Road to Resilience 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100...

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Transcript of Road to Resilience 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100...

Road to
































What is the first step to manage your stress?

Identify the underlying causes of your stress

True of False?True of False?

All stress is caused by All stress is caused by negative eventsnegative events


Pleasant events such as job promotions, vacations and marriage can be stressors since they require many adjustments and place demands on the person

Name some warning signs and symptoms you may experience

when you have stress


•Back pain


•Increased heart rate

•Increased blood pressure


•Sleep disturbances

•Difficulty in concentrating

•Short temper

•Job dissatisfaction

•Low morale

What can you do to

reduce stress?

•Try relaxation techniques

•Be active every day

•Eat regular and healthy meals

•Focus on the positives in life

•Laugh and have fun

What could be included in a Stress Management Policy?

•Compressed work week

•Flex time

•Job share

•Voluntary reduced work time

•Work from home or remote location

•Sabbaticals leave

•Professional development leave

What does the term “work-life balance” mean?

It is the ability to manage all priorities in your life, both at work

and at home

How does an employee with work-life balance benefit an employer?

Benefits for the employer include:

• Increased productivity, initiative and team work

• Reduced absenteeism

• Strengthened commitment and loyalty to the workplace

• Positive impact on the workplace

What are some barriers to work-life balance?

•Work overload

•Lack of support from family and friends

•Poor communication

•Changing work culture

•Company downsizing

What can you tell a co-worker to assist him/her in achieving

work-life balance?

•Eat well, set priorities and learn time management skills

•Develop and maintain a healthy social life

•Avoid taking work home

•Avoid forwarding work calls to home

•Get at least 8 hours of sleep

•Set aside time for yourself

•Be physically active

•Spend quality time with family and friends

What would help to increase work-life balance?

•Compressed work week

• Flexible hours

• Job share

• Voluntary reduced work time

•Work from home or remote location

• Paid or unpaid leaves

• Sabbaticals leave

• Professional development leave

•Bereavement leave

•Compassionate care leave

• Personal leave

•Dependent care

•Breastfeeding policy

• Phased-in retirement

• Stress policy

True or false?

With shift work, taking time to exercise increases stress


Exercise can help shift workers sleep better and will improve physical fitness, leading to a

more energetic and alert attitude during work

True or false?

After working a night shift, a drink of alcohol before going to bed will help

you sleep better


While alcohol consumption does help you fall asleep faster, it

prevents you from going into the deeper stages of sleep which leads

to a tired feeling the next day

What are some health problems that shift workers are more likely to


•Sleep disturbances

•Digestive problems

•Heart disease

•Weight issues

Why does shift work cause stress?

• Lack of socializing with family and friends

• Hard to take part in family activities and responsibilities

• Hard to form routines

• Difficult to manage affairs in an environment that is more suited to a 9-5 work force

What strategies can a workplace implement to help shift workers manage their


• Provide exercise facilities on site

• Provide a 24 hour cafeteria where night workers can obtain a nutritious meal

• Schedule shorter, more frequent breaks throughout the shift

• Do not schedule more than 5 to 7 shifts in a row

• Plan schedules in advance

• Keep schedules flexible by allowing workers to exchange shifts

• Schedule time off over weekends

• Provide at least 48 hours between shift changes to allow the body to adjust

True or false?

When in a stressful situation, increasing caffeine intake will help

you cope


Caffeine is a natural stimulant and can throw the body’s systems into overdrive, especially in stressful


True or false?True or false?

Our bodies need more nutrients Our bodies need more nutrients when we are under stresswhen we are under stress


This is a myth

Stress causes people to neglect their diet, however

there is no need for more or less nutrients while stressed

True or False?

Eating comfort food can relieve your stress


Eating comfort food does not relieve stress because you have not dealt

with the source of stress

Give examples of 3 healthy food options to have when you are


•Fresh fruit or veggies

•Low-fat yogurt

•Whole grain cereal and low-fat milk

•Hot chocolate made with low-fat milk

•Low salt pretzels

How can you maintain your healthy mental status when you are stressed

and lose your appetite?

•Stress may affect your appetite, but skipping meals puts extra stress on your body

•Eat small amounts of healthy foods more often

•Make sure you have snacks close at hand

•Some ideas are: yogurt, low-fat cheese and crackers, fruit or hard-boiled eggs

True or false?

Regular physical activity is a great way to manage stress


Regular physical activity can:• Release muscle tension• Relieve feelings of anger,

frustration and fear• Improve our ability to relax and

sleep• Lower blood pressure

True or False?

At work, a few minutes of stretching every day can help relieve stress


Stretching helps to relieve stress, relax tense muscles and re-energize

your day

Give examples of physical activities that can relieve stress at work

• Take frequent stretch breaks at your desk or during meetings to replenish your energy

• Take a walk with your colleagues during break and lunch time

• Take the stairs instead of the elevator

• Ride a bike to work or join a lunch time exercise program

What physical activity opportunities can a workplace implement for


• Host on-site classes such as yoga, Tai Chi, aerobics or line dancing

• Organize walking groups before or after work or over lunch break

• Provide stretch breaks during meetings

• Plan social events to include an activity component such as bowling, soccer, baseball games or golf tournaments

What are some examples of initiatives that support

physical activity?

• Flexible work hours to accommodate and encourage participation in physical activity

• Partner with local recreational facilities including cost sharing or reimbursement of membership fees

• Sponsor employee teams to participate in physical activity events such as Heart and Stroke Foundation’s Adventure Challenge or Big Bike Events