Risk assessment & health and Safety

Post on 14-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Risk assessment & health and Safety

This is the statement of general policy and arrangements for: Ben Sewell and Luke Barnes AO2 Music Video

     Ben Sewell & Luke Barnes A02 Music video

Overall and final responsibility for health and safety is that of: Luke and Ben

     Ormiston victory academy

Day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice is delegated to: Luke and Ben

     NR5 OBJ

Statement of general policyResponsibility of Action / Arrangements

To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health and provide adequate control of health and safety risks arising from work activities

     Luke and Ben      Make sure workplace / filming area is clear of all hazards. The Hazards that may occur could be wires that may cause trips. Also the loft conversion entrance would be taped up and made clear not to go near it whilst open to ensure no falls occur.

To provide adequate training to ensure employees are competent to do their work

     Ormisition Victory academy      Lessons on filming and media in general. Such as lessons on editing using up-to-date software. Also theory lessons on the importance of for instance mise en scene.

To engage and consult with employees on day-to-day health and safety conditions and provide advice and supervision on occupational health

     Luke and Ben      Help if someone is in need of help. This means good communication between actor and between ben and Luke.

To implement emergency procedures - evacuation in case of fire or other significant incident. You can find help with your fire risk assessment at: (See note 1 below)

     Luke and ben/ school      For Luke and ben to arrange if needed and for school to sort out whilst in Ormisiton. This could mean evacuations out of bens house in case of an incident and also to plan out an emergency exit point. Also for the school to have an emergency exit route if needed.

To maintain safe and healthy working conditions, provide and maintain plant, equipment and machinery, and ensure safe storage / use of substances

     Luke and ben      to arrange that workplace remains safe. Meaning things must be put to a place where they are not in the way and not to have anything left lying around that could cause a threat.

Health and safety law poster is displayed:      either Luke or ben to create one whilst on the filming site to ensure everyone is aware of the health and safety procedures.

First-aid box and accident book are located:Accidents and ill health at work reported under RIDDOR: (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations) (see note 2 below)

          First aid box and bens house, at school - first aid room. Both Luke and Ben are trained in first aid so if soothing were to happen then the incident could be dealt with.

Signed: (Employer) Luke and Ben Date:      26/09/12

Subject to review, monitoring and revision by:      ------------- Every:      ------------------

Health and safety policy

Organisation name:       Luke and Bens AO2 Music Video

What are the hazards?

Who might be harmed and how?

What are you already doing? Do you need to do anything else to manage this risk?

Action by whom?

Action by when?


     fall down loft conversion

     actor, ben or Luke      Shutting door to prevent fall. This then prevents an incident that would lead to a broken led etc.

     possible tape to show that hazard may occur

     Luke or ben

     ----      ----

     fall out of window

     actor      Shut window and lock This could again prevent a fall and therefore won’t harm anyone.

     Responsibility of ben or Luke to ensure that window is locked before the scene.

     Luke or ben or actor

     ----      -----

     tripping over equipment

     actor , Luke or ben      Cable tidy and moving all possible hazards aside away from everyone. This then would prevent falls and trips over wire and insure safety on the workers.

     Ben or Luke to make everyone aware of where wires are and to be careful whilst on set insuring safety to the workers.

     Luke or ben

     ----      ----

     dropping camera equipment

     Luke or ben      Tight hold on camera to prevent any damage to the camera or to the actor. For instance if it is a close up bird’s eye view of someone laying down you don’t want the camera to fall onto them

     possibility of strap to prevent falling which could be obtained by Luke or ben

     Luke or ben

     ----      ----

Risk assessment