rLevel 3 Exemplar 2 & Comments2015 HKDSE\rGeography Paper 2\rLevel 3 Exemplar 2 & Comments Paper 2...

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Transcript of rLevel 3 Exemplar 2 & Comments2015 HKDSE\rGeography Paper 2\rLevel 3 Exemplar 2 & Comments Paper 2...

2015 HKDSE Geography Paper 1 Level 3 Exemplar 2 & Comments
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Paper 1 Level 3 Exemplar 2 Comments

- In Question 1, the candidate was able to describe the location of the epicentres. However, he/she was not able to

compare the causes of the tsunamis at X and Y correctly. He/she was only able to give a general explanation of

the difference in the death toll between X and Y, as well as the wave height of the tsunami at Y. He/she was also

only able to give an incomplete evaluation on the effectiveness of ‘land use zoning’ as a measure to alleviate the

damage caused by the tsunami at X.

- In Question 4, the candidate was not able to calculate the change in sea ice extent correctly. He/she was only able

to give a general explanation of how the change in the amount of carbon dioxide emission is leading to the areal

change in sea ice extent. He/she was able to give a clear explanation of the positive and negative impact brought

about by the change. However, he/she was only able to give a brief evaluation of the effectiveness of

international cooperation in controlling global carbon dioxide emission.

- In the short essay question, the candidate demonstrated a general understanding of how the physical environment

causes high risk of famine in the Sahel region. However, his/her discussion of the effectiveness of biotechnology

in lowering the risk of famine in the Sahel region was superficial.

2015 HKDSE Geography Paper 2 Level 3 Exemplar 2 & Comments
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Paper 2 Level 3 Exemplar 2 Comments

- The candidate was only able to analyse and interpret briefly the data given in the structured question. His/her

description and explanation of rock characteristics and formation were simple and brief. The candidate was able

to identify rockfall correctly as a type of mass wasting, but he/she confused the concepts of erosion, weathering

and mass wasting in the explanation.

- In the short essay question, the candidate demonstrated adequate knowledge of pressure belts

and atmospheric circulation using appropriate geographical terms. He/she was able to describe the formation of

the planetary wind system systematically. However, he/she should have given a more detailed description of

planetary wind directions to score higher marks. Also, the description of the spatial distribution of

global climatic zones and the explanation of the effects of solar radiation on climatic zones given by the candidate

lacked depth, with some inaccuracies.