Rob giltner project

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Communication Technology in 2022

A.D.By: Rob Giltner

History of Communication Technology

Since the existence of humans, communication has been a high priority. From prehistoric

cave drawings too the development of the written language humans have relied on communication to exchange messages.

History of Communication Technology

The printing press was a great invention for its time. It was a machine that applied pressure to inked surface to a foundation such as paper. But it would take days for the written message to arrive at its destination.

The telegraph was an invented after scientist searched for a faster way to transmit messages. It used signals through wires to transmit messages to one location to another. The telegraph became the most popular way to communicate at the time.

History of Communication Technology

The telephone was another big advancement in communication technology. It transformed speech into an electric signal and then back into speech. Cell phones were later invented

and allowed wireless portable phone use.

Today, cell phones do some amazing things. It can take pictures, videos, access the internet, store files, and play music.

Cell phones are rapidly advancing in technology and it begs the question, what will they be like in 2022?

Cell phones in 2022

As stated earlier cell phones can do some amazing things. They are now also able to send emails and video chat. Cell phones are becoming personal offices and people have begun to rely heavily on them. With that demand, cell phones in 2022 should be able to keep up. The use of online usage will almost certainly be

more advanced. Online streaming of videos and music has just become

popular and would expect that to be more advanced and available in 2022

We would expect that we can view television on our phones without any problems.

Cell phones in 2022

We are spending more and more time on our cell phones and we are becoming reliant on them to do everyday task. The easier the better seems to be the way to go and

cell phone companies seem to be focusing on new screen technology. Today we have touch screen and in the future it is not out of the realm that we will not need touch screens on our phones as cameras and videos can recognize hand gestures.

This quick video is a great example as what screen technology may be like in the future.

Screen technology

Diffusion of Innovations

Roger’s Diffusion of Innovations theory tries to explain how an innovation is communicated over time through different channels to members of a social society. The theory has several stages that I will highlight

that relates to the cell phone. First, that innovation is some technology that is

perceived as new. Then Rodgers outlines a decision making process for

potential users. Lastly is the rate of adoption.

Diffusion of Innovations

Apples Iphone seem to comes out with a new type of phone often to be perceived as new.

Apple is very public about its new elements of its phone which gives the consumer knowledge, which is the first step in the decision making process.

People began to using the Iphone for other task instead of a phone which required Apple to adapt.

Critical Mass Theory

Critical Mass Theory states that early innovators and adapters play a key role in the development of the progress of technology. People had to use cell phones in the past in order for

it to grow as a communication technology. If there was not a critical mass with the telephone,

people with phones could not use it to talk to people with.

With the new development of technology screens on phones people will have to adapt and use the new phone technology for it to be successful.

Uses and Gratifications Theory

Uses and Gratifications Theory suggest that media users play an active role in choosing and using media. Since 2007 Iphone sales have

gone from .27 million units sold to 37.04 in 2012.

Owning an Iphone has become a trend. It has become cool to own one and people have begun to expect all cell phones to do what the Iphone does.

Users seek out the Iphone because it has begun to fulfill their need of what they think a phone should be.

Social Learning Theory/Social Cognitive


Going off the last slide lands us at Social Learning Theory/Social Cognitive Theory. This theory states people tend to gain knowledge by not trying items but by watching and duplicating others. The jump from .27 million to 37.04 million can attest to

this theory. Users did not jump on the Iphone bandwagon right away.

They waited and saw others use the cell phone and see how popular it became.

Celebrities and other well known individuals started owning Iphones which added to the spike of purchases.


These theories provide great examples as to why the cell phone is where it is today and why variations of it will be in our future for years to come. Our culture has want for quick

and easy function which set up the beliefs the new screen technology will be in place.

More daily task are being performed on cell phones.

Mobile sites are appearing more and more for cell phones and is changing the internet.


The ability cell phones to reinvent themselves which will allow to always seem new. Which was mentioned in the Diffusion of Innovations theory.

Cell phones are now own by almost everyone which will help with the Critical Mass Theory.

People know what they want and what they want their cell phones to do and cell phones will adapt which applies to Uses and Gratifications Theory.

Others will witness the new technology of phones and will follow others in purchasing the new products. Which was mentioned in Social Learning Theory/Social Cognitive Theory.

Works Cited

Levy Sarfin, R. (n.d.). The history of communication technology. Retrieved from

Uses and gratifications theory. (n.d.). Retrieved from \

global apple iphone sales from 3rd quarter 2007 to 3rd quarter 2012 (in million units). (n.d.). Retrieved from

Hiner, J. (n.d.). Future iphone concept: Laser keyboard and holographic display. Retrieved from