River ity hristian ollege Term 03, Week 06 rccc.vic.edu.au ...

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Transcript of River ity hristian ollege Term 03, Week 06 rccc.vic.edu.au ...


River City Christian College Term 03, Week 06

rccc.vic.edu.au Monday, August 26, 2019

In this issue

From Peter Nelson 1

Prayer Points 2

School News 2-8

Calendar of Events 9

Where did that come from?

I was part of a discussion recently about having a real

deep sense of joy and peace within us and how much

that is wanted by so many people. Now it’s a really

good thing that people would desire to be grounded in

such a place where joy and peace were a regular and

genuine experience for them but, as the reflection

continued, I realised that for many people it’s like a

being uninformed about basic

horticulture and wandering into an

orchard to find beautiful looking, ready

to eat, luscious apples hanging on a

tree. We could enjoy a feast for a while

but remain unaware of the history of

work and time that had been invested

to bring the fruit to that stage and we

would be unequipped to enable the

same crop appear season after season.

So it is with the real possibility of

having deep-seated joy, peace and many more very

good things continually springing up in our lives. To

have that happening we need to be planted in good

soil and to be well cared for which includes soaking in

many nutrients and even bearing with some regular

pruning! Jesus said, I have come that you may have

life, and have it to the full and while that means much

more than just having deep-seated joy and peace, they

are certainly part of what Jesus was talking about.

Romans 8:1-8 have been the Bible verses we have been

considering within the school over the last couple of

weeks and they are good to consider again here: “If

you belong to Christ Jesus, you won’t be punished. The

Holy Spirit will give you life that comes from Christ Jesus

and will set you free from sin and death. The Law of

Moses cannot do this, because our selfish desires make

the Law weak. But God set you free when he sent his

own Son to be like us sinners and to be

a sacrifice for our sin. God used Christ’s

body to condemn sin. He did this, so

that we would do what the Law

commands by obeying the Spirit

instead of our own desires. People who

are ruled by their desires think only of

themselves. Everyone who is ruled by

the Holy Spirit thinks about spiritual

things. If our minds are ruled by our

desires, we will die. But if our minds

are ruled by the Spirit, we will have life and peace. Our

desires fight against God, because they do not and

cannot obey God’s laws. If we follow our desires, we

cannot please God.”

Have you accepted such life and peace for yourself or

will you continue in it? Jesus also said to seek first His

kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will

be given to you as well.

Peter Nelson


Prayer Points

Praise God the giver of life and for the birth of Emmett’s (Grade 2) brother Marley Jack Harris-

Grey last week.

For peace and Godly relationships between the young people who are connected with RCCC in

one way or another.

For God-given strength and renewal in the midst of difficult circumstances we are often called to

persevere in.

Thankfulness for other Christian school communities in our region, state and nation who are

faithfully at work in their own contexts and for the blessings we so often receive as a result.

Parents and friends are welcome to a time of prayer for the school each Monday during the

school term, 9am to 9.30am, in the meeting room off the front office.

Merit Award Winners

for Term 3 week 05

Jahleel Atkinson for trying hard in his


Tom McDonald for his confidence and

improvement in class

Mia Grey for her compassion and integrity

Harmony Rose for her dedication to her

work and asking questions when she is unsure

Luke Broad for his positive learning attitude

and willingness to help others

Work To Share: Mitchell class for sharing

their writing task in line with Book Week,

“Reading is my secret power”.

Well done to the Primaries for completing

levels in the swimming program. And

special mention to Mia Grey and Rowan

Whitfield who have completed the whole

program and received their special

certificate from the pool

Congratulations everyone!

Upcoming Sports Events

We have a couple of sporting events between

now and the end of this term. Firstly a small group

of students will be selected to represent RCCC at

the Christian Schools Events Network athletics

meeting in Bendigo on Monday September 9th.

Then on Friday that week, September 13th, it is the

annual Christian Sports Day here at RCCC where

Deniliquin Christian School and quite a number of

Home Schoolers combine for a sports day from

10am to 2pm. Parents and friends are welcome to

come and encourage the young people on this day

and if you would like to assist on the day in some

way, please let Joan Cardwell know and we’ll get

back to you with the possibilities.

Working Bee this Saturday Morning,

August 31st

Please join us for a range of maintenance

and improvement jobs around the school

this Saturday between 8am to 12 noon.

Come when you can and leave when you

need to but we’ll be enjoying morning tea

together at around 10.30am. Students are

welcome to come along and work with

their parents. A variety of tasks, materials

and tools will be available but if you have

some preferred gardening / cleaning /

maintenance tools etc., please bring them

along. I’m looking forward to this time

together again for this term. Peter Nelson

Class of the week is Snowy

Well done to the amazing students in Years 7-8




Envision Hands is a not-for-profit community

initiative that uses 3D printing to turn plastic waste

into mechanical hands and arms for kids, with the

products being sent around the world. The

patterns are unique and colourful, designed to

make kids feel confident and empowered. One

little boy, aged four, received a prosthetic hand

with a Batman design; his mother said, “Just seeing

him close that hand and open it….it was really

exciting for all of us”

During the rest of this year you can bring your

plastic bottle caps; water, soft drink etc., to school

and give them to Mrs Bish and she will pass them

on to Envision, so that prosthetic limbs can be

made. (The Rochester Rotary Club are making this

collection possible)

Parent Survey

Attached to this Newsletter is a brief survey that

we would like parents and friends to complete

and return to the school office in a sealed

envelope by Monday September 9th. This is just

one way that we seek to develop good

communication and relationships within the

school community. However, as things arise that

you want to chat through in any way, please

simply talk to the staff member who is directly

involved in the matter or to myself if you feel that

is best at the time. Many thanks, Peter Nelson

A Breakfast and Assembly for Dads

It’s not too late to get your response into the

office for this event at the College which will start

at 8am on Friday this week, August 30th. Dads

or another

significant man in

the lives of our

students, we look

forward to this

time together

with you and

your child/


Mary Poppins Performances

Just a reminder for your diaries that we will be

presenting two performances of Mary Poppins on

Friday September 20th, one at 12.30pm and the

other at 7.30pm in the Echuca Community Church



National Book Week 2019

Congratulations to all the students and teachers

who participated in celebrating national book

week and dressing up in character.

Thankyou to all parents and relatives who

attended the special assembly for book week.

Reading is a key element of learning. It can bring

us happiness and help us to gain knowledge

about many things.

Here is a glimpse into the spectacular

costumes we saw on Thursday.



Which is heavier, a kilo of bricks

or a kilo of feathers? ………...

(Answer on last page)

Operation Christmas Child

It’s that time of year where RCCC begins to prepare for

Operation Christmas Child. For those families who are

new to the school and may be unaware of this special

initiative, it is a wonderful opportunity for us to spread

love and kindness at Christmas time to children around

the world who are less fortunate. The organisation

Samaritan’s Purse runs this promotion each year for

families to donate goods to be packed into shoeboxes,

which are then sent to children overseas. We raised over

$230 through the “Crazy Hair Day” and this money will

go towards buying sutable gifts. Students interested in

helping to pack shoeboxes will have the opportunity in the last week of Term 3. For any families who

wish to still donate gift items, please see the list attached to this week’s newsletter. Please note that all

items MUST be brand new (no op shop items or previously loved items, please). Gifts can be for

either a boy or a girl up to the age of 12. Gifts must be brought to the school by 13th September (end

of week 8). Link to gift ideas: https://www.samaritanspurse.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/2017-


Thank you! Miss Ruth Kip

Southern Cross Kids Camp

Movie Fundraiser


Thursday, 5th Sept

Paramount Cinema

5.30pm supper

6.45pm movie start

Cost: $20

Ring Jenny Miller on

0400 831 738 for tickets


Piano Tuition

Mrs June Edwards has some available lesson timeslots

if you are


starting your

child on piano

lessons. Secure

your lesson now

by calling her on

the number


June Edwards—

0408 699 817

As part of their study of the seven continents of

the world, Mitchell class made “rocking

penguins”. Levi and Trinity created a wonderful

paper model of the Antarctica landscape on

which to display them.





Friday recess with Mitchell…

… another blessed Morning with god’s wonderFul

creations creating awesome sand sculptures and



Contact Us: Phone: 03 5482 4594

Website: www.rccc.vic.edu.au

Email: reception@rccc.vic.edu.au

BSB: 063 511 Account: 1005 5226

River City

Christian College

School Calendar of EventsSchool Calendar of Events

The same—a kilo is a kilo!



5 Swimming Wk 3

6 Swimming

7 P/T Meetings Swimming Playgroup

8 Swimming

9 Swimming



12 Science Week Wk 4

13 Science Week

14 Science Week Playgroup Crazy Hair Day

15 Science Week

16 Science Week



19 Wk 5

20 P-2 to

Rochester Safety


21 Playgroup

22 Book Character





26 Wk 6

27 Beacon

Pathway Promise

28 Playgroup

29 30 Fathers’ Day

Breakfast &


31 Working Bee

1 Fathers’ Day



2 Not Even Once

& DCS, seminar

and evening

session Wk 7


4 Playgroup





9 CSEN Aths

Bendigo (selected

team) Wk 8


11 Playgroup Youth Expo Ovens


13 Christian

Sports @ RCCC



16 Footy Colours

Day Wk 9


18 Playgroup


20 Last day T3 2.15pm dismissal Mary Poppins

Matinee & Evening

21 Holidays

22 Holidays

23 Holidays

24 Holidays

25 Holidays

26 Holidays

27 Holidays Grand

Final Public holiday

28 Holidays

29 Holidays

30 Holidays

1 Holidays

2 Holidays

3 Holidays

4 Holidays

5 Holidays

6 Holidays Daylight Savings
