Rob Reid: Redesigning primary care: the Group Health journey

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Rob Reid, Senior Investigator at Group Health Research Institute, explains the journey taken by Group Health in support of integrated primary care. A case study in how primary care can be delivered effectively and efficiently to a population, Rob laid out the challenges facing general practice in the States, and how Group Health worked to improve the situation for both patients and the workforce.

Transcript of Rob Reid: Redesigning primary care: the Group Health journey

Redesigning primary care: The Group Health Journey

Robert Reid MD PhD Senior Investigator Group Health Research Institute

The Future of Primary Care The King’s Fund

September 12, 2013London

Group Health Collaborators

Group Health Research Institute

Paul Fishman PhD

Clarissa Hsu PhD

Eric Johnson MS

Tyler Ross MA

DeAnn Cromp MPH

Katie Coleman MSPH

Eric Larson MD MPH

Ed Wagner MD MPH

Michael Parchman MD MPH

Dave Liss PhD

Onchee Yu MS

Jim Tufano PhD

Kelly Ehrlich MS

Group Health Cooperative / Group Health Physicians

Claire Trescott MD

Michael Erikson MSW

Michael Soman MD MPH

Alicia Eng RN MBA

Barbara Trehearne RN PhD

Gaguik Khatchatorian

Erica Fox

and many, many more….

Funding Support

• Group Health Cooperative

• US Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ)

• Patient-centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)

But, wait just a minute…

• Doesn’t the US outspend all other countries in health care?

• Don’t many US citizens go without healthcare insurance?

• Don’t health outcomes in the US lag the UK?

• Isn’t US primary care in crisis with a dominance of specialist care?

• So, what could we possibly learn?

• Couldn’t the King’s Fund find someone better?

• Was there a last minute cancellation and he’s just a fill in?



The Importance of Primary Care

(* adjusted for age structure, GDP, mean income, and tobacco/alcohol.)

(Macinko et al, Health Serv Res 2003; 38:831-65.)

High PC Countries

Low PC Countries*



1970 1980 1990 2000



Ratings of Primary Care Strength and PYLL (OECD countries)

US Primary Care Challenges

Access to primary care difficult for many, particularly disadvantaged

Quality remains mediocre at best.

Payment systems antiquated. Many valuable functions unrewarded.

Evidence-base for clinicians has become unmanageable.

Primary care unattractive career choice. Burnout common.

The Medical Home: a Concept in Evolution

Joint Principles of Patient-Centered Medical Home 2007

1. Personal physician

2. Physician-directed medical practice

3. “Whole person” orientation

4. Care is integrated & coordinated

5. Assures quality & safety

6. Enhanced access

7. Payment reform

American Academy of Family Physicians. Joint Principles of a Patient-Centered Medical Home Released by Organizations Representing More than 300,000 Physicians. Position Paper, 2007




Practice Team







Health SystemCommunity

Resources and Policies

Health Care Organization

Improved Outcomes

The Chronic Care Model

Wagner EH, Austin BT, Von Korff M. Improving outcomes in chronic illness. Managed care quarterly. 1996;4(2):12-25.

System supports for Chronic Illness Care & Prevention(info systems, practice redesign, self mgmt support, decision support)

Reinvigorating Core Attributes of Primary Care (access, longitudinal relationships, comprehensiveness, coordination)

Supportive physician payment methods(promotes medical home goals, not simply volume)

Advanced information technologies (EMRs, registries, reminders, patient portals)

Medical Home: a Concept in Evolution

Medical Home Growth - 2008-2013

• Rapid growth of demonstrations across the US across in almost every state

• Many organisations: small and large practices, hospital systems, large integrated health systems

• Many Different Payers: Commercial plans, state Medicaid programs, Medicare, multi-payer demonstrations

• Includes Government Systems: Veterans Health Administration, US Military

• PCMH Recognition Programs: NCQA, URAC, Joint Commission

• Incentives part of national Affordable Care Act

• Base component of Accountable Care Organization (ACO)

NCQA-recognized Medical Homes

Group Health’s Medical Home Journey (so far)

About Group Health…

• Integrated healthcare insurance

& delivery system started in 1947•Revenues (2011): $3 billion•675,000 patients & many payers •10,000 staff

Multispecialty Group Practice• ~1,000 MDs (PC & specialists)• 26 primary care centers• 6 specialty units, 1 hospital

Contracted network• >9,000 providers, 39 hospitals

Group Health Research Institute• $44 million (2010), 60 scientists • >250 active grants

A little more history….

•Since its origin, Group Health has supported primary care

• In 2000s multiple reforms to improve access, efficiency, productivity

•$40 million invested in electronic clinical information systems

Defined practice populations Multi-disciplinary teamsSpecialty care “gatekeeping” Salaried physicians

“Advanced access” with same-day appointingLeaner teams, shorter visits, more visitsProductivity incentives

System-wide electronic medical record implementationFeatures “patient portal” with secure email, results review etcDecision support tools, reminders & alerts

Ralston JD, Martin DP, Anderson ML, et al. Group Health Cooperative's Transformation Toward Patient-Centered Access. Med Care Res Rev. 2009;66(6):703-724

The medical home imperative

Utilization Trends 1997-2005 by QuarterAverage Utilization by Quarter, 1997-2005












Primary Care Visits

Specialty Care Visits

Inpatient Days

Inpatient Admits

Emergency Department

Average Utilization by Quarter, 1997-2005












Primary Care Visits

Specialty Care Visits

Inpatient Days

Inpatient Admits

Emergency Department

Inpatient Days

Specialist Visits

Inpatient Admits

Primary Care Visits

ER Visits

Access & Efficiency Reforms

1997 1998 1999 2000 2004 20052002 20032001




Inpatient & ER Utilization Trends 1997-2005 by QuarterUtilization by Quarter















Inpatient Days

Inpatient Admits

Emergency Department

Inpatient Days

ER Visits

Inpatient Admits

Access & Efficiency Reforms

1997 1998 1999 2000 2004 20052002 20032001

The medical home imperativeF



Increasing primary care physician burnout

“...the way in which [care] is structured, it has shifted such an increased amount of work onto primary care that it is not sustainable … I’m actually looking to get out of primary care because I can no longer work at this pace.”

“ The burnout rate among my colleagues is huge … those of us that have managed to retain some semblance of balance do it by almost unacceptable levels of compromise, either for ourselves or what we define as good enough care.”

Looming primary care workforce crisis

•Many MD positions remained unfilled

•Shift to part-time practice

•Primary care MDs retiring earlier than specialists

•Most common reason for employment separation: high workload

The medical home imperative

Tufano JT et al. Providers' experience with an organizational redesign initiative to promote patient-centered access: a qualitative study. J Gen Int Med. 2008;23:1778-83

There has to be a better way!

The medical home imperative

Group Health’s Medical Home Timeline

2007 2008 2009 2010 20112006

Prototype Design

Prototype Implementation &


Redevelopment &Planning for

Spread Staged system-wide Spread & Evaluationof Medical Home v1.0

2012 2013

RedevelopmentMedical Home v2.0

Medical Home Design Principles (2006)

The relationship between the primary care clinician & patient is at our core; the entire delivery system will orient to promote & sustain.

The primary care clinician will be a leader of the clinical team, responsible for coordination of services, and together with patients will create collaborative care plans.

Care will be proactive and comprehensive. Patients will be actively informed and encouraged to participate.

Access will be centered on patients needs, be available by various modes, and maximize the use of technology.

Our clinical and business systems are aligned to achieve the most efficient, satisfying and effective experiences.

Group Health’s Medical Home Prototype

MD Panel size



Enhanced & co-located


“Desktop” medicine time


20 min.

30 min.

Value-based payment


Medical Home Staffing Changes


Medical Home Staff Roles

•All outreach by any member of the team is comprehensive. For example: pharmacist call regarding

medications address prevention care gaps (cancer screening).

• Team huddles• Visual display systems• PDCA improvement cycles• Removal of RVU incentives

• Calls redirected to care teams• Secure e-mail • Phone encounters• Pre-visit chart review• Collaborative care plans• EHR best practice alerts• EHR prevention reminders• Defined team roles

Point-of-care changes

• ED & urgent care visits• Hospital discharges• Quality deficiency reports• e-health risk assessment• Birthday reminder letters• Medication management• New patients

Patient-centered outreach

Management & payment

PCMH Model

Group Health’s PCMH Prototype

PCMH Prototype Evaluation

Patient experience


Evaluation measures:

Quality Utilization Cost

• Quasiexperimental, non-randomized intervention & matched control study design with baseline and follow-up data collection at 1 & 2 years

• 2 control clinics for patient & staff surveys; 19 control clinics for administrative data analyses

Reid RJ et al, Health Affairs 2010;29(5):835-43Reid RJ et al, Am J Manag Care 2009;15(9):e71-87

Medical Home Components Year 1: 94% more emails, 12% more phone consultations,

10% fewer calls to consulting nurse, & other changes Year 2: Changes persisted

Patient Experience Year 1: small, statistically significant changes in 6/7 scales

including access, quality of MD interactions, care planning Year 2:Changes persisted in 5/7 scales

MD & Staff Burnout Year 1: Emotional exhaustion dropped by half at medical

home with no change in controls. Year 2: Changes lessened but remained significant

Utilization Year 1: 29% fewer ER visits, 11% fewer preventable

hospitalizations, 6% fewer but longer in-person visits Year 2: Significant changes persisted

Costs Year 1: No significant difference in total costs between

Medical Home and control patients Year 2: Lower patient care costs approached stat

significance (~$10 PMPM; p=0.08)

PCMH Prototype Evaluation

New questions emerge…

Are the results generalisable to Group Health’s other clinics?

What will happen when practices don’t “invent” it?

What spread methods to use & how to stage?

Are the leaders & managers up to the task?


Call Management Team Huddles Standard Mgmt Practices

Enhanced Staffing Model Value-based MD Payment Model


Standardization & Spread using LEAN Techniques & Tools

Group Health’s PCMH Spread

Virtual Medicine

Care Management

Visit Preparation

Patient Outreach

Evaluating the Medical Home Spread

• Process Evaluation - implementation change targets met for most of the PCMH modules across all clinics

Hsu C, Coleman K, Ross TR, et al. J Amb Care Manage. 2012;35(2):99-108

Evaluating the Medical Home Spread

Reid RJ, Johnson EA, Hsu C, et al. Ann Fam Med 2013;11:S19-S26




Evaluating the Medical Home Spread

Reid RJ, Johnson EA, Hsu C, et al. Ann Fam Med 2013;11:S19-S26

Learning Healthcare System

Green SM, Reid RJ, Larson EB. Implementing the learning health system: from concept to action. Ann Intern Med 2012;157:207-210

Next Steps: Medical Home version 2.0

Key Changes to Group Health’s Medical Home :

Patient-risk Stratification to better target human resources

Move team members to practice at “top of licensure”

Strengthening the primary care teams: “relational coordination theory”

Integrating with the Medical Neighborhood: integrating mental health, chemical dependency, and specialty care into in the primary care teams

Developing a patient-centered community liaison role

Some final thoughts….

• Redesign represents significant change in how doctors, nurses & care team members think about their job

• Patient needs, desires, and perspectives should be primary

• Primary care physicians & team members need to “own” the changes and it must “work” for them

• Strong leadership and management is key

• Invest in a long term journey with many improvement cycles

Thank youRob Reid
