Robust Header Compression.pdf

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Transcript of Robust Header Compression.pdf

  • Robust Header Compression


    97/1553-HSC 105 50/1-V2 Uen A

  • Copyright

    Ericsson AB 2011. All rights reserved. No part of this document may bereproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright owner.


    The contents of this document are subject to revision without notice due tocontinued progress in methodology, design and manufacturing. Ericsson shallhave no liability for any error or damage of any kind resulting from the useof this document.

    Trademark List

    All trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.These are shown in the document Trademark Information.

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  • Contents


    1 Introduction 11.1 Characteristics 11.2 Dependencies and Associated Features 1

    2 Feature Overview 32.1 Benefits 32.2 Further Information 3

    3 Feature Operation Details 53.1 License Handling 5

    4 Parameters 74.1 Introduced Parameters 74.2 Affected Parameters 7

    5 Network Impact 9

    6 Associated Features 11

    7 Performance 137.1 Performance Indicators 137.2 Counters and Events 13

    8 O&M Information 15

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  • Robust Header Compression

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  • Introduction

    1 Introduction

    This document describes the Robust Header Compression (RoHC) featureand its main benefits and impacts in the LTE RAN. The document focuses onsetting up the feature and the services it enables.

    1.1 CharacteristicsTDD: FAJ 221 0892, Robust Header Compression

    This feature has replaced:N/A

    Connected to: N/A

    1.2 Dependencies and Associated FeaturesThis section list related features.

    This feature requires the following RAN features to be active:

    No prerequisite features are required.

    This feature may affect the following RAN features:

    No other features are affected.

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  • Robust Header Compression

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  • Feature Overview

    2 Feature Overview

    RoHC is a framework specified by the IETF to compress IP packet headers andis in LTE used to compress headers of primarily radio bearers carrying VoIPcalls in order to increase capacity and coverage. Before ROHC can be used achannel between the two ROHC end-points must be established.

    The RoHC entity has a flow classifier responsible for associating IP packetswith a context (and a compression algorithm), so that flows can be multiplexedon the same bearer.

    The following RoHC profiles are supported:

    0x0000 No compression (RFC 4995) 0x0001 RTP/UDP/IP (RFC 3095, RFC 4815) 0x0002 UDP/IP (RFC 3095, RFC 4815)

    2.1 BenefitsThe feature RoHC will enhance the coverage for VoIP calls since a more robustcoding scheme can be used on the cell boarder.

    The feature RoHC decreases the size of a VoIP packet and thereby decreasesthe capacity needed for a VoIP call.

    2.2 Further InformationThe following documents provide further reference and background information:

    License Management

    Radio Network

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  • Feature Operation Details

    3 Feature Operation Details

    This section describes the detailed operation of the RoHC feature.

    3.1 License HandlingRoHC is an optionally licensed feature.

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  • Parameters

    4 Parameters

    This section describes parameters introduced by the RoHC feature andparameters affected by activating the feature.

    4.1 Introduced ParametersThis feature introduces no new parameters.

    4.2 Affected ParametersThere are no parameters affected by the introduction of this feature.

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  • Network Impact

    5 Network Impact

    RoHC has no impact on the network functions and capabilities.

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  • Associated Features

    6 Associated Features

    There are no associated features.

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  • Performance

    7 Performance

    This section describes performance indicators, counters, and events associatedwith the RoHC feature.

    7.1 Performance IndicatorsThis feature has no associated Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

    7.2 Counters and EventsThis feature has no directly associated counters.

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  • O&M Information

    8 O&M Information

    The RoHC License is required to active license handling. The Operating andSupport System (OSS) can be used for configuration of license parameters.The OSS communicates with the RBS product inventory service and theManaged Object Model (MOM) through the Software Management Organizer,to manage the products in the network.

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    toc1 Introduction1.1 Characteristics1.2 Dependencies and Associated Features

    2 Feature Overview2.1 Benefits2.2 Further Information

    3 Feature Operation Details3.1 License Handling

    4 Parameters4.1 Introduced Parameters4.2 Affected Parameters

    5 Network Impact6 Associated Features7 Performance 7.1 Performance Indicators7.2 Counters and Events

    8 O&M Information