Robo112 Gce Assignment 5%

Post on 06-Jul-2018

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Transcript of Robo112 Gce Assignment 5%

  • 8/16/2019 Robo112 Gce Assignment 5%


     Technology is ever growing trend in uplifting the society to a new

    era of invention to make human life easier and more comfortable.

     Technology is growing very fast and every day we are having a

    new invention. Technology is used on every aspect of human life.

    For example a robot which is a machine which can do similar tasklike human beings but more fast and more precisely then a

    human and also without taking any rest and continuously. Many

    countries in the world like USA and ussia are using obots in war.

    !rone is widely used to locate and destroy an enemy base

    without any human e"ort. US Military !epartment said that by

    #$%& human military will be minimi'ed to (#$)$$$ to *($)$$$ and

    replace with war robot as robots will minimi'e causalities in war.

    +ther than its advantage use of obots also raised many ethical

    concern like if robots are used in industry) factories or in hospitalsthen what will happen to human labour which will cut o" many

     ,obs and unemployment will be high and if there is more

    unemployment there will be more crime. A robot cannot

    distinguish between good or bad it will do what it was

    programmed for like in war if a human soldier killed an innocent

    person he felt guilty for it but if a robot kill thousands of innocent

    children or people it will have no feelings. And it is believed that

    someday technology will rule over human and robots will control

    human beings.