Robotech Macross Art I

Post on 12-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Robotech Macross Art I

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4 Part Two-



The Robotecà M astes . . . 68

i : t j part wee-

$: g The New Generadon . . . . 93


r * Chapter 2

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Chardcter&M echa . . . . 138

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The Robotech M aster

charactels & M echa . . . . . 174

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The New Generauon

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I j tlaea. ls one word w'hLcla accurately

deKribes 0èe lnltlal lrtsrllrtltlon behlr)d RO BO -

TECH it wouid most cerralnly be coincl

dence. A chance meeting wlth Jim Rock

nowsky a product dlrector from Harmony

Goltj led to a ''roller coaster nde'' of intense

brainstornnin g and creauve developnnent ln

regard to the porxslbkhty of trarkspobing bome

of the most lmagmatlve arumation to have

been pgoduced ln Japan in the rztBt few years

lnto a unique and revolulionary televlslon

senes destlned to be syndlcated throughout

the èlnlted States and the rest of the world.


lnce (he dreams of ROBOTECH became

a realiqr, the idea of colncldence biossomed

lnto a full rlme obsession lor evelone in

volved in the prolect. From Harm ony Gold's

earty rrleelln:s wlth peopk from tlne various

?oy manufacturers and rlotential licensees (0

the actual syndlcatton of RO BOTECH to

wel: over 90 markets ln le&% than a year thls

85 eplsode sclence jctlon senal advenmre has

been blessed with a sense of good fortune

which Ls almost uncanny. l'he a.ksembly of a

tearn of professionals by Frank Agrama

Presldent of Harmony Gold w1t17 roots ln

vanous branches ()f the entertainm ent con

glom erate was a feat ln llelf. làulling dlverse

talents together to work as a cohesive team in

a Ome frame and rlroduction x'hedule that

resembled lîve telelzlslon was Just arlother

exam ple or the concept orgtlod Dmlng whkh

seemed to folLow ROBOTECH. U'or many

reasons. everyone lnvolved ...7/1 the project


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seem ed to feel that the tim e w as rigm for the series sbow n in Japan) cam e to the U nited

A m erican audiences to experlence the true States to visithis friends and businessassociates

drarnatic range that antm ation can obtatn- at Iqarm ony G old. N aturally M r. Yoshida

even w hen produced under the corzstraints cam e to visit lntem ound Studios, tlle higb-

of daily television syndication. T he idea of tech w orkshop w hich did a; the re.production

creating a t*soap opera'' for the ajtenschool of R O H O Q-EC I'I for H arm ony G old . W hat

prim e tim e slot w as totally unheard of before he saw w as a group ol actom led by Robert

RO DO T'EC I'I. Likew ise the concept of Barron taking pride in creatàng pensonao es

brinl ng legx m ate and realistic Flol'tlnyaLS of to m atch im ages produced halfa w orld aw ay.

hum an dral'np into anim ated productiozu H e also saw talented aI-LLSLS such as Joel

w as sorrlething tllat w as com pletely agairlst Valentine w orking tcl tie the m usic sound

aIl that arkim ated program rning had stood for efects and re.recorded dialogue of R O H CI-

durlngy the three decades orits extstence. The 'I'E C H into a cohesive w hole N* 11c.12 im proved

Pact that a com pany like H arm ony G old w as on the original m aterial from Tatsunoko

w illing to put characters from their series into Studios M r Yoshida also heard m usic pro.

life.and-deat.h situations w ith the outcom e duced under the supervision of 'IO ol'nas A .

often less tIQaIQ ideal again w as tota/y W hite w hich had an orchestral presence

revolutionary. usually resenred for feature E1m productions.

B wt beside all the innovation and technical W hat he saw w as a studio, headed by A hm ed

expeM e w hich rem ains the core of R Cm O - A gram a. com m itted to exceBence. H is fax i.

T'R C;H there is a universality w hich is totally nation led him to a screening room in w 121* 1

unm istakable. lt w as som ething that could he sat dow n and w atched episodes of

only be experienced by observation. For R O H O Q-EC H in their entirety. H e laughedp

years jtw aspl-actically an km derr und phenom . he felt apprehension. he becam e totally

enon that thousands of average A m ericarts involved in the storyline of lYs oriWnal w ork

w ere m eeting in libraries and conventlorus to now re.interpreted as R o a u rEC H . The

- :.c.14 Japanese anim adon in its orianal  funny thing w as that M n Yoshida does not

language. M ost of these view er.s w ere not m eak a w ord of English.

able to slaeak or even rem otely understand The point ts that throug,h R O H O T'FX H

the actual dialogue spoken by the characters everm ne at H arm ony G old learned a valuable

in these O m s. A nd yet this audience w ould sit lesson. W e learned that the audience for

in spellbound am azem ent of the striking anim ation is not bracketed by age or nation.

visuals and tm aginatlve storytelling- caugaht ality. 'rhe audience fOr anim ation is by and

up in the m om entum of the action and in large. intem gent mad inqutsitive. A nd gbzen

som e m ysteriotzsw ay. foEow the com plexity program rningw hich retognixe.s these factors

of the convoluted plots and storylines. Clults the audience for anim adon ks quite large and

form ed around certain grou;xs of anim atom very f,41t1* 1.

and studios. M em ber's of the Cartoon Fantas'y +he book that you hold in your hand tells

O rgantzauon w ould dream of the tim e w hen the storv of the m akinq of R CM G IWX H . It

som eone w ould be able to intem ret these aiso tells the story of a com pany, H arm ony

rllm s in an honest and sophfsucated m anner. G old w hich is trying to introduce a phflos.

Fans knew RIII w ell that the creabve team s ophy of quality storytelling and s'uperior

behind these rLlm s w ere not gearing their anim ation into the w orld of A m erican tele.

rnessage to a m indless audience. ltather the vision. 'rhroughout the w orld anirrlation is

gpal w as to present serious science qction looked Dn as a legitim ate entertainm ent

througyh the m edium of anim atlon. m edium . ln A m erie.a nnim ntion is looked on

A fter Harm ony G old had produced a as a vehicle to s.e2 cereal and toys to young

nurnber of epksodes of Rce m qx c H . Kenlj children. M d alm ougah RO RO T'EC H w zl

Yoshida. the head of Tatsunoko Studios (the eventually do that as w en under the supen

original producers of the arlim ation show n in vision oflohn Rocknow ski and his m arketing

* R O B O TEC H A R T : -

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G ECH All'r 1

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Breetai and Exedore don't know what to

tnake of the M icronians' (?.he Zentraedi term

for hum ansp lnltial attack. l'helr defense seems

erratic. It does not put the Robotech space

fortrerxs to 11 m ost effective use. The Zentraedl

can hardly guess that their foes lack sufkient

knowledge to control the masslve Robotech

defense mechanlsms.

Rick Hunter ls literally caught napplng ln

one of the Veritech Figluers as the com bat

bepns. I irxn Hayes orders him into battle. She

assumes he's one of their cornbat veterans.

Rlck obllges her taklng off vath youthful

nonchalance only to hnd hlmself in the mldst

of a slyuation lne's not prepared to deal wlth.

Fonunately.Roy Fokker com es to tts aid.

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ROBW ECH ART 1 ' - ' ' -

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Ep iaode 2




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Rlck H u nter despe mtely tdes to m akt'

heads or tailç of the 78 102 an d su pave

('aptaln t'loval comes to an uncomfonable

reallzatlon. ln order to protect harrh and her

people. he wlll have to (ake an lnexpenenced

crew and an untested alien shlp into space to

do battle 'ssqth the Invaders. W hile ( 'ioval

hlrrself ls a batte hardened veterans none of

hIs m m edlate c rew has eitlner tlown in spaûe

or sen'ed hn com bat. lt's an impossLble

slLuatlon. SLIII Lhe Captain knows he lnas no

cholce lf they are to have any chance of

defeating the allerus. Hls only alterrlarive is

surrender, and thls is som emlnq he ls not

valllng to do.

t)n the a11 but deserted streets of M across

(21+. Rlck Hunter rneers J ynn Minmel a

charmkng Chlnese prl. He would like to

imprerxs her w ith lnis gying expertise- lf he

can only âgure out how the W .102 works

'I'he rnecha transformatlons are as puzzkng as

they are amazing. Once again ''big brother''

Fokker comes to hLs rescue

l'he Zentraedl begjn to level the clrf wjth a

bombardm ent of lirepower that Gloval and

his crew are powerless to stop. They can only

be grateful that Lhe cM iians of M across City

have been safely evacuared to shelters on the

lsland. I.lttle do they know that one Lltlle

clwllan remalns behind. I'he lrrepressible

Lynn M inmel has returned home to get her

dlary. Once agaln. she runs lnto Rlck Hunter.

They are atracked by one of the alien aircralt.

At the last moment the alien rnecha Ls

desroyed and Hunter gets l'lzs rlrst look at a

Zentraedl warnor.W'hile human ln appear

ance. the Zentraedi is enorm ous standlng

well over sixty feet in heig/t. 'I'he even? of

tlne day coupled with this revelatlon are too

much for Rick. ln a deep sute of shock.

lne freezes at the controls and ls unable to

do anyttllng more for hlmself or h1s new.

found friend.


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RO BG ECH Alrr 1 ' -

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Ep iaod e a

ieutenant Co mmander Fokke r returns

to bnng Hunter and M inmel to the safety of

the SDF' l . Capta n Czloval tries t(; d eterm (ne

the Zentraedl strategy while Breelai pltzzies

over llow to capture the Sf)F' l with the least

amount of damage. Fxetlore warns hls

com mander thal. once free of (he planet's

gravlty, the shlp can execule a hyperspacû' foLd

that 'vvlll carry them beyond tlne reach of

Zentraedl weapons. Breetal reluctantlv ln

creases the laser bombardment.

( ln board the 51 )F L . Fokker shows Rkk

tlnat Lhey have managed to âalvage Lhe young

man's zy1nq clrcus mrcrah. Rick ls happy to

gyve tlp the Ventech R yer ln exclnange for hls

oLd famihar racer a vehlcle that doesn't

change shape or Iire lasers His jrst taste oj

battle was more than enough' Rick Nas no


CHAFI'ER 0* * ll

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desire to become a Nghter pflot. Fokker

returns to duty leaving Rick and M inm el

* t14 the litte plane. M inmei wants to retum

to her aunt and uncle fn the evacuatlon

shelter on M acrorxs Island. Rick still wanw to

impress the girl and althoug

h he bas prom.

ised Fokker he won't wander ofr he decides

to fly back to the îsland so that the @rl can

refcqn her family.

In tlAe interim, Captain Gloval has decided

to make an emergency jurnp into hyperspace

at an altitude of 2 000 geet above Macross

Island. Ib the Zeneaelh's am azem ent the

SDF 1 execures a space fold maneuver that

places them beyond reach of battle. ln

minutes. the besieged SDF.I and her crew

jnd tlnem selves ln the icy expaase of deep

smce, but they also dscover that their

proximlty to Earth during the fold has caused

M acroRs lsland to be trarkported with them .

Disaster pzes on disaster as they find them

selves orbitlng the plane Pluto lrtstead of the

moon. I'hen. when they prepare to re.fold to

get back to Earrh, ttRey dtscover tlnat the fold

systern has vanished into thin air.

Gloval observes that R's going to be a long

trip back hom e.


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Ep iaod e 4


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E piaode e




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M lnm ei prepares for her slxteinnth

birthday. the SIIF l continues to orblt M ars.

Operatlng on auxlllar/ power. Lhe batte

fortress ls under a constant barrage of jire

frorn allen shlps and batlle pods. W lth ltb maln

englnes dam aged and the fold syolem lnopf'ra

tlve. the SL)F 1 Ls unable to escape. Khyron

and his Zentraedl troops pres. tlnelr advantage

at every turn. desplte Breetal's orders to the

contrary. The comm ander wanks to caprure

the ship lntacl.

I o h s chagnn. Rlck Hunter finds thaï he's

not the only m arl lnvited to Lynn Minmel's

party. The popular girl has requested the

presence of almos evetn/ jglnter Pllot On the

shlp. SVhlle he jnds her natural enthusiasm

and lnnocerlce pqeasing, Rick can't help but

'aqsh M inmel would focus her atlentlons on

one speclhc lndlvldual- llke l'um selfl Before

he can prer,s h1s case, Rick is called back to

headquarters. where he s presented m th the

titanlum M edal of Valor for dstingulshed

servlce for h1s rescue of Lleutenant C'om

mander Lisa Hayes. He is also prom oted to

the rank of Ileutenant and lntroduced to the

members of l3ls new squad Corporals M axl

milllan 4M LXJ Sterhng arld Ben Dlxon. Fhe

tlnree young m en go to M lnm ei's party only

to be called back to duty when Khgron llejjns

anothe: accelerated a.xsault. Yet because Ithy

ron has attacked apaalrsst Breetal's orders the

Zentraedl com mander orders a manual over

ride ttlat pullb the battle pods away from the

space forîress-just as Khyron ls about to

defeat the SDF l .

M ax dlstinguishes l'umsetf as art excetlent

figxhter pllot. Unfortunately. Ben Dlxon ls a

m ore enthuslastlc than effectlve combarant.

Ilick ls more concerned wlth the fact that he's

a11 but mlrxsed Minmei's parh', not lo mentic)n

the fact that he's been too busy to get her a

present. W hen he returas he pves her h1s

M edal of Valor. Ntnm ei ls deLghted.



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RO BG FK H AKF 1 - '' '

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n board tlne battlefortress 1.1% Rlck

M ax, and Ben relate their expenences and

observatlons as pnsoners of the alien invaders

to thetr surenor oflkers There are pyorno

t'ons al1 nround and thelr exptolts are cause

for celebration am ong the civlllarus and soLdLers

of M across (-l%. Rick ls briezy reunlted 'lqth

1 ayr n M lnrnei who has become qulte a stal'. a


vjrrual sinpnq sensaKon. He can't help but feel

that they nre growing apan. 'l'he Lhree

Zentraedi sples obsenze (he festivities 1.,1?11 :411

the enthuslasl'n of children ln a huge toy

btore. 'I'hey are bepnning (o enjoy the

M icronlan culture.

l-ollowing a cour:;e of h1s own deslgp.

Captain Gloval executes a danng plan to take

tlne SDF 1 back to lqarth Khyron prepares to

destroy the battlefortress rather than allow lt

to reach the planet. He Ls stopped by Azonia

wl3() tlnreatens tcl destroy the w arlord hemelf

if he harms the spacefortress. Seethlng with

rage Khyron allows the shlp to pass. l'he

bridge crew of the SI)k 1 observes ths

lncredlble drama between (he îjh'o Zentraedi

jorces and Ls amazed--except for Captain

Gloval. He hëo calculated thls move all along.

l'he battlefonrehs lands ln the Paclfic

Ocean wlth minimum reentry damage. l'he

inhabitants (lf the giant spaceshlp are glad

t:l be home

* RO BO TECH Alrr 1 ' - '

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E piaod e 4 4

a pta L n (' Loval pre pa res a repo rt that

describes a1l Llnat has happened to the 5DF l

and her tnhabltants. from the fateful malden

launch festivitzes up to and Lncluddng thelr

rerul'rl to Farth.

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E piaod e q 5

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fter b'bxo yeam of sgwhtlng its way back to


hartln. tlae Sr-;r 1 s home. tTapbaln Gloval and

  First Oflicer Llsa Hayes prepare to meet wlth

the United Eanh Deferse Govem ment at 1ts


; ' ' secret headqum em ln the Alaskan m lderness.


I'heir mlsslon ls cnx ial. They want to

. convince the governing councll (o w ork



. .:' toward a truce between the Zentraedl and


V.i ,. '. tlne people of iiarth


Lisa and Gloval are met wnth a cool

receptlon. l'he council hears them out Lhen


dismisses them wlth a vague prom lsc to


corsider thelr proposals. Gloval ls conunced

tha: somethlng ls very wrong.

) Whlle the Lwo oflicels puzzle over tlne

z councll's seemlng lndlference Rick Hunter


and Lynn M lnmel encounter a m ptery of

' thelr own. Rlck 2les Minmei back to Japan so


that she can vusrt her pnren:s ln the Chlnatown

section of Yokoham a. M lnm el's parents are

shocked- but dellghted- to hnd thelrL

o vat a n d Ha ye% are nRet vzdn a ckào

eceptLon daugahter allve.Minmel's cousln Iaynn KyLe

hears the com motlon and com es ln to find

out what ls golng on, Rfck and M inm ei learn

tlnat the Eartn government lnas circulated rhe

story tlnat everyone lllzlng on M across Island

had been killed. Kyle is preased to learn that

his parents. M lnmei's aunt and uncle are

. -

Cju m a o. . 35

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hck Hunter has survived a direcl hl

dunng an Lncredlble aenal dogTght- but kub

barely. He ha. balled out of (he plane nnd now

lles wounded kn a base hospltal. W'hlke h1s

body Iigahts ror 13 llfe h1s mlnd races throug.ta

an emotional lourney. It ls a deLinotls

dreamscape qlied with dlstorted m em ories of

the past two years that palacularly concem hls

relauonshlp with Lynn M lnme and hlls new

feelinp for IzLrst ('lflicer Hayes.


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A - z r * @ -

Ep iaod e q 8

ick Hunter comes out of his dellrium and

spends a long tlme recovenng from hls

wounds. He ls quickly bored wlt.h havlng so

much tlm e on his hands and so lLttle to do.

I .1sa Hayes arnves to 'vnsi Rick ln the hospltaL.

She ls awkwardly apologetïc and only stap

for a shol't t me . ( llaudla G rant ls the jrst to

guess the Feason for l lsa's unuslzal shyness

and conrronts her wlth the fact.(-latldia

knows isa's (n Love wntln Rlck. Her adNqcf'?

''Stop l'noplnq around and act llke a wornan ''

ZentraedE forces stlll under Azonla's

ccim mand prepare a new attack. ( )ne of her

best jgvhter pllots a srrikingly beautifuL woman

named M lriya. takes khyron to tiksk because

of h s inability to defeat the M icronlans

Khyron advtses cautlon: ''Your ego ls golng to

become tlne cause of your ultlrflate destruc

tlon. lsecause you have never fdced a worrhy

opm nent, you believe that you are somethlnps

speclal. but (ake care M inya- for Lhere ls

one aboard the allen sl'up w hom even you

cannot best.'' M iriya is intrigued by the

thought that there might be a figahter pllot

better than herself.

Roy Fokker 'asits vzith L ynn M inmei on

the set of her first m ovle beforp he ukt?s ofrfor

battle. I-le is concerned about Rick Hllnter's

depresqion and tries (o persuade M lnme to

'aslt her fne nds M tn mcl ls as charmlnq as

tlstlal. She know s that lf Lt weren't for Rlck

she wciutdn' be around to fulfill l'ler dream of

becom inq a mtltion plcture actress. She goes

to vislt Rlck but is so exhausted that she falls

asleep acroîks hls bed

M inya leads the amsault against the Ventech

Iighters. 5he searches for the tlying Elce

Khyron wam ed her about. Geared for

conquest, Ghe is especlally ruthles. ln lner

acnons. She discovers her pnmary foe ln -

Max Sterllnp?

àler pumuit of ths one pllot becom es

obvious to the bndge crew of the SDr 1 and

Sterllnq ls recalled from the Iigaht but M lnya M ax lnto the shlp 1* 11. I'hey do battle

on the streets of M acrorxs City untll an

overhead hatch Is opened forclng her away

hom her prey.

l-hat evenlng after tlne end or the battle

Roy i'okker vslts wlth his âancee Claudia

( 'ranl. As she prepares dlnner she tells hlln:

''1 don' thlnk you reallze how ternfied I get

everf tlme you ry ofr on a com bat mlrxslon

1î'c; almosî as if you pflc)t' thlnk that lt's a11

sotne kind of wonderful gam e that you're

playlng when you qo up in (hose Veritechs.''

Roy responds as if to lnimself: ''It isn't a

game. ('laudla . . . lt has never been a gamex''

Claudla s amazed w hen Roy seems to

pau out. She thlnks he's slmply exhausted

h'om the jght but w hen she cannot wake

him, she suspects tlne woot. A doctor

explans later tha when he was wounded in

combat Uokker suffered intemal injuries and

lost too m uch blood. lt is a tenible lrapsedy.

Fokker w 1ll be sorely mlrxsed by h1s crew and

his friends.

I isa l-layes vlsits llick Hunter to personally

(e1l him of h% ''blg brother's'' death.


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'1 1.


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E piao d e q 9


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has collapsed from stress. and her ptzbkc is

anxious to hear how she's doing. Kyle chldes

tlne newsmen on their priorities: ê'I don't

understand how, with az that's been golng

on, you people can be chaslng after a star w14o

passed out from a bttle overwork Now

forget thal and let's End a way to make tlnese

mllltary leaders stop this war. This Lghtlng is

totally non.productive . . . . There are no

w lnners, only losers. W e m ust get out of

this destructjve inhum ane, situatlon

at once ''

W l'llle the crew of the SDF. 1 is alarm ed at

Kyle's underlylngm ggoton of total surrender

to tlne Zentraedî the ttAree spies- Bron,

Rico, and Konda- are utonished at their gut

reaction to these new ideas. An end to

sghting would negate the Zentraedl reason

for existence


yet the îhouglnt of life m thout

coruqtant wadare is somehow appeahnp

Clu m u o hœ * 43

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 53/261

* A * z. y @

Ep iaod e 2 0

'' I don't unde rsund anything Lhat has to do

. r13 pollncs but l do know that the only way

wi:s'll surhave m ls is to pttll togetlner

. . .


thln k of the SE) - l as rn y hom e now



(711 been through quLte n bit but look a llow

strong w e've become because of it. I have

rnore friends here than 1 ever dld on hallh


Youke bcen Ilke a b1g fdmily to rne.Som eday

we'Ll return to Farth--we'llnever pve up

hope. E$u( for now I'nl proud to be a cltkzen

or M across (.1ty and thls ship. ''

M pnmel's speech bndges the gap between

mllltary and clvlllan residents. Her words find

a place ln everyone's lnean.


7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 54/261

A 1 A

Ep iaod a 2 q

' 47 r



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: ' A


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cytxm x o . @ 45

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rl *v.efiv

S . . .



.jj/ : 77






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* RO BG IECH ART 1 ' '-

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 56/261

Z à

Ep isode 2 2

olza Breetai and Exedore plan thelr nex

batle sîate %y, u nav/are Qnat Qne see ds of

defeat are belng sov?n :o na va Qlln. Bron

Aco. and Ko nda have d eclde d 1at 1 ey

prerer te slcro / an way of Lfe. and Z ey

have co n? nced yzverï oftelrfellow soldLe

(0 defect v: tem . s;e anv/hbe Kh yron ls

up to his old tncks. W ith the commandem ln

conference, he can strike m thout havlnq to

advise l'us supenors of hus plans.

Khyron begirls l'us new assault whlle most

of M across City is gathered to hear l.ynn

M inmel ln concert. Despite the destrucuon

around her the young glrl contmues to slng

hoping to dlstract the crowd h'om lmpendLng


Cju m a o . @ 47

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7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 58/261

Ep iaod e 2 3


7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 59/261

* * *

E p iao d a 2 4

he alien defectors have provided (zaptaln

Gloval and Fïrst ('lflicer Hayes wlth new hope

that peaceful co extstence ls posslbLe between

the people of llanh and the Zentraedi In llght

of this development, L:;a volunteers to return

secretiy to ilarth and try once agyaln to

persuade her father Admlral Hayes. and the

other nLflitarf commanders to begin peace

negotiatlons vvqth the alien leaders.

A.s l jr,a prepares to do verbal battle w lth

the m llltary. M iriya zeroes ln on M ax Sterllng

at the vldeo arcade. She feels certam that she'll

qaqn at any game he chooses to play. She is

defeated tirne after tilne M eanw hlle M ax

linds himself enchanted m th this unusual $rl

and nnakes a date to m eet her at the park in a

few hours.

Lynn Minmel ls greeted by the pretks corps

as she Leaves the hospltal %4t.17 the now

recovered l ynn Kyle 7'he press makes much

()f rtte fact that she spent so much tlme M LIA

her cousln. who was wottnded at the concen

on the day the allenb attacked withln tlle cLty.

Kyle astounds her by proposlnps marriage on

the hospltal steps ln h'ont of the crowd.

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 60/261

* * Z

E piaod a 2 5

ax Sterllng aruuously walts for M lriya in

M across City park. Until now he has spent

most of hls tlme ln puDult of battle. $1ow he

finds hlmself lnvolved in a totzlly dlcerent

cnsls, but lt's not tlne one he expecled. M inya

atucks on sdgvht. M ax dem ands an explanation

as he frantlcally tnes to prolect himself. M inya

snarls: ''7'1me and again you have made me

Look llke a fool. l a ri the Zentraedl's greatest

pllot and w 1ll not be lnum lllated by a

M icronian. I'he Iirst tlm e you were lucky' the

second was your linal victorf. Notlnlng can

save you now. 771% time l m ll m n. l will

defeat you ''

M inya boasB too soon. M ax overcomes

her. R oroughly vanqttished the allen prI

tep tlim to end her life since she cannot llve

wnr.h defeat. It's the last thlngs Sterling can

bring hlmself to do. M inya ts tlne only $rl lne's

ever been attracted to. He proposes on the

spot, and M inya linds that the feeling,s she's

Narbored a11 along for the young m an are not

warllke at all.

Preparatlons for the weddlng



lrnmedlately. lYe ML jquadron of figahtlng

mecha aboard the SDF l shows lts colom.

Nol only ls thls the Iirst weddlng ln space it ls

tlne first ltlinlng of a human and a Zentraedi.

Obsenring Zentraedl lind Lhe broadcast cere

mony extremely interestlnp At jrst they

wonder tf Mlnya ls taking her fob as a spy a bit

too seriously. but finally conclude she ob

Nriously cannot resist tlle charm of the

Microniart pLlclt. 'lhe danger of dtrect contzct

w1t/1 the M lcroniars Ls plainly evident

Prior to the cerem ony, Captain Gloval

addresses the crow d: ''Thls weddin?s cames

wfth it a great historical slgtnllicance. M you 411

know , M ins?ra was a Zentraedi warrior whO

destroyed many of our ow n ships. Slne comes

frem a culture that w e have grow n to fear and

hate. lt is the Zentraedi wtxo have caused our

present situation. They alone prevent our

returrl to Earth our homes and our beloved

famfhes. lt is theywho have caused destructlcm


. .

csxsjsa oxs . 5

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E piaod e 2 6


7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 63/261

e * e A *

e n ia o u e O V

he entjre Zentraedi ftorce com m anded by

Inolza. em ergses from hyperspace an d

surrounds Earth. O nce again tlae crew tof the

SLDI- 1 prepares to do battle but now êh e

Llu m ans have allles in Breetal and A zfanla.

Khyron . tl'ue to his self.serving nature , de

se FLG plannl ng, to Fetkl t-n a nd C CJ nque r the

w eakened vlctor

D to lxa's attac k is bn 1 ta1 . 1-1 e begi ns by IiM ng,

qo n i7. artla . W ln 01 e ci ti es are Dbllte rate d acrcss

tM e face of tlne planet. n an atternpt to

d isorîent tlae new Zentraedl forces irreot'l ai

ctom es up w lth a plan to brtoadcast M inrnei's

slnW ng,. M eanw hile, the I-lnited I-arrh FJefense

C ouncil plans to pklt its m tost valuable w eapon ,

trte G rand G'annon. to use.

A s M lnm ei's song is brtoadcast frfom a

planet base. C-yloval Iaunches rlae SFJF. 1 lntto lLs

ultim ate strategy'. H e ram s trle battlefortress

into F'tolza's flam hip. I'lae ensulngx explosïton

destroys the htostile alien arm ada. The incred

ible Spaceftortreas terribly dam aged crash

lands on Hartln.

* RO BX C H A R T 1

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- . - @ r

E piaod e 2 8


7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 65/261

1 . . '

; , ' 'k ' .

 . .. . =.


.. . .. ' . k ' . ' $ $

yl . ' ' (

'( . V ' ' * ' h . . . .( .. z

* RO B H 1

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 66/261

* @ Q @ à -

E piaod e 2 9

t Lhelr (jistant home tt'le Robotech

M asters receive a telepariuc message that

Zor's lost battlefortress i4aG been localed. A

routlne scan lndlcates that lt ks surrounded by

a large dtscharge of protoculture mass. While

it seems lmpossible that any sinse force Ctluld

have been responslble fOr the deslructlon of

m ore than rour mllllon batteshlps. the Robo

tech M asters receive informatlon that that

was exactly what happened. They prepare for

a hypempace fold to lnk'estigdrc Lhc O Z

behind thelr data.

On Inartln, the surviving Zentraed are

unhappy. They are not used (o a Ilfe without

the exatement of war. Peace grates on Lheir

nenres. Thousands of dlrxsatislied wannors are

heaving town after town, headtng out lnto the

desert wasteiands. lt is fust the klnd of

informauon Warlord Khyron hkes to hear

from his sples. Now. with Azonia Iightlng at

hb side. he is certaln nothlng w lll sund ln the

m br of hls desire Jor total conquest.

CHAFIER 0< * 57

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â * A

E piaod e 3 0


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* @ *

E piaod e 3 q


Cju m a o NE @ 5

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Q * * â *

E piaode 3 2

lmh's ventech forces are deployed to

combat Khyron and h1s Zentraedl troops, but

it Ls an lmporxstble simation In the course of

the battle, M lnmei and Kyle are captured by

the $ant warlord. 'Fhe two are held hostage

agairsst the retum of the spncefortress.

Rlck Hunter and Lîr,a Hayes execute

operation ''SA Saver'' and rescue Minmel

and Kyle before any harm can come to thetrt

M înmei beiprss to reallze how much Rick

means to her. n ey exchange vows of

afrection as llick races off In pursuit of qeeing

Zentraedl hostes.



7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 70/261

A * A

Ep iao de a a


e l Iayes ls mlserable. l'Ier potentlal

relatlonshlp 'ssqLh Rlck Hunter has lust come

crashlnq dow n around her. She knows Rlck

ls stlll Ln love l.v)r.h M Lnme: and now M lnme

Seelns to be returnin g hiS Se nu nne nts. Iksa

feels that she's lost hlm tlnls tlme for gyood .

Ciau d1a t ', ranl m es to console and k'okl nsel

her fnend. She shares memones of her

relatlonshlp m th Roy èokker. lt was a stormy

courehlp fitled lzath as many dtflicutties ab ( Lsa

has expenenced w lth Itick. She advises that

the worst problem s come from non com

rnunlcatlon. ''Don't keep hlm watlng. l aLtxn ''

Claudia advlses. ''I lon't let too much tim f? go

b'/ before teltinq h1m how yott feelx''

I .l:.'a promibeqk to try.

; tl 1 'j ; ' . .


$. . *1 (4 ' ' 




; % '



j. r o . z.,


. '



< -

1ck Hunler asks I ksx'l Hayes to joln him on


a plcnlc but at the last moment lne recelves a

cali hom M inmei, who asks h1m to meet her.

It's a rare opponunity he can't afford to mlss.

M erwardb, Commander Hunter nlshes

' to meet I azsa w ho has pauently walted for

' ' ''

him througtlout the day. A1L seems well untlk






I i xa recognlzes the rcent of l ynn M pnmei's

' '

perfume on Rlck's new scarf Hunter hnds

hlm self alone agaln.


7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 71/261


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L .

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A @ *

E piaod e a s

- .


cjjxjxrya oxE o os

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@ & *

Ep isod e 3 G

RO G IEC Alrr l

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( .


.- . ,


::7- 1, a



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. ' .

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M Tw o-

The R o- tK h M A rS

1 * * @ *

Ep iaod e 3 T

lkfteen 'feam larer. the first puduadnq clacxs of

the Unpted Earet F'orces M illuoz Academy

prepares to cnrl'y on in the traditlon of the

officers and crew of the SDF 1 . 'Fhe descen

dants of the Zentraedi Holocaust are a tougah

breed. Earr.h Is not the pleasant planet lt used

to be. Aithouj?,ln several cities have been

rebullt including New M acror.s Clty many of

Lhem lnave had to be sealed ofl to avold

radlation contamination. The current feudal

society is unsubie Enade up of human belnps

w ho have survived a1l but lrksurmountable

odds in the face of the alien invasion. For the

rnost part, they are an aggressive and

susplclous lot.

However, everyone is cheerrul at the ckor.e

of graduauon ceremonies. Everyone except

Bowfe Grant. Claudia Grant's younger

brother. Bowie ls a musncian. He doesn't feel

that the mllltaly way of life ls hls true

vocation. Fellow graduate Lleutenant Dana

Sterling senses his depression. In an effon lo

buoy h1s spirits. she tells hit'n the story of how

her parents, M M and M iriya Sterdng, met

and feL ln Iove. ''There's a 1ot m ore to the

milltary lJe than just maneuvers '' she con

cludes. Altlnougah heartened by her story,

Bow le rem ains u nconvmced

Tlneir discussion is interrupted by an

emergency alen. lt is ncit a dnll. The

Robotecln Masters have arrived ln force. They

have traced the lost protoculture factory

to F.arr.ln .

* ROBW ECH Alrr 1 -

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 78/261

* â



E p iaode a e

he i rreprt'sslble and 1 ngenlous I lana

SterLing Leads her muad En a practlce dnkl

while the Southern Cross goes from red to

'felpow alert. 'I'he green troop n'ns afoul of

seasoned combat veterans led by I jeutenant

Mane Crpul. The verbal batte dissolves lnto

php kal conflict and after leading the milltary

potice on îk 'vvitd Sm ase trough M onument

Clty. Dana finds herself thrown in the bng to

reconslder her behavior in solitary confine

ment. Lxnter Dana is berdted by Colonel Alan

Fredencks. She lnas not exerclsed conduct

becoming elther an officer or the daughter of

war heroes. The young wom en beps for

another chance.

Fredencks aarees (0 $ve her one more

opportunlty to prove lnerself. Dana us released

in tlme to read her Squad into thetr first of

tkna eorrzbat.

The înitial confrontatlon between Fx'1l'th

Defense and tlne Robotech M astets results ln

a draw . The aliens are stunned. l'hey had

been ceruln they would recover their losl

protoculture factory m th tlttle effort. They did

not reckon on the strong figlnting splnt

dem onstrated by the Soutlnertn Cross De

fense Corps.

Because of her splendld eTorts agalrlst

enemy forces Dana is directed to take

iomm and of the 15th Squadron. lheir

preuous commander. Captain Sean Phlbps. ls

demoted to private second class for yet

another of many indLqcretiorks- thus partcular

one lnvolqzfng a colonel's daugahter. Sean

takes the settkack in good natured stride.

M eanw hile Dana is troubled by vlsions of an

allen belng she lnas never seen before but is

somehow strangely fam iliar.

- -

Cju m a or . öp

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 79/261

e * e e

e n ia o u e a e

iuzens of Earth are advised that w ar has

been declared w ith the Robotech M asrel's.

M ilitary dkqklipline beczom es ttae order of the

day. Sterling*s 15t.h Squad is ordered to take

position as rear guard defense. C ivil D efense

is tclo tam e a position com pared to w rlat the

young tieutenant has in m ind for an active

m ilitary career but she carries out her

orders- unti) she sees the m ain base gp ing

up in Qam es. M obilizing existing troolps,

Sterlings returrts to the base and attaclcs the

invading bioroids.

W hen tlae battle is recorlstructed later,

Earth C om m and H eadquarters discovers that

the turning point w htcb saved the day carrie

about w hen the 15th Squad forced the

bioroids to return to their m other ship. Dana

is prom oted again- to first lieutenant. She

appears astride her hover tank at the aw ards

cerem ony and joking)y tells the audience:

dflt w as a laare-raising experience folks,

but through the m iracle of

nolosryy' w e w ere able to pull a victory out

of our hats.'p

* RO R G I'EC H A R r 1

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 80/261

@ *

E p iaode 4 0

Yo cover thelr lmpending lnvaslon



Robotech M asters have lnterrupted lhe

com munlcations llnk between Unlted Farth

Com mand Headqum ers and 1ts strategic

orbital observation outpost Space Station

I Jberty. 7'h1, Unfted Fxnrth Government's

Hi1 Command ciecitâes ttlal a team of

Robotech defende s '.12 have ro be deployed

to reestablish com murucatlons and to test Lhe

strengf.h of the invaders. Deutenant M arie

Crystal of the tzctical armored spre corps and

Heutenant Sterlmg volunteer to carry out

the mission.

ln the course of the battle to regain the

post. Dana sees the red bioroid that has been

me focus of her dlsturbing 'zisions


lt ls an

unusual m echa but M ane and Dana manage

to defeat lt and rout the invaders from the

space station.

Com municatlorls betbveen United Earth

Comm and Headquarters and Space stauon

I jberty are reestabhshed.



7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 81/261

A @ *

E p ia o d e e q

n a rolltl ne nlght patro)Llana and Bom e

disc over a trespaxser ln a forbid den sector

outslde what w as once New M acrotks City.

'Fhey lnvestlgate desplte receiving negative

orders from their com m and pos't.

I'he 'iintruder'' tums out to be enem y

aliens Ied by the pilot of tlne red bioroid. ln tlne

skirmish tlnat follows, BoAvie Ls captured.

Dana reporrs her findinp but is denied

perm ission to rescue her mde. O nce agaln

she circum vents orders. Dana ggthers the

I 5* Squadron. A m idnigaht drill seem s

suddenly ln order- wit.h live ammunition

and full com bat gear.

At Headquarters, M llit':try lnteiigence con

lirm s that the alîerls are digging at the crash

slte of m e o1d SDF 1 . 'I-hey are m ystilied as to

w hat the Robotech M astels could possibly

w ant or salvage from the o1d w reck. Fheir

m eeung ls lnterrupted by a large scale bio.

roid attack.

Convinced the Robotech M astero m ean to

kll1 hlm Bow ie w astes no tim e discovering a

means to escape confinernent. He breaks out

of his cell and ëncis a w ay outside as the 15th

bk a d ro n e n gsa :es tln e e ne my . O n ce agm n ,

Dana fincls herself face to face w ith the red

bioroid pilot. 7Xis tim e, both expenence an

urlsetthng m om ent of recognition.

Relnforcem ents arrive to help the l 503

rescue Bom e. The Robotech M asters' huge

advance com m and sMp retreats. rising Slow ly

into the air carrying not only tlne com pllm ent

of bloroids but their Stranqe com m ander

as w e 2 .


7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 82/261

* A * *

E p iaod e 4 2

Icarth and tlne Robotech M asters escalates lnto



another senous milimry confrontatlon.

Su rem e Comm ander l eonard deplop the 

; .

P .


. . .

:. J y. . bulk of thelr tactlcal armored space cops to




YJ 'j engsvp the enemy ln SJMCC ln arl dttempt to


. avold tu nnln g 1 e planet su face lnto a

bale gro u n d b ut h1s srategy Z b&e d o n


instzlsclent data. M ost of the troops are wped


out while the surzivors are left to dnft


helplessly ln space. On the hasty decslon of


.,. one stttbborn man hundreds of lives have

' been Iost Ln a slnp


le hopeless gesmre. The


Robotech Fortress continues to orbit inarth


untouched unscathed and apparently


Professor M lles Cochrdn and his colleague.

Dr. Sam son Beckeq examine trace remalns

1 Slh volunleerq of a downed bioroid Jlilot and make a

dlsturblng dlscovery. l'heir analp is of the

  ' allen's genenc code determlnes that the

invaders are human- not mlcronlzed Zen

  t : traedi as Lhey had onginally suspecled



7 '

are hornhed at the thought of brother âpaht:ng

. .




Dana sterllng volunteels the 1 501 hkuad lo  1

' rescue the space corps. Loule Nlchols has

' I


j determ ined that the alien sl'klp tw'lr opposlng

forcesin a se Nes of h yper folds to m ove No m

place to place. L7ana devuqpd a plan to u pset

* e h yper bïance of me alle n cral. kvhile

eve r/o ne agrees tha the plan could w ork

they run lnto difjculty w107 Chief of Staff Rolf

Emerson, Bowie Grant's guardlan. After the

recent dlraster Fimerson does not want to

nsk hus ward's life ln another futlle l'nlLital'y

mm euver. Bowie Dana and Loule convince

Emerson to see thelr point of 'vqew.

The l 501 Squad not only rescue their

fellow defenders, they destroy the allen shlp


kvhat was cmce an lnvincible source of ten'or

crashes to the planet's surface a fiery symbol

of m anlund's El'st vlctory.


cyu yrjw oc @ 73

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- - . . = x

e n ia o cle e a

fter tlaeir recent succesxs slaooting clow n

tbe enem y ship, the l5t.h Squad hnd them .

selves divolunteered'' for another dangerous

rnission. Suprem e C om m ander Lecm ard has

begun to consider them his lucky ace in the

hole. G eneral Em erson*s protesrs in the

m arter are disregarded.

ln preparlngs for their next encounter the

m enabers of tlae 15th lasych them selve.s up,

each in his or her ow n w ay. U nfortunately

Bow ie G rant gpts into m ore trouble than he

can cope A/W A.IQ alone. 'f'he young m usician is

arrested tw ice by the G lobal M ilitm Police.

once for frequenting a restricted bar the

second tim e for braw ting in the sam e o/.nrnM

area. A lthough his excuses seem vahd

Bow ie's recent lack of concentration has

caused laim to m ake sm all but m tentlally

serious m istakes on the battleleld. D ana

can't afrord to take a chance on the pose ility

that Bow ie w ill becom e distracted on their

new m ission. She ordel's him consned to the

guardhouse. The young m an LS forced to

acknow ledge his childish behavior. A t the last

m inute, Em erson procure.s a release allow ing

Bow ie to join his com rade.s on tlle m ission.

Bow ie determ ines to becom e the best soldier

he can.

* R O H G TEC H A R T 1 '-- -

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* A *

Ep iaod e e 4

ana Sterllng leads :he 5:.14 Alpha Iakocal

Armored t''loros lnto Lrle allen shlp. l-lellllC

monltors transmit thelr sndlngs to Central

Command. àlowever as Lhey scout the ship's

fntenor, the Robotech M asters are mcking

their own observations ln retum .

The team discovers a blo.mechanlcal opera

tlon that Indicates the allens are able to create

pefect androlds. Separated from the group,

Bow le meets a beaullful allen w om an

M uslca, the mlstress ct the Cosmlc Harp.

M uslca manlpulates the electronlc beam s of

the fanustic instrument. However the tw o

are attracted to each other by more rhan thelr

Love of music. Bovvie is enchanted but

M uslca Iinds her own reactlons too disturb

lng; they gci against alI her condmonlng. After

she helps Bov/le to defeat attacklng sentnes.

she ru ns away.

M eanw hile the Robotech M asters trap

Dana and her crew. Sterllng blasts her way

out Lhrough the Iloor. Guessing thelr weI

com e is over. the squad heads for an exlt-

any exit O n their way out. Sterllng capm res

an enemy blorold


cjw xjw o Ns . zs

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 85/261

A *

e n i- o u e G a

n analysis of tbe 15th Squad's observadons

supports G om m and C entral's theory that the

Robotech M astel's have com e to Earth in

search of the last know n protoculture m atrix.

A prettm inary report on the capm red bioroid

indicates the bio.m echanical w eapons are

controlled by program m ed androids. The

bioroids cannot be stopped unless the cockpit

controls are destroyed. D ana objects. Blasdng

the cockpit w ill kjll the puots. Suprem e

Com m ander I.eonard seem s to find tlajs

inforrnation especially rxatisfying and an.

nounces: J*G entlem en- it seem s to m e our

course is clear. W e m ust com rnit ourselves to

the destructlon of these androids w henever

they appear. You don't believe w e coklld ever

com e to terrns V/M a group of barbarim s libce

tlaem ? Their advcm ced technology leaves us

no choice. Even if w e could negotlate, w e'd

be doing it from a position of w eakneas, not

strengtla. and that w ould be fatal. lt's out of

the questlon '>

A lthoug,h lDana suspects Leonard's orders

evolve from fear and prejudice there is no

w ay she cart successfully contradict him . She

L% concerned that not all the bioroid pilots are

m echanical androids but actual Eving alierls-

aliens like her m other. The lieutenant leaves

the conference feeling very dism rbed.

The Robotech M astel's are in a pem lexing

Mtuation. The secrels of protoculm re produc.

tion have been los't w ith the passîng of their

creator, Zor. M attem pa to rediscover those

secrets through the cloning of Zor have

ended fn failure. Confrontation is their 5na1

alternative. 'fhd lrue threat to Earth and the

protoctllm re m atrix derive from the approach

of another alien race the parasitic Invid. The

Eldel's are desperate to recapture the m atrix

thefore their ctvilization cozapses around them

but too m any of ttzeir bioroid ptlots have been

injured in battle to m ount an efrective attack.

T he Robotech M asters decide to capture

hum an beings to detenn ine if they can be

reprogram m ed to pilot the bioroids.

* RO HO TK H A R T 1 '- ' ' -- -'

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A œ œ

e n ia o u e e e

lien tro ops captu re m ore than 2OO

dvilian hostages. Leonard has them listed as

casualties of w ar despite tlne protests of Rolf

Ernem on.

At Com m arld Central, Elana Sterling tries

to stop Leonard from ktlling a capm red alien

pBot. A ltrlougah she Know s her actjons place

her career in extrem e jeopardy she cannot

stop herself from protesdng an actlon she

inse ctively feels Ls w rong. D ana can't believe

the enem y troops are unthinldng androids


H er continued attraction to the red bioroid

pilot m akes this theory particularly upsetting;

Dana is reduced to Seeking solace at a bar.

Bow ie G rant accom panies his com m ander.

Sterllng m eet.s an interesting entertainer

Jordan Sullivan. H oping she's found the

answ er to ber rom antc dilem m a IDana snps

backstage for further conversation only to

dîscover that the m an is an agent for the

G lobal M ilitary Police. H e convinces her to

help him and she agrees. H ow ever. thet

rnission gp es aw Ty mad Sullivan is killed .

c l'ln m 'G O IVE * 77

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@ 1 -

E p iaod e G T

Yhe red bloroid pilot is captured and Dana

Sterling Iinds her problerns are lus: begnning.

The rnore she tries to dism irss the m ystenous

wam or, the more comm lllng he becom es.

She has no way of knowing he ts Zor Prime

fi1'st clone of Zor the gemus who created Lhe

Klence of R obotechnology--an d lnadver.

teney, Eanh's continuing cordlcts w 1:13 mvad.

ing alien rorces. Long ago, the Erst Zor

escaped wir.h the secrets of Robotechnoloor

on tlne SD F 1 to prevent their abuse by the

Robotech M asters. Now the Robotech M as

ters seek to manlpulate Zor Pnme ln waD

they could never control the onpnal. W ith

a neuro sensor lmplanted (n his body. the

clone hanll serve as an unknowlng spy for the

aùen lnvaders.

Dana is not Lhe only person on the 1 5t.13

Squad suffenng from romantlc doculues.

Bow le Grant. obsessed m th the beautàful

alien rnuslcian, finds himsetf the object of

ridlcute among his fellow soldiers because of

Nis affectlons. Bom e lnas never corusidered

hlmself a real member of the rrulltary estab

lishm ent. Now he becom es more alienated

Qlan ever.

A reconnalrxsance vessel from the SDF. 1

lands near the oulkil'ts of M onument City.

Dana Sterling and Sean Phihris arrive to pick

up Major John Carpenter and his aide from

the Robotech Relief Fapeditlon. They are

taken to United Earrh Command for debnef

mg. Leonard ks sLw ered to hear there v.n'l be

no reinforcement aniving h'om the SDF.3. It

would seem Flarth's survival res?,s on stratesc

information gaam ered from the m pqenotzs

zten prksoner.


7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 88/261

1 *

E piaod e 4 8

lîeutenant Nova ssaron of the Gloxnl Milltary

Police beglns a com plex psychologlcal

prosle on the ahen pzot Identijed onty as

''Zor.'' Zor sulrers from am nesla and Ls

haunted by agoruzlng nim tmares. l-he clone

doesn't know his dreams are based on

memories he shares w1t13 hls ceL donor. Zor's

interroN tors do not suspect their prisoner ks

anghing other than human. 'I'hey believe

they have capm red a brainwashed clvilian

m'ho has been Iorced to serve the Robo

tech M asters.

% an Plllùps, the Casanova of the 15th

Squad vlslt.s Marie Crystal who is recuperat

tngfrom wounds sufered in battle. Lieutenant

Crpui atlempts a llttle reveme psychology to

erlsure tlne private's attentlon and wonders

later if she's overplayed her hand.




'ày' '

' 'c . '



.J A'












C ONE * 79

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A * *

E piaod e 4 9

1( ls rjecIdi.a () inuuct zor lnto oe arnly of

thi? Stlutherl) (Mroxs ln Lhe llopeb assoclatlon

 .vllh a rnltltar'/ envlronment wlllspul' hs lost

rnernory and provlde lmportanr ûlui's () lhi'

onpn and tactlcal strengths of the Robotech

Mastenk. He ls asslgned to the 1 5t.1: Squad.

Althougvh Dana reveks ln her speclal klnshlp

haqth the 'jew recrult there are other mem

bers of the Squad w ho resen: Zor's asslgnment.

l-hese are soldlels who have lost fnends and

famlly ln the allen attacks. Desplte the fact that

Zor exhlblts a(1 the abllltles of a truly excep

Oonal soldier he cannot jnd acceptance in

the squdd.

lnslde the mother shlp, the Robotech

M asters observe their spy wir.h concern. Zor

Prjme's associallon wlth 1 lana SterlLng has

aroused emotlons that are bnnsng back the

onpnal Zor's mem ones. Stl11 they rem an

confident of Lhelr control and thel: abillty to

anruhllate rltelr humart adverbanes.

RO BG ECH Alk'r l

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 90/261

* * à

E pisode 5 0

he t InEted Farrh Defenst' motlnt a f'aLl

scaie attack on the armada or $he R()b()lek h

M asters. Dana Sterilng and the 1 51 I'acncal

Armored Dllaslon are left belund to conqnue

deprovammlng Zor. I'he clone encounters

more resentment. l7)e fightlng 15th does not

enjoy babpimng axslgnments.

Meanwhlle transmsslons from Zor Pnnle

contlnue to be recelved by Llne lnvaders.

Commander I.eonard's attack is doomed

from the start.

Zor, Dana, and Bowie lnvesttggte the

wreck of tlne SDF l and find the rulns jlled

lvlth unusual flowers. The pLants seem to

throb wlth power, more like sentlent being,s

trnpng to make contact '.1t13 somethlng IaC

away. Zor notlces Lhe blossoms gmw ln

clusters of three and remembers a connection

between the plants and a mpterious Ihurn

vtrate that ls (he essence of the allen llfe

style- the three who act as one.

- .

cjjasjsu oxE . 8

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@ A Z *

Ep isod e 5q

leonard's desperate grontx assault proves

to be a dlfkastec l'he shattered lkirth fleet

withdraws tow ard the dark side of tbe moon

but the Robotecrl M asters aren't ceLebratlng

yet. l'ransm lssions h'om Zor Pnm e alert them

that the ''lnvld i'owers of Llfe'' grow lng

hzsrithin the ruinb of the SDF 1 are ln full

Moorn. 1( marks the first signat of the

approachlnq Invid invasion force. l'he Robo.

tech M asters' blosynergetic reservoits of

protoculture are runntng drf. Weapons and

defense s'ptems are a cortstant draln con

sumfn?s rnore energy than they create. lf the

Robotech M asters cannot secure an infusLon

of fresh protoculture their avilizatton hM ll

com e to an end.

M tsslca and her slsters Allegra and tXtavia

are approached by the mates chosen for them

by the Robotech M astea. M uslca stlll rem em

bers Bowie Grant. Torm ented by feelmp she

cannot understand M usica refuses to obey

the Robotech M asters. Her behavior does not

go unnotlced. Lzke tlle Zentraedi M tcronian

culture has had an ursettllng ecect on the

clones. I'he m istress of ele Cosmlc Harp hab

become as unpredlctable as Zor Pnme

Atr Cavalr/ One relief forces led by

I-leutenant Mane Crptal succeed in rescuin?s

Leonard's declrnated Earth zeet. On her

return to the planet she Ends Sean Phllips

waitlng for her. It would seem that her

military and romantic strateses have paid o:.


7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 92/261

@ *

E p iaod e 5 2

Mupreme Commander Leonard ppaces his

arch rival. Q'enerat Rolf Fkmerson. ln com

rnand of a second offenslve agalnst (he

enemy. Despite conjecrure to the contrary

Emerson rejects specularion that he ls pllotmg

a suicide muad. Yet al1 the oflicers appointed

to the mlssion are those who consistently

oppose Leonard's declslons and the odds for

succerxs are very m uch agglnst them thls time

Sd11 F nne Don LS deternnined to retu rn


M arie and Sean's lmportant date becomes

a dlsaster. 'Ihe keutenant Ends Sean apparenuy

involved with a $rl Nom hs past. M ane rurks

away. Sean tnes to explaln but she departs

with Emerson's tleet before he gets the


- -

cjw xjzjt o r . 8

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 93/261

E p iao de 5 3

h CN m em berxk of the l 5t13 Squad retax ln

the vldeo arcadt' I r'/ng to lmprove h1s

ggme. I.oule Nichols (nvents a device actîvared

by organlc Lmpulses produced w hen the

player'b eyes Lllte'rcept re q ecte d lipl)t No nn the

ga n e target--- a Nnslo n Lrac e j nllq sllte rn or

''1àu pi1 IJistol ''

'lwo sentor offkers otserve the excjtement

and suggest that LouLe and Dana develop the

m achlne for use fn simulation tralntng for

new recrults. I-ouie is more than wllling to

help untll he leam s his device has been

lntegrated Into real combat weapons. Dana

and l.oule try to destroy tlne prototype. Zor

stops them sa/lng: ''I understand how you

feel. and believe m e. l know the pain bioroids

go throupah w hen they revlve. 1'11 be aboard

this hovertank . . . some of my rnnds might

die. 1 don't w ant any m ore deaes but this

new macNine Ls our best hope.''

Angelo Dante inds hlmself agreeing m th

Zor for the first tim e. ''It's because we must

succeed fn our mirxsion lnvadlngthe battleshlp.

You know that's our only sure m eans of

achieving peace ''

Louie ls not convinced and whlle the

squad arglles. General Lcmerscm engages Lhe

allen enem y ln deep space.



+ +


z p mr. * ..


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1 à

Epiaode 54



cx1u m a ox s . 85

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 95/261

1 A A œ 1 * A 1

E n ia o d e a a

Yryings to escape Zor, the 1 5e1 Squad

m akes a scattered retreat into the deprh of

the giant shlp. 'Ihe Robotech M asters m obilize

their sentries in an attem pt to capm re the

M icronians before they spread m ore em o

tional contam ination.

M they race through m e ship, Dana

discovels m any disturbingfacts about the true

nam re of the civilizadon living on board trle

slaip. Independent thought and em otional .

resporlse are strictly forbldden. Trarlsgresso s ..- ' <

are destroyed. A1l clones live to sevve the %-

Robotech Mastel's. What tlney beneved to be j u yl ' Z/





k . -.ndrolds are acruatly clones biogenetically %.

cells of living





j YV'




evolved from the organic

'Fhey are not mechanical creatures f V

xu- ''--



devoid of feeling. - . ' t p-


pJ . v u.

In spite of their ZIIIiUeS as a tigrhting team , ' . A ...,4 / c

l o x.he cards are smcked against the 15t


h this N.

time out. They are captured and brought --J ( X. b

before the Robotech Masters. v f'.T- $



. ,.

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jdrl j , xy.

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9'' >i '


* RO B H AR T 1 I r

%*h ''' '



Dana's declsl on

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 96/261

* e œ

e n ia o e e D G

ith the M icronians safely in hand, tlae

Robotech M asters tl'y to locate their m îasing

clone, Zor Prim e. His prolonged a-sstociation

w ith hum an em otiorts has turned him into an

unstable unit. In another part of the sbip,

M usic.a tries to describe her feelingp for Bow ie

G rant to Ner sisteD . She lonr for the tjm e

before the Trium virate w hen each of them

w as able to act independently, w hen each

w as q*capable of feeim q pleasure, pain, Kappi.

ness, or e'ven konelm ess.'' Idow ever in tlne

tunn oil surrounding the M icronian prisoners

M usica learrts the rnjssings Zor Prim e is to be

deprogram m edx possibly dam aged, w hen he

LS found. She goes in search of him heraelf.

The M istresxs of the Cosm ic Hazp hnds Zor

Prim e ln a deserted part of the ship. O nce

agaln. he stlf'ers from m em ories that aren't

his. M usica explains the tnath about hjs

origH just as clone sentries arrive to take

them aw ay.

Zor and M usica rejoin the 15th Squad. The

crew m anages to overcom e the guards and

escape. As they sexam la for an exit, M ustca tells

Zor the reason berzind his m iasion on Eartrl-

he w as an unw itting spy for the Robotech

M asters. Zor Prjm e js upset: *âI betrayed m y

friends and now the only w ay to redeem

m yself is to betr'ay m y peopie. Evergthtrm I

toucb turns to ashes.''

In a daring one-m an stand agpainst a legion

of bjoroids, Zor cleam the w ay for D ana and

the 15th to escape and rendezvo us w itla

Em erson's tleet. A t rœst given up for dead Zor

also m anages to escape to the neet-

C H A R I'ER o N H * 87

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1 A 1 * A *

E piao d a 5 T



* (

Jt ne vv crlslshe remnants of Emelrson's force withdraws

toward M oon Base Aluce 1 as a shuttle

bearing the l 51 Ruad, Z()r and Muslca

return to Earth .

M usfca and Bow ie are happy to be

together again, and the alten beauty tries to

assim gate herself to her new environment.

Thefr plans are cut short when Nova Satori

and the mllitary police seek M usica out

as a spy.


7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 98/261

A A œ

E p isoda S B


he Robottach M asters call a fkll scale 

k7' Ekssattlt cln E artln. Nearly 70 percent or thelr

remaining protoculture pods have been In 

vaded by the Invid Flower of lcfe. I'he


infected marxs has degenerated to the pcqnt

whert tt ls no longer of ir,y use to them


They are concerned that the Earth factc)ry has

bcen slmllarly contaminated. I'lney m ust

retneve what rlney can lxfore the Invid arnve.

At Command Central Leonard deddes to

foin Emerson anrl launch a qnal ofrerlslve:

etW e w4ti knock Q7em out of t'ne skies or d1e ln

>A' the attempt

'' Hts fellow ofkers agree.

'M' Bom e and M usica Nide within the wreck


. of the SDF 1 . The gowers have changed since

Bowie's last vtsft. M usica recognlzes the

blossoms at once and realszes that the lnvld

Rowe s of l aife have completed thelr muta.

tion. Even now the drx ng spores are

drawmgsthe lnvid to Fxm h acrorxs the cosmos

Bow ie demands an explanation


M usica teLs

hlm : '''fhe Invid are the enelnles of botln our

people . . . The l'ower of Life survives by

feedlng off the protoculture m atnx.'' 'rhe

young fugitives have found tlae factory every

one has been searching for but it Ls too late to

be of any use to Earth or the Robotech

M asters,

Dana and crew tzack tb

e couple to tt'te

ruirus. n ey are followed in tum by Nova

Saton and Zor. W hen confronted by the

spores, Zor Prim e remembers h15 pist. He

knows all of Zor's plans and dreams. He

becomes the onsnal Zor once agatn.

- cjw yya ox E @ ap

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 99/261

p * *

E piao de 5 9

he finaloffenslve ls underway. ALLen

vzorshlpb move splendy toward harth. l'helr

plan ls simple- atlack m thout retrea: or

surrender untll they reclaim the fallen

prtltoculture ractory. General Emerson en

gages the enemy once again. Leonard

iaunches hls fleet.

Xs the barrie escalates (he Robotech

Masters cast meir lnhrrn and aged citizens

adnft ln space. l'hey drug tlneir clone soldiers

vkqîh antl pan serum to enable them to figaht

longer. M erciless maneuvers pve them the

advantaqe. l'hey issue an ultlmatum to

Supreme Com mander 1 aeonard: ''Evacuate

the planet m tllln thlrty eight hours or we 'M ll

1x4 forced to destroy your hom eworld. ''

l aeonard orde:s aI1 remainlng squadrons to

assernble at M onument City and prepare for

an atuck. Fm erson returns the battered

renLains of the Soutberrl Cross Defense Force

to protect ele planet and its people as hlls ship

explodes. M ane Cr'fstal manages Lo get the

general into an escape pod but they are

plcked up by the Robotech M asters before

they can reach thelr own troops.

l'he allens contact Zor Pnnle for a trade-

Zor.M uslca. and Lhe dlsrfllssal of remanlng

E'arth forçes for the general and hls crew . Zor



7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 100/261

A A * @ *

E p iaod a G o

+ w


u / '


ts 01e PLISO FIC r e Xchangc' IS L r 1 PrO#.rC%k% û

trap set by thq'Itotobech M aster.k on LheLr slnlp

claims the rife of Rolf Em erson. Chaos reigns

as tlàe l 5t13 Squad despera:ely attempts to pull

out of the area. Dana tnes to relocate Zor

w hlle Sean M ane Bowie and the rest of the

crew look for M usica's ststers

Dana Sterllng tinds Zor deterrnined

personally destroy the Robotech M astels.

After a frantkc search throum the deplhs of

the Sgantlc shlp, Dana and Zor dlscover the

Robotech M asters preparing a new two front

awnult aguall'ust the fleet and the planet.

I'he aliens do not beheve Zor w ants to

destroy them : ''You are the embodlm ent of

Zor. creator of tlle first proloculture and the

M aster responsible for our developm ent. Ir

w as Zor w ho developed the Zentraedl

people. Zor who became (he pnm e force

behlnd a11 Lhe advancem ents of our soclety.

Your m ost im ponant achlevement was the

protouulîure w htch bnngs the pronllse of

eternal llfe Surely you are not prepared

to destroy '/oL1 r Fnost PFC/CiOLIS Crp3tion the

em bodim ent q)f your hopes and dreams?

W ithout it your nadve civillzatlon wlll w ither

and die ''

Z()r replles: ''M y clvillzatïon already

dedd ''

H e elllnlnates o ne of dn e three nn aste D

Llana u pseD oRe ternninal dnat c o nlrol a

co ntY ner of protoculnxre nRauqx. She acci

d e n mlly causes dn e see ds insld e to blouolll

releaslng metr energy. l(s usefulnetxs to the

rem mning Robotech M asters has beE'n des

troyed, but for llana the energy has unleashk'd

racial rnem ories buried within her Zentraedi

cell srructure. Som ehow llana finds the

Strength to refect lnstincts that urge her to

becom e a pan of the Robotech M asters'

culture. Halluclnatlons brougah on by tlne

spores leave her half smnned.

In another sectlon of the shlp, M uslca leads

a barrle of her ow n w hile the 1 5+ Squad

rescues civillan clones- including M usica's


7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 101/261

skstero- m arkeö tor dsislnlt%on.

'' have freely chosen a new way of llfer''

M usica tells the sentnes. ''l'he trutln ls w v are

a1l individual belnps wqth free wilL- and you

k now it 1 ''

In the ensulng struggle, tlcta'sqa s klllt'd

'l-he I 5t.1'1 Squad, $.:703 M ane Crystal and

M uslca. Load the surbqving aliens lnto Lroop

cam ers and evacuate to harlh.

i'or the RoboLech M asters, (he moment of

retributlon ls at hand ln the fonn of lhelr rebeL

cttzr e . lor ktltb tttem . l-le SMB Dana Adrnjt trt

one of rhe escape modules, then prepares to

deslroy the shlp. .X<? he IOCIQ. the controls Lnlo

a crash Land posltlon over Lhe ruins of the

SI IF l Zor thinks to hlmself: ''There is no

otlner w ay


I he destruclàon of tllls Ship over

trle slte of tlne battlefortress ls the only

guarantee mat (l)e protoculture w ill be obllt

erated before 1: bnnp,s the Invld (o Lhlb


z'or is trapcally wrong. Hs sacnfice only

com pounds dlsaster. lnqead Y rendenngthe

protoculture m atnx useless the expioslon

frees the m utated spores.'Fhey Karrer over

the planet's surface t'urnlng Earth lnto a vasl

fertlle garden aw aiting Cultlvatlon by tbe

rapldly approaching lnhnd.

l'he survlvors of the second Robotech W ar

enjoy a blttelsweet 'vrictor/. W lth m oraLe

supplies. and populatlon depleted. Earlh rriust

rebulld onci' agaln-.thls Llm e in th


e Lèf-i' t)f

Elnotller rnasslve invaslon they kntDh...z îhey

canno wnn



7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 102/261

The N ew G eneradon

c . à .

eary h'orn Llne war wdth d1e Robotech

M aster;. (he armies (lf Lhe Southem Cross are

no m atch ror the battle hungry Inhzid lnvaders

Led by the Invld llegks. the supreme ruler of

the protoplasmic parasltG, the aliens turn the

planet into a wasteland. Fanh becomes a slave

colony wlnose sole purpose ns to harvest and

process protoculmre.

A contlngent of lnterstellar shlps responds

to Lhe crisis. I hey have been dephoyed from

Admiral Rick Hunter's expeditionary mlsslon

w Nich is in search of the Robotech M asters'

' home pLanet. '1 h1s Iatest generation of Robo

tech warnom is equipped m th new and

powerful weapons 'lllere are rflelnbers of

obflret.k, warr

clrs pri uarc to the tleet who have not vutted FEarr

h ln twenty

lerd parlh, ' yeals


M ost of the space born crew lnave

never seen tlwlr homew orid. How ever Itick

(Jtr Esu.rtLartl prplpost?s T(, : % Hunte? has comrnlssloned then) to redalm

.rricnd . Marl. rht'


r fhelr ancestral planet and has every f..t11 ln

fheir abillty to do sO.

arlene kè(Jpt'% lllt. mlbs:on w'l. As tlle fleet prepares to defold near lranh

' stlttessful. l ieutenant Artt Berrlard Jlroposes to NIS

prlfriend M arLene. M arlene teases Nlm

saying: ''lt's a b1t sudden . . . You'l have to

speak to my rather Erb't. C)r perhaps even my

mother.''Scott plays along 'vvith (he game as

the Seet enters the fourt.h quadrdnt and lock.s

its target on Reflex Point headqum e s of the

Invld Regys.

Unforrunately the Invld are aware of

Hunter's force and are watlng for tlLem I'he

zeet coln nnan der deploys Ve ntech sghter

squads vvhile Qne qeet establshes orblt



Seo R boards ;is cra: Klarte ne Sves htnR a

holo.medallion to bnng hlm luck


There are m ore lnvld hghters than anyone

antlcipated. lXe Veritechs are overbvhelmed

on their first assault. As the aliens fire on the

command shlp. shields drdin rapidly



gravitational pull of the planet becom es more

O:aII the depleted power source can take

Ilesplte thelr best ettorrs the fleet is sucked

lnto the atm osphere. lt meets a lie y death on

the planet surface vdule ttie lnNicl ehminate


7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 103/261

the rem amlng Ventech âglnters.

Scott Bernard's Incredible skill and ability

enable h1m to land ln a remote area far away

from Reflex Point. ln a state of shock and

despair, he stands on i-anh's soil for tlne first

tlme. lt's not the hom ecomlng he anticipated.

X% lne opens the holo m edalllon he sees a

three.dimensional lmage of M arlene. Her

recorded rneRsage says: 'Tbkott my darling, l

know lt usn't much but thoupaht you'd get a

kick ottt of thls mnket . . J . 19rn looklng

forward to llvmg Lhe rest of m y Iife wif.h you. l

can't wait tll1 tlus contkct s 21 behlnd us. TlIl

we meet agaln my love ''

It beglns to raln, a phenom enon the younpy

Lieutenant has never encountered. As he tries

to adjust to his current sltuatlon Scott takes

wlnat com fon he can from mihtafy lrtstilled

discipline. He recalls orders; ''hven if only one

of you sum ves, you must 5nd Rezex Polnt

and destroy 1L alongy w 1t14 the Invid Queen

the Re> ''

K% Scott considers how to accom pllsh thls

a young man arrives on the rcene and

discovers an undam aged c/clone. H1s nam e

ls Rand. l'le draws the attention of lnvid

scouts as he examines the vehicle Scott

Bernard comes to hts rescue.

After they defeat the aliens Scott asks

Rand for lnformation reggrdlng the locanon of

Reflex Point whlle tbe youth enthuses over

h1s newfound mecha. W hile Scort perststs

lland snaps: ''Hey . . . do l look llke som e

klnd of travel agent? l don't know anytlnln?s

about tlaeir headquarters. I hate those creeps.''

Scot't explains: '''l7ne Invld wlped out an

entire combat la4ng of the reconnaLsance

forces sent by Admiral Hunter. That's the

reason l'm Iooking for them . . . I'm the only

survlvor too.''

Rand notlces Scott looking at M arlene's

hologram m erxsage and compliments tlne

lieutenant on his luck ln prlfnends. Scott

becorries very dksunt.

Som emlng about tlle forlom but deter

m lned soldier appeals to Rand's sense of fair

play and responnblllty. He agrees to help.

Althoug.,h he's (oo emotionally drained to

undersund the slgrulicance of Rand's com mlt

m ent. Scorr Isernard nevertheieixs galrus hus

lirst fnend on Funrlh.

* RO BG IECH AR'r 1 -

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Epiaoda 6 2 . . .@

NF +

x' $


earc h1n g ftlr lnfûlrtblatio n re/rardln g th e X.

InNq d strtln F$ë1()1d àscû)tt alld R a n d C1uE'b f)3l

tlne lnhabltana of a peculiar town. It's a

desolate place. Downed spacecrusel's. bl()

rolds and scorched Zenfraed) battle pods

iller an odne patse peace Ll @ake. 7he slee 1

are sbll covered vdth d eb ns ào nn Ae 1%t =

Rob otech vear an d pe ople re gard QRe nevv '

comers 'M OR susplclon. Visjtors are rare. I'he

lnvld shadow hitnjp over everytlllng. .

Rand and Scott lneet a spunky young glrl

named Annle. I'he orphan ls an outrageous . .t


l n (1 :L;) (1 %. t)I E . .1 J)î 1 c' a k't'

fiin. by turns dellgohtft.l arld (lbnoxious. For ..$r r

le bt.lljrLul

som e ullknown reason.Annle is being foxed

to lea'/e tow n. 'Fhe Chlld follows tlne çvlo ' s (

) r l f rllar tl Is jèaunled by

5/ () kl lL g$ rfè f? rl . Ft t) 'i, r >lii'xr t' C1 lf ) b n k' rrl f' ë1 tl i 5, - ' ' r: lk'r1)() rlc % t)f q.1 a r I c 11 t'

faces Lhan she careb to admlt. ' :.

They are taken to an lsland to Iook for .

more sunw ors of the expedltton that mlght . .

have been fo xed d ov/n in baïe. Jl Hney -

wander throu?)l the rubble, Scott hnds r'*'*'

LIACLOIRY hovertanks cycltlnes and other ' '

m echa. lt's more graveyard than punkplle.

Suddenly they find tlnernselves alone In the

eerie place- but not for Long. lnvld sccalls lf lt m eans doings without freedom .'' The

appear on the honzon. l-he townfolk have tow nsfolk are adamant. ''Anybody who

betrayed tlnem to Lhe enemy. doesn't see it our way has already left. Plear.e

I'hese lnhzid aren't used to humans that get out.''

figtit back. jkort and Rand put ttlem out of Dlsheanened and angry. tkotl takes off

comrrttqslon posthaste. In the mldst of the . t1'1 Annle and Rand followlng. R e lleu

battle a mysterious cyclone nder arnves tci tenant can't belleve what he has just encoun

help them and then dtsappears. M er the tered but renzalrus determined to reach Reqex

âgpht the trio returns to town and demands Point. Rand loses hls temper.

an explananon. They are recelved ndt.01 ''-lhat agan ( Ever since w e got togemer

hostility. you've been talklng about this rezex thing as

''Nobody here wanted your lîobotecln though it w ere the most im portant thlng ln

expedinonary force '' a townsman sap. 'êlf it the w hole universe. You know w hat your

w eren't for you soldiers, we'd still be tiving in problem is? You don't know how to com

peace Now why don't you just pack lt up?'' munlcate with people. Wouldn't you be a lot

Scott is confused. ''Don't you realize Lhat happîer back in space with your girlhiend?''

w ithout any klnd of reslstance you've got no The lleutenant's reaction lndicates that

hope? You're going to s1t back and le( the Rand has sald the wrong thing. He apololzes.

Invld keep control of the Earth?'' Scott finally tells hls fnend that h1s girlfne'nd ls

''Rghtlng the Invid only aggravales the dead and ndes away. Rand and Annie nde

situaûon. A11 we want is to Ilve in peace, even after hlm .


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* @ * * * @


Ep iaod e G 3

Ylne trio make thelr way to another half

dead town. I htnre seem to b(' more people

but tlney're not much Mendlier. Stril they are

atlemptlng to recapmre some of the pleasures

they knew before the invaslon by hosting a

rock concert in one of tlne less run down ban.

The performer Ls a popular singing star named

Yellow Dancer who has modeled her career

after the legendary Lynn M nmei.

Scott Rand and Annie enloy the music.

'lhey appreciate any slpn of real clullzatlon

especially after thelr long trek througah the

war ttll'n Countryslde l-he fkln Is Over to()

sotm when the ugly slde of hum anity rears ILS

lnead ln the rorm ol a dmnken thug who

attacks the beautlful singer in the rruddle of

lner performance.

Playing along w1tï1 the brute Yellow tnes

to reggm order. Obvlotssly she can hold her

own on stage and ln a jght. Stlll she's fust one

pemon and things get ou: of hand when (he

drunk ls Jolned by his Mends. Before Rand

and Rott can lntervene a quick telripered

blonde woman appears to put Yeliow's

awadants ln their place. Scott recognizes het

as tlle cyclone nder who helped them when

the lnvld attacked at the island.

Rand can't just stand by. He has to Iend the

new comer a hand. She does not appredate lt

but to Rand's delil t, YeLow Dancer seems

grateful. He is thrilled to meet his fdvonte

sinsng star. Yellow seems as charmlng

ln person as Rand had alwap îmapned

she'd be.

W hile Rand adm ires Yellow Rlott has a

w ord with the singer's manager. lt seems

there's no w ay to combat the thup who

broke up the concert. l'hey are in charge of

the town by gorce of numbers and mean.

hearted brutajty. 7'he aLen vlu-tory has brougoht

out the worst ln a 1ot of people. Hum an s

sufer at the hands of thelr owm kind as well as

by the lnvid slavers. Surrounded by the

resul? of defeat Scott stuspects it's no w ondezr

that people have lost the heart (o âght Ock.


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After another demonstratjon of cruelty.

Scott, Rand and Annie irnprovise a potkqe to

counteract the gang's hold on the town.

They are Joined by the young woman they

met at the bar who introduces herself as

Rook Bartley and a muscle bound com bat

veteran named Lunk.

ln thls lawless tlme the old adage ''nught

makes right'' is (he unwritlen 1aw of the land,

l'here are no pokce no courts of law. Justke

is obtained by a clenched 5st or at the end of a

gun. As Scott Belmard leads his new comrades

lnto battle he ls aware that it's not a slmple

sklrm lsh agalrlst a band of we2 armed toug,l'ks

but the first blow agalnst the w all of anarchy

that threatens to engtllf Enarth.

Although they've never fought ab a team

before. the five work (oqether and delea he

aangy as lf they'd known each otller jor years.

The tow n ls heartened by thls turn of events.

Lunk and Rook declde to Iopn the bearch for

Retlex lJoinr--at kei'ot for the time belng.

Yellow l lancer wants to come along. too.

hzot4 is against it. ê'Don't be ridiculous.

'l'hls ls no job ror a cocktail lounge chorus

@;Fl ''

Yellow is am used. ''There's a whole lot

m ore to m e than m eets tt)e eye.''

Trtte enougyh. Beneath the sllnky dothes

and lavfsh makeup, the ''she'' Ls a ''he.''

Yellow Dancer tulms out to be tlne alter

nate ldent)ty of a maie reslstance âghter

named Lancer.

Rand breaks down ln tears. 'Ihe gLrl of his

dream s ls no m ore. Scott accepts the revela

tion vzlth more enthusimkm . He has three

new recm its in the war agatrust the lnvid.


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* â.

Ep iaode G 4

tt i . ' . . <' . . r. .




* Q.


.'J ...1 '

zc . Q '' i 



5. .


cott Berrlard's luck has ('hanqed frorn  '

. t. .. bad ro good. luot only laas he gsatiaeretj a band 

.k .


oî expenenced resistance Iig


hrel's 1 unk has

: $ contribuled a fully anned arld operational




Verltech alpha jg


hter. The former soldier had

l ' ' hldden the vefksel from tlne In'zid and hu


spies who would have destroyed it.


How ever, whlle tt)e alpha ligahter is a

Glrùtegic plus ln tomtzl- lt ûonryum es PnoYe

protoculture energy cells tlten the team can

easlly get their hands on. W henever they Lry


to replenish tlneir supplâes the lnvid alvzap  '


/ show up to inlerfere.

Finally Rand drcovers ele problem: ''Vb've


been ijlvinq Oucelves am y evel time w'e

p' sw itch on our cyclones

or laser blasters. I

e . think they can detect tlne bioenergy pven off



b'y Our Robotech mecha when It's actlvated.''  @

..unk agrees: Remember hctw they found

us at Lhe river? W e2 Scort Ieft the mnel

gauges of h1s Cl/tlone on. They lnigalnt have

lxen homlng Ln On tha(.''


''It m akes sense '' Rarld concludes ''After

a1l, the In'dd tlnrive on protoculture



lt's like they can srnell the stufr the rame way


î a shark Ls abie to sme l blood ln the water



'Fhe conversation dlMolves in a Nuabble


betw een Rook and Rand. The two seem to

antagonlze each other at ever/ t'urn. ikott

advises them to rxwe tlnelr energjes for (he

aliens. lhey quLet down- for a full mlnute-

before tlney're at Lt aggln


7 h ? r n k S a F h) r ( ) %'J Irl J l A n r : e

' l-ater. country bom and bred Rand tnes tosc o 1 1

. r u 31 k . lk Lb (.1 rt a n d E) J1 ( i 

show ete ottters l4ow to sunwe :rk ttze foxtst

and make the most of their surroundinps. A;

1 1 rv 1 va L 1 ec rè L q tl 0 % L J1 r à1 (' bl ) ''J/O () d % fishm

g dem onstratlon us mterrupted by attack

tng lnvld. Trapr d ln open firt?, Rand gains

firstlnand lnslght lnto how 5sh feel caum t

on a Ilne

They escape using Lhe alpha sgahter. but

there ls Lttie rest. T()() many atlens patrolthe

area for them to rernatn in one ppace long. As

Scotl leads tlne çoup lo safeq', he trles to

come up m th a way tql acqulre more ()r lhe

badly needed protoculture energy Ce1L%.

C R ONE * @

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* à â.

E piaod e G 5

eslstance Iighters must be sneaky. lt is rhe

backbone or the ''freedom fighter'' code. An

unhappy truck driver makes (IRCS discovery

when he stops to assist Rook and Annie. The

tw o prls hllack the truck and head back to

thelr fnends. It's the glrst step ln a plan to

replenish their fuel supplles arld strlke the

Invld at the ram e tlme.

In h1s guise as Yellow Dancer L'mcer

slges a rock concert to serve as a dlverqon

whlle the others break lnto one of the largest

protoculture storage uruts ln the area Rand Ls

sure their strategy wid go cd without a

problem . ''W hen folks End out Yezow 's

com lng to town, Petp le go belY rk.''

Rand is right. As Yellow, I ancer is greeted

by a (()MJn Oflicial who arures the slnger; 'To

make sure your perfonnance runs smoothly

1'm obtaining tlce cooperation of the presi

dent's personal poke department.''

Those words are m usic to Lancer's ears.

They want to tle up the entire security

department- a department created to guard

the im mense protoculture storage area-

wllze ttne group completes the raid.

As the concert begins, Rott. Rand, and

Rook breach the unit using a map provîded

by lancer. The sptem is complicated, 'fhey

encounter a few hearustopping dilkulties

getting the material tlney need. Once security

discovers the raid the freedom fighters create

a double.diversion using the hijacked truck.

W hile poke chase the vehkle the stolen

protoculture ls carried away by lRekum.rllled

X oons released at the end of the concert.

W tAen tlAe team regroups they w aste no

:me in celebrating even though their 5rst

mission has been a fantastic success. I'hey

take oï im mediately, seeking cover with the

lnvld and their a1:e.s in pursuit.


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A * 1

E p iao de G G

ook lsa rt 1 ey has never been consLdered

 htn ' '1 lft? of r h e party'' at any L' m e , bu t a.îk Lh e

fzom bat (roop approaches her hometown

She #JOW5 lRlO7e IILLPOSWCUVC W ZC l'fllnklte

Her teamrnates notlce her qulet mood and

try to bnnq her out of lt but Roo k remai ns

lost ln bitter mem ones

5he remembem when she worked haqth

another team a gang of motororcle nders

called tlne P'lue Angyels. They w ere dedlcated

to helplng others and spent m ost of thelr trrne

flghtlng a nval group. the Red Snakes. 'Fhen

tlae Angels were dlsbanded by a man llook

had belleved to be her hnend. Romy . . . the

xa m e m a n w h 0 refused ro sh ow ot C dex g

naled rumbLe where Rook was merciletksly

beaten l'y Rtnd Snaktn warnors. Rook 11.3.% noë

teen homc sLnce that black tlme.

I'here's no putang ofl a return now . Rook

ndes Into town to 'qslt her famlly. Iàlklng to

her slster, I.L1y. she receives bad news. SLnce

Rook's depallure. the Snakes have had Lhc

rttn ()f the tclw n l he goang w ars are worse

than ever.Romy and the Blue Angcls have

lost the deslre to jgaht.

Bardey is not surprised. lt's just what she

expected h'om Lhe coward who left her to be

savaged by tlneir enemy. laly protests' it

wasn't like that at all. She tells Rook that

Romy and the Angets were ambushed the

day of the nim ble. It wasn't that they

wouldn't help Rook .-they couêdn ': help

her. Romy w&5 never a fighter Ilke Rook

anpvay. à Ie d1d wha he could for as Iong a.

possible. but he was not cu from the sam e

cloth as Rook Bartey.

W hlle the truth does not set Rook free, it

puts a scab on a few open wounds and gjves

her the courage to make a new stand against

the Ited Snakes. She challenqeb tlnelr Ieader to

a race- on a thin wooden beam more than

fifteen stones hlgoh. Although he'd never

adm it it out loud. Rand has been concem ed

about Rook. He slnou?s up ln time to keep the

race a fair one on one competltlon. Rook

wins easlly.

Afterward Rook and Rand stop to say

goodbye to LLly. Rook s surpnsed to hear

Rand m et and spoke with her motlner. ''Slne

rx'ud for you to stay well . . . that's al1 she

wants.'' Rand explalns. ''She told me to (ell

you to just take care.''

Rook ts even m ore surpnsed w hen (he

woman appears. smlllng h'orn a dLsunce

''And I always thoufaht she was so ashamed of

nèe for the way I behaved l'm sorry for

leaving. M om . I love you so m uch . . . . ''

Rook is unable to say what she feels out poud.

As she rides away the prl s lost ln tlnoupoht

again, but they're the best thoughts she's

know n in a long tîme.

CHAFI'ER 0 % @ l0

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E p iaod e % 3

c ott Bernard and c rew blast thelr wdy

Lhroug,h lnvid twcout troops agpn. lt's the kirld

or engagement Lhefve becolne ver/ famillar

with. Ajter the batte, I aunk is pleased to find

they are near a villap,e he's been tr/nng t() visit

for a long rlme.

''I w ant to rnake good on a promlse I

m ade (0 a friend to dellver thls book for him ,''

Lunk tells hls fnends. ''l really don't know

w hat the book's about but lt was im portant

to m y bud dy and he pgve Lt to m e tch bnng (7

his làther, Alh'ed Nader here. ( only wish he

could have dellvered it himself . . . . lt was

during the I nvid invêksion . . . m y fnend wab

on recon patrol and I was detalled to dnve

out and plck h1m up. W hen 1 Iound him , he

w as trylng to get aw ay from a couple of ln'ad

and l could see he had already been

wounded. As I watched tlney blasted hIm

agan. How he could get up and run after thnt

1'11 never know- but he dld and btarted for

Lhe truck. l thoug:t l mlght stlll be nble to plck

him 'Jp, bu: Làac Jnv:d caught up vsdt?n h2m

before l dld. He dldn't have a chance. He

cned out to m e. calling m e to come qet him

but thrare w&% notlnkng l could do. I'he 1 nvld

spotted the truck and staned after me. I l'lad

no choLce bur to run lor lt. 1 don't know how

l got out of there bu I tnade lt. And do you

know, l cnn still hear rny buddy's voik ()

co ming over (he lntercom as loud Elnd clfta r

today a. I heard lt then . . . calllng me to help

him . 'l-here's no way 1'11 ever forget that day.

W ell . . . the book had som e son of speclal

m eanlng for hlm . l suppose. The one thlng he

wanted m oq %.%'&% for hus father to have i .''

Rand ls touched. ''l unk you and l have a

book to dellver l et's go.''

l.ancer. Rook. and Annle qoln I .unk Clnd

Rand on their tnp into Lhe viliage. jkott stap

behlnd witln Lhe mecha.

I lne vlllage ls a spooky place. As Lhey walk

along deselled streets lt seems as lf eveln/onib

has declded to pack up and run at once. 'rhe

restaurant won't serve tlnem. Ièle shops are

cIosed . l.unk finally corners a hzlflager and asks


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about Alfred Nader. 7)4e man Sa'yrs that no

one has ever heard of him. I unk ls sure the

vlllager is lying. His fnends agree.

Lunk and Rand search Lhe area on theLr

own untll cclnfronted by a gang of angry

'/iltagers. Outnurnbered they l'un for tlne

Uuck but whe n Hney reach A e re nde zvous

area, they jind thelr fnends and vehlcles


Game time ls over. Rand and I .unk force

inform atlon from the mayor


l-ancer the

Srls, arld the mecha Je retumed. After

anotner qukk but deadly lnvid encounter

they are told the stooz behind Nader's


In a town committed to vlolent ag


Alfred Nader malntained a phdosophy of

passlve resfstance. Althoum he was reWatedly

beaten by th,e town rafikals, QAQ otd nurï

refused to changs Nls lze efs. In the end



was ktlled. Gullt has made the Azlllagenk

Susplcious of every stranger. I'hey feared the

day that someone would come to pundsh

them for thelr cnm e.

Retributpon of tltb nature ts not tLte

freedom jg




Besides c()n

science has provided 11 own punlshment No

one is son'y to Ieave the village behlnd


O n

the way back to camp, Lunk remembers h s

buddy and Alfred Nader: .6W e never met


l feel as thoug,h l know you


and 1911 always

thm k of you as my friend


l'm golng ro keep

this book with me wherever I go and look at

it from tlme to tlme. lt'd remind me that

there are people ln this world who v.q11 stand

up for what they bekeve in


Gocdbye to you

Alfred Nader. You were a sne man.''


cjjxm a o. @ j()3

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e n ia o e e e e

eep irkside Rellex Fbint, the Invid have

perform ed a strange. prim ordial ritual. M the

Regis sunreys the new em pire, she is aw are of

the hum an renegades still at large. /kltlaougxh

their nu m beD are grow ing., they pose no

im m ediate threat to lnvid dom inatjon. Sdll

the Regis thinlqs it best to term tnate them

before tlaey do . It w ould be especjally

distressing if they w ere to sm m ble on tlqe

G enesjs Pits before the Iarvae evotve into

ttleir utum ate form .

7-he lnvid M other increases her search for

tlle rem aininq hostiles.

Scott Bernard gets good new s. C olonel

Jonathan W ollf. a volunteer from Adm iral

H unter's Reclam aton Force sent against ttne

Robotech M astel's, is alive. W olff's tegendary

expioits have m ade him one of the best.

know n heroes of the Robotech W ars arld an

irlspiration for all young D efenders. Scott is

thrilled to m eet the colonel face to Iace,

holding his ground agairmt the lnvid in a

sm all tow n. '$I can still rem em ber the day

Colonel W olff left after jokrting the Eanh

Reclam ation Forcesv'' Scc)tt tells his fhends.

**He turned up rrtissing, and w e thought he

w as dead. A m azing. l-le's been here figxhting

the lnvid a1l this tlm e.''

Rand agarees. 'M qtla a guy like that blasting

aw ay at your side, it's no w onder the soldiers

here aren't w orried.''

ixàreah . . . but triere>s som etlling gp ing on

here. 7-:11 tow n's too lax.** Scott js puzzled as

he w atches the carefree troopel's. Milzho eley

LI'IM R Jonathan W olrs gping to keep beatings

txack the Invld all by hirnselfr'

Lancer is skeptical, too. 'MTI'IJS tow n really

has a party m entality. I don't know w hat

ttàey're thinldng, but it sure seem s w eird.''

Scott keer)s the rest of hls obsenrations to

him self. H e*s disturbed by tlae careless atm os-

phere so close to Invid strongholds, but

forgets his m isgivino w hen c olonel W olt

KSILS htm to be a m ernber of ttze new W olF

Pack. W olff w ants Scotfs help in an assault

4 * Ro HtyrEc H A R K 1

agairlst an lnvid hjve.

'J'he m itksion is a disaster. Invid are w aiting

for them . Jonathan W cllf is the only m em ber

of the team to returri. Rand and Rook insist

on going back for Scot't im m ediately. W ollr

reluctantly agrees to help.

Rand and Rook split offfrom tbe colonel to

cover m ore gm und and are ïm ost killed by

Inm d. 'T-hen Rand doubles back, only to find

W olF accepdngprotoculm re energy cells from

an Invid scout.

Rand is funous w hen he confront.s the

colonel: KGSO the hero's a traitor N o w onder

the tow n*s 1111 of Iaugahing soldiers. R's so aafe

and secure w lnile you're around. The great

Robotech hero's m ade a deal w lth the Invid.

The great Jonathan W ox leads hks ow n

soldiers to the lnvid's doorstep for proto.

culture. lsn't that rigm ? 'Fhat's w hy you

alw ays com e back to tow n alive and unburt

after ev ery rnission. isn*t it?**

fis'ou don't understand, Ridy'* W olffbeglrls.

<'NW eEbrts keep tllis w hole tow n ative.''

G*M but your ow kz soldiers- they're being

annihilatedl'' Rand conunues. Kiàbu w ere a

god to us the reason w e becam e soldiers in

the first place. W e a1l w orshipped you,

w anted to be just Eke m u . - . until now .''

iw elcom e to the real w orldy** Jonathan

tells him . iilxlow you know the dark side of

being a hero, don't your '

Rook catls Rand and W ollr. She has found

the w ounded Scott Bernard. Rand blurts out

w hat he has iust discovered. Scott ks Evid w ith

rage and pain. Before W oif can attem pt to

justtfy'  his actions they are attacked by m ore

Invid. A s they battle their m y out. G olonel

W oljf Ls severely injured.

A fterw ard, w hen Scott t24e..s to take W olff

back to tow n, the colonel rem ains bebind.

H e w ants to die: *iA traitor should die on the

open plain like thjs so the buzzards can pick at

his body. W hen 1 think of tlae lives 1 traded to

the Invld so I'd be spared . . . .M y w ife . . .

m y boy . . . . **

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The Invid Regks receives a report advtsîng

that the human informer hasbeen killed. She

is unconcemed. OtheragenB- lnvid bred-

will keep her lnformed of the freedom

sghters' progress.


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e n ia o u e e e

Vhe greatest concern of the Zentraedi and

ttle Robotech M astel's w as the sunrival of

their race. The Invid are no dîfjerent. 'Fhey

have not traveled acrorxs the u njveo e on a

w him . D esperate need spurs them to con.

quer. ln order to survîve the lnvid use any

m eans at their disporyal to becom e as strong as

possible. N ow , the Regts observes a crucial

experim ent, the Genesis Pît from the gareat

H ive and considera: iâ-l'he lfving creatures of

this w orld have evolved througah their long

history into m any dxerent levels and form s.

A large num ber of these form s are highly

specialized and adapted to specitk environ.

m ents. ln order to cxarry out our plan to finci

the ultim ate life form suiLable for life on this

planet. w e have utnized G enesis Pits to carf'y

out experim ents in biogenetic engineering.

W e have clcm ed creatures from a1l signlhcant

eras of the pianet's htstol'y. . . designed them

to recreate a11 native form s exactly as they

evolved. W e shatl use thks know ledge to

transform our race fnto the ultfm ate pow er ît

is desttrted to be.>>

B ut. the best.laid plans of m ice. m en. and

even Invid are often doom ed to go astray.

H um an intruders. in the form of Scott

Bem ard, Rand and Annie stum ble into the

deep pit as they Scout for a safe cam p. W hen

tlqey regain consciousness they can't believe

thelr eyes. T hey are trapped w ithin a dense

jungvle, surrounded by creattzres that have

been extinct for yeara. als they look for a w ay

out, Rand and Scott see anim als from

diferent periods of Earrrps history and sun

prfsingly'. lnW d. Uven m ore surprising, the

Invid are not attacking but dîsappear ms soon

as the hurnarus spot them .

*Glvone of this m akes any serlse to m e,''

Rand tells the otherx:. ''First of all, there are

prehtstoric m ortstem runrting around w ho

should be extnct. Second there are lnvid

nlnning around and they don't attack us.

W uly? H ow can these exist in the sam e space

and tim e? It's gpt to be artilicial . . . .O n tlae

other hand, these plants and anim als are here.

They>re delinitely real- dangerously real in

som e cases, that's clear enougah.''

Scott spealqs for lnirrtsetfand Arm je: i'W hat's

clear? 1*m com pletely lost. '>

tiEverytlling's theen throw n irlto a pre.

historic pot . . - prtm eval plants from the Paleo-

zoic era. reptfles frol'n the M esozoic era- it's

like view ing the biological evolution of the

Harth in a living I'nuseum ,'' Rand continues.

i'But w ho w ould have the interest or pow er

to create sucb a teling except the lnvid? lt

m ust be a test base q'rley>re playtng AAAtIQ the

history of life on Earth- the evolution of

biology from ancient tim e.s to today. 'I-hat's it

Tlaey're doing evolution experim entsl''

'l'he youth rlas touched on the In lth.

(Dbserving the revelation from the H ive, the

Regis M other m sserxses and spealr.s through

A nnîe: '*Earthlingxs, m ur dm e on this planet

runs short. T'he age of hum ans is com ing to

an end. N ow a new era begirls on Ei-arth.

H um arls are trm sients on the long road of

evolution. T he Earth is entel-ing arl era of

dom inaton by anotlaer form of Iife w hich has

traveled a dsfferent evolutionary path.

Be w arrled l*'

W hen A nnîe com es lyack to herself they

try agpin to find a m Y out of the F% . Trle

anim als beln to behave stranqely, s'tam -

peding tow ard a single area. Follow îng a

hunch, they chase after the herd.

The cause c)f the panic is an earthquake,

and the trio m anages to ctim b to safety as tlne

G enesis Pit collapses around them . rrley are

the only ones to escape. M nie is upset:

*'W hat about ttze laoor ciinosaursr'

*K7'1ae Invid created them and it's probably

better that they left them dow n there to be

destroyed.'' Rand says. dfThose dinosaurs

w ould never have been able to survive. T he

conditions on F-arth aren't rigoht for them any

m ore. Tim e sim ply passed them by.**

*<You m ean like w hen the Invid rsay the

tlm e for hum an beino has pmcwsedr' A rm ie

w ant.s to lm ow .

O6 * RO BO TK H A lrr 1

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'Tl-hey're wrongr'' Scott tclls tlnem .

''Humans have plenty of tim e. It's the lnvid

who'll soon be extinctl''

As they w alk aw ay to look for the rest of

the group, Rand and Annie hope R ott

is right.


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* A *

Ep iaod e T 0

Yhe destructlon of the Genesis P1t has

proved to be a mafor setback for the Invid.

l'he Regis M other finds it necessary to

introduce a slmulagent among the freedom

spahters. She will learn what she can from the

rebels and then ellmlnate them . The creature

s taken from the dark recerxses of the

blogyenetlc laboratones. W hen hatched the

lan'a wt11 take on the characterstlcs of a

human female. It Ls Lransported lnslde a

crystal cocoon and carried to the site of a

recent lnmd vlctory. But the scouts are

carelerxs. Fhey handle the Irapl e egg roughly.

A beautiful wornan em erges from the cocoon.

as planned- but w ithout memory or cultural

loyaities. St1I1, her alien cells rorrn a psychic Lancer cautlons the others away while he

knk with the Regis at the Great Hlve. The has a word m th thelr unhappy friend. d'Scott.

In'ad M other recelves the slm ulagenl's listen to me okay? We're a1l together q.v1t.17 qonverls lo lRer unLque

transm lrxslons perfectly. you- ready to follow you the leader. And batde arrnor

Scott and crew anw e at the scene of the we want to keep rraveling w1t.01 you, to heip

terrible tlattle. M the yotmg keutenant surveys you in your h#Rt agarkst the lnvld. 'Fhefre

the ruin. h1s hopes are dashed. 'lxey had awesome . . . as alierts come, they're probably

recelved informalon concerning another the wolst. But lf you give up now there ls

Fxpedltlonary Force from Adm iral Hunter nobody here who can lead us. Don't you

coasisting of ô,@X) sghting rnen and women. remember what you said? 'We're al1 soldiem

The freedom s@lte?s have anived too Iate. and we have to fodow orders- whatever the

The Invfd had not only M a.sacred the troops, cost. no matter what happerks.' ''

they have destroyed all of tlne innocent Scott Bernard is unconvinced. As Lancer

townsfolk as well. walks aw ay. he can't help thlnklng:''W hat do

Scott falls into a deep depresslon. The you think you're trylng to prove, you Ldlot?

othet's decide to leave him alone while they 'l-here's no way to defeat the lnvld. Not now

check among the wreckage for suppdes and or everl''

usable weapons. He settes back into sad angry thougwhts.

Lancer. Lunk, and Annie End a beta sghter H1s head is filled with painful m emones

plane and more alphas. l.unk tnes to gset Scott of M arlene.

to share in the excltement 'êW ith 0ve âgahters Rand and Rook happen upon the female

and three cyclones we'll probably be able to sim ulagent. I'hey believe her to be a shell

knock ttRe Invid nght off tlne planetl'' shocked w ar victim . n e new ly hatched

Annie agtxtes. 's'I'1nls is so terrifk Scon Invld Iarva has no idea who or what she is,

We're gonna have enough srepower to turn but she ls grateful for the duo's friendly

us into a miruature anny,'' overtures.

''Five lousy Eghtel's won't make any Back at cam p, the pitiful girl causes quite a

drerence agairlst the Inazid '' Scott snarls. stir. She touches everyone's hem . Even Scott

'6We'2 d1 end up like 0115.1* takes notlce. Her frapl e beauty reminds him


7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 118/261

ofs4arlene butvehen dney lyto quesdon dne

new com er, she collapses. whim pering. Sud

denly. they are surrounded by hordes of

lnvid sgahters.

Scott leads the crew into batde. Lancer

takes the new beta into combat. 'flce others

m an their w eaporls with deadly accuracy'.

Rage gives Scott the edge to rout the alierks.

Victory bnngs fresh determlnatlon for them

al1.SIEEI the swage battle depletes tlnelr fuel

supplies. They take to the skies ln a search for

m ore protoculture.

I'he lnvid girl goes w it.h them .

CHAF IER (7* * 109

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* * @

iaod e Tq

fer beatlng back the Inhztd.Scot and '

attemp: to cross a treacherous rflountaln ' ')

ge but find (heir JM,

I blocked by an ' -' /

anche.Since the plnes are too smallto . .

y al the equlpm ent and passengerb.ttley '

b vlllage tn the hope they can ' ' F ?


e to a near y %

. - .

informatlon about an altemate routlt k ' '

I'e news lsn' good.They are wamed of #' 'î. ,

In d fo re% ln QRe nnou tu s Alien / l *'' '


x .

y $

utq patrolthe area to keep Nu Rans ko n 't




c çy>'

nsLng overto Qne dese .A unap to a secret ;v .

e is avalkable,buî lt cosr more than e)e .-611: ;om tghtels can Yford.lzncer i not

cerned with money. l-le assures the carja and l anqelsbare pleasanl ' 2,

p they can qulckly increase thelr fortklnes '' ' memorls

ater,disgused as Yezovv Dancer lancer ' . th: aLens onl to face anodner d n er

s wlth the village mayor,Donald M ax k Donal M axwelL  () Ia d . tnq

's parl ,r s ) 1 tttf'( rk .

,to set up a rock concen.The mayor's : escape lhc lfk

v'd M axwrllams arjllery atthem. ''ongrazu

e l opulent and unusual.'l'he cavernous jatlons on bepng the fist to come back rom

qualers host a small teet oj antlque . these mountalrs

. However Ican' aLhw

es M avvvelt' most pnzed possessions- '' '


anyone who knows rny secret to remrn.lune

pt.perhaps.for the lovely giLat rhe > up over elere ''

.1ancûr s arnvallnLerrtlpts the conversa there s sunllght

Please.We could be happy Rand gets Lhe drop on M axwellbefore tle


between rlne mayor and hl. lancee- an 1xRncer conlronts carla over there '' man can destroy his fnends In order to rave

fnend of L'ncer s narned Carla Ihe two When Lancer retols Nls friends R s to l4utthe threa( sttl:exists unlelks we go hlmself Maxwellgives tlnern hi copy of the

gplze each other immediately and b1d fareweklto the dep'ltig Annie.Tlne fkkle over fllose rnottntairl.'' m ap m'h th

e correct ls solnething

er reualls a nme three years ago when he younoter las found lelelf anotlner farrldy. ''Ihe Invld controleverrhing up there he has had ln hls porxserxslon al1 along and had

trapped Ln the mlddle of an lnvld raid The are heading across the secret roule to a You'llnever be able to stay ahve

Fhe map ls a been sakqng for Nls own fast getaway.Carla

the towrusxopl were helplng the new home.She provides her old Mends m th rke ''Carla says miserably

'''l'at's Donald's turns from hi more ln dlsappomtment than

kq (0 hunt down h'eedom jghters.I-ancer's a copy ofthe map they have Iust purchred, busness.Hs/ sells fake rrtars that lad people in anger

tks Mazwell watches her lave wlLh

llous ways were too we2 known for the bu( I-ancer seruses something amlrxs and vlsits to thelr doonè


the freedon) hgxhters he realles lne' Iost rte

r. to avold capture.It was Carla wNo had Cart again. ''And no one else knows beccuse no one one thmg that meantLh

e most to hlm.

lnsptratlon to disgule Lancer as a wom an Carla ls pleased to see hirn untîll2ncey comes back ''By now Larlcer has seen M the caravan makes 13 way over Llne

to escape.'Ixus Lhe ldennty of Yellow iaslsts she proude iformation about Donald's enoug

h of hum an nature to know trurh- no fripd pass they notice M axwellhas created a

'r was created

. l'he yea;s have not buslnesx. She becomes evaslve.There are matter how gruesom e- when he hears it dlverspn for the lnqad using his collecDon of

lrushed Lnncer' feellnp for Carla- or some tlnlnp tlnat she vuql not admit know lng- f'ere seerns to be no end to what some rnen' a

ntique mecha.''You are speclal to hlm ''

. for hlm- but he knows there is no point even to herself. wnlldo for profit

''So that's how Donaid I

ancer tells Carla.'$He sacnjiced hls molt

rtng Lheir relationship whlle the invld Lancer senses a problem :''Thls tow n ls no acquled a1Lh1 wealth That crook 'I'ose lmportant machlnes for you

He saved your

stil:at Irge.l.11e on the run has proved to good for you Carla.... You weren' lke this (nnocent people Nave come to this town life even lj Lt meant pvlng up everghlng

tougher Lhan he coul have lmajjned. before.1jsten lo me- there's somethinq bellevlng there was some hope ...sonèe he owned.''

ral to endure that kind of ternbl wrong about (hi map buslner

.Tell chance

.But --Anpiel'' Only Carla can know how rnucil lhe

dsNl for long.She l the same gente. me what lt l before anyone gets hurt.Then Rem embenng the pr1Izncer runs ojr to sacnqce meant to Maxwell At the last

ly woman he remernbered although we can leave together.'' telithe otherb what he has found out '-hey moment she heads back to town Brizy

ewhat Sadder.tlnjortunateLy melancholy Carla ls enthusiastic. ''' try to go take off (0 find Annie and her new jamlly Lancer watches her go (hen continues on h1s

become (he curse of the tlmes they pie in. sorneplace to tle south- you and l- wNere under attack h'om lnvid scouts

'I'ey defeat m y over the p'rx.


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e * *

e n ia o u e V R

aving succesxsfuliy crossed the m ountains

into Invid territory', Scott prepares an oFensive

aqairtst the invadem . H e holds a council

m eeting to share gathered inform ation

and strategy.

EK-f-here's an old m ountain ce ense outpost

that the lnvid have converted into a fortresxs ''

Scott explains. 'Ku nfortunately, it lies betw een

us and Retlex Point so w epre gping to have to

take it out. I don*t need to tell you it's not

going to be easy. O ur alien friends have tlae

place pretty w ell defended. Now . . . don't

everm ne volunteer at once okay? Lancer

w hat did m u M d outi'''

<<M 6:30 every m orning. m ost of the

scoutsltps and shock troopers go out on

patrolm'' Lancer tetls them . d*R at w ould seem

to m e to be the best Um e to m ake our m ove.

W iaatever our m ove 1s **

A nnfe is not happy. d*lRats So w hat are w e

gonna have tim e to m ake for breakfast if w e

have to leave so early, hulap''

*çl-low 'bout ham and eggs and pmacakes

w it.h lots of butter on 'em ?'> Lunk teases.

**A nd plenty c)f syrup- and tea and toast

iivvhy don't w e just w altz in and raid the

Invid's refrigerator w hile w e're at it?'' Rook

brealcs in.

**W zck '* Lunk m akes a face. KiYou know

w hat protoculttlre Lastes like? l m ay be

hungry. but l ain't that hungryl''

Lancer becom es serious. iEI really hate to

irtterrupt al1 4.1-115, but if w e're not careful w e

m ay not be around to have breakfast. G et it?''

q*l-ancer's right '' Scott agrees. 117-1* opera.

Uon's not gping to be any picrljc.''

They continue w ith thejr plans. Rand

shapes several pairs of skts to take m em across

the snow .laden w oods to the fortreas. M

they divide into patrols, tlae Invid slm ulagent

collapses ln pajn M ain. They have nam ed her

âiM arlene'' at Scott's su& estion. *.M ev all '*

the lieutenant had said <*%ve can't keep calling

her Ehey, you.' ' They cornfort the girl the best

they can and go about their business.

Rand and A nnte m ake their w ay into the

fortress. Inside, trie building has taken on an

eerie, organic appearance. It loolr.s like a giant

beehive. T hey spy on tlle Regis w atching as

she transforrns protoplasrnic m aterial into

scout troopel's. but are discovered w hen they

atternpt to leave. Trzey are cornered by the

living, jelly-like substarice. It sw irls over them

suFocating them beneath it.s bulk.

O utsîde, Scott. Rook, and the othel's have

picked up their friends* signal. A ltlqough Rand

has successfuzy m anaged to sabotage tloe

hive's interior, neither he nor M rde has

m ade an appearance. They follow the em er.

gency tracldng beam to their friends* location

and find them beneath the unform ed lnvid

cream res.

Elurings their escape, the reskstance sghters

m anage to blow tlae reflexo rnace. T he

m echanism overloads and reaches critical

m ass- just as the group battles its w ay past

tlae fortress. Scott feels special satjsfacton at

th1 victory- an enttre Invid hive destroyed

and all the freedom Ngahters and m echa Ieft

intact. l'le allow s htm self to feel a ittle hope.

2 * R CM G IK H A R'r 1 '

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* 1 @ *

E p iaod e T a

work on hls subconscious mlnd in the form

of lncredlble dreams.

I'he Reps appears in the Wsion lntonlng

an awful propheo?: ''A1l tlnings change . . . a11he faroup Ieaves mnter behind when they thlnps dle


So it is 04at we have come from

make thelr way onto the desert. A the farthest reaches of the cosmos to regen

scalding w ind roars across the dunes as they erate ourselves to take the Earth frorn the

hide from a porxse of Invid shock troqlpers. dylng hands of hurnanity. From the ashes of

The Regls does not uke defeat weq. She your people


w e shall arirye- rebolml''

suspects the slmulagent of having prohzlded After the sandstorm Rook goes In search

tb.e inform atitm lthal caused ttte destruction of of l'tls mtqcm g


friend. lNheçl she finds tum stw

tlne correx center


Scott and crew decide (o bnnp the still delîrious Rand back to the cave


Ile iow for a whlle- al Ieast unnl the search ahs he come to Rand tries to explaln what he

Iets up. l'he extrem e temperatures make lt Leamed ln h1s dreams: '' I'he Inud- they're

diâkult to travel anyway. Not only that trying to survive by plugglng themselves into

M arlene lnas become tl1

  Nothlng they do the Earth's evolutlonary process . . . . You can

seerrls lo help. hardly blame them


lt's the same sort of thlng

They cannot know that the simulagent any of us would try to do 1( we faced certmn

was pKchically tied to the great lAlve that has extinction.''

just gone up ln Name-s. She 13as experienced ''So we're supposed to surrender ts mat

rlie deaths of her ahen brothel and sis4ers. what you're propcslng?'' R ott demands

although she stfers without actuazy knom ng ''l'his may come as a surprise to you, but l

the cause herself


couldn't care lerxs whether the Invld sum ve

Rand reels sorry for M arlene. He hopes or go tlte way of the ZencaediI'm not pust

water will help her condltlon and goes in going to roll over and play dead ,''

search of zuid bearlng cactus that m ll provide Heat s'trerxs and illness have 1eX everyone

it. After he leaves the cave he is caught by a short tem pered


Rand w iseiy keeps hts peace

sudden sandstorm and falls into a plt. The as he sits beside Marlene and watches her

lmpact leaves him unconscious W hile he lies wake up. The girl seem s to be betler

there, he lnhales hallucinogenk sm res from almough still quite w eak. He continues to sit

the lnvld Flower of Life- the ram e lond of beside her as he contemplates the message In

spores that once infected Dana Srerling. n ey his dreams

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E piaod e 7 4

hlle Lravellng througsh a forest of trees

w hlch w ere once actlve lnxzld Flowers of Life

the Robotech rebels run ûfoul of a group of

prim itlve outcasts. The tribe has canonized

the aliens as thelr sacred protectors. 'Phey

pray and make offenng,s to the Inwd as lf they

w ere gods. Somehow Scott manages to

convlnce therrl that the lnvid are enemles.

He helps them to regain their hum anlty.

I heir encounter is not without cost. Youngy

Annle. ever on (he Iookout for a husband of

property, belleves she has found one ln a

young warnor named M acgruder lt's love at

Iirst sipaht for the m ercenarf mlnded prl.

''Hoùd your horses. Annie.'' she says to

herself. ''If you play your cards nglnt, ths guy

could make you a lungle pnncess . . . or a

queen . . . . W ho knows? They rfught even

rflake you a godderxsl''

She alm ost loses her catch w hen he

decideb to take On the Invld al1 by hirnself in

oyder to prove hls manhood. Annle deter

mlnes to help hpm. lt's obvlous Macgruder ls

unabie to handle even the slmplest situatlon

witlnout her assistance. I lney hifack Rand's

cyclone and luckily rnanage to create a

dlversion that allows the othem to destroy the

aqacking allens.

Afrerward, wlt.h the help of the garatejul

tnbe, Scott and the others bulld a tlotlila of

rafts to m ove themselves and fheir mecha

downnver. Annle eiects to stay behlnd with

her nevdbund secunty. 'fhe gm up ls unhappy

to see her p,o but don't try to stop her.

The/re sure Annle will be safer with the

trlbe anyw ny.


Xs they travei down the river. Rand breaks

the melancholy sllence Lhat has enveloped

them slnce Lheir departure. ''O h come on.

W hy the long faces. everybody? You all Iook

llke your puppy just dled. Pull yourselves

togetlnen It's really a blesslng Anlue's gone. 1

mean now we don't lnave to worry about

that little bundle of energy gettlng herself into

trouble. W ïth her gone. us big kids are free to


1 .v

I < '


+ .


. u . ... j



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' 1 ..:

get on with som e serious freedom hpohting.''

''Youbre as transparent as glass '' Rook

jeers. ''You put on a brave front but you rrliss

her E'o much as tlne rest of us. Adrnit it.''

Further com ment is put aslde as the rafts

Land and the group comes face to face with a

strange Invld hlve. lt is surrounded by rrlecha

they've never seen before. Know ing the

ingenlous allens iks îhey do they can't help

bul feel ma( me y're about to d o baie vath

so me of le m ost povve :u1 vzeapons mey've

ever ùced.

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* â, * â, â,

E piaode T 5

earchlng a desened cfty ror more supplles

during a nlght reconnais

çance results ln

dlsaster. The group ls anacked by an llm d

patrol. 'rhey retreat to a subway tunnel only

to be trapped when the aliens create a cave ln

bettind them . l'tte front tlf the tunta'l ts

blocked by rubble as well.



self doubt and hldten anger

erup 'violently among the close knit crew


The underground ctpnfinement causes L unk

to lose control. He Jumps Scotl. W hen 1aancer

and Rand puLl hlm oft the big man dlvens his

rage to Rand untll he Is beaten down to sit

sobblng, on the Eoor of the :unnel



of being Mghrerled I.unk consLder.s himself a

cclward and doesn't feel worrhy to be a part of

the group anymore.

l'he scene leaves everyone shaken.Rand

and Rook walk away to look for another exit

but they find noeting usefdl.

''l'm bepnning to wonder If we're going

to get out of here '' jland tells her. ''It Looks

hke 'ihat business aboutwhether Lunk shoulö

staywlt.h rhe group might have been dlscurxsed

a little prematurely . . . . Even if we do ge(

out. the group won't be the same.''

''l guerxs l shoult (ell you somethlng ''

Rook says quletly. ''l've been thlnklng of

dropping out of the gm u;l myself. lt's been on

my m lnd for some tlme.''

''How could you be tltinkjng


that? You

know rhis is an lmportant mlssion. Annle's

gone. and 1 aunk's ln trouble. We're counnng

on you more man everv''

''W e11 maybe 1'm tired of people countlng

on me. you know? Or maybe I'm lust tlred of

running for my life a11 tlne tirrte.''

Rand ls lncredulous. ''You expect me to

believe that? You're lust like me. You thnve

on danger.''

CCUP to a polnt.''

'6Wed . . . rnaybe you're right '' the youn?

man speaks thoughtlklly. 'êl'm only kiddlnq

mpelf when I Vy qgahnng ls fun. Maybe

keep saylng that to keep from admptting l'm

scared slck most of Q)e tfrne.''

11 ls hook Bmtey's turn to show tlisbetief.

Stllt, there's no doubtmg Rand's slncerily. She

stumbles onto a new thought. ''M aybe if we

btDel pulled out we'd Le saving everyone's

llfe. Scott would have to postpone hls mlrxslon

whjle we went Eooklng fOr more people.''

lt seems ltke a workable ldea but Scott ls

more stunned tlnan impre%ed NZt.IR her lopc.

Stlll Rand has come up with a piarl to use

thelr remajnlng protocultuge to blast thelr

way throup


h the nlbble and out of the

tunne.. Worklng togemer tcl rig the exploslon

the five rebels renew thelr friendshlp. Rand's

ldea works and they soon 0nd themselves

On the sreets agan. I'heyare surptisf)d to ënd

Arinle wating for therfl.

'1 he pr( ls Lhnlled Co see them. ''CaIR you

picture me as a Sunse ptincess? 'l-lney expected

me to gather nuts and fm it 1 told them 'so

Long- gotta gol' Dumb. huh?''

Her pleasure at Iinding her fnends turns to

Lears when she disccivers Rand and Rook

have decided to break oflhrm the team



pleads m th them to s(2'/ but they nde away.

I hey seem to form a team Of their own



now, Rand has admitted that he's willmg to

follow Rook anpvheïe.

He races after her concerned. ''W hat's the

huny? Take lt ea.y before you get us Lloth

kllled. l'm sure you're upset about the group

decldlng to pusln ahead to Reflex Polnt but

m plng yoursltlf out at ninety m iles an hour

on a wet road isn't golng to help.''

''W hat makes yotl so sure everybody's

going to be a11 right? We fust Ieft som e people

who dldn't have the sense to come in out of

the rainl''

''M hrxslng them already aren't you?''



h she trtes, Rook has no real

comeback to that lt lsn't long before they see

Scott and I-ancer soaling overhead ln the

alpha âghtel's. It's too rnuch. Rook turns lner

cfclone around and heads back to the (eam

Rand follows




'. ''



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Ep iaod e T G





lsttlrbed and susplcltms because Of the

slmulagent's inability or refusAl to m aintan


contact wlth Llne hlve the Reps creates two

....e r '3ow ag


ents h'orrt tlnkh protopllsmk culture

She addresses them personally.''You have

both been sum moned to the protocuLture


chamber to assume your rightful place in the

new order of our sodety. However you



must first undergo trarssformation into the


ultimate Iife form of ths planet . .


M y


chlldren you are truly the knhentors of mv

Lineage haqeun the society of the lnvid You

are a prince and pnncess of ou7 race and shall

1 .

1 b known h

ereafter as Corg and Sera

  We  e


must begin the mass trdnsform atlon of our

people to the humanoid life form. This rorm

whlch you have now arxsumed has been

determ ined to be the m osl advanced and


llexlble configuration for sunrtval on ths


' '


planet. However there m ay t)e hldden

dangers in thls physlcal fclrrn An earller

expenment with hum anoid recorkstrucNon

ook saveq rhlt? day


but Lq wounded k;e maljuncuoning


Our spy AnelppearF to , ,arlle


who has folned the human resistance force

lleus fmled to establksh a communlcanors llnk

w1tL1 our headquarters. You must contact

Anel and determ ine the cause of her dmfunc

Llon before we commit ourselves (o a

com plete metamorphosis. You m ust prepare

the way for the jnal phase of cmr domination

of tlais planet. Now go- and prove yourselves

worthy of your heritage.

hs the lnvld royalty speed away from

Resex Polnt across the ocean on the coast of

a nearby troplcal Iandm aus. the mem bem ot

Scott Bernard's resistance unit are trylng to

com bine work with pleasure. Haung Located

a derekt naval base they have combed rhe

area searchlng for protoculture fueland

supphes. Scott detennines that they could slip

quietly past the lnvid in boats and save fuel as

well. However while the men and M nle

check out m eir nevz eansponanon Rook

Bartley encounters lnvld scouts.

Rook is w ounded ln the brier battle so

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they declde to stop for a b1t of R & R at a

desened reson hotel. '1 he group has sfhent so

m uch Lime on thelr guard that they hnd lt

dlflicult lo relax and have fun l xnncer takes off

on h1s ow n and dlscovers a beautlful tree

llned grotto com plete with waterfall. He

qulcldy dlscards his clothel and treats hlmsdf

to the delipoha of tlne sparkltng w ater.

But his solltary sw imm ing is lntelmupted by

the anw al of the Invid princess. Sèra. She

appears to be no less hum an th& M arlene.

W hen Lancer chaGes the spy he ls startled to

see her jump lnto Invid battle armor reserved

for alien com m ander;.The Im pllcations are

horrible. lzncer can only arxsume the aliens

have brainwashed human beingys into jghting

for the ln'vnd as Lhe Robotech M asters had

done dunng the Second Robotech War.

I-ancer runs to adhzse Scorr and the others of

this ternble discovely

Confused and shaken by her cncounter



v1:1: Lancer Sera tlies ojl to icqn Corg and the

re led lnhzld attack muadron.They

prepare to seek out and destroy the resksunce

hghters. Led by the Invid royalty, the allens

attack. Scott arld crew scatter for thelr m echa

under a barrage of hre. In the mldst of the

jglRtlng,. l aurtk ts hlt. Lancer m es to help. K.è

Sera cllves for tt:e klll she notices the

handsom e young m an she m et a the lake

and hesltateb. Lancer gets off the Erst shot

and knocks her out of the sky. Sera rem alns

ln her body arm or. shaken by her fallure to

destroy the shhp. She has never experienced

the pow er of hum an emcdon and as she

picks up a vanety of sensatjons from her

departm g sister, Ariel she beconàes more

confused and fearful. Sera Can only watch

helplessly as the hum an convoy m akes its

way to dry land out of rang,e of InWd atlack.



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Ep iaod e T T


. . .


: h e R ob otech rebels leave oàe vzarna




serenity of the troplcs to taclde a snow

covered m ountaln pacxs. ( aataclysnuc changes


have aitered the planet's surface dunng the

.. - --

three Robotech W ars. Rand can hardly

beliehze (he abrtlpt change ln c11 m ates;

''lE seems Lm porénble that w hen we crossed

Lnto these m ountains tw o days ago lt

w as su m m er ''

.As the group A)B up camp, M ariene

undergoeb another painful attack. Dunng Lhe

pas few m onths the young woman has

x :

developed the ablllty to thlnk for hemelf. She


has also developed a vocabulary lo relay her

'q '' thoughts but Marlene known to the lnvld as

Anel stlll rem ains puzzied. 5he loves the

freedom sghters as much as she fears the

Invfd. Her onpns are a mptery. She canno

understand her confuslng dreams and paln

slled reactions.

M arlene ls not the only one suffenng from

the complexity of unfamziar emotions. As lhe

Invqd Pnncess Sera deplop her muad against

'= freedom jgahters she minks of l-ancer. ''W hat h

e enknmdtlc Yel Low Dancer ' '

ls wrong with me?'' She wonders. ''W hy do I

keep seeing hls fdce over and over agsain ln

my mind? W hat ls it about thEs hum an rliat

haunts me so? Part of me ls repelled by the

very thought of Nlm and yet. somehow , part

of me wants to see that human's face agaln.

' 'r 1*171 is wrong- lt's not the lnvid wap''

Dunng the atlack. Sera leads her troops

against ever/ member of the p'oup except

Lancer. To her dismay she jnds she slmply

cannot harm him. At Lhe last Sera confronts

both Lancer arld M rtene. In a

showdown the unarmed hum an male sLnnds

up to her: ''1 know you . . . but why are you

Iïglnting for the Invld? Lsten, don't know

what klnd of game you're tzying to play. but I

want some answers. Can't you hear m e? 1

said- look, forget it. In fact go ahead and

sh o ot na e lf y o u vgant b ut spare this

$71. PleaSe ''

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Sera can only stare at laim . t'That face

. . it's

like tim e has stopped and 1 can Iook into m y

past and future- at tlae sam e tim e

. . -W hat

is w rong w ttla l'ne? 1'n3 so confusedl''

M arlene experiences rler ow n reactiton to

Sera: A*lt's as tlaougah I know laer . .


like sisters

som ehow *'

Sera's perplexity saves the day for L


and M arlene w hen Lunk and the other's

arrive to drive her aw ay. I-ater the rebels

speculate over tlle aljen's Pajlure to shcltot

tt'l'hat's easy >> Scott says. '%'VVe distl-acted it

w ith our cover lire


It w as jtzst enoug,h to

confuse lt so it didn't hurt them . Like Lunk

said- w e w ere lucky


W e w ere J'C'.?

IJ luclcyl''

M arlene tries to understand her attraction

to tlae Invid w it.h Lxancerr's help. She is upset


**l canvt do it. I don't belong Nvitla you



l-ancer. 1'11 just bring trouble . ''

l-ancer sootlqes the frig/ltened w om an.

'*Yo u'l1 be safe w ith m e M arlene. 'Frust m ur

em otions '*

'K/kll rlgaht '+ M arlenu agm es. ''But l*m afraid

for us a11 ''

A s they return to cam p the singer can't

help thinkanpj: ''Strange. that lnvid pilot acted

llke she knew M arlene and now M arlene is

scared to deatla. I w onder . . . . *'

Ixancer and M arlene are not the only clnes

w ondering. In the hive, Sera is lost in her

ow n thoug/ats. *'1 have failed the Repjis, but

stjll, I feel no slaam e over rny defeat


l coulcl

have destroyed them . . . I know tlaat


W ow I

m ust Iind out w hy 1 spared tl-lem .pp

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* @ *

>p iaod e T 9



he freedom jghters End thernselves his?.h ' .

ln the Rocky M ounuirss 'wqth Invld in close l

IX ' th R botech mecha 'P S' ' ursult


ey can t use elr o ;

for fear of detection by squads too nulnerous ' ''

to 'vvithstand . K% they make thelr way across

the ice.covered pass, Rand's scanners plck up

a heat Source beneath the snow .

Further invesnmtlon reveals a subtenunean

clty enclosed w ithln the harth. I'he rebels

locate an entrance and make thelr way to Lhe

street level. Vs'hlle l.unk and l Jtncer overhaul

the mecha Lhe rest of tlne tearn pso in search

or food ancl supplies. I'hey are qulckly carried *

away SM LIA the run of explonng the abandoned

clty. 'rhe stores are well stocked w 1t17 food

and clothing. Annle introduces M arlene to

her favorite food- peppermint chocolate.

Rand discovers Vienna satssages. bul spollsport

Scort lnterrupts the festlvitles: ''I want to load ''

these supplies artd get out of here. You may ;

have forgotten but there s a war golng on. . 


j, . f .

''Glve lt a rest Scott '' Iland urges ''l ' '

m ean, I know you were born in space ancl v .

tlcis place migjat not be very lmportant

to you- ''

''isut we were born ripz.t laere on har.el '' . ll never return so wlaen e.e Inwd arrack Rook reTuembers btrder l'mes.

Annle breaks Ln. ''Leaving tlnis place now agaln. Rook is rflore than w llllng to leave.

would be Iike turnlng our backs on our M arlene is alm ost overcome by me psxchic

hstorical herirage.'' trauma she experlences w henever the allens

Looklng dow n at Annle's chocolate are nearby. Scott lnelps l4er to safety.

smeared face, bkott knows the last thing on The aAsault Ls led by Prince Corg. He has

the girl's m ind ls the deslre (0 study oId lnarr.h not been afected by any human em otion

ciulization. lkowever zoq relenr.s and cle save lust for victory. 'lxe joy of bartle

cldes to relax hlm self as he strolls away stlmulates him lnto taklng unnecessary

w ith M arlene. chances and Rand ls able to shoot hlm down.

'Fhe lle ute nant ha co nne to e nloy Nlr lhe rebels have no choice but to use their

le ne's co m pany. She x nRin ds hinn of Ms nnecha to e<ape. Behln d Ae nn me clty

âancee in many wap. 'l-hey enloy shopping bursts tnto a tower of zame. Lunk has ngged

in the desened mall and each other's com the main generator to feed back on llelf. 'I'he

pany. lt ts the first tlme Fcotl has felt at ease mile.high city biows a m ile hlgh.

slnce he landed on the planet. M eanw hlle at I xancer stares a( the tlam es ê'lf it wasn't a

the arcade. the magnitude and the lonellness ghost town before it cenainly s now.''

of the place bepains to w ear on Rook Bartley. ''But those were som e lireworlts huh?''

The deserted clty remlnds her of Y1 Earth has ''Goliy gee. M iss Rook, 'm sure glad we

lost. I'he glgantlc clty calls out for people wlno were able Lo provide you wjth som e excite

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+ . j



h v'x'


z' ' ''

ment today '' Rand tease;.

Scott lgnores the fnendly bxkenng. ''How

dîd Marlene know the lnvid were comlng?''

he wonders. ''And why dfdn't that one war

Iior âl'e at us when he had us borh in hls slg/ls?

lt was almost as J he recognlzed her some

how . . . as 1f. . . M arlene was one of them l''

t * .

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He prom ises to tell her the Lruth behind tlne

killlnp,s a'i long as she sweank to keep the story

to hemelf.

''I.ook closely, '' Dusty bewns. ''l'm only

half human- my whole rigtlt slde has been

replaced. lternember w hen you saw rny

arm ? 77)at was only where the Inhad began

thetr expennnents. Apparently


the aliens

were studying the functions of m y body . . .

trying to get data on tlne process of human

evolution. ihece by plece tlney reptaced m y

entlre npaht sktle ' :. protoimltufe genera&ed

prostheses and organs. 'I'he experim ent was

done without anesthesla

. . .

1: s'an more

palnful than y0u could ever imapne



Rook us shaken. ''W hat abouryour frtends?''

''Ahhh now you bnng rfle to the part

about my fnends. M y verf dosest frientâs ''

Dusty corttinues. ''They stood there and

watched when l was captured and never

made an attem pt to rescue m e. I'hey left me

to die But now they're the ones who are

dying. hach mark on this metal arm is a nam e

1'd lust as ryoon foïget. bu& l can't until l've

finlshed evely one of them



Rook undemtznds h1s need for revenge


She knows what it ls Like to feel betrayed by



Dusty's exw riences are m ore ternble

Lhan any she rla'g known


Ab Dusty begins to

tewe , they recetve q trantic qall from kancl.

The unit is surrounded by Invjd. 'lhey need

help. Rook and Dusty hurry to their rescue


Dunng tlne ensulng battle with the allens

Elusty Ayres sees l'us two rernaining targets


the men who Ieft him m th (he lnvid



ftrts on thzem

.'l'he h'eedom figllte s mtstake

his intennons and fire back


In return Ayres

lines 04em up ln l4is sights :$.,11 practiced ease


Llling has become easy for him . But thls

tilne, Rook lntelNenes

''Ilusty- tlqey're m y best friends J'hey

dtdn't kqow you dldrt't mean tllem any

harrn,'' she explains. '' I'hey nRean m ore to

me than lffe itself. lf you have tf

l k1ll someone

else. take me. itut pare (lnem



Ayres ls arnazed.'' couldn't do that to

you. Rook. I Just couldn't. But . . . if I'd had

fnends hke you wherk l was tzpturk'ct ïr,y hfe

would have been com plelely different. ''

As Dusty achleves thls final reahzatlon a

balered Inwd trooper nnakes a desperate

eïo n to destro y the nR


Ayres ëres o n d)e

alie n, mrom ng himse r in dRe v/ay of me






(rooper's finalblast when he does. EJOt13 alien

and human are destroyed.

I-arer, as the mornlng sun Stretches across

the valley floor the llobotech rebels g



around the ashes and rubble whlch serk'e as a

monument to an unlikely hero.

''1 don't know lf I coulda done what he

dld, R()ok,'' Lunk rxnys.

Rand shakes hIs head. ''He saved all our

llves. No rnatter w hat he did in the past



redeemed hfmself ln the end.''

''Rand is right '' Iancer agrees. dêilesldes

Dusty A'/res ls Iucky. He dled w1t

01 great

Courage . . . and he died for friends.''


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Ep iaod e 8 2

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1. h:






flrar several defears Lhe lnvld havi'

resumed thfnr search for tlne rreedom lighters


(xuessirlg that the rebets rnust be nearly out of

% '


rotoculture energy cells the aliens deploy anx P ,


ejaborate survelLlnnce network dexjwed to


capture Lhe eluslve hum ans

ln 1 i' o ce pro u d c1l of Nevv York

Lzncer Leads Rand and Annie rn a search for

fuel. He s obviously ln famlllar terlntory


H s

experKse leads them to a buildlng w here Lhe

Invld store protoculture.

Rand can't believe theLr good forlune

''There's enough here to carry a whope arlny

to Retlex Polntl''

: , . àl

s. without beLng spotled.'' 1 Jtncer wdJ.1'1s




. 4, ''





''llalnl Don't worry about a thing. Proto



jt ' .jk'.. cultu re 1- Xpresx l at yrur service We dell'v'o r

. . .

gu ,. ovemlglat or your money back, nght?'' 



. .


''paggtl'' Annle chimes ln ''In ract if we 

. . .





don't make good we pay youl''

k k . '


1 Lnncer slg


tns unhappy. ''Gee l remem

.r' ' ber what a beauttful piace this bulldlng %%'&%.



' '




'rhls is Carnepe Hatl the g

reatest concert hal1




. . ln (he world. It was everybody's dream to



play here. It was my dream too even

+ o ugh I never got dne chance I suppose


k those days are gone forever now that the





Invld have (urne:i everythlng upside down


$s .


. .

' fsut what a thnll lt would have been lo appear

hûre. I can almost imaglne It . . . . l w on't let

the lnvid debtroy my dream s som ehow

hlLt'InvLd sstick 1 roopers lnvatli. Som eda' / l am à'joing to play trlis halll''

ae city . . . ''A'.''.'V,.'... come on,.' Rand urges ''I et's

get out of here. Let's grab as much stuff as we

. . .( a nEu r :


1v't'h .) ( onu t'rl (o (Ea.'l and Qke 011 before Wre get Caught Okay?''

ee;l t h (? t 1v1 I L;) r7% 5ro nl pa tèlcit rlàr 'j 'jae slnger ag


rees. For the n)o rrlent he

has no clnoice. Dreams are put away as the

ook lsarllf.v hoLds Ir,vadersat bav tno scoopupas muchofthepreciousfuel cells

1ey can carl. ln her e n 1 usiism An n1e

takeb too much and drops one of the

canisters- loudly- on the cem ent floor. A

guard peers about anxlously. I ancer Rand

and Annle stay low but finally the sound of a

rnewTng cat dlstraccs the guard at last


. .

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l le blames the noise on the anlmal and

walks away.

Fhe cat turns out to be a younq boy. He

Ltaads the others to the sarety of another

bulldlng. Inslde, an o1d fnend of ( Jtncer'k;.

Sinnon ls holdlr)g a rehearrsal 9()7 a stage

âroductîon. 1 he two men are pleased to qke

each other. 1 x'lncer is supnsed to learn the

lnvid are allowing musical performances ln

the clty. ''W e11 they haven't med (o stop us

yetq'' Srmc)rl teLls hlm. ''I guess they figure thls

keeps Lhe slaves happy and out of theLr halr.

Anpvay- you know what Lhey say. I'he

show must go onl''

In an lnvld hive atop o'le talleq bulldlng (n

the clty. Lh'vo very different people are

involved ln conversatltèn. Sera and Corg

arf) argui ng.

''You rnust stop 0lls lndLscnmlnate cies

trucnon,'' Sera comrnands. ''We have no(

compleled our obser/atlon of these Ilfe forms.

You seem to forget our Instructions .to

study thelr behavlor patterns and learn

from them ''


Sera. nn ust protest your Lenience in

dealing w107 the humans. Our experiments

have been completed. It's tlme to extermi

nate them ''

''Do not cNallenge my authonty. 'I'he

Regls has placed me ln charge.''

''For Lhe moment '' ('org Ls smug. ''You've

know n all along that we planned to save only

a srfo l percentage of the humans to use as

workem on our protoculture farms. The rest

have been scheduled for extermpnatlon. lt's

obvlous you have no stomach for destructlon

and, orders or not I intend to begn that

process pmmediately.''

The lnvld pnnce takes off to do iust that

desplte Sera's protests. 'I'he pnncess is m Lser

able. ''Maybe he's nght. l don't know lf l have

Lhe determLnatlon to cany out thLs task. 1 sttll

don't undelstand what prevents me rrorrl

destroylng the human rebel . . . . It's more

lmportant than ever that I speak with Ariel. I

must Uy to find her.''

('org wastes no tlme. He assembles hls

shock troopers and bepns z muyderous

assault on the clviian ptpulatlon. His orders

are slm ple: ''spare no onel''

Alit'n mecha pI the sky. The inhabimnts of

the occupled clty panic and trhr to escape as

Lhe lnvld fire on them. Scol1f I,unk. Rook

and M arleni' obsen'e the not. I-anfer and

knlon watch the o1d theater go up in flames

but manage to move the performers lnto the

safety of the subway tunneb. W hen kott tmd

the others catch up m th l-ancer Rand and

Annle, the lleutenant shares an ldea vath the

sLnger: ''l'he people need somethlng to

Insplre them to jght back aganst the lnlad.

I he best way I know to do that ls to put orl a

show. CaIR you do elat?''

Lxnncer agrees and. w1tL1 Slmon's per

formers as backups brinp comfon out of

chaos to the h'ightened sunrivors while the

reslsunce lighters wage thelr own tattle

agatllst ('org's troops.

W'hLle thls ls golng on. Sera linds Marlene.

''l don't belleve what l'm heanng '' M arlene

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fl .'







says. ''I am llot an Inhadl'' subsequent exploslon


Corg rages. He has

Sera ls puzzled by her sister's reaction


been vanqutshed by a handfu: of renejlade

''You were pLaced am ong tlne people of Farth humans agaln


îtn Iearrl thelr plans and report back t() our Alterward wtten the Rtlbotettt retlel



Mve. M of tlnib date Llne lleps is still w atlng regroup and check thelr ctlordlnates they

for your firf;t report


Do you expect me to jnd they are but a few hours aw ay fronl

belleve that you have forgotten who you are Retlex Point l'he end of thelr joumey ls

and why you're here?'' approactltrté tast


''No- yciu're lying


You must be.''

Sera takes ofj as tlne batde comes uncoln

fonably clobe. promislng to return


M arlene is

left to w onder over tlnts new m ystery



despatrs that she could be ope of (he

ek71 Invld.

The freedom righters develop a new

stratepy. Instead or Iigshtlngs Lndlvlclual shock

u'oopel's, they rurn theLr arrack on the giant

llive ltself. They storm the tower wI?


lncredlble force. W hen tlne Invid realkze what

rs happenlnq, they return to the ungparded

tllve. l'he allens are wiped out (n the

C R O NE * 12Q

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* œ *

E piao d e e a

S the rebLstance unlt nelàrs iL$ deslRnation

they hear an incredlble crash. ScarLet sears tlne

honzon as a senes of exploslons rips the alr

Skotl and cyew arrwe at tl4e scene of a

nlghtmare. Cène of the shlps from the lExpe

d itlonary Force rlas crashed i nto the planet's

su rface, dnven to glound by lnvid a.ktkRult

muaöîons. l'he destnattion is so com ptete

the lleutenant know s there can be no

sunrivors. Stlll they check the area and hope

for the best. A lone w om an appears am id the

wreckage holding a video camera



lntrcduces herself as Sue Graham a mem ber

of ele 30th haquadron lntelllgence Depart

ment. Juplter Section. As a vqdeo Journalist.

her musslon ls to keep records for Admlral

Hunter's archlves. .'%s she intervlews the

h'eedom hghtel's she warns them that the

Invid are circtlng back.

Sue is rigaht. l'he allens arnve as predlcted


Slnce there are too many to fip

ht Lhe rebeLb

ovenurn Lheir mecha and hlde ln the ruins.

bue Graharfl continucs to E1m the approakzhLng

allens despkte the danger of dlscovery


''We have to get tlnls on film so Admiral

Hunter can 'ziew lt '' bue explalns. ''M aybe it

w1ll pve us a ckue as to how these allens


''so Admlral Hunter w7ll be here soon ''

Scott sap . ''rlhe fleet %M ll be able to rake care

of tlne Invid ''

''Yes. 'I-hey're m aking final preparations for

tlie bombardment of Reflex Polnt The (hird

attack unlt IS ln prellrnlnar'f m anettvers at 2

bil. (m the far slde Of the lnoon. I'he man

Robotech force however. 1s Conling back

'zvn.ttl a tleet rnade up of tl'te rtew Veritetm

Iighters. l'he shlps have been code named

Shadow Fighters.''

Rand is fa<lnated. ''W hy Shadow Fip


W hat are they?''

Sue dem onstrates vsri07 one of her lillns.

''You can see from this grdphlc representatlon

that the protoculture generator has been

designed v.4ttl a fourth dlm enslonal configu.


ratlon. rnaklng the Shadow Flgxhter LnhzisLble

to the lnvld. lt's Lrlat slmple.''

I 'he conversatlon stops as anotlner I nvld

patrol approacheb. Sue speculates the aiiens

must be Iooking for the Syncro Cannon

another new weapon that crashed w lth the

lleet. 5he has hldden it in a nearby cave out of

allen 'zlew. 'l'hey try to salvage the cannon, o

but it is lm posslble. Rand destroys it to keep e

the valuable mecha out of enem y hands.

She âllns more footage on the Invqd She is

esr clïly lnterested 1n (T org. LJlèul n oNv dne

team belleved Corg was a httman jghting for

the aliens but when the Inhzld prince is

wounded they see that he has gareen blood.

.  Su'tvr arltl lt a 1)'1 . 1 n ' lki.51 ' v'e' 1 : t'

I'hey reallze Corg ls an allen ën human form . 't'btru cL o n

As shrapnel fllq's about theln Sue Graham ls

rataLly wounded and M arlene ls hlt. 7'he

: r' k ;) rfll f k % .X r) rlkt

freedom fighters are stunned lnto silence. '

M arlene has the sarne color blood as the

Invid. M arlene is an allen, too. Devastated

the wolnan runs. sobbing, R'om the crœkh

slte. Scotl and the others can only stare

after her

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1 * * A

E piaod e 8 4

he freedom fighters rendezvous at Riullex

Polnt in tlme to Jo1 n Ad mlral H v3 nter's acxsault



I here has been a maror nft ln (he team


**- Scot4 1 zncer and Lunk are ofliclal military


? - . '


ï ' . >:>

xk4 person nel Rook Rand an d Art n1e are not

ss a u 1 f kb rc k


7 ' '

.. , .

; . J'' ' clvllians are not lnappy to be left behlnd


. .


' Bl;t Order.' have never stood in their way

) lhe outsrtlrps of Ekcllex IlC)znl .' . before and Skott'F; dlrectives don't Stop Rook

d I s tl n hla p p î'3 b t' L n @)

and Rand now . Dlsrepprdlng Lhe probablet behLnd



dangers. the (wo Iorm their ow n strategy to

attack Reflex Point. After all they haven't

com e llnis far to be left out of the grand finale


M they soar into the sky Lunk di<over's

stowaw ay Annie hldden ln th() back of his

,.-. ieep. I'he terrain is too dangerous to drop

her off. He has no cholce but to take the

. yrj ajong.



'' '

M arpene jnaly accepts her lnvld ldentity of

v ' Anei and becomes one wlth her trital

: memory. Fler heritage has become clear at



but when slne entels the Great Hlve to

' meet wjel the Regts Ariel speaks for the

htlmans. Sera and Corg listen too


''The'f are

' *

only qghLlng to regaln Llne Iand thal ls




. ripytfulhy tyjells. The Iand we're taking away 

froln them Have we forgotten our past?

Have w e forgotten Lhat our own planet was




stolen frorrl us? What gives us the nght to




lntlict the same evi on these people?''

: ''We have gone too far to worry about that


': now


'' Sera tells her. Still the Invld pnncerxs ps

dlstressed and as she Iaunches lnto battle

Anel's w orös stay wtthi her. kzter when she


finds I kmcer Ln trouble Sera can' stop herself


yom gxaving xs tjje .

' R ott, Lunk. and Annie rally to Lancer's

Side. Rook and Rand lom them . Suddenly


z Ariel appeartg to them aç if transform ed Fhe

tearn hardly recclgruzes her. She seems to be


A 3 dlllerent petNon.

y .. -



..I am nelther human or com pletely


Invld '' Ariel tells them


''I am a new form of

,.- Iife that ls a blendlng of the two


You must

Y . < .

. belleve that the Invid never pianned to

C ONE * 131

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debtro'f hulnall'l''/ We ilre 0n11 frflnjl tO firld a

Face where m'e Can Ilve tn peace alld

SocttF1tA/ ''

Scott and the others don't kntlw what to

make of this concept. but they fotlt)k'.r Anel

lnto the centrélE core of the ('zreat Hlve. I here

they m eet the ln''ld Queen Reps for the

fi1x;t tim e.

( he aplen's '/olce seems to come from

everpvhere. ''Behold- l am the lnmd. 1 an3

tlne soul and the spilit. 1 have gulded lny

peopLe across the meilsurt?less cosmos from a

world rha m'&% Lost to a world that '&'às found

1 have Led my people in right from tlne dark

Llde of shadow that engulfed our forefathers

that th reate ns to engulf us evirn now a m

the power and the 11$3(. I am the embodi

ment of he life force (he creator protector. In

Lhe termlnolojrf of your people. 1 am

. .


M other.Anel. it ls true


'fou are a trator. W as

lt you who (e(1 these children of the shadow

to the Hrve?''

''Yes '' Anel admits ''But you must bee

now that the'/ are not chlldren of the

shadow Lhat they have a ilfe force that ls

alm ost a. stïong as our ow n


lf tàey oppose

us, it's because we are tlyng to do the same

thing to them that was done to t1s bo m any

years ago. Perhaps if we could begin agaln


w e mlgh: be able to find a way for our Lwo

peoples to share this planet ln peace. ''

''l'm sorry '' Sqon up ''You know that's

1)0 possible. Not at tllis polnt.''

''You'd ramer lnave the death and des

trucnon contlnue?''

Lunk becomes anp'y


''Hey. Iem me tel) ya

somethlng m aybe you've forgotten. Your

people krwade':l us. rem em beri'''

Anel siqhs. p'llere Ls no way she can forget

None of her people can deny Lruth any more

than they can nesect the instincts of thelr

ancestral hlstorf. ''Lunk you Craveled m th

me. You took care of me. I even thlnk you

ltked me a httle bit. l am rto dttferent a perrson

nclw than I w as then. I'he facr that l could

travel am ong you as a fnend m eans that we

are not so dlfrerent- your people and mlne



''A ne1 Iook at these 'fnends' Of yclurs

'' the

lleps says. ''Notlce how etey stare at you in

fear and confuslon emouonal states whlch In

thelr specles inevitabiy lead (0 hatred and

u /





7. .-.




r.- .

. y j



.. .

' '


# .

t tj. 1 11z .


4à: . . qt . .)xx

. x >h- ). .

J .



jyj- .




. u


é , .. / '


2 G z 

X l



7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 141/261

'aolellce. Your contact wlth them llas bllnded

you Lo thelr true nattlre m y chlld lt L the

genetlc lnstlnct of the17 gpecLe q to deStroy

what they cannot understand.

Rand ha. had enoug.h . ''l$''aLt a mlnute

dragon Ladyl l Iow do you know what we're

thlnkLng? So M arlene's an lnvtd . . . okay, that

was klnd of a surpnse. But we don't Late her

for k(. W e know she's rlsked a (o( ro heLp us. ''

Sera speaks up a. well. ''F'orpve me, Reps.

but I've begttn to doubt w hether we are any

better than they are. You ra'f dlls specLes Ls

palrty of murdenng and rnaklng slaves of thell'

enemëes, but how s that any dëfferent fron)

what we are dotng on Llals planet?''

''Have you a1( qone mad?'' ( 'orq demands

''( his padn enc specles can not be allovve d to

stan d in the kgay of our Klrure Sera yo ur

contact 'Aqtln the rebels has lnade you weak

and pLneless.''

''An d has made a m onster out of you

(lorg. consumed by vengeance and e%4I

pacaorls.You are the chlld of shadow. Not

the humans ''

1 x'lncer stands witln Sera . ''Fool ' 1 f you k i'ep

fighllng. (hftre Won't be .7 future fOr any

Of US ''

Corg won't be denled Lhe executlon of h1s

vendetta. He runs from the Hive gor his battle

armor m th Sco(1 Bernard close behind. I'he

others follow and w atch as the tw o take to

tlne a1r for combat. The sky has darkened.

l-he sun is blocked by the t'remendous battle

fleet that has amved to rout the lnvaders and

rectam the planet.

*.(')h w owl'' Annle cnes ''l dldn't thlnk

there were that many shlps in tlne havholi'

dnlver'.e ''

Lancer shakes h1s head wearily. ''We1 (hat

does it. Any hope of a peaceful sertlement lnas

lust gone down the dran Heaven have

m ercf on us a11 ''

In the depths of tlne Hive the Jn'vqd

M other already bepns to moulm: ''No- they

have come from beyond the stars I'he dark

udes of shadow have com e to engulf

us agan . . . . ''

CHAIN'ER 0 * * 133

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. . .

Ep iao d e 8 5

org and bkott enpgge in a bnlul aenal

dogfipalnt. I'he intensity of their confllct ls

reflected ln the battle between the inarth and

alien forces slne shock troopers are no match

for the new Shadow Hghters. l'he Invqd

canrlot ligh wlnat they cannot see and are

belng destroyed despfte their best ecorts. As

Admiral Hunter's zeet blasts tlne lnvid bat

tallons, Scott finlshes Corg 'aqth h@s team

mates' help.

'IX e Reps feels the death of her chlldren.

The aliens have a cholce- suy and be

slaughtered or leave the planet forever. For

dne ln= d à4 odner dRere can o n1y be o ne

declslon: 'ikvhether one race or the other

em erges vlctonous ls of llttle meanlng. Such

hatred can only breed Enore hatred. Oh, my

chlldren . . . if we stay, this contlict will rage

from generation to generation. Hear me

W hen w e sensed tlne first indicatlons of the

protoculmre resources on this world we

tlnoupaht that a( 1aGl w e t4ad found the home

for w hlch w e searched. W e called topyem er all

our people scattered through the galaxles to

begin life anew on LIALG planet. We rebulit a

world that had nearly been destroyed by evil,

and w e constructed the Genesis PlLs ln order

to pursue the path of enllghtened evolu

tlon . . . but lt was noL enougah. The Earth ls

revlving and wi11 eventually regaln lts proper

baiance in accordance with the laws of nature.

However, the humars have been (oo strongly

lnsuenced by the rnalignant shadow of the

tkobotech M asters and are only lntent upon

tlne destruction of their race, We, the Invid.

wnil contlnue our evolutlonary development

elrew here. We shall corlsume a11 the proto

culm re and nse to a hlgher plane. Com e wlth

me Discard this w orld and follow the spint of

light as he beckoro us onwardl''

'I'he ln'ad leave. W ith notlling to sp/lt

Hunter's seet ceases its attack. ëxnncer and

Sera guard the Great Hive and the Regls as

she beckons her chlldren to the stars. Sera

chooses îo remain on Fxnrtn. i-ancer seems




content to have her stay m t.h him .

l'he humans celebrae their victory. Lmncer

pves his last perform ance as Yellow Dancer

revealing h1s true identlty to the public at last.

Scott Bem ard accepts a jnal military mlssion.

W ith the threat of war behind him , he can

enloy space duty and look forward to h1s

return as well . Rand and Rook declde Lhey

have a more permanent riartnership in store

for theig future. Annle and l.unk form meir

own family.

l-ancer dedlcates his Iast song to the

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com m ander of the freedom hgahters Scott

., . r.r

ù b jun' (j ancjernard


He s leaving the Ea e

w ith it the most precious of m sserxslons- lqis

fnends- tlne people w ho love him m ost. But

w hen he com es Lhack w e'E be here to

w elcom e him hom e with open arms.''

Scott Bem ard has m ore than M ends to

com e hom e to. Adel prom ises to wait for

him on thelr new hom e- Eartln. 1$.% the

tieutenant blds goodbye to Qne planet. he

abandors o1d m em orie-s as well. The paln

of the past is fotgotten in the future's

brigaht prom > .

C R O NE * 1M

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x '-

' à



CHAFI'ER ChNil * 1 37

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THE MAœ O c,,-e-G-Av--w-

- j;:




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7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 147/261

/ . .


Age: 19' -






)  - .

x -



<m '


A 1

' j ? ? 



7 .?' s an amateur pilot and close friend of

. .




- )'


' ( , '?' ) l.ieutenant commander Roy lcokker, Rickx h



r N g . .. ï H u nter makes hs j>t appearance in (he

...e t Macross Saga by t'buzzlng'' the audience at  'J'

-' ttle lustoric launch of the srlr. I in his private,


> , J

j 1 .u,..s..-. ,g y h tyng.circus afrcraft. 'slkg brother'' Fokker Ls>

) // ) t not amusel by the antlcs of his young Mend


X pj k). /z?,

. .

/ btlt Y1 fun and games are put aside when the'

j - r.:-- , ...k/ . --.- .-- launch is dîsrupted by the appearance of the


, .

j w. allen gentraedi Armada intent on reclaim.



y .-j) x --m Ing the sDF 1 as thej r osvn In a matler

. -. ... u .


'%- or minutes thls playful young man must


gt I?11 ' - -..--. ' grow up


î à 7 <? . x rougkouttlw series


Rick strugseswithxc .) .

. . x o .. .


z..o t / ..'' xs feelings ln regard to hîs role as a soldier  .

j . . and, eventually, as a leader. l'le does notk


k . z wq z'



. ,,


: approve of violence. and his reiuctan com  / .. mlsslon înto tlne Robotech alr force ls tainted






..,..,-' > by lus unspoken fear of the Sant alien 





invaders. Rick's feeling,s are also torn between  . --.- --. x .

  x: , two women: I.ynn Mlnmei a youngchmese

  < 9 $rl he retWue: and J..lM Haye.s hi$ cornmand.




L- h ; 1ng ojlicer. After his best frfend's deat?l Rick's



h sense of responsibîlity and purpose strengm  y' $


)q z ,. .-. , ens. Eventually, Rick Lecomes one of the

' ; tl / -- ' . rnajor sgures in the intergalactic wzr whlch

s.: az à A ?, ..s.. wi11 determine the fate of Icartll. Rick s a 

p L









conunuingcharacter tlaroughout the odyssey


1 ) - zzz


of ROBOTECH. ln oe New Generauon

' ? ' sc tt Bernard refers (o l'um as  segment, o  1 lt . 


Admjral Rîck Hunter. Rick s compasslon



skill dedication and sense of responsîbility

Nkw..s g y make h1m a leader his people look up to wiei

y h 'J j ....'''- c'ust and respect. 



r -w w


( . k. -- -

J ,.. h

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 148/261

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 149/261

k  Awx







j j; 

- -

/ -' ) Rank: Non'miliury Sutus ..

w , gvel )y; 


w. . .j j 

( . .l x ''h






'' M

z '


1 .. . . . ( ,z- h* % *

1 I ,

C '' '  g y L l ;i>-

- .

o .'kk$ ,.' ). , 1 t oe begnrun: or the Macross saga, it

'% would seem that Lynn M inmei Ls 3 15 year.

l ' r old girl golng on the age of 5. Hel's ls a

l z-


r ' ,' v x butlerfy personality at best althoug,la she Is

k. . u ( : - ' f


alwap a scene.stealer. I.ynn M inm ei is one o  w

x :..- .az

('- ù '. .l the brightest stars ofthe ROBO TECH story.


/ ' e / i N 'làlented


clnarismattc, and beautiful, the youn:.x. .. - v ,


t -... j





> x,.


c/unese :rl secomesthe darlîng of tlae s:)F





K z


. 1 out of tt:e 70.000 residents of Macross


X'<? ' Y living onboard the SDRI , Minmei.-' Nx


/ . . ..-w ' ,i. . .y 14.

N .

x .

$ >. L .


V G-.F- N*' ' . < j competes in a teauty contest and becomes  :


, ( ) xlxtjss xucross,'' a morale lAng symbol forxx ï


1 - q' civilians and soldiers alike


frut txs seems 

' b(1 2. k oruy a game for tlae girl. A natural ftirt, 

. .

7 '' ' î



1 Minmei acceprs her role as splritual clceer. 

/ . ' h . '.



c.- x , / . . leaderwith enthusiasm, but itte real resporkk 


7 ''-' $ ? /


? . ' bility. Unfortunately, her tnnocence and ëack  ,'/ ( ,- v


' d p .' h . . / of maturity prevent her from recowxzingthe  m '

p . s.s


, h . . seriousness of Rlck Hunter's lnterest.

y --: . 1 $ stlll, It is Lynn Minmei's ssnging elat

-( ' ' l -- - insplres many of the zeneaedl to defect, and

' ' '

. b-'





) ltimately tums ele ude for tlae humarss in 




' ; t 'n (/ ....- / ttts Initlal encounter. Minmei grows to accept

q A -2 / her responsibility a. a leader in the reconstruc.  Y'h-, . . ' ' 

- - 6on of Earth atter its destructîon during the

k; 1 '- Robotech vvars



, :# jrrr



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7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 152/261

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k 'x5ank: Iëeutenant Commander (ty.


s xwge: 24 X


I '*






y .

z /

s the daulter of Admlral Hayes, Lîsa . Z j

cotild have chosen any position in the United . (


artln Defense Forces. But when her liancee, )' l .



Karl Pjber, declles to request duty on Maro k h


h 13 -- vy.A ase Sara in or1 er to avoid involve rn ent in


j . ï ./  (h

e global civll war, 11sa chooses the Space V, ... x

Corps hoping to eventually join her intended / ' . v '

. .

' 'x

at ttle Martian Coltmy. l he arrival of the ij '

SDF. l clnarlges her plans. Llsa is assîgned as N . v .x.

Rl'st Ofker on board the ship and ls in charge z .:pj' ''Q' s

ludlng defense coneoller.



/ L 'h /f all operdtlons lnc

lt is a posltion she handles w 1t.13 authority and , '




-- -


ygz 1



I , qkxsntelligence


Because she devotes al1 l'ter g - j ,

energy to her work, she gains a reputation as V .''-'- / i

a 'kold fishy'' esrlecially with new recruit Rick X


Hunter. However, her hardline caree: -et fj N'X

is only a mask for the gentle, -X



woman attftude


- .

- -



) . )oving woman she really ls


-'x > ) -=JLer Qae Zeneaedi alack an d dne subse C

u. .



>x (

( ILt g c w uxx ) k 1uent Space Fold raaneuver


Lisa learns QRat î

. . h ,

j. k. j , ,arl Rlber, along w1t.13 the rest of the







yeuonnel on Mars Base Sara, has been kllled ' . jb :pr e : yy zy the aliens. As a result of this los

î 11sa .  k 4j



becomes even more involved in her w ork. h ï k



$ . .

h )'

, u. .

)*%. rh ' N'ut there are new complications. I-ISR falls in k p ) ./ . ; 7 .

love with Rîck Hunter, and, althoug?l she is


' '-


 a . . -


j %j p



an able advocate of ttle SDF. 1 and IB mission, -9 '-< ) x

. 1

she cannotlind avoiceto expressherfeellnî,s x x .' W .

Rlck. lt ls a rocky romance 1&1,.h missed .

j .SY



) j' R j S





opportunities arid endleas problems for Rick : / 7 ' r trzj


A ' :

as well as Lisa. j . . ' ' ). F '.v I à

r ' f I . y J. 1

3 '. ' I. '. . - -, '.-

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- -- - .

( cju m 'ym 'jw o . j 45

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 154/261

* * * * ' %


/ank: léeutenant Commander

M e : 3 ' - -. Nx

'r h r '

/, -


y Fokker ls the devil com. 'w

mander of the famed Ifskull Squadron'' and

co m bat veteran of me dvi Mar <at h %

ravaged Rae . VVim dae arNvi of dne S DF 1 --->

Fokker enlists in the United Earth's Govern.

ment's Robotech Defense Force. He appears ' ( WWX. .-.  t Xo be the classlc swashbuckling hero but

.- v

d be .....-. - y

k . s .j )okker is able to transcend th s mold an

as compassionate and human as any of lnîs

crew . It was dunng h1s stlnt as a fam ed aîr

circus pllot, before his involvement ln tlae w z.- -

rnllitary, that Roy met and behjended young

Rick Hunter. Then while he was trafning on

tlne Veritech Fil ter Roy met and fell fn love

mt.h Claudia Grant. His death in batde comes h

as a shock to Y1 who knew and cared for thîs '

generous, arectionate man, Still Roy Fokker's V Ielt through.

kux (1ynarruc presence contlnues to be

out the series. He becomes the lnspiration ror QU

Rick Hunter's lncreased devotion to duty

? ..



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# , ) /

  z ....x 


f byv .

h f . x-

A . z - A j $ 'x  + R

o r .r..x jank; Bridge Oïcer e

Age: 28 .w.



y m z  1(




'' g / lr. --.w-/


.''l -. ,----,--- - ,---- ---s Communications O:cer aboard the j



y .


g., DF. l ,Claudia's pb Is to coordinate the :'F j (A.

V'rious and complex media elemenB of the .,.e x w - v. -

battle fortress. She is a fun.lovingwoman mth Z % X .@. '

d sense of humor the kind of person e .r'' -*-t- I gOo

, t

w170 knows fust what to say to break a ten.e p '

toment on ttle bridge. She knows how to * j

counsel her Niend Lisa Hayes on matters of >. * mhe heart as well


From the srst we are aware

of Claudfa's romantic involvement with the y .


dashing lleutenant Commander Roy Fokker. / Xx.ft

er Roy's death, Claudla ls plnilosophkal. &


q xxhxxx

( l

Slle recogrtizes that the effect Y war can be j ''X'*'

dden and snal. Claudia tnvests her enerses ju

intcl putting an end ttl the war Which claimed l

her jancee. ZIJj'

. ....*. .w 7

r h 

eu .r *' -> j 

'- --' kl

z .*/ / h j

) -. ;  / )




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7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 157/261





(' . x .- ï 7 ), z . a . a


- x



4m.x t ; ( J' .

t'' ' Ranlc capufn

Age: ja




N (  aptain Gloval ls a perfect example of what

Qr a person can accomplîsh ln the face of



ovenvhelrning odds. He enters tlle Macross

t saga as a wapweary veteran placed ln

' Vz comrnand of the SDF 1 . Not only must he

.- -w

y put the mysterious battle fortress throug. her


f paces, he has the added responsibility of

w .

ç.. breaking in a crew of raw recruits. The initial

tz . shakedown cnllse of the SDF 1 turrls out to

kv <.. be roug


her (I:D expected when Gloval m11st 


defend EaIIIA against tnvading aliens . . . aliens




who have been bred for countless generatlons

z 1 to be perfect fighting machines.

J With the porxsibility of toul ap-rlihilatlon all

' /' ? too immment, Capuin Gloval jgahts lxnck 


with a vengeance. He plots strategy for



( strategy against the Zentraedi alwap keeping

' / / one step ahead


His courie, skill, and

? determinatton become the essence of the)

Robotech Defense Force.

M k


/ $


z  v hy



y. '



/ -- fï '-  1



# zz

/' f)$'

% ,

C ,1% 0 * t49

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 158/261




$ -

  z. - h w .

y- +.

Rank: Lieutenant . -- . .

Age: lQ '

fx Sterling is one of the srst of the m3ny -j



young men frcll'n Macross City to entisr in the j jl

obotech Defense Force after Lhe Zentraedi p, h

attack. lt becomes immeliately apprent that .' ;p

thLs tralnee Ls a natural w hen it comes to flylng ' .

and Eghting in the Veritech Rghter. And not , 'X

, ,


$nly is Max a gifted pilot he is a charzning, I

est, and intetligent yo'

utln as well, He z 1


( x..O x..' 'Xj


assigned to Rfck Hunter's attack muad and k.' = A. '/



quickly dsunguishes himself in battle. Unfor. k - j <''


. j y j -)j .unately, he dlstingukshes himself a bit too hj .) z i..xyed

 He defeats M iriya, a Zentraedi combat ' '

ace. Revenge becomes her obsessfon. She

tnâltrates the SDF. 1 in an attempt to asrawinate Xxs

. j 3 ,'

y () kterling but znds heoe; wo n over by Ae jk w

personable young man. v.

Adax jnds hinnself equ:ly lnterested 1 v-- 'j 10

They marry-the jrst mamage be. tk $. linya.

tween a human and a Zenlrdedi-and eleir ij '

child, Dana Sterdng, grows up to become '

One of Earth's grentest heroes during the wu (.&''''- / ''-'---' )

m th the Robotech Masters.

f ?


f .



.: j


21 vx



0 * ROBG ECH AR'r 1

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 159/261

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' ( CHAIN'ER 3% 0 * 1 5 


7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 160/261



Q * e - f

N e

Ran k: Second I-ieutenant '--''*

A ge: 20


C en is a ligahmearted combat pilot whose ' // j sa g

jraggadocio generally outw elg


hs hjs skill and ' L A..J z / e

natural ligphting abiliues. Couragpous and '

determ ined , he is w ell lîked by lais com rades



A ssigned to a position directly under Rick

Hunter it comes as qulte a blow when Ben is '  /dlled in the line of d



/ j=- l y








2 * R O R G I'EC H A R r 1

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 161/261


/j/# L$

s$)kjj-- , 1'.

) - $X :

; .- . à hjj 









/, ,

Rank: Non.milltary Status

>,'-' -' / hj Age: 20




( 4 . .

1 1











)*'lî t. x x t

t' j ,/' l  î V

/ t .$ t e pot see l ,ynn Kyle as asrudent livingon

Zz'' à' Earttà. He belîeves that lzis parents lnave  . $ j been killed along w1,

13 the rest of the

I tnhabitants of Macros'o City during rlne alienz.A -

l z Invasion. He is reunited with his famlly on







4z '' J(/ xx-ti yt q ''j' 1. , b------' ts, j.---ss-'l,') --s---.-s--,----.--u-y,p--.,.-- : ,. j xt f'


oe,'z talented but treacherous young


man ancl 



)') à -. . s p e c s rj e tjcegyjenjs an oe xhparolath vlt a'J 'Yi'' a ) d.haracte




V> k ' ulative manager, arld poor Mlnmel gets little









j (; oyjj rfgr j mjt glnee, r mC r miu 'M thsj/u yy mS tjryso ' d lvaes o ) 

. ,

l , t k ally laave aae ring of %Y). 1 Jnfortunately, h s 

s $sb j , ulterior mouves preclude lads s,ncenty.
























1h ' . h . . ..o -xx 


- - .

Xw j xj  î ' j 

y j ( yw ) jy 4l














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t . .




Y y




) e...-

. -







-- / . z 1


- - '

CHAFFER > 0 @ 153

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 162/261


Rank: lcnlisted Operative

Age: 23 ;

. , N w

. ,

'Cm is Claudia Grant s com m unicatlons

istant. Her a.lslgnment to the brldge crew is / llj.ndicative of her abilities


altlnough in her spare ' ' ''

tlm e she is m ore concerned v$4t.1: havlng

a good time and fl'rtlng with the pilots. She

is aîded fn tlnis pursuit by her bes friends

and bridge mates, Samm le lsorter and Va

nes' I ,eeds.



' j



+ 'v'

 : '

/  * @ - o

FNàr:k: E nlisted clperauve - X)'

Age: 20 'v


am mie îs the youngest of the bndge crew


on the SDF l . Her naivete and obvious sense -' f %'

y)f wonder in ROBGTECH'S world of VV 1

Klenfjc marvels 1ay the groundwork for a / . l

Strong, herok clnaracter. V'/lnen the time t =-''

com es fo r Fsarn m ie to take charg


e of defend . =

inR the S()F l she accepts the posltion j j X -



witlnout hesiuton.

x '>x yb

* A p - .

Rank: E nllsted O perative

23 '- -kge:

s part of tlne ternble trlo of Porter Young

and l.eeds Vanes.a feels it's Iner mission to fill

her off duty tlme with as m uch fun and

excitement aq posslble. Slne is the computer

operator asslgned to the brldge of the SDF. 1

and although she Ioves her w ork and

shiprnates, slne becom es quite homesick for

t-xnrr.ln after years of Esolation on the space



* RO BG I'ECH Alrr 1 -- ' '

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* â : . œ

m. $



. -4 ::$



, ' - t '




k 'h j'L parjk: puyjtralzj commander 



. . (

i ) Indeterminable ln liarth Years (IEY)  ,



'W J K - / '

j @ .' ji .t




x -



'N r ru







- - = -

. .




juwyuujyy jryyxyaj j, yjx jysyjyjy oy oe

/ z P$ Zentraeti Armada. The Zentraedi are beinp 

. sar..j bred solely for the disciplînes of combat and


lI...JLJ mllitayy strategy. Hreetai ls a perfect example

of Zentraedl breedirhg rechnisues' he makes



zz'' h ' 

l no decisions save rhose that deai directly wlth

$1 : mllltary matters

 l 1Is oniy concerrl is conquest

rt-xq .''<


:7.- ..-' at a I I costs. ...w-

z j' - I


y oou

taqyyu thyyjsochanges, h owever, due to his Mlcronians as (he zrentraedi 

C.allhumanb. l'he Zentraedi are a race of gtants









.. nearly 60 feet tall' Numans appear to be





''microscoplc'' in Companson. Sttddenly this

am Orï Kûucian is faced Mnl lnformaûon he

k j' .( h& never encou ntered before. H e is t()()



intelllgent a creature to ignore or deny what

he sees' therefore as Breetai asslmilates thls

new data, he is ultlmately forced to confront

and then rciect l'us Zentraedi heritage to join

with the humans in thelr cause.

Q  .--- ' '-x 

js ,

. s ->


A J' 



-(' . .k


/ j ,. .



/ m ;



y . . , .> q w .r w

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7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 164/261


L$V . 


( ,

. . - 'h ) ? k 

ï .

/'è X 1,..-,%


/- / ,< -?'mk: Zentraedi Minlster of Afrairs


Age: IICY ''-'N





'  ' 'h.





$ njumc h

z r %






advsor to oolza and lsreetai. is ( h'A ) 1

tlae voice of oe law rezarding tlce zentraecli , I

wzv. i Irs playsical uefor-mîtles-lcave caused lnis ' ' '  ) '






























:) esostuî'dx

















j jech

n o1o vv. :lats bullianr scie n nst dsc o vc rs hy .

that Robotec : n lo gy is th e rn eans of creas n - x-

bio rn ec h a njcal life forces. I.or irxe uore, ea

)1 )1'. 1 ls the phpical embodim ent of the

future of Robotech- a key to imm ortallty.

He very mucln wancs to take the batlle

forlress from the humans. i Iowever Exedore <

is also aware of the lnvid's lnterest In

Robotechnology and tlne fear of those allens

in addltlon to his prowing dlssatisfat-tlon witln

tt4e Zentraedl way of life, fofce him to join /lth the Micronians fn an effort t() keep the

y j f


j yj

e jrm. ts oufjj Rjyabyyotj se


Q n () l C) )y :0 m fa 1 I n i n to j r k


$ y

k,p ) 



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7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 165/261

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Ah .

+. ' l1 t. v

/ p


y .,

) p


/ -. ' - @

vi .

Rank: Zentraedl Warlord

Age: lliY




/ '

' / ' hyron has a nkkname- the Psack SY

/ h t)er.. -ant he does tus best to live up to it C)f

lk a11 the Zentraedls Khyron probably exhibitb

l m ore hu man chractensfcs when he L>t  ,


appears than his fellow akens. Unfortunatdy

none of these attributes is good or noble. He


l h rtunlst who dellghts Ins a glor'f ungor oppo

the slaughter of hs vlctlms. I'he end Iustllies

the means--that's Khyron's motto. He wnll

dt stop a: nothlng tch acNleve his owm ends, from't



x r entire yanets up to and  k. yjw annlhllaaon o

yhv 'h. . I o: sacrgjw or xs own men

  ,1 t Tncluding





.1 bà Whlle lsreeui and Fxedore seek to capture

I ....- -' ) .)' --.x ece $1)F.l and rzie knowledge lt Nolds,

Khyron, bored wlth the Lengthywar schemes  destroy the fortress


He ls not relnctant too



show hIs contem pt for his superior officers or

/ ' - for the Zentraedl Iifestyle. He shares a hldden



rs .


- .



relxonslalp vkqth Azonja a lciglvranklng








1 female zentraed) commander. 'rhis goes=


agalnst the Zentraedl culture wlliclà forblds  interpersonal relatitmshtrls betsveen men antI ((/1k


women. wio oeexcepcon ofzvzonz, most  (


. .


# -yw


)h . -w f) y j;1'1 ''i pzoen






e (s








r :

p l


j k






, s




a j


o g$,j;

fft it


a r'







j , ,

< .








; ;



excelx to tryand stay out ofhis way. Khyron

>' desenshls rlost dunngbattle hoplngto retum



Q g . Xxx .' 1 after the fighting is over to defeat tlle

  ' wz/ #' +'-

weakened lctor and capm x le œcxl of  ''



Robotechnology for hfmself.

1. y y x  . j



t h



C '1% 0 * 1 57

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 166/261

* Xx

. .

.. ) /



, .

l .1

..w :  F I

< , :

g ' j @  -

. .

' ; ;.ank: Capuln


Zentraedl Alr Force z'

Age: 11 'Y ' X



w *

y, ..


;, y,/ ? .. .s

,  ''..x J






. .

$ '. /



z ,






s the ace El ter pllot of dne Zentraedk gf <> $ J t

R' odlla, h4iNya leads Qne alzck on one St)h l M ' lj xe

v/hëch resull (n Nne deadn of R oy Fo k ken c7)

l-fowever, turing the battle she Is defeated ln ,-.



V -'

co nnbat by Iéeutenant à4aM nnlllian (h4ax) ve

Stecling. iler vvar: or p; de cannot accept Z - ;

< t ûC jefeat


5he rerurns to banqe --again and 1

aga n --(0 cNYlen ge her Zctor. o nly (o be î

e. :ç ''x y

efeattld- agaln and again -' w'-qlx


v '


lnya s obsehkijon takes an tnterestlng F ï

Nzlst when she vislts the Protoculture Cham V Fh

ber and has herseif reduced rrom her normal

Siz:e (45 feet) to that of a M lcrorljan (approxi

mately t) feet) in order tcl lrtllltrate the SDl . 1 '

and aRrsaxçinate he7 enemy. Bu t during a x.

- .


Mvage knlfe hjjht wlth M ax M iriya comes to -' ' l

realize tlnal the emotlon slRe feels for h1m Ls

what the hulnans call Iove. She vows to stay 0 U ' à'

witb her newfound mate and rrlake her h

home wir.h tlne M lcronjans. M iriya glves billh

(0 a daughter Dana- proof that General

Dol/a's theones regardlng the common

beglnnlng of Zentraedi and M icronlans x+ ,'z

are tru e.

.. .. ..

z' j  w

y '




/? xt


. .-'




17 . -t



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X' l k)









--e -= .




/ L/

p'f' .,



7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 167/261

 .r' ( vw .C

xj . . , x w.yx . J 1 @ * ...- ; j g



L v

. .



zj Ranu: oeneral  -. . wge: IF(v


1. .> ''' *>


j -,--. j 


x , ;

zy ?

1) ./ - .





  olza is the suprem e com rnander ()f the


Zenrraedi Arm ada. His interest in Robotech



e'N. / lop


y and tlae solc.i stems h'om tlae  ' 1 no  zentraedi's inability to repair any of tiae

''''-k ' i t jn their vas armaua


'rlcis was one . r equ pmenf k, ' of rple xaregktards bullt into trle system by tlne


( ' ' ' Robotecln Mastem wlnen tne zentraedf were  ''x.i / wl

aile Ilolza is unaw are of tlae details  Created.

k jl / of the system, he is întelligent enougo to 


/ gues. at tlnese secres svlt

h amazingaccuracy.  o

olza orbicis lais soldie:s to com e into conuct  ?


w ith the M icronians in any w ay other lhan

axsigped m ilitaly m lssions. I le reasons tlnat

d tlnere is m ore of a connection betw een the

? Zentraedi and the M lcronians than eieler slde

is aware Of. hventually, he dlscovers tlnat his

m eories are true.

1 . l


/ - p

f '- w .  ,  '



7 ; ' -<- n . *



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CH AR I'ER '1W 0 * 159

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 168/261







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, ,

# 7. ...s.w-sx-.. ':;../ /

.- -


x '

A . A. 5 r ' ''* v ,'* '  4 w.

t '

A  . # 1

ank: Zentraedî Warlord t . p

M e: lEY ' +'



h -

y ox wzonla Ls Lhe com mand e

r of the fem ale '




pilots. She Ls a skilled respected, and powerful '-  z'r 'N .

vlarNor 1 veould seenl tha her unusual - - )  1

relationshîp with Khyron ls as confusing to m.4


her as it w ould be to her fellow Zentraedi- . if .e '@


q' $ ( ' .,''---

t were openly known. ln her way. Azonia fs ( l ( j '

as arrogant as her lover . . a trajt too common Xj -.' 

rlords during the hj




....,.,...-m ong the Zentraedl W a

various battles ror the SDF 1 .



< j$

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  : *' *1 - ? /

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g.M ju...-

. Roscyrscn Alrr 1 /


--' //

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 169/261

Q * * * * @ @ * *

<--Q--- Fu n k: Inyelligence (lpe


vk ïe ) .


Age, ,E.y

'r' tt 4s > .,--- ?



6,3 wp . ) . ï

. 1. hh

x l'r


4.  -x. ,-- ' k ./ (

o 'w*  '- - %- ,c;, Ly $t Bron, mco, ana Konua are zeotraedî sples  ( E




lF' ' . sent to infiltrate t'ne SDI: 1 to garher informa



1 ' <..-..- . uon which would be of value ln plotun: oe

j / ---- h cicfeat of the Micronians. M sples, they try to

' r p y blend into tlaelr surroundinps


to become an 

i q unnoticeable iart of the MLcronian culture.


'I'laey succeed too well. Not only are rhey


x ...,.---

seduced bythe M lcronian way oflife. theyfall

in love vzlth the soI2 l bridp


e cx w tno-

l z $ l / Kim Young, Sammle Porter, and Vanes.a

' j / ' leeds .as well. 'rhey become typical or (he

h .a.z zentraedi deserter


Impressed wjth wlnat

' -'''--

they percelve to be an Ideal Iifestyle- ar;d

Lyrln M inm ei's slnpng- tlney zock ln droves


to the SI)F I and, ultimately, Earth for

( ' sanctuarp llron Rico and konda are three of

/ tlne h1st zentraed' I to b'e lncorporated lnto therefugee population of Macros

s Clty.

. .jv.)- - . .,s 


.... : / ,0.----h,






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h Ranlq: I


, . J.-. Age: ùa


<. #,


n ö'

O ?Q

w- I

ll h/ )

se daughter of hrax an d sr'nsra sterling,

o Dana is not only the first chiLd born from a%

unlon between two races she ls the first child

yz to be born rrom the wom b of a done. Dana is


h among tlne first graduates or rhe Robotech




r ) Mlliury Academy Iounjed ln (hc aftermatla

r of (he Hrst Robotech War


llana is very7 femlnine Her chilfj lfke cunoslw combpned

vz ua jler naxral lntelpiqence compassioc

and cunoslty seem odd combinations lo

make a successful soldier but sofrtehow lt

works. Crossbreedpng pves her the added



dlrrtenston ot precogpttlt)a concerrttag tlw

Robotech M asters and their schemes



atso shares an unusual psychic bond $.v11 the

W '-' renegade clone


Zor Pnme. Dana is the



caulyst for much oç tlne action that takes place

I * during the Second Robotech War


I @ @


t aa


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7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 183/261

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7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 184/261





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1 / If



I I I '' '

i ' 't C

* '- @ A A * *

g ..-. u ,


h/ v,.-. Rank: I ieutenant 


g' J I t' ' I


:-- Age: 19

J ) 'I' ., :1





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.. y . )

l h. /


j C

hj I ova is one of the hipahest t'3nking womenN


7 / in the elite Global Mahu,v pollce



appealinsy arrractive. slae maintalns a cold

ourer shell. She is a soidier first and forem ost

and nothing getti kn the way of her job. As part

j of miliut'y intellîgence. Nova has the tlnanklegs

l()b Of trying to garher information from


carltured spicts and prisclners ()f war She is  ( ( enviout


almost jealous (ng Dana SterLing's



e % carefree artitude and lhis cause: great tension  ,


V bepNee n th e nvo w o m e n


'Fhelr n vz r/

lncreases vzh en Nova is place d ln charge of

1 the interrogatlon of Zor Pnme Nova m ust

' ( Lecomqws the greatest Challenge Of her llfe-

personally 3nd profesxslonally.





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7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 185/261


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7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 186/261







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I ,






14k ''.'.'




h'-%C2'-*-'= < :' ,r- 1 î( Rank: Iarivate


, , . . .

j ,,  /1l : l Age:

no- < ' ?

t-z  / , . - . - 7

k ' ) D 5, ' t





. . .





Forrnerly a firua lieutenant, sean plailllps  I

t ''- 'A was demoted to the rank of prlvate becakse




f h1s am orous advancep- unfortunarely to  ()

tlle w rong w oman at the R'ors Om e. Sean l5;

the troop's Carxnnova. He is also an excellent3

com bat soldier and w ell liked by hIs fellows.

He lnas dimculty adlusting wlnen Dana Sterling

becom es lAis new Com mandlng Oflker en

ially i n liguht of the fact that she was on'

ce a

N sergeant under his comm and. rhere s even

m ore trouble in store for him when SeaT: falls



in iove really in love- m th M ane Crysta .





M x









7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 187/261

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M y t







7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 188/261

Cov w.

n -t


/ r * - *

llznrklc: Iàrlvate

Age: 18


$ /


h e you nger brother of Claudla ( ; rant

yj llowle is a sensitive and talented musician. He

is not really suiled for military llfe and seem s

to stay in trouble. His one ally js Ilana

Sterlîng llana ls lnore llke a slster (han a

comm anding taflicer to Bow ie and together

Lhey face many danqers. Bom e stays at odds

y vatln hfs guardian General Roll'I merson

. throughout m uch of the Second Hobotech

War. 1 lne muslclan and the soldier iust

don't seem to see eye to eye especlally

w hen Bowie finds himself attracted to the

'+ 'i1 jone

.M ustca.



't* y

w <;










tckx %-





7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 189/261

. '.:,<


k ' j 


 = J

A. - - A


/ e

Rank: I jeutenant (

Age; 20

à ..k

/ I

I . 7 ....-dependent proud Marie (

ro tal ïs a

feisty young wom an an ace fighter pilot and

a good friend So fellow oflicer Dana Sterling.

'Ibgether ttney lead their squads w lt.h tlqe tlair

of mililary precibion as well as a sense of A

turnor and hum anity. M arie falls in love w ltrl

Sean I7lnfllips-. not a w ise clnoice considennq

his reputatlon with w om cn ilut som ehow

Lhis qulh;y sold Ier m anages to prevail, ln battle

and 1 n love.

' zli


- -










v /. y

h -m


7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 190/261

( '




* @ p A 


i A





RAnk: Sergeant 





1 t


kU .

h / '


( ' espite tlce space battles Ne constantly

finds hlm self Involved în Anpe is a very

dow n to earth klnd of gsuy. l Ie grew up

du rinpa the initjal conflict benvet?n Tlne Zen

traedi anci the lnum ans. #1e regards lnis


colnrnantling officer Dana Sterling, wltln a

m lxture of curioslty Chaumnlsm and respect.

He's always game for a qood fight.

& i

O V h t 1 *  , c.:7*

..e l ; , z''-


p h ,e-'




q .-s u


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WR Gew-k  -


4 ' 4, ,G 7)? 'W 



y . N .17:

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c <


7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 191/261


G J/  * (

ltarklk: (-clrptlral 1

Nrge: 2() $

y v %


- /70

< <

lkouie llves ln a vzorld of his ovrp crea: on.

A lanky hybrid of punk and nerd, the young

genius excels in mechanlcal dexterity and

llves only for the study of Robotechnology.

He is constantly tinkenng with vanous

èsmechax'' h. a result, he becomes quite arl

lnventor. lt would seem thpt if Iaouîe can

thlnk of a maclnine he needs to solve a certain

problem, a1l he ha k to do is slt down iong

enouj?,h to fiddle wlth enoug,b circults,chips,

and metals. and- l/ct/p HIs only dissaas.

kctlon Comes about when his machlnery ls

put to use ln mzap lne dld not intend. f'V



/'-. x tj




) p , 

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x j 9 ,v. & .

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4 .w


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) ......- ..- x



r- ' ? .y

7 tk .


7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 192/261

P' j

( -- --

n. '.'>



/ Io - œ - œ  (7


j Rank: General

ge: 45

hq ,


Q* olf EnRerson is an exam ple of the m lli

tary's Iinest. Respected by his troops and


% fellow oflicel's for his sklll and humanlty, lae

plays out hîs hand in the Second Robotech

W ar w it.h a slnàw lar sense of pum ose. He ls

Isow le G rant's jw ardian. W lnile he reels

responsible for trie youngs m an and takes his

com m ltrnent senouslys it's obvious that he

feels gsenuine affection for Bow ie as w ell. H e is

X ''-'Q= constantly at odds witln Suprem e Com mander

I .eonard, and despite his ow n rank Em erson

hnds hîm self ancl his m en in trle unhappy poxî.

tion of playing sacrtficial paw ns in t.eonard's

futtle atternpt to destroy trte Robotecrl M asten;.

N. l 'Qu  '


C H A R I'ER TH R EE * 18S

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 193/261


.(< '4

. -% xr 'xu

e A * * <

R ank: Suprem e C om m ander Eartlq Fcarces

A ge: so .,r''--

$ k

/ .



. = . = ,


lrlrem e C om rrlanf-ler l .etDnarf.l IS a IO NK


etjc bigpt. A skilled soldler and bdlliant



tactician trle m an is nevertheless so blinded

by Utis fear of tlqe invadinpa allens that he is

w illîngs Eo sacrihce everythlng- încludinq

Farth and her people- in an effort to annihi *

late trle Robtatech M asters. t Jnlilte G eneral

Ernerson. he îs unw illing t.o negpîiate. H e

w tould prefer the m urder of alien prîsoners to

their interrogatîon. In The end . it is I .eonard's

u nreasoning fear that brlno about the clefeat

f trie laumans and tbe Robotech Mastem by /

tlae Invid during tl4e Second Robotech War. k



- %


1. ''ï

N >

6 * RO BG I'EC H A lrr 1

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 194/261

K m

x Y


* * 1 * A œ

Rank: M asters of Robotechnology

Age: l EY

ttft Itoboteç:lc M EGQ:'G are the ones clfrâroy tl4e mam x anG thle hcst planet



who jnlt send tlne Zentraedi l ories 'l'he Robotech Masters are ageless and

after the SDI' l and the proto arrogant


'I'hey have devlsed a lifestyle wlnere

culture factory hidden on board the Iesser peoples-- clones- walt on their

rl4e shlp. After the end of the ltin;t betters the Robotech M asten;

. 'rhese allens

Robotech War the Robotex:h Mas onglnally created the Zentraedi W arriors and

ten; make a fifteen.year journey to tlne ciones (o serve ttle Robotech Masrers


Earth. 1 'hey are desperate to tlbtaln 'l'lnis class structure has conlm ued for count

the protoculture factory. less generations and Nas evolved Into a

Iluring the Iourney, the Robo lileless, stagnant situatlon


1he Robotech

tech M asters uqe up m ost of the M asters cannot conceive of their creations as

precious protoculture m atrix ln order Individual units only as property


M a matter

to Ylovv m ir 53 cha and cIo e of co De in order to preseree a se se of

workers to fu nction properly. 'J-he-se dependency


they have devised a mad llfe.

- '-'

aliens are enveloped w 1:?1 a keen sense or style wherein the clone Slaves tive artd

urqency. They rnust have the protoculture mate in groups of three



for their race to contfnue along the path thciught and/or actlon outside the trkad is

they have devised Nclt only that they severely punished


have discovered an Invid sensor nebula W hy did the Robotec/t M asters devise

Scoutirtgtlw fou 'ttl quadrant of the galaxy (n sktch a clals Structure? 'I'he orisnal Masters

the vicinity of fQrth. Now it becom es a race were obviously bnlliant to have been able to

against trie blological clock to get the proto develop and nurture the sciences tlneîr des

culture before it has a chance to m utate, lnto cendants live by


Unfortunately. dunng the

the Invid Flower of l

ife. I'he Robotech tjm e of tlne Second Robotech W ar tlne soclety

M asteïs know that if they cannot T'ecover The h;zs closed in on kletf


lt has already reacbed

protoculture or lf it is found in irs m utmed tile hefght of ics grandeur and seems r() be

condition their only alternatlve to presenre walting to die


the balance ()f the universe (as they see it) is to


- cjw qxu vyjyaz . jsg

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 195/261

, ,-s .













f ' Y

@ - * e G'XFI.

z>=q' >' )


-?'' ''L z,ank: Bforoid Rlot


j' 'ge: Undetermined


L-m' o

- ty? 1

or Pnme is one of the rnost m emorable

and tragc heroes ln the stc)r/ of ROBO-

TECH. l he handsome youth ls actually tlne t -'

5rst done of Zor, the father ol Robotech

nology. He is the Robotech Mastem' last hope + ï 3 

// k ) jo re gain the secretT 0 th e protoculture -

factory and Robotechnology .

The onginal Zor d1d not agree wi .h tlne (

& .

philosophy of h1s fellow scientists. W hen he .''


r- ?

develope d te science of R obotech he - GN '

data alonjjwith the only existing protoculture

seed factory in the reflex furnaces of the

SDl- 1 . Then he sent the battle fortress on a m V

one way trip into the nether repons of space. k

Tlne Robotech Masters activate Zor Frirne lrl i g, 3

an etfort tcl regaln Zor's secrets and to use lnim

as a spy agalngt the humans. lheir plarls

backfire. The done shares ttle Same thtm ght

patterns as tlne origtnal Zor. O1d lmages and

memories retum in a series of nlghtmares

that are a source of untold torment. After all,

Zor lsrime is literally thrown into tlxe mldst of

tlle humans. H1s mllitary captors tttnk he ls


jne of the humans shanghaied lnto selvice - 1-%

for tlne lnvading aliens and an apparent

arnnesia xzictlm . 'h1S cruel treatment is only

another example of the callous attitude of the

Robotech Masterl. Fventually Zor Prime t


lsctwers w ho and what he is. He mrrls .co ''e' %'

ainst tlle Robotech M asters and Ocnlices V.



(''' -'g

himself to destroy the gatactk tyrants. Unfor. (:)

tunately, hls noble act results in the successful

lnvid invaslon of Earth. V>








k k.v

)A v


7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 196/261





/  xqy

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az- -, -


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3.. t.-k---'y(;;?.






yl (- k.





$, etrs -/7- (t


ln Q' ?


cju gyva n juss . jsp

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 197/261

I ,


,,,d1;- . ti ('î' .

'V' r I = , 5

2 f

A u


lhank: C1()ne Non.mllifary Status '

A ge: Undeterm lned

j zM'








y,-'''S z



( ;'-'''f::'




çî?;:'... .



p h v. ?



' 2 /

' ' /

usica, with her sisters Musell and Musle, t vsf.fpff

are responsible gor keepînhjthe w orkepdones ' .'>

content. M usica plays the cosm ic ham an

lnstnlm ent a. 1OVeIy and resonant as 1LS

M h h itifm tlntil '' ''' Wttslclan


LISiCEI is EPPY ln er f)OS

She meets the human (and fellow muslcianl, Xj

Bow'e orant. uer ïmmediate and imwnsibie l'zxfft/lL,

q,ttraction to tlne young man changes her life


/ 'j ry) 1 X

'Ib the alarm of her sisters and friends, she 1









y y .. yegi

. ns to question the ways of the Robotech / .. .x

Masters. llnable to condone tlne / ' '7 ...zr $

Imposed on her and her people the gentle  l )uslca eventually becomes one of the lead



lng figures in the rebelllon agalnst the - ,''-% -

Robotech Mastem. yt .. .. 



t,. v


A * * J

Izimk: l.ieutenant 'Ra $ y

Age: Undeterrrdned ' . # h f I k

s  I2 p '4

. , ,

.- j ,j j


1 -wy







/ ( ,'











/ ( ? -'-  ' x- y

arno ls an example of ti3e Robotech e' / -as'tem' breedingand condltjonlng. The Robo. e

tech M asters întend hlm to be M uslca's m ate. . *

'l'he lovely rnusician rejects Mm because of .,.,J '- h


x /er love for the Mfcronian Bowie Grant

Karno ls m ore upset over her independent h

thougoht, her rebellion against the StRobotech

Way,'' th> her pelsoral commitment to I ï

another man. He cannot accept any clnanges jx r

L'the way. '' M a result. he seeks retreat fn .p- I X/n

7he m lhtary


hoping to destroy trle M icronian s- '

<' tw

menac:e before ît corrupts any more of me h $ . c:

Robotech people . ' 'k$

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 198/261

e=t1* -





tyt ). ''-:w..

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7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 200/261

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7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 201/261

* ROBW ECH ART 1 ' - -

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 202/261


7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 203/261

* e * e A œ A

U m


Tn c T lc n k n lR FO R C E

'l'he basic A ir Force D ivision of trte t Jnited

Lartrl G overnm ent. 'I'his L'l tlae division w hicln

trains com bat pilots and all teclnnical svppoa

team s for conventional

m itksions.


<> V



.s v eAea.r t>


e k.eo


c 1V IL D E F E Y S E



(G r a V k



T lnis divisîton is used as basic Civillan

policing force. 'l-hey are assigned to pro.

tect the local Cities and encam pm ents and

provide a lnigah profile for the United l:artrt

û,' overrtm ent.

A self.explanatory concept. 'I'his m uad

w orks in conjunction w it.h the Civil lDefense

Unit to police tlae non m illbary oum osts and

clties w hicln have sprung up after tlae First

Robotech W chv.

ô e RO BG FEC H A R+ l

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 204/261

* e Q * A * *


E lz -


c o s M lc u m lT s

'l-hese are rMe troops of tl-le United Hal-th

ûlovernm ent w ho hw ard the various ofr

w orld m ilitary outpost: and orbzdnq space

stxatlons which provide security and research yxx








suo; rytwosbpojîj e% 13 R esearcln G ro u p . '1 hey c ants in case of emerqency.

G R O U X O -B A S E D N '


A lnigohly secrelw e organizaljon w hlcln

reports directly to the s'uprem e com m ander '

taf the t/nited Earth G overnm ent's Arm y of

trle Southern Cross. '1hks secret police group e,

m onitors înternal affairs and functjons as the * *

lneadquarters for inteiligence gatherinq. -l73e


Dùost ellte division of the Govem m ent s qk


' o 'ortilitary prohle


the GM P often acts on its . q: zr +.h

w ith r.h 1 know ledge of 'w n out e approva or

O ir SUPCNOPS. n Lp Yjn Tn c T jc n L

A R M O R E D c o n p s

n e ellte unit ot the tactical corps arxsigned

the N'UR of pilotinq the rem arkable Veritech

Hover 'lànk- a transfomaable heavy ar

m oured personnel com bat vehicle. 'l'lne Jklpha

Com s is able to w ork w ith m ost of the

various divisions of the tlnited Earth G ovem

m ent's other tactical groups. CDrlly the best

soldiers are inducted into the Alpha Corps.

C R E * 1 97

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 205/261

* e œ e A o 4

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3::Ak. o m (zce AX IF as


s p n c E c o R p s

'I'he equlvalent of tlle A lpha Squad ln

regard to tlaeir elite status in the U nited I lal'th

G ovem m ent's A ir Force. The pilots of rlle

Arm oured Space Corps are assigned to the

Ve ritecrl AJ A(TS- a transfo rm able attack

'ctlpter capable of prolongsed fligaht în outer

space. They also pilot a version of the Verltecla

lnrone Bom ber- in the K'I .tagan'' M tode-

w hich is a pow er'ful ofrensive w eapon system .



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As xou. œz.w<t,;z

sq%% u

m c T lc n t c o n p s

l he basic lnfantry unit of the l Jnited E Tartri

û; overnm ent . ' I 'his division is tlae equivalent

of the contem poraw U nited Staates M arine

C orpx. ' l'lney are able to go into a variety of

terrai ns and environm ents v.4t.14 a sim ple

chanpae of uniforrn.

Variatlon on standard tactical corps. F7îf.

ference is in ordnance of w eaponry and

cotnbaî arm our.


7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 206/261

* e * e < * h


E-C O Y E s c o n T


'1 'lnese are the m em bers of the tactical

corps responsible ftor a11 conn m unlcations.

related m issions. They function as inteiligence

Mtatherers and provide tactical support for

G rou ndbased M ilitary Police


M o tlm m lY O F FEm S E

s o lln o

A specialized branch of tl'le tactical coms.

I'his Squad is assig


rtecl trle task of patrolling

the m any m ountaln ranges on tbe planel . .l.k

groundbased urtit.




#P2b yaiwtxto*

s En s o u n o

Baslcally, ttqe N avy D ivision of the A rm y of

tlne Soum ern Cross. 'l'hese troops w ork as

eim er re.con or offenmve unils. 'l'taeir action is

conhned to deep w ater research in the

developm ent caf protoculture.

C H AN ER 'FH REE e 10

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 207/261

* & Q e A * X




Js.  ---


. -x7 N




O F FEY S IV E s o u n D

Basically. tple 'tf-) reen Beret'' of tlqe tactical

corps. 'lMese trocaps are askslgned to m arshy

environm ents. 'Ihey are m astel's at cam ouflage

and inhltration.

c o Lo w En T u En

owwexûlwe souno


; J 1 .




;$ ;'j

D ES E R T s c u n o

'I'he tlnited Eartln G overnm ent versLon of

trle ''French Itoreigrt l .eqion.'' Stationed at

rem ote desert outposts, ' tlnese troops m an

beavy artillery. 'I'hey are savage fiWuel's who

relisln trle opportunity to engage in hand to.

hand cornbat.

A notlner variation of the basic tacljcal corm .

Arxsigarled to the polar regjons, these troops

are assigxned to protect tlae Robotech Research

Scienlists w ho are active in the regon. 'Ihey

are also trained for first.strike capability.

* * RO BG IK H A RT 1

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 208/261









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7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 210/261

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# JxHluNEvwlox


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7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 211/261








(  * * â * *

T=---  rup zasl )1

- -



Rank: Lieutenant -$a

Age: 20 - -

orn in outer space during the llnited

lrarth ('overnment's hxpedltlonary Misslon, t h .....x.

Scott Bernard ls one of tlRe new generatton of

Robotech Ilefenders. He ls a pilot (n the Mars 'J*) **' 1.ivlskon

  one of the advanced interstellar -> Ar-

x .-

j) --attations trying to reclafm l:art

ln from ttle

lnvld. He retums to hfs ancestral planet aq One

of tlne only burvjvors from this advance ' wwv --

's fiancee, Mar + '- 1 *1r' Jobotech detachment. Scott .


ene, wa.% kllled in the inmal batrle. W lnen he -..w.

recovers frorrl the shock of tlls disastrous 'v'w'-

landtng, Scotlsets aboutto fullill his mihaon to -

reach Rezex Point and join Admlral Rlck L-

Hunter's new army at all costs. A natural bu(

sometlmes reluctant Ieader, lkrtt accurnu. '' ' ' .,

Iates orher Farth rebels on tlne way to Rezez )

Polnt and forms a resistance force that battes

the In'/id invade?N as they make thelr way to u''.':xx -- -'-

the ultimate battlegm und. A moody and

driven young man. Scc)t't must relearn the %W'


M nalue of Men dship No nn his nevv acquain Jv6n

? k 'n.f' -ances as he nnoves toviard hjs jnai goal. 7




BG IYCH All'r 1

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 212/261


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7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 213/261


ç k% .

â *



Rank: Non military status. Resisunce y'

Figlnter, Entenainer /

Age: 22



:- $

he n Sc ou Bernard meets Lancer he J

discovers that thls young man ls already a

seooned freedom âghter. l-ancer has becn

working undercover as a popuiar female =

singïng star, Yellow Dancerf a role he created -'*

to avoid capture by the Inmd. lzncer qutl lnis

solo career to loin hkot4 artd the others in tlnelr S




fight against the invaders. However, he not

only continues to use his altemate ldentita/ to .

spy on the ln'ad and their supporters, but as a





morale.bulldlng entertainer in the style of ' .6 x x..-ynn Minmel


Tlne handsome, androgynous

yous ts quick to rrtake light of hks pecullar

situatton. He's a good fnend (0 have in times

of trouble, a tlnoughtful advlsor and a cour. ..''

a eous talented fighter. lt's h1s ability to see --' 11


beyond the obvlous that helps bringabout the




tenutive peace between lnvid and hum ans a:

the end of the 'Fhird Robotech War.

- -



z rx' V

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7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 214/261









- A @'.'='



Rank: Non m ilitarf sotus






Age: 7  / Na


z,. %


/ w y

- --

D >

young and lm pressionable freedom

fipahter, Rand ls a self taught survivor


He has

rnanageö to live off the land on hfs ow'n and 

J'N-s ( Xti l avoid capture and slavery by the lnvld


*-' ' %- when he joins Scorr Bemard

,Rand begins a 

f seïf discovery. He becomes youngourney o

Annie's protector. An orphan of the lnvaslon  Ni

m self, he understands Annie's situation


from filsthand experience


Under Scott Ber.

rtpkrci's guldance ltand becomes arz excetient




com bat soldier. kvhen he falls in love witllw )




% Rook Bartley h1s corflm itrflent to her ls total

C His outaoing' and affectionate nature ls a

% '.

w pelfect foil to the (adepertdertt femate  x


a - ' freedom fipahter.



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7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 215/261

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7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 216/261


-onm- '

> .



 ' , ,

h -'' * @ * Q A *




Ranlt: Nonvmiiitary sutus Resistance


( Hgyter

/ ' / Age; I 8

; k


l 5x +' J ''- /


ook Bardey 1S a defensive young w omen


She values lner fndependence and Is happiest

when living by her o'.mh w1:5 and warrior+

skillG. ln the past, she was parr of a vigilante

motorcycle band called the Blue Angels that

y was formed to defend people against another

gang of violent renegades, the Red Snakes

Ambushed by the Snakes supposedly at tlAe

betra/ng hands of her own people Rook sets

off on her ow n vowing to trust no one agaln


 m er, she runs into Scoc Bemard and his

garowing underr ound resistance arm y



) hnds Q4at these people are figùting for the

t same things she's always belleved in and feels

Compelled to Ioin them . At times her

growing afection and dependence on l4erY

friencls-especlally laerfee@lnpfor Rand-  new

/ cause herto panic. She comes close to leavin:

. tt)e gzoup on sexeral oucaslons. But even


tually Rook Iearns she l4as m ore to gain w1:


love and Mendsl'tip than by returning to the




k soëtary Iife she's led for so many years.

u%v ev

x z -

( .h


n .


>r' k


C ER 1701.111 * 3O9

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 217/261




Ranlc: Non m lllury sutus %--



fze s


à.ge: 1 3



Spunky Iittle Annie has the dlstjnction of ' ' '

being the youngest in the famliy ()f resisunce : --- '' ''G'


/ . s-

fighters that revolves around Scott and his .

rflirksion to get to Reflex Pclint. Annle has Ior;t

her parents to the lnvasion but it's apparent .





r.u m



h me life. she O 6 .'z$ '2JD .he has never known a laappy o =

J '-w

.q - yets about adoptlng a new family wlt

.h a Y-.

Annie is an outrageous zirt, and /engeance.

freqtiently her enthusîasm gets her into more .>.-

trouble than she can handle. -



) c .


j C: - ' . 7 . - (ryr-i -

o '

4 ,

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tpv-? .. s j y. .. ,




.yrs..- --- .... .









2> Ih








/ p w- N -

0 * ROBOTECH Altr 1 ' '-

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 218/261



lkank: Non mllitary status. Resistance



i'il tG


Age: 24



p .


- -

- -

In sfze alone


l u nk seems to be tlae  k

respdenr brute of tlne underground arm y



) However, his slze is at war wlth his Instincts

u h and he wages a personal baxe aganst what

h -'x r lce perceives to be his feelingvs of cowardice




ks- arld inadequacy. His is a Iovlng petsonality

whose compasslon for othel's is balanccd by

strength and courage. Lunk has a good sense

Y hum or. a talent he frequently calls on-


especially when he must uke care of Annie.



A y

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4.. ,---



7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 219/261

R nn k: lnvid fDueen M otlaer

A ge: IFEY

lqe Invid Iive by the w ord--. ancl w laim - .-

of thelr Czueen. A s a representatlve of her

racex Regis seem s to exrlibit tlae sam e

arrogpnce and cklriosity of Hartla's previous

lnvaders. the Robotecrl M asters. I Jke tlne

Robotech M asters the Invid tnave left ttneir

Llom e to search for the protoculture substance

they need to survîve. T hey feel they can*t

afrord to show the conquered bum ans any

consideration; trte Invid enslave w hat tlaey

do n't destroy. 'l'laey are unable to put dow n

al1 of Earth 's rebels. Scqltt Bernard's band of

freedom ligaloters seem especially resltant to

trle Inqrid force. T'rte lnvid O ueen M otlaer is a

cool and calculatng being, intelligsent and

ruthless. ln her quest for know ledge, slae has

devised the G enesîs Pits w rlere slae subjects

Invid larbrae to radical gsenetic reprogram m ing.,

turrting them into various life form s such as

dinosaurs. draaons, and hum artoids in an

effort to gain as m ucla know ledgp of ttne

lJ' a rth , i ts i n hab i tan ts . an d i ts io i sto ry

as possible.

D espite laer alien natures Regis feets respon

sible for rler people in the sal'ne w ay A dm iral

Rîck H unter feels responsible for Eartla and iLs

people. W hen faced w itrt tlae tlaoujA t trtat tine

hum ans w ould annihilate the planet rather

than subject them seLves to life under Invid

raale. Repjs leads her people baclc into space.

'I'h ' the rem nants of tlae roto-y consum e p

culture and Kfrise to a higalner plane.**

Z e R O DG TK H A lt'r 1

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 220/261

A -

5 A


RanR: N on.m ilitary status Invid Sim ulagent

Age: IFW

/ -'..w arlene is one of tlne lnvld larvae devel

oped intto a hum anoid sim ulagent. Slne is

placed w im in Scott Bernard's group of free.

dom figalnter.s to act t;zs a spy


'lM e resistance

force hnds her at the scene of a recent lnvicl

attack. 'l-laey believe this beautiful young

w om an is an am nesia victim still in slaock

and unable to talk due to the lnorrible traum as

slae's endured. Scort Lancer Itook Rand

and tlne othel's adopt her into Llneir fam ily.

Scott nam es the ghrl S'M arlene'' after l'lis dead

sancee. l-ater, they discover that slae is an

En'zid agent and her nam e is Ariel.

But M arlene has experienced traum a- -

altlnougah at the bands of her ow n people. She

has been <idropped*' in the lnum ans' hands

w itrl Ettle care or conslderation. She rlas no

iuea trlat sloe is an Invid

. Slne gvem 's to trust

and care for l7er com panions


Slne also falls in

love w ith Scott lsernard


c l't/tK 'F.R FO U R * 2 l3

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* +

* A w

Rank: Invid Shock lhooper

Age: 1EY


era ls one of the Invid M other's young z .

ueens. 1 jke Ariel, she is an Invid Iarvae /

hum anoid. Unform natelv, as a lAum

yj ' -reatu re s e ls prey to em otlons that the

lnvid have managed to avoid. 1 ëke M usica

and Bowie Grant, M ax and M inya Sterling,

Sera knows her m ate w hen she m eets lnlm .

Sera rejects her lnvid training for Lancer. Sera

m aintalns her sense of clury and m es to

protect the Queen M other as the Ress Ieaves

tlne planet. Her love recogruzes the Justice of

her duty and helps her. lt is this ellective

team up between atlen cultures that helps

bring about the end of the Third Robotech .

war. ) . f




c A ''w

* ROBG IECH ART 1 - - -- - - - -

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* f  e -


Rnnk'' lnvid Shock Trooper

A ge: IW

Yike Sera, Corg is another Invid larbrae that

has taken on hum an shax to live on Earth.

Iqis ilastincts are w arlike and aggreasive. I-le LS

unable to feel either com passion or a sense of

identity w ith the hum arls. ln tlle end, hks


= narrow -m înded pursuit of conquest cosrs him

l'tis tife.


c sjx jxja so tm . a ,s

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6 e RO BO TEC H ART 1 - -

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Battloid mode ''Alpha Soldler''






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CHAIC'ER FfvE . z2

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 229/261

anlmated progzams don't have to be ilke that.

W hat storyilne (Eollld bt) rnore 'aolent Lhan

(he prem hse of an alien force toqng to take

over the planf?l as lnitlated In 0)e rnk eplsode

of the benfs? We acttlally k om e lnto tlne

program seeinpy that lTarth is em brolled ln Lhe

mldst of a gioba: cL'sqi war. W ith tgle arnval of

lhe mystenous SDl- 1 peryoniyl banles are put

aslde as the com manders come to Lhe

startling reallzanon that there are outskde

forck's lhreatenLng tlne safela/ of Lheir w orld.

i or he fïrit Dme ln decades televlblon

carroon (EharEtctens are allowed to think lo

rea.son . I 'he heroes and he rolnes e'v'i? n the

vlllalns bek'ome three dlmenslonal character.q

In ROBOTECH we can exkxtnence Rlck

Hunter's trauma, passlng frorn chkldhood to

ad u lthood L n less than a day il. he comes face

to face w ith rhe Zentraedp pantl;. kvhat beqan

as a holiday for Rick t'urns Into a llving

nlghtm art' wêth anlazing rapîtjlrg. 'rhe trapc

death of Roy Lokker and lts effect ttpon hls

fnends and companions is equally mem orabkx

bke see Scott Iternnrcl's a1l but overw helm lnq

gnef at trle ko.%. of hls liancee. M arlene . how

he carnes her image w lth him througxhout

trle whole of The New ( 'eneration segm ent

of RO BOTECH jnally colnlng to terms

vknLIn and bulidlng a new life on the m em ory

of their relatlonshlp. It is a powerful statement

that turns hlm lnto one of the stronqest

charilctem ln the RO BO TECH serieb lcven

ttle happhpg,o lucky warnor woman, llana

yeràing. JrnDati?ô hf7r own n e t)f patkvge

when she reallzes tha the enemy she's kllllng


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* ROBG ECH All'r 1 - ---

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A#lght)'plro nè /14.% rjtLe ykqrro ?1o pl Jt

1 Q 8 0 8 1 rt () L o r rt' m a k b y I e ,z .1 k a

E) ro d l 1 c t L (3 n N f r


o 1 n 1 a p a n '1 o rk/t1 n .h 1

b L ac k a n d m' ël L 1 t a n k m e x'p rl es f l 0 /?

(J G I ( ( l () p'gr I îtbl T G 1 98 0 f ) Ga m u

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. .


  j.jïty. o

flrnfrrt)r f 1* 5)- the Erst color anlme series were colnblned for t J.S. airwaves as M arine

for Japanese TV. f'Ixat's riqht. Many of the Bov. M ushl Producrlorss followed up its

srst anim ated film s were created fn black and prevlous successes w lth the tale of an alien

white ) l'hroug,h arrangemenLs wnth the anlmal Lrio, W'osdi?r I lvee ( 1 t)65 I J.S. tltle

Amencan television nerwork NBC (whlch Amazmg rhree). And a studio that form ed  Ion?orro -5 roels one ofthe mO%1

gnrtlally funded the procluction of lung?e in 1t.?M Tatsunoko l'Yeahorse'') l'lrduc popuLdr sports sanas iapan laas evcr

linkpercv) the lwo programs were brought tions would g,o on to become familiar to known. Beprlnlnn as a manp.a ln

to the U.S. hn the mid.t)os under the titles audlences abroad throug


h their senes M ach 1 OS7.rl16'Crt'iùîlon Of arîltz l'elsuva

. . x n n

( : @ Ib a n d w L t e r l k k Lk a 1 w r a Iu r è d t' rstï'o /$oy and Kimiu lhe W'X/re laon

. '1 hese Q,o Q,o Go ( l W)7 retitied Speed Racer ln  r

e pse tl d o n y m A s a


() I a k a n) f3 r L i

tw o programs nOt Only earned a following in Am ericaj . vkience N/npà lèam Clalchaman .d a knock out wlsh ts tale of a

the Sltes tlnat still exists they also paved the 1 l 972 also known as Battle of The Pzanets, vollnq helkpon .1op Yabukk. as hc mrew

way for more anlme impons. As a zurry of and the three senes that m ake up ROBO - up îO bectDme a worLd ranked boxer

other televzion anlme studlos formed to take TECH : Super Dsrrler?sft)rl l''ïlreu M across Wblle' 'DDN9 tO Come tû terms wlth a

n n

d P ar 1) h) ' 11 a d c a tl s e rl 1 rl :th e rl n /t.

advantage of the booming Japanese 7-7 t 1982) lsene.zî.s (Jjmlx?r M ospeada f1983)  ' 1 t3 ??l f7 F r 1 $:'ç l 6) %6J a s G 7 : a n LTII a1 0 d LJ)

market, they found an eager Amencan and Super Dlrnelwt?n Cavally So/fher'n l()J(h and proved to be as tenaclous as

market for their shows too l'he 'I'CJ/E:lken f 1984) L q hlero earnlnfl a revlva: 1Il 1Q8O


qç. rkes It-.op',rrlg

rlls @; r.)80 I etsuyahe ocean with Elght M an f 1Q63) and Iron broadcast tlmetable took slnape with upward

. ahjba



Asao 1 aka nètlrt . I okyra Mobrl.?

an 28 (also I 963 but known ln tlle U S as of a dozen new anlme series belng produced spLlnsha and Nippon I'N' I

Glganlor). a show that w ould win a color each year. Varlety m'&5 a necesslty, and tlne '

remake l 7 years later ln Japan. Iokyo scope of I'V anime vadened to offer some

Ielevislon dldn't last Iong, but it ls remem thina for everyone. Shows didn't always have

bered for Fîp.h:.' M afne Ki4 ( 19t?t)) and 1Ls mass appeal but were rnade harith various

sequel. Sea Bed Foy' M anne t 19ô9) which groups of 'vnewera ln mlnd.

@ ROBG IECH Alt'r l

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ln the area of sclence Iictlon.- or sf as lt Ls

called in lnoth inngllsh and Japanese- anlme

adventures had Iirst been mmed for a younger

crowd. Ilut as Llne audience gem' up, sf anlme

becam e more senous and sophlsucated

W hen sf anlme matured ln the late lt)70s lt

triggereci a popularity boom for the entlre

genre. For years lt l4ad been just one of many

rorms of entertalnment. but now it began to

garrler a masslve fan following. loday those

iesons ()f devotees are catered to by upward

of seven dtfrerent monthly anlm e magazlnes.

each packed m th more LIRD 15O p'lges- on

sclssy btock and in color- with jrst clarxs

h'eebies endosed such as posters. minl books

on new series and other printed fun.fare

matenal. Fans can buy singles and aibums

of their favorite anime them e sonp and

BGM fBackground M usic) soundtracks.

I'hey can go to concerts featuring theme song

vocallsts and the actors and actresses who

provlde volces for tlne anlme characters

Several chalns of anlm e speclalty shopb keep

tl;l a steady stock of stationery, posters, beach

tow els rice bowls pre.rectlrded home vldeo

cassettes. actuai cels . . . well anything that

can be decorated w ith a ravonle anime

character's llkeness can be rnade avallable-

and ss made avmlable lo the interested fan ln

lerss than ten years anlme and jLs merchan

dlslng has ballooned lnto an lndustl'y bringlng

ln the equlvalent of btllions of dollars a year.

l'he tum around began ln 1977 1A41 Space

C'nalsec Famarta a specocularly popular theat

ncal feature culled from a modest 1974 series

of the rxnm e name. Buoyed a blt by the

worldwide suicess of S:ar Wàn; Lhe ïàma:o


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Galaxy Jqxpress QQQ senes and Matsumoto's Teclmopolice 2lC (Cenmry'/ by 7olno. one of

own manga vetsiorss of the sf senals as we2 as Iapan's biggest Elm producers, Nue began to

a new style Atcadlh graclng the Kreen in the expand Irom being iust a meka deslgner to

qlms Galaxy FApre?ls QQQ f 1979) Adieu becoming an essenual pm Of anime planning.

Galaxy âxpre.oç 999 f l ()8 l ) and Axadta of W ith the wriing skills Of founder 'Iàkachlho

M y Fclur?l ( IQ82), Rudlo Nue became a and Kenlchl Matsuzaki (a scriptor on tlne side

major force ln (he anim e lndustry.Shov.,s Llkg for M ob?ie 5tJJl Gundàm and anotlner robot

Zambo: 3 ( 1977) , the aforemennoned Fewtl  ( drama of l'tigh repute l980's Space Rtlnawap

fng Genelal Daff'rlos, arkd Gordfan r.he kvarrfor ldeonl ùnd the meki dengréllgj vazardr/ of

I1 979J . added to Nue's meka accomplish Naomi Katö


Kazutaka M iyatake and the

m ents. By 1980 thelr repuution for line sf buddlng Kawamori Nue went about creating

anim e work was unsurpassed. Tlne demand the erttîre world of 'Itchnopolke 2IC. h

for their deslgns increased. ground breaking proiect was next on the

1980 was a plvotal year for Studio Nue. agenda an sf anilne Series co.produced by

Conlncted to work on the feature hlm Japanese pant Tokyo M olne Shfrtsha tani.


7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 240/261

matoro of A'gpahry Lkbot%' a 1984 senes agreem ent waG reached that Studlo Nue

broadcast excLuslvely ln Nonh America) and would be ln charge of plannln?


and deslqn

Lrle F'rench company I ) C. hilms called ( f/y

*t;ô whlle the UEzu Corporatlon would handle

31 I he qulck learnlnq Kawamon w?ks pven producnon


free rern on the fob and came tlnrough w7t13 l'he t lLzu Corporatlon had Lhelr hea 'rs Set

another conquest for h1s comrades

  By on creaung a robot show and the'/ l4ad

Gumm er. Stksdlo Nue w&% sotlclly eotabhslleçi cenainly trom e to the ngta people


Nue hacl

P.G one of Llae best in the Lndustry. helped pioneer multipie piece comblning

And then the chance of anlm e Im mor robots Ln their deslg


ns for Combaqler k''

tallty came knocklng at Nue's door In kil/ft?s k' and Dalmos


During early plannlng

August of 1 980 a group called trle (

Jl,ru conrerences Nue and thelr new employers

Corporatlon approached the band wnth sorne batted around por

xstble comblnatCons 'IYlarlks

vaaue ldeas for a new sf show. l'he oppor to a new Space Crurlâec Eifnar film released

tunlty to deveiop an entlre prospectlve anlme that very month f3e Forever Fdnkaltl Nnt'tle

seneb was a new challenge and Nue Ium ped shlps were lnig

h on the publlc's tllt parade.

at rhe chance to be pan of (he team


An I ransformlng robor.s were weil llked roo, sfa

C R FIW * 233

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 241/261

why not create a batlleslnip tlnat could change

into a robot? Kawamon took the concept a

step funher and borrownng from som e of hls

unklsed rneka ideas ror Ulyues 31 placed an

lnhablted clty of 56 000 people wlthln a

1 ,200 m eter Ionps space battleship. l'hus, Lhe

rool of M across were born- but i: was

onjjnal ly tlded Battle t-/t'y' M egarTdo?

M egarsdo was a dual pronunciation play

on 1he Ensish words ''meqa road'' ln refer

ence to a great road made up of a m an's lkfe

and ''m ega load'' companng those 5: 000

people to extra baggage onboard the shlp.

As Lhe brainstormlng contlnued. a back

ground jor the M egarödo began to take

shape. W lth Nostradam us' predlctlons for the

future irm ly ln m lnd the m asslve batdeship

became an aken verxsel that crashed on Earth

in 1999 In tlne lnitlal story line, the F-arth

people establlsh a finders keepers possession

of the ship and rebulld lt dunng a ten year

penod. The scnptols had no ldea who

owned/bttllt the mystenous m am m oth.

lanem y allen robots were bnefly consldered

and Nue served ttp some small scale tenqo

twenty meter tall lcarth battle robot m odels

that could be piloted to jght the foe

hand. i$t1( the sentiertt allen robots were

eventually dismifksed as being too tredibllity

stralnlng,. 7'he vlllalns eventuaily evolved tnto

a race of otherworldly humanoid giants

whkh would still be ln scale w1t13 Earth's

batTle robots.

At the start of 1678 l M egars'o was still a

bketchy skeleton of plot fragments and meka

projects in provexs. However some dlfrer

ences had developed in the way Lhe l iizu

CorporaLion vlewed meir bralnchlid. Ulzu

wanted M egarödo to have an extrem ely sklly

slant --to be a grandlose m rody that would

lampoon the entire genre of warlt robot eplcs

and itself as well. Nue wasn' cornfortable

wnth that concept. Not only d1d they prefer

''hard'' rclence sf that kept to science fact as

closely as possible while preserbqng anim e's

sense of wonder they also had their hard.

earned status in the anime world to uphold .

Studio Nue could appreciate lipaht conledy

ancl farce as rrluch as anyone but Lhe parody

t Jizu was pushlng for w orried theln.

Then the studio was faced w lth ye(

another dllem ma. I'or nearly a year before

Ulzu Iirst conucted them ,Nue had been

developing a unique new klnd of transform

lng battle suit. Now the plans were hnlshed

and althoupah hig/t hopes had been plnned on

uslng it in tlne project Nue wasn't sure they

wanted to squander thelr prom lslng deslgn

on a show that w ouldn't put lt to its intended

use. Rather than dismiss the idea entlrely,

* RO BW ECH ART 1 ' ' - ' -

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Nue decided to shelve iî tcm porarily size dlfrerence was solved further down tl e

and pondered possibllitles for 1t.s use in llne when tlne insplration of the M lcronian

another show. reduc6on s'ystem struck. Suddenly one

Plans for M egarô-do continued. F'ach new shrunk down spy became a crowd or m a@e

plot.puzzle gave way to circumstances for M lcronpan slze sples whlch prompted tlw

new developments. Plans for an a11 female addinon of a female spy f()r vanety. l'hen the

bndge crew 1ed to a ferrlale captain whlch ln parody aspect reared )LG head agèun. and tlle

turn 1ed lo a plot for a male alien spy to sneak lone female evolved lnto a genius alien

aboard the M ebjarlb'do to have an illicit Iove warrior who would eventually meet her

aftair v.4:14 her. The problem of the tmro races' rnatch ln a genlus Earth boy- a show

C R * 2.35

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 243/261

stfpppmg, Fcentsstetkkag youm who just taap

pened no( to be the hero. lt had long been an

anime lnstltutlon that the hero of the feattlre

wab the moj;t chansmatlc of good p


uy char

acters Ialthoug

ln usually overshadow ed by

trêipc, honorable hzillainsl . 'Fhls new tw ist tore

down the tradltlon wtth great $ee and gusto.

ln the saga of RO BOTECH, we know this

plo development as (he story of M ax and

M znya Sterling


Stlll there were m any rnore characters to

be developed for the story, and they made

their initlal appearances ln unexpected wap.

In Febl-uary l 981 Shöli Kawarnori was

sklmm tng the sketcnbook of hlg


h school

buddy Haruhîko M lkimoto when some

rendennps of a Chlnese prl caug

ht hIs eye.

M lklm oto or ''HAL '' as he signed his work

and llked to be (Ealled. had specialized ln

dram ng Lhe fernale form for years as

Kaw am on '%h'&% werl aware. ln hlgyh school the

vh'o had collaborated on a 90 page sf rnanga

eson. Tbe LaslR ldier, alongvâth F'ujlhlko

Hosono, who would Later gain fame for l3lS

oripnal m anga veraons of the anime slapsnck

series Sas'um No Sarutobi f 1983) and

G ugu Gam m o f 19843. M lklmoto went on to

asslst Hosono on the art for the Crusherloe

manga and at age 21 became an apprentice

anirrtùsor for ttàe Artlant:l studio on tthe

recommendatbn of Studio Nue'b kazutaka

M tyatake. Conveniently, M ikimoto first

entered Artland ln tl4e sam e rnonr

h Mega.

rist'/o was Iaunched . Since then. Mikimoro

had anlmaled scenes fclr the second Lupln t/ltn

'lT2rd senes and (he hjiV ty zlli()rr? retnake.

He was promoted to creatirtg, ong


tnal char

acter deslgrs for a vanety of bhows



throug.,h It a11 iIAI . contlnued to pelïect inis

powers of lltustratlon. It paid off when bis

wnnsome Chlnese prl captlvated Kawam on.

Mlklmoto signed on a. Megarsdob character

desigyner and the glrl w ho guaranteed hIs p:)b

w ouLd soon rnake hirfl one of (he mflst

well known petsonalltjes Ln anlm e.

l'he @rl came to be known as l


M lnmel and her arrival spurred a shake up En

M egarsdo Y stoln/. Originally cast as a cute

Chlnese restaurant deilvery pr1 trottlng egq

rolls up to the M egarödoY bndqe. M lnmel

became lncreaslngly popular with Lhe pkan

nlng sta: a% M lkLmoto's pen clariLed her

character. She made the Leap from secondary

character to co star ln a rnere month M the

M egarödo storyllne solidified, M inmei

em erged as a popular singina qur and m orale

llfting rnovle Ldo: cut from tlne same cloth as

I .L1L Marlene. She w&% also pjven a pnrody

ptlmose- broadcasts of her song,s and movies

woulcl be intercepred by the aliens w ho

would become so excited by Ner representa

tlve vIew of lnum an sqxaety they would a1l

have themselves reduced to M icronlan sLze

and defect to the M eparlM o. Sound fam iliar


W lth M lnm e com manding more and

m ore of the spotllgaht (he M egarlj-do project

reached I?.S hl5;t annlversary. How ever halj of

its co creatom weren't elere to celebrate. I'he

tlizu Corporatlon had been ditksolved in 1 ()8 1

Leaving studif.l Nue with custody or Lhe

prenatal series- a somew hat unsecling xtua

tlon l'r a rneka design studio that had never

before soloed on the prodttction of a show .

l5ut Nue stoutly ptcked up he pleces and

hoped for tlne best. At deaqt they could now

redlrect tlne senes away from lts parody slant

(o an nrea the studlo w ould be m ore at ease

wltln A gove trlanse Lnvolhzingy Minme and

she stltl undeveloped hero and herolne could

be both entertaining, yet m ake a memorable

contrast set agalnst (he cosm ic scale war ttla


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blazed between the hum ans and the aliens

Nue took the plunge and w lnen M egarödo

changed courles in , it shed 11

ntle for a new one' Super JWrnibnsEtgn f'tlr&'exç

M acmss.

M ikTm oto h1t tlne lnks in earnest and

began ro ''audition'' prospectjve charactem in

qulck.sketch cartoons as Lhe Nue staffwent to

work roughing ()ut a 52 episode storyboard

for their series. A premiere date of April 1982

had been targeted but as Nue recorksidered

thelr deadline and the lack of m anpow er the

52 episodes w ere reduced to 48 and then

chopped once m ore to 39. By December

1981 thing


s were Eooklng a Llttle m ore

hopeful. The 39 half hour eplsodes had been

completely roughed out. M ikimoto had

created a sbable of sketc h tested characte >

and the promlsing new battle suîts had even

been put to good use as the intermediate

stage of a new Nue innovation- a qgphter

plane that could change lnto a sm all scale

robot. Stlllf the situadon was rapidly t'urning

out to be m ore than one studlo coupd handle

and. as the year drew to a close Nue form ally

asked the Artland smdlo to help produce

M across.

Noboru lshlguro was the head of Artland.

W hen Nue approached hlm hls stlnt as chlef

anim ation director of the color M lgh:y Atom

senes w'as com lng to a close. The Azfacror

proporsal lnterested him aI1 the more so slnce

HAI . srjll an apprennce in l4ls st'udio, was

freelanclng as the character designer. lshiguro

agreed to have Artland anim ate the senes and

was rewarded by having the new captaln.


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pamcularly signihcant in light of the increasing

amount of anlme belng produced exduslvely

fclr the booming hom e vldeoupe m arket.

Audience ratlnp may dictate a televislon

slnow's fate in America, but in Japan. an anlme

series faces a double.edged sword. l'ach

show must earn a follom ng or risk havlng 11

storyline come to a sure and definite Iinale. I o

be ctmsldered for anlmation a prospectwe

senes must be marketable. able (0 earn its

keep tlnrougaln the &%le of goods ttoys. clothlng,

records, modeds etc.) cranked out by manu

:cture D v/h o spo nsor te sh ove kvhe n

54acn,5% ni ggered dRe 8(/ avïanche of me ka

depend ent sfadvennare yz nes--and m e to ns

oftoys an d m o dels 1at vve nt v/1 lt--it *so

set tlne stage for ROBO TECH'S arrival.

For years, North American specialty shops

and importers supplled collectors and fans



vith the quallty anlme meka goods. Fanb

looked for this matenal even thoup

h the

Productlons snally got thelr shot at anim atin: Selttctlon jh'tn usually anem lc and ' pnces

a ''Super Dimension'' show. Southern Croçs lncreased anpvhere from double to ten tlmes

camed the hallmark of many Tatsunoko tlne Ongtnal cost. ln the late 70s Amencan toy

shows with some of the studio's characters makers made robots afordable and available

from tl4e past popping up every so often for M LLI their Shogun W arnors toy line licensed

tlne sharpeyed viewer to spot. from Japanese pant, Bandal/popil. But

One year begore 'Iàtsunoko had anlmated althouà:,h many clf tlle Shogun Warnor anime

another short llved but pcpular program, lncamations were broult to North Amencan

Genesis Q/frltlerAdtlsmada. W hile the ''Super telelaslon wlth J1m Teny's 1977 boxe hve

Dimension'' senes were gixed with the mckage lwhich lncluded Lhe robot le&$ StaT

cholce Sunday afternoon weekly dme slot zjnger 1 1978 retltled SpacekaeerA the

hzosyeada had to co nte nd va m me near se Mes i1F(7 Ro:Ol Gren dlzer 1l9 7 54 Gek

disastrous sunday morrung tlme period. lt Ilobo G I 1975 aired as S'anrehgersj . Gaikîng

didn't have much of a chmce to attract a large 1 19761, and 1977% Danguard zhce). the

audience by the Kme i( ended at episode 25. m arketing venture didn't last long.

But while they are a srrtall group, M ospeada % lt was only a matter or tlme untll Japan's

fans have proven to be a very vocal m lnonty. Lncreaslnps craze crossed the ocean and sure

As a result an al1 new continuation of the enougxh, in early 1984 the jrst of the meka.

adventure dtled Genesu Clfrnlx?r M osim da: manla began iLs invasion of the Noqh

Love ljve Alive w as released on hom e Amencan toy stores. W ith warehouses full of


/deotape in lapan ln September 1985. unsold goods for anime series long of the air

M o.peadab meka was the basls of a marketinps Japanese manufdcturers were $ad to sell thelr

blitz of transforminj?s top. but in (he case of stcfk to the shrew d l J.S. com panies that

thls progam. the characters outshone the approached them. By Christmas I Q84 the

meka in the fan's eyes. ln fact most of l ove lrnported meka m odels and op were selling

live A/jvre is a new concert by celluloid slnger better Lhan (he popular Cabbage Patcln Kids

Yellow Belmont. also known to RO BO - F'ew people reatized that the converting

TECH fans as Yellow Dancer or I-ancer. robots had been oripnally featured in anl

M ospeada is a unlque case- vthe only mated shows and cclm panie.s obscured tlnat

anime series that was a 11134 l'un televlslon bust fact by a.siganing personalltles to the meka

but was revived for its insistent fans


Other Anlm e had evolved from that rcenano years

shows may ?,e stmtlar second thantes tf the ago. 'l'he Jùpùnese put ttheir enerpes lnto

M oxpeada kndeo ls stlccessful. 'IXLS could be creating plausible human and aljen characters

C R FIVE * 239

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who used the meka for what lt was-

machlnery- rather than anthropomorphlsin?s

the material. F'ortunately Reved Incomorated,

a company that had lnvested in hundreds of

thousands of meka m odels chose to forego

foistering personas on propertles. They

treated the tknt'de w eam ns as they had been

designed to be and chlislened thelr llne

Robotech Defenders. M any of the m odels

just happened to be from M ospeada and the

Super Dlm erNon duo of anime series.

I'he metamorphosis of M acra'k%' sclurxcrn

CToss and M ospeaija lnto an Amelican

program nam ed RO BOTECH was nothlngy

shol't of inspired lngenuirf broupaht about

pardy by deslgn and partly by chance. W hlle

many people had a hand in the actual

happeninp. the key Egures who guided

RO BO TECH througah ILS distlnctlve develop

men were two men Ahm ed Agrama and

Carl M acek.

Bom in Cairo, Egypt in l 955, Ahmed

Agrama got an early start in îhe ilm lndustry.

His fam ily founded Graëtti ltallano ln Rome

and Agrama got plenty of expenence as a

teenager absorbing the jne polnts of choosing

promising Amencan jlms for his parents'

comrlany to translate and dlstnbute. Equipped

w1:7 mis conslderable Agrama

traveled to Los Angeles in the 1970s to study

theatrlcal arts at l JSI'. Fran k and Oli Aglama

follov/e d to spearhead me organlzanfln Of

Ap'ama Fllms. ln 1980 Jehan fGi$J Agrama

plned the buslness. too.

'lradltlonnlly. fill'ns are translated from one

language to another by subcontractings a score

of sm atler hrm s to each handle one speclal

aspect of 0èe kob. l-he Agram as w anted to

create a com pany that could perform the

whole process under one roof. In April of

197Q. Intersound lncorporated became a

reallty. I'he srudio was outfitted w ith the best

in sound and h1m technologies. lt took L'm'o

years for Intersound to satisfy the standards of

11 creator, but during that tlme it kept busy

dubbing the televislon properdes of Aparama

fïlms /lntzluding several anlme programs) jor

the huropean Afncan Latin Amencan and

M idd Ie Frastem marketz;.

ln 1982 Agrama Rlms was ready to

make its m ark in the lucratlve but jercely

competitive Am erican teleknslon market and

formed Harmony Gold LJ.S.A. W itln a slzable

stable of internatlonal programmlng to choor.e

from . l'larm ony Gold aot ((s stan by preparing

f''npalfsh Ianguage pilot episodes of the m rent

m any's anlme acquisitions. They alsot7 r)

(ransferred feature lengrln anlme adaptaKons

of The Call of 9/1Eâ Wi/tj, Frankensbein, a

telefeature based on M an/el (Jom ics' Tomb of

Dractp/a. ancl others lnto English. h. they

were hnlshing this first round of prolects ln

* RO BX CH A rr 1 - '''

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go ahead to produce a show thal wouLd

appeal to Lhelr new urget.

M acek examlned Harm ony Gold's hefty

collection of arlîm e programs and emerged

w101 Super Djnkerllilt')n boîress M acrtlss. 1ts

track record in lapan was remarkable but 1t1st

as im ponant, M acek knew the senes was

extremely popular w ith stateslde anime fnns

as well. Rememberinps tlne pllglnt of tlnose fans

and considerlng tlne integrity of his proposed

neW iludlftnce M élcek Set Out to Create 3n

Enslsh language verslon of Macro.;jb as close

to the onginal tls porxslble. ln lune 1984 work

began on a mega pilot episode in English-

the Iirst three episodes of tl3e series. end on

end as a 'Fo.minute feature. Not only would

Harmony Gold have a pilot episode guaran

çeed to knock the socks off 73/ program mers

laded by slopped and chopped rogether

Fngllsh dubbed anlme pllots. but thls hlgh

quallty lntroductlon to M across w ould m ake

an excellent initial entry lnto the Nortln

American htlme ladeotape market for the

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young company.

M acek also belleved that mowes and

telewslon programs should be kept ln the

publlc's 'aew througah the medlum of pub

llshlng, and w hat berter way to show off the

vlsual apec?s of an excltlng new anlmated

senes than ln a comlc book format? W lth

work on the M acrobs pilot cm the move

Harm ony Goid tested the waters ror any

lnterested com ic book publishers. Comlco, crttcial and s(), in Silptember 1 984 wlnile the

the Com lc Company, seized the opportunlty M acrass kndeotape drew raves at iLs premlere

to put the ROBOTECH saga lnto pnnt. at he W orld ScLence F'lctlon ('onventlon pn

Comlco became the first lndependent comlcs I os Angeles Harm ony Q'old sent a repre

publîsher to llcense a malor arume properry. sentatlve to ltevell to propose that the two

lpy the end of lune 1984 M across was conlpanles work togethilr. A co llcenslng

operatlng ln full forward smde wn?.h produc apeement was reached.but even tlnoug,h Lhe

tlon of Lhe udeotape pllot and Lhe comlc Adacro:ts vldeotape '.%'&% now rackinpy up sales

book series wel underway. acroto Nonh Am enca. the show 's future was

Izter that sum mer. fate altered the future stlll uncertain.

of M across when Harm ony Gold dscovered in Amencan syndjcation a show has to

tlnat Revell Incorporated owmed tlne ngxhts to have at 1east ()5 eptsodes to even rate

the toy models m ade for the show . Revell's conslderatlon for purchioe by a telcknsion

Robotech llne had already appeared on store stanon. W lth one segment run each week

shelves acrorxs Amenca. Consequently, Har day, a (b% epsode program lilts thlrteen

mony (Jo1d w ould be unable to sell M aoroik% weeks- a gpod quanez of a year . . whlle a

models to merchandise their show. Revell bbortt?r senes has Iess appeal jor the station

had the modelb but not the Macra'kz name since lt wtl: run out of eplsodes sooner. Since

and so would lose the lnstanl recogarlitlon of Ad.x'rtA.qç was compnsed oj only 3() eplsodes.

anyone who would see the propararn. W hat a 1 Iarmony ('()ld couldn't expect 1( to reach the

dllem ma I'he com pletion of tlne M aavs. ap r Lhroug,h syndlcatson. t ln the other hand.

pilot feature made Dmlng Lhat m uch more the M acpbs pilc)t videotape w&% a success.

2 * RO BG IECH Alrr 1

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months ahead. W ithln RO BOTECH'S cellu

Lold unlveme exst people w e meet and come

to care about. We share thelr battles thnll to

thelr vlctories ancl sucer a( their defeats. We

ache when fnends are lost forever %' miss

them w hen they travel to new worlds

wqthout us. 'l'here is more than simple gut

Level entertalnrnent in this series. RO BO -

TECH Sves 1Ls audlence sometlning to (hlnk

about. And maybe throuah our vlsual parucl

pation ln (his amazing voyage. the child ln all

of us may come away a Iittle m ser and a lrttle

happler for 01e expenence


. - .

cw yatyw s . N

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H arm ony G old

PlxR nts

Roboted p

A Harm ony Gold USA, Inc. Production

in auodation with

'ratsunoko Prod. Co., lzd.


Voices of

Greg Snow Khyron, Scott Bernard

Reba West l-ynn M inmei

Jonatàen Alexander Breetai

Drew 'rhomas Angelo Dante

Deena M orrks A mmie

'lhomas Wyrter Jonathan Wolf

Brittany Harlow Claudia Grant

Don Warner Roy Fokker

Axel Roberrs Rico

'lbny Oliver Rîck Hunter

A. Gregpry Robotech Masters

Penny Sweet Nova Satort Mjrilra

Aline Leslie 1 asa Hayes


Guy Garrett Capuln Gloval

Jimmy Rinders Lancer Max Sterllng

Anthony Wayne Rand

Eddie Frierson Lynn Kyle

Leonard Ptke Exedore

Sandra Snow Vanes';a

Shjrley Roberts M arie Crystal

Wendee Swan Lm

l-arl'y Abraharn Bowle Grant

Jefey Platt Rolf Hmerson

Mary Cobb Annle

Celena Banas Regis

Chesea Victona M uslca





Stoly Editor

Carl M acek

Script Editor

Steve Kramer

Executive Producer

M med



Carl M acek





Series Staffe ters

Gregory Snegcf

Roben Barron

Greg Fïnley

Steve Kramer

M ike Reynolds

Ardwight Chamberlain

1ào W î1l

DY oo e Dkc em

Robert Barron

David Estuardo

Greg Snegof

Steve Ktamer

Debbie Alba

Jim Wager

Chief Engineer

Bryan Rusertko

Recorxng Engineers

Eduardo Rbrres

Debbie lànthus

O rchexral M ukc M ducer

Ulpio Minuca

Therne by

Qpio Minucci

Videotape Engineer

Guzenno CoeMo

F nal Re- c o tm g

Joel Valentlne

M ukc Editor

John Molvrott

. . m jjm aton

Pe uced By


Productlon Co. , Ltd.


Kenfi Yoshida

Dia dor

lppel Kuri

(Xi> Mukccomposed By

LRpio AduAuccl Jzlon Clber Aizchael Bradley,

Steve Wittmack and Alberto Ruben Fsteves



Hodywood, USA

Producdon M anager

Kent Harrison Hayes

Grchestrations By

Arlon Ober

Executive M usic Producer

Ihornas A. W hîte

@ 1985 Harmony Gold

M usic, lnc.


7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 254/261

A m eH can

b oœ r h :

n e M a-

ck H unter

.> H ayes

ynn M fnm ei

oy Folqker

laudia G rant

denl'y J. G loval



m rrtie



en Exxon


.ynn Kyle

irim (Sterlingl

ana Sterling

I'he Zentraedi









F. l Veritech


eritech in

G uardian



Super n im ension

Fortress M ac oss

Hikanz lchijö

M isa H ayase

Lynn M inm ay

Roy Fokker

C laudia Lasalle

Bruno J. G robal



Sham m ie

M axim llian Jinas

H ayao Kaldzaki


Lyrm Kaifun

M iria Farjina tliinas)

Kom iria M aria Jiinas

The Zentraedi

Britai Kndanik

Exedore Fon'no

Kam jin Kravshera




W alera

Lxap lxam iz

O igur

M across SD F.I

V F.1 Valkyrie aim raft

Valkyrie in G erwalk

(G round Etrectfve

R einforcem ent of

W inged A rm am ent

w ith Locom otive

K nee.jom t)

Valkyrle in Battroid

corm guratlon

A m eHcan

The Robotech

D ana Sterling

N ova Sxatori

M arie C rystal

Sean Pnillips

B ow ie G rant

Louie N ichols

M gelo D ante

R olf Em erson

A lan f'redericks

C om m ander


R'he R obotech

M asters

The Robotech



Super o im ension

c avalrv Southern

c ross

Jeanne Hrancaix

l-ana Isavia

M arie A ngel

Charleb de Tbuard

Bow ie Em erson

I .ouis IDucas.e

Andrzej Slaw ski

Rolf E'm erson

A IM D avis

G laude Leon

The Zor

Zov Lords- suprem e

c om m anders of tlne

Vanpaard (Zosm a,

Zosm o, and Zosm u)

Zor l .ords- suprem e

c om m anders of tlae

Fleet (IDesu. lDera

and D ernil

Seifrietti W eLsse

M tasika

'l'he Robotech

M astel's

Zor Prim e

M usica

R obotech : G enesis c lim ber

'I'he N ew M ospeada

G en em tion

Scott Benaard Steik Bernard

M arlene M arlene

Rand Reî

A nnie M int Rubble

Rook Bartley Fuke Eroze

Yellow Lsancer Yellow Belm ont


4ll-unk'' Jim A ustin

gim Cooper)

'I'he Invid Trie lnvid

A rielzM arlene Ajsha

(Invid sim ulagent)

Sera Sorji

C org Batra

Regks Renes

ritech kn



RO BO T EC H A m ' 1 * M 7

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 255/261

œ A -

A ndroid:

A robot created in Kgm an form .


A robotic pow er augfnented sult piloted

by clones.

c lone:

A. biogenetically gz'ow n creature. A cltone

can be as sim ple as a Gslum p of protoplasm '*

controlled telepatrlically by a Robotech C lone

M aster, or a lnigartly sophisticated creature

such as the Zentraedi W arlords. 'l'he clones

are generated from cells of previously existing

creatures. ln dm e clones can develop unique


c osm ic H arp:

A m usical instrum ent w hich creates sounds

w htch tend to soothe and control the

functions of low er.level clones. It w orks

l'nuch in the sarne w ay as biofeedback. 'I'he

harp is tuned in sucln a w ay as to be played by

ortly one person for an entire lifetim e.

'rhe Flow er of Life:

'I'he m ature form of the plant w hicln form s

the basis of protoculture in the seedling srxage.

G enesis Rits:

In essence, a hug,e protoculture crlam ber

designed by the Invid to sirnulate vartous

geologic eras and conditions. Rudim entaty

lifeform s are kntroduced into these environ

m enc for pum oses of experim entation and

developm ent.

tlarougz,la tlae Invîd Flow er of Iéfe. Tlae m ajor

In'zjd hlve on Fiart.ln is know n as Reflex Point.

H ologram :

A n im age created by the use of Iaser.

Basically. a three.dim ensional phantom w hicn

sim ulates a F'I'kRI object.

H yperspace:

A dim ension betw een the sm ndard dim en.

sions tof tim e and space. It is a zone w hicla can

be used to travel great distances w ithout

feelinjj the effects of the passage of tlm e. If tlae

ccm cept of distance is concepm allxed on a

linear basis. hypeOpace ts the m edium w lnich

surrounds and deânes the present. N avim ton

in hyperspace is not alw ays accurate. 'lh is is

one of the m aïn hazards in utilizing this

concept as a m eans of traveling lonq distances.


A n energy source derived from divertinq

tlqe orgpnic energy in cell division of a specilic

plant know n as trle invid R ow er of Life. isy

conœ ning tlne gestating seed in a m atrix

w rtich does not atlow the plant to develop,

tlne lnvid R ow er of Ljfe's desire to reproduce

is so strong that the enera derived from Llais

subm irxsion of cell division is enougah to pow er

trle m assive Robotech m ecba invented by Zor

and subsequent Hartln scientists.

Protoculture c ham ben

A device w hich hotxses protoculture rnatrix

and w hich w hen properly em ployed, can

generate new life form s or structurally alter

existinq life form s.

H ive:

A m asslve structure w hich sel-ves a. a nest Roboteclm ology:

for trte lnvid and also as a supply and storage A science developed initially by an alien

area for the allocation of the foodstullprocexNed scfentist nam ed Zor w hich utilized the

R O RG FEC H A lrr 1

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 256/261

* ' '

energy from tiae celk division occurring in

speclhc plants to introduce a sense of bio.

enera in m achlnery. 'I-rtis bio.m echanlcal

system forrns the basis of a1l the transform able

m ecrta seen in tlae Robotech unlverse



bio-force that is perceived throug


h Robotecb

nology mves naachines an em patlaetic life.

Sensor N ebula:

A larg. qaseous cloud utilixed by tlne Invid

to cliscover ltocatons possesxsing larg

.e supplies

of protoculture and potentiallys the lnvid

l-l ow er of Ljfe .

Space Fold:

'l'he m etlntod by w hicri velnicies travel

througatl lnyperspace. Agzain considerfng



linear nature of U nAe and space by actually

ftolclIng the fabric of hypempace. a vehicle can

travel frot'n one point in the unfverse to

another. '1 he actual m echardsm s for accom .

plishing a space fold are rather destn lcljve and

are not recorrzm ended for evenrday travel

requirem enu .

Telepathic c ornm unicadon:

The abillty to com rnunicate to indM duals

on a purely m ental level. Used prim arily by

the m ore advanced Robotech M asters and

the lnvid.

qkivtm e ate:

A system by w hich clones function in

groups of rlaree. Refe:'s back to the Flow er of

Life ancl trte three blossom s w hich are u osm k

h'om each stem . The trium virate is tlne basis c)f

the Robotech M astets' society.

W ritech M echa:

A qeneric term usecl to describe m achines

w tlich have Llne ability to Lransform lnto

yto s o .jw u x w r j . aw p

various m odes. T he transform ations are

based on t'unction rather than decepton. A

Veritech sgalnter does not ltaok like a cam era

w hicrt turns into a robot. Rather the m eclna is

functional on a per job function. 'l'lne oarne

Veritech w hen used in conjunction w ith

various m echa indtcates îlnat tlae item IS

transform abie (i.e. Veritecla Fighter' Ventech

H over 'Ilankl.

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 257/261

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W 1*:

RobOtech Dee FOm e

Box 3952

Schaum buc Illinois * 194

Look forlloBo'rK 'il comiœ and graphic noveb-

n e M = s &'@ , Fàe Rotot<h Matels, and The New Generafon

from Comico, The Comk Company

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 258/261

N um ber THREE Spring l9BO *2.50

7/21/2019 Robotech Macross Art I 259/261

* * e * œ

lf you've been reading tlais book from

cover to cover tlaen y'ou're fam ilîar w ith

RG HO YEUH from ifs inception in Japan to

îLs succeH in tlne U nited States ms a syndicated

series. You know tlne stol'y the characters

and the intricate m achlnenr. T bere's not

m uch m ore to add except to tell m u laow

this book cam e into being.

Today. nearly everyone ïs fam ilfar w itla

anim ation in one form or another throug



television cartoons com m ercials and M W

videos. lt's easy to forget that it's still a

relatively new art form . M y first m em orable

encounter w itla anim ation cam e at tlae age of

Iive w hen 1 saw W alt D isney's Fantasia for trle

fil'st tim e. Believe you m e, it w 'a. an

experience that becam e a m alor lnfluence for

yeam to com e. Bells rang, doors opened.- l

don't think I rtad ever been aw are that tlnat

m uch color and sound actually existed pnor

to Fantasia. It w as tlnrlllinq H ow ever m y

second m ajor anim ation influence w as m ore

subtle. It arrîved on a sm all screen black and

w hite television. There w asn't any color and

the sound w as pretty tinny, but the story . . . .

1 w as still in grade school and trle story

hrilled m e from top to toe. It w as O sam u

Fezuka's A stro Boyz As l rem em ber it zfkezro

BoY w as as m uch a story abcm t supenlnerojc

deeds as the stol'y of a charm ing lit'de creature

ryinp to becom e part of a society that could

not see beyond lais m etal exterior tto the

w arm .heal-ted being Lle w as. At the tim e

Astro soy' lnad the m isfortune of being

broadcast during our fam lly dinner hoklr. I

rem em ber several *'discussions'' concern

ing dinnertim e protocol. ztks it turned out, I

m ight bave m issed a m eal c)r km'o but tbat m'as

referable to m itksinq an epfsode of vhstro /gop'.

t/nfortunately. good anim afjon w itla înter.

ing characters plots, and quality art becam e


increasingây rare as tjm e w ent on. lt w as easy

to prow out of this genre as prop-am s like

A stro lop'. Rockyr and H js Fn'ends and tbe

early D isney anlm ated features w ere show n

less and lerxs often. It w asn't until m uch later

w hen l w as visiting a local com ics specialty

store, tlnat m y interest in anim ated film s ancl

series revived. T he issue of tlne springs lQ8O

Fanfare caupxt m y eye. C)n the cover w as an

intriguing, obviously arlim ated character--.

Captaln idarltock 'I'he cover prom ised an

update on '''1A/ anim ation in Japan- c7a/axy

Fxpress QQQ Captain Harlock G iant Robots

and m orel'' W laile tlne prospect of giant robots

alone w as not especiatly appealing. C aptxain

Harlock (shades of Errol 1-l% n ) w as. I

Colanted m y pennies m ade Lhe Ptl l'Chase

read the article (by Fred Patten one of the

contributoO to R obotech A rt 1 by the

w ay) , and rejoiced- sort of. Apparently,

quality anim aton w as alive and w ell .- in

Japan. M y chances of pu>uinq this m aterlal

seem ed rare at best. 'l'he odds w ere stom e

ttlinq like îm possible and none.

Eventuallyp I m et Fred l7atten at one of tbe

W orld Science Fictiton convendons. H e w as

kind entaug


h to describe- .in detajl- trle

lntricate plot llne behind the H arlock series

and introdtlce m e to new stories anU

characîers from Hastem anim ated m ovies llke

Phoenix 2772, A ndrom eda Srorjtes, H arm a.

geddon. and the origainal GarcDam an. Gabcha

m an is tlae orlginal tltle for the syndicated

senes, Battle tv the Haner.s a shtow I was

already farniliar w ith. H ow ever w hen I com

pared the origjnal against the Am ericanixed or

frankly, klddihed vel-sion of w rlat w e w ere

seelng in the States, 1 w as appalled. Fred and I

gound w e not ortly shared a com m on interest

in artim atlon but a laope tlaat som e sm art

H ollyw ood type w ould discover tlais m ar.

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velous m aterial and bring it to the States- produce tlae book ytau*re looking at now


intact --to share w ith people w l3o loved You can't know how helpful this assistance

anim atic)n as m uch as w e did. W e knew the turned tout to be. Because of the trem endous

audience ryotental w ould be smgzgering. oum tlt of anim ated serkes irl Japan, studios do

The thought w as reinforced as I traveled not retain cels and artw ork for long periods of

the convention circuit across the country and tim e

. By the tim e a series is sold and

m et m ore Japartim aton Pans. At srst there broadcast jn North Am eriû:a art that w ould

w ere only srnall room s in tr)e hotels w here have gone into a book of this sort is no longpr

videotapes w ere show n to a handful of available from the origm al source

.W hile new

people. M ost of tlae tapes w ere in Japanese, art can be created it's not alw ays appropriate.

and som eone fam lliar w ith the storv w ould Besides fans of the series w ant to see the

provide a running translatjon of the plot. As onkginal art h'om the show .

interest grew , conventioràs began to schedule W rlat to do?

series and m ovies in the m ain program m ing Katlaryn 1 .ebherz and Allen Row intro.

room s. D uringthis tim e 1 discovered m aterial duced m e to a netw ork of enthusiastic and

that w ent beyond the usual science fiction helpful people


M ore than Pans these people

ftzrm ats. There w ere superb m ovjes like had put lonp


hours of serious study into

Cagliostsoà CJast e about a m oderrz, com ic cat anim ated fiZI'I''I-S and series.lam es I rng donated

burglar-- l-upln 11l--a deY endant of a long art artd expertise inEo locating

line of o-tieves. 'Fhere w as an equally bizarre m aterial. Colleen W inters w as patience per.

rtlm arld series tjtied Paialliro. im agjne tlae cast sonilied in explairlingthe con'nection betw een

of the Rockv J'/orror n'crure Show m eetinàj m anga tcom îcs) and anim ated series and

Jam es Bond m eeting the Road Runner and làow to read tlaern. Arditrl Carlton w hc)

you begin to get the picture. It is outra eous. began studsring Japanese in 197% w as tlne

I>roduction standards w ere excellerlt. Sophis autlaor of several articles on Japanim ation and

Kcated and entertainingyp the Japanese pro w as tI'IF co autlnor and translator of tlae

garam s w ere lnead and shoulden.g above undergrtound classic Space Fanzine V rzaaêcy.

anytrtini?, prodlaced in the Urtited States in She Lranslated irtform ation on the original

m ore than a decade. RO BG TEC I-I creators and sbayed on as co

D eveltoping RO BG TEU H out of three author of Robotech A rtl. Tlnere w ere m any

indepenclent seriesw as a m ajor underraking- m ore people w rlo belped in a variety of w ays,

creaKvely and financially. R ere w ere several too m any to list bere. M any rate w hat began

difficulties and lim itatlons inherent in such a as a book for fans of TJ3e series actually saw

task, but integritz and im agination saved tlae publicatton throtlj?

h their effol-ts. It's only

clay. For the fil'st tâm e in years, good fittinp


tîlat w e acknow leclge and thank them

anim ation, characters and stories are gracing for their help.

tlae television screen. I can't help but w onder /k11 that's left for you readers is to sit bacK

if new dinner confrontations are enacLed and enjoy our efforts. W e had fun putting jt

across the country. 1 w onderw hc/s w inninpx- tczgether fov you. W e hope you'll have fun

green beans or RO BO TEUH Z wtth it too.

Roootech yu't I becam e as unïque a proj.

ect as the serfes icself. w hen Japanim auon fans Kay Reynotds

discovered that Ioonningz'stnrblaxe w as pre. N orfolk, Virignia

paring a quality anim auon art book based on

tnree favorite series they gp t in trauch w us

by phone and rnail. I w as ctarkstantly im preu ed

by their know ledge. entlaêlsiasm and w tll.

inpnerxs to share. M any of them offered to

provide inform ation L'IPe.S and even onWnal

art from private Collections in order to

e R O B G FEC H A R+ 1

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