Rmuohp pa update714

Post on 01-Apr-2016

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Transcript of Rmuohp pa update714



U P D A T E Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions

Get to Know The PA Program Faculty



We are the faculty of Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions Physician Assistant Program. We admit that our name is a mouth full, so we go by RMUoHP PA Program. Say it five times fast and it starts to grow on you. We hope by getting to know us you will feel more comfortable with the program and it will start to feel familiar to you. Hopefully we get the chance to learn all about you as well.

So, lets get on with the introductions and questions we asked the faculty about themselves. As a newly developing PA program, there will be several additional faculty members onboard soon!


David  Payne  MPAS,  PA-­‐C  Program  Director  



Dr.  David  Fairbanks  MD,  FAAFP  Medical  Director  



P H Y S I C I A N A S S I S T A N T P R O G R A M F A C U L T Y  


Carol  Tanner  BME,  M.Ed,  MPAS,  PA-­‐C  Clinical  Coordinator  


Michael  Nelson  MPAS,  PA-­‐C  Principal  Faculty,  Instructor  


Taryn  Lopez  BS,  CTRS  PA  Program  Administrative  Assistant    




As we are developing the program here at RMUoHP we will be hiring several more talented faculty. Please enjoy getting to know our current faculty a little bit better. Faculty members have answered the same questions; you will see the question listed then the initials of the faculty by their answer.

Where did you get your education?

DP: BS Arizona State, MPAS University of St Francis DF: BS in Humanities at Brigham Young U; MD at University of Virginia; Surgical internship at Washington Hospital Center (Georgetown U); Family Medicine Residency at Southern Illinois U Springfield. CT: BS Biomedical Engineering - University of Southern California, M.Ed. Exercise Physiology - Temple University, MPAS Physician Assistant Studies - University of Utah

MN: BS Biology, MPAS degrees from Idaho State University. Currently in final year of Doctor of Health Sciences program at A.T. Still University.

TL: BS from University of Utah



What is your Work Experience in the field? DP: Family Medicine PA, PA Program Director at University of Charleston, PA Program Academic Director at University of Wisconsin, PA Program Associate Director at Rocky Mountain College CT: Physician Assistant - Women's Health, Family Medicine, Pediatrics, and Dermatology. Biomedical Engineer/Exercise Physiologist - Pediatric Cardiology Clinical Research, Cardiac Rehab program MN: Family Practice, Urgent Care Medicine, Orthopedic Surgery, and Spine Surgery DF: Medical Director PA-Program RMUoHP, Anatomy and Physiology instructor Utah Valley U -present; Chief of Staff, Director of Emergency Medicine South Big Horn County Hospital - Present, Flight Medical Director EagleMed (airevac company) - present, Deputy Medical Examiner Utah County - present; I have worked in family and emergency medicine in a variety of settings for 23 years; from the United States Air Force & Indian Health Service to rural community hospitals. I have consulted in marketing for technology companies and successfully introduced new products to medically related industries. I have served as Medical Director for various organizations including Senior Regional Medical Director for Humana's Intermountain Region. TL: I worked as a Recreational Therapist for the past 5 years before joining RMUoHP.    

Where is your hometown? DP: Born Roswell, NM; Raised in Mesa, AZ CT: Maumee, Ohio MN: Firth, Idaho DF: Bethesda, MD TL: Cedar Hills, Utah What’s your family make up? DP: Married to Ceri (sounds like 'Siri'); three daughters - Camryn 11, Jamie 10, and Bryleigh 8 CT: Married. 5 Children - 2 sons, 3 daughters. 3 Married. 1 Grandchild MN: Married. Kids - a 4-year-old monster and his 2-year-old demon brother, we have one that is about halfway done cooking, I think its a boy, the kids hope its a puppy. Heaven forbid we have any grandkids. DF: Married 30 yrs, 3 great kids, 3 fabulous grandkids with the newest arrival only days old TL: Married just over a year now.








What are your favorite sport and sports teams? DP: Play: Racquetball, Baseball; Watch: Football, Baseball

CT: Basketball, Figure-Skate, Swimming. Favorite professional football team: Cincinnati Bengals

MN: Wrestling and Rodeo are my sports of choice.

DF: BYU Football, Washington Redskins (Yes I think the name is still appropriate), Baltimore Orioles

TL: Team USA! Utah Utes Football, Utah Jazz, St. Louis Cardinals. I enjoy playing volleyball. What are your hobbies? DP: Reading, Writing, Web Development, Singing, and Theater

CT: Watching my kids compete in ballroom and music performances! Also spend time transporting kids to dance and music lessons; Serving as Youth Services Director of our local Kiwanis group; Genealogy/creating family picture albums (when I have time). Family Time!

MN: I love to fly fish, make custom fishing rods, camp, hike, wood working, I run a few 5Ks a year, train hunting dogs, play the guitar (great therapy), and I speed (really good at this one, just as local law enforcement).

DF: Bluegrass music, hiking, skiing, SCUBA diving, flying, camping, scouting, cosplay, grandkids, model trains, D&D every Tuesday night.

TL: I love wakeboarding, hiking, backpacking, camping, indoor rock climbing, shooting, crocheting, photography, snowshoeing and napping!

What are your favorite Movies &/or TV shows? DP: Movie: Princess Bride; TV: Parenthood CT: American President, Love Affair, Jack Ryan movies, Criminal Minds (I watch very little TV - usually a movie on a weekend) MN: I don’t watch many movies, I have a hard time sitting for 2+ hours when there are things to get done. Favorite TV show is Psych, its short and funny. DF: Galaxy Quest, Star Wars, Avengers, Star Trek, LOTR (if you have to ask don't) Bill and Ted's, Princess Bride and so many more! TL: Parks & Rec, Bones, New Girl, Bob's Burgers

Who is your hero? DP: Jesus Christ, because he's a pretty remarkable guy! CT: My sister. I always knew she was very charitable to people in her community, but after she passed away, a little over a year ago from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou





Gehrig's Disease), many stories surfaced about her quiet charitable ways and serving others. MN: All my heroes are dead and mostly unknown. Its what they died for that made them my heroes. DF: My dad, my wife, my kids, my grandfather, Jean Luc Picard, Bones McCoy, Captain America, Albus Dumbledore, Robert E. Lee, Hunter Holmes McGuire, MD, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Leonardo DaVinci, Sherlock Holmes, Iron Man, Miracle Max (If you don't know this one you need to spend some time with American culture) TL: My Grandmas. They were both married to farmers and are the hardest working women I know. They get things done, take care of the house, all while having a warm meal for their family. The aren’t afraid to get dirty and do hard farm work and I’ve never known them to complain.

What’s your favorite food(s)?

DP: Wings, ribs, pizza, lasagna, cheeseburgers CT: Grilled chicken, Mexican or Chinese food, Vegetables, watermelon, nuts, and caramel nips (got to have a sweet!) MN: Cool Whip! DF: Chocolate, suchi, my wife’s pies, huckleberry milkshakes, just about everything else. TL: I just really like food. I couldn't live without cheese, I like to try all sorts of new dishes but I admit that I do love a good ole greasy bacon cheeseburger with fries.

What vehicle do you drive?

DP: Nissan Altima, 34 mpg CT: Chevy Impala (I am not into fancy cars…kind of a practical person) MN: GMC Duramax 2500HD DF: ’09 Shelby Cobra GT 500, 1967 Mustang coupe 289, F-150 (3 of them) TL: Hyundai Accent. It does not have power locks, and you have to physically roll down the windows, but it gets me from point A to point B.

Do you have any pets?

DP: Cat... her name is 'Kitty', sometimes I call her 'FK1' (when she spontaneously goes into special agent mode... [or schizophrenic mode... I don't know what the heck she's staring at and chasing after]) MN: Chesapeake Bay retriever, his name is Fish. Best piece of hunting equipment I own. DF: Border Collie – Zoe TL: I rescued an old King Charles Cavalier 2 years ago. His name is Gus and all he ever wants to do is cuddle.

What did you want to be when you grew up? DP: Professional baseball player CT: Medical Doctor




MN: When I was 5 years old my dad told me I could be anything I wanted to be when I grew up. I told him I wanted to be a gorilla. He told me that I could be anything except for a gorilla, because gorillas aren’t people. So, I told him I wanted to be an Indian Chief. He told me that would be impossible. I learned young that kids get told a lot of things that aren't true. I still think I could have rocked a teepee. DF: Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy TL: A teacher

What is your favorite local activity? DP: Haven't got one yet. I did go to Seven Peaks Water Park last week and that was a lot of fun! CT: Great mountains to hike and ski and parks to picnic at in the summer. Wonderful summertime activities - most communities with week-long festive activities. Cheap movie theaters! MN: Fly Fishing, Hiking, boating, going to events throughout the county, and going to Cabela's! DF: Ski Alta, Salt Lake Comic Con, Drive-in with grandkids, Hike trails along Wasatch, horseback riding TL: Hiking, biking on the river trail, wakeboarding on Utah Lake and Deer Creek, going to rodeos, city festivals (there's a different one every week in the summer), snowshoeing, going up the canyon for a fire, climbing, outdoor concerts and eating at ma and pa restaurants.

We hope this gives you an Idea of who we are. As the program develops, there will soon be more faculty and we hope you will be able to meet them as well. In the works: In the coming months you should receive information on the PA profession, program updates, and information about the wonderful Provo, UT area.