Role of Corporate and CSR Initiatives in the Himalayas (Indian Mountaineering foundation Conference...

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Concept of CSR in India and CSR initiatives that can be taken by Indian Corporates in the areas of Adventure Sports, Tourism and Skill Development in the Himalayas

Transcript of Role of Corporate and CSR Initiatives in the Himalayas (Indian Mountaineering foundation Conference...

AIM for Good FitnessIndia’s 1st Fitness Assessment, Intervention and Monitoring Program

Sujit Panigrahi, CEOSequoia Fitness and Sports Technology Pvt. Ltd.

24 September, 2013

Role of the Corporate and CSR Initiatives:Indian Mountaineering Foundation

Fitness365: AIM for Good Fitness

FITNESS is the starting point of any Education, Sports or Recreation. Whatever is your existing level of Fitness in your Children, give it a PLUS!

Fitness365 Objectives 1.Widen the concept of 'Fitness and Sports for All' 2.Promote Fitness as a 365 days a year activity. 3.Improve fitness levels of children over a period of time through a series of Motor and Physical Fitness Assessments, and round the year focus on Fun-based Physical Activities, Nutrition and Mental Fitness. 4.Align with national education policies of providing quality fitness & sports program in schools. 5.Reward and Recognition Programs at National and State levels to felicitate Top Talent, and move them to specific Sports Programs.

FITNESS365 PROGRAMS PEP365: Full Year Physical Education Program SportsFit: After School (AS) Sports and Fitness program2A: 2-times Motor Fitness Assessment in a Year

NSDC/FICCI Sports, Physical Education, Fitness and Leisure Skills Council (SPEFL-SC)

1. Aggregate the efforts of the Sports sector for workforce development

2. Set workforce benchmarks

3. Institutional Capacity Building of the Existing Institutions

4. Setting up ecosystem for new institutions

5. Develop a skills repository for the Sports Sector

6. Quality Assurance in workforce development

7. Integration of Technology in Training


Sports Development in India 4

Corporate Social Responsibility

• Corporate social responsibility is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model. 

• CSR is also called • Corporate conscience• Corporate citizenship• Social performance, or • sustainable responsible business/ Responsible Business

• A firm's implementation of CSR goes beyond compliance and engages in "actions that appear to further some social good, beyond the interests of the firm and that which is required by law.


Potential Business Benefits

• Triple Bottom Line• People• Planet• Profit

• Human Resources

• Risk Management

• Brand Differentiation

• Engagement Plan• Developing an engagement plan

• License to Operate

• Supplier Relations


Implementation Questions:

1.Determining Organizational Competencies: What can we do?

2.Looking at Industry threats and opportunities: What might we do?

3.Examining the values of key implementers: What do we want to do?

4.Determining the social responsibility: What ought we to be doing?

CSR Framework 7

Areas of CSR Engagement in the Mountains

• Local Database/Skills and Infrastructure Mapping• Skills Development for Locals• Support for Adventure Sports/Events/High Altitude Sports Training• Developing/Improving/Promoting Local Tourism• Creating Accessibility• Sustainable Development

• Restoring Ecological Balances• Pollution Control• Cleaning and Waste Management (clean planet)

• Self-Help Groups• Social Welfare Organizations

• Rural Development• Cultural and Heritage Centers• Community Learning Partnerships with Locals• Blind, Hope, Impaired Children

• Education and Healthcare Projects• Human Capital: Employability Training, Employment Generation and Career Guidance• Economic Empowerment through Improvised Agriculture• Supply Chain/Allied Services• Lifeline Expresses• Disaster Management Training• Sports Infrastructure


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