Ridhi Auto Parts Customer Satisfaction

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Transcript of Ridhi Auto Parts Customer Satisfaction



Customer satisfaction, a business term, is a measure of how products and

services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. It is seen as a

key performance indicator within business and is part of the four perspectives of a

Balanced Scorecard.

In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers, customer

satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element

of business strategy.

There is a substantial body of empirical literature that establishes the benefits of

customer satisfaction for firms.


Basically, you might look at marketing as the wide range of activities involved in

making sure that you're continuing to meet the needs of your customers and are getting

value in return. Marketing analysis includes finding out what groups of potential

customers (or markets) exist, what groups of customers you prefer to serve (target

markets), what their needs are, what products or services you might develop to meet their

needs, how the customers might prefer to use the products and services, what your

competitors are doing, what pricing you should use and how you should distribute

products and services to your target markets. Various methods of market research are

used to find out information about markets, target markets and their needs, competitors,

etc. Marketing also includes ongoing promotions, which can include advertising, public

relations, sales and customer service.


The customer satisfaction model from N. Kano is a quality management and

marketing technique that can be used for measuring client happiness.

  Kano's model of customer satisfaction distinguishes six categories of quality

attributes, from which the first three actually influence customer satisfaction:

1. Basic Factors. (Dissatisfiers. Must have.) - The minimum requirements which

will cause dissatisfaction if they are not fulfilled, but do not cause customer

satisfaction if they are fulfilled (or are exceeded). The customer regards these

as prerequisites and takes these for granted. Basic factors establish a market

entry 'threshold'.

2. Excitement Factors. (Satisfiers. Attractive.) - The factors that increase customer

satisfaction if delivered but do not cause dissatisfaction if they are not

delivered. These factors surprise the customer and generate 'delight'. Using

these factors, a company can really distinguish itself from its competitors in a

positive way.

3. Performance Factors. The factors that cause satisfaction if the performance is

high, and they cause dissatisfaction if the performance is low. Here, the

attribute performance-overall satisfaction is linear and symmetric. Typically

these factors are directly connected to customers' explicit needs and desires

and a company should try to be competitive here.

The additional three attributes which Kano mentions are:

4. Indifferent attributes. The customer does not care about this feature.

5. Questionable attributes. It is unclear whether this attribute is expected by the


6. Reverse attributes. The reverse of this product feature was expected by the


Origin of the customer satisfaction model. History

The approach towards analyzing customer satisfaction was first published in an

article by KANO, N. SERAKU, N., TAKAHASHI, F. & TSUJI, S. (1984) Attractive

quality and must-be quality, Hinshitsu (Quality, the Journal of Japanese Society for

Quality Control), 14, pp. 39-48.

 Usage of the customer satisfaction model. Applications

Besides the obvious quality management and marketing usage, Kurt Matzler,

Matthias Fuchs and Astrid Schubert wonder in their article "Employee Satisfaction:

Does Kano's Model Apply?" (Total Quality Management & Business Excellence,

November-December 2004) whether Kano's model on customer satisfaction factors is

also relevant to describe employee satisfaction. Since employees can be perceived as

internal customers. They reach the conclusion that Kano's theory is indeed useable for

internal customers analysis as well.


Steps in the customer satisfaction model. Process

Kano developed a questionnaire to identify the basic, performance and

excitement factors as well as the other three additional factors.

1. For each product feature a pair of questions is formulated to which the

customer can answer in one of five different ways.

2. The first question concerns the reaction of the customer if the product shows

that feature (functional question);

3. The second question concerns the reaction of the customer if the product does

NOT show this feature (dysfunctional question).

4. By combining the answers all attributes can be classified into the six factors.

Customer Expectations

Customer is defined as anyone who receives that which is produced by the

individual or organization that has value. Customer expectations are continuously

increasing. Brand loyalty is a thing of the past. Customers seek out products and

producers that are best able to satisfy their requirements. A product does not need to be

rated highest by customers on all dimensions, only on those they think are important.

Customer-driven strategy for improvement – any management activity should

eventually lead to increased customer satisfaction...

The Canon Production System (CPS) is about:

1. Environmentally-conscious manufacturing and logistics

2. Quality-oriented methods

3. Lower costs

4. Shorter deadlines

5. ... All aim for maximum customer satisfaction...


"It takes a lot less money to increase your retention of current customers than to

find new ones-but I know I don't give it as much effort as I should because it does take a

lot of energy and effort!"

Strategize And Plan For Loyalty!

Do we even have a specific plan for building customer loyalty?

We bet ourselves haven't given it as much thought as we should- because to tell

the truth we need to give it more effort also.

If we currently retain 70 percent of our customers and we start a program to

improve that to 80 percent, we'll add an additional 10 percent to our growth rate.

Particularly because of the high cost of landing new customers versus the high

profitability of a loyal customer base, you might want to reflect upon your current

business strategy.

These four factors will greatly affect your ability to build a loyal customer base:

1. Products that are highly differentiated from those of the competition.

2. Higher-end products where price is not the primary buying factor.

3. Products with a high service component.

4. Multiple products for the same customer.

Market To Your Own Customers!

Giving a lot of thought to your marketing programs aimed at current customers is one

aspect of building customer loyalty.

When you buy a new car, many dealers will within minutes try to sell you an

extended warranty, an alarm system, and maybe rustproofing. It's often a very easy sale

and costs the dealer almost nothing to make. Are there additional products or services

you can sell your customers?

Three years ago my house was painted, and it's now due for another coat. Why

hasn't the painter called or at least sent a card? It would be a lot less expensive than

getting new customers through his newspaper ad, and since I was happy with his work I

won't get four competing bids this time. Keep all the information you can on your

customers and don't hesitate to ask for the next sale.

Use Complaints To Build Business!

When customers aren't happy with your business they usually won't complain to you -

instead, they'll probably complain to just about everyone else they know - and take their

business to your competition next time. That's why an increasing number of businesses

are making follow-up calls or mailing satisfaction questionnaires after the sale is made.

They find that if they promptly follow up and resolve a customer's complaint, the

customer might be even more likely to do business than the average customer who didn't

have a complaint.

In many business situations, the customer will have many more interactions after

the sale with technical, service, or customer support people than they did with the sales

people. So if you're serious about retaining customers or getting referrals, these

interactions are the ones that are really going to matter. They really should be handled

with the same attention and focus that sales calls get because in a way they are sales calls

for repeat business.


Why Tackle Customer Complaints?

Companies find that effectively handling customers with problems is critical to

their reputations as well as their bottom lines. When customers complain and they are

satisfied with the way their complaint is handled, they are more likely to purchase

another product or service from the same company. Companies that resolve complaints

on the first contact increase customer satisfaction and product loyalty, improve employee

satisfaction, and reduce costs. Companies even encourage complaints. Most dissatisfied

customers do not complain. By making it easy for customers to complain, more

customers will come to you with their problems, giving you greater opportunity to correct

your service delivery or production processes. Customers who get their problems

satisfactorily and quickly solved tell their friends and neighbors, and they are not easily

won over by the competition.

There is a bottom-line concern for government as well. As noted above,

complaints can be costly. Repeated hand-offs increase costs and waste precious

resources. When complaints are not promptly resolved, frustrated customers seek redress

in different agencies or at different parts or levels of the same agency, resulting in

duplicate effort and compounding costs.

Just as costs compound when there is a poor complaint system, trust also erodes

as citizens become frustrated with a non-responsive bureaucracy. Indeed, there has been a

cumulative erosion of public confidence in government. Thirty years ago, 70 percent of

Americans trusted the federal government to do the right thing most of the time. In 1993,

only 17 percent of Americans said that they trusted the government.(2) There are many

factors contributing to this decline in trust and confidence, particularly the huge volume

of regulations that did not make sense to the public and the high cost of government.

However, we learned from our benchmarking partners that an effective approach to

resolving complaints is invaluable in winning the trust and loyalty of our customers--the


There are costs associated with a poor complaint system and there are benefits

associated with a good one. Studies have shown that handling customer complaints well

can be a critical part of a turnaround strategy. If a complaint is handled well, it sustains

and strengthens customer loyalty and the company's image as a leader. It also tells the

customer that the company cares and can improve because of their contact. In

government agencies, it promotes public confidence in government services.

Customer complaints also represent valuable information about recurrent

problems. They can point the way to understanding the root causes of customer problems

and help an organization target core processes that need improvement. If acted upon to

improve core processes, customer complaints can be a source of information that can

reduce costs as well as improve services.

Customer Complaints Create Profit

Customer complaints are like medicine. Nobody likes them, but they make us

better. Actually, they are probably more like preventative medicine because they

provide advanced warning about problems. Financial statements, in contrast, provide

a historical perspective. By the time problems manifest in the financial statements,

forget the medicine. It’s time for emergency surgery.

  Studies from the Technical Assistance Research Program* in Arlington, VA

suggest that the root cause of customer complaints can be traced back to one of three

areas: individual employees, the company, or the customer, with 80% of complaints

traceable to the last two categories. By listening carefully, we can identify

opportunities for training employees, improving products and services, and educating



Individual Employees

Business is becoming increasingly complex and fast-paced.  Customer service

professionals have to know their product or service, their company information, the

technology that supports it, and how to communicate all of this to savvy, demanding

customers.  Even a small gap in knowledge or skill could cause huge repercussions in

terms of lost business.

When I first started my seminar business, I received a few complaints about my

individual skills as a speaker.  Some customers complained that they didn’t like my

Philadelphia accent, my hairstyle, the way I moved around the room, or the pace of

my delivery.  After I cried for a few hours, I decided to invest in voice lessons, an

image consultant, and a video camera.  These have been some of the best investments

I have ever made.  I never want to get in the way of my own success.  Companies

should not let their employees’ lack of knowledge or skill get in the way of their


 The Company

More often, the culprit is the actual product or service we provide.  There may

be an inherent flaw in the design.  There could be a glitch in the distribution channel

that causes dissatisfaction.  Even if everything is perfect, marketing pieces, advertising

campaigns, and salespeople could inflate value and create customer expectations that

are impossible to satisfy. 

 Recently, I was providing a service that involved a series of facilitated sessions.  I

allowed the customer to choose the dates of our sessions.  Even though there were

very few sessions, they occurred over a long period of time and the customer

complained that the project took too long to complete.  I made reparations to the client

and decided to restructure the service and the pricing so that in the future I would

control the timing of sessions.  Now sessions always happen over a shorter period of

time and the service has a higher value and is more profitable.  I have fixed the

delivery process of my service.

 The Customer

As many of us have always suspected, customers actually cause most of the

problems they complain about.  It’s not our fault.  It’s not our employees’ fault.  It’s

the customer’s fault.  Yet even here there is profit to be mined.  Customer education

and innovation are the possible solutions.

 I always send out a preprogram questionnaire to customers in order to tailor their

seminars.  If customers have email, I send the questionnaire via email.  Recently, I had

a customer who did not know how to return the email questionnaire to me with

responses filled in.  I sent back brief instructions on how to work the email, which

could be classified here as customer education. 

 Afterwards, I started wondering if there could be a better, easier, cleaner way to

collect information, in other words, innovate.  From that complaint, I decided to create

hidden web pages on my website, customized to each customer with their company

logo and questionnaire.  Customers just click a link from an email, type their

responses into a form on the web page that appears, and hit a submit button.  This

approach is much simpler and more impressive.  I do this with all of my customers

now and advertise it in my marketing.


Customer complaints are never easy to hear.  If we shift from being defensive to

opportunistic, complaints can be our best friend.  If we do not listen, rest assured, the

financial statement will communicate the news eventually.


Organizations are increasingly interested in retaining existing customers while

targeting non-customers; measuring customer satisfaction provides an indication of

how successful the organization is at providing products and/or services to the


Customer satisfaction is an ambiguous and abstract concept and the actual

manifestation of the state of satisfaction will vary from person to person and

product/service to product/service. The state of satisfaction depends on a number of

both psychological and physical variables which correlate with satisfaction behaviors

such as return and recommend rate. The level of satisfaction can also vary depending

on other options the customer may have and other products against which the

customer can compare the organization's products.

Because satisfaction is basically a psychological state, care should be taken in

the effort of quantitative measurement, although a large quantity of research in this

area has recently been developed. Work done by Berry, Brodeur between 1990 and

1998 defined ten 'Quality Values' which influence satisfaction behavior, further

expanded by Berry in 2002 and known as the ten domains of satisfaction. These ten

domains of satisfaction include: Quality, Value, Timeliness, Efficiency, Ease of

Access, Environment, Inter-departmental Teamwork, Front line Service Behaviors,

Commitment to the Customer and Innovation. These factors are emphasized for

continuous improvement and organizational change measurement and are most often

utilized to develop the architecture for satisfaction measurement as an integrated

model. Work done by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry between 1985 and 1988

provides the basis for the measurement of customer satisfaction with a service by

using the gap between the customer's expectation of performance and their perceived

experience of performance. This provides the measurer with a satisfaction "gap"

which is objective and quantitative in nature. Work done by Cronin and Taylor

propose the "confirmation/disconfirmation" theory of combining the "gap" described

by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry as two different measures (perception and

expectation of performance) into a single measurement of performance according to

expectation. According to Garbrand, customer satisfaction equals perception of

performance divided by expectation of performance.

The usual measures of customer satisfaction involve a survey with a set of statements

using a Likert Technique or scale. The customer is asked to evaluate each statement

and in term of their perception and expectation of performance of the organization

being measured.


It's a well known fact that no business can exist without customers. In the

business of Website design, it's important to work closely with your customers to

make sure the site or system you create for them is as close to their requirements

as you can manage. Because it's critical that you form a close working

relationship with your client, customer service is of vital importance. What

follows are a selection of tips that will make your clients feel valued, wanted and


1. Encourage Face-to-Face Dealings

This is the most daunting and downright scary part of interacting with a customer. If

you're not used to this sort of thing it can be a pretty nerve-wracking experience. Rest

assured, though, it does get easier over time. It's important to meet your customers

face to face at least once or even twice during the course of a project.

My experience has shown that a client finds it easier to relate to and work with

someone they've actually met in person, rather than a voice on the phone or someone

typing into an email or messenger program. When you do meet them, be calm,

confident and above all, take time to ask them what they need. I believe that if a

potential client spends over half the meeting doing the talking, you're well on your

way to a sale.

2. Respond to Messages Promptly & Keep Your Clients Informed

This goes without saying really. We all know how annoying it is to wait days for a

response to an email or phone call. It might not always be practical to deal with all

customers' queries within the space of a few hours, but at least email or call them

back and let them know you've received their message and you'll contact them about

it as soon as possible. Even if you're not able to solve a problem right away, let the

customer know you're working on it.

3. Be Friendly and Approachable

A fellow SitePointer once told me that you can hear a smile through the phone. This

is very true. It's very important to be friendly, courteous and to make your clients feel

like you're their friend and you're there to help them out. There will be times when

you want to beat your clients over the head repeatedly with a blunt object - it happens

to all of us. It's vital that you keep a clear head, respond to your clients' wishes as best

you can, and at all times remain polite and courteous.

4. Have a Clearly-Defined Customer Service Policy

This may not be too important when you're just starting out, but a clearly defined

customer service policy is going to save you a lot of time and effort in the long run. If

a customer has a problem, what should they do? If the first option doesn't work, then

what? Should they contact different people for billing and technical enquiries? If

they're not satisfied with any aspect of your customer service, who should they tell?

There's nothing more annoying for a client than being passed from person to person,

or not knowing who to turn to. Making sure they know exactly what to do at each

stage of their enquiry should be of utmost importance. So make sure your customer

service policy is present on your site -- and anywhere else it may be useful.

5. Attention to Detail (also known as 'The Little Niceties')

Have you ever received a Happy Birthday email or card from a company you were a

client of? Have you ever had a personalised sign-up confirmation email for a service

that you could tell was typed from scratch? These little niceties can be time

consuming and aren't always cost effective, but remember to do them.

Even if it's as small as sending a Happy Holidays email to all your customers, it's

something. It shows you care; it shows there are real people on the other end of that

screen or telephone; and most importantly, it makes the customer feel welcomed,

wanted and valued.

6. Anticipate Your Client's Needs & Go Out Of Your Way to Help Them Out

Sometimes this is easier said than done! However, achieving this supreme level of

understanding with your clients will do wonders for your working relationship.

Take this as an example: you're working on the front-end for your client's exciting

new ecommerce Endeavour. You have all the images, originals and files backed up

on your desktop computer and the site is going really well. During a meeting with

your client he/she happens to mention a hard-copy brochure their internal marketing

people are developing. As if by magic, a couple of weeks later a CD-ROM arrives on

their doorstep complete with high resolution versions of all the images you've used on

the site. A note accompanies it which reads:

"Hi, you mentioned a hard-copy brochure you were working on and I wanted to provide

you with large-scale copies of the graphics I've used on the site. Hopefully you'll be able

to make use of some in your brochure."

Your client is heartily impressed, and remarks to his colleagues and friends how very

helpful and considerate his Web designers are. Meanwhile, in your office, you lay

back in your chair drinking your 7th cup of coffee that morning, safe in the

knowledge this happy customer will send several referrals your way.

7. Honour Your Promises

It's possible this is the most important point in this article. The simple message: when

you promise something, deliver. The most common example here is project delivery


Clients don't like to be disappointed. Sometimes, something may not get done, or you

might miss a deadline through no fault of your own. Projects can be late, technology

can fail and sub-contractors don't always deliver on time. In this case a quick apology

and assurance it'll be ready ASAP wouldn't go amiss.

Customer service, like any aspect of business, is a practiced art that takes time and effort

to master. All you need to do to achieve this is to stop and switch roles with the customer.

What would you want from your business if you were the client? How would you want to

be treated? Treat your customers like your friends and they'll always come back.


To study the consumer attitude towards Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd..

To know influencing factor to buy Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd..

To know the satisfaction level of consumers.

To know the customer opinion about Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd..



1.4.1 Name of the Company

Ridhi Auto Industries Private Limited

Mr. Amit Jain

Plot No-1913, C-Industrial Estate, Rai

Sonipat - 131029, Haryana , India

Mobile:  +(91)-8059075814

1.4.2 Nature of the organization

Ridhi Auto Industries Private Limited was established in the year 2009. They are one of

the flourishing manufacturer & supplier of Automotive Products. They bring forth an

advance range of Industrial Products inclusive of Auto parts, Crane parts, Tractor parts

and Heavy Machinery Parts. Well equipped production unit with latest machinery and

teasing facilities have helped to carve a valuable niche for their products in the national.

They are a customer-centric organization and thus all our business endeavors are aimed at

achieving maximum client satisfaction. They are committed to provide products that are

high on quality and low in operational cost. Impeccable quality is the reason for their

phenomenal success. This also has been the prime reason of their esteemed clientele

returning to time and again with bulk orders.


Quality is always given the topmost priority at Ridhi Auto Industries Private Limited.

Only quality products attract the clients to a company. With this philosophy in mind, they

strive to offer only the best quality products at competitive prices. For checking the

products, our quality controllers use latest machines and equipment that help them to get

the best results.


They have a dedicated manpower, catering to the needs of our customers. The company

employs a dedicated workforce including skilled and semi skilled labour. Highly

experienced and hardworking professionals, who possess deep rooted knowledge of the

discipline. These facilities ensure the production of only sophisticated equipments that

are extremely user friendly.

1.4.3 Company’s vision & mission.


To provide our clients value through absolute precision & total reliability in our products

& continual improvement in the processes to achieve maximum efficiency & highest

customer service


To go global, set up Higher bench marks of quality. Make customers the partner in profits

by cutting down costs through higher productivity & efficient supply chain management.

1.4.4 Product range of the company.

Automotive Parts

They are leading manufacturer & supplier of Automotive Parts such as MS Pin, Metal

Bushes, Metal Piston etc.

MS Pin

They are engaged in manufacturing & supplying of a wide range MS Pin which is made

using high grade raw material. These MS Nails are available in various sizes and

specifications. Our MS Pins can be customized as per our customers specifications and it

can be availed at most reasonable price.

Metal Bushes

They are involved in manufacturing & supplying of an extensive range of Metal Bushes.

These Bushes are crafted using high grade raw materials, are assured of better operational

life and sturdy structure. They are also preferred for their accurate dimension and

flawless performance.

Metal Piston

They are manufacturer & supplier of an excellent range of metal piston which are

manufactured from high grade quality raw materials. They offer our client a wide range

of metal pistons available in different shapes and sizes in accordance with different


Crane Parts

They are engaged in manufacturing & supplying of a wide range of Crane Parts such

as Axle Pin, Pin Bushes, Threaded Bush etc.

Threaded Bush

They engaged in manufacturing & supplying of high quality Threaded Bush to our most

valued clients. Threaded Bush are made by using latest technology and manufactured

according to the specified standards. These Threaded Bush are widely finds its

applications in various automobile sectors.

Axle Pin

They are manufacturer & supplier of a wide variety of Axle Pin. Axle Pin has been

manufactured using finest of raw materials, that are raised from authentic sellers. Their

corrosion resistant features make them a class apart object and even in the humid and

high moisture conditions these remain intact.

Pin Bushes

They are one of flourishing manufacturer & supplier of Pin Bushes that are constructed

using quality raw materials and are available in different weights and sizes. These Pin

Bushes are widely known for its durability and quality.

Tractor Parts

They are leading manufacturer & supplier of Tractor Parts such as Crank Shaft, Pin

Shaft, Piston Pinetc.

Pin Shaft

They are engaged in manufacturing & supplying a quality Pin Shaft that are

manufactured with the usage of standard quality raw material which ensures high

durability at its user end. Owing to their premium quality, these products are widely

being used in various industria.

Crank Shaft

They are involved in manufacturing & supplying of an excellent quality range of Cranks

Shafts, which are available in various sizes and specifications. Our Crank Shafts are

dimensionally accurate and known for abrasion resistance and fine finish. These durable

crank shafts are primarily used in automobile and electrical industries.

Piston Pin

Our company engaged in manufacturing & exporting of Piston Pins are quality approved

equipment extensively used in different automobile and heavy engineering industries.

Our range of Piston Pins is made out of special quality graded alloy steels and duly

hardened to withstand wear and tear.

Heavy Machinery Parts

They are engaged in manufacturing & supplying of a wide range of Heavy Machinery

Parts such as Chain Sprocket, MS Shaft, Threaded Shafts etc.

MS Shaft

Our company is involved in manufacturing & supplying of MS Shaft. The MS Shaft

offered by us is manufactured using finest of raw materials, which are sourced from

trustworthy vendors of the industry. Our MS Shaft is known for its durability, corrosion

resistance, tear resistance and dimensional accuracy.

Threaded Shafts

Our company is manufacturer & supplier of high quality threaded shafts. These shafts

are made using the quality raw material that is procured from the certified dealers, which

is extremely rich in quality. These threaded shafts are good demand in the market due to

high quality and durability.

Chain Sprocket

They are manufacturer & supplier of a wide range of superior quality Chain Sprocket.

These Chain Sprocket can be customized as per our precious customers specifications.

These Chain Sprocket are widely known for its durability and quality.

Other Products

MS Seamless Pipes

They are manufacturer & supplier of MS Seamless Pipes. These high quality MS

Seamless Pipes are made by using latest technology and manufactured according to the

specified standards. They are made as per the prerequisite industry standards and are used

in boiler and vessel, power plants, refineries, defense, thermal and nuclear power plants

and fertilizers industries.

1.4.5 Size of Organization

Year of Establishment 2009

Legal Status of Firm Private Limited Company

Nature of Business Supplier, Manufacturer

Number of Employees 51 to 100 People

Turnover Rs. 2 - 5 Crore ( or US$ 400 K - 1 Mn Approx.)

1.4.6 Organization structure of the company.


The Indian auto parts industry's sales growth is likely to be lower at 12%-15% in the

current fiscal year because of an expected slowdown in vehicle sales, the president of the

Automotive Component Manufacturers Association of India said Tuesday.

"The first quarter of 2011-12 has witnessed some slowdown in vehicle consumption in

India and this seems to suggest that the growth in the auto component industry in the

current fiscal year will in the range of 12%-15%," Srivats Ram said during a press


The association said the Indian auto components industry's sales grew 34% to $39.90

billion in the fiscal year ended March 31.

"Auto component consumption in 2010-11 grew at a robust pace in tandem with vehicle

sales in the domestic market," the industry body said in a statement.

Car sales last fiscal year rose 30%, the biggest gain in over a decade, to 1.98 million


The lower revenue projection for the auto components industry this year mirrors the

slowdown in overall demand due to higher interest rates and rising fuel prices.

Auto makers expect a festival-season spurt in sales in the three-four months starting

September, but overall annual vehicle sales growth will still be lower. India's biggest car

maker by sales, Maruti Suzuki India Ltd., earlier this month said it expects vehicle sales

to grow less than 10% this fiscal year.

The industry body said auto component exports last year jumped 54% to $5.4 billion

while imports climbed 30% to $8.50 billion.

Exports grew at a rapid pace because of "signs of recovery in North America, western

Europe and Asian markets," Mr. Ram said, adding that he doesn't expect growth this year

to be as high.

"In fact, the industry would be happy with a 20%-25% [export] growth in this fiscal

year," he added.

The auto component industry in India added production capacity valued at $2 billion to

$2.25 billion in 2010-11 by setting up several new plants and expanding existing ones,

the industry body said.

The Indian auto industry is highly competitive with a number of global and Indian auto-

companies present. The size of auto component industry in India is around USD 34.7

billion and has grown at ~26% p.a. since FY 05 (Figure 1). Though the industry

witnessed slower growth in 2008–09 owing to the global slowdown, Indian auto

component manufacturers are equipped to address the challenges of a downturn.

Over the years Indian auto component companies have increased their footprint in global

markets and the exports have grown at ~17% p.a. in the last six years to reach USD 4.4

billion in FY11 (Figure 1). Significant number of auto component manufacturers are

focusing on global best practices like 5-S, Kaizen, TQM, TPM, 6 Sigma etc. and in the

process more companies are getting recognized with quality certifications. The Indian

auto industry has evolved around three major clusters:

Mumbai-Pune-Nashik-Aurangabad (West);

Chennai-Bangalore-Hosur (South); and

Delhi-Gurgaon-Faridabad (North).

The industry, over the years, has developed the capability of manufacturing all

components required to manufacture vehicles, which is evident from the high levels of

indigenization / localization achieved in the vehicle industry as well as the components

developed for the completely Indian made vehicles like the Tata Indica, Tata Indigo,

Mahindra Scorpio, Bajaj Pulsar etc. The component industry has now holistic capability

to manufacture the entire range of auto-components e.g. Engine parts, Drive,

Transmission Parts, Suspension & Braking Parts, Electricals, Body and Chassis Parts,

Equipment etc.

Indian auto component industry can be broadly segmented into six major segments.

Engine and drive transmission parts together contribute about 50 per cent of the auto

component industry production. Engine parts, which constitute 31 per cent of the

production, mainly comprise of pistons, engine valves, carburettors, fuel injection

systems, camshafts, crankshafts and cooling systems. Drive transmission parts, which

constitute 19 per cent of the total production, include axle assembly, steering parts and

clutch assembly.

The domestic auto components industry consists mostly of unorganized players, who are

largely small and medium enterprises. However, it is the organized segment that

contributes about 72 per cent of the industry’s total revenues. About 619 organized

players are registered with the Auto Component Manufacturers Association (ACMA).

The organized sector is dominated by large promoter groups. Of this, while MNCs

contribute 12 per cent of revenues; the domestic promoter groups contribute 35 per cent,

while the balance comes from smaller companies.

Prevalent business models are:

• Full Indian ownership

• Indian owner and MNCs in technical alliance

• Indian owner and MNC JV

• Complete MNC subsidiary

Investments in Indian auto component sector have grown from around ~USD 4 billion in

FY05 to ~USD 10.3 billion in FY11 (Figure 8). Due to recession there was postponement

of investment plans because of which the investment levels remained unchanged between

FY08 and FY09. Investment picked up again in FY10 registering a CAGR of 14%.

Several large Indian auto component manufacturers are in the process of substantially

investing in capacity expansion, establishing partnerships in India and abroad, acquiring

companies in foreign countries establishing greenfield ventures, research & development

(R&D) facilities and design capabilities. The auto component industry invested USD 2

billion in FY11 in several greenfield as well as expansion projects.

Strategies for long term sustainability – Think Local, Click Global

Today auto component companies have significant opportunities to take the giant leap.

On one hand the domestic market is attracting more OEM players who have a strong

need for localization. On the other hand, recession afflicted global markets are hunting

for low cost vendors to optimize their operations. At this juncture, adoption of a strategic

shift is critical to be able to ride the opportunity wave. Thus Indian auto component

players need to re-align their strategies and operations to undertake the following:

Drive Quality-Cost-Delivery (QCD) improvements – This is mission critical to

continue to be the supplier of choice for existing customers as well as attract new

automotive OEMs.

Re-orient export strategies – By focusing on mature automotive markets Indian

auto component companies can leverage the increasing drive to source from low

cost destinations. In parallel, developing export relationships/ partners in

emerging automotive markets will help de-risk and grow the exports business.

Acquire new customers in India – The highly cost sensitive automotive market

coupled with a high degree of competitive intensity, is forcing new MNC players

to increase localization. But the stumbling block is lack of choice of compatible

suppliers. This is an opportunity area for Indian auto component players. The

qualifying criteria are stringent and hence will necessitate an upgrade of service

levels and manufacturing capability through operational excellence measures, to

woe new and discerning OEM customers. _ Explore non-automotive segments –

What began with a top Indian auto component player’s diversification from

automotive forgings to aerospace and other high technology sectors has now

gained momentum.

Increasing number of auto component players are exploring to de-risk their automotive

business by diversifying into allied industries. This helps smoothen out the business over

different industry cycles.

These are some of the strategic options for long term sustainability. However its success

requires decisive Boardroom action and prudent leadership of the top management of

Indian auto component companies. Today the mood is cautious, and industry growth has

moderated. But nonetheless the long term prospects are strong, as India is poised to be

one of the fastest growing automotive markets worldwide over the next decade and is

slated to move from number 8 position to number 3 position in the passenger vehicle

market. And to harness this opportunity, effective management of the short term

challenges and implementation of sustainable strategies is the key to robust industry



Levesque, T and McDougall, G.H.G. (1996), the study investigated the major

determinant of customer satisfaction and future behavioral intensions in the retail banking

sector. The study identifies the determinants that include service quality dimensions (e.g.

getting it right the first time), service features (e.g. competitive interest rates), service

problems, service recovery and products used. The study finds, in particular, that service

problems and the bank’s service recovery ability have a major impact on customer

satisfaction and intention to switch banks. However, the results do not support the view

that satisfactory problem recovery leads to greater customer satisfaction or closer

‘bonding’ of the customer with the provider. At best a satisfaction problem recovery

leads to the same level of customer satisfaction as when a problem had not occurred.

Malhotra, M., and Arora, S. (1999). The study investigates that level of customer

satisfaction in the public sector banks and th3e private, with the purpose of helping bank

managements to formulate marketing strategies to attract customers towards them. The

exploratory study was done by collecting dataa from the cities of amritsir, Ludhiana and

Chandigarh. Twenty attributes were taken into consideration for measuring the level of

satisfaction/disatiasfaction. The study found that there are six factiors, in order of their

improtance are routine operation factor, price factor, situation factor, environmental

facotrs, technology factor and interactive facror. Similarly, for customers of private

sector banks, the foactors found to be important are staff factor, routine operation factor,

service factor, environmentalfacotrs, technology factor, interactive facror and

promotional facotr. Moreover, factor wise average scores of these factors reveal that

there is significant difference between the satisfaction lvele of the customres of public

and the private sector banks. The latter are found to be more satisfied. A few strategies

suggested by the authors to improve service quality are proper training of the staff,

conducting market surveys periodically, personaliziang the service, avoiding long

queues,having well lit, ventilated and clean surroundings.

Armstrong Robert W., and Seng T.B. (2000), The study extends the current

undrstanding of cuctomer satisfaction at the business –to – business level in the Asian

banking industry. It incorporates guanxi (Cuhinese business relationship), relationship

marketing and the disconfirmation paradigm. The research highlights the importance of

relational constructs and disconfirmation paradigm in the influencing customer

satisfaction at the business – to – business level in the Singapore banking industry. At

the business – to – business level in the Asian context, the disconfirmation papdigm is

still the predominant paradigm influencing the customer satisfaction process.

Relationship marketing and guanxi are significant in the comprehesive model of

corporate customer satisfaction. Relationship marketing is found to have both a direct

and an indirect impact through disconfirmation) on corporate customer satisfaction.

Guanxi is found to exert an idirect impact on satisfaction as opposed to the intial

hypothesized direct impact on satisfactionon.

Athanassopoulous, A., Gounraris, S. and Stathakopuoulos V. (2001), The paper

investigates the behavioural consequences of customer satisfaction in the banking

industry. The authors examine theimpact of customer satisfaction on customers

behavioural responses. The findings indicate that when customers assessed customer

satisfaction to be high, they either decided to stay whith the existing service provideror

subdue their negative behavioural intensitons. Customer satisfaction is also found to

have strong positive association with word-of mouth communication. The research

reuslts confirm prior research and indicate that the customer satisfaction dimensions

arenot industry specific, but also country specific. The authors suggest to develop

strategies to enhance behavioral responses to customer satisfaction and prohibit negative

ones. Such strategies can include meeting customers desired service levels, preventing

service problemsfromoccuring, dealing effectively with dissatsfied customers, solving

service problems effectively when they occure and dealing with customer complaints


Sureshchandar G.S., Rajendran C. and Anantharaman R.N. (2002) adopt a

different approach and view customer satisfaction as a multi dimensional construct just

as service quality, but argues that customer satisfaction should be operationalized along

the same factors (and the corresponding items) on which service quality is

operationalized. Based on this approach, the link between service quality and customer

satisfaction has been investigated. The results indicate that the two constructs are indeed

independent but are closely related, implying that an increase in one is likely to lead to

an increase in another.


Customer satisfaction is equivalent to making sure that product and service performance

meets customer expectations. It is the perception of the customer that the outcome of a

business transaction is equal to or greater than his/her expectation. Customer satisfaction

occurs when the acquisition of products and /or services provides a minimum negative

departure from expectations when compared with other acquisitions and when the

marginal utility of a transaction is equal to or greater than preceding acquisitions.

Customer satisfaction occurs when the perception of the reward from the purchase of

goods or services by the customer meets or exceeds his/her perceived sacrifice. The

perception is a consequence of matching past purchase and consumption experience with

the current purchase.


We must cultivate our garden. –Voltair When we talk about customer service and/or

satisfaction, we talk about creativity. Creativity allows us to handle or diffuse problems at

hand or later on rather in the process of conducting the everyday business. We talk about

how, or what, does the organization have to do to gain not only the sale but also the

loyalty of the customer. We want to know the payoff of the transaction both in the short

and long term. We want to know what our customers Want? We want to know if our

customers are satisfied? Satisfaction, Of course, means that what we delivered to a

customer met the customer’s Approval. We want to know if customers are delighted and

willing to come Back, and so on. Fleiss 2 and Feldman 3 present examples of that

delightfulness in their writings. Fleiss has written about Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and

Feldman has discussed excellence in a cab ride. As important as delightfulness is, some

of us minimize it, or even totally disregard it. At this point, we fail.

Some of the issues that will guarantee failure in sales, satisfaction, and loyalty are:

• Employees must adhere to a rigid chain of command

• Employees are closely supervised

• Conflict—in whatever form—is not allowed

• Rewards are based on carrot-and-stick principles

• Wrong objectives are measure.

We must understand customer expectation levels concerning quality. We must also

understand the strategy for customer service quality, and next we must understand the

measurement and feedback cycles of Customer satisfaction.

The customer is the person or unit receiving the output of a process on the system. In

fact, it is worth emphasizing that a customer can be the immediate, intermediate, or

ultimate customer. Also, a customer may be a person or persons, or a process or

processes. Customer satisfaction, however, is when the customer is satisfied with a

product/service that meets the customer’s needs, wants, and expectations.

There are at least three levels of customer expectations about quality:

Level 1

Expectations are very simple and take the form of assumptions, must have, or take it for

granted. For example, I expect the airline to be able to take off, fly to my destination, and

land safely. I expect to get the correct blood for my blood transfusion and I expect the

bank to deposit my money to my account and to keep a correct tally for me.

Level 2

Expectations are a step higher than that of level 1 and they require some form of

satisfaction through meeting the requirements and/or specifications. For example, I

expect to be treated courteously by all airline personnel. I went to the hospital expecting

to have my hernia repaired, to be in some pain after it was done, to be out on the same

day, and to receive a correct bill. And I went to the bank expecting the bank teller to be

friendly, informative, and helpful with my transactions


Improve customer, client, or employee loyalty. React quickly to changes in the market.

Identify and capitalize on opportunities. Beat the competition. Retain or gain market

share. Increase revenue. Reduce costs. Post sales follow up PSF’s are done in order to get

the first hand feedback from the customer about the experience that they had during the

sales and delivery process. The first PSF is done within the 72 hours of delivery and the

voice or exact wordings of the customer are recorded. The next PSF call is made after 15

days after the vehicle is delivered. The feedback form system is a very important tool to

obtain customer’s feedback on the experience that the customer had during the purchase

of his/her car.

Steps to be followed after receiving customer complaint:

Firstly customer acre manager gives a control number to all complaints received and

records the same in the customer complaints control register.

Then customer acre manager gets in touch with the customer over the phone and

expresses regret on the inconvenience faced by the customer Immediate action is taken to

ensure that the customer complaint is resolved and writes a letter of apology.

The customer care manager along with the concerned DSE, then visits the customer,

hands over the letter and takes satisfaction note from the customer then he sends a copy

of the letter and the satisfaction note to Maruti Udyog Ltd. And also files a copy of the

same in the customer complaints register/file.

Then the CCM discusses the customer complaints in the weekly meeting with the general

manager on SSI with the entire showroom staff. Necessary counter measures are taken to

ensure that such complaints are not repeated in future.

All sales staff and managers review customer care activities on daily, weekly and

monthly basis. The SSI review meet is conducted regularly.

Moments of truth


If you get what you expected


If you get less than you expected


If you get more than you expected

When customers don’t complain they go somewhere else……….

Customers don’t complain. They pass on their dissatisfaction to their colleagues , family,

greengrocer, suppliers , consultants, managers , sports club, grandparents, neighbours,

director, to you……




The objective of the present study can be accomplished by conducting a systematic

market research. Market research is the systematic design, collection, analysis and

reporting of data and findings that are relevant to different marketing situations facing the

company. The marketing research process that will be adopted in the present study will

consist of the following stages:

Research Instruments:

The research instruments generally used to collect the primary data are Questionnaires

and Mechanical instruments.


Questionnaires are formal set of questions prepared to collect the required information.

This is one of the most effective and popular techniques used in surveys. However, we

had to be careful when drawing up questionnaires. Before deciding on the questions, it

was important to understand the exact nature of information required and who should be

interviewed. The knowledge level of target respondents was kept in mind, while drawing

of questions. The major junk of the customer was basically from urban background. The

questionnaires were designed in English.


The sample is a subset of a unit of a population, collected as a representation of it. The

proper sample design is essential in marketing research. The sample has to be collected

in such a way, that it represents the population. The sample was taken from all the

segments of the customers.

Sample Size:

The size of the sample is an important element in the research process as it has a direct

affect on the result of the research. As a size of sample increases, accuracy and reliability

of the research results also increases. However, the cost of the research also increases.

Therefore, we need to make a trade off between the accuracy and cost of research. Type

of project was another important aspect of deciding the sample size.

During this project we touched 50 customers in Delhi region

The marketing research process that will be adopted in the present study will consist of

following stages:

* Defining the problem and the research objective:

The research objective states what information is needed to solve the problem. The

objective of the research is to derive the opinion of the users and opinion of the potential


* Developing the research plan:

Once the problem is identified, the next step is to prepare a plan for getting the

information needed for the research. The present study will adopt the exploratory

approach wherein there is a need to gather large amount of information before making a

conclusion. If required, the descriptive and casual approaches may also be used.

* Collection and Sources of data:

Market research requires two kinds of data, i.e., Primary data and Secondary data. Being

a firm in service industry, data gathering will involve usage of both primary and

secondary data though there will be an extensive usage of primary data. Well-structured

questionnaires will be prepared for both the existing and the potential customers. There

will be personal interview surveys mostly in-home (door-to-door) surveys. The

questionnaires will contain both open-ended and close-ended questions. Secondary data

will be collected from various journals, books and web sites.

* Analyze the collected information:

This involves converting raw data into useful information. It involves tabulation of data,

using statistical measures on them for developing and calculating the averages.

* Report research findings:

This phase will mark the culmination of the marketing research effort. The report with

the research findings is a formal written document.





This table shows the customer opinion concerning the Availability of Ridhi Auto

Industries Pvt. Ltd. Products.


Excellent 20 40%

Good 26 52%

Fair 4 8%

Poor 0 0%

Total No. of Respondents 50 100%

Excellent Good Fair Poor







This table shows the customer opinion concerning the performance of different

products of Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd..


Excellent 32 64%

Good 13 26%

Fair 5 10%

Poor 0 0%

Total No. of Respondents 50 100%

Excellent Good Fair Poor








This table shows the customer opinion concerning the Features of products.


Excellent 31 62%

Very Good 11 22%

Good 8 16%

Poor 0 0%

Total No. of Respondents 50 100%

Excellent Very Good Good Poor








This table shows the customer opinion concerning the Awareness of all the

products of Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd..


Well aware 22 44%

More aware 16 32%

Few known 12 24%

Don’t know 0 0%

Total No. of Respondents 50 100%

Well aware More aware Few known Don’t know









This table shows the customer opinion concerning the Ranking of products on the



Excellent 22 44%

Good 16 32%

Satisfaction 10 20%

Dissatisfaction 2 4%

Total No. of Respondents 50 100%

Excellent Good Satisfaction Dissatisfaction








This table shows the customer opinion concerning the Reliability of Ridhi Auto

Industries Pvt. Ltd. Products.


Excellent 20 40%

Good 20 40%

Satisfaction 8 16%

Dissatisfaction 2 4%

Total No. of Respondents 50 100%

Excellent Good Satisfaction Dissatisfaction

20 20






This table shows the customer opinion concerning the Compatibility of Ridhi

Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd. products.


Excellent 22 44%

Good 20 40%

Satisfaction 8 10%

Dissatisfaction 0 0%

Total No. of Respondents 50 100%

Excellent Good Satisfaction Dissatisfaction







This table shows the customer opinion concerning the Pricing of Ridhi Auto

Industries Pvt. Ltd. products.


Very High 23 46%

High 15 30%

Reasonable 12 24%

Low 0 0%

Total No. of Respondents 50 100%

Very High High Reasonable Low







This table shows the customer opinion concerning the Distributing channels of

Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd..


Most available 16 32%

More available 18 36%

Available 10 20%

Not available 6 12%

Total No. of Respondents 50 100%

Most available

More available

Available Not available








This table shows the customer opinion concerning the Delivery rate of Time

performance & Commitment.


Excellent 18 36%

Good 21 42%

Satisfaction 9 18%

Dissatisfaction 2 4%

Total No. of Respondents 50 100%














This table shows the customer opinion concerning the Working nature of Ridhi

Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd. Products.


Excellent 30 60%

Good 15 30%

Satisfaction 5 10%

Dissatisfaction 0 0%

Total No. of Respondents 50 100%

Excellent Good Satisfaction Dissatisfaction









This table shows the customer opinion concerning the Style & Attractiveness of

Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd. Website.


Excellent 18 36%

Good 16 32%

Satisfaction 9 18%

Dissatisfaction 7 14%

Total No. of Respondents 50 100%

Excellent Good Satisfaction Dissatisfaction







This table shows the customers opinion concerning the Information provided by

the Website of Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd..


Excellent 25 50%

Good 20 40%

Satisfaction 5 10%

Dissatisfaction 0 0%

Total No. of Respondents 50 100%

Excellent Good Satisfaction Dissatisfaction









This table shows the customer opinion concerning the need of technological

improvement of Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd. products.


Lot of need 8 16%

More need 6 12%

Fair need 20 40%

No need 16 32%

Total No. of Respondents 50 100%

Lot of need More need Fair need No need







This table shows the customer opinion concerning the Attracted Advertising

Media of Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd..


E-Newsletters 12 24%

Newsletters 13 26%

Own Website 11 22%

B2B Portals, Other famous sites 14 28%

Total No. of Respondents 50 100%

12 13 1114





40% are feeling that the product availability is Excellent, 52% of the product

availability is good, 8% of the product availability is fair, None of them had faced

poor product availability. The majority of customers feel that the product

availability of Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd. products is good. The firm should

take every necessary measure to contiue the existing ways of making the product

available. This will increase the number of satisfied customers.

64% of the customers are feeling that the performance is Excellent, 26% of the

customers feel that the performance is good, 10% of the customers feel that the

performance is fair, none of them are there to say performance is not good. The

above analysis depicts that the majority of the customers feel that the performance

of products is Excellent. As most of the customers of the firm perceive the

performance of the products to be excellent, the firm should ensure to maintain

the same standards. This action will increase the loyalty of the customers towards

the firm and its products

62% of the custmers are feeling that the features of products is Excellenet, 22%

of customers are feeling that the features of products is very good, and 16% of

them are the opinion that the features of products is good. However, there are no

respondents to quote the features of products are poor. The above analysis depicts

that majority of the customers feel that the overall efficiency of products is

satisfactory. As most the customers are of the opinion that the efficiency of the

firms products is good, the company should ensure to continue the same standards

of efficiency further.

44% are well aware about the products, 32% are more aware about the products,

18% are few known about the products, and no one has in the list of Don’t about

products. The above analysis depicts that the majority of customers aware about

the all the products. Firm should aware the people about our products. This will

improves the firms credibility as well as it will changes the most known

customers to well known customers. Then automaticlly it will leads to sales


44% are feeling that Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd. Ranking in market is

Excellent, 32% are feeling that the Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd. Ranking in

market is good, 20% are feeling that Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd. Ranking in

market is Satisfactory and 4% of the customers are dissatisfied with the Ranking

in market. The above analysis depicts that the majority of customers feel that the

Ranking of Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd. is Excellent. The firm should take

certain necessary steps to give even better Ranking than the existing one to

completely wipe out the Market standards. However by giving better Ranking to

products customers will be satisfied to the hilt.

36% are feeling that Reliability on Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd. products are

Excellent, 42% are feeling that Reliability on Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd.

products are good, 18% are feeling that Reliability on Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt.

Ltd. products are fair, and 4% of the customers are dissatisfied with the

Reliability. The above analysis depicts that the majority of customers feel that the

packaging of Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd. is good. The firm should take certain

necessary steps to give even better Reliability than the existing one to completely

wipe out the dissatisfied customers. However by giving better Reliability to

products customers will be satisfied to the hilt.

36% are feeling that Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd. is Excellent, 42% are feeling

that the Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd. Compatibility is good, 18% are feeling

that the Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd. Compatibility is Satisfactory and 4% of

the customers are dissatisfied with the Compatibility. The above analysis depicts

that the majority of customers feel that the Compatibility of Ridhi Auto Industries

Pvt. Ltd. products is Excellent. The firm should take certain necessary steps to

give even better Compatibility than the existing one to completely wipe out the

dissatisfied customers. However by giving better Compatibility to products

customers will be satisfied to the hilt.

46% of the custmers are feeling that product price is very high, 30% of them feel

that the price of the product is high, 24% of them feel that the price is reasoable &

None of them are of the opinion that the price is low. The above analysis depicts

that majority of the customers feel that price of the product is abnormal or very

high. Since most of the customers strongly feel that the prices of the products are

high, the firm should reduce the prices to affordable level. This will lead to

increase in sales and will enhance the customer satisfaction levels.

32% Distributing channels are Most available to the customers, 36% Distributing

channels are More available to the customers, 20% Distributing channels are

Available to the customers and 12% Distributing channels are Not available to the

customers. The above analysis depicts that the majority of customers feel that the

Distributing channels are More available. The firm should take certain necessary

steps to give even better Distributing channels than the existing one to completely

wipe out the dissatisfied customers. However by giving better Distributing

channels to customers will be satisfied to the hilt.

36%, Delivery rate of Time performance & Commitment is Excellent, 42%,

Delivery rate of Time performance & Commitment is Good, 18%, Delivery rate

of Time performance & Commitment is Satisfied, and 4%, Delivery rate of Time

performance & Commitment is Dissatisfied, The above analysis depicts that the

majority of customers feel that the Delivery rate of Time performance &

Commitment is good. The firm should take certain necessary steps to give even

better Delivery rate of Time performance & Commitment than the existing one to

completely wipe out the dissatisfied customers. However by giving better

Delivery rate of Time performance & Commitment to customers will be satisfied

to the hilt.

60% are feeling that Working nature Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd. products are

Excellent, 30% are feeling that Working nature Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd.

products are good, 10% are feeling that Working nature Ridhi Auto Industries

Pvt. Ltd. products are Satisfactory and No customers are dissatisfied with the

Working nature. The above analysis depicts that the majority of customers feel

that the Working nature of Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd. products is good. The

firm should take certain necessary steps to give even better Working nature than

the existing one to completely wipe out the dissatisfied customers. However by

giving better Working nature to products customers will be satisfied to the hilt.

36% are feeling that Style & Attractiveness of Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd.

Website is Excellent, 32% are feeling that Style & Attractiveness of Ridhi Auto

Industries Pvt. Ltd. Website is Good, 18% are feeling that Style & Attractiveness

of Website is Satisfactory and 14% of the customers are dissatisfied with the Style

& Attractiveness of Website. The above analysis depicts that the majority of

customers feels that the Style & Attractiveness of Website is Excellent. The firm

should take certain necessary steps to give even better Style & Attractiveness of

Website than the existing one to completely wipe out the dissatisfied customers.

However by giving better Style & Attractiveness of Website to customers will be

satisfied to the hilt.

50% are feeling that Information provided by the Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd.

Website is Excellent, 40% are feeling that Information provided by the Ridhi

Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd. Website is Good, 10% are feeling that Information

provided by the Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd. Website is Fair and None of them

are bad about the Information provided by the Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd.

Website. The above analysis depicts that the majority of customers feel that the

Information provided by the Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd. Website is Excellent.

The firm should take certain necessary steps to give even better providing

information in the Website than the existing one to completely wipe out the

dissatisfied customers. However by giving better providing information in the

Website to customers will be satisfied to the hilt.

16% are feeling that there is lot of need in technological improvement, 12% are

feeling that there is more need in technological improvement, 40% are feeling that

there is fair need in technological improvement, and 32% of them are felt that

there is no need in technolgical improvement. The above analysis depicts that the

majority of customers feel that there is no need in technolgical improvement. The

firm should take certain necessary steps to give better Technology than the

existing one to completely wipe out the dissatisfied customers. However by

giving better Technology to products customers will be satisfied to the hilt.

24% are Attracted by the E-Newsletters of Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd., 26%

are Attracted by the Newsletters of Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd., 22% are

Attracted by the Own Website of Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd., and 28% are

Attracted by the B2B Portals & Other famous sites. The above analysis depicts

that the majority of customers Attracted by the B2B Portals & Other famous sites

like Alibaba, Google. The firm should take certain necessary steps to attract by

the even better Advertising Media than the existing one to completely wipe out

the dissatisfied customers. However by improving better Advertising media to

customers will be satisfied to the hilt.



1) It is better to concentrate on the Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd. Products because

the efficiency of the Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd. Products is more and most of

the customers are preferring this product, when compared to other products.

2) In fixing the price of the product the following factors should be kept in the mind,

because most of the customers feel that the price of the products is high.

Selection of the sub-supplier (vendors)

Keeping reasonable inventory

Service providers like transporters, agents etc.

Maximum utilization of manpower and machinery etc.,

Optimum design.

Proper planning.

These activities will help in reducing the unnecessary costs incurred by the

company. Moreover this accrued value can be passed on to the customer by reducing

the price.

LIMITATIONS The main source of data is primary data

50 samples does not reflect the opinion of customers as whole

Time limit was another limitation and there may be possibility of committing a

general error


The promotional activities taken by the company need to be more effective. If the

firm promotes the products rigorously and effectively then the customers will get

more information regarding their products.

The company can further enhance its After-Sale services by adopting the latest

practices. Few of the practices are listed below.

Opening a 24hrs or 12 hrs Toll-free numbers to register customer


Attending the customer’s complaints in the least possible time by having

service points at all dealerships.

Free service camps once or twice in a year.

Adopting techniques like Six-Sigma to reduce the repetitions of the errors.


Dear Sir/Madam,

Please tick ( ) the appropriate block of your options for the questionnaire given


1. Opinion of customers on product availability.

Excellent ( ) Good ( )

Fair ( ) Poor ( )

2. Customers opinion on features of products.

Excellent ( ) Good ( )

Fair ( ) Poor ( )

3. Opinion of the customers on performance of products.

Excellent ( ) Good ( )

Fair ( ) Poor ( )

4. Awareness on all products of Ridhi Auto Industries Pvt. Ltd..

Well aware More aware

Few known Don’t know

5. What is our ranking compared with the similar products on the market.

Excellent ( ) Good ( )

Fair ( ) Poor ( )

6. How about the reliability to our products?

Excellent ( ) Good ( )

Fair ( ) Poor ( )

7. What about the compatibility of our product?

Excellent ( ) Good ( )

Fair ( ) Poor ( )

8. Opinion of customers on price of the product

Very High ( ) High ( )

Reasonable ( ) Low ( )

9. Have these distributing channels are available to you?

Most available ( ) More available ( )

Available ( ) Not available ( )

10. How do you rate our delivery on time performance and our commitment to meet

your delivery expectations?

Excellent ( ) Good ( )

Fair ( ) Poor ( )

11. Can our product working properly?

Excellent ( ) Good ( )

Fair ( ) Poor ( )

12. Do you feel the style and attractiveness to our website

Excellent ( ) Good ( )

Fair ( ) Poor ( )

13. Does our website provide the kind of information that you need?

Excellent ( ) Good ( )

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