Risk assessment

Post on 16-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Risk assessment

Risk Hazard Prevention What it could causeWeather The weather is very

unpredictable meaning it may be dependent on when we are allowed to shoot, especially with the changing season. Filming could create problems if it is in the snow, it is also a danger for actors as they could slip in the snow and it would be inappropriate depending on the type of clothing we are going to use.

The weather forecast is needed in order to plan the filming, a well organised plan of how were going to film will also mean we will miss the winter weather and allow for editing in that time. Green screen can also be used for the filming if the weather is very bad. The way to prevent accidents is to wear appropriate footwear and give some assistance on any hazards.

The weather could cause injury o the actor such as cuts; it could also cause conditions such as hypothermia depending on cold, if we were really that cruel. The filming being non-continuity due to the weather would also mean our music video would look terrible.

Equipment The electrical equipment such as lighting, camera or props may cause fire or shocks to users. The hazard is that equipment that has been used consistently for a number of years by other students may have been damaged and unknown to us or the actors, they could be faulty.

The equipment could be PAT tested in order to check for any faulty electronics, this would avoid any surges in power causing fire. The equipment should also be tuned off, especially the lights as they can warm up very quickly, this would also prevent fire.

The electrical shocks could cause burns or loss of muscle control; this would of course be a serious incident and would need hospital assistance. The fire could cause mass damage to the school or the location we will be filming.

Lighting The lighting is a hazard because of the way in which people can obviously see the change in light within the film, different times of day will cause light to change meaning o0ur timing needs to be consistent. Artificial lighting could cause damage to the actors if it is used consistently.

The way in which this can be prevented by planning the right time of day for lighting; editing can also enhance the light. The artificial light can be prevented by alternating the settings of the glow.

The damage caused by artificial lighting would be eye strain or on a serious scale could be blindness or epilepsy. The natural lighting may be frustrating on us as we cannot find the right time of day.

Unreliable Actors This means that actors who won’t turn up when we need them which will delay the filming. The actors may not be for the type of song we want and listen to a much different genre. Illness or unexpected events may also mean the filming needs to delayed.

The way in which this can be prevented is by choosing reliable actors, preferably friends. A backup plan is also needed in case an actor cannot film for the whole duration
