Rock any party Module 08 - Global Edulink€¦ · 8.1.2 Search Engine Optimization Search Engine...

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Transcript of Rock any party Module 08 - Global Edulink€¦ · 8.1.2 Search Engine Optimization Search Engine...


Rock any party

Module 08


8. Module 08: Involving internet in the business

Table of Contents

8. Module 08: Involving internet in the business ....................................................................................................... 1

8.1 Web development ................................................................................................................................. 2

8.1.1 Benefits of using the web .................................................................................................................. 2

8.1.2 Search Engine Optimization ............................................................................................................. 3

8.2 Using social media ................................................................................................................................ 4

8.2.1 Benefits of social media .................................................................................................................... 5

8.2.2 Rules and tips .................................................................................................................................... 5

8.3 Using current clients to get new clients ................................................................................................. 6


8.1 Web development

Web development is the overarching term that refers to the creation of a platform on the Internet, or World

Wide Web or Intranet, which is a private network server. In the information technology industry web

development is a necessary skill in which people are able to write code and script and configure network

adaptability, among other things.

For small business owners in the planning party business, knowing all the details associated with web

development is not necessary. If you have in depth computer knowledge and skills and can build your web

presence from the bottom up, that is fantastic. However, if your knowledge of designing web pages and

marketing via the Internet is limited, there are many resources available to you to easily create your online

business space.

8.1.1 Benefits of using the web

Free or less-expensive advertising

Convenient and satisfying for customers

Accessibility to a larger group of people and a farer reach to outside your local space

Increased likelihood of inquiries and interest

Easy access for customers to view your services, portfolio, and purpose


Up-to-date and fresh content can be consistently added

A resource that never gets lost or tossed away that has all your necessary contact details

Sharing links to other sites who in turn will link to yours, generating more business all around

Increased sales

Easy communication and relationship building

Opportunity to connect and prove your credibility in the field

New customers can discover you and repeat customers have an easy place to check in

8.1.2 Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization, called in the industry simply SEO, makes your website searchable via search

engines online, depending on keywords that users input. When people type a keyword into a search engine

box, the results that come up are not random. In fact, the web links provided at the top of search engine results

are the part of a very precise Internet marketing strategy.

By making your business have optimal search engine results, you have a better chance of landing within the

top few result links rather than the links far down the page or several page into the options. It is typical that

the first 3-5 results that arise in search engines end up getting the most traffic, so having a strategic approach

to your search engine optimization can make all the difference in the type of traffic your business website



Search Engine Optimization deals with:

Making website content specific

HTML and codes are relevant to your core services

Promoting the site on other websites, generating more backlinks that relay customers back to

your site

Business owners unfamiliar with how to utilize search engine optimization can hire outside contractors to

make their websites more searchable.

8.2 Using social media

With millions of users worldwide, social media is the 21st century’s answer to advertising. Through the use of

one of the half-dozen major social media outlets that people use nowadays, businesses can present themselves

on a grand scale, even if they are small and just starting out.

Utilizing social media allows you, your family, and your friends to constantly share your sites, statuses, tweets,

and updates. You can join groups and organizations via social media that gives you a direct link to stakeholders

and potential clients. Furthermore, once people “follow” your site, you have a daily, immediate, and powerful

place where you can showcase your talents and services.


8.2.1 Benefits of social media

more exposure and visible to your audience

chance to build a good reputation

receive immediate feedback from potential clients and hear what they have to say, answer

questions, and learn about their interests and needs

social networking sites can lead you to new business partners and clients through networking

more people are attracted to businesses who utilize and update their social media

gives you a place where you can show support for your clients’ celebrations and achievements,

and they can do the same for you

allow for personal connections in addition to business contacts

the chance to build long-term relationships with clients and potential clients

can advertise promotions, contests, and reward systems

ask customers for their opinions on business ideas

8.2.2 Rules and tips

Sometimes venturing into the world of social media, where all information is in a public domain and open to

constant ridicule, companies can find themselves in hot water. Make sure that you avoid faux pas and keep

your reputation intact, by paying attention to a few things on your business’ social media account.

Proof read everything – it can be embarrassing and a turn off if your professional domain is subject

to constant spelling, punctuation, or grammar mistakes.

Balance being yourself without being too personal – your personal social media pages are the

place where you can voice your political rants or invite your friends to play games with you.

Remember that the purpose here is to remain a professional and network contacts, therefore, you

should never be overly personal about yourself, your beliefs, or your free time. Keep a focus on

business and things that matter to your customers regarding your business and avoid being

“unfriended” or blocked, or worse, losing business.


Avoid confrontations – you will receive public questions, comments, and even criticisms. How

you handle these things publically will have a huge affect on how your customers and potential

customers view you and your business. Reply to public inquiries and address concerns in a

professional, customer service oriented way, without losing your cool.

Promote yourself – you’ve created this social media profile, now use it. A lot of business owners

tend to go missing after their initial contact with followers on their sites. The key to social media

is that it’s a daily tool for communication. Don’t let yourself be forgotten; instead, run online

promotions and deals, share stories and images related to your events and industry, and promote

appearances and locations that people can check you out or set up a meeting.

8.3 Using current clients to get new clients

The best promotion for your business comes as a result of existing or previous clients who recommend you to

their family and friends. Staying relevant and prevalent in your current clients’ lives and minds will make

them connect your business to their loved ones when their party needs arise. Here are the best ways to utilize

those existing customers as a promotional tool for new business:

customer service – providing a great service, meeting client expectations, and offering continued

communication will ensure that your clients have a positive experience with you. Clients who are

pleased with the outcome of their events will not only use you again, they will recommend your

services to people they know who are looking for similar service.

social media – putting out interesting posts, articles, images, and information on social media

will encourage your contacts to share, like, or retweet your site and posts. The more your posts

are shared, the better chance you have to reach new, prospective clients.


Offer a discount off future service – promotions are great ways to generate business. After a

clients’ event is over you can offer them a perk or discount on a future service if their name is

used as a referral. Handing out business cards where they can list their name as the person

referring business or having their name mentioned when a new client calls is effective in getting

people to recommend you over someone else.

Word of mouth goes a long way when it comes to generating new, repeat, and constant service. By providing

exceptional results, keeping in contact with previous clients long after their events, and offering special

promotions for referrals, you can guarantee that your name will be on the lips of people when their friends,

family, acquaintances, or colleagues are shopping around for party services.