- Tarquin the proud was very kind and polite.

5- Athens was a Etruscan city.

6- In 509 B.C. the romans expulsed Tarquin the proud.

7- Etruscans built a lot of pyramids.


3- THE RISE OF THE REPUBLIC. (509 B.C.-390 B.C.)

When Romans expulsed the last Etruscan king, in 509 B.C., Roman people decided a new form of government: a REPUBLIC. (Res=thing + Publica=Public. The public thing)

In a republic, citizens elect leaders. In Rome, the leaders were consuls.

The Senate (a group of rich people) gave advice to the consuls. The senate controlled the treasury (the money!) and Roman laws. Here you can see a senator speaking to the senate.



By 494 B.C., the plebeians formed their own assembly, Council of Plebeians. They could approve or dissaprove laws.

Here, you can see the Senate voting a law:

Roman society in Early Republic

Roman society of the republican period was divided into three large groups: patricians, plebeians and slaves.

The patricians were the rich people. They participated in the Senate and occupied the highest political and military positions.

The plebeians were the foreigners, immigrants, small land owners, traders, farmers and craftsmen. They were the largest group.

The slaves, who were prisoners of war or sons and daughters of other slaves. They were THINGS, not people. A third of the people of Italy during the empire were slaves. They worked in homes and farms, in mining, shipping, road building, and construction.

The laws. The romans wrote their laws in the TWELVE TABLES, a CODE OF LAW.

Examples of laws:

IV. 1 "A dreadfully deformed child shall be killed."

VIII. 1 "If any person has sung or composed against another person a SONG (carmen) such as was causing slander or insult.... he shall be clubbed to death."

XI. 1 "Marriage shall not take place between a patrician and a plebeian."


Exercise 5: Link the correct ones:

In Rome, the elected leaders were...

The public thing

The SenateThe Council of Plebeians. could dissaprove...

509 B.C.

The money

ConsulsThey were rich and gave advice, they were... LawsThe Senate controlled...

Republic means...

The Republic began in the year...

Exercise 6: Who is who..? Look for: 1- A Patrician. 2- A plebeian. 3- A slave. 4- A senator.


4- EARLY EXPANSION (390 B.C. - 202 B.C.)

In 390 B.C., The Gauls attacked and destroyed Rome. The Gauls were barbarians from the north.

But Rome rebuilt and continued to grow. By 275 B.C., Rome ruled all of Italy !

4.1- The Punic Wars (264 B.C. - 202 B.C.)

The Punic Wars were series of wars between Rome and Carthage. Rome an Carthage fought first for Sicily, in the Mediterranean sea. Rome won in 241 bC.

But it was not the end of Carthage.


Angry gauls

4.2- HANNIBAL, The enemy of Rome (247 B.C.- 183 B.C.)

The Carthaginian general Hannibal (247-182 BCE) was one of the greatest military leaders in history.

With a small army, Hannibal invaded Italy. He crossed the Alps with elephants and soldiers. This was an incredible feat.

But finally Scipio Africanus Major defeated Hannibal in Africa, at Zama (202 B.C.).

Roman was now master of Sicily, Corsica, Illyria, Hispania and parts of Gaul.


Exercise 7: Punic wars wordsearch:

Find the hidden words. Clues

1- Very big war animals.

2- An island located between Carthage and Rome. There, Romans and Carthaginians fought in the First Punic War.

3- Mountains of France. Hannibal crossed them.

4- The great Carthaginian commander. Enemy of Rome.

5- The inhabitants of ancient France.

6- Hannibal's enemy.

7- Hannibal lost this battle. Of course, it was Scipio's victory.

8- Hannibal's country.

9- Hannibal won this battle.

10- Ancient Spain.



5.1 New conquerings:

With Carthage out of the way, Rome was the most important power in the western Mediterranean.

By 146 B.C. they conquered Greece and Macedonia. By 50 B.C., Rome controlled all the land around the Mediterranean Sea.

5.2- The roman legions:

Roman legionary: He wears chain mail armor. The helmet is made out of bronze. The shield is curved. Roman camp: The Roman army used the camp to prevent surprise attack. It was a portable city. The army could march all day, and the entire army could build a camp.



Gladius: The Roman short sword.

Pilum: The Roman javelin.

Exercise 8: Go to this link and dress the roman soldier.

Exercise 9: The battle... To do in the classroom.



Julius Caesar (101 B.C. - 40 B.C.)

He was a general. Caesar came from an old patrician family.

He conquered the Gaul (France) in 9 years.

Later, he returned home and took the power. In 46 B.C. declared himself dictator. A Dictator is a ruler who has absolute power. The absolute ruler for life!

Sixty angry senators killed Julius Caesar.

It caused 13 years of civil war because various groups tried to control Rome.

Caesar's adopted son, Octavian was the leader of one group. He won the civil war. Octavian brought peace and became a popular leader.


Exercise 10: In a blank map, like the one below, colour the areas conquered by Rome in the year 44 B.C. Write the names of Italy, Hispania, Gaul, Greece , Numidia and Egypt. Use only one colour for all the conquered areas.

Exercise 11: Which countries are today...? Gaul, Hispania, Germania, Numidia, Cyrenaica, Syria, Asia.Exercise 12: Put in order of conquering: Sicily, Carthage, Italy, Greece


7- THE EMPIRE. (27 B.C. - 476 A.C.)

Octavianus (Augustus) won the civil war. He became the first emperor of the Roman empire.

Augustus created a police force and a fire department . He set up a department to supply food to the city's poor people.

The Roman Empire was divided into about 40 territories. Each province had a governor.

The cities in the provinces were like Rome. They had a square called "the forum". The new cities also had temples for Roman gods, an amphitheatre for games, and public baths.

The ideas of the Romans, their customs, and their Latin language spread.

For more than 200 years, the vast Roman Empire was united and strong. This period from 27 B.C. to A.D.180 is called the Pax Romana, or "Peace of Rome."

7.1 Trajan: (53 A.C. - 117 A.C.)

He was born in Spain. He famously conquered Dacia. Trajan was a great soldier. He had also his wisdom, dignity and humility. He built many public works, roads and harbours.

Here, in this link, you can see the Roman Empire through the ages.



8.1- Roman marriage:

Parents arranged many of the marriages in Rome. The girl was around thirteen years old at marriage, and the boy was one or two years older. Marriage in Rome was a contract.

Women had few rights in marriage. A husband could divorce his wife. In case of divorce the children stayed with the father. A woman could not divorce her husband.

The father decided the life or death for the children. When a child was eight or nine days old, the father chose a name for the child.

8.2- Roman school:

Students used wax tablets to write on and an abacus to do their math. Discipline was very strict. Teachers could beat students.

Some went to a secondary school: the grammaticus. There they learned history, geometry, and astronomy.


Exercise 13: The wax tablets: Can you find ten differences? What do they have in common?

8.3- Roman food:

Breakfast consisted on bread and cheese. Lunch consisted of bread, meat, and fruit. They served dinner in the afternoon, and it was a three-course meal. Plebeians did not have as great a variety or quantity of food. Meat was only for special occasions.

Romans like their food spicy with a lot of pepper. Utensils of iron were very expensive. So, they used bronze knives and spoons. Romans didn't use forks, they used their fingers.

Exercise 14: Look for recipes in this web page and prepare a menu for a complete day:


8.4- Roman clothes:

Men wore a knee-length tunic (chilton), either sleeveless or short-sleeved. Roman men wore a cloak over their tunic.

Important Romans dressed in a long robe called a toga .

Women had a long tunic. Over this, the women had a stola.


Exercise 15: Put the names: Cloak, toga, short tunic, long tunic, sandals

Exercise 16: True or false?

1- Important men dress with the toga.

2- Male slaves had a stola.

3- Romans hated pepper.

4- Roman children ate a lot of meat.

5- Roman children used an abacus to do their math.

6- Marriages were a contract.

7- In Rome, teachers could not hit their students.

8- Roman children used wax tablets as notebooks.

9- In Ancient Rome, divorce was forbidden.

10- In the secondary school, they learnt about computers, ceramics and history.

11- Ancient Romans ate with their fingers.


8.4- Roman entertainment:

Rome was not a boring place!

Amphitheatre: This is where the gladiators combat against other gladiators and wild animals. This is where they threw people to the lions! On occasion, they flooded the amphitheatre with water, to hold naval battles. Admission was free. The Colosseum was a very big amphitheatre in Rome.

Exercise 17: The Gladiators: Visit this web page and write a brief story about the gladiator's life.

Exercise 18: Visit this page and do the jigsaw:

Circus: The ancient Romans loved chariot racing. Chariots race in the circus. Admission was free.


Theatre: The Romans loved theatre. There was theatre only during religious ceremonies and religious festivals. The actors were always men. They used mask.

Exercise 19: Enter the link and do the exercise.

The Roman Week

Exercise 20: What does not belong? enter the link and clik in the "Roman Street"



The Roman empire, in the end, was overrun by millions of barbarians.

The collapse was complete when the Visigoth Odoacer and his men conquered Rome in the year A.D. 476.

You can see in this link the barbarian invasions:


Here are some Roman achievements, many of which influence our life today:

1. Technology: The invention of concrete, roman roads, roman arches, aqueducts

2. Language: Roman language (Latin), the root of many languages.

3. Religion: Roman mythology and the Catholic faith.

4. Roman Law, including this law: A person is innocent until proven guilty (from the Twelve Tables)

5. Literature and art: Virgil, Cicero... the Colosseum, Agrippa's Pantheon...


Exercise 21: Roman Roads. "All roads lead to Rome"

Which minerals can you use as?:

Paving stones:




Exercise 22: Sentences from Latin. Explain the meaning of these Latin expressions and words:

1- A priori:

2- Alias:

3- Bis:

4- Carpe diem:

5- Curriculum vitae:

6- Grosso modo:

7- In fraganti:

8- In vitro:

9- Ipso facto:

10- Modus operandi:

Exercise 23: Who is...?


1-The emperor. 2-The barbarians. 3-The gladiator. 4-The legionaries. 5-The roman family.


Exercise 24: Guess who...


1- They killed his father in battle.

2- He had a Spanish wife.

3- He was born in 247 bC.

4- He was the greatest military leader and strategist of all time.

5- He lost only one battle.

6- His enemy was Scipio "Africanus".

7- He nearley defeated the Romans.

8- He crossed the Alps with an army.

9- He took poison to commit suicide.

So, who is him?


1- He was born in Spain.

2- He was very strong.

3- He built a very famous column.

4- He conquered Dacia.

5- He lived in the first and second century A.C.

6- He was an emperor of Rome.

So, who is him?



1- They stabbed him to death.

2- He said "veni, vidi, vici" and "alea iacta est".

3- He is an important character in the serie "Rome".

4- He is the enemy of Asterix.

5- He was a very good general.

6- He conquered the Gaul.

7- He loved Cleopatra.

8- He declared himself dictator.

9- July is his month.

So, who is him?

Exercise 25: History in marble. Look for pictures of the Trajan's column and draw one scene in your notebook.

This link can be useful:

Exercise 26: Fling the teacher. This is a difficult one, so all the classroom should work together! Click the link below and try to win.



Monarchy: Monarquía.Empire: Imperio.Twin: Gemelo.Jealous: CelosoTo kill: Matar.Servant: Sirviente.Basket: Cesta.Orphans: Huérfanos.To care: Cuidar.Shepherd: Pastor.To build: Construir.To argue: Discutir.To quarrel: Pelearse.To fight: Luchar.Legend: Leyenda.King: Rey.Etruscan: Etrusco.Powerful: Poderoso.Neighbours: Vecinos.Land: Tierra, país.To rule: Gobernar.Taught (past of "To teach"): Enseñaron (pasado de enseñar)Arch: Arco.Proud: Orgulloso/a, soberbio/a.To terrorize: Aterrorizar.To rebel: Rebelarse.Against: Contra, en contra.Last: Último/a.Government: Gobierno.To elect: Elegir.Leader: Líder.Assembly: Asamblea.Senate: Senado.Gave (past of "To give"): Daban (pasado de dar).Advice: Consejo.Treasury: Tesoro.Laws: Leyes.Plebeians: Plebeyos (clase baja en Roma)Own: Propio/a.Approve: Aprobar.Early: Temprano/a.Patricians: Patricios (clase alta en Roma)Slaves: Esclavos.Foreigners: Extranjeros.Land owner: Propietario de tierras.Traders: Mercaderes.Craftsmen: Artesanos.Prisoners: Prisioneros.


Third: Tercero, un tercio.Mining: Minería.Shipping: Marina (en los barcos)Code: Código.Gaul: Galo. (De las Galias, la antigua Francia)Barbarian: Bárbaro.To grow: Crecer, expandirse.Wars: Guerras.Fought (past of "To fight"): Luchó (pasado de luchar)Won (past of "To win"): Ganó (pasado de ganar)Commander: Comandante.Several: Varios.Amazing: Increíble, sorprendente.Lost (past of "To lose"): Perdió (pasado de perder)Army: Ejército.Feat: Hazaña.Recalled. Llamado (literalmente "rellamado" o "vuelto a llamar". No hay un equivalente exacto en español)Advance: Avance.Master: Señor, dueño.Out of the way: "Quitado de enmedio", o bien "Fuera de combate" (literalmente, "fuera de camino")Western: Occidental, (del oeste)To conquer: Conquistar.State: Estado.To treat: Tratar.Citizens: Ciudadanos.Brought (past of bring): Trajeron (pasado de traer)Chain mail: Cota de malla.Armor: Armadura.Helmet: Casco.Shield: Escudo.Curved: Curvo, curvado.Camp: Campamento.To prevent: Prevenir, evitar.To march: Marchar (caminar a paso de marcha)Javelin: Jabalina.Took (past of "To take"): Tomó, cogió (pasado de tomar)Power: Poder.To cause: Causar.Adopted: Adoptado.Peace: Paz.To defeat: Derrotar.Murderer: Asesino.He got the dominion for his own: "Se hizo con el poder para sí mismo"Built (past of "To build"): Construyó (pasado de construir)To set up: Montar, organizar.To supply: Suministrar.Governor: Gobernador.Square: Plaza, cuadrado.


Baths: Baños.Customs: Costumbres.To spread: Propagar.Surrounding: De alrededor.Vast: Vasto (de amplio)Wisdom: Sabiduría.Humility: Humildad.Harbour: Puerto.To arrange: Acordar, ponerse de acuerdo.Contract: Contrato.Rights: Derechos.To stay: Permanecer, quedarse.Wax tablets: Tablillas de cera.Abacus: Ábaco.Strict: Estricto/a.To beat: Golpear.To consist: Consistir.Three-course meal: Comida que consta de tres partes: Un entrante, una comida fuerte y un postre.Spicy: Picante.Pepper: Pimienta.Recipe: Receta.Knee-length: A la altura de la rodilla.Sleeveless: Sin mangas.Short-sleeved: De manga corta.Cloak: Capa.Robe: Bata, túnica gruesa.Threw (past of Throw): Arrojaban (pasado de arrojar)To flood: Inundar.Chariot: Carro.Collapse: Colapso.Overrun: Asaltada.Legacy: Legado.Achievements: Logros.Concrete: Cemento.Aqueducts: Acueductos.Root: Raíz.Faith: Fe.Until proven guilty: Hasta que se demuestre su culpabilidad.