Roberts Elementary Third Grade Rights and Responsibilities in our World.

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Transcript of Roberts Elementary Third Grade Rights and Responsibilities in our World.

Roberts Elementary Third Grade

Rights and Responsibilities in our World

Responsibilities at Home After School

• Make sure your room is clean.• Empty the dish washer.• Get dressed.• Make your bed.• Obey your parents• Do not fight with siblings • Help your Mom out with the

baby!• Babysit when your Mom asks• Do your homework• Mow the Lawn• Clean up after yourself

Conflicts at Home• Teasing brothers\sisters• Not listening to your mom and

dad• Not calling your sisters and

brothers names• not being a good big sister\

brother to your little sisters\brothers

• Don’t talk back to your parents • No kicking ,pushing and hitting• Don’t yell in the house• Don’t fight with your parents • Refusing your parents orders• Making excuses for not doing

homework• Delaying chores• Playing football in the house!

Home Conflicts

• Teasing brothers\sisters• Not listening to your mom

and dad• Not calling your sisters

and brothers names• Not being a good big

sister\brother to your little sisters\brothers

• Not following directions• Wasting energy yelling at

siblings• Not doing your homework• Not doing chores

Conflicts at home

• Teasing brothers or sisters

• Brothers and sister not helping with chores

• Having to be the servant for the rest of the family!

• Not wanting to share the Wii,X Box. Or computer

• Siblings steal each other’s stuff

How to solve conflicts at home• Obey your mom and dad• Being nice to little sisters\

brothers• Not saying bad words to

brothers\sisters• Not teasing little sisters\

brothers• Help mom or dad so they don’t

get stressed out• Do your homework• Stop bothering sisters or

brothers• Share and be kind ,• Help your mother out with the

baby• Don’t let your sister do all the


School ConflictsNot Raising your hand .Playing games in the bathroom food

Fights in the cafeteria. Yelling in the halls and classroom.

*Not keeping your hands and feet to yourself.

Calling out without raising your hand* Respect your teachers and others.Pushing or shoving.Not listening to teacher.Not being nice to classmates.Taking others supplies.Starting a fight.Saying bad wordsNot turning in your homeworK

Rights and Responsibilities in the Classroom

• Keep your hands and feet to yourself

• No running in the classroom

• Respect your teachers classmates & others

• No yelling in the class• Think before you act• Raise your hand before you talk in

class• Be honest• Work hard in class• Treat classmates like you want to

be treated• Try as hard as you can• Follow the rules in the classroom

Solving school Conflicts

• Listen to your teacher• Clean up a mess you

made• Follow directions• Do your work• Raise your hand for

help• Do not lie to someone

No fighting over small problems

Responsibilities in the classroom

• No drawing on your desk• No talking when the teacher is

talking• No standing on the chair • No ripping pages out of books• Be respectful to your teacher• Do not play with art materials in

class • Do work quietly • Treat others the way you want to be

treated, always• Listen to the teacher• Do your work nicely • Take care of other materials • Take care of other peoples stuff• Don’t touch anything that’s not your

unless you have permission • Don’t forget work

Responsibilities in the Library

• Bring your books back on time

• Be quiet• Listen to the teacher• Use your library card• Don’t rip off all the books• Don’t touch the Smart

Board• Respect the books!No yelling!No running around the book


Rights in the School Library

• You can check out 7 books total.

• You don’t pay fines for late books.

• You can use the computers if you don’t have overdue books

• You can ask Mrs. Caverly to buy a book if the library doesn’t have it.

• You can put books on hold if some else has checked them out.

Playground Responsibilities• Do not throw woodchips• Do not stand on or go head first

down the slide• Do not touch people or hurt

them• Do not throw balls at people• Respect the teachers outside• No twisting on the swing or

jumping off the swingNo pushing or hitting.You can’t stay on the slide.No hanging on the barsNo jumping off of playground

equipment When you line up to go inside, be


Rights and Responsibilities On the Playground

No fighting

Play safely

No pushing

No climbing on the slide

No throwing woodchips

No splashing in the mud

If the teacher blows the whistle, you stop, and when they blow it again, you line up quietly.

In the Cafeteria• No food fights. • No yelling. • Do not slap people with your food.• Be respectful to the lunch ladies

No dancing on the table• Sit at your assigned table• Clean up after lunch• Do not throw food• Do not bring toys in the cafeteria• Do not call out-- raise your hand• Clean up after yourself• Say please and thank you• Do not talk back to the lunch ladies

Responsibilities In School Art Classes

• Do not paint on anyone

• Do not throw anything

• Do not say “mine is better than yours”

• Lesson to directions

• Respect everyone

• Do not spill paint on anyone

Friends and neighbors• We respect each other• Respect property• We don’t be mean to each

other• We do good deeds• We don’t say bad words to

people• We don’t bully• We care for each other• We are kind to each other• We don’t fight with each other• We don’t yell at people

How to solve those conflicts with people

• Tell other people the truth

• Walk away from fights• Be nice to others• Treat others like you

want to be treated• Respect others• No pretending to be

cool to your friends• Do not be jealous

Conflicts in sports

• Not playing the game fairly

• Trying to injure another player

• Cheating• Saying mean things to

the other team• No being a good sport• Whining when you

lose a match

How to Solve Sports Conflicts

• Sports teams should follow rules!!!

• Be nice, kind and respect to each other, Keep hands, feet and no punching,

• Be a good sport, be nice and fair to the other team

Responsibilities with Boy Scouts• Follow pack rules• No messing around• Always say the cub scout

promise• Dress in your cub scouts

uniform• bring your handbook• At Cub Scouts we learn how to

be responsible and respectful. • Be safe• How to make fire• We learn how to do different

things like fire safety, exercise, tying knots

• Earn your badges• Do your best• Be on time

Responsibilities in the community

• Don’t litter• Never call 911 for no reason• Respect the laws• Respect the community• Never vote if you’re under 18• Respect the world• Don’t mess with a policeman• NEVER park in the street

when it snows!!• When you see trash pick it up• Don’t run in the street.• Call adults Mr. and Mrs.


King of Prussia Mall

Conflicts In the World

• Economic crises is cutting off people’s jobs.

• China is purposely killing whales for meat.

• People are cutting down trees for houses but not planting more.

• Pollution of the ocean• Oil spills are killing animals• Poaching animals• Animals losing their habitat• Polluting the air

World conflicts

• Pollution in the air and water

• Wars• Criminals• Global warming• Politics (deciding who to

vote for)• Poor people and rich

people• People hating the United

States• Terrorists • Landfills

How to solve world conflicts

• Stop wars• Recycle!• Don’t pollute the water or air • Call police when you see

criminals• Vote for human rights• Save the whales• Help endangered animals• Forgive others for mistakes Treat others the way you want to

be treatedDo not hurt or damage one

another’s stuffHelp homeless peopleAdopt homeless animals