Right Sizing

Post on 19-Jan-2015

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Lay-offs can affect the working culture of a company and impact its future success. A necessary business pain, it is time to make it an integral part of a business strategy

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It has been over five years since the financial meltdown triggered by the collapse of Lehman Brothers, but the situation does not seem to have improved

If in the last slowdown, it was mostly techies and investment bankers who were facing the boot, this time the net has been cast wider and has snared media professionals, auto workers, contract labourers and telecom officials.

Job cuts are a necessary pain that the companies must carry the burden of. A smart and adaptive talent management strategy views it as an opportunity to increase the organisation’s human capital effort.


Losing a job is often considered stigma in this country. A lot of the times, people don’t share the news with their families and are on the desperate lookout for a job.

Organizations need to realize that they need the trust of the employees for the long term and if they are not authentic in the way they deal with such issues, they can lose the trust of their teams, which nobody can afford.

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Right SizingOctober 2013

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