rn, 10 Bil. 11997 COMPARISON OFDOMESTIC WASTEWATERTREATMEl''T · in wastewater treatment (Reddy &...

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Transcript of rn, 10 Bil. 11997 COMPARISON OFDOMESTIC WASTEWATERTREATMEl''T · in wastewater treatment (Reddy &...


Jurnal Kej. Awam rn, 10 Bil. 11997




Mohd Ismid Mohd SaidNormala Has him

Ahmad Faisal AzizLaila HeJwa Miskam

Dept. of Environmental EngineeringFaculty of Civil Engineering


The perfo rmance of two types of loca l floating aquatic plants i.e. waterhyacin th (Eichhornia crassipes) and water convulvulus (Ipomea aquatica)in treating domestic wastewater were studied in a small laboratory- scaleexperiment with a detention time of 5 days. Although both plants showedthe ability to remove organic and inorganic pollutants. the average percentremoval of water hyacinth was greater than that of water convo lvulus forall parameters (BODS. COD. Fe. Mg, Cu). This difference in removalperformance may be due to the difference in the length of the plant roots.


Wide ranges of aquatic plants have been claimed to have the ability to treatwastewaters. This includes Eichhomia crassipes (Water Hyacinth).Lerona sp. (Duckweed), Phragmites australis (Common Reed ), Scirpusaculus (Bulrush). Typha latlfola (Cattail) and many others (Reed et al.1988. Kingsley et al. 1989. Selvapathy & Babu 1995. Mungur et al,1997, ). .

Water hyacinth is a type of freshwater macrophyte (water tolerant vascularplant) with rounded . upright. shiny green leaves and spikes of lavenderflowers. The petioles of the plant are spongy with many air spaces andcontribute to the.buoy ancy of the plant. The root length varies with thenutrient-status of the water but is normally more than JO em. .

Similar to water hyacinth, Ipomea Aquatica or water convolvulu s is also atype of perennial . fresh water aquatic macrophyte which can normally befound growing in nutri ent rich aquatic systems such as streams , ponds andalso oxidation pond s.

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The plant usually spreads horizontalJy on the wate r surface and floatsusing perfora ted stems, unlike the water hyacinth which floats usingspongy peti oles. The roo t of the pl ant is also slightly shorter nor maJlyreaching to approximately 6·8 em in le ngth.

Although many studies have establ ished water hyacinth as being effectivein wastewater treatment (Reddy & Sutton 1984. Reed et al. 1988), studieson the effectiveness of water convolvulus in treating wastewater havebeen sca rcely reported. Th is study w as designed as a pre liminary effo rt todetermine and compare the effectiveness of water hyacinth and waterconvo lvulus in treating domestic wa stewater .


The study was cond ucted using 3 plastic buckets each filled with 45 Iwastewater [ 0 a depth of 0.35 m . The wastewater was taken from anoxidation pond at UTM campus. Two of the buckets Were filled withapproximately 450 g wate r hycinth and 450 g water convolvulus.respecti vely . The amount of plan ts were sufficient to cover 70 % ~ 80 % ofthe surface area of both buckets . The third bucket was not filled with anyplants and served as control. The detent ion time for the experiment wasset fo r 5 days and samples from each bucket was taken on the first andfifth day. Parameters measu red on the first and fifth day were BO D, COD,Fe, Mg. Cu. The expe riment was conducted 4 times in which new plant sand wastew ater were used for each new experiment.


The ave rage perc ent removal efficiency for both plants studied for 5 daysdetentio n time are shown in Table 1 A and B. From the Tabl e. it is evident[hat water hyacinth perfor med better in removing orga nic and inorganicpolluta nts when compared to water convolvulus. Unlike water hyacinthwhich sho wed a remarkably high ave rage percent removal of allparameters. water convolvulus only performed well in removing BOD andCO D. Th e average pe rcent removal of metals (Fe, Mg & C u) by waterconv ol vulu s was approx imately 25.7 % lower th an that of water hyaci nth.


As reported in previ ou s st udies (Reddy & Su tton 1984, Reed et al. 1988)water hyacin th are capab le of high organic and inorg anic removal. Theknow n mechanisms Invol ved in the remova l processes are the microbialactivities near the plant surface especially the root area, plan t uptake ofmetals and nutrient s, and also chemica l precipitation and adsorption onsubstra te and on plant surfaces.



Similar to waterhyacinth, water convolvulus also showed a relatively highaverage percent removal of BOD and COD. However, its performance inremoving the three types of metals were about 25.7 % lower than that ofwater hyacinth. Although it is assumed that the removal mechanisms ofmetals by water convolvulus are similar to those of water hyacinth, thereare limited data and information available pertaining to its capability.Nevertheless. it is possible that the shorter length of the root of waterconvolvulus may be one of the factors affecting its performance in metalremoval. However. as the health ofthe plant was not affected after 5 daysimmersion in wastewater it is possible that a further extension of thedetention period would probablyresult in better removal efficiencies.


[I ) Kingsley, J.B., J.J . Maddox & P.M. Giordano : Aquatic Plant Cultu refor WasteTreatment and Resource Recovery . Constructed Wetlandsfor Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery, Lewis Pub.. pg.537-542, 1989)

[2] Mungur, A.S., R.B.E. Shutes , D.M. Revill & M.A. House ; AnAssessment of MetalRemoval by a Laboratory Scale Wetland. WaterScience &Technology, Vol. 35, No. 5, 1997.

[3J Reddy, K..R. , & D.L. Sutton : Water Hyacinth for Water QualityImprovement and Biomass Production. J. Envim. Qual., 13(1 ):1-8,1984.

[4J Reed, S.C.. EJ . Middlebrooks & R.W. Crites : Natural Systems forWaste Management & Treatment. Me Graw-Hill Inc. 1988.

[5) Selvapathy, P. and N.K. Aljunan : Heavy Metals Removal fromWastewater by Duckweed. Appropriate Waste Management Tech.For Developing Countries, 1995.



Table 1: Removal efficiencies of (A) Waler Hyacinth(B) Water Convulvulus (Cl Control.

h(Al Water HvacintParameter Experiments Day 1 Day S Average

RemovalExp. 1 110 22

BODS Exp. 2 100 16 80 %(mg/l) Exp. 3 100 22

Exp.4 110 22Exp. I 190 25

COD(mg/I) Exp.2 180 31 85.5 %Exp. 3 200 24Exp.4 190 30Exp. I 0.799 0.079

Fe (mg/I) Exp. 2 0.762 0.080 91.1 %Exp. 3 0.680 0.083Exp.4 0.950 0.042Exp. 1 0.108 0.031

Mg(mg/I) Exp.2 0.113 0.027 67.6 %Exp. 3 0.125 0.047Exp.4 0,098 0.042Exp. I 0.510 0.070

Cu (mg/I) Exp.2 0.550 0.080 85.6%Exp. 3 0.440 0.080Exp.4 0.580 0.070

(8 ) Water ConvolvulusParameter Experiments Day ! DayS Average

RemovalExp. 1 lIO 26

BODS Exp. 2 100 26 72.4 %(mg/I) Exp. 3 100 28

Exo.4 110 36Exp.1 190 37

CO D(mg/I) Exp. 2 180 39 80.1 %Exp.3 200 40Exo.4 190 35Exp. 1 0.799 . 0.154

Fe (mgll) Exp. 2 0 .762 0.125 68.4 %Exp.3 0 .680 0.145Exp.4 0.950 0.587Exp.l 0.108 0.053

Mg (mg/I) Exp.2 0.113 0.049 52.3%

• Exp.3 0.125 0.066Exo.4 0.098 0.047Exp. 1 0.510 0.270

Cu (mgll) Exp. 2 0.550 0.290 46.7 %Exp. 3 0.440 0.240EXD.4 0.580 0.310


(C) Contro l (no plants)

Parameter Experiments Day 1 DayS AverageRemoval

Exp. I 110 84BODS Exp.2 100 80 22.8 %(mg/I) Exp.3 100 86

Exp.4 110 74

Exp. I 190 150COD (mg/l) Exp.2 180 125 30 %

Exp.3 200 185E xo. 4 190 72Exp.1 0 .799 0.092

Fe (mg/l) Exp. 2 0 .762 0.092 17.1 %Exp .3 0.680 0.103Exo.4 0.950 0.082Exp . 1 0.108 0.5 12

Mg (mg/I) Exp.2 0.113 0.468 35.8 %Exp. 3 0.125 0.378Exp .4 0.098 0.687Exp .1 0.510 0.450

Cu (mg/l) Exp.2 0.550 0.480 13.5 %Exp.3 0.440 0.420Exo.4 0.580 0.450